#Best Doctors for Comprehensive Myelopathy Spinal Cord Surgery
medical6270-blog · 5 years
Comprehensive Myelopathy Spinal Cord Surgery in India. Myelopathy describes any neurologic deficit related to the spinal cord. It can be cervical, thoracic or lumbar, the most common of which is cervical spondylotic myelopathy and is caused by arthritic changes the cervical spine. If your symptoms are mild, you may find relief with non-surgical treatments. These include pain medication, activity modification or physical therapy. Any treatment program should be under the guidance of a medical professional because with myelopathy the spinal cord is being overly compressed.
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spineandbrainindia · 5 years
How to Find Best Brain Tumor Treatment Hospital in India ?
Treatment for a brain tumor differs depending on several factors such as a person's age, general health, and the size, location, and type of tumor. Treatment of brain cancer is usually complex. Most treatment plans involve several consulting doctors. Surgery to remove the tumor is typically the first option once a brain tumor has been diagnosed. The purpose of surgery is to confirm that the abnormality seen during testing is indeed a tumor and to remove the tumor. If the tumor cannot be removed, a sample of the tumor will be taken to identify its type. Radiation and chemotherapy are other modalities may also be used.​  Spine and Brain India directed by Dr. Arun Saroha offers one of the best brain tumor treatment in India.
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Delhi is a hub for medical tourists flocking in from all corners of the world to receive superlative treatment from the best in the field. Dr. Arun Saroha is a noted neurosurgeon available in Delhi and Gurgaon with over 20 years of experience treating a wide variety of neurological conditions varying from acute pain to the most complex spinal deformity in both adult and pediatric patients. He has successfully performed over 7000 procedures with patients from different parts of the world. He is one of the best brain tumor doctor in Delhi who has the highest expertise in treating different types of brain tumor in adults as well as pediatric patients. He is well known for recommending the most effective and safest treatment options, delivering expert care tailored to the needs of the individual patients.
Dr. Arun Saroha is the Director of Neurosurgery at Max Hospital, Saket New Delhi and Gurgaon. Max Hospital is one of the top hospital in India offering the best brain and spine treatment using the latest technologies that increases the precision of the surgeon’s work and thereby improving the outcome of the treatment. In addition to the advanced technologies being utilized, correct diagnosis is the key to effective treatment. Doctors in India are known for their accurate diagnosis and best treatment at affordable rates as compared to Western countries.
The best brain surgeon in Delhi and Gurgaon, Dr. Arun Saroha, is also one of the very few in the country who treats pediatric neurosurgical conditions, including hydrocephalus, chiari I malformations, a rachnoid cysts, spine disorders including tethered cord, spinal tumors, vascular malformations, head and spine trauma. The particular types of brain conditions that arise in children differ in important ways from those found in adults. For children, particular risks and benefits correspond to particular treatments in ways that may be different than for adults.
Most of the hospitals in India are internationally accredited, thus enhancing customer’s access to better healthcare services and meeting their expectations. The accredited healthcare organization practices and delivers continuous quality services and functions in the best interests of all patients giving importance to access, affordability, efficiency and quality healthcare services.
Spine and Brain India headed by Dr. Arun Saroha, one of the best brain surgeon in Delhi and Gurgaon is dedicated in providing comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for all types of brain and spine conditions including Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Disorders, Disk Herniation, Spinal Stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylotic Myelopathy, Brain and Spine Trauma, Brain Tumors for both adult and pediatric patients. 
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