#Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana
raman12 · 4 months
Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana
Discover top-notch women's healthcare at Raman Hospital, recognized for housing the Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana. Our expert team offers comprehensive and compassionate care, addressing a spectrum of women's health needs. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, Raman Hospital ensures personalized solutions tailored to you. With advanced facilities and a patient-centered approach, trust us for excellence in gynecological care. Schedule your appointment today for unparalleled healthcare services.
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cliohospitals · 8 months
The Leading Center for Gynecology and Obstetrics Care in Ludhiana
Ludhiana is home to some of the foremost healthcare institutes in Punjab, providing world-class medical facilities. Among these, CLIO Mother and Child Institute stands out as the premier destination for comprehensive gynecology and obstetrics care for women in Ludhiana.
What makes CLIO the best choice for gynecology and obstetrics?
Advanced Infrastructure: The institute is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology like ultrasonography, colposcopy, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy. This enables accurate diagnosis and minimally invasive procedures that's why clio is Best Gynaecologist In Ludhiana.
Comprehensive Care: CLIO offers a wide array of services - from prenatal testing, delivery, and immunization to family planning, critical care, and advanced infertility treatments. Patients have access to nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists for holistic care.
Hi-tech NICU: The Level 3 NICU is manned 24x7 by specialized neonatologists to provide world-class care to critically ill or premature newborns. The high nurse-to-patient ratio ensures round-the-clock monitoring.
Personalized Approach: The doctors at CLIO take time to understand the patient's condition and counsel them at each step of the treatment. Care is customized as per individual needs.
Success Rate: CLIO's IVF center has one of the highest success rates in Punjab. The embryologists and fertility experts devise tailored assisted reproductive plans for optimal outcomes.
By leveraging cutting-edge infrastructure and compassionate care, the team at CLIO Mother and Child Institute has established itself as the leading choice for gynecology and obstetrics in Ludhiana. For women looking for the very best maternal and reproductive health services, there is no center better than CLIO.
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fortisblog · 2 years
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firstpointwebdesign0 · 4 months
 Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana 
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When it comes to women's health, choosing the right gynaecologist is a crucial decision. In Ludhiana, a city known for its rich culture and vibrant community, women have the privilege of accessing top-notch healthcare services. Among the many healthcare providers, Raman Hospital stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering compassionate care and expertise in women's health. In this blog, we will delve into the factors that make Raman Hospital the best choice for gynaecological care in Ludhiana.
Expertise and Experience:
Raman Hospital boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced gynaecologists who are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for women of all ages. The expertise of the medical staff ensures that patients receive accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans. The gynaecologists at Raman Hospital stay abreast of the latest advancements in their field, guaranteeing that patients benefit from cutting-edge medical knowledge and technologies.
Comprehensive Services:
One of the reasons Raman Hospital is renowned as the best gynaecological facility in Ludhiana is its commitment to offering a wide range of services. From routine check-ups and prenatal care to advanced gynaecological surgeries, the hospital caters to the diverse needs of women. Whether you're planning to start a family, seeking family planning advice, or experiencing menopausal changes, Raman Hospital provides holistic care under one roof.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Raman Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the diagnostic and treatment capabilities of the medical team. The hospital invests in cutting-edge medical technology to ensure accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. From advanced imaging equipment to modern surgical facilities, Raman Hospital prioritizes the well-being and comfort of its patients.
Patient-Centric Approach:
The hallmark of Raman Hospital's success is its patient-centric approach. The hospital prioritizes open communication, empathy, and personalized care. The gynaecologists at Raman Hospital take the time to understand each patient's unique medical history, concerns, and goals. This approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship, making it easier for women to discuss their health concerns openly.
Community Trust and Reputation:
Over the years, Raman Hospital has earned the trust and respect of the Ludhiana community. The hospital's commitment to delivering high-quality care has contributed to its stellar reputation. Positive patient testimonials and word-of-mouth recommendations highlight the hospital's dedication to women's health. When it comes to choosing the best gynaecologist in Ludhiana, the community resoundingly recommends Raman Hospital.
Emphasis on Preventive Care:
Raman Hospital doesn't just focus on treating existing health issues; it places a strong emphasis on preventive care. Regular check-ups, screenings, and health education programs are integral components of the hospital's approach. By promoting preventive measures, Raman Hospital strives to empower women to take control of their health and well-being.
Accessibility and Convenience:
Located strategically in Ludhiana, Raman Hospital ensures accessibility and convenience for its patients. The hospital's well-connected location makes it easy for women across the city and surrounding areas to access quality gynaecological care without facing logistical challenges. The patient-friendly environment at Raman Hospital adds to the overall positive experience.
In the vibrant city of Ludhiana, where women's health is a priority, Raman Hospital emerges as the best choice for gynaecological care. With a team of experienced and dedicated gynaecologists, state-of-the-art facilities, a patient-centric approach, and a strong focus on preventive care, Raman Hospital sets the standard for women's healthcare in the region. If you're seeking the best gynaecologist in Ludhiana, look no further than Raman Hospital – where your health and well-being are in capable and caring hands.
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gtbhospitalludhiana · 7 months
GTB Hospital Ludhiana: Your Trusted Destination for Gynaecological Surgeries and Women's Health
When it comes to gynaecological surgeries, choosing the right hospital and healthcare team is of paramount importance. Women's health is a topic that should never be taken lightly, and that's why GTB Hospital in Ludhiana stands out as a leading institution for gynaecological surgeries. In this blog, we'll explore why GTB Hospital is considered the best gynae hospital in Ludhiana, highlighting the range of gynaecological surgeries they offer and the expert team that ensures the highest standard of care.
The Pinnacle of Gynaecological Surgery Expertise
GTB Hospital Ludhiana is synonymous with excellence in gynaecological surgery. They boast a team of highly skilled and experienced gynaecologists who are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare to women in the region. With their expertise, patients can rest assured that they are in the best hands.
From routine gynaecological procedures to complex surgeries, GTB Hospital Ludhiana has a reputation for delivering outstanding patient care. Their team understands the importance of a compassionate and patient-centered approach, making each woman feel valued and comfortable during their healthcare journey.
A Multitude of Gynaecological Surgeries
GTB Hospital Ludhiana offers a wide range of gynaecological surgeries to address various medical conditions. Here are some of the key surgeries provided by the hospital:
A. Hysterectomy
It is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. GTB Hospital Ludhiana offers both traditional and minimally invasive laparoscopic hysterectomies, providing patients with options that suit their needs and recovery preferences.
B. Ovarian Cystectomy
When ovarian cysts become problematic, surgery may be necessary. GTB Hospital Ludhiana specializes in ovarian cystectomies, enabling women to regain their health and well-being.
C. Endometrial Ablation
For women suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding, endometrial ablation can be a solution. GTB Hospital Ludhiana offers this procedure to improve the quality of life for many women.
D. Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
Women dealing with pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence issues can benefit from pelvic reconstructive surgery. The hospital's expert team can provide the necessary procedures to restore pelvic health.
E. Tubal Ligation Reversal
For women who have previously undergone tubal ligation but wish to regain their fertility, GTB Hospital Ludhiana offers tubal ligation reversal surgery.
F. Laparoscopic Surgeries
The hospital excels in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries, including laparoscopic myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, and more. These procedures offer quicker recovery times and less scarring.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive the best care possible. The hospital is committed to staying at the forefront of medical technology, allowing their healthcare team to perform surgeries with precision and safety.
In addition to cutting-edge equipment, the hospital provides comfortable and private rooms for patients during their recovery. This ensures that patients can heal in a calm and serene environment, promoting a swift recovery process.
Individualised Treatment Plans
One of the hallmarks of GTB Hospital Ludhiana is their commitment to personalised healthcare. Every woman's medical situation is unique, and their team recognises that a one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for gynaecological surgeries.
Before any surgery, patients undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. This individualised approach takes into account the patient's medical history, current condition, and personal preferences. The healthcare team discusses the available options with patients, empowering them to make informed decisions about their healthcare journey.
Compassionate and Supportive Team
Apart from their technical expertise, the team at GTB Hospital Ludhiana is known for its compassionate and supportive approach. They understand that gynaecological surgeries can be emotionally challenging for women, and they provide a reassuring and empathetic environment for their patients.
From the moment patients enter the hospital to their recovery and follow-up appointments, the healthcare team is dedicated to making the experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. Their warm and caring approach fosters trust and confidence in their patients, making the hospital an ideal choice for gynaecological surgeries.
Post-Operative Care and Follow-Up
GTB Hospital Ludhiana's commitment to patient care doesn't end with the surgery itself. They place great importance on post-operative care and follow-up appointments to ensure the patient's full recovery and well-being. This comprehensive approach is designed to monitor the patient's progress, address any concerns, and provide ongoing support.
When it comes to gynaecological surgeries in Ludhiana, GTB Hospital is the go-to choice for women seeking the highest standard of care. Their expert team, cutting-edge facilities, and commitment to personalised treatment plans set them apart as the best gynaecological hospital in the region.
If you or a loved one are in need of gynaecological surgery, rest assured that GTB Hospital Ludhiana will provide you with the compassionate and expert care you deserve. Your journey to women's health begins here, at GTB Hospital Ludhiana.
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gastrogynaee · 11 months
What makes a gynaecologist best? 
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Skills and experience matter a lot. A doctor having experience in a particular field makes them more and more trusted. Dr. Suchita Batra is one of them, a renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist. She got professional training in performing surgeries like Laparoscopic Hysterectomies with utmost care and advanced equipment packed with updated technology.  
She also has specialisation in handling high-risk pregnancies with confidence and patience. 
As she examines the baby and mother's body properly; only then does she suggest any medications. In such cases, she contacts patients, which helps bring the trust of a patient. To get a consultation for your condition, you can contact the best gynae doctor in Ludhiana at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre. 
Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre | Best Gastro Doctor in Ludhiana
Address: B36, 334-1, Street No. 1, near Indoor stadium, Vikas Nagar, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab 141001, India
Phone: 08619018421
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localdivine · 1 year
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healthfitnessblogs · 2 years
Is abdominal hysterectomy safe?
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Once a woman has a hysterectomy, she won’t be able to get pregnant. Also, she will no longer have periods. That is why most middle-aged women go for hysterectomy surgery. But hysterectomy surgery is also performed to cure health problems such as an enlarged womb due to pelvic tumours or fibroids. In such a case, it might not be possible to remove that enlarged womb from the vagina. So, doctors might suggest you undergo an Abdominal Hysterectomy In Ludhiana, which is completely safe.
Some basic types of Hysterectomy
Total Hysterectomy
Supracervical Hysterectomy
Hysterectomy with Oophorectomy
Radical Hysterectomy
It would be best if you consulted with a Gynaecologist in Ludhiana at Gynae & Uro Clinic about this surgery.
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raman12 · 4 months
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  Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana
For superior women's healthcare, trust Ramanhospital, acclaimed for housing the Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana. Our dedicated team offers comprehensive services with compassion and expertise. From routine check-ups to advanced treatments, Ramanhospital prioritizes your well-being. With cutting-edge facilities and patient-centric care, we ensure a seamless healthcare experience. Choose Ramanhospital for excellence in gynaecological care. Book your appointment today and experience top-notch healthcare services firsthand.
Visit us :- Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana
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cliohospitals · 8 months
The Leading Center for Gynecology and Obstetrics Care in Ludhiana
Ludhiana is home to some of the foremost healthcare institutes in Punjab, providing world-class medical facilities. Among these, CLIO Mother and Child Institute stands out as the premier destination for comprehensive gynecology and obstetrics care for women in Ludhiana.
What makes CLIO the best choice for gynecology and obstetrics?
Advanced Infrastructure: The institute is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology like ultrasonography, colposcopy, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy. This enables accurate diagnosis and minimally invasive procedures that's why Clio is the Best Gynaecologist In Ludhiana.
Comprehensive Care: CLIO offers a wide array of services - from prenatal testing, delivery, and immunization to family planning, critical care, and advanced infertility treatments. Patients have access to nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists for holistic care.
Hi-tech NICU: The Level 3 NICU is manned 24x7 by specialized neonatologists to provide world-class care to critically ill or premature newborns. The high nurse-to-patient ratio ensures round-the-clock monitoring.
Personalized Approach: The doctors at CLIO take time to understand the patient's condition and counsel them at each step of the treatment. Care is customized as per individual needs.
Success Rate: CLIO's IVF center has one of the highest success rates in Punjab. The embryologists and fertility experts devise tailored assisted reproductive plans for optimal outcomes.
By leveraging cutting-edge infrastructure and compassionate care, the team at CLIO Mother and Child Institute has established itself as the leading choice for gynecology and obstetrics in Ludhiana. For women looking for the very best maternal and reproductive health services, there is no center better than CLIO.
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drjasminedahyia · 6 years
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Dr. Jasmine Kaur Dhayia M.B.B.S. MD (Gynaecologist) is an expert in IVF and Endoscopy surgery. Dr. Jasmine has several years’ of experience as a consultant faculty at Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana. Over the last decade, she has performed over 2500 IVF cycles and successfully helped deliver over 800 healthy babies.  She is Member of Punjab Medical Council, Director at Global Hospital - Jalandhar and Clinical Director at NOVA IVI - Jalandhar.
Dr. Jasmine is a regular participant at several international, national and local conferences including “The National Conference of Gynaecologists”, ESHRE, ISAR and IMA. She is also a recipient of IMA awards. Her research publications include “Serum prolactin levels in infertile females” and “Gonorrhea in Punjabi women”. Dr. Jasmine is also a respected member of several reputed medical forums and societies such as FOGSI, NARCHI, ESHRE, ISAR, IMA and Consultant Forum, Jalandhar.
Dr. Jasmine Kaur Dhayia is The Best Infertility Specialist and IVF Specialist & Consultant in Jalandhar, Punjab.
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The best Gynaecologist in Punjab - Sofat Infertility and Women Care Centre
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Infertility affects the married life also. To get the best infertility treatments, you should consult the best gynaecologist, Dr Sumita Sofat at the well known IVF Centre. She has been working for many years in that field. For more information, must follow the official site.
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Dr. Sumita Sofat Best IVF Centre In Ludhiana Punjab - Dr Sumita Sofat Hospital Obstetricians & Gynecologists Address: 9, College Road, Near Rose Garden, Ludhiana (Punjab.), INDIA Contact No. 8847244122 Website: https://sofatinfertility.com/
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Effect Of PCOS on your Body
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common problem in young and adult female. It is a condition that affects the women hormones level. PCOS Problem is occurred due to the imbalance of Hormones level. In PCOS, Female can produce a higher amount of male hormones.
PCOS can affect on the women body:-
Imbalance Periods
Hair Growth on Face and Body
Hair loss problem on your scalp
Diabetes and Heart attacks
Affects women’s ovaries.
It can cause excess bleeding; the bleeding you have during periods can be more than normal.
It can give you acne on face, chest and upper back.
for more Information about the PCOS then you can visit our website. If you are suffering from PCOS Problem and you want the best medical treatment then you can consult with the best gynaecologist at the best IVF Centre in Ludhiana. you can come to Dr Sumita Sofat Hospital in Ludhiana by booking your consultancy appointment.
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Dr Sumita Sofat Hospital - IVF Centre in India, Punjab, Ludhiana
Our Location:- 9, First Floor, Government College Rd, Near, Rose garden, Civil Lines, Ludhiana, Punjab 141001
Phone:- 8847244122
Services: IVF, IUI, Test Tube Baby, ICSI, TESE, Egg Freezing, Surrogacy, Semen Bank, Egg Donation, Sperm Donation, Embryo Freezing, Blastocyst Transfer
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firstpointwebdesign0 · 4 months
 Best Gynaecologist in Ludhiana 
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Discover exceptional women's healthcare at Raman Hospital, renowned for its excellence in Ludhiana. Our dedicated team, led by the best gynaecologists in Ludhiana, ensures comprehensive and compassionate care for every woman. From routine check-ups to advanced treatments, Raman Hospital prioritizes your well-being. Trust us for unparalleled expertise and personalized attention in women's health. Your journey to optimal health starts with the best—Raman Hospital.
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Dr. Renu Mishra | Elawoman
Dr. Renu Mishra
nDr. Renu Mishra is one of the most respected and experienced infertility specialists and obstetricians in Gurgaon. She is an expert in High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) and Infertility Treatments like IVF and IUI treatments. Dr. Renu Misra graduated in 1981 and obtained her MS degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from M.L.B. Medical College, Jhansi in 1985. She is also a Fellow of Indian College of Maternal and Child Health and a Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India).
She has over 3 decades of experience and has treated thousands of patients in her career. Besides active involvement in patient care, Dr. Renu Misra has taught undergraduate and postgraduate students in India and abroad. Dr. Renu Mishra has delivered more than 200 lectures all over India in professional meetings. She also has a keen interest in public awareness and health education programs. She regularly invited for health talks on Doordarshan - Total health, Rotary club, Schools and Colleges, multinationals institutions. Dr. Renu Mishra is presently practicing as an infertility specialist at Miracles Hospital in Gurgaon.
Miracles Hospital ranks among the top infertility clinics in Gurgaon. This hospital is backed by highly-qualified doctors who are experts in the field of infertility. The services provided by the hospital include, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Embryo Freezing, Consultation on Irregular Periods and Semen Freezing. Apart from Dr. Renu Mishra, the hospital is also visited by the renowned gynecologist and obstetricians, Dr. Jyoti Sharma. The rooms are spacious, well-organized and offer a nourishing atmosphere. The center provides high standard treatments at an affordable price. The hospital also provides 24-hour service, online help, in house pharmacy and transportation services.
Best IVF Doctors in Gurgaon
Below are the Best IVF Doctors in Gurgaon with options to book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Success rates, Fees, Address, Contact Number for all treatments they offer. Find details to affordable test tube baby costs.
Dr. Anu Sidana
Dr Anu Sidana is a senior obstetrician and gynaecologist with more than 15 years experience in gynaecology. She is a visiting consultant at Apollo cradle, Max Hospital, Sheetla Hospital and Columbia Asia. She is  an expert in infertility treatment also any couples have been blessed with a baby with her advice and treatment. She is a wonderful General Physician also before doing her post graduation in gynaecology she worked in General Medicine Department as Resident doctor.
Dr. Anu Sidana is a well-known name in the field of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in old Gurgaon. fraternity and her patients. Dr. Anu Sidana gives individual attention to every patient. She has the special interest in handling routine and high-risk pregnancies, infertility management, adolescent gynecological disorders, menstrual dysfunctions, and cancer screening.
Dr. Neeru Thakral
Dr. Neeru Thakral is a renowned infertility specialist and surgeon in Gurgaon. She is specialized in Hysterectomy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Infertility Assessment, Laparoscopic surgery, IVF, IUI and Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD). She earned her MBBS degree from SP Medical College in 1988 and DGO from the best Medical College in Rohtak. She further completed her DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sri Ganga Ram Hospital in 1996.
After achieving her academic qualifications, Dr. Thakral went through extensive training in Advance Infertility in Germany. She also did her Diploma in Advance Gynaec Endoscopy from Clermont, France. She has over a decade of experience in this field and has achieved great success in her career. Most of the patients in Delhi prefer to visit Dr. Varsha Jhunjhunwala for infertility treatments. She is practicing at Thakral International IVF Centre in Gurgaon.
Thakral International IVF Centres are one of the most successful centres situated in Shivaji Nagar, Gurgaon. It was established in the year 2000 and since then it has been helping patients conceive and give birth. It was established with the primary objective of providing advanced yet affordable IVF treatment to its patients. This hospital is well-equipped and has a professional Medical Staff to give the best treatment. 
The hospital is not just limited to In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) but also provide Gyn Laparoscopy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Gynecological Endoscopy, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid disorder treatments. The rooms are also spacious and well-furnished for the comfort of patients. From years of experience, learning, and research, the hospital has developed very effective management strategies for diagnosis and treatment to various ailments.
They provide comprehensive and fruitful management of infertility along with 24-hour assistance and counseling services. Along with Dr. Neeru Thakral, Dr. Alka Goel is another renowned gynecologist who regularly visits the hospital.
Dr. Leena Yadav
Dr. Leena Yadav is a well-acclaimed infertility specialist with a rich experience in this field. She has completed her MBBS, MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO) and Fellowship in Infertility. She is an expert in Infertility Treatments, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) procedures. Dr. Leena Yadav is working at Bourn Hall Clinic in Gurgaon. The contact details of Dr. Leena Yadav are available at elawoman.com.
Dr. Saguna Shukla
Dr. Saguna Shukla is a well-established Infertility Doctor and Obstetrician with significant years of experience. Her professional competence and high ethical standards have made her one of the most sought-after specialist in IVF and infertility treatments. She pursued her MBBS in 1998 and completed her masters in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2003 from Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust. Dr. Saguna Shukla also did DGO from Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana. You can find the services provided by the doctor at elawoman.com.
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tulipinstitute · 3 years
Best Uro-gynaecology Training in India
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Are you looking to pursue a career in Uro-gynaecology? Don’t know which is the best training center? If yes, then your search for finding the best Uro-gynaecology Training institutes ends with us because Tulip Institute & Lall Laparoscopy Training Centre (TILLT) provides FOGSI approved courses for Minimal Access Surgery training in the following areas-
·        Uro-gynaecology
·        Laparoscopic Gynaecology
·        Gynae-Endoscopy
·        Gynae-Endoscopy
·        Cosmetic Gynecology
·        Basic Hysteroscopy
·        Advanced Laparoscopy, etc
We have always been committed to providing one & one training with a plethora of opportunities to learn from the top leaders in various medical fields combined with hands-on training program which is a unique feature of our training program. Visit the below link to check our related courses available for both new comers and practitioners.
Tulip Institute & Lall Laparoscopy Training Centre (TILLT) is located in Haryana (Sonipat) near Dr. Akhil Saxena SHMIST. After getting training from us, you will have rich exposure to surgical practices before making your way into the real environment so that you feel competent enough to perform in the industry as we will remove the training gaps among the surgeons which help us in converting the new technologies into clinical practice.
Our Special Features
In this section, we will see some of our unique features that separate us from other training institutes-
·        We have been organising training programs every year for the last 10 years.
·        We have already trained more than 3000 surgeons and doctors.
·        A large number of seminars and workshops in sEndo-Gynae and laparoscopy in various cities like Delhi, Noida, Allahabad, Ludhiana, Guwahati, Jaipur, and many more.
·        Our faculties have won more than 27 awards in training services.
Such unmatched features of our training institute make us the best Uro-gynaecology Training in India. You can browse our courses of Uro-gynaecology below:
Best Gynaecologist training centre in India
Being the best Gynaecologist training centre in India, TILLT has always been dedicated to provide training through practice which has always been a trademark of TILLT since its inception that’s why we are also recognised as the top institute in laparoscopic training and uro-gynaecology training in India. We know the need of imparting practical knowledge to the trainees via ample of hands-on session so that’s why we rely on creating more training centers for Hands-on exposure with live demonstrations in the operation theatre. We have built a strong network with reputed medical professionals across the country, helping us in achieving our vision to provide the world’s best training to the aspirants.
Contact Us
We are also well known for the best laparoscopic training in India so If you are ready to begin a new journey to achieve your ambitions of becoming a reputed Uro-gynaecologist with us then don’t miss this chance and feel free to remove your doubts by getting in touch with us below:
Try our ongoing Virtual Endo-Get more info click here: https://tillt.in/best-uro-gynaecology-training-in-india/
For more Information:
Address:- T. P. Scheme, no.15, Delhi Rd, Vivekanand chowk Sonipat, Haryana, India 131001
Contact number: +91 9355584919
Try our ongoing Virtual Endo-web series
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