#Best Gynecologist in vijayanagar
The Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery: Faster Recovery and Reduced Complications
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Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has revolutionized the field of medicine by offering numerous advantages over traditional open surgery. This article explores the benefits of laparoscopic surgery, specifically focusing on faster recovery and reduced complications, which have made it an increasingly preferred approach in many surgical procedures.
1. Minimal Incisions and Reduced Scarring:
Laparoscopic surgery involves making small incisions, typically less than an inch in length, compared to the larger incisions required in open surgery.
These smaller incisions result in minimal scarring, which is cosmetically appealing and can boost patients' confidence and self-esteem.
Reduced scarring also means a lower risk of complications such as wound infections and hernias.
2. Faster Recovery and Shorter Hospital Stay:
One of the significant advantages of laparoscopic surgery is the faster recovery time it offers compared to open surgery.
Minimally invasive procedures cause less trauma to the surrounding tissues, leading to less pain and discomfort after surgery.
Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery often experience shorter hospital stays, allowing them to return to their daily activities and normal life sooner.
3. Lower Risk of Complications
Laparoscopic surgery is associated with a lower risk of complications compared to traditional open surgery.
The smaller incisions and reduced trauma to tissues result in decreased blood loss during the procedure.
There is also a lower risk of infection due to the smaller incisions and improved visualization of the surgical site.
4. Quicker Return to Normal Functioning:
Due to reduced trauma and faster recovery, patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery can resume their normal activities more quickly.
Patients often experience less pain, reduced fatigue, and improved mobility following minimally invasive procedures.
This quicker return to normal functioning can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients, allowing them to get back to their regular routines sooner. If you looking for laparoscopic then consult a gynecologist in Indore for better treatment.
5. Improved Cosmetic Outcomes:
Laparoscopic surgery offers improved cosmetic outcomes due to the small incisions and reduced scarring.
Patients may experience less self-consciousness or embarrassment about their surgical scars, leading to enhanced body image and self-confidence.
The improved cosmetic outcomes can have positive psychological effects on patients during their recovery and beyond.
Laparoscopic surgery has revolutionized the field of surgery by providing numerous benefits, including faster recovery and reduced complications. The minimally invasive nature of laparoscopic procedures leads to smaller incisions, minimal scarring, shorter hospital stays, and quicker return to normal functioning. With lower risks of complications and improved cosmetic outcomes, laparoscopic surgery offers patients a more favorable surgical experience overall. However, it is important for patients to consult laparoscopic surgeon in Indore to determine the most appropriate surgical approach based on their specific medical condition and individual needs.
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kangaroocare · 2 years
best gynecologist clinic in bangalore
Best Gynaecology Clinic in Bangalore
Pregnancy is the happiest moment in a woman’s life hence she won’t compromise with her health during pregnancy as she knows her little one is breathing only because of her. Being the best woman care hospital in Bangalore, Kangaroo Care Hospital understands mother’s responsibility towards her baby and offers comprehensive infant and mother care. We understand that mothers need more guidance, support, and care than usual in their pregnancy days. This is why we have chosen the best gynecologists to employ at our hospital. If you’re looking for the best gynecologist hospital in Bangalore that can deliver a complete set of treatments, here is the list of services that we offer with the help of the best gynecologist doctor in Bangalore. 
Treatments That Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers
At kangaroo Care, we provide the best services for women of all ages. We are known as the center of excellence for serving the best treatment during pregnancy and other women-related problems. To be the best gynecology hospital for pregnancy in Bangalore made us put in lots of effort. Because we know pregnancy is the most critical situation and it includes various treatment surgeries to have control over the risks associated with it. What makes us stand as the best hospital for obstetrics and gynecology in Bangalore is -
Gynaecological surgery
Advanced laparoscopic surgery
Endometriosis specialists
Pelvic/vaginal reconstruction surgery for prolapse
Subspecialist care for managing cancer
And many other treatments that a mother or child would require.
What Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers To Its Patients?
When certain medical conditions affect the health of the mother and baby, the pregnancy is considered a high-risk. Our best gynecologist in Vijayanagar knows how to deal with such conditions and that is what makes us one of the best gynecology clinics in Vijayanagar, Bangalore. We are equipped with every required high-end tool and equipment that a gynecologist hospital should have to provide complete treatment. 
Why is Kangaroo Care the best Pregnancy care Hospital in Bangalore?
Kangaroo Care has a team of expertise to support and take special care for women who go through pregnancy related challenges. Being the best pregnancy care hospital in bangalore, we aim to overcome high-risk pregnancy and provide safe delivery.
Best Women Care Hospital in Bangalore
We provide treatments for endometriosis, uterine prolapse, fibroid, urinary incontinence, gynaecological conditions, and other comprehensive diagnostic screening tools for a women’s overall health check-up at Kangaroo Care, the best women care hospital in Bangalore. We also specialise in 
Neonatal ICU
Infant Care and Paediatric
Fetal Medicine
Child Development
Pediatric HDU
Best Gynecology Hospital in Vijayanagar Bangalore
We are equipped with every required high-end tools and equipment that a gynecology hospital should have to provide complete treatment. Kangaroo Care is considered to be the best women health care center in Vijayanagar and women from nearby locations like Rajajinagar, Basaveshwaranagar, Kengeri, Nandini Layout consult Kangaroo Care for Gynecological services. We also provide treatment for Infertility and have the 
best fertility specialist in Vijayanagar bangalore
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Vijaya Nagar
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Janishtaaivf is devoted to giving complete consideration to patients battling with barrenness and other regenerative endocrinology issues. We offer a full scope of barrenness demonstrative testing and helped conceptive advances including IVF. Our fruitfulness specialists and staff are devoted to giving you the most elevated level of care and empathy. We utilize customized and demonstrated ways to deal with give both far-reaching and steady planning toward the determination and treatment of gynaecologic and ripeness issues. Why Choose Janisthaa Fertility? Ease We offer empathetic, understanding driven and research-based top of the line care. Moral We put stock in being good and moral to give the best administrations to our clients Straightforwardness Our point is to help much more individuals access richness skill and unprejudiced guidance Reasonable IVF Straightforward, comprehensive, and serious fruitfulness treatment bundles without concealed expenses. Cutting edge IVF lab We utilize world-class, cutting edge innovation and supplies to guarantee the best of results. High Pregnancy Rate Our time and care are guaranteed and the outcomes represent themselves. Janisthaa IVF and Fertility Treatments ovulation-acceptance treatment-Bangalore Ovulation Induction It includes taking drug to instigate ovulation by urging eggs to create in the ovaries and discharged , expanding the opportunity of origination through manual semen injection or coordinated intercourse. IVF In Vitro Fertilization is a sort of Assisted regenerative technology(ART)that works by utilizing a mid of surgeries and meds to empower sperm to prepare an egg. The prepared egg is embedded in the female uterus. IUI Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is atype of ripeness treatment that is done to encourage preparation by putting sperm inside the famele uterus. ICSI Intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI) includes pitching up a solitary sperm through a fine glass needle and infusing it legitimately into each egg.
Click Here to know more: https://bit.ly/2WJ6JSq
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Dr. Sheela Chhabra is one of the most experienced Laparoscopic Gynaecologist & high risk pregnancy specialists in Indore. She is DGO (Gold Medalist) and  Certified OB/GYN with more than 13  years experience.
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Dr. Sheela Chhabra is one of the most experienced Laparoscopic Gynaecologist & high risk pregnancy specialists in Indore. She is DGO (Gold Medalist) and  Certified OB/GYN with more than 13  years experience.
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IVF – Birthing Hope with the Help of Science
IVF has covered quite a distance in the past four decades, thereby giving hope to couples yearning for a newborn. According to recent data, 10-15 % of married couples face infertility in India. That is a vast 27.5 million couples. With the advancement in the medical field, IVF has given hope to have a little one at home. Here let’s take a peek to know what this IVF is and why couples need to go for it and when do they go for it.
What is IVF?
IVF or invitro fertilization is a clinical procedure wherein the woman’s egg and man’s sperm are united or fertilized in a glass dish in a clinical lab. The natural process that occurs during conception is medically done in a controlled environment by infertility specialists. On successful fertilization,the embryo is let to grow for 5 to 6 days till it reaches ‘blastocyst’ stage.  The next stage in ‘Embryo transfer.’ In a short medical procedure, the embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus. On successful implantation of the embryo in uterus it further results in pregnancy.
When is IVF preferred?
After quite a few unsuccessful attempts over some time, it is advisable for couples to go for medical advice. With recommended blood tests and medical checks, you get to know the reason behind the failure. The reason can be in either one of the couples resulting in the inability of natural conception.
The common medical issues found in women are:
·         Obesity
·         Hypothyroidism
·         Hormonal Imbalance
·         PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
·         Damaged Fallopian tubes
·         Fibroids/Endometriosis
The common medical issuesfound in men are:
·         Low sperm count
·         Immobility of sperms
·         Chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
Anyone one of the reasons above will result in infertility. It has also been found that though none of the above reasons exist among the couple,they still face infertility. They come under ‘Unexplained Infertility’ category. According to the medical practitioners, IVF treatment for unexplained infertility is challenging as they do not know the exact reason for infertility. Knowing the reasons helps the practitioners to plan the mode of treatment for the couple.
Women with damaged fallopian tubes and irregular menstrual cycles can benefit the most from IVF as it surpasses both the hurdles. In case eggs produced are not healthy, you can even opt for a donor egg during IVF.
Male infertility concerning low sperm count and immobility of sperms can be handled with ICSI procedure. In ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, all you need is only one healthy sperm to fertilize the egg.
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Who might not benefit from IVF?
If woman’s ovaries are not producing healthy eggs and not ready to accept from a donor, IVF would not be an answer. It has been found that after 37 years of age women find it challenging to conceive with IVF. A healthy donor egg is a viable option for women nearing 40. In women around 40 years, IVF success rate more with donor eggs.
What other options are available apart from IVF to treat infertility?
The medical fraternities do not go for IVF immediately.  Based on the medical reports they decide the course of action.
·         For blocked or damaged fallopian tubes are corrected with surgery
·         Endometriosis or fibroids are treated with laser treatment
·         Ovulation stimulant hormone medications are administered
·         IUI procedure (Intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination) is given a try. In this procedure, sperms are injected directly into the uterus.
The failure of the above procedures can make doctors suggest IVF.
The success rate of IVF is dependent on various factors such as:
·         Reproductive history of man and woman involved
·         Age of woman
·         Reason for Infertility
·         Lifestyle factor
The success rate is directly related to the woman’s age. Lower the woman’s age higher the success rate. With age approaching 40, the IVF success rate to dips.
Dr. Shwetha Pramodh has been successfully treating infertility in couples at Blossom fertility centre in Basaveshwaranagar. Dr Shwetha Pramodh has more than 13 years of experience in the field of gynecology and reproductive medicine. She is passionate about assisted reproductive techniques. She is continually updating with the latest technologies to equip herself to face challenges while treating infertility.
With couples need as priority Dr. Shwetha Pramodh suggests customized treatment. With the right guidance and proper treatment, you can cross over the bridge of infertility in no time.
 IVF procedure takes around 4 to 8 weeks of time. The vital point here is that the couples need to relax and prepare themselves to go through the process as the wait might check the patience and prove to be trying during those weeks.
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Male fertility treatments
Male fertility treatments in basaveshwaranagar , Bangalore
Male Fertility alludes to man’s capacity to impregnate his female accomplice. As such, it is the capacity of a sound sperm to impregnate a solid egg to frame zygote/incipient organism that can brings about a posterity. The absence of this capacity is alluded to as Male Infertility, particularly when the female accomplice is fit for considering. In contrast to the ladies, male barrenness is frequently identified with numerous different factors other than age. The odds of having an infant for a man is higher before the age of 40
What causes male barrenness issues?
Making experienced, sound sperm that can travel relies upon numerous things. Issues can prevent cells from developing into sperm. Issues can shield the sperm from arriving at the egg. Indeed, even the temperature of the scrotum may influence ripeness. These are the primary driver of male fruitlessness:
Erectile dysfunction:is the powerlessness to get and keep a firm erection during sex. It doesn’t show fruitlessness as the fundamental reason for brokenness is regularly identified with neural causes which can be treated through drugs
Low sperm check: Low Sperm tally or Oligospermia alludes to bring down tally of sperm than typical levels during discharge which is 15 million sperm for every milliliter of semen. Low sperm brings about diminishing the odds of preparing one’s mating pair’s eggs and bringing about preparation
Azoospermia : alludes to a total nonattendance of sperm in discharge. There are 2 sorts of azoospermia. Obstructive Azoospermia is the point at which the sperm is being delivered in the balls however there is blockage that keeps the sperm from arriving at the discharge. Non-Obstructive Azoospermia is a condition when there is issue underway of sperms prompting no sperm creation or less measures of sperm that can’t advance out of the balls
Low sperm motility : Motility is only development. Low sperm motility shows powerlessness of the sperm to go through the female conceptive tract to reach and prepare the eggs. It is not exactly the base pace of development required i.e, 25 micrometers per second
Less ordinary morphology: Sperm Morphology alludes to shape and size of the sperm. An ordinary sperm has an oval head of around 5 – 6 micrometers in length and 2.5 to 3.5 micrometers wide. Out of the gathered example, 4% is relied upon to be of typical shape. Anything short of 4% is considered strangely formed, where the sperm may be slanted or have more than one tail.
Varicocele: Varicocele happens because of augmented veins in the scrotum. Studies have indicated that varicocele harms sperms and results in lower sperm check. Varicocele is caused when the valves in the veins neglect to forestall reverse of blood, in this manner harming the veins and making it swell
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By providing state-of-the-art gynecology & obstetric services, Kangaroo Care is one of the best hospitals in Bangalore for pregnancy & women health care.
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elajyoti-blog · 5 years
Best Surrogacy Doctor in Bangalore | Dr. Bharathi Rajanna | Elawoman
Best Surrogacy Doctor in Bangalore
What is surrogacy?
Surrogacy is the place a lady winds up pregnant with the aim of giving over the child to another person in the wake of conceiving an offspring. By and large, she conveys the baby for a couple or parent who can't imagine a baby themselves - they are known as "proposed guardians".
There are two types of surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother's egg is utilized, making her the hereditary mother. In gestational surrogacy, the egg is given by the proposed mother or a contributor. The egg is treated through in vitro preparation (IVF) and after that set inside the surrogate mother.
Is surrogacy legitimate?
It changes from nation to nation.
Nations, for example, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria restrict all types of surrogacy.
In nations including the UK, Ireland, Denmark and Belgium, Best Surrogacy Doctor in Bangalore is permitted where the surrogate mother isn't paid, or paid for sensible costs. Paying the mother an expense (known as business surrogacy) is disallowed.
Business surrogacy is legitimate in some US states, and nations including India, Russia and Ukraine.
Individuals who need to be guardians may travel to another country if their nation of origin does not permit surrogacy, or on the off chance that they can't locate a surrogate.
In any case, even here, the laws may change. For instance, some Australian states have condemned setting off to another nation for business surrogacy, while others grant it.
Where do individuals go for surrogacy?
Specialists state that nations prominent with guardians for surrogacy courses of action are the US, India, Thailand, Ukraine, and Russia.
Mexico, Nepal, Poland, and Georgia are likewise among the nations portrayed as conceivable outcomes for surrogacy courses of action.
Expenses change fundamentally from nation to nation, and furthermore, rely upon the quantity of IVF cycles required, and whether medical coverage is required.
What are the confusions?
There are no internationally perceived laws for surrogacy, such huge numbers of guardians and kids can be left helpless - or even stateless.
It can take a while to take a surrogate baby back to the guardians' nation of origin, as they may not be naturally perceived as the legitimate guardians.
"In Thailand, surrogates are viewed as the lawful mother, so if the guardians leave the baby with the mother, she is legitimately mindful. This is one of the troubles found in the Gammy case," Ms Scott says.
"In India, the planned guardians are viewed as the legitimate guardians," while under UK law, the surrogate mother is perceived as the lawful mother. This implies a surrogate baby conceived in India, for UK guardians, is brought into the world stateless and needs to apply for British citizenship."
Contingent upon the guardians' legitimate status in their nation of origin, things can likewise end up troublesome if the couple split up, Paul Beaumont, a Professor of EU and Private International Law at the University of Aberdeen, and writer of the book International Surrogacy Arrangements say.
"There can be an unjustifiable preferred standpoint in a care debate. The dad will regularly have parental rights, as the person who provided the sperm, though, as a rule, the egg hosts been given by a third gathering contributor... so the mother may not be viewed as the parent of the tyke," Prof Beaumont says.
Are there dangers for surrogate moms?
Prof Beaumont contends that guideline is likewise expected to guarantee that "centers are legitimately directed and moms are enough redressed, given appropriate social insurance, and legitimately consenting".
The guideline would likewise guarantee that "the expecting guardians are viewed as appropriate to be guardians in their nation of origin", he includes.
Without a guideline, one potential hazard for some, surrogate moms is that "if the child is brought into the world with some sort of deformity, the aiming guardians could desert the
Despite the fact that it is hard to get hard proof of misuse, it is likewise conceivable that similar to any possibly worthwhile industry, surrogacy could be available to manhandle, with ladies compelled to go about as surrogate moms for profiteers, Prof Beaumont says.
Dr. Archana Agarwal
Dr. Archana Agarwal is a gynecologist and infertility pro in Bangalore with more than two many years of experience. She finished her MBBS in 1991 from MLB Medical College, Jhansi and DGO in 1997 from ICMCH, Kolkata. She is a conspicuous individual from Karnataka Medical Council, Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Dr. Archana Agarwal got the Global Business Service Excellence Awards by Primetime Media in 2014. Dr. Archana has practical experience in gynecology medicines like In Vitro preparation (IVF), Donor Insemination Surrogacy, Endometrial Biopsy, Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy and Egg Donor administrations.
Dr. Vijaykumar PK
Dr. Vijaykumar PK is an IVF Specialist rehearsing at Caree Fertility Center and Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Center. Dr. Vijayakumar P.K. finished MBBS from Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences in 1996. At that point, he proceeded to seek after MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from G S Medical College, KEM Hospital, Mumbai in 2002 and FNB from Institute of conceptive drug, Kolkata Diplomatic National Board in 2004. He has practical experience in Infertility assessment, IUI, IVF, Antenatal consideration and Gynecology Laparoscopy.
Dr. Bharathi Rajanna
Dr. Bharathi Rajanna is an IVF master and Gynecologist in Bangalore. She did her MBBS from the celebrated Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore in the time of 1987. She got a MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1991 from Bangalore Medical College. She is likewise MRCOG Part – I qualified. She has inside and out learning about the issues and medications identified with Infertility, Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has been in the field for over two decades and has renowned participations from the Indian Medical Association (IMA), World Association of Laparoscopy Surgeons, and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London (RCOG). She spends significant time in Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), Cervical Cerclage, Andrology, Laparoscopic Surgery and Infertility Evaluation/Treatment
Dr. Asha S Vijay
Dr. Asha S Vijay is a standout amongst the most top of the line and set up infertility pros and gynecologists in India. She has more than one and half many years of involvement in the field of gynecology and infertility strength. Dr. Asha finished MBBS and DGO from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute in 1992 and 1996 individually. She additionally sought after DNB from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) in Bangalore. Dr. Asha is a famous individual from Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI). She is right now giving gynecology and infertility treatment administrations like In Vitro preparation (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Egg and Sperm gift and solidifying offices. Dr. Asha S Vijay heads different parts of Garbhagudi IVF Center at various areas in Bangalore
Dr. Ashalatha Ganesh
Dr. Ashalatha Ganesh is a prestigious IVF pro and obstetrician who is right now rehearsing at Wellspring Mother and Child Care Hospital. She has sought after MBBS and afterward begun her training. She gives the best infertility and gynecology related medications like High-hazard pregnancy care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) systems. Dr. Ashalatha has increased impressive involvement in the field of infertility and regenerative prescription. She has effectively gained a wide scope of involvement in treating patients with infertility and gynecology issues.
If you have any double about Best Surrogacy Doctor in Bangalore. You can contact us  
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mega-tonny-stuff · 5 years
Best Gynecologist In Bangalore For Infertility
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Preventing Risks: Lifestyle Modifications for a Safer High-Risk Pregnancy
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A high-risk pregnancy requires special attention and care to minimize potential complications and ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. While medical interventions play a crucial role, lifestyle modifications can also significantly contribute to a safer pregnancy. In this article, we will explore essential lifestyle modifications that women with high-risk pregnancies can implement to reduce risks and promote a healthier pregnancy.
1. Maintaining a Healthy Diet
A well-balanced diet is essential during pregnancy, especially for women with high-risk pregnancies.
Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to ensure proper nutrition.
Limit the consumption of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages high in added sugars.
Consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for personalized dietary recommendations based on individual needs and any specific dietary restrictions.
2. Staying Active within Recommended Limits:
Regular physical activity can benefit pregnant women, including those with high-risk pregnancies.
Engage in moderate-intensity exercises such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga, with the approval of a healthcare provider.
Exercise helps improve circulation, maintain a healthy weight, manage gestational diabetes, and reduce the risk of certain complications.
However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate level of exercise based on individual circumstances.
3. Managing Stress:
High levels of stress can have a negative impact on both maternal and fetal well-being.
Implement stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, prenatal yoga, or engaging in activities that promote relaxation.
Seek support from loved ones, join support groups, or consider professional counselling if necessary.
Prioritize self-care and ensure sufficient rest to help manage stress levels. If you want healthier pregnancy then consult the best gynecologist in Indore.
4. Avoiding Harmful Substances:
Eliminate or limit the consumption of harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs.
Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth.
Alcohol consumption can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome and other developmental issues.
Illicit drugs pose serious risks to both the mother and the baby, including birth defects and developmental problems.
5. Maintaining Regular Prenatal Care:
Regular prenatal care is crucial for monitoring the progress of a high-risk pregnancy.
Attend all scheduled appointments and screenings as recommended by the healthcare provider.
Regular check-ups allow for early detection and management of any potential complications.
Communicate openly with the healthcare provider about any concerns or changes in symptoms.
Lifestyle modifications can play a significant role in promoting a safer high-risk pregnancy. Maintaining a healthy diet, staying physically active within recommended limits, managing stress, avoiding harmful substances, and prioritizing regular prenatal care are important steps to minimize potential risks. However, it is crucial for women with high-risk pregnancies to consult lady gynecologist in Indore for personalised guidance and recommendations. By making these lifestyle modifications and working closely with healthcare professionals, women can take proactive measures to promote a healthier and safer pregnancy journey.
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kangaroocare · 2 years
Best gynecologist clinic in Bangalore
Pregnancy is the happiest moment in a woman’s life hence she won’t compromise with her health during pregnancy as she knows her little one is breathing only because of her. Being the best woman care hospital in Bangalore, Kangaroo Care Hospital understands mother’s responsibility towards her baby and offers comprehensive infant and mother care.
We understand that mothers need more guidance, support, and care than usual in their pregnancy days. This is why we have chosen the best gynecologists to employ at our hospital. If you’re looking for the best gynecologist hospital in Bangalore that can deliver a complete set of treatments, here is the list of services that we offer with the help of the best gynecologist doctor in Bangalore.
Treatments That Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers
At kangaroo Care, we provide the best services for women of all ages. We are known as the center of excellence for serving the best treatment during pregnancy and other women-related problems. To be the best gynecology hospital for pregnancy in Bangalore made us put in lots of effort. Because we know pregnancy is the most critical situation and it includes various treatment surgeries to have control over the risks associated with it. What makes us stand as the best hospital for obstetrics and gynecology in Bangalore is -
Gynaecological surgery
Advanced laparoscopic surgery
Endometriosis specialists
Pelvic/vaginal reconstruction surgery for prolapse
Subspecialist care for managing cancer
And many other treatments that a mother or child would require.
What Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers To Its Patients?
When certain medical conditions affect the health of the mother and baby, the pregnancy is considered a high-risk. Our best gynecologist in Vijayanagar knows how to deal with such conditions and that is what makes us one of the best gynecology clinics in Vijayanagar, Bangalore.
We are equipped with every required high-end tool and equipment that a gynecologist hospital should have to provide complete treatment.
Why is Kangaroo Care the best Pregnancy care Hospital in Bangalore?
Kangaroo Care has a team of expertise to support and take special care for women who go through pregnancy related challenges. Being the best pregnancy care hospital in bangalore, we aim to overcome high-risk pregnancy and provide safe delivery.
Best Women Care Hospital in Bangalore
We provide treatments for endometriosis, uterine prolapse, fibroid, urinary incontinence, gynaecological conditions, and other comprehensive diagnostic screening tools for a women’s overall health check-up at Kangaroo Care, the best women care hospital in Bangalore. We also specialise in Fertility, Neonatal ICU, Infant Care and Paediatric, Fetal Medicine, Maternity, Child Development, Pediatric HDU.
Best Gynecology Hospital in Vijayanagar Bangalore
We are equipped with every required high-end tools and equipment that a gynecology hospital should have to provide complete treatment. Kangaroo Care is considered to be the best women health care center in Vijayanagar and women from nearby locations like Rajajinagar, Basaveshwaranagar, Kengeri, Nandini Layout consult Kangaroo Care for Gynecological services. We also best gynecology hospital in Vijayanagar bangalore.
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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Gynaecologist is the woman health experts, they treat the issues related to woman’s reproductive organs.
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A gynecologist treats the serious issues which a woman has to bear silently without telling anyone. In past times the woman has to suffer heavily due to ignorance regarding the precautionary actions to take during pregnancy and menstrual cycles. In this blog, I will tell you some tips, which will prove beneficial for you to know the precautions to take during pregnancy and periods.
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Blossom Fertility Centre offers the best IVF treatments in Basaveshwaranagar. Our Fertility centre in Bangalore has the best IVF doctors who are experts in Infertility Treatments. Book a free consultation today.
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