#high risk pregnancy hospital
oracle-clinic-nagpur · 3 months
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Maternity Clinic in Nagpur - Dr. Parul Saoji - Oracle Clinic
Oracle Clinic in Nagpur offers high risk pregnancy treatment, obstetric sonography, and lactation counselling. Dr. Parul Saoji provides expert maternity care.
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pushpabala · 8 months
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Natus, leading pregnancy/maternity hospital in Mysore Road, Bangalore, excels in top-notch delivery care, specializing in pain free normal delivery services and high risk pregnancies. Consult the best obstetricians in best pregnancy hospital near to you .
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motherhoodhospital · 2 years
Advanced High Risk Pregnancy Treatment in Ahmedabad
Motherhood Hospital is the best hospital for high risk pregnancy treatment in Ahmedabad. Our expert gynaecologist team efficiently manages patients with previous bad obstetric history, repeated abortions, pregnancy loss, etc. We have advanced operation theatres and ICU set up for high-risk pregnancy treatment. Book an appointment today.
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sortofanobsession · 8 months
Beyond Frustration (Buddie AU)
I was going through old works and drafts and this idea wasn't exactly requested but it jumped out at me. And figured I hadn't done an Alpha Beta Omega in a while. May do a part 2 if anyone wants it.
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Summary: Lawsuit Era A/B/Ω AU where Alpha Eddie marks and bonds Omega Buck after Buck was trapped under the truck. The lawsuit puts their bond, and unknowingly to Eddie, their unborn child, at risk. Eddie learns how big of a mistake he has made in almost the worst way possible. Almost.
Paring: Alpha!Eddie Diaz/Omega!Evan "Buck" Buckley
Word count: 2k+
Content Warning: Anger, Neglect, Hospitalization, A/B/Ω mpreg, Fear, physical violence (Eddie gets slapped), Fear of Miscarriage, High Risk Pregnancy.
Eddie's inner alpha clawed at him as they left the deposition. And all it did was piss him off further. Buck had told that asshole things he'd sworn to keep to himself. The alpha had seen the way his omega's betrayal hurt the whole team. The team that was also very much their pack. Their family. But his alpha clawed at him. He didn't understand why it was acting like that. His mate had betrayed them and their pack. The mate he had taken care of and protected after the omega was injured in the bombing. The one he had bared his soul to and bonded with. No, his inner alpha may be driven by the baser instinct to be with his mate at any cost, but Eddie wasn't going to give in. He should have known better, especially after what happened with Shannon. Shannon had been the mother of his pup. And then came back just to ruin his life again. He had tried to make it work for his secondary nature. To have a real family, a true pack. And that had gone to shit. He'd let his alpha nature trick him again. But fool him once and all that bs. He wasn't going to give in a third time. No.
Buck was struggling. It wasn't unheard of for an omega to be a single parent. But it was well known that a strong bond and loving relationship for a mated omega was ideal. A bonded omega, separated from their mate, especially an alpha mate, under great stress, and being a somewhat rare male omega, was a high risk pregnancy in the making.
During a shift Eddie's inner alpha goes damn near feral. Something is wrong and he knows it. But Eddie had been suppressing his secondary nature for so long, even using medication to further subdue it, his alpha isn't strong enough to make Eddie's more stubborn and supposedly logical side understand. And Eddie does not realize how big a mistake he has made until he gets a terrifying call from Christopher. Carla had gotten a call from the hospital. Buck was not well. And since Carla was the only contact Buck had allowed them to reach out to. Eddie finally realizes what his alpha had been trying to tell him over the last few hours. His alpha nature has been reacting to the bond the shared with his mate. Eddie was just too numb to feel it. And that was a terrifying thought. As mad as he and the others were with the no contact order because of the lawsuit, they still had the slight comfort that Eddie would know if something happened to Buck. When Eddie tells them about the phone call they rush to the hospital.
The second Eddie steps into the hospital he is met with a hard slap. He recoils at first and nearly lashes out when he realizes it’s Maddie. His mate’s beta sister.
“You were supposed to protect him!” She shouts at the alpha. Before Eddie can say anything she has turned her ire on the captain. “You too!” She looks from face to face, every member of the 118. “All of you! You told him he was family! That you would be there for him!”
“Maddie,” Chimney starts but she turns on her heels and disappears behind a set of doors.
The receptionist stone walls them when they try to get any information. Eddie can feel his inner alpha suffering. Eddie was so close to his mate he could just start to feel him. His omega's scent had clung to Maddie. And it tore at the alpha’s heart.
“Eddie,” Carla says as she meets them.
“If you're here, where is Christopher?” Bobby asks. As upset as the captain and his inner alpha was he knew it was nothing compared to what Eddie was feeling. Guilt and fear clouded Eddie's usual scent. Bobby could understand that. The captain had lost a mate before. He knew the panic not knowing created. Eddie wasn't in his right mind now.
“He's with Buck, since they had a sort of bond they hoped it would help. Maddie too.”
“Did it?” Hen asks.
“He's stable, but there is something I need to tell you…”
Eddie hates himself. He would never forgive himself for what he had done. He would grovel and beg Buck to forgive him. He prays to any higher power that would listen to let him fix this. To not take his family from him. He couldn't lose his mate. It would destroy him. He'd spend the rest of his life begging his pups to forgive him. He'd be there for every major milestone for both Christopher and their unborn miracle, if they let him. He was a mess by the time they reached Buck’s room. Maddie glared at the alpha as he entered.
Christopher made his way over to Eddie and buried his face in his father's shirt. Eddie drops to his knees.
“I'm sorry, buddy, I'm so sorry,” the alpha begs. “This never should have happened.”
Once Christopher had calmed down, Carla took him out into the hall to go see the rest of the team.
Maddie leaves to call her parents. She glares at the alpha as she does. The alpha goes over and carefully takes the omega's hand in his. The barely there curve of his pregnant mate’s stomach breaks something in the alpha. It wasn’t prominent, but he had known Buck's body as well as he knew his own. And he could see it now. He doesn't know how he could have missed it at the deposition. Even the omega's scent smelled sweeter. Had his anger clouded his senses that much? He now understands why his inner alpha had been so distressed that day. His pregnant mate was just a few feet from him and he couldn't go to him. The omega had looked so tired and sad, but Eddie had been too bitter to see what the entire situation had been doing to his mate. And Eddie could see it now. Buck was too thin, too pale, for a pregnant omega. He looks fragile and broken. And Eddie just wanted to crawl in the bed beside him. He wanted to scent his mate. Hold him. Do whatever he needed to repair their fragile bond. But before he can do anything but take a shattered breath a woman in a lab coat walks in. She's a beta that smells overly sterile.
“He's sedated,” she says before she even introduces herself. Once she has she levels the alpha with a weary look. “You are his mate, correct? His alpha?”
Eddie nods, barely trusting his voice. “Y-yeah, yes, I am.”
“His sister said you two are bonded, correct?”
“Yes,” Eddie answers, his hand gripping Buck's a bit tighter as he does.
The doctor nods and after making a note in the omega's file she checks Buck’s vitals and compares them to his chart and updates it. Eddie watches her carefully. Only when she is done does she give the alpha any attention again.
“How are they?” Eddie manages to ask.
“He is stable and his condition is slowly improving.”
“So they're okay?”
“As a medically trained first responder, I'm sure you can understand the gravity of the situation at hand,” the doctor starts.
Eddie nods but hopes that by saying nothing the doctor will actually answer his question.
“Did you know about your mate's condition?”
“No,” Eddie half sobs. “I had no idea.”
“Okay,” the doctor says and seems to be considering something before she speaks again. “In cases of neglect like this there is a full investigation,” she says and the alpha has to sit down because to have it put so bluntly was jarring.
“Whatever needs to happen, just please, don't make me leave.”
“Oh as his bonded mate you need to stay, it may be the only thing that keeps his condition from worsening. But I have to legally inform you that your behavior will be heavily monitored and any signs of distress will be dealt with in whatever manner we deem necessary, which may include asking you to leave, and getting the authorities involved if necessary. And if your mate or his family wish to seek legal action, we are obligated to assist them.”
“I don't care what you have to do, I’ll do anything,” Eddie insists. “I just want him to be okay.”
The doctor seems to study the alpha for a full minute.
“I believe you, Mr. Diaz,” she finally says. “And I trust that you being here will not worsen the situation. And if it does that you will act accordingly. I understand that there have been some strenuating circumstances in this particular case. I hope for your sake, and your mate's, that things only get better from here. We will be keeping a close eye on him.”
The doctor excuses herself after that. And what little control Eddie has on his emotions fails. He buries his face in his mate's neck and sobs. He is nothing without Buck. He isn't even a good dad these days without him. He's been trying, but Christopher is still suffering from the after effects of the tsunami and not having his Buck there has made it all the more difficult. The omega had been with him during the terrible experience. It had made the bond the two already had stronger. And Eddie had denied both of them that much needed connection. He was a failure as an alpha. He was a failure as a father. Worst of all, he was a failure as a mate. He neglected his bond and his bonded mate and it nearly cost him everything. He could have lost both his mate and the unborn pup he didn't even know existed. Now that he knows he can't possibly let go. The only reason he would ever leave now was if Buck wanted him to. If his mate couldn't forgive him, the alpha would understand. Eddie sure as hell wasn't ever going to forgive himself.
Eddie wakes up to fingers in his hair and he almost doesn't want to move, but as he inhales the chemically tainted smell of his mate he remembers where he is and why he is there. His head snaps up and he looks into the tired blue eyes of his mate.
“Buck,” is all the alpha manages to say in a broken tone. The numbness that he had felt the past few days gone as the wave of emotions hit him. He can feel their bond again. And it shatters something in him. “I'm sorry.” It's half sobbed and shaken.
Buck had woken up to a weight on his arm that hadn't been there before. The more he thinks, the more he realizes it was a familiar weight. Paired with a feeling he had longed for. His eyes tear up as he inhales and takes in the familiar scent of his mate, but there is something off about it. It has the omega opening his eyes. His alpha is distressed. And yeah, that tracks. The omega blinks tears away as he looks around the hospital room. He has no idea how long he has been there, but by the way Eddie is passed out curled against him it had been a while. And he let his tears fall because Eddie was there. His mate had not only come to his bedside, but was pressed against his side like any distance between was unbearable. After so long without his mate, and now his senses were flooded with him, the omega finally felt some semblance of home. He felt complete again. His hands itched to feel that electricity he always felt when they touched. His hands card through the alpha's unkempt mess of hair.
The omega’s heart clenches at the the sheer level of pain and devastation in the alpha’s voice. Buck gets a real good look at his partner’s face and he looks so raw and broken that the omega wants nothing more than to make things better. But Buck can't forget the reason they are there. His eyes move to his own stomach. Before he can even voice his fears, fears Eddie must feel through their bond, the alpha’s hand rubs along the sheet covered swell.
“Pup’s all right,” Eddie says, his voice now filled with conviction. The alpha's voice is in Buck's ear. The omega can feel the heat of his mate's hand through the fabric on his stomach. The combined sensation and the renewed feelings coursing through him sends a shiver down his spine and sends his heart soaring. It must show in his heart monitor at the way the alpha beside him chuckles. It nearly doubled when he feels Eddie's lips gently brush across the bonding mark on the omega's neck. The feeling of love and safety he has missed for weeks is damn near overwhelming.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie tells him again. And between the look on the alpha's face and the feeling of guilt that flows through their bond has Buck believing him. Combined with the omega's heightened emotions and hormones, Buck couldn't imagine holding any of it against the alpha. Not really.
���I know,” Buck tells him, his own tone a little sad. It's sad, because this whole situation could have been avoided if they had just tried to talk. And he thinks Eddie must feel the same way at the way the alpha’s hand shifts from rubbing the omega's swollen belly to pulling Buck closer to him. And Buck goes willing shifting until his back is flush against the alpha's chest. The alpha protectively curled around him.
“I love you, you know that right? More than anything in the world,” Eddie says.
“Except Christopher,” Buck corrects.
“I love him and this little one,” Eddie states, his hand gently pressing against the swell of the unborn pup. “But that's a different kind of love,” the alpha insists.
The omega swoons a bit at that. He had spent the last few weeks terrified of Eddie rejecting not just him but the pup as well. The relief that Eddie still loved him and wanted him, but that he wanted their pup too was amazing. That the alpha was happy to not just claim the pup as his but say he already loved them. It was like having a large weight removed from the omega's shoulders. That fear had been like an albatross around his neck. And Eddie must feel it all through the bond because, again, Eddie holds him tighter. The alpha’s lips press against the skin behind the omega's ear.
“I'm here now. Not going anywhere.”
The alpha holds the omega as he cries but it doesn't last long. Because Buck is still exhausted and Eddie is warm. The omega is more comfortable and feels better than he has in weeks, maybe months. Buck falls asleep sheltered in his mate's arms.
The alpha tenses as the door opens. The former army medic might hate having his back to the door but the alpha was protectively curled around his pregnant mate. That was way more important than his own comfort.
“Well, don't you two look cozy,” the nurse, a lovely middle aged omega, says as she comes in.
“He woke up for a bit, but fell back asleep,” Eddie tells her as she goes to check the machines. The alpha goes to move to get up so she can check Buck’s vitals but she waves him off.
“You're fine,” she smiles. “The closer you stay the quicker the bond can help him feel better.” She gently checks Buck's pulse and nods.
“I’ll let the doctor know he was awake for a bit,” she says before leaving. Once she is gone he looks over at the clock. It early, but not too early that his pack would be mad at him texting them. As much as he hates the idea of moving from his comfortable spot, he needs his phone which is charging on the table next to the bed. Eddie gets up, stretching as he does. Buck whines in his sleep at the loss and rolls over as if to chase the alpha's fading warmth. It makes the alpha’s heart flutter. He quickly grabs his phone and returns to the bed. Buck now curled into his side with his face tucked in the alpha's neck. Eddie's inner alpha was happier than it had been since the pair bonded at the feel of the omega's bump against his side. And the feeling was heady. The alpha just wants to sit there and bask in the feeling of home that came from watching his vulnerable and trusting mate sleeping in his arms. But he knows he has a number of unanswered messages to deal with. So he silently, and slowly only having one hand to type with, lets Maddie, Carla, and the team know that Buck was doing better. He had woken up for a bit, but was resting now.
They had a lot they needed to sort out, but they would do it together. Lawsuit be damned. His mate and their family was now Eddie's primary focus. And he wasn't willingly going anywhere any time soon. Not unless Buck wanted him to. Even then the alpha wouldn't like it. He loved Buck too much to walk away now. He loved the family they had made. He was sure the others would understand.
When he was done with the messages he settled back down beside his mate and closed his eyes. He would dream of the life they were only just starting as a family, as a pack.
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burned-lariat · 5 months
Never in a million years would I even suspect that it would be TJ as the annoying, unreasonable, paranoid person in this surrogacy story. He is being beyond ridiculous right now. A swift kick in his ass is greatly appreciated from anyone willing to do it.
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coochiequeens · 8 months
“So women with access to emergency care are the ones that live,” she said. “Women that don’t, die.”
JERUSALEM — Walaa didn’t expect the birth of her fourth child to spark abject fear. But by the time her contractions started, the whole family was frantic.
There were no ambulances to be seen in the streets of Gaza’s Rafah City, she said, now so crammed with displaced families that there was barely any food left available for the 27-year-old.
When her uncle Wissam, a doctor, reached the tent where she had lived for weeks in the cold, he said, he could see they had run out of time. “I’m having the baby now,” she kept telling him. It was dark, and she was scared.
His cellphone flashlight was all they had to see by.
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The humanitarian catastrophe caused by Israel’s three-month military campaign against Hamas in Gaza counts some 52,000 pregnant women among its greatest victims. As airstrikes push 1.9 million people into an ever-smaller corner of the besieged enclave, disease is spreading, famine is looming and levels of anemia are so high that the risk of postpartum hemorrhage has soared and breastfeeding is often impossible. Forty percent of pregnancies are high-risk, CARE international estimates.
Prenatal care is almost nonexistent — what remains of Gaza’s hospital network is on its knees, at 250 percent capacity and consumed with treating mass casualties from Israeli bombing. Far more women are giving birth outside of medical facilities — in displacement camps, even in the street — than inside them.
Damage to facilities and communications blackouts — the strip lost cellphone service for a week this month — have left Gaza’s health ministry unable to compilereliable data for infant or maternal mortality during the conflict. But doctors and aid groups say miscarriage and stillbirths have spiked.
“What we know about pregnancy-related complications is that it’s hard to prevent them in any setting, but the way that we save a woman and newborn’s life is we treat the complication quickly,” said Rondi Anderson, a midwifery specialist for the Project HOPE aid group.
“So women with access to emergency care are the ones that live,” she said. “Women that don’t, die.”
The only place that Wissam could find to deliver his terrified niece’s baby was a spot of cold earth between the tents. Aid workers hung bedsheets to give the woman a modicum of privacy. No one had been able to contact Walaa’s husband, and her mother was so scared that at times she had to look away. They cut the boy’s umbilical cord with an unsterilized scalpel and they filled tin cans with hot water to keep him warm. He weighed 7 pounds and Walaa named him Ramzy.
The family spoke on the condition that only their first names be used because they feared for their safety in the event that Israeli troops entered the town.
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Baby Ramzy is 5 days old. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
They fled their home in northern Gaza so abruptly that no one thought to grab clothes for the baby. This week, Ramzy was swaddled in a onesie outgrown by another child in the camp. He wailed as Walaa, still in pain from tearing during the birth, gingerly pulled herself upright.
The 16-year blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas won control of Gaza had already made pregnancy and childbirth more difficult for expecting mothers. Before the current conflict, hospitals often lacked adequate equipment and training for neonatal staff, according to Medical Aid for Palestinians, and more than half of pregnant women were anemic.
Hamas fighters streamed out of the enclave on Oct. 7 to kill around 1,200 people in Israel and take another 240 hostage. Israel responded with a bombing campaign and ground war to eradicate Hamas, killing almost 25,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians, to date.
The South African legal team that accused Israel before the International Court of Justice this month of committing genocide during the conflict argued that the obstruction of lifesaving treatment since Oct. 7 amounts to preventing births.
A lawyer for Israel called allegations that it is obstructing the delivery of food, water, fuel and other supplies critical for Gaza “tendentious and partial,” and said it was working “around-the-clock” to help scale up the volume of aid making it into the enclave.
Hanaa al-Shawa, 23, gave birth to her first child, Ayla, during the coronavirus pandemic, and the little girl, she said, brought her family a “glimmer of hope.” Shawa and her husband Mustafa, 25, were ecstatic when they learned in July that another child was on the way. The war began in October, and the future they dreamed of fell apart. “I had felt overwhelming joy,” Shawa recalled. “I did not realize that this joy would turn into great suffering.”
Nearly 20,000 babies were born in Gaza during the first 105 days of the war, UNICEF reported Friday. Delays in the delivery of lifesaving supplies, the U.N. children’s agency said, have left some hospitals performing Caesarean sections without anesthetic. Spokeswoman Tess Ingram said she met a nurse at Gaza’s Emirati maternity hospital who had helped with postmortem caesarians on six dead women.
“Seeing newborn babies suffer while some mothers bleed to death should keep us all awake at night,” Ingram told reporters Friday. “In the time it has taken to present this to you, another baby was likely born, but into what?”
“Becoming a mother should be a time of celebration,” she said. “But in Gaza it’s another child delivered into hell.”
For the five pregnant women interviewed by Washington Post reporters, fear that mother or baby might not survive suffused their waking thoughts — and made appearances in nightmares, too.
Shawa and Mustafa left their home in Gaza City’s Yarmouk Street in the second week of October. The Israel Defense Forces had ordered 1.1 million people in northern Gaza to move south for what it described as their own safety.
“I was afraid that I would miscarry because of the power of the rockets,” she said.
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Displaced Palestinian families from the northern and central Gaza Strip evacuate toward southern Gaza on Oct. 13. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
Many pregnant women made the 20-mile journey from north to south on foot, their legs swollen and joints heavy as they carried their luggage, three women who made the journey told The Post.
When Ayla was born, her family had a room full of toys ready for her. The room in which Shawa’s second child, a girl, will spend her first weeks, in a friend’s home in the Tel al-Sultan area, is tainted with asbestos, she said.
“We carried Ayla here in just the clothes she was wearing, and we don’t even have anything warm for her,” Shawa said. “If I’m unable to provide for her, what will I do for my next child?”
Rising food scarcity and malnutrition can cause potentially life-threatening complications during childbirth and lead to low birth weight, wasting, failure to thrive and developmental delays.
Shawa said she had only eaten tinned food, with no access to fruit or vegetables, since she left her home three months ago. Doctors have said her iron levels are low and her blood pressure is high. Mustafa searches daily but has found no suitable medication to control it.
Saja Al-Shaer, 19, started to feel like she was too young to become a mother. Her weight had dropped below 110 pounds, she was anemic, and her husband had not managed to get her medication, either. “He spent three days knocking on the doors of pharmacies,” she said. “I do not know if I will see this child or not.”
In late December, doctors at the al-Aqsa Hospital, 11 miles to the north, received a pregnant woman whose high blood pressure caused eclampsia and bleeding to her brain, according to Deborah Harrington, a British obstetrician who volunteered at the hospital with a Medical Aid for Palestinians team.
The baby was delivered by a C-section, Harrington said. The mother was still on life support when the physician left two weeks later.
“These women are presenting it in much more extreme condition,” Harrington said. “They’re just not getting hypertensive treatment. They’re not being screened for diabetes. If they’re diabetic, they’re not getting treatment for their diabetes.
“They know that actually accessing care, as it often is for women in conflict, is really difficult and fraught with danger. At night, there is often no light, so moving around is really difficult. You can’t call an ambulance because there’s no signal. The women I saw were really frightened.”
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Walaa with her uncle Wissam, who helped deliver her newborn son. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
From the corner of the damp room where Walaa was tending to Ramzy on Friday, she worried about where they would find clean water or baby formula. Her family had looked everywhere for diapers, but come up empty. In Tel al-Sultan, Shawa was fixating on rumors that Israel’s army would direct them to evacuate again. The walking, the carrying, the sense that nothing around her was hygienic — it all frightened her.
But she had made one decision that no shortage or military orders could change. She would name her daughter after her sister-in-law, killed in an Israeli airstrike weeks earlier while trying to find shelter for her own children.
The girl, she said, would be called Heba. In Arabic, it means blessing from God.
Mahfouz reported from Cairo and Harb reported from London. Loay Ayyoub in Rafah contributed to this report.
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gynecologistindore · 5 days
Adenomyosis and Pain: Relief Strategies That Can Help
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Adenomyosis is a condition where the tissue that normally lines the uterus (endometrium) grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. This can lead to heavy, painful periods and chronic pelvic pain. Women diagnosed with adenomyosis often experience debilitating symptoms that disrupt daily life. Fortunately, several strategies can help manage the pain associated with adenomyosis and improve quality of life.
Understanding Adenomyosis Pain
The pain from adenomyosis can vary from mild discomfort to severe cramping that feels similar to labor pains. It is often described as a deep, throbbing pain in the pelvic region, particularly during menstruation. Some women may also experience prolonged bleeding, pressure on the bladder or bowel, and pain during sexual intercourse.
Effective Relief Strategies for Adenomyosis Pain
While adenomyosis can cause significant discomfort, several relief strategies can help manage the pain and improve the quality of life for those affected.
1. Pain Medications
Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen can help alleviate mild to moderate pain. These non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work by reducing inflammation and controlling pain. For more severe pain, a healthcare provider may prescribe stronger medications or hormonal treatments to manage symptoms.
2. Hormonal Therapy
Adenomyosis pain is often linked to hormonal fluctuations, particularly estrogen. Hormonal therapy can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce the symptoms. Common hormonal treatments include birth control pills, progestin therapy, or hormone-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs). These options work by reducing the thickening of the uterine lining, which can decrease pain and bleeding.
For women seeking adenomyosis treatment in Indore, consulting with the best gynecologists in the area can ensure personalized care and access to the latest hormonal therapies that can help ease symptoms.
3. Heat Therapy
Heat is an effective way to soothe muscle tension and pain in the pelvic region. Using a heating pad or taking warm baths can provide relief from cramping and improve blood flow to the area. Heat helps relax the uterine muscles and reduce pain, making it a simple yet effective home remedy for adenomyosis discomfort.
4. Dietary Adjustments
Certain foods can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health, which may indirectly help with adenomyosis pain. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy greens, fatty fish rich in omega-3s, and whole grains can support hormone balance and decrease inflammation. Reducing the intake of processed foods, caffeine, and sugar may also lessen bloating and discomfort during menstruation.
5. Exercise and Physical Therapy
Light to moderate exercise, such as walking or yoga, can help release endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers. Regular physical activity promotes circulation, reduces stress, and can help alleviate pelvic pain over time. Physical therapy, particularly pelvic floor therapy, is another option that targets muscle tension and can provide relief from chronic pelvic discomfort.
6. Surgical Options
In severe cases where other treatments have failed, surgical options may be considered. These can range from less invasive procedures like endometrial ablation to hysterectomy, which involves the removal of the uterus. Women considering surgery should consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of action based on the severity of their condition.
Seeking Professional Help
It's crucial for women experiencing severe or chronic pelvic pain to consult a specialist. For those in Indore, visiting the best gynecologist hospital in Indore ensures access to experienced professionals who specialize in adenomyosis treatment. These experts can provide tailored advice and recommend the most effective treatment plan, whether it’s medical management or surgical intervention.
Living with adenomyosis can be challenging, but there are several relief strategies that can significantly reduce the pain and improve quality of life. From pain medications and hormonal therapy to heat treatment and dietary changes, women have multiple options to explore. For those seeking specialized care, finding the right provider for adenomyosis treatment in Indore can make a world of difference.
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Nutrition Tips for Moms Facing High Risk Pregnancy
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A high-risk pregnancy requires extra care, particularly when it comes to nutrition. Proper nourishment can support both the mother and baby, reducing potential complications. If you are facing a high-risk pregnancy, consult the best high risk pregnancy doctor in Indore for personalized care. Meanwhile, here are some essential nutrition tips to help you stay healthy. 1. Focus on Protein-Rich Foods
Protein is critical for the development of your baby’s organs and tissues. Aim to include lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and legumes in your diet. These foods help in promoting fetal growth and provide energy to support your body’s increased demands. Your best gynecologist in Indore can guide you on the right amount of protein needed based on your specific condition. 2. Iron and Folate Are Essential
Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which is more common in high-risk pregnancies. Foods rich in iron, such as spinach, lentils, and red meat, should be a part of your diet. Folate, or folic acid, helps prevent neural tube defects in the baby. Consuming leafy greens, fortified cereals, and citrus fruits can boost your folate intake. In some cases, your doctor may recommend supplements to ensure you meet these essential nutrient requirements. 3. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is especially important during a high-risk pregnancy. Dehydration can increase the risk of preterm labor, which is why you should drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water, and consult your best high risk pregnancy doctor in Indore for advice if you experience swelling or other complications. 4. Limit Processed and Sugary Foods
Processed foods, high in sugars and unhealthy fats, can exacerbate complications like gestational diabetes or excessive weight gain. It’s important to avoid junk foods and sugary snacks. Opt for whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts to ensure steady blood sugar levels and balanced nutrition. 5. Don’t Skip Your Prenatal Vitamins
In addition to a balanced diet, prenatal vitamins are crucial in a high-risk pregnancy. They provide additional nutrients like calcium, iron, and DHA, which may not be sufficient through diet alone. Always consult the best gynecologist in Indore before starting any supplements to ensure they align with your health needs.
By following these nutrition tips, you can ensure better outcomes for both you and your baby. Always work closely with your healthcare provider to tailor these guidelines to your specific situation.
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drswarnimadas · 17 days
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drneelima · 22 days
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gynecologistforyou · 24 days
"Dr Vinita Gupta is the best gynecologist in Nirman Nagar Jaipur with having vast experience and expertise in dealing with all types of obstetrics and gynecological Treatment. She is top laparoscopic surgeon in the field of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Jaipur. She diligently deals with intriguing, challenging and complex gynecologic and obstetric health issues of women with the utmost care and performs intricate laparoscopic surgeries and other complex surgical procedures with profound dexterity. Dr. Vinita Gupta is a renowned Gynecologist and Laparoscopic surgeon. We provide comprehensive health care for women for all ages from adolescence, puberty, reproductive age group to menopause."
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kinderhospital · 25 days
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thanawalamaternity · 4 months
The occurrence of multiple pregnancies can cause several complications. As the number of fetuses rise, so does the risk of complications. And thus, it is imperative for women who are expecting multiple pregnancies to seek care of High Risk Pregnancy Doctor In Vashi who can avail Multiple Pregnancy Treatment, monitor the health of both mother and babies as well as care in the best Maternity Hospital In Navi Mumbai.
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motherhoodhospital · 2 years
Women with high-risk pregnancy conditions need extra care before, during, and after giving birth. It is important to consult the best gynaecologist in Ahmedabad to minimize the chances of a high risk pregnancy. You need to quit alcohol or smoking habits, incorporate healthy meals, moderate physical activity, and maintain a healthy weight. Also, try to engage in activities that help you stay relaxed and focused.
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anjaliverma123 · 7 months
Pregnancy : Risks and Complications
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Pregnancy is often depicted as a time of joy and anticipation, but it's also a period that comes with its own set of risks and potential complications. While many pregnancies proceed smoothly, it's essential for expectant parents to be aware of the various risks and complications that can arise during gestation. Understanding these factors can help individuals navigate their pregnancy journey more confidently and make informed decisions about their prenatal care. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the common risks and complications associated with high - risk pregnancy, along with preventive measures and potential treatments.
Understanding Pregnancy Risks
Pregnancy involves numerous physiological changes in a woman's body, aimed at supporting the development of a growing fetus. While these changes are natural and necessary, they can also increase the likelihood of certain health risks and complications. Some of the key factors contributing to pregnancy risks include:
Maternal Age
Advanced maternal age (typically defined as 35 years and older) is associated with an increased risk of various pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions
Women with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, or autoimmune diseases may face additional challenges during pregnancy. These conditions can exacerbate pregnancy-related complications and require close monitoring by healthcare providers.
Lifestyle Factors
Smoking, alcohol consumption, substance abuse, and poor nutrition can all contribute to pregnancy risks. These factors not only affect maternal health but can also negatively impact fetal development and increase the likelihood of birth defects and other complications.
Common Pregnancy Complications
Despite advances in prenatal care, certain complications can arise during pregnancy, posing risks to both the mother and the developing baby. Some of the most common pregnancy complications include:
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels rise during pregnancy, leading to potential complications such as macrosomia (large birth weight), preterm birth, and an increased risk of cesarean delivery. Proper management through diet, exercise, and medication is essential to minimize risks to both mother and baby.
Preeclampsia is a serious condition characterized by high blood pressure and signs of organ damage, typically occurring after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to complications such as eclampsia (seizures), placental abruption, and maternal/fetal death. Close monitoring and prompt medical intervention are crucial for managing preeclampsia.
Preterm Labor
Preterm labor, or premature birth, refers to the onset of labor before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature infants may face various health challenges, including respiratory distress syndrome, developmental delays, and long-term disabilities. Identifying risk factors and receiving appropriate prenatal care can help reduce the likelihood of preterm labor.
Miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, refers to the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation. While miscarriages are relatively common, experiencing recurrent miscarriages or late-term pregnancy loss can be emotionally devastating for couples. Understanding the potential causes of miscarriage and seeking support from healthcare providers and support groups can help individuals cope with this loss.
Birth Defects
Birth defects are structural or functional abnormalities present at birth, ranging from mild to severe. These abnormalities may result from genetic factors, environmental exposures, or a combination of both. Prenatal testing, including ultrasound scans and genetic screening, can help identify potential birth defects early in pregnancy, allowing for informed decision-making and appropriate medical management.
Preventive Measures and Prenatal Care
While it's impossible to eliminate all pregnancy risks and complications, there are several steps individuals can take to optimize their chances of a healthy pregnancy outcome:
Preconception Planning:
Planning for pregnancy involves optimizing maternal health before conception through regular exercise, a balanced diet, supplementation (e.g., folic acid), and managing pre-existing medical conditions. Consulting with a healthcare provider before conception can help identify and address potential risk factors.
Regular Prenatal Check-ups:
Attending regular prenatal appointments allows healthcare providers to monitor maternal and fetal well-being, identify any potential complications early, and provide appropriate interventions as needed. These appointments typically include physical examinations, ultrasound scans, and laboratory tests to assess maternal and fetal health.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
Adopting a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, including abstaining from smoking, alcohol, and illicit drugs, maintaining a balanced diet, staying physically active (with healthcare provider approval), and managing stress, can help reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and promote optimal fetal development.
Education and Support:
Educating oneself about pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care can empower expectant parents to make informed decisions and advocate for their health and the health of their baby. Joining prenatal classes, seeking support from healthcare professionals, and connecting with other expectant parents can provide valuable guidance and reassurance throughout the pregnancy journey.
Pregnancy is a unique and transformative experience, but it's important to recognize that it comes with inherent risks and potential complications. By understanding these risks, taking proactive measures to optimize maternal health, and receiving comprehensive prenatal care, expectant parents can maximize their chances of a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. While some complications may be unavoidable, early detection, prompt intervention, and ongoing support can help mitigate their impact and ensure the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby. Remember, every pregnancy is different, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals is crucial for personalized care and support throughout the journey to parenthood.
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elantiscare · 10 months
The best pregnancy hospital in delhi, India
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Discover unparalleled maternity care at the best pregnancy hospital in Delhi, India. Our state-of-the-art facility at Elantis Care is committed to providing exceptional services for expectant mothers, ensuring a safe and memorable pregnancy journey. With a team of experienced obstetricians, cutting-edge technology, and a patient-centric approach, we prioritize the well-being of both mother and child. From routine check-ups to advanced obstetric interventions, trust Elantis Care for personalized and compassionate care, making your pregnancy experience truly extraordinary. Welcome to a place where excellence meets motherhood.
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