#Best Nephrologist in Greater Noida
dr997 · 2 years
Best Nephrologist in Greater Noida
Dr Anuja Porwal is one of the Best Nephrologist Specialist in Noida   with an enormous experience of 12 years in this field Her specialty includes management of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Renal failure Kidney Transplant. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9818760061
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healthseour6573 · 1 year
Nephrologist in greater Noida
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Dr Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is a well known Best Nephrologist in greater Noida. He provides his best treatment in all over Delhi NCR. Book a Doctor Appointment:+91- 8800622717
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healthseo974664 · 1 year
Best Nephrologist in Greater Noida  
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Dr Anuja Porwal is one of the Best Nephrologist Specialist in Noida   with an enormous experience of 12 years in this field Her specialty includes management of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Renal failure Kidney Transplant. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9818760061
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How to Manage Kidney Disease and Hypertension During Pregnancy?
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Pregnancy can be a challenging time for women with pre-existing kidney disease, hypertension, or both. Proper management of these conditions during pregnancy is crucial for the health of both mother and baby. Here are some tips on how to manage kidney disease and hypertension during pregnancy, and where to find the best kidney care hospital in Greater Noida.
Get regular prenatal care
Regular prenatal care is essential for women with pre-existing kidney disease or hypertension. It's important to work closely with a healthcare provider to monitor your kidney function and blood pressure throughout your pregnancy. Your healthcare provider may recommend more frequent check-ups or specialized care if you have pre-existing kidney disease or hypertension.
Monitor your blood pressure
High blood pressure can be a risk factor for preeclampsia, a serious complication of pregnancy that can affect kidney function. Your healthcare provider will likely monitor your blood pressure at each prenatal visit and may recommend home monitoring as well. If your blood pressure is consistently high, the doctor may recommend some medication to manage it.
Follow a kidney-friendly diet
Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, but it becomes quite important for pregnant women with kidney disease or hypertension. A kidney-friendly diet typically involves limiting salt, potassium, and phosphorus, and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You should talk to your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to create a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs.
Take medication as prescribed
If you have pre-existing kidney disease or hypertension, your healthcare provider may recommend medication to manage these conditions during pregnancy. It's important to take these medications exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider informed of any side effects or concerns.
Stay active
Regular exercise can help manage blood pressure and keep your kidneys healthy during pregnancy. Talk to your healthcare provider about safe exercises for pregnancy, such as walking or prenatal yoga.
Manage stress
Stress can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health during pregnancy. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, or talking with a therapist.
Prepare for possible complications
Even with the best care, complications can still arise during pregnancy for women with pre-existing kidney disease or hypertension. It's important to discuss your individual risks with your doctor and to have a plan in place for managing any complications that may arise.
If you live in Greater Noida or the area nearby, you may be wondering where to find the best kidney hospital in the area. Your top choice should be Kailash Hospital, a leading nephrology hospital in Greater Noida. Its team of nephrologists and kidney specialists is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to patients with kidney disease, including pregnant women with kidney disease or hypertension. The state-of-the-art facility and advanced treatments ensure that our patients receive the best possible care.
In conclusion, managing kidney disease and hypertension during pregnancy requires careful attention to your health and close collaboration with your healthcare provider. By following these tips and staying informed about your individual risks and needs, you can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. If you live in Greater Noida, be sure to choose Kailash Hospital as your healthcare partner in kidney health.
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health1995 · 1 year
kidney doctor in greater noida
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Dr Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is an acclaimed  kidney doctor in greater noida he is one of the best nephrologists in Ghaziabad He provides his best treatment in all over india For Opinion or consultation @ + 8800622717
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ravindersinghs-blog · 2 years
Kidney Doctor in Greater Noida
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Dr. Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is well known as one of the Best Kidney Doctor in Greater Noida with over 17 Years of Experience. He has specialized in Kidney Diseases, Dialysis, Kidney Stones, Urine Problems, and Hypertension, CKD, Nephrotic syndrome etc.
Book an online consultation with best nephrologist in ghaziabad Call us @ +(91) 8800622717
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urologistinnoida · 3 years
Is Kidney Cyst Severe? Do I need to be afraid?
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One of the main reasons for the concern of patients is the appearance of a renal cyst in some imaging exam due to unspecific pain or check-up. And then the question arises: is kidney cyst serious?
This problem tends to affect people of both sexes as they age and most of the time it is harmless. However, in some cases it can be associated with kidney disorders with potential severity, says the urologist in Noida.
Let’s learn more about kidney cyst symptoms and characteristics, causes and forms of treatment.
What is a renal cyst?
The cysts are filled with water round bags formed within the kidney. Usually asymptomatic, they are detected during some type of image exam requested by the best urologist in Noida.
According to data from Harvard Medical School, the chances of a simple kidney cyst appearing with age: at 30, the probability is 5%, at 70, the percentage of chances rises to 36%.
For the occurrence of renal cysts, the causes have not yet been fully defined.
Renal cyst may appear on the left or renal cyst on the right with different sizes, from subcentimeter to large 20 cm structures.
The definition of medical conduct will depend on some factors, which we will discuss below.
Simple renal cyst
A simple kidney cyst is a benign clinical condition and does not usually cause symptoms. Its main characteristics are thin walls, with a rounded and regular shape, with clear and crystalline content, states the urologist in Greater Noida.
However, when the kidney cyst grows in size, the symptoms can be:
Pains between ribs and pelvis;
Upper abdominal pain.
Complex cyst
This type of cyst has solid parts or other changes, such as irregular contours, septa or fibrosis. To determine the complexity, it is necessary to perform more specific exams, such as tomography or MRI of the abdomen, says the best urologist in Greater Noida.
Unlike simple cysts, in this case we may be facing a kidney tumor but with characteristics of a cyst.
The Bosniak Classification will determine the degree according to the aspect of the images obtained in the exam and, with that, guide the best treatment conduct.
Bosniak kidney cyst 1: simple and benign cyst;
Bosniak kidney cyst 2: less complex and benign lesions, which may be a cyst with calcification;
Bosniak 3: complex cysts that present contrast absorption used in the exam. In these cases, there is a high chance that we are facing a tumor;
Bosniak 4: malignant lesions.
What is a cortical cyst?
According to the urologist in Ghaziabad, many patients do not understand the terms used in the examination reports and arrive with many doubts. The term “cortical cyst” refers to the anatomical location. When talking about cortical cyst it is because the lesion is in the most superficial region of the kidney, which is called the cortex. Parapelic cysts are close to the renal pelvis.
Polycystic kidney disease
This disease has nothing to do with simple sporadic kidney cysts. The appearance of cysts can be started at a young age and needs to be monitored by nephrologists and best urologist in Ghaziabad, because the disease can lead to chronic renal failure. This disease is associated with hereditary factors.
Renal cyst treatment
Most kidney cysts do not require treatment. The definition of medical follow-up will be based on the results of exams and characteristics of the cysts, explains the urologist in Noida.
A more invasive treatment will only be necessary in 2 situations:
Complex Bosniak cysts 3 or 4;
Bulky simple cysts with pain and local repercussion.
In cases of complex cysts, surgical removal using an open, laparoscopic or robotic approach is necessary for a better evaluation and accurate diagnosis.
In cases of large simple cysts, puncture with a needle through the skin can be an interesting alternative, says the urologist in Vaishali.
There is no hard data to speak of cysts prevention. Still, moderate eating habits, adequate water intake, physical activities, controlling blood pressure and avoiding smoking (proven cause of bladder and kidney cancer) are beneficial to the body, suggests the urologist in Delhi.
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drvimaldassi-blog · 5 years
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Images, blood and urine tests help to know the size and location of the stones and, thus, help plan treatments.
The kidney stones can be as painful as trigeminal neuralgia or childbirth without anesthesia.
Generally patients who are suffering from kidney stones, arrive at the emergency service with a lot of agitation, so they are administered intravenous analgesics to control the crisis.
The clinical diagnosis is complemented by other tests that seek to identify the characteristics and location of the stone. "An abdominal scanner (Pico Tac) is indicated, urine and blood tests to rule out associated complications such as urinary infection or kidney failure, "says urologist in Noida.
The urologist in Ghaziabad explains that the scanner does an anatomical reconstruction by taking thousands of images that merge without losing a single millimeter of the area evaluated. This test is able to detect almost all types of stones.
"In the urine test, it usually shows the presence of red blood cells (blood) to what we call" hematuria.", Which can not be seen with the naked eye (microscopic hematuria). It can also show the presence of white blood cells and bacteria. The latter suggests that we may be facing a severe complication such as obstruction of the urinary tract and the inability to evacuate infected urine. This can cause failure of the affected kidney and septicemia that can put the patient's life at risk, "says the urologist in Vaishali.
Knowing the reason why these stones are formed is key to avoid new stones.
The main function of the kidneys is to eliminate waste from our body, a vital task. On some occasions, during this process, hard masses are formed from substances that are part of the urine and that the kidney itself eliminates, but they accumulate forming true stones of different sizes. These are the known kidney stones or stones, explains best urologist in Noida.
The urologist in East Delhi indicates that to prevent these calculations is essential to lead a low - salt diet, increase the amount of liquid which is ingested to achieve a diuresis greater than 2 liters per day (amount of urine), reduce the amount of animal protein and consume dairy products in a normal manner.
When lithiasis is diagnosed , it is essential to identify why these stones are produced. "The importance of the study is that each person who calculates has a sum of risk factors that are specific to it. That means that it is not enough to know that the calculations are calcium, for example, because there are different mechanisms that lead to the formation of this type of calculations. When the specific mechanism is known in that person, specific and individualized prevention can be carried out, "says the best urologist in East Delhi.
Prevention is based on dietary measures, general and specific recommendations for each individual, and other pharmacological measures.
"Depending on the individual mechanisms of each patient, you can use different medications: diuretics that reduce the amount of calcium in the urine (Hydrochlorothiazide), others that provide elements that inhibit the formation of stones (potassium citrate) and others that reduce the amount of uric acid in blood and urine (Allopurinol or Febuxostat), "says best urologist in Ghaziabad.
Regarding diet, the nephrologist explains that there are no prohibited foods per se. "If you should avoid those that contain a lot of salt like soy or salty peanuts, or reduce the consumption of animal proteins, especially red meats and sausages, when exaggerated. When the individual mechanisms are known, more specific recommendations can be made such as increasing fluid intake, consumption of vegetables and fruits or reducing the consumption of meats, " urologist in Noida insists.
These patients should avoid the consumption of food supplements, especially protein concentrates that are used to increase muscle mass. Another negative element is the use of calcium supplements that in some cases can increase stone formation.
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healthseour6573 · 1 year
Best Nephrologist in greater Noida
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Dr Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is a well known  Best Nephrologist in greater Noida. He provides his best treatment in all over Delhi NCR. Book a Doctor Appointment:+91- 8800622717
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healthseo974664 · 1 year
Best Nephrologist in Greater Noida
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Dr Anuja Porwal is one of the Best Nephrologist Specialist in Noida   with an enormous experience of 12 years in this field Her specialty includes management of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Renal failure Kidney Transplant. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9818760061
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healthseour6573 · 1 year
Nephrologist in greater noida
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Dr Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is a well known nephrologist in greater Noida. He provides his best treatment in all over Delhi NCR. Book a Doctor Appointment:+91- 8800622717
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healthseour6573 · 1 year
kidney doctor in greater noida
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Dr Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is an acclaimed  kidney doctor in greater noida he is one of the best nephrologists in Ghaziabad He provides his best treatment in all over india For Opinion or consultation @ + 8800622717
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healthseo974664 · 1 year
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Nephrologist in Greater Noida
Dr Anuja Porwal is one of the Best Nephrologist Specialist in Noida   with an enormous experience of 12 years in this field Her specialty includes management of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Renal failure Kidney Transplant. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9818760061
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health1995 · 1 year
Best Nephrologist in Greater Noida
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Dr Anuja Porwal is one of the Best Nephrologist Specialist in Noida   with an enormous experience of 12 years in this field Her specialty includes management of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Renal failure Kidney Transplant. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9818760061
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health1995 · 1 year
Nephrologist in greater noida
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Dr Ravinder Singh Bhadoria is a well known nephrologist in greater Noida. He provides his best treatment in all over Delhi NCR. Book a Doctor Appointment:+91- 8800622717
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dr997 · 2 years
Best Nephrologist in Greater Noida
Dr Anuja Porwal is one of the Best Nephrologist Specialist in Noida   with an enormous experience of 12 years in this field Her specialty includes management of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Renal failure Kidney Transplant. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9818760061
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