#Best Spa In Florida
12digitalmarketing · 13 days
If you're looking for a luxurious med spa experience, then Jessie is the perfect place for you. From facials to massages, Jessie has everything you need to get your beauty needs taken care of. Watch this video to see what Jessie has to say and discover why she's the best med spa in West Palm Beach!
Best Botox services at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Palm Beach Gardens, Jessie, Jupiter, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach in Florida.
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sanctuaryspa · 3 months
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aunaturalespa225 · 1 year
Indulge in Paradise: AU Naturale Spa and Wellness Florida’s Most Relaxing Spa  
Experience the best spa in Florida at AU Naturale Spa and Wellness. Our luxurious facilities, skilled staff, and holistic approach to wellness make us the top choice for relaxation and rejuvenation. Book your appointment today and indulge in the ultimate spa experience.
#best spa in Florida at AU Naturale Spa and Wellness,
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doctorbeth · 11 months
Rabbit -- one of your cherished stuffed companions
Rabbit belongs to one of you dear people, and she gave me permission to share his story with you.:-) He was in the hospital about a year ago.
She initially wrote:
I live in South Florida and I am a big fan of your hospital! I have a stuffed rabbit plush animal, I believe he may have once been a Bugs Bunny plush, but to me he has always been "Rabbit" and I cannot find any leads online as to his "origins". Rabbit has been with me since I was 6 months old-- he's almost 24 years old! He's been my constant companion, and I still sleep with him and love him to this day. As you might imagine, this has led to many surgeries... 
Lately, Rabbit has had very thin fabric fur, and you can see through to the stuffing (mostly on his tummy). He's also in need of some new stuffing, as his current has gotten pretty clumpy over the years. My mom and I have talked about possibly giving him a  complete fur transplant on his tummy as we have applied patches before, but we aren't experts and don't want to cause him harm! He gets holes in his fabric very easily as he has become very delicate from love over the years... We are almost afraid to touch him with anything other than a hug! 
Now there were many photos attached to this note, and just fyi, for diagnosis the more photos the better, but you all don't need quite so many close ups... here are three critical photos from his diagnosis:
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You can really see in the last two photos how thin his fabric was getting.... but he has such a cute face, and it's mostly embroidered, and I thought they may want to keep that, so.... there were many (actually 7!) options for his care. Keep in mind, he's over 2 feet long, too. Here were the treatment options (a spa could be added to any):
1) Given his style of fabric, and his artistic belly patches, and the fact that he has embroidered facial features, we could line his body with new fabric.  This reinforces his body and limbs while keeping his current appearance.  He would get all new body stuffing as part of this treatment, as the stuffing would need to come out for lining and it can't go back in.  But, a small amount of original stuffing would be preserved in a heart in his chest.  With this treatment, he could still wear, but you would see lining before stuffing.  Also, for future repairs, the lining could take the pressure of stitches away from his skin.  I would also minimize the older scarring on his side. 
2) I can do everything in option 1, plus line his head. 
3) I can do everything in option 1, plus line his head and ears. 
4) Instead of lining, we could recover just his belly and lower sides of limbs. His original skin (and old patches) would remain underneath, reinforcing the new fabric.  I would get as close as possible to his current fabric color and texture.  Perfect fabric matches are rarely possible, but if that is the case, I will send photos of him with transplant options so you can choose what you like best. I would also minimize his scars. 
5) I can recover his entire torso and limbs (leaving his head and ears as is). I would also minimize his scars.
6) I can recover his belly and lower side of limbs around his patches (keeping his artistic appearance). I would also minimize his scars.
7) I can recover his belly around his patches and recover the rest of his body and limbs. I would also minimize his scars.
His person thought about it, discussed it with her family, and ultimately decided on option 5: recover his entire torso and limbs but leave his head and ears as is. They also added a spa for Rabbit, which would treat the lumpiness of his stuffing as well as clean him.
So Rabbit flew to the hospital and began treatment with his bubble bath:
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He got restuffed before recovering, so here is his heart being made and installed with a bit of his original stuffing:
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I started by recovering his gray areas, leaving the white of his pawpads and tail original. At this point, I sent chubbiness approval photos and let his person decide whether she still wanted to recover the white (which was in better shape than the gray):
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His person wrote: "Wow, he looks amazing!! His chubbiness looks perfect, I can't wait to hold him! I would like to recover his white patches of fur"
So Rabbit got closed up, and the white got recovered, and then he was ready to fly home!
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Approved, Rabbit flew home to Florida. When he arrived back cross country, his person wrote:
Rabbit is home!! Thank you so, so much!! He looks amazing, he's soooo soft and cuddly, I can't wait to spend many many more years with my darling angel rabbit! I cannot thank you enough Doctor, you're truly an angel!! I'm so blessed to have found you and your lovely hospital!! My mom and I can't stop gushing over how soft and cuddly Rabbit is, he's like brand new! I'll continue to treasure him for the rest of my life with your help!
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dirtylittleheart333 · 4 months
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While on vacation with all the old Boston friends, one of Chris' best friends walks in on him while he is showering. She wickedly watches him, but there is a twist...
Paring: Chris x Fem!Reader Warning: 18+ Smut, Fucking, P in V, masturbation, oral, cream-pie, squirt, etc Notes: Listened to Meg Meyers ''desire''. I loved writing this & I hope you enjoy it too. Type: One-shot
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A DIRTY LITTLE HEART It was going to happen. It was bound to happen.
You walked to the bathroom, your head bopping up and down to the music floating through your earbuds into your ears. Your feet silently sank into the plush grey-fitted carpet extending throughout the long hallway. You were thinking of nothing but the lyrics and getting into a cool shower as you clutched your fresh clothing and white fluffy towel to your chest.
The triplets, yourself, and your friends in Boston decided to club together and rent a holiday home for the summer vacation. It was an easy decision because you were a tight-knit group who got along without any hitches. Loyal, trustworthy friends who respected each other through and through. There was a plethora of things to do and places to visit making Florida the perfect destination. The house you had hired was on the luxurious side of the scale, with enough bedrooms for each of you, that had spacious rooms and though it lacked just as many bathrooms, it did have one bathroom that resembled a mini spa. It didn’t bother anyone and they assumed the owners thought the mini spa-like bathroom made up for it.
The bathroom light was on, throwing a thin beam of light under the door crack, and the door was closed, but not latched. You didn’t pay mind because with a house filled with people, someone probably mistakenly left the light on. The door, after all, had not been latched, and it was also past midnight so, you assumed everyone had gone to bed. You pushed the door open with your foot - just enough for you to slip into the bathroom. The contrast of the bright white bathroom light to the dark hallway, had you squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds, before opening them to a scene in front of you that you would never forget.
Your eyes first fell on the clothes haphazardly strewn on the floor, and it was at that very second, when you recognized the clothing, that you should have fled the bathroom. Your brain was screaming for you to leave – this was one of your best friends! Yet your heart...your heart…was telling her something completely different. Your body? Your body refused to listen to either your brain or heart. Fuck the brain and the heart! Your body wanted… him.
Your eyes moved over the grey shorts you loved seeing him in so much, then over the black t-shirt with ‘pirate girl’ written on it, which you also loved on him, especially since he took scissors to them and cut the sleeves off. Then there were the black underpants, then his socks and shoes. You wanted to giggle because you could tell exactly what order he took everything off as he walked to the shower. You, yourself was more of a pile everything on top of each other, and put your shoes neatly together to one side. Chris though, was a discarder – he haphazardly discarded his clothes and shoes. You knew he had kicked his shoes off because one was upright, next to his shorts, while the other, lay on its side on the blue and white bathmat in front of the tub.
You swallowed hard as your eyes lifted slowly to the shower. It was mid-summer; a heat wave was rolling across the country and they were right in the midst of it, so, everyone was having cold showers instead of hot…which meant there was absolutely no steam to fog the clear glass shower door.
You eyes trailed up his legs and stopped on his superior ass that caused you to audibly gasp. You knew he would have a nice ass, but this?! Fucking-fantastic! Could you bounce a coin off of it? Most certainly yes. Did you want to smack it? Oh, hell yes! You immediately lifted a hand to your mouth and cupped it, as you curled your bottom lip between your lips. In a huge bathroom with nothing much to absorb sound, a needle dropping would bounce off the tiled walls. You also closed your eyes for a second waiting for Chris to start yelling at you and ask you what the hell you thought you was doing. However, there was nothing except the music playing in your ears. You couldn’t even hear the sound of the water raining down on him. You slowly opened one eye, peeping through it to see if Chris was standing with a towel around himself yelling at you, but he was still under the cool shower. However, he had turned 60 degrees… towards you!
‘Fuck’ you silently screamed, and your eyes immediately searched Chris’ face to see if he was any the wiser that you were there, but his eyes were firmly closed as he tilted his head back and lifted his face up to the water. You inhaled the feint scent of his masculine body wash and shampoo as your eyes ran over his naked body. Your eyes lingered on his chest, stomach, and V line before your eyes fell onto his perfect…very perfect dick. You heard herself squeak as you bit your bottom lip harder. The damn music in your ears along with the sight of Chris made every nerve in your body tingle in pure bliss. His dick was so solid and rock hard, - you were sure if he tapped your pussy with it, you would break in half. It was long, thick, and straight, oh lordy, it was so straight, jutting up, begging to be held, to be stroked, to be relieved of the pressure. As Chris brought his hand down from wiping water off his face, to curl his palm and those long, idyllic, superb fingers around his thick shaft, You pulled your hand away from your mouth and yanked the earbuds out just as Chris let out a throaty moan.
Holy shit! You actually started shaking at how he moaned, as you pushed the earbuds into your shorts pocket, but one of the earbuds got hooked on the lip of the pocket and somehow bounced into the air. Shit. You really didn’t want that to be the reason he was alerted to your presence. Your wicked presence. You quickly dipped your hand below the earbud that clearly thought it was a time to be free-spirited and caught it with a silent sigh of relief. Chris groaned again and you looked at him, pushing the earbuds back, deep into your pocket. You watched as he firmly grasped his erection in his fist pumping with great fervor as the most sublime, toe-curling, moans and groans emanated from him. It took all of your willpower to not drop your belongings and begin to touch yourself.
As you watched him with attentive eyes, you knew he was getting close. You were going to have to time it perfectly so you could see him cum and leave just before he finished…though, you desperately wanted to watch the whole show. Chris’s other hand lifted and he placed his palm against the smokey grey tiles, his chest rising and falling at a faster rate than it was. He dropped his head slightly, and the most enthralling, pleasurable moan that escaped him sent a shiver up your spine. His knees buckled slightly and his hand almost became a blur as he said ‘’Fuuuckk,’’ and tilted his head back. You unconsciously licked your lips as you watched his cum flying through the air.
Some hit the wall, while some landed on the floor and you were surprised at how much he had cum, and was still cumming when you spun around on the spot and quietly left the bathroom, thinking what a waste of his cum that was, when it could have been in one of her many holes or, on yourself. The thought of it actually swirling down the drain with the water left her feeling somewhat somber. You leaned against the wall just outside the bathroom, breathing heavily yourself from a mixture of anticipation, thrills, lust, and adrenaline. Your heart was beating fast and you had a fine sheet of perspiration on your skin. You sucked in a breath, knowing that above all the mixed emotions coursing through your veins, you were breathing that heavily because you had secretly loved Chris for a long time.
You pushed herself away from the wall, pondering on how you fell in love with Chris. When? How? You had been friends for as long as you could recall with the Triplets, though Chris and you enjoyed competing in everything and, with each other. Whether it was a basketball game, baking, or challenges, you were always the two up against each other. You loved to see who would win. You had fun, you teased each other playfully but that was where it ended. You made sure when you were around Chris, you hid and buried your feelings so no one, especially him, could see how you really felt about him. You thought you did, anyway.
After you had padded back to your room, a few doors down from the bathroom, you stopped in front of your bedroom door and swung your head in the direction of the bathroom, realizing that there wasn’t a how or when you fell in love. You just fell in love with the boy who turned into a man over the years, and it wasn’t that he was just good-looking, or because he made you laugh, it was everything about him. You loved everything about him.
A guilt that had been seeded in the pit of your stomach as soon as you knew Chris was in the bathroom had suddenly sprouted and the guilt seemed to vine its way through you with every passing second. You let out a deep, audible sigh and turned back around. You had no idea what you were going to say to Chris but you knew you would figure it out. You bit your bottom lip thinking you couldn’t possibly say ‘’hey Chris I walked into the bathroom and watched you rub one out. Sorry.’’ First of all, you weren’t sorry. You weren’t sorry at all. Second of all, it could ruin your friendship. Deep in thought and focused on what you were going say, you walked back to the bathroom and pushed the door open.
There, facing you was Chris. Naked. His towel just left his fingertips as he dropped it to the floor beside himself. Why was he not dressed yet? You had expected him to be dressed, maybe brushing his teeth. The faint smell of mint clinging to the air told you he had brushed his teeth before getting dressed, and your breath hitched in your throat. You fucked up. So badly. Twice. You closed your eyes, squeezed them shut, and let out a shaky breath.
When you snapped your eyes open Chris was still standing in the same spot, and you could only surmise that he was in shock. It bothered you that you couldn’t read his expression because Chris was a really expressive person, even in his facial features. You cleared your throat and shifted on your spot, your eyes shifting from his eyes, down his body again. You didn’t want to, but your eyes apparently had a mind of their own. You couldn't help it. Fuck! You had the perfect, most wonderful view of his flaccid dick, right in front of you. Strangely though, Chris didn’t try and cover himself up or turn away. He knew he had a perfect dick and continued to let you gaze. Gaze? No, you were enraptured and staring. You so much wanted to revel in the pleasure of giving him a blow job. However, as hard as it was, you were able to pull your eyes off of him and turn around.
‘’I apologize, Chris,’’ you said choosing you words carefully because again, you weren't sorry. You just couldn't find the remorse for walking in on him, twice, and seeing his dick.
‘’Y/N,’’ Chris said, as you took a step to leave the bathroom. You closed her eyes, scrunching her nose up, not knowing if he was going to yell at you or if he was going to be sweet and tell you what you did was wrong in the kindest way he could. He was going to make you feel so guilty that the guilt would ooze from every pore on your body. You would have preferred Chris yelling at you.
You took a deep breath and turned back around. You eyes locked for a few seconds and you intended to keep it that way but your eyes were betraying you yet again. ‘SLUT!’ your brain shouted at you. You had never in your life felt your body and brain having such a tug of war. It usually worked as a whole, together in a uniform fashion but for the past half hour every part of your body was wanting and doing a different thing. It wasn't that any part of you didn't want to see him, it was your moral values bugged you - he was your best friend. You reasoned with herself that if Chris was going to yell or be sweet about it…or even end your friendship, at least you had a really good view while he did it!
Then it happened. It twitched. You saw it, it twitched! And with that one twitch, it became longer and larger. Your world came to a standstill, your eyes fixed on Chris’ dick, him standing motionless before you and your mind went to the song you were listening to earlier – ‘Desire, I’m hungry, I hope you feed me. How do you want me?’ It twitched again, and all by itself, without any help from his fingers, it began to grow on its own. And he let you watch it happen.
When it was fully erect, pointing boldly skyward, his silky smooth head and hole staring up at the ceiling, you finally lifted your eyes to meet his. You found him intently staring at you, studying you, a very small smile playing on his lips. The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. You blinked at him, thinking his recovery time was astonishing – he had only just cum and it was plenty. You opened her mouth and closed it again, only to open it again but all that came out was squeak. Chris let out a short laugh and you quickly cleared your throat.
‘’Wow,’’ was all you could manage to muster up, and this time he smiled. A big, broad smile that could melt your heart and make your legs go weak at times, but you could tell behind his eyes, that his mind was working overtime. You could always tell when he was deep in thought because he got a faraway look and you could almost hear the cogs turning in his head.
Thinking you should leave him alone, you turned and took a few steps and just when your foot touched the carpet in the hallway, he said:
‘’You’re just gonna pull the trigger and walk away? Did you enjoy enjoy the show?’’ Chris asked in a low, sexy voice that made you shiver and stop in your tracks. You looked over your shoulder at him.
‘’How did you know?’’ you asked, feeling your cheeks grow hot, as you turned back around
Chris smiled and picked the towel up that was laying on the floor and put it around his waist, his still hard dick tenting it. He then grabbed his belongings off the floor and stood up straight.
‘’It’s your birthday in a few days…that perfume you use always smells so nice. Subtle but potent at the same time. I smell it all day on you too, so it must be good quality. What’s it called, so I can get you another bottle?’’ he asked as he walked towards you
You gave him a confused look and mumbled, ‘’Jo Malone. Blue suede and peony.’’
‘’Mmmm,’’ he said, side stepping you to get out the door, ‘’I can always tell when you’ve come into a room. It just smells so fucking good.’’
Your mouth fell open and you let out a sigh as you picked a foot up off the cool tiles slightly and stomped it back down. FUCK! He knew you were there all the time and he didn’t once let on that he knew. He jacked off, knowing you were there. You felt like a jackass, but were you sorry? Nope, still not.
Chris laughed, ‘’enjoy your shower babe,’’ he said as he walked out of the bathroom.
‘’You won’t win, Chris. Just because you knew -’’ you were saying but Chris cut you off
‘’Oh, y/n, I’ve already won,’’ he said and closed the door cutting the conversation off.
You huffed and threw your belongings on the basin counter. You looked into the huge mirror before yourself and smiled – at least he wasn’t pissed off. In all intents and purposes, you felt like you were the one who won; you were the one who got to see him naked, to see the hottest, most arousing thing you had ever seen when he had masturbated. You would never tell him that though. As you stared at herself, your smile started to disappear and a frown took its place…why did he think he won?
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After you had washed and conditioned your hair, you scrubbed your body with a coconut body wash you loved and then shaved. You were enjoying your last moments in the shower when you looked at the tiled wall where Chris’ cum had landed but had washed away by now, showing no sign he had even been in the bathroom. You ran a hand over your face wondering if you had imagined it all? You had been out in the sun all day, soaking up the heat and rays, so maybe you were tired and fantasized about it? Chris had been so calm with the whole situation – were you both going to pretend it never happened, if it did? Fuck, how were you going to do that when you had witnessed one of the most phenomenal things you had ever seen…by your best friend?
Your palms were planted firmly against the tiled wall as you lowered your head into the tepid spray of the shower. With your eyes closed, you just smiled to herself, feeling giddy. Your one hand slid down the tiles and you touched your swollen nipples, rolling them in gentle twists. You felt weightless like you were made of pure sensation. The delicious warmth in your pussy seemed to radiate throughout your body. Now your hand moved down to cup your smooth mound. You raked the damp furrow with your finger, imagining it was Chris’. You had thought earlier that his fingers were ‘’idealistic’ and you thought of that word because that’s exactly what they were – ideal to slide into any pussy. Any woman who had a pulse would have wanted that because they were perfect, long, slim. Your lips parted easily as you teased herself, feeling a new flush of nectar. The pulse in your clit was already growing and you let out a moan, feeling your orgasm coming on fast and furiously. You weren’t surprised.
You suddenly heard the familiar click of the metal magnets on the huge glass door and before you could even react, you felt a hand clasp around your wrist, then around the one on the wall. You gasped, but when you saw the hands, you found yourself smiling wickedly.
‘’Not yet sweet cheeks,’’ Chris whispered in your ear and pulled both of your arms behind your back. Chris called you that every now and then, but it was always in a teasing manner, however, he was far from teasing her now. He gathered your delicate wrists together in his left hand, pinning them behind your back but slightly to the left so that he could get closer to you. His free hand slid around your waist and over your toned stomach, then up your abdomen until he cupped one of your breasts. You let a moan escape your lips as a reward when he gently but firmly squeezed it and flicked the nipple. You closed your eyes when he moved even closer to you, pushing his hard dick into the small of your back.
‘’It’s only fair that I came to watch,’’ he said into your ear again and pushed his lips to your wet temple.
You nodded in agreement. Hell, he could have you…all of you as punishment for doing what you did.
‘’You are so…fucking gorgeous,’’ he whispered again, his lips brushing your earlobe, causing you to shiver slightly
‘’You were a naughty girl,’’ he said softly, his hand running back down to your stomach and all you could do was nod in agreement again. The only logical thought you could conjure up was that your pussy was throbbing and you needed him inside of you.
‘’How long? How long have you been feeling this way towards me?’’ he asked as his fingers slid over your smooth pussy.
You only let out a breath of a groan and spread your legs a fraction further to give him better access.
‘’Baby girl, how long?’’ he asked and yanked slightly on your wrists
‘’A…a long time. I don’t know where along the line I fell for you, but I did. I didn’t mean to come in here tonight, it was an accident, Chris, but I’m not sorry,’’ you said and sucked in a sharp breath when he parted your pussy lips and then slid a finger into you.
‘’I know…because I’ve felt the same way about you, and I think it’s time you knew the animal, the one that sleeps inside. The thing that adores you, needs you and wants to fuck you,’’ he whispered.
Your eyes snapped open and you turned your head to look at Chris, tilting your head up slightly. He smiled at you and dipped his head, then pushed his lips against yours. He kissed you once, twice, to make sure you were okay with this and you let him know it was by latching onto his lips in the third kiss. You parted his lips with your own and plunged your tongue into his mouth. This time it was Chris who rewarded you with a moan. The hungry fuelled kiss was nothing short of primal desire.
Chris slipped his ring finger into you, stretching you, causing you to gasp into the kiss.
Chris pulled from the kiss, a smirk on his face, ‘’ooo, you’re tight,’’ he said excitedly, but not really surprised You were always ready to play a sport or up for anything competitive. Your competitive side made you even more appealing to him, though, he knew even if you weren't, he would have still fallen for you because you were sweet, generous, and utterly gorgeous in and out. ‘’I don’t know that I’m going to fit in you.’’
‘’Make it fit,’’ you said and Chris let out a low moan
‘’Tell me who’s going to win tonight,’’ Chris asked next to your ear again as you leaned your head back against his chest. He could tell you were going to cum soon. Your walls had started fluttering around his fingers and your breathing had increased significantly.
‘’We…both…are…’’ you said without thinking, between breaths
‘’Fuck, yes baby girl,’’ he said letting go of your wrists and pulling his fingers out from you, but he didn’t go far; he slid them up to your small, pearly clit. His other hand slid up your back and he gathered your wet hair into his fist as he began to kiss you, placing the most delectable kisses on your soft skin. He started on your shoulder, moving to her neck.
‘’I have a deep secret,’’ he said between the kisses, as he moved around you so that he was standing in front of you, but he never stopped circling your clit. He was driving you insanely wild. The man knew what he was doing. He was applying just enough pressure and movement to keep you on edge but not enough to get you off yet.
‘’Chris…’’ you breathed
‘’It’s you. You’re my deep secret. In my fantasy you look so good with my cum all over you, inside you or dripping from your pussy. There’s spit and sweat.. I know exactly what time you go and shower, baby girl; you’re a creature of habit. Think it was coincidental I was in here? I knew if you stayed while I was showering, I won. If you stayed I knew it meant you felt the same way I feel about you. You stayed, we’re both going to win. Now cum,’’ he said and pushed just a little harder, and went a fraction faster, on your clit. Your eyes widened as you sucked in a breath.
Chris knew you well enough to know you were filling your lungs with air as your orgasm hit, to let the air out in a scream. He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you towards his chest, burying your face against himself. Your arms flew up behind him and you grabbed his shoulders, clinging onto him as you screamed into his chest, your legs starting to shake uncontrollably as shock waves of pleasure ripped through you from your heels to her temples. Although your scream was muffled, Chris was sure the beginning of your scream had been heard throughout the house. It had echoed in the bathroom, bouncing off the tiled walls.
Chris put an arm around your waist to keep you from falling as your body shook and you rode out your orgasm. Your grip on his shoulders eventually eased up and you tilted your face up and looked at Chris with your big eyes. You bit her lip in such a seductive way, his cock twitched and he smiled at you, raising his brows.
‘’What?’’ he asked putting his fingers under your chin. He brushed his thumb over your lip making you feel like you were adored by him.
‘’That was…afuckingmazing. I’ve never cum that hard,’’ you whispered, barely audible over the sound of the water
‘’Just wait, we’re going to have so much fun but, on your knees baby. I hated being second best every time you went out with someone else,’’ he said, pushing you down as he said it.
You licked you lips and smiled up at him, ‘’oh, Chris, you were never second best. Nothing happened with any of them, because they weren’t you,’’ you said and opened your mouth.
‘Fuck!’ he thought, curling his hand tighter around your hair. He let out an audible groan of pleasure as your lips met the tip of his penis. Pleasure spread throughout his groin before shooting along his entire body, causing his muscles to clench and his fist to tighten roughly in your hair. He had closed his eyes with absolute pleasure, but they shot back open when you pulled your head back. "Fuck you taste so good!" you said, your words heavy with excitement. "Use my mouth. You deserve it after letting me watch you." Your words made his cock pulse with a fresh influx of blood as the adrenaline kicked in. His award-winning smile crept back to his lips as he wrapped your hair around his right hand and gripped it tightly as he grabbed the back of your head with his left. He rocked his hips as he thrust into your mouth simultaneously and pushed your head down on himself. He let out a loud groan of pleasure when he felt the tip of his penis press against the back of your throat. The resistance was only momentary before you opened your throat and took him in. Warm, wet pressure encased his dick as he slid deeper. He kept expecting you to gag or tap out so you could take a break, but then he felt your tongue lapping at his balls.
He was just going to look down at you when there was a knock on the door, and then Nick’s voice came from the other side.
‘’Chris? You okay? We thought we heard a scream a few minutes ago,’’ Nick asked
Chris looked down at you, looking up at him, his dick filling your little mouth, but you looked so fucking good! ‘’Do I sound like a fucking girl when I scream?’’ Chris asked and this time you choked as you tried to laugh, so you pulled back.
‘’Chris? What are you doing in there? Pretty sure I’ve heard the shower running for a while now,’’ Matt asked
‘’I’m…fucking,’’ Chris said and shrugged his shoulders
There was a brief silence before Matt spoke again, ‘’yeah….fucking himself. He is fine.’’
‘’Fuck you Matt!’’ Chris shouted with a laugh as they all started laughing
‘’Wait,’’ Nick said, ‘’Y/n wasn’t in her room…are you…do you know how long we have been watching you two, hoping you would just get together…’’
Chris shook his head, ‘’we’re trying to fuck and he is having a conversation on the other side there,’’ he said and lifted his head, then shouted, ‘’later Nick! Please just…go.’’
‘’Oh,’’ Nick said and burst out laughing, ‘’yeah. Sorry. Carry on.’’
You giggled and Chris pulled you up, then pushed some hair that was plastered on your forehead back, ‘’you okay, or did that just ruin everything?’’ he asked
You smiled and looked from his still-hard rock dick to his eyes. You tilted your head slightly to the side looking into his eyes that looked as if they were pleading with you to still be in the mood. ‘’Chris, wild horses couldn’t drag me out of here,’’ you said and stood on your tippy toes as you lifted your face to his and put your arms around his neck.
Chris gave you a smile and picked you up with ease as he placed one hand on your waist, the other on an ass cheek, and kissed you. He knew he was never going to tire from your delicious kisses. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your legs around him, his big dick between you, exciting you even more.
Chris kept his one arm firmly on your ass as he turned the water off and then pushed the shower door open. He silently thanked his lucky stars that he could easily hold you as he stepped out of the shower with the full intention of going to his room opposite the bathroom, but it seemed it would be the longest walk of his life when all he wanted to do was bury his already aching dick into your wet pussy. It would also mean you would have to dry yourselves off, and get dressed for a minute to only take your clothes off again.
His eyes landed on the sink counter, made of marble, and since it was a double sink, there was enough space between them to plant your fine little ass on. You had moved your kisses to his cheek, his incredible jaw, and down his neck, leaving Chris to smile at the view in the mirror at the back of the sink counter.
‘’Chris?’’ you said between the kisses
‘’Yeah babe?’’ he replied, squeezing one of your ass cheeks that fit so well into his hand
‘’I need you to fuck me…now,’’ you said. Bingo. The counter it was.
He stepped up to the counter and claimed your lips with his again as he set you down. You let out a tiny gasp as the contrast of the cool counter top hit your hot skin, so Chris immediately pulled you off again and grabbed your big fluffy towel, placing it where you were going to be fucked real good.
‘’Thank you,’’ you whispered as he set you down again
‘’Anything for you,’’ he said with a smile that made your pussy wet, while Chris grabbed his cock and smeared his pre-cum over his shaft.
‘’That’s so hot,’’ you said watching Chris.
Chris smiled, and stroked his cock another two times, and then aimed his cock at your dripping pussy. You pushed yourself back a fraction and lifted your legs, placing your heels on the very edge of the counter, your legs spread open, giving Chris the best view he could have asked for.
‘’Fuuuuck. You’re better than any of my fantasies,’’ he said staring at you as you did to him earlier. ‘’You…you have the best little pussy and titties I’ve ever seen.’’
You smiled but you threw your head back when Chris suddenly bent down and flattened his tongue against your pussy and ran his tongue up to your clit.
‘’Oh my god!’’ you squealed and gripped the edge of the counter with your fingertips as you arched your back. Chris lifted his eyes and with your titties on display the way they were, his pre-cum doubled and ran down his shaft.
Chris laughed and stood up straight, grabbing his dick again, ‘’you taste so fucking good, but I need my dick in you,’’ he said and pressed his tip against your pussy
‘’MMM, yes, get that monster into me,’’ you moaned. You were impossibly slick, with enough warmth radiating from your core to promise a welcoming and unforgettable union. Ever so slowly, he pressed the tip of his dick towards its goal. Your pussy embraced his dick, bringing a gasp from the both of them. A tingling sensation rushed through Chris’ body, threatening to make him lose control. but he growled with pleasure as he squeezed into you, which was echoed by you.
‘’You’re so wet,’’ Chris murmured, with relief
You nodded, ‘’I told you, watching you…is something else,’’ you said and sucked in a breath, ‘’just do it.’’
Chris grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into a hungry kiss as he slammed into you. Her pussy constricted tightly around his shaft, but you were so wet that he could almost feel you sucking him in deeper and deeper. You whimpered into the kiss for a moment but Chris felt you relax almost immediately. The worst was over but, the sudden enveloping of his dick had surprised him, sending a shiver through his body as his climax rushed in. He gritted his teeth and every muscle in his body as he staved off his orgasm. It had never come so fast before, but the highly erotic nature of being with you was a strong force. Chris had paused letting you adjust to him before he started thrusting.
‘’Fuck you feel good,’’ Chris breathed and you could only nod, unable to form coherent words. He was so deep, you expected to taste him in your throat at any moment. Chris kissed you and placed a hand between you legs. He brushed a thumb over your clit and began moving it in circles. He was sure he had only moved his thumb around twice before you moaned into the kiss and your pussy clamped down around him.
You pulled from the kiss and looked at Chris, your eyes were huge, and your breathing was fast and furious. Your mouth was forming a perfect ‘o’, your face riddled with a mixture of confusion and surprise. You placed your hands on Chris's chest and tried to push him away as you simultaneously tried to scoot back. Chris let out a laugh and grabbed your legs just as your heels slipped from the counter, and pulled you back to him, slamming into you. ''Fuck, fuck, fuck...Chris...,''you squealed
‘’Let it out baby,’’ he said
‘’OH MY GOD,’’ you screamed just before he buried your face into his shoulder, your screams muffled against Chris's flesh and muscles as he felt your pussy gush and pulse, soaking his dick and pelvis.
Chris received the most amazing massage he had ever felt. Your body vibrated, you shook for nearly a full minute before you finally came down from your high. Chris slowed his pace down and smiled at you when you pulled your face from his shoulder.
‘’Bet you haven’t cum like that before either?’’ he asked with a proud smirk
You laughed and shook your head, ‘’no. Fuck! Holy fucking fuck,’’ you replied, making him laugh
‘’You’re even more beautiful when you cum, but it’s my turn,’’ he said and began pumping into you again, and it wasn’t long before you were both on the edge, but you won as you cried out in ecstasy, though Chris was right on your tail. Everything hit Chris, sending him tumbling into his own orgasm and pushing him over the edge; the position you were in, the sight of you fucking, the noises emanating from you his dick deep in your pussy, the smell surrounding you and your tight pussy like a vice grip exploding around his cock, then the wet splash against his public bone. Chris let out a loud groan that echoed around the bathroom. He tilted his head back as he shot load after load into you overfilling your pussy. He was still shaking and trembling as he looked down and saw his cum spilling out around his cock. It was so, so tight, he didn’t think there was room, but the site aroused him even more and he groaned again, feeling his last bit of cum shoot out. The orgasm had spread through his body and his legs shook slightly. You started to come down from your orgasm and then slumped against Chris. He wrapped his arms around you, his one hand holding the back of your head, ever protective and scared you would slide off the counter or hit your head. You were well and truly spent. He pushed his lips against your damp hair. Breathing hard, Chris pulled himself out of you and then pulled you closer to him. Your legs slipped off the counter and hung like a rag doll while you fully recovered.
‘’If it all ended now, I’d be set,’’ Chris said softly. ‘’I mean I want a future with little me’s and you’s running around but if it did all end now, I’d be the happiest man there.’’
‘’I think I love you, a lot more than friends,’’ you whispered
‘’I fucking hope so, 'cause I love you too,’’ he said and moved back so he could look at you. You smiled at him as you looked up at him, loving everything about him. ‘’I love that we both won today and I want to keep it that way. Cause baby when it's you and me, we will never lose, when it's you and me...together, ’’ Chris said with such sincerity, you knew that you were really the winner - you had Chris through thick and thin.
''If you didn't set this up, I would have forever been yearning for you,'' you said and intertwined your fingers with his, ''how did you know I stayed to watch you though? The perfume didn't mean I stayed.'' ''I knew you stayed because I would have stayed too. See, we both win,'' he said and pushed his lips to yours thanking the heavens that you had a dirty little heart. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Thank you to everyone who has read, and/or liked it, reblogged, and commented. From the bottom of my heart, It means so much to me and you are really appreciated.
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copperbadge · 1 year
@bibliofran wrote (regarding King's Boon)
"Eddie is like 'Just herd anyone who wants to open a restaurant into my office....'" Are Boon-seekers sorted by the palace staff, or do they get someone mostly at random? You mentioned the person with the nightclub drawing Jerry, which sounds fairly random, but there might be more organization behind the scenes than most people think.
Little from column A, little from column B...
The way I had pictured it working was that you usually see the next available person, but the Royals can make general requests. (This is somewhat inspired by how jury selection began with some people being dismissed immediately based on their responses to a little two-page questionnaire we had to fill out determining our fitness to try the specific case we were there for.) So Eddie can ask for the chefs, Jerry can ask NOT to have people with mathematically complicated issues but to get as many farmers as possible, Alanna is best suited to handle bureaucracy, etc. So Eddie might see someone randomly, then a person wanting to open a kebab shop might need to wait ten extra minutes but get to see Eddie, who can provide more expertise than, say, Gregory would. Jerry would see Nightclub Guy and then skip someone with Parking Complaints to Alanna so that he could see a fellow olive farmer next.
And sometimes they'd hand off certain people to someone more appropriate after an initial talk, of course. Eddie and Gregory have adjoining offices, and Al and Jerry are both across the hall, so it's relatively easy to do. Michaelis takes over the family dining room as a makeshift office, so he gets to handle larger groups if any appear, which, you know, he's probably best for anyway. So for example Eddie could get someone struggling to export goods to Galia and knock on Gregory's door, find he's probably busy for the next half hour with a lively discussion about beach nudity codes, and then run across the hall to Alanna, who can call Milo and put the person on the phone with him so that they can get everything squared away.
Gregory has a policy of not making any requests, so your odds of getting the King over one of his family/staff is actually a bit higher than it otherwise would be. He enjoys the uh, diversity of challenges this presents to him. ("I'm not going to regulate nudity on the beach. If Americans feel weird about seeing someone with her nipples out, they can go to Florida.")
In theory Alanna would be in charge of the event but since she also has to participate, the execution of it falls to her assistant Darien, who thus haaaates King's Boon sessions. There's a line item in the budget for a spa day for him afterward. If I ever write Darien's novel, it'll open with him being such a fixture running the King's Boon that he ends up a Photogram celebrity via a meme, titled something like Hot Royal Secretary. ("I'm not a secretary!" "Dee, I think you may be missing a bigger picture here.")
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Bentley Residences Sunny Isles Beach: Where Opulence Meets Oceanfront Living
Nestled in the heart of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, the Bentley Residences stand as a beacon of luxury, offering an unparalleled living experience that seamlessly blends the elegance of Bentley Motors with the serenity of oceanfront living. This exclusive residential enclave is a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, sophisticated design, and the promise of a lifestyle reserved for the discerning few.
Unveiling Bentley Residences
A Legacy of Elegance
Bentley Motors, with a storied history dating back to 1919, has long been synonymous with opulence, precision, and an unwavering commitment to craftsmanship. The extension of the Bentley brand into the realm of real estate is a natural progression, allowing enthusiasts and connoisseurs to immerse themselves in the essence of Bentley's timeless sophistication.
The Dezervator™ Experience
From the moment residents glide into the Dezervator™, Bentley's exclusive vehicular elevator system, a sense of grandeur envelops them. This innovative feature seamlessly combines functionality with luxury, whisking residents to their private havens with an elegance reminiscent of Bentley's iconic vehicles.
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Elegance in Every Detail
Residence Features
The Bentley Residences in Sunny Isles Beach redefine luxury living with an array of meticulously crafted features:
Sweeping Views: Floor-to-ceiling windows frame panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal, bringing the beauty of nature into every residence.
Private Garages: Each residence boasts a private 3 or 4-car garage, accessible via the innovative Dezervator™ system, ensuring a seamless transition from the road to the residence.
Outdoor Living: Oversized balconies and terraces extend the living space outdoors, providing a luxurious setting for relaxation or entertaining.
Gourmet Kitchens: State-of-the-art Gaggenau appliances, including a tall wine cooler and steam and convection ovens, grace the kitchens, catering to the culinary desires of residents.
Masterful Suites: The master suites exude opulence, featuring stone floors, Toto Neorest toilets, freestanding tubs with views, and a sauna, creating a spa-like retreat within the residence.
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Beyond Residences: Enriching Environments
Bentley Residences Amenity Program
A collection of over 20,000 square feet of amenities, exquisitely designed by Bentley, elevates the living experience:
Three-Story Lobby: Awe-inspiring and elegant, the lobby offers ocean views, setting the tone for the luxury that awaits within.
Dining Excellence: The lobby bar and restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, offer a culinary experience complemented by ocean vistas.
Whiskey Bar and Lounge: Inspired by Bentley's iconic matrix grille, the mezzanine-level whiskey bar and lounge provide a sophisticated space for relaxation.
Cinematic Retreat: The movie theater, designed to mimic the interior of a Bentley car, invites residents to indulge in cinematic pleasures.
Oceanfront Oasis: The lushly-landscaped oceanfront deck features a resort-style heated swimming pool, spa, and poolside food and beverage service, creating a haven of relaxation.
Wellness Haven: From a state-of-the-art fitness center to an outdoor yoga studio with ocean views, Bentley Residences cater to the well-being of residents.
Exclusive Services: 24-hour valet service, security, and multilingual concierge service ensure that every resident's needs are met with the utmost attention.
Your Invitation to Luxury Living
Bentley Residences in Sunny Isles Beach invite those with a passion for sophistication and a penchant for the extraordinary to embark on a journey where every detail is crafted with precision, and every moment is an indulgence. For the best deals and access to pre-construction inventory, contact Katerina, broker at Brosda and Bentley Realtors, at (305) 788-9393. Elevate your lifestyle and embrace the epitome of luxury living with Bentley Residences.
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gynarchyboi · 2 years
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Ms Lane's Winter holiday
My girlfriend, Heather, and left for Florida right after Christmas. We are in Florida for two months, During winter vacation, Butler pretends to be my handyman and lives in our garage apartment. This allows me to date other men publicly without people commenting on it as unusual. No one in that small coastal city knows that Butler is my love interest......During our winter vacation, he remains in his handyman uniform uniform. While there, we do not socialize with each other. The rare times we are seen together, a discerning eye will notice the different costs of our outfits and will easily identify me a the employer and him as the employee. I love the way my friends there see through him as if he doesn't exist. He says it is the most humiliating thing we have ever done. Consequently, it makes him wild for me......While in Florida, we are very careful with our interaction in public. He addresses me deferentially as "Ms Renee". He is a generation older than me so most people accept him as a bit of loser who can't retire because he has always had low paying jobs. I don't mistreat him but I maintain my posture so our interactions appear as if he were what he looks to be- the help. I try not to be too demanding or bitchy because want my friends there to think I'm polite to even him. I admit it's hard knowing that when I do sharpen my tongue towards him, I can see it drive him into deep sub space......He does not try to fit in. He wears the uniform I chose for him. How I dress him and treat him in public during our winter stay is part of the never ending tension between his independence and his submission. Together, we have declared war on his individual manliness. We attack his independence from every possible angle we can find. His clothes and his yearly two month stint as my servant are simply different fronts in the struggle to bring him to perfect surrender......Heather hated that he hung around the property too much. Before this damn virus I found him a job working for a caterer. I loved seeing him march off to work in his serving outfit of black pants, white shirt, and black vest. He had turned 60, he was a retired and successful attorney. I had made him into a servant. Oh boy, it really turned me on. He worked about 20 hours a week at local weddings and parties. Of course, he handed over his earning to me. Heather and I used his check and tips for day long spa treatments......My best moment with his job came at a New Year's Party I attended. One of my friends had decided on a big bash and purposefully suggested the company for which Butler worked. I remember saying, "My handyman works for them and he swears by them.".....Sometimes the Good Goddess gives you an opportunity. I have learned never to miss them. I made sure to have a date for the party. I carefully maneuvered this unsuspecting man into just the right positions so that when the ball dropped and traditional kisses are exchanged, Butler was standing within arms reach wearing his serving livery holding a tray of champagne glasses. I guess my date thought he was an especially great kisser as I seemed to melt into his arms as we embraced. After kissing me, my date took two glasses from Butler's tray. He barely noticed the older man serving. I could not have arranged it more perfectly if I had choreographed it......Butler later said it was the most humiliating and therefore the most exciting thing had ever done to him.
I have been criticized for not acknowledging him as my love interest in public while on vacation every year. I have been told this charade is dangerous. Of course it is. I could learn to love it and decide to retire in Florida. If I do, his social demotion would become permanent. I could become what I pretend to be. There, I am slightly bitchy upper middle class single woman who dates whom she likes. He fears this but he accepts it. It's easy to see why I love him.
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mcrcosantos · 8 months
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TASK ONE - Character Intro
Full Name: Marco Gabriel Santos
Nicknames: Santos
Age & Birthday: 38 years; July 25th, 1986
Occupation: Sous Chef at Alvaro's at Paradise Point Resort
Preferred Pronouns & Gender: he/him; cis-male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hometown & length of time in Briar Ridge: Houston, TX, & twenty-seven years
Neighborhood: Downtown
Family: Carlos and Maria Santos (grandparents), Juan Santos (younger brother), Gabriela Santos (niece)
Faceclaim: Miguel Gomez
Trigger Warnings: parental death, child abandonment, criminal activity, prison
Marco Santos has always carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. A renowned chef on a one way track to success, his career came to a screeching halt when Marco took the blame for a crime he didn't commit to protect his brother and ensure that Juan could be present in his newborn daughter's life. Marco served jail time for five years, but was released on good behavior. He's been back home for six months now and facing the possibility that his sacrifice might have been for nothing, but could cost him everything.
Marco’s mother died when he was pretty young. From that moment, his little brother, who was just two, pretty much became Marco’s responsibility. Their dad really struggled with providing for his sons on a single income, but when Marco was about 10 years old, he got a job that would finally allow him to make sure they were all comfortable, but would require him to travel a lot. So he sent Marco & Juan to go live with their grandparents in Briar Ridge. Shortly after moving to Briar Ridge, Marco met and befriended the girl next door. They became best friends and remained so for the rest of their childhood.
Marco worked really hard to be the best that he could be at… everything. He studied hard, practiced any and every sport he played as much as he could, even worked as hard as he could at being the best big brother. He wanted to make sure that by the time he graduated from high school, he would have several options to ensure he started making enough money to help his family out. But his brother didn’t have the same goals as Marco and after falling in with the wrong crowd when they were kids, continued on a downward spiral that kept getting him into bad shit
After graduating from high school, Marco managed to get a scholarship to a world famous culinary school in Orlando, Florida. His time in Orlando made him realize that cooking, and simply being in a restaurant environment, were his passion. The eldest Santos thrived while he was there. When he left, he asked the girl next door to keep an eye on Juan, and with the physical distance from constantly looking over his shoulder for his brother, he was finally able to focus and really thrived. When Marco graduated, he got a job working at a restaurant in Orlando. He planned on staying in the city, at least for a couple years and working his way up the ‘ladder’ so to speak. But after receiving a frantic call from his grandmother about how out of control Juan had gotten, Marco packed up his bags and moved back home, feeling like his brother had been and always would be his responsibility
Over the years, Marco has worked at different restaurants in Briar Ridge, until about 8 years ago, he finally got his big break and landed a job at Alvaro’s at Paradise Point Resort & Spa. Despite how bad things were with Juan, Marco’s professional life, at least, seemed to be doing pretty well. Then, things got turned upside down six years ago when Juan got one of his flings pregnant. From the moment his niece was born, Marco fell head over heels. Gabriela, named after Marco in a manipulative attempt to show how much Juan appreciated his older brother, became the single most important thing to him and for that first year she was alive, Marco took care of her just as much as Juan did.
Five years ago, things came crashing down when Marco caught his brother breaking into someone’s house in a wealthier part of town. With Juan already having several priors on his record, Marco went in after him to try to get him to leave, afraid of the repercussions his brother would face if he were caught. A silent alarm was triggered & before they knew it, the cops arrived. Not wanting his brother to miss out on all the time with his daughter, who was just a year old, Marco took the blame so his brother could escape & was arrested in his place. Because it was his first offense, Marco only received 7 years with a chance of getting out on good behavior. He got out after 5 and is now on the path to getting his life back, including trying to adopt his niece who he’s learned his brother basically abandoned after he went to jail.
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High Floor Corner Unit Condominium with 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms at the Luxurious 400 Sunny Isles Condo 🌅 Asking $1,399,000 🏙️ Ashley Moline Miami Realtor with Luxe Properties 📲 (305)890-0557 🌐 https://www.soldbyashley.com/listing/A11294037 ◾ Amazing views from this high floor 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. White large porcelain tiles. Flow through corner unit. These were the most sought after units in the building with views in all bedrooms, kitchen and living area. The kitchen and living areas have South Intracoastal, park views and partial ocean views. Views will never be blocked. The building is only a block to the beach and it offers some of the best amenities in the area (tennis, spa, massage room, gym, social rooms and a beautiful pool with bar). The unit has one assigned parking space and the building offers valet service. Location is amazing being just minutes to Aventura Mall, Bal Harbour shops and main restaurants in the area. The building is wall to wall with the new Jewish Center which is under construction. Text Message A11294037 To 305-890-0557 For Details #sunnyisles #sunnyislesbeach #luxury #highfloor #cornerunit #luxurycondo #miami #condominiums #florida #condos #luxurycondos #investment #condo #luxuryliving #paradise #tropical #pool #luxurylife #liveinmiami #realestate #condosforsale #miamiflorida #movetomiami (at Sunny Isles Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-FA5xrdQr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thelooksalonandspa · 1 year
Look at that shine! 🪩By our artist Alex. We did a full highlight & keratin express treatment @keratincomplex leaving her hair so soft, shiny and easy to manage! Keratin treatments are perfect for this Florida humidity!
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gonehollywoodrp · 1 year
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While we're en route to Florida, there are plenty of activities on board the ship! And whether you're into planning a fun day of all our options or just kicking back and relaxing, we have a list of fun selections that have something for every passenger. These all lead up to the Captain’s Ball later in the night! 
Shows: Watch incredible 30 ft. high dives from Olympic level high divers in a dramatic edge of your seat performance at the AquaTheater. Come and see all the glitter and glam of ice skating in our sea day Ice Shows! Every act includes professional skaters from around the world, along with dazzling costumes and choreography to match.  And for a film night, attend our Dive-In Movie theater where you’ll get to lounge outdoors on the pool deck, with the night sky as a backdrop for your favorite films. And no film experience would be complete without popcorn, provided by the theater.  
Entertainment: Put the music into your days and nights with Spotlight Karaoke! You can choose to belt your favorite tunes out on the main stage, or host your own show with family and friends in one of our private karaoke rooms. You can also try your luck by visiting our casino and seeing how many games you can win! But the casino isn't the only place to find competitive games when you can also try your luck in our bingo hall and at our old-fashioned arcade! Battle your family and friends or even strangers for winner bragging rights. For places to take the kids and have a little fun, our Wonder of the Seas Water Park will keep everyone plenty busy with our water attractions and pool deck! If mini-golf is more your speed, take a crack at our mini-golf course and see how you do! Feeling like seeing a film? For those into relaxation, book an appointment at our spa and fitness center to experience five-sense fulfillment. And if you'd like to shop, our stores and boutiques have all the beauty and high fashion you can ask for!
Athletics: For those of you who like to keep it moving and feel the burn with more athletic activities, we have plenty on board the ship to suit! You can sign up for our fitness classes headed by top instructors. We also have an ice skating rink, a sports court for setting up some basketball games, and spaces for Pickleball for something different from the traditional games. For any of our thrill seekers out there, check out our ziplines and rock climbing wall!
Food & Refreshments: Foodie taste testing, wine tasting, bar hopping, Wonderland Imaginative Cuisine | On board, we have a wide variety of restaurants to fill your every food craving! Are you a foodie who's interested in taste testing some cuisine to expand your palate? Place a reservation with Wonderland Imaginative Cuisine for exposure to dishes based on five elements: earth, sea, fire, ice, and sun. We also have wine taste testing available for all our wine connoisseurs, and plenty of bars available for bar hopping and and a fulfilling night life! However, if relaxing in your suite is more your speed on sea days, we have room service all day and night.
The Captain’s Ball: Join the captain at this illustrious event where the captain will come down and mingle with all our guests. The ball has an Alice in Wonderland theme, so be sure to wear your best and most creative outfits! The ball will be preceded with a formal dinner before allowing you to dance the night away. 
Aside from the mandatory appearance at the Captain’s Ball, these are just suggestions for your sea day itinerary, and you're welcome to look over our site for more options!
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sanctuaryspa · 5 months
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Whether male or female, everyone is worried about their appearance in these growing times, and we understand that. As one of the best day spas in Orlando, our balancing facial and cleansing have the transformative control to assist you in accomplishing immaculate skin. As a luxurious spa and salon in Orlando, Florida, we are continuously upfrontabout making a difference. Our clients achieve brilliant and solid skin through our wide range of luxurious facial treatments. And this blog will help you understand the benefits of our balancing and cleansing facial treatment. 
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Independent Living Communities South Florida: Ideal Choice for Senior Independence
Independent Living Communities in South Florida bring freedom and community, as well as proximity to the needed services, if not within the building, then in the neighboring facilities. Owing to the discovery of the numerous activities and services in place, it can be a one-stop centre for retirees.
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Independent living residences in South Florida offer residents this idea of independence with proper assistance and services for the best experience. Intended for elderly individuals who can look after themselves but prefer not to bother with everyday chores, such buildings provide apartments and the following amenities: cleaning, meals, transportation, and entertainment. Join the best Independent Living Facilities in South Florida.
What is Independent Living?
Independent living facilities are housing arrangements for elderly persons who are still fully mobile and can perform most of their daily activities without assistance. Such communities usually comprise multi-unit units that provide the residents with close access to fitness clubs, spas, swimming pools, club facilities, and group travel. One thing that makes Assisted & Independent Living special is that seniors are allowed to make decisions while services are easily accessible.
Benefits of Independent Living in South Florida
Social participation is necessary to promote mental and physical health during the elderly years. Some of the retirement facilities in this area are condom-like and are designed to accommodate seniors who are healthy and very active and desire an active lifestyle. Another benefit uncovered in South Florida is the good weather they always have and the availability of beautiful beaches, parks, and cultural events, which make it ideal for anyone planning to retire.
Moreover, the facilities of most independent living communities include transportation services that allow the senior residents to get around, shop, or visit their families without having to do the driving themselves.
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Social Support and Well-being Programs
That is why social activity for a person is important, especially in their later years. The independent living communities organize several activities and events to encourage residents to be active in social life. Daily events range from regular group fitness classes to handy crafts, which the residents can engage in. Similarly, most communities also have wellness measures that are more concerned with physical health; there are classes such as yoga, strength training, and even fitness plans suitable for an individual.
Safety and Security
Living in such communities is safe, which is so another advantage that people living in these communities get to enjoy. There are usually guards on duty at any given time at most independent living facilities, and they also have emergency call buttons and self-employed staff for any situations that may occur. This gives a sense of security for the residents and their families in that, whenever they feel that they need any assistance, it would be given anytime.
Choosing the Right Community
Some of the essential areas to consider when choosing an independent living community include the location of the community, the nature of amenities offered in the community, and even the environment. Every placate is different, and it is advisable to visit a few of these communities, meet residents, and confirm whether the place meets one’s life pattern and preferences.
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luxurycondostempe · 17 days
What are the Benefits of Living in a Luxury Condo?
Luxury condos embody the epitome of luxury, convenience, and community. You will be greeted by fine design, luxurious amenities, and vast spaciousness as you step inside these premises. Be it a sophisticated retreat or an all-out social hub, luxury condos put everything together in one package.
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Bridgeview Condominiums at Tempe Town, Florida can be considered as one of the greatest luxury living. This development makes for a very unique combination of the finest location and outstanding architecture, not to mention the variety of exclusive amenities that set it apart.
Benefits of a Luxury Condo
Let us look at some of the benefits while also seeing why Bridgeview Condominiums is the ultimate choice for those who want only the finest in residential living.
Prime Location with Breathtaking Views
One of the biggest advantages is the location. Luxury condos are located in the very best areas that provide walking access to shopping, dining, and entertainment. Condos also offer breathtaking views including the city skyline, ocean, or simple green landscapes. Residents of Bridgeview Condominiums enjoy a panoramic view of Tempe Town Lake and the natural beauty of Florida.
High-Quality Services and Amenities
Luxury condos come with high-end amenities and services that complement your luxury living experience. From state-of-the-art gyms to spas, such facilities are designed for comfort and convenience. Bridgeview Condominiums offers exclusive features such as a huge heated lap pool, spa, and 24/7 security to ensure that you get to savor an unrivaled luxury way of life.
Investment Value
Buying a luxury condominium is equivalent to owning a piece of prestigious property. Luxury condos are mostly appreciated and are therefore a good investment. The kind of prestige that comes with luxury living enhances your social status in society. Having location, design, and exclusiveness rolled into one, Bridgeview Condominiums offers a highly sought-after address for long-term value.
Modern Design for Premium Lifestyle
Luxury condos are marked by sleek, modern designs and huge interiors. Open layouts, high ceilings, and premium finishes evoke a touch of elegance and comfort in living. Bridgeview Condominiums offers thoughtfully designed units with the latest in luxury finishes, providing residents with a home that is as stylish as it is livable.
Luxury Living in Bridgeview Condominiums at Tempe Town
Luxury condos offer an unparalleled lifestyle characterized by prime locations, world-class amenities, and sophisticated design. These residences often boast breathtaking views, upscale finishes, and spacious layouts, creating an oasis of comfort and elegance. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, luxury condos frequently provide access to exclusive amenities, enhancing residents' overall well-being.
Bridgeview Condominiums at Tempe Town Florida epitomizes the luxury condo experience. The exceptional development seamlessly blends the benefits, offering residents a truly extraordinary living environment. From its coveted location to its impressive amenities and meticulous attention to detail, Bridgeview Condominiums sets a new standard for upscale living in Florida.
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industhrills · 12 days
Dreamy Getaways for Newlyweds: Industhrills' Best Honeymoon Destinations
After the whirlwind of wedding planning and celebrations, newlyweds deserve a honeymoon that is as enchanting as their love story. Choosing the right destination can turn your first adventure as a married couple into a dreamy getaway that you'll cherish forever. Industhrills has meticulously selected a list of the best honeymoon destinations for 2024-2025, each offering a unique blend of romance, beauty, and unforgettable experiences. Whether you're dreaming of tropical beaches, serene mountain retreats, or vibrant city escapes, these top picks promise to deliver the perfect start to your married life.
Bali, Indonesia: #One of the Best Honeymoon Destinations
When it comes to best honeymoon destinations, Bali, Indonesia often tops the list. This island paradise is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and luxurious resorts. Bali’s allure lies in its perfect combination of serene beaches, lush rice terraces, and vibrant local culture. Imagine staying in a private villa with an infinity pool that overlooks the verdant landscape or the tranquil sea. Enjoy intimate dinners by candlelight on the beach, explore ancient temples, or indulge in world-class spa treatments. Bali's unique charm and spiritual ambiance provide an idyllic setting for newlyweds seeking romance and adventure.
Maui, Hawaii: A Tropical Dream
For those dreaming of a tropical retreat, Maui, Hawaii is a dream come true. As one of the best honeymoon destinations, Maui offers a spectacular array of natural beauty and luxurious experiences. The island's pristine beaches, such as Wailea and Kaanapali, are perfect for lounging or taking part in water sports. Couples can embark on a scenic drive along the Road to Hana, discovering waterfalls, rainforests, and dramatic coastal views. Don’t miss the chance to watch the sunrise from Haleakalā National Park, or to enjoy a sunset sail along the coast. With its perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, Maui provides an unforgettable setting for newlyweds.
Miami Beach, Florida: Glamour and Vibrancy
If you’re looking for a destination that combines glamour and excitement, Miami Beach, Florida is an excellent choice. Known for its iconic Art Deco architecture, lively nightlife, and beautiful beaches, Miami Beach offers a vibrant and luxurious honeymoon experience. Spend your days soaking up the sun on South Beach, exploring trendy shops and restaurants on Ocean Drive, or enjoying a sunset cruise along the coast. The city’s upscale resorts offer beachside service and stylish accommodations, ensuring a glamorous and relaxing stay. Miami Beach’s dynamic atmosphere and cultural richness make it a standout among the best honeymoon destinations.
Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand: A Serene Mountain Escape
For newlyweds seeking a tranquil and picturesque retreat, Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand offers a serene escape in the Indian Himalayas. Known for its stunning landscapes and peaceful ambiance, Dhanaulti is perfect for those who want to unwind and reconnect with nature. The region’s dense forests, cool climate, and breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks provide a romantic backdrop for cozying up by a fire or exploring scenic trails. Opt for a stay in charming homestays or boutique resorts that offer an intimate and personalized experience. Dhanaulti’s natural beauty and serene environment make it an exceptional choice for a peaceful and romantic honeymoon.
Goa: The Ultimate Beach Destination
Goa remains a perennial favorite among the best honeymoon destinations, thanks to its laid-back vibe and stunning coastline. The region’s golden sands, vibrant nightlife, and rich cultural heritage create a perfect mix of relaxation and excitement. Stay in luxury beach resorts with breathtaking ocean views, explore local markets, or enjoy a romantic dinner with a view of the sunset. Goa’s diverse range of activities, from water sports to lively beach parties, ensures there’s something for every couple seeking both romance and adventure. The relaxed atmosphere and beautiful beaches make Goa an ideal choice for newlyweds looking for a beachside escape.
Manali, Himachal Pradesh: Majestic Mountains and Cozy Retreats
For couples who adore the mountains, Manali, Himachal Pradesh is a top pick among the best honeymoon destinations. Located in the Indian Himalayas, Manali is renowned for its majestic landscapes and crisp mountain air. Explore the charming Old Manali village, hit the slopes of Solang Valley, or take a scenic drive through the Rohtang Pass. The area offers a range of accommodations, from cozy cottages to luxury resorts, providing a warm and intimate atmosphere. Manali’s natural beauty and outdoor activities make it a perfect destination for an adventurous and romantic honeymoon.
Selecting the right honeymoon destination can turn your post-wedding escape into an extraordinary adventure. As you plan your getaway for 2024-2025, consider these top picks for the best honeymoon destinations. From the enchanting allure of Bali and the tropical paradise of Maui to the vibrant energy of Miami Beach, the serene beauty of Dhanaulti, the beach bliss of Goa, and the majestic mountains of Manali, each destination offers a unique experience designed to make your honeymoon unforgettable. Industhrills is here to help you find the perfect spot for your romantic escape, ensuring that your journey together starts with magic and wonder. Choose your dream destination and prepare for a honeymoon filled with love, adventure, and cherished memories.
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