#Best Vascular Surgeon kolkata
cmckolkata · 5 months
The vascular specialist from the best multispeciality clinic in Kolkata has explained the symptoms and signs when you must visit the clinic.
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abizerkapadia · 11 months
Best Plastic Surgeon Dubai
Dr. Abizer Kapadia is the best cosmetic Surgeon in Dubai and holds a thriving practice in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He routinely takes up Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeries in Dubai’s renowned leading hospitals and clinics.
He is partnered with leading hospitals to render his services. In Dubai, he works full-time at Saudi German Hospital as the Consultant Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon. Also, he is recognized as a Fellow Hand and Breast Reconstruction at the Broomfield Hospital, Mid Essex NHS Trust, UK. In addition to this, he is associated as a Fellow Reconstructive Microsurgery with the Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, India. best plastic surgeon in Dubai!
Dr. Abizer Kapadia is a Board-Certified Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeon in Dubai. He provides a variety of services ranging from Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgical Procedures to Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures depending upon the patient’s needs and requirements. The Cosmetic Surgical Procedures include facial surgeries like Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Dimple Creation, Facelift, and others as well as body surgeries like Breast Surgeries, Mommy Makeover Dubai, Body Contouring, Genital Rejuvenation, Surgeries for Men, and many more. The Reconstructive Surgical Procedures include Breast Reconstruction, Micro Vascular Surgery, Head and Neck Reconstruction, and many more. Dr. Kapadia also provides Non-Surgical Procedures like Botox, PRP, Laser Treatments, Liposuction, Genital Rejuvenation, Filler in dubai and many more. He is presently working full time at Saudi German Hospital, Dubai. The main aim is to provide premium medical care and comfort through state of the art equipment and world-class medical experts. It is Joint Commission International accredited, holding various prestigious certifications from international accreditation bodies around the world. Saudi German Hospital has secured its place at the forefront of innovative healthcare with its focus on technological innovation and investment in the latest medical technologies. The Hospital also extends its services to patients from all over the world and ensures a seamless experience for those seeking world-class healthcare at their facility.
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backlinkdem13 · 1 year
- November 07, 2022
Angiography is a type of X-ray used to check blood vessels as blood vessels may not show clearly on a normal x-ray, so a special dye is injected into your blood. This causes your blood vessels to be highlighted, allowing your doctor to observe better. Angiography is used to check the health of your blood vessels and how blood flows through them.
Angiography helps to diagnose diseases of blood vessels, and provides information that helps determine the best treatment for your condition. Usually, angiography is used as a first step in the treatment of the medical problem. The exact benefits will vary for each individual person. A specially trained team of medical staff carries out angiography. The team includes:
 a radiologist (specialist doctor) who will carry out the procedure,
 nursing staff and radiographers (medical imaging technologists) who operate the X-ray machine. 
If the angiography is being carried out as the first step of angioplasty, a vascular specialist doctor, who might be a surgeon, may carry out the procedure
Angiography is carried out in a specifically designed room called an angiography suite, which is similar to an operating theater. A special X-ray machine is used to take and record the images or angiograms. There are also machines to record your blood pressure, pulse rate and other vital signs.
Heart and vascular CT angiography may eliminate the need for surgery. If surgery remains necessary, it can be performed more accurately.
Heart and vascular CT angiography can detect narrowing or obstruction of blood vessels allowing for potentially corrective therapy to be done.
CT angiography may give more precise anatomical detail than other imaging, particularly in small blood vessels.
Many patients can undergo heart and vascular CT angiography to diagnose blood vessel problems.
Heart and vascular CT angiography is faster, non-invasive and has fewer complications.
CT Angiography is a useful way of detecting arterial (such as narrowing of blood vessels in the heart) and venous disease, as well as structural abnormalities of the heart before there are symptoms or when symptoms are not clearly related to blood vessel disease.
There is also potentially less discomfort because contrast material is injected into an arm vein.
No radiation remains in a patient's body after heart and vascular CT angiography.
X-rays used in standard CT scans have no immediate side effects.
There is always a slight chance of cancer from excessive exposure to radiation. However, the benefit of an accurate diagnosis will generally outweigh the risk.
If you have a history of allergy to contrast material, your doctor may advise you to take special precautionary medication, such as a steroid, for a few hours or the day before CT angiography to lessen the chances of an allergic reaction. Another option is to undergo a different exam that does not require iodinated contrast material injection such as MRI.
In patients who are at risk for kidney failure and who already have borderline kidney functions; administering iodinated contrast material could potentially further damage kidney functions.
Women should always inform their SMIL radiologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.
There is possible risk of serious allergic reaction to contrast materials that contain iodine, but this is extremely rare.
Accounting for thorough experience and practice, Dr. Aritra Konar is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital and he is one of the best-known cardiologists in Kolkata.  His expertise lies in Coronary (femoral & radial routes) angiography, Coronary angioplasty (including primary angioplasty), Peripheral angiography and angioplasty, BMV, BPV, Right heart catheterization, and so on, in procedural skills. His guidance is trusted and so are his skills.
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fortischennaisblog · 1 year
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calcuttacosmoaid · 3 years
What Are The Side Effects Of the Hair Transplant You Must Know?
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According to the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata, there are 2 sorts of hair transplantation – Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):
 1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) – This procedure involves inserting the extracted follicular units within the recipient’s scalp. This needs precision as the punches for the follicular units need to be placed right. The punches shouldn't be larger than the units.
 2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) – This hair transplant procedure involves extracting the cyst units from the donor site. an area of healthy hair growth is opened, and some follicular units are taken from there. With the help of special small punches, the units are planted within the bald area.
It takes virtually an hour to get rid of but a hundred follicular units. With that in mind, let's take a glance at the side effects of hair transplantation.
 Side Effects Of Hair Transplant
Hair Shedding:
Excessive hair shedding may be a common side result of hair transplantation. Due to vascular disruption and surgical trauma, the donor area (where the active hair follicles area unit extracted) could experience hair thinning. Hair shedding is greater in follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) than follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) because the graft is larger. Moreover, FUE causes permanent hair shedding, whereas FUT reverses hair shedding when surgery period.
Whether you get FUE or FUT, there are bound to be cuts. The doctor ensures that bleeding is minimal. However, you will also experience bleeding throughout the post-operative recovery time.
Scarring or sterile folliculitis is common in some those that undergo hair transplantation. The scars may make the surgery visible.
Lichen planopilaris (LLP) may be a rare inflammatory hair disorder and an extreme version of sterile rubor. It will even result in permanent alopecia and replacement of hair follicles with scar-like fibrous tissue
Infections could occur near the positioning of the sutures. Epidermal cysts may also occur that need occasional drainage. Poor scalp hygiene will result in localized infections in donor and recipient areas
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Hair transplantation is an invasive surgery which will cause pain if the anesthesia isn't administered within the right dose. During post-operative recovery, you would possibly also feel a stretching sensation.
Swelling or dropsy is common in individuals undergoing hair transplantation. You will expertise swelling around the eyes and forehead. It is often severe generally and the build of attention seems darker.
The formation of scabs at the site of the transplantation will cause itching. However, the itching of the scalp can stop during the initial days of the surgery.
 Other Hair Growth Treatment choices
PRP Treatment: Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment may be a regenerative method for hair loss. It's a part invasive hair growth treatment. Platelets from your blood are separated and injected at the hairless site to help stimulate the follicles and result in hair growth.
 Laser light Treatment: optical device light treatment or Low-Level laser therapy (LLLT) is an FDA-approved treatment for male and female pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia). It’s non-invasive and painless. Click here for the benefits, limitations, and prices of this procedure.
 Hair Transplant price:
Hair transplant cost in Kolkata may vary from a little 1.2L and above. It also comes with varied side effects and needs 3-4 weeks of recovery time. On the other hand, PRP treatment costs around 1.5L to 3L and it's almost no side effects. Laser treatment prices 1.2L to 4L betting on whether or not you utilize at-home equipment or visit a clinic.
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Final Thoughts:
Hair transplantation is effective; however it comes with a number of side effects that you simply should remember of. Consult the best hair transplant surgeon in India to know if you're a perfect candidate for hair transplantation. If not, choose other hair growth treatment choices that have minimal side effects and cost less.
 Remember, no treatment can work if you do not treat the hair loss from inside. Hormonal imbalance, stress, and nutrient deficiency can cause hair loss. Eat healthy foods and change your lifestyle if you want any of those treatments to work in the future.
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ovmedicare123 · 5 years
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OV Medicare has a huge presence in Kolkata with super specialty and multispecialty hospitals with some best doctors in Kolkata serving the patients in the region. This Center has expert specialists, doctors, and surgeons who treat various medical conditions such as Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Urology, Dialectology, including rare branches like Hematology, Thoracic & Vascular Surgery Pediatric.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Surgeons Labored to Save the Wounded in El Paso Mass Shooting https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/health/el-paso-hospital.html
PLEASE READ 📖 AND SHARE this article about what an assault weapon does to the human body. These weapons of war have place in a civilized society. We have carnage and rivers of blood flowing in streets as a result of the murderers who use these weapons.
#EnoughIsEnough #BanAssaultWeapons #NRAIsATerroristOrganization
Surgeons Labored to Save the Wounded in El Paso Mass Shooting
The bullets ripped through one woman, shredding her intestines and leaving holes the size of a man’s fist in her side. But surgeons had to work fast, clearing the operating room to make way for other victims.
By Gina Kolkata | Published Aug. 9, 2019 | New York Times | Posted August 10, 2019 |
The woman, grievously wounded in the mass shooting at a Walmart, lay on an operating table at the University Medical Center of El Paso as the chief of surgery, Dr. Alan Tyroch, turned her to clean the exit wounds. He knew what to expect, but it was still a horrific sight. She had two gaping holes the size of a man’s fist in her side and a third the size of a silver dollar where bullets had burst from her body.
Those bullets had also shredded her intestine. Dr. Tyroch hooked her up to a colostomy bag and a feeding tube. And he reached into another wound to pull out a bullet lodged in her shinbone. It had been flattened by its violent impact into a disc the size of a quarter.
The tragedy in El Paso on Saturday, carried out by a gunman armed with an AK-47-style rifle, and another deadly massacre on Sunday in Dayton, Ohio, in which the gunman used an AR-15-style pistol modified to act as a rifle, can be measured in death tolls — 22 in El Paso and nine in Dayton. But the damage done by such weapons is witnessed most clearly by members of the medical staff who care for the wounded.
The story of their lifesaving labors at the El Paso hospital, the only one in a 270-mile radius prepared to treat complex trauma patients, is one of heroics in the face of violence, and of the doctors and nurses, who, once the adrenaline rush died down, struggled to live with the horror of what they had experienced.
Some of the patients rushed to the hospital needed more than one operation, like the woman treated by Dr. Tyroch. On Saturday, surgeons had quickly opened her abdomen, cleaned out feces and blood, and sent her, with a temporary patch over her open abdomen, to intensive care, heavily sedated and on a ventilator. They had to work fast, clearing the operating room to make way for other victims. Then on Sunday, Dr. Tyroch spent three hours operating on her, repairing the damage as best he could.
Six days after the shooting, doctors were still trying to repair appalling wounds in some of those who survived. The suspect in the El Paso massacre is a 21-year-old man from a Dallas suburb who told the police he was targeting Mexicans.
Dr. Tyroch had seen wounds from military-style weapons before, but he had never seen anything like the number of victims that showed up at his hospital on Saturday — 14 in all, most shot more than once.
The back-to-back shootings in Texas and Ohio have led to renewed calls for a ban on assault rifles from some Democratic presidential candidates. On Friday, President Trump called for the passage of laws for “meaningful” background checks on gun buyers.
Many American trauma doctors maintain that assault-style weapons do not belong in civilian hands, and having far more experience with gunshot wounds than their counterparts in other countries, they have grown all too familiar with the injuries that such weapons can inflict.
“In Texas, it seems like everyone and his brother owns a gun,” said Dr. Nancy Weber, an emergency department physician at the El Paso hospital. She said she could think of no reason to own an assault rifle unless it is for a military or policing purpose. “Look at the tragedy. We should have a nationwide, nonpartisan discussion.”
For Dr. Alejandro Rios Tovar, the ordeal began on Saturday at 10:55 a.m. He had just returned home from a 30-hour shift at the hospital when he got a text from Dr. Tyroch.
“Active shooter. Anybody available return to the hospital immediately.”
Dr. Tovar, a surgeon, sped to the hospital, running red lights, and pulled into the parking lot 15 minutes later.
The first patient had already arrived in a police car. A few minutes later, the ambulances began roaring in, bringing one mangled patient, then another and another.
Members of the medical staff were arriving, too, for an intense rescue effort that included four general surgeons, a cardiac vascular surgeon, three orthopedic surgeons and three surgeons in other specialties, as well as the housekeeping staff, which hurried to mop blood from floors and to clean operating rooms so patients could be wheeled in one after another.
Everyone understood the urgency. One doctor, about to leave for vacation, rushed to the hospital and operated in jeans and a T-shirt — there was no time to change into surgical scrubs.
“Trauma is a team sport,” Dr. Tyroch said. “Everyone played a role.”
Dr. Weber stabilized patients as they came in. The mnemonic that emergency room doctors use to quickly evaluate patients is A.B.C. — airway, breathing, circulation. The critical care area of the emergency room was just steps from the operating room, allowing doctors to work so quickly that they transfused what they said was a small amount of blood, considering the injuries: 109 units, about the amount in the bodies of 11 people.
The fourth patient arrived facedown on a stretcher, “shot through and through,” said Dr. Susan McLean, a surgeon and the director of surgical critical care. Another victim’s heart had stopped, though she had received cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the ambulance. The doctors shocked her heart into beating and opened her chest to look for active bleeding.
Most victims had multiple injuries, often in the torso, with damage to the intestines and chest. Many needed tubes to drain blood from the chest or had air leaking from the lungs. Many had shattered bones in the pelvis, arms or legs.
The doctors discovered a small miracle in the carnage: No patient had a brain injury or spinal cord injury.
But one victim, shot in the chest, bled to death in the E.R. The others survived, but the initial surgeries were just the beginning.
In all, 30 shooting victims were taken to University Medical Center and another hospital, Del Sol Medical Center.
“El Paso has never seen anything like this,” Dr. Weber said.
The first step for the most seriously injured was damage control: Surgeons operated only to fix the most pressing injuries, not even closing the abdomen before returning a patient to intensive care to wait for a more definitive operation the next day.
The doctors at University Medical performed eight surgeries the first day, four of which involved opening patients’ abdomens to control bleeding in areas like the intestines and diaphragms.
“We had to finish the case and get ready for the next one,” Dr. Tovar said. “And the majority of these patients are unstable. We don’t want to waste time closing the abdomen.”
On Sunday, the day after the shooting, three patients returned to general surgery to repair damage to soft tissue like muscles and to repair damage in their abdomens. Orthopedic surgeons took two more people into operating rooms, one of whom had a shattered pelvis.
As of Thursday, the operations were continuing, mostly repairs to shattered bones.
Eight patients remained in the hospital on Friday, two in intensive care. One was in intermediate care and five on the surgical ward.
The days ahead will not be easy for patients. They risk serious complications —pneumonia, infections, blood clots.
“A complex trauma patient is a complication waiting to happen,” Dr. Tyroch said.
And the suffering doesn’t end when survivors of such shootings go home, researchers have found.
“If they leave the hospital alive, we claim we saved them,” said Dr. George Velmahos, chief of trauma surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who was part of a team that treated victims of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. But years later many “still live with devastating pain or other problems, or PTSD. The long-term impact is really tremendous.”
The hospital staff will not be spared, either. As desperate patients arrived, the doctors and nurses set aside their emotions, Dr. McLean said.
The next day, as she and Dr. Tovar made rounds and spoke to patients, staff members were in tears. “It’s unreal what these patients went through,” she said. “It’s really shocking.”
Dr. Tyroch managed to maintain his composure until, driving home, he saw a familiar billboard: El Paso Strong. His emotions welled.
Dr. Weber barely made it to the privacy of her car late Saturday afternoon before the sobs came.
“There is a sense of relief when they say, ‘O.K., there aren’t going to be any more victims’ — that’s the first time you take a deep breath,” she said.
“Then you go home and you cry and you pray and you hug your loved ones.”
Some of her colleagues may struggle with post-traumatic stress, Dr. Weber fears. “Doctors and nurses are not immune,” she said. “We see trauma and very traumatic deaths every day. But we don’t see 14 people in an hour, thank God.”
“What has to change?” she asked. “We have to do something. Why aren’t we?”
Sarah Mervosh contributed reporting from El Paso.
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years
Best Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi | BLK Super Speciality Hospital | Elacancer
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
At BLK, we are eager about delivering the most essential standard of social insurance. Be it the finest experts, cutting-edge medicine, best in class infrastructure or nursing with a grin. When you are fiery about healing the lives that have been invested to us, nothing is excessively tremendous or small, making it impossible to dismiss.If you a question in you mind related Best Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi get answers from us at Elacancer.com.
This is a champion among the most eminent hospitals in Delhi. BLK Super Speciality Hospital is arranged at Pusa Road. This world-class wellbeing institute is spread on five segments of place that is known for land. It is one of the greatest tertiary thought private hospitals in India and has a limit with respect to 700 beds. The OPD is spread on two stories with 60 meeting rooms. The hospital has totally arranged, cutting edge 17 Operation Theaters and has
three stage air filtration and gas scavenging system to ensure tolerant wellbeing. The hospital has particular birthing suites with telemetric fetal screens to seek after the development of work which ensures safe movement.
Divisions at BLK Hospital, Delhi
Speciality: Anaesthesiology, Ayurveda, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dermatology, Emergency and Acute Care Medicine, Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery, ENT and Cochlear Implant, External Counter Pulsation, General and Minimal Access Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Internal Medicine, Interventional Radiology, IVF and Infertility Treatment, Nuclear Medicine, Nutrition and Health, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Pediatric, Pediatric Surgery, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Psychiatry, Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Sleep Disorders, Rheumatology and Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.
Centers of Excellence: Cancer Center, Bone Marrow Transplant, Heart Center, Neurosciences, Digestive and Liver Diseases, Renal Sciences and Kidney Transplant, Orthopedics and Joint Reconstruction and Critical Care.If you want to know more about Best Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi can contact us at Elacancer.com.
Workplaces and administrations at BLK Hospital, Pusa Road
VSI, PET CT Scan, a Triology Tx Linear Accelerator with cone column CT for Radiation Oncology, MRI, CT Scan, Cath Lab, Blood Bank, Ultrasound, Mammography and Bone Mineral Density. The hospital's examination centers are the most perfectly awesome arranged labs in the entire district of Delhi and NCR and offers an extent of indicative administrations in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Histopathology.
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Fortis Hospital
Fortis Hospital, Noida is a main best in class office with in excess of 200 beds including 7 movement theaters. The hospital is arranged as a Center of Excellence in oncology, orthopedics, neuroscience, liver transplant, kidney transplant, and with a key focus on heart sciences and emergency injury care administrations. The hospital is the main corporate office in Uttar Pradesh that covers an entire group of specialities from diagnostics to organ transplant (kidney and liver). in the Fortis Healthcare gathering, it considers the uncommon needs of patients and their families.
The hospital has been organized and made to pass on understanding thought with no trouble, warmth and ampleness. Since it begun exercises in 2004, the hospital has transformed into the prime tertiary human administrations Center in the city. performing various first techniques in India and U.P. The Cardiac Center for Excellence at Fortis Hospital, Noida has cut a name for itself in the helpful team. The hospital is known for its selective prerequisites in splendor and cardiology A specialist and significantly experienced gathering of cardiologists, fittingly supported possible helpful thought.
The hospital has in like manner ascended as one of the leading referral Center for renal science the country over. It is equipped with a large cutting edge dialysis unit that minimizes the peril of infection to ensure a more secure dialysis process for our patients.
It offers sweeping and superior cardiovascular thought to the patients. Obligation toward the patient welfare and to providing quality medicinal administrations is reflected in the exceptional structure characteristics of the hospital. The NABH authorized hospital has a distribution space that outperforms the present Indian standard of 800-900 sq.ft/bed. This considers better versatility to change and suit future necessities of patient thought. Hospital's approach relies upon patient centricity, best in class emergency reaction, integrity, participation, proprietorship and innovation, combines empathetic patient thought with clinical flawlessness, to achieve a single-minded target "Saving and Enriching lives.
Heart Specialist
Thoracic(chest) Surgeon
Heart Failure/Transplant Specialist
Insulin Treatment
Peritoneal Dialysis
Joint inflammation Management
Acrimonious Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) Treatment
Intrinsic Disorders Evaluation/Treatment
Cancer Healer Center
Cancer Healer Center, imagined by Dr. Hari Krishna, who with his brilliant vision and incredible capacities started this center with the point of giving the right treatment to cancer patients with no side impacts. His kid, Dr. Tarang Krishna, Director, Cancer Healer Center further goes for treating the patients by giving them a superior individual satisfaction and providing help even in the pushed periods of Cancer. Patients treated through various modes have swung to Cancer Healer Center and have found.
extraordinary rest with us.Cancer Healer Center is centered around providing the best thought to its patients. Through compelling treatment and evolving medicine, the center intends to fight against cancer and help every patient carry on a more solid, fulfilling and rewarding life.
Started by Late Dr. Hari Krishna, the center by and by works under the fit heading of Dr. Tarang Krishna and continues to be a marvelous light emission, certainty and solution for a colossal number of individuals. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the center has branches in Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Indore, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai, which licenses straightforward access and pay for individuals in each side of the country.
Compassionate and thoughtful, the center gives a high bore of treatment, finish calm satisfaction and wellbeing and furthermore extraordinary administrations that bargain with the patients' physical, mental and eager prerequisites. It energizes him/her create an inspirational manner towards life while curing cancer through the dynamic Cancer Healer medicine reliant on Immunotherapy. The vanguard medicine has reestablished cancer even in the last stages and is correspondingly ground-breaking in each stage. Having treated countless successfully, the center is a benchmark concerning providing phenomenal civilities and battling cancer without harming your body.
Cancer Treatment
Treatments Offered
The various types of cancer that the institute treats are, Anal Cancer, Bile Duct Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer, Cervix Cancer, Colon Cancer, Gall Bladder Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Leukemia (Blood cancer), Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Lymphoma, Malignant Mesothelioma, Multiple Myeloma, Neuroendocrine Tumors, Esophagus Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Sarcoma, Stomach Cancer, Throat Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Tongue Cancer, Tonsil Cancer and Uterus Cancer. The center incorporates three essential forms of medicine – chemotherapy, immunotherapy and sincerely strong systems.
Action Cancer Hospital
Action Cancer Hospital is known for housing experienced Oncologists. Dr. Harpreet Singh, a particularly supposed Oncologist, practices in Delhi. Visit this helpful wellbeing center for Oncologists endorsed by 48 patients.We have 25 pros recorded in Action Cancer Hospital, Delhi with careful information about the master including ability, experience, instruction, frameworks and conditions treated, fitness and anything is possible from that point. You can look for Action Cancer Hospital pros list by name or speciality.
Action Cancer Hospital is an apparent name in patient thought. It was incepted in the year 2005. They are one of the outstanding Private Hospitals in Paschim Vihar. Supported with a fantasy to offer the best in patient thought and furnished with innovatively pushed medicinal administrations workplaces, they are one of the upcoming names in the human administrations industry. Arranged in , this hospital is viably accessible by various strategies for transport. A gathering of particularly trained medicinal staff, non-helpful staff and experienced clinical pros work constant to offer distinctive administrations . Their master administrations make them a searched for after Private Hospitals in Delhi.
Shanti Mukand Hospital Cancer Center
Shanti Mukand Hospital is an apparent name in patient thought. It was incepted in the year 1995. They are one of the outstanding Private Hospitals in Karkardooma. Supported with a fantasy to offer the best in patient thought and furnished with innovatively impelled human administrations workplaces, they are one of the upcoming names in the medicinal administrations industry.
Arranged in , this hospital is effortlessly open by various techniques for transport. A gathering of all around trained remedial staff, non-medicinal staff and experienced clinical specialists work relentless to offer diverse administrations that include Diagnostic Services 24 Hours, Opd Services 9.00 Am To 10.30 Am General Opd, General Ward rs 900/cooling Room, Twin Sharing rs 1900/cooling Room, Single Room rs 2900/cooling Room, Deluxe Room rs 3800/cooling Room, Pathology Lab , Xray , Ct Scan , Casualty , Eye Bank , Cafeteria , Chemist , Ambulance Service , Std Facility , Fax Facility , Credit Cards Accepted , Debit Cards Accepted . Their master administrations make them a searched for after Private Hospitals in Delhi. A gathering of authorities on board, including experts are furnished with the information and ability for handling diverse sorts of medicinal cases.Shanti Mukand Hospital Earch Center is known for housing experienced Urologists. Dr. Nikhil Sharma, an inside and out assumed Urologist, practices in Delhi. Visit this remedial wellbeing center for Urologists recommended by 45 patients.
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meganavi-blog1 · 7 years
Dr Mandana joined Fortis as full time consultant in cardiothoracic and vascular surgery. He has performed many critical and complex cardiothoracic and vascular surgeries throughout his career.
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cmckolkata · 6 months
Promoting The Importance Of Preventative Health Screenings And Checkups
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Preventative care involves measures taken to prevent diseases or injuries rather than treating them after they occur. The benefits of preventative care are numerous and extend to individuals, communities, and healthcare systems. Let the most recommended Polyclinic Centre in Kolkata share some key benefits of preventative care through our latest blog post.
Early Detection and Treatment: Preventative care usually involves routine screenings, check-ups, and tests aimed at detecting health issues in their early stages. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and management of conditions, potentially preventing them from worsening or becoming more severe.
Reduced Healthcare Costs: By preventing diseases or catching them at the early stage, preventative care can lead to significant cost savings for individuals, families, and healthcare systems. Treating health issues in their early stages tends to be less expensive than managing advanced or chronic conditions.
Improved Health Outcomes: Preventative care can lead to better health outcomes and quality of life for individuals. By addressing risk factors and adopting healthy behaviors, people can reduce their likelihood of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
Increased Longevity: Engaging in preventative care can help individuals live longer, healthier lives. By managing risk factors, receiving vaccinations, and adopting healthy habits, people can reduce their risk of premature death from preventable causes.
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Enhanced Quality of Life: Preventative care promotes overall well-being by focusing on maintaining good health and preventing illness. By addressing risk factors and promoting healthy behaviors, individuals can enjoy a higher quality of life with fewer limitations due to health issues.
Health Equity: Access to preventative care can help reduce health disparities and promote health equity. By providing screenings, vaccinations, and preventive services to underserved populations, preventative care can help address systemic barriers to healthcare access and improve health outcomes for all individuals.
Increased Productivity: Did you know that healthy individuals are more likely to be productive at work and in their daily lives? However, preventative care can help individuals stay healthy, reducing absenteeism and improving overall productivity in workplaces and communities.
Promotion of Healthy Behaviors: Preventative care often includes health education and promotion of healthy behaviors such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management. By empowering individuals to make healthier choices, preventative care fosters a culture of wellness and disease prevention.
Overall, preventative care plays a crucial role in promoting health, preventing diseases, reducing healthcare costs, and improving overall well-being for individuals and communities. Investing in preventative care can lead to long-term benefits for both individuals and society as a whole.
Do you want to know more about the benefits of preventative care? Visit Calcutta Medical Centre, the most recommended Health clinic and get the best healthcare service in Kolkata.
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cmckolkata · 5 months
The Best Vascular Surgeon in Kolkata pens down today’s blog to analyse the importance of vascular surgery.
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cmckolkata · 5 months
When Should You See A Vascular Specialist?
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Vascular health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet it often goes unnoticed until symptoms become severe.
However, various factors can compromise vascular health, leading to potentially serious complications. Knowing when to seek the expertise of a vascular specialist can make a significant difference in preventing or managing vascular conditions.
In this blog, we'll explore the signs and symptoms, as explained by the specialist at the best polyclinic in Kolkata, that indicate the need for a consultation with a vascular specialist.
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You should consider seeing a vascular specialist if you're experiencing:
1. Continuous Leg Pain:
One common indicator of vascular issues is continuous leg pain.
This pain may show as cramping, throbbing, or aching in the calves, thighs, or buttocks, especially during physical activity. 
A vascular specialist can conduct diagnostic tests such as ankle-brachial index (ABI) testing or Doppler ultrasound to assess circulation and determine the appropriate course of treatment.
2. Swelling And Discoloration:
Swelling and discoloration in the legs or feet are potential signs of venous insufficiency or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Venous insufficiency occurs when the veins fail to adequately return blood to the heart, leading to pooling and swelling.
DVT, on the other hand, is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein, often causing swelling, warmth, and redness in the affected area.
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3. Non-Healing Wounds:
Wounds that fail to heal or show slow healing progress, particularly in the lower extremities, may indicate poor circulation due to arterial or venous disease.
Inadequate blood flow deprives tissues of essential nutrients and oxygen, impairing the body's ability to repair itself.
A vascular specialist can assess the wound, identify underlying vascular issues, and recommend appropriate interventions, which may include vascular surgery or minimally invasive procedures to restore blood flow.
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4. Varicose Veins And Spider Veins:
While varicose veins and spider veins are often considered cosmetic concerns, they can also signal underlying venous insufficiency.
Varicose veins appear as enlarged, twisted veins that protrude from the skin's surface, while spider veins are smaller, web-like clusters of veins.
These conditions may cause discomfort, heaviness, or itching, especially after prolonged standing or sitting.
For more information, you need to consult the best vascular surgeon in Kolkata.
Wrap-Up The vascular system plays a pivotal role in maintaining our health and well-being.
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of vascular conditions and knowing when to seek help from a vascular specialist is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate management.
You should remember that early detection and treatment of vascular issues can help prevent serious complications.
So don't hesitate to see a specialist at the top diagnostic centre in Kolkata if you have any concerns.
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cmckolkata · 6 months
The Top Diagnostic Centre in Kolkata talks about some conditions when you might need to see the Best Vascular Surgeon in Kolkata.
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fortischennaisblog · 1 year
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rubyhospital · 1 year
Best cardiothoracic surgery in kolkata
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The Department of Vascular Surgery at Ruby hospital, Kolkata treats diseases of the vascular system (arteries, veins and lymphatic system) through medical therapy management, through minimally invasive catheter procedures or by surgical reconstruction procedures. With highly experienced surgeons and cutting-edge technology, this department delivers services at par with international standards and become the renowned cardiothoracic surgery hospital in kolkata. We investigate each and every patient in order to have a comprehensive understanding of their condition. A team approach ensures that all available options are considered and presented to the patient in an unbiased fashion for their consideration.
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fortischennaisblog · 1 year
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