#Best colorectal surgeon in Sydney
bobbykingston · 5 years
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Colorectal surgeon performs colonoscopy to examine the changes that is happening in the large intestine. Best colorectal surgeon in Sydney is expert in conducting all types of colorectal tests.
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bsnbooks-blog · 5 years
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Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors
Consult the best colorectal surgeon in Sydney, Australia. Alfred colorectal  Surgeons Sydney are well equipped and specialized in dealing with all types of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus.
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johnikur-blog · 7 years
What is Colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy is an examination to inspect the inner lining of the large bowel (rectum and colon) using a flexible tube with a camera at its tip. It is inserted via the anus and gently guided to the start of the large bowel (caecum).
During colonoscopy, carbon dioxide gas is used to inflate the bowel to allow a safe passage of the colonoscope through the bowel. If an abnormality is encountered a tissue biopsy can be taken through the colonoscope and sent for histological examination. If polyps are found, these small growths of the bowel lining can be removed with either cautery (hot biopsy) or a wire loop device (snare). This allows tissue to be retrieved and sent for histological examination. Early detection and removal of polyps protects from developing colorectal cancer.
A colonoscopy allows an examination of the entire colon (1200–1500 mm in length). A sigmoidoscopy allows an examination of the distal portion (about 600 mm) of the colon, which may be sufficient because benefits to cancer survival of colonoscopy have been limited to the detection of lesions in the distal portion of the colon.
What should I expect during colonoscopy procedure?
During colonoscopy, patient will lie on their l back or left side. Patient is continously montiored for heart beat(rhythm) and blood pressure and oxygen in the blood. Medications are given through a intravenous line so the patient feel relaxed. After tip of the colon or last portion of the small intestine is reached, the colonoscope is withdrawn slowly, and the colon lining is carefully examined. Colonoscopy may often make you feel bloating and cramping in the abdomen area, but with the medications pain becomes infrequent and tolerable. Generally, the colonoscopy procedure last for 15 to 60 minutes; if the colon cannot be visualized properly, the physician can try colonoscopy again at a later date.
Preparing for Colonoscopy :
For the treatment of Colonoscopy, preparation is required prior the test to empty the bowel of its content. Failure to do this may result in an incomplete or inadequate examination and the need to repeat the procedure. The preparation involves drinking a “bowel prep” solution which has a laxative effect. This should be done at home as you will need to be close to the toilet for the duration of the preparation.During the preparation you are not allowed to eat any solid food. You are allowed clear fluids (apple juice, water, clear soup, etc) until 6 hours prior to the procedure. Only when your bowel motion is the consistency of clear liquid, is your preparation adequate. If your bowel motion is still dirty (brown) you may require further preparation or an enema prior to the colonoscopy. You should fast from six hours prior to the procedure. Take all medication as required with a sip of water during the fasting period.
Taking care of yourself at home after colonoscopy:
General suggestions include the following:
Do not drive yourself home after a colonoscopy procedure
Don’t consume alcohol, as it may interact with the medications.
Follow all dietary suggestions
Colonoscopy Procedure:
When you arrive on the day of your colonoscopy you will change into a hospital gown and an intravenous line (drip) will be inserted into your arm. This will allow your doctor to give you intravenous fluid and medication. The procedure is done with sedation or a light anaesthetic. The procedure takes approximately 30-45 minutes, but longer if polyps are removed or biopsies are taken. After the procedure you will need 1-2 hours to recover from the sedation or an aesthetic. You should have minimal discomfort. You must not drive or operate machinery after your procedure and you will need a family member or friend to take you home. You will need to take two days off for the procedure, one for the bowel preparation and the other for recovery from the sedation and procedure.
Colonoscopy is a safe procedure with a low risk of complications. The most significant risk of this is a perforation of the bowel. The risk of this is approximately 1 in 1000. If a biopsy or polypectomy is performed the risk of bleeding from this is about 3 in 1000. In addition, although this is the best test for detection of cancer there is a small risk of missing a small cancer. The risks and benefits of colonoscopy should be discussed in detail with your doctor prior to proceeding with the test.
Our team of well trained colorectal surgeons are committed to the diagnosis and treatment of bowel cancer. Our surgeons consult from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) Medical Centre, and if required organise procedures at RPAH and Sydney Day Surgery.
The specific details of your colonoscopy bowel preparation will be discussed and given to you at the time of your consultation.
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healthcarebiz · 7 years
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Publishes Abstract of SIRveNIB, an Investigator-led Asia Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Study to be Presented at ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago, 4 June 2017
SINGAPORE, May 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
The SIRveNIB abstract published on-line in the Journal of Clinical Oncology states that treatment of locally advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) with a single treatment of SIR-Spheres® Y-90 resin microspheres results in Overall Survival not significantly different from twice-daily oral sorafenib, but with significantly better tumour response and fewer and less severe adverse events
The study was conducted by The Asia-Pacific Hepatocellular Carcinoma Trials Group (AHCC) in collaboration with the National Cancer Centre Singapore and Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI) and supported by the National Medical Council Singapore and Sirtex Medical Limited  
The lead author of the SIRveNIB abstract, Professor Pierce Chow, Senior Consultant Surgeon at the National Cancer Centre Singapore and the Singapore General Hospital, reported that: "Asia Pacific patients with locally advanced primary liver cancer (HCC or hepatocellular carcinoma) with no spread (metastases) outside the liver who are treated with Y-90 resin microspheres have a significantly better tumour response rate (TRR) compared to sorafenib, despite 28.6% (n=52) of patients not receiving Y-90 therapy as planned (TRR - 16.5% for Y-90 resin microspheres vs 1.7% for sorafenib, respectively; p < 0.001).  Moreover, patients experienced fewer, less serious adverse events when compared with those treated with sorafenib. There were no statistically significant differences in the primary endpoint of overall survival (OS) between the two treatments."
Although the median OS in the intent-to-treat group[1] was 8.54 months for Y-90 resin microspheres vs. 10.58 months for sorafenib, respectively (p=0.203), there was a trend in improvement in median OS in the treated group[2] for Y-90 resin microspheres (11.27 vs. 10.41 months, p=0.273). While Y-90 resin microspheres were not superior to sorafenib regarding OS, Professor Chow, who is also Professor and Course Director at the Duke-NUS Medical School, indicated that "the better tumour response and tolerability of Y-90 resin microspheres offers a compelling treatment alternative for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, for whom there are limited treatment options available."  
SIRveNIB was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) with yttrium-90 [Y-90] resin microspheres (SIR-Spheres; Sirtex Medical Limited, North Sydney, Australia) versus sorafenib (Nexavar®; Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Berlin, Germany), a systemic treatment that is the current standard of care in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. The patients in SIRveNIB were ineligible for potentially curative therapies, such as surgical resection, ablation or liver transplantation.
"Each year we are making good progress in treating liver cancer. The deeper we go in our research the better we are able to understand how the cancer behaves and we are able to widen the treatments options for our patients. The results reinforced our belief that with the right people on the research project, we can get the best results. I am grateful to our partners for collaborating in this study," added Professor Soo Khee Chee, Director of NCCS.
"Completion of the investigator-led SIRveNIB study represents a significant milestone in Asia Pacific liver cancer research, and underscores the strong private-public partnership that exists between Sirtex Medical Limited, the National Cancer Centre Singapore and Singapore Clinical Research Institute. We look forward to the presentation of more complete results of SIRveNIB at the impending ASCO Annual Meeting," said Associate Professor Teoh Yee Leong, CEO Singapore Clinical Research Institute. "This is the first time we have completed such a large-scale investigator-led clinical trial in the Asia Pacific region, whose results will be beneficial to liver cancer patients in our region."
About Hepatocellular Carcinoma  
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common form of primary liver cancer - cancer that starts in the liver - which is the sixth most-common cancer in the world and the second most-common cause of cancer-related death.[3] It affects mainly patients with cirrhosis from any cause, including viral hepatitis and alcohol abuse. HCC occurs with greatest frequency in regions where hepatitis is most often diagnosed, such as in the Asia Pacific region and Southern Europe. When diagnosed in its early stages, HCC can be treated by surgical resection, ablation or liver transplantation with expectation of improved long-term survival. However, these options are not available to the great majority of patients. For patients with unresectable HCC, the outlook is bleak, with survival ranging from a few months to about two years depending largely on the extent of their tumours and state of their liver at the time of diagnosis.[4] No new HCC treatment option has been tested successfully in large studies for almost a decade.
About National Cancer Centre Singapore  
National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) provides a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to cancer treatment and patient care. We treat almost 70 per cent of the public sector oncology cases, and they are benefiting from the sub-specialisation of our clinical oncologists. NCCS is also accredited by the US-based Joint Commission International for its quality patient care and safety. To deliver among the best in cancer treatment and care, our clinicians work closely with our scientists who conduct robust cutting-edge clinical and translational research programmes which are internationally recognised. NCCS strives to be a global leading cancer centre, and shares its expertise and knowledge by offering training to local and overseas medical professionals. http://www.nccs.com.sg
About Singapore Clinical Research Institute   
Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI) is a National Academic Research Organisation dedicated to enhance the standards of human clinical research. Its mission is to spearhead and develop core capabilities, infrastructure and scientific leadership for clinical research in Singapore. SCRI is a national clinical trials coordination centre that works with National Medical Research Council (NMRC) to assist the Ministry of Health in implementing clinical trials policy and strategic initiatives to support and develop clinical research competencies locally. In driving towards its vision, SCRI collaborates with clinicians to enhance Singapore's clinical research and strengthen its expertise in executing multi-site, multi-national studies and the development of regional clinical research networks. SCRI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MOH Holdings. http://www.scri.edu.sg
Current Availability of SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres  
SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres are approved for the treatment of inoperable liver tumours in Australia, the European Union (CE Mark), Argentina (ANMAT), Brazil, and several countries in Asia, such as Turkey, India and Singapore. The product is also supplied for this use in countries and regions such as Hong Kong, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan and Thailand. SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres also have a full Pre-Market Approval (PMA) by the FDA and are indicated in the United States for the treatment of non-resectable metastatic liver tumours from primary colorectal cancer in combination with intra-hepatic artery chemotherapy using floxuridine.
[1] Intent-to-treat group includes all patients who were enrolled and randomly allocated to treatment and are analysed according to the group to which they were randomized.  The intent-to-treat-group included n=182 (Y-90 resin microspheres) and n=178 (sorafenib).
[2] Treated group includes only those patients who completed the treatment originally allocated.  The treated group included n=130 (Y-90 resin microspheres) and n=162 (sorafenib).
[3] Ferlay J et al.  Globocan 2012. v1.0, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 11 [Internet]. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2013. Available from: http://globocan.iarc.fr , accessed on 18/May/2017.
[4] EASL-EORTC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of hepatocellular carcinoma.  J Hepatol 2012; 56: 908-43.
  Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Publishes Abstract of SIRveNIB, an Investigator-led Asia Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Study to be Presented at ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago, 4 June 2017
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bobbykingston · 5 years
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Best colorectal surgeons from Sydney, Australia can assist you with all kinds of colorectal disorders which affects your colon, rectum and anus. Consult colorectal surgeon for more information.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
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CSCS are best colorectal surgeons who treat all disorders of the colon, rectum and anus. Colorectal Surgeons Australia they professional and technically equipped to deal with all colorectal disorders.
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bobbykingston · 6 years
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Best colorectal surgeon in Sydney – Best services
Colorectal cancer is a very common cancer in Australia. Colorectal cancer becomes more common with age. Most patients with colorectal cancer develop the condition between 55 and 75 years of age. We have best colorectal surgeons in Sydney of well trained are committed to the diagnosis and treatment of your colorectal condition. Our surgeons consult from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) Medical Centre, and if required organise procedures at RPAH and Sydney Day Surgery. Consult us for more information  (02) 9519 7576 or visit http://colorectal-surgeon.com.au/.
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bobbykingston · 4 years
Find the best colorectal surgeon in Sydney ,Australia. CSCS can help you in the diagnosis and  treatment of colon, rectum and anus.
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bobbykingston · 4 years
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With modern technology and well equipped machines the Central Sydney colorectal surgeons are one of the best colorectal surgeons, Sydney, Australia who  can help you with all the colorectal issues.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
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Best colorectal surgeons Australia helps in the diagnosis and treatments of all kind of colorectal disorders helping you to get back a normal life. Get the services of best colorectal surgeon in Sydney.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
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Colorectal Surgeons are highly trained and well equipped to deal with all kinds of colorectal disorders.Consult the best colorectal surgeon in Sydney if you face any colorectal disorders.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
Best colorectal surgeons from Sydney, Australia can assist you with all kinds of colorectal disorders which affects your colon, rectum and anus. Consult colorectal surgeon for more information.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
Are you facing any colorectal issues? Consult the best colorectal surgeon in Sydney, Australia. CSCS are well trained and equipped to handle all types of colorectal disorders.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
CSCS are best colorectal surgeons who treat all disorders of the colon, rectum and anus. Colorectal Surgeons Australia they professional and technically equipped to deal with all colorectal disorders.
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bobbykingston · 5 years
CSCS are best colorectal surgeons who treat all disorders of the colon, rectum and anus. Colorectal Surgeons Australia they professional and technically equipped to deal with all colorectal disorders.
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