#Better to break up with CAA and team than little fish mouth- you were actually legally tied to them
allycat75 · 5 months
Just a reminder, Boston Dumb Fuck, your normalization and tacit approval of antisemitism will not go away once you break up with the little Nazi wifey, as fake and forced as it was.
(Please note, for this example I am singling out the precious wifey's antisemitism, but you could substitute any of her other dreadful qualities that you have quietly put your rubber stamp of approval on: racism, fat-shaming, arrogance, laziness, entitlement, ignorance...)
I keep reminding you of this moral failing because antisemitism and Islamophobia is getting worse and the little wifey and her putrid friends are probably downright giddy (I can almost see that little smug face of hers now, until I vomit in my mouth a bit and it snaps me out of it. You know what that is like- I suspect you do that anytime they force you to kiss her).
If you think putting out a break up article, that will probably be neutral or even kind toward her, will be enough to clear the Karmic damage, you really are broken. You will be forever tied to her, having knowledge of her beliefs and behaviors and worse than doing absolutely nothing, you ran straight toward it and "married" her instead, something you had set up previously in your brand narrative was supposedly sacred to you. You wouldn't have just anyone be your "wife", so she had to be special, right? There is no plausible deniability for you here and a "divorce" doesn't erase your hypocritical decision.
If you have any hope of nurturing a soul back to life, you need to come clean. About everything (to the fullest extent you can)- why you did it, what you got out of it (or were supposed to), what was fake and how it was all orchestrsted, how you became everything you hated and used those you respected and loved. And for what? Two dubious roles and a car campaign (meanwhile Jinx is embarrassed by you and you had to whore your way around Washington, DC to see if you could somehow recoup some costs for the pointless ASP, making you look like even more of an irrelevant joke).
So, back to the whole antisemitism thing, below is an article describing what it is like to not be a coddled man-child and be afraid out of your fucking mind because everyone wants to do you harm for a conflict you have no part in and do not support, causing a bit more that just some cyclical sadness. I don't care at this point what Hollywood "makes you do". If it is really that bad and you aren't helping bring it to light, you are perpetuating it and abetting everytime they do it to the next person. Woman up and do something right, if you remember how to anymore!!
And here is an incident in your own backyard from only a few weeks ago, just for shits and giggles:
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