#What self respecting woman would want to come in second to that little succubus?
allycat75 · 5 months
Just a reminder, Boston Dumb Fuck, your normalization and tacit approval of antisemitism will not go away once you break up with the little Nazi wifey, as fake and forced as it was.
(Please note, for this example I am singling out the precious wifey's antisemitism, but you could substitute any of her other dreadful qualities that you have quietly put your rubber stamp of approval on: racism, fat-shaming, arrogance, laziness, entitlement, ignorance...)
I keep reminding you of this moral failing because antisemitism and Islamophobia is getting worse and the little wifey and her putrid friends are probably downright giddy (I can almost see that little smug face of hers now, until I vomit in my mouth a bit and it snaps me out of it. You know what that is like- I suspect you do that anytime they force you to kiss her).
If you think putting out a break up article, that will probably be neutral or even kind toward her, will be enough to clear the Karmic damage, you really are broken. You will be forever tied to her, having knowledge of her beliefs and behaviors and worse than doing absolutely nothing, you ran straight toward it and "married" her instead, something you had set up previously in your brand narrative was supposedly sacred to you. You wouldn't have just anyone be your "wife", so she had to be special, right? There is no plausible deniability for you here and a "divorce" doesn't erase your hypocritical decision.
If you have any hope of nurturing a soul back to life, you need to come clean. About everything (to the fullest extent you can)- why you did it, what you got out of it (or were supposed to), what was fake and how it was all orchestrsted, how you became everything you hated and used those you respected and loved. And for what? Two dubious roles and a car campaign (meanwhile Jinx is embarrassed by you and you had to whore your way around Washington, DC to see if you could somehow recoup some costs for the pointless ASP, making you look like even more of an irrelevant joke).
So, back to the whole antisemitism thing, below is an article describing what it is like to not be a coddled man-child and be afraid out of your fucking mind because everyone wants to do you harm for a conflict you have no part in and do not support, causing a bit more that just some cyclical sadness. I don't care at this point what Hollywood "makes you do". If it is really that bad and you aren't helping bring it to light, you are perpetuating it and abetting everytime they do it to the next person. Woman up and do something right, if you remember how to anymore!!
And here is an incident in your own backyard from only a few weeks ago, just for shits and giggles:
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xther-mxses · 3 years
Ally's bio :: for mobile
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FC: Ksenia Solo.
Fandom: None - she lives in a world of my own. ( But can be put practically anywhere! )
༻ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ༺
Basic Information.
Name: Aelazia Dianae Nevermoore
Pronunciation: (EE-LAY-ZYAH) (DEE-AH-NAY)
Nickname(s): Ally, Zia, Dee-Dee.
Age: 242 ( She looks 19-21 )
Pen Name: “Layla D.”
Race: Supernatural.
Specific species: Hybrid - Vampire/Succubus (demon).
Heritage: Largely vampire or succubi/incubi, but there are other things mixed in with it.
Relationship status: Single.
Preference? - Males. { She is quite shy and unsure of herself, as well as fearing her second half, so she often doesn’t actively seek out relationships. }
Job: She writes stories under a pen name, but hasn’t told anyone about it because she’s self-conscious about it.
Likes: Learning, exploring on her own in the calmest parts of night, fruits ( in cakes, salads, jelly, pretty much anything), the way celery crunches when she bites into it, baked potatoes, jewelry that shines in the light and is fun to play with, the dolls and her dollhouse that she grew up with.
Dislikes: Messing up when she is trying to perfect a skill ( She is quite anxious, so it only makes that worse ), the fact that she has to wear a bracelet just to keep her forms in check and to hide what she is effectively, rotten fruits or vegetables, being cornered.
Vampire Bat
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In this form, she is much like her sister. Dark, but with a bit of a red shine to her fur when in the light. She is about the same size as Aizalea is in her bat form, and just as fluffy ( if not more. )
She enjoys plasma fruits even more than her sister does. So much, that she refuses blood entirely and will starve herself ( in any form ) rather than have it.
She will not attack anyone. Aelazia almost always chooses ‘flight’ out of her ‘fight-or-flight’ instincts.
Aelazia can communicate with other bats.
She feels comfortable in this form, and enjoys ‘bathing’ in bowls, sitting under a hairdryer ( on medium heat ) and just mostly behaving like a pet of sorts.
Aelazia will definitely let people dress her up.
Oftentimes, she can be seen carrying flowers around, simply because she likes them so much.
Her Imp form is more of an in-between of her Succubus form and her bat form. It is small, visibly of a dark nature, but quite dainty like she is in any other form.
- She enjoys eating fruits ( no matter how much bigger than her they are ) and playing in flowers.
- Aelazia is not immune from pranks in this form, but is far less dangerous or annoying than most imps are.
- She has been known to have little ‘hide-away’ places with things she likes in them. ( Usually, a wide variety of shiny or pretty objects. )
- In this form, Aelazia can emit a high-pitched sound that can immobilize most in a relatively short time. ( However, it hurts her throat and leaves it sore - in any form - for a time. )
In this form, she does her very best not to harm anyone. Her eyes switch from being their normal light pink, to a deep black. ( Black irises, black sclera, etc. ) Her skin takes on a bit of a different shade, her teeth grow sharper, and she cannot hide her extra features.
- Because of the stigma on hybrids of certain types, she has had trouble - resulting in scars on her wings, and on her tail, where a group of problematic supernaturals once tried to cut them off.
- Aelazia is very subconscious about this form; she does everything that she can to hide it and keep it from showing up.
- In order to keep it in check, she takes supplements. They come from a special store meant for supernaturals who need help or who choose to ‘deviate’ from their genetic code; she hides them and takes them religiously because she is terrified of hurting someone.
- If she is not properly on her supplement, she has a potential to be very dangerous.
༻ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ༺
Aizalea and Aelazia were born to their mother, Lady Eboneth Thorngrave; a woman of high respect and class, who had more than one secret lover after her husband’s disappearance. Believing him to be dead or to no longer love her, Eboneth did her best to move on.
While the majority of her loves were within her own species, she ( as many of her ancestors had before her ) strayed more than once, crossing the lines between other species and her own. Forbidden unions, as with many, do not often end well. Aizalea’s father, a werewolf who Eboneth had fallen in love with, turned up missing as her first husband had. Leaving her pregnant and in need of solace, a night with a friend who offered her comfort ended with her pregnancy becoming that of not only one child, but two. Two girls, with different fathers.
As the genes of most ‘fantasy’ or ‘myth’ races are widely misunderstood and quite strange to humans, explaining how it is that Eboneth birthed two girls who looked the same - but had different genes - is no easy task. Chalking it up to her own family’s history of mixed genes, Eboneth has done her best to take care of her children ( of which, she has many ) to the best of her ability. Since the loss of not one love, but two, to mysterious circumstances - Eboneth has become quite tight-lipped about her romantic encounters. She has shielded herself from the idea of finding someone and remarrying, but has had more than a few children since the twins.
“Twins run in her family,” is her excuse often given, if ever asked about Aizalea or her sister Aelazia. Her reasoning as to why she named them as she did, varies from time to time. Often, she asks the person in return, if they do not think her daughters’ names are beautiful - given her powerful and intimidating presence, this usually ends the discussion if she doesn’t feel like going into it. The truth being in part that Eboneth was under much duress during her pregnancy, she could not think very clearly when trying to come up with names for her children. She is embarrassed by this, but does think their names are pretty - as she did come up with them and their spellings on her own. ( Aside from some help from her sister. )
Growing up.
As the two girls grew up, they learned what it meant to be different. While their siblings loved them and did not care that they weren’t of ‘pure’ blood, there were those who posed a danger to them both. In the world of Supernaturals, hybridizations of certain beings is strictly prohibited. Such hybridizations as what Aizalea - called ‘Izzy’ by her family, and later, her friends - is, is one of the ones most severely sought out and destroyed. So much so, that she is one of very few that remains alive - even after the turning of the centuries.
Aelazia - called ‘Ally’ by her family - is one of the ones most often not spoken about. It is a hybridization of species so rarely occurring, that most Supernaturals do not address it. Those who do, find it an uneasy topic. Some, however, simply enjoy the hunt and the thrill gained by killing anything that isn’t seen as pure - thus putting her in danger as well.
Over time, Izzy showed an aptitude for singing. She spent a lot of her time doing so, when not learning from her mother or her aunt. Izzy loved to sit and make up songs out of nowhere, off the top of her head; Ally, however, liked to dance. She could sing too - but didn’t think she was very good at it, so she and Izzy played off one another - helping one another get better at either skill.
Both smarter than one would have expected, they eventually developed their own separate personalities from the other: Ally was not so apt to stand up for herself; Izzy, on the other hand, was. Soft and caring, and fierce and loyal. Izzy and Ally were inseparable for the longest time. If they weren’t learning from their mother or their aunt, they were having fun running around the mansion with their siblings. They kept each other entertained for as long as any of their ( rather huge ) immediate family could remember.
However, a free spirit like Izzy’s couldn’t be tamed for forever.
Young adults.
After pleading with her mother to let her go, Izzy moved out of her family’s old mansion and headed to the city. From there, she traveled around trying to get noticed.
This caused both good, and bad, results.
Not having thought about the possible ill consequences of being open about who she was, Izzy ended up meeting her two best friends ( and later, bandmates ) after they came in and helped her get away from rude purebloods. Since then, Izzy has stuck with them - and learned, over time, who she could trust and who she couldn’t.
Ally has stuck at home for the most part; she is far more timid and less sure of herself than her sister is, and has spent a lot of time at home learning new skills. She has given up what she used to do with Izzy when they were growing up, and doesn’t mention it often. There is a lot of times when she wishes that she had been able to leave with her sister and regrets that she didn’t.
What she wants most, is to unite with her twin again. But she’s afraid… What will happen if she leaves?
This is what she asked herself many, many times - before she too, finally left home in search of her sister.
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Aelazia’s bio ( for mobile )
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FC: Ksenia Solo.
Fandom: None - she lives in a world of my own. ( But can be put practically anywhere! )
༻ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ༺
Basic Information.
Name: Aelazia Dianae Nevermoore
Pronunciation: (EE-LAY-ZYAH) (DEE-AH-NAY)
Nickname(s): Ally, Zia, Dee-Dee.
Age: 242 ( She looks 19-21 )
Pen Name: “Layla D.”
Race: Supernatural.
Specific species: Hybrid - Vampire/Succubus (demon).
Heritage: Largely vampire or succubi/incubi, but there are other things mixed in with it.
Relationship status: Single.
Preference? - Males. { She is quite shy and unsure of herself, as well as fearing her second half, so she often doesn’t actively seek out relationships. }
Job: She writes stories under a pen name, but hasn’t told anyone about it because she’s self-conscious about it.
Likes: Learning, exploring on her own in the calmest parts of night, fruits ( in cakes, salads, jelly, pretty much anything), the way celery crunches when she bites into it, baked potatoes, jewelry that shines in the light and is fun to play with, the dolls and her dollhouse that she grew up with.
Dislikes: Messing up when she is trying to perfect a skill ( She is quite anxious, so it only makes that worse ), the fact that she has to wear a bracelet just to keep her forms in check and to hide what she is effectively, rotten fruits or vegetables, being cornered.
Vampire Bat
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In this form, she is much like her sister. Dark, but with a bit of a red shine to her fur when in the light. She is about the same size as Aizalea is in her bat form, and just as fluffy ( if not more. )
- She enjoys plasma fruits even more than her sister does. So much, that she refuses blood entirely and will starve herself ( in any form ) rather than have it.
- She will not attack anyone. Aelazia almost always chooses ‘flight’ out of her ‘fight-or-flight’ instincts.
- Aelazia can communicate with other bats.
- She feels comfortable in this form, and enjoys ‘bathing’ in bowls, sitting under a hairdryer ( on medium heat ) and just mostly behaving like a pet of sorts.
- Aelazia will definitely let people dress her up.
- Often times, she can be seen carrying flowers around, simply because she likes them so much.
Her Imp form is more of an in-between of her Succubus form and her bat form. It is small, visibly of a dark nature, but quite dainty like she is in any other form.
- She enjoys eating fruits ( no matter how much bigger than her they are ) and playing in flowers.
- Aelazia is not immune from pranks in this form, but is far less dangerous or annoying than most imps are.
- She has been known to have little ‘hide-away’ places with things she likes in them. ( Usually, a wide variety of shiny or pretty objects. )
- In this form, Aelazia can emit a high-pitched sound that can immobilize most in a relatively short time. ( However, it hurts her throat and leaves it sore - in any form - for a time. )
In this form, she does her very best not to harm anyone. Her eyes switch from being their normal light pink, to a deep black. ( Black irises, black sclera, etc. ) Her skin takes on a bit of a different shade, her teeth grow sharper, and she cannot hide her extra features.
- Because of the stigma on hybrids of certain types, she has had trouble - resulting in scars on her wings, and on her tail, where a group of problematic supernaturals once tried to cut them off.
- Aelazia is very subconscious about this form; she does everything that she can to hide it and keep it from showing up.
- In order to keep it in check, she takes supplements. They come from a special store meant for supernaturals who need help or who choose to ‘deviate’ from their genetic code; she hides them and takes them religiously because she is terrified of hurting someone.
- If she is not properly on her supplement, she has a potential to be very dangerous.  
༻ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ༺
Aizalea and Aelazia were born to their mother, Lady Eboneth Thorngrave; a woman of high respect and class, who had more than one secret lover after her husband’s disappearance. Believing him to be dead or to no longer love her, Eboneth did her best to move on.
While the majority of her loves were within her own species, she ( as many of her ancestors had before her ) strayed more than once, crossing the lines between other species and her own. Forbidden unions, as with many, do not often end well. Aizalea’s father, a werewolf who Eboneth had fallen in love with, turned up missing as her first husband had. Leaving her pregnant and in need of solace, a night with a friend who offered her comfort ended with her pregnancy becoming that of not only one child, but two. Two girls, with different fathers.
As the genes of most ‘fantasy’ or ‘myth’ races are widely misunderstood and quite strange to humans, explaining how it is that Eboneth birthed two girls who looked the same - but had different genes - is no easy task. Chalking it up to her own family’s history of mixed genes, Eboneth has done her best to take care of her children ( of which, she has many ) to the best of her ability. Since the loss of not one love, but two, to mysterious circumstances - Eboneth has become quite tight-lipped about her romantic encounters. She has shielded herself from the idea of finding someone and remarrying, but has had more than a few children since the twins.
“Twins run in her family,” is her excuse often given, if ever asked about Aizalea or her sister Aelazia. Her reasoning as to why she named them as she did, varies from time to time. Often, she asks the person in return, if they do not think her daughters’ names are beautiful - given her powerful and intimidating presence, this usually ends the discussion if she doesn’t feel like going into it.
The truth being in part that Eboneth was under much duress during her pregnancy, she could not think very clearly when trying to come up with names for her children. She is embarrassed by this, but does think their names are pretty - as she did come up with them and their spellings on her own. ( Aside from some help from her sister. )
Growing up.
As the two girls grew up, they learned what it meant to be different. While their siblings loved them and did not care that they weren’t of ‘pure’ blood, there were those who posed a danger to them both. In the world of Supernaturals, hybridizations of certain beings is strictly prohibited. Such hybridizations as what Aizalea - called ‘Izzy’ by her family, and later, her friends - is, is one of the ones most severely sought out and destroyed. So much so, that she is one of very few that remains alive - even after the turning of the centuries.
Aelazia - called ‘Ally’ by her family - is one of the ones most often not spoken about. It is a hybridization of species so rarely occurring, that most Supernaturals do not address it. Those who do, find it an uneasy topic. Some, however, simply enjoy the hunt and the thrill gained by killing anything that isn’t seen as pure - thus putting her in danger as well.
Over time, Izzy showed an aptitude for singing. She spent a lot of her time doing so, when not learning from her mother or her aunt. Izzy loved to sit and make up songs out of nowhere, off the top of her head; Ally, however, liked to dance. She could sing too - but didn’t think she was very good at it, so she and Izzy played off one another - helping one another get better at either skill.
Both smarter than one would have expected, they eventually developed their own separate personalities from the other: Ally was not so apt to stand up for herself; Izzy, on the other hand, was. Soft and caring, and fierce and loyal. Izzy and Ally were inseparable for the longest time. If they weren’t learning from their mother or their aunt, they were having fun running around the mansion with their siblings. They kept each other entertained for as long as any of their ( rather huge ) immediate family could remember.  
However, a free spirit like Izzy’s couldn’t be tamed for forever.
Young adults.
After pleading with her mother to let her go, Izzy moved out of her family’s old mansion and headed to the city. From there, she traveled around trying to get noticed.
This caused both good, and bad, results.
Not having thought about the possible ill consequences of being open about who she was, Izzy ended up meeting her two best friends ( and later, bandmates ) after they came in and helped her get away from rude purebloods. Since then, Izzy has stuck with them - and learned, over time, who she could trust and who she couldn’t.
Ally has stuck at home for the most part; she is far more timid and less sure of herself than her sister is, and has spent a lot of time at home learning new skills. She has given up what she used to do with Izzy when they were growing up, and doesn’t mention it often. There is a lot of times when she wishes that she had been able to leave with her sister and regrets that she didn’t.
What she wants most, is to unite with her twin again. But she’s afraid… What will happen if she leaves?
This is what she asked herself many, many times - before she too, finally left home in search of her sister.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
A Little Gain of Her (Teaser):
Hawthorne! Michael Langdon+Virgin! Reader+(Succubus)
(”From Eros To Filia” Part 3).
Part 1, Part 2: 
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Although I am a bit late, I am here with the new and last chapter of this series!
I honestly have to say, that although I know that this wasn’t a bit heartbreaking series, for me it meant so much (and I am glad you liked it!) and I cried a bit last night, proof-reading it.
(Also I swear that I am not trying to hype this all up, but...).
So I really hope you will enjoy it (also I will tag everyone who is on my tag-list, and those who have been tagged in the second part, and if you want to be added on that list, just like this post!)
Thank you and here’s the teaser!
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-I know it doesn’t matter… but you look gorgeous, tonight-.
Of course, it didn’t matter.
But she still couldn’t help but release the first honest and genuine smile in weeks, on her lips.
-… you don’t look so bad yourself- she mumbled, immediately looking away: he didn’t deserve her love and he didn’t deserve her pity.
He let out an embarrassed laugh, his hair being thrown back, catching the light in a perfect arch of golden she wanted to touch and mess, but she just pushed her nails further in the weak skin of her palms.
She half-expected him to walk away as he had done before, almost challenged him to do it, minding him no attention, hoping for Mallory and Coco to finish their make-out session in order to finally be able to go to the ball together.
But the universe had somehow declared she couldn’t have a moment of peace.
-… (Y/N)…- she wanted to tell him not to say her name with those plump lips of his, the most sensual sound came out of them, a prayer of a fool in the throes of pleasure and they hadn’t even touched -…I think we need to talk-.
-What for? – her hysterics were shown through her tone, full of derision and annoyance, a mask to keep him from knowing how much she had wished for those words, praying that one day he would barge in her bedroom, and ask for her forgiveness on his knees.
She would cruelly deny him on most nights she dreamed it, but during her most feverish dreams… what they hadn’t been able to conclude happened, with her hands in his hair, pulling and his mouth latched on her nipples, exactly just like last time.
-… I think that you know that last time I sent you away, rather unkindly…- his tone matched hers, clearly not wanting to appear a lesser opponent, but softness shone in his eyes, asking and begging for her to give him a chance to talk, as if he was speaking to a wounded animal.
She was a wounded deer in his eyes, but the truth was that she was much worse, a broken woman, with him having destroyed the thing that held her entire heart together.
-You say “unpolitely” I say “you are an asshole, and I don’t need to encourage your assholish views”- she honestly wanted to take that step further, the one that would hurt him as he had hurt her, but she just couldn’t turn around and leave him there.
She had been always too sweet for this game of love.
-… I know that I am indeed even worse than what you believe me to be, but explanations might bring some kind of relief to your aching soul, because if you feel even a miniscule amount of the pain I have in my heart, I feel nothing but respect for you for walking around with your head high, you are much stronger than what I believed-.
She honestly didn’t want to give up just because of his silver-tongue, each word delivered perfectly with a troubled expression, as if he found it difficult to discover she had missed him almost as much as he had missed her.
Suddenly his eye bags seemed more evident and the frown on her mouth was laced with wrinkles made from worry and not enough sleep: she had been too focused on his outfit, to notice he was a broken man as well.
But she hadn’t been the one to close the door in his face, last time.
-… you might speak, but in English and I don’t want silly words to cover up the major fuck-up you did- she couldn’t hide the fact that she had been infected by the little laughter of relief he left out and he took a step closer, almost coming closer enough to touch her, eyeing her arms, naked because of the sleeveless dress.
He wanted to touch her so badly, but her dark eyes sought nothing but a reason to run away and disappear under his touch warned him.
-I promise I will do my best not to take any of your precious time- he promised, charmingly and she just rolled her eyes and almost went back to remind him about the “no pretty words policy” -… but I just couldn’t take you, last time-.
She blushed at the mention of the natural act they had almost committed to, last time.
-I was more than willing to go on- she pointed out, trying to lessen the warmth on her cheeks, she just hoped that it might not be too evident.
-And so was I- she honestly felt like she could breathe.
For the entire time, she had almost been worried that he might have seriously not wanted her, horrified by her appearance, her willingness or just because she wasn’t enough, this had sent her even farther down the self-pity road, her self-esteem completely buried under her own ugliness.
-… then why? – 
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Here it is, my submission to @tatortot2701‘s AU challenge... hope you guys like it, this is my first time writing an AU, so let me know how I did. Thanks to @writingwithadinosaur for reading this TWICE, you're the best!!
Bucky x OFC Harper
Paranormal/Supernatural AU (shifters, and vampires, and mages oh my!)
-“I’ve committed many crimes. You’re going to have to be clear about which one you’re talking about.” (I changed the wording a little whenI put it in the story... sorry)
Word count: 1803
Warnings: swearing, bad writing, typos
Posted: 6/14/17
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There were days when she loved her job, really there were. But when her day began with being called into the Captain’s office, Harper knew it was going to suck.
Stepping in the large double doors, Harper crossed the threshold into the large atrium of her department and heard one of the enforcers answering the phones.
“Supernatural Hunting, Investigation, and Enforcement of Law Department, How may I direct your call?”
“I’d just stick with SHIELD, Daisy. It’s easier to say.” Harper commented. Daisy didn’t even look up to meet Harper’s eyes, just smirked and flipped Harper off as she passed. Harper snorted.
An enforcer in the supernatural world was like a police officer in the human world; they enforced the laws, and kept the peace. Most of the time, this meant Harper tracked down some vampire who was a messy eater or who forgot to mind-wipe his food, and brought him to the council for judgement. Most of the time. Then there were those times when other enforcers had tried and failed on a case, and Harper had to step in and take over.
Harper was unique, a hybrid; her mother was a siren and her father was a dragon shifter. She inherited traits from both. Her siren half was more physically present than the dragon, but they were equal parts of her personality. She could shift to a dragon form, a huge scaled, charcoal grey, fire breathing, flying lizard, anytime she wished; within the confines of the law of course. But if she found herself thrown into a large depository of saltwater, she grew a long, finned tail in a color matching her dragon’s hide, and gills along the sides of her neck. Harper tried to avoid falling in the ocean if she could.
Sirens had a human appearance and shifters were dual-natured, so she looked like a normal human most of the time, though her eyes were more fluid. The moment her dragon rose, her eyes changed from a cool, human blue, to an amber-gold with a slitted pupil. The rise of her siren powers was heralded by a more subtle shift to sea green. When she was out in the “normal” world, Harper wore colored contacts of a deep chocolate brown.
When she reached the captain’s door, she knocked before entering. Seeing Nat and Clint already sitting in the office had Harper on edge. Those two were a near perfect team. But if they were in the office they needed help, and if they needed help…
“Don’t pull that face Harp, you haven’t even heard what we have to say yet.” Nat whined. Harper hadn’t realized that her face had slipped into a scowl, but she made no effort to rearrange it now. The succubus in front of her pouted, but her partner the wolf shifter, smiled.
“You know you love us Harper.”
“Mmm, but when I come in here and see you both waiting for me? Not so much.” She cocked an eyebrow in the direction of Captain Rogers, who was sitting behind his desk, leaning back in his chair, watching the back and forth attentively.
“All done?” he asked calmly.
“Yes Cap, I’m done. What mess of theirs am I cleaning up today?” She crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall across from his desk; choosing to ignore the affronted looks on her coworkers faces.
“Got bodies. Found them in a territory whose alpha is too high up the food chain for Barton to have any pull over.”
The country was divided into territories, like cities but bigger. Each territory ruled was by an alpha. Each of those alphas came together to form the council. An alpha was not always a shifter, just the most powerful supernatural in the territory.
“And I’m just hearing about this now? Must be well hidden bodies.”
“More like the bodies are all in really small pieces,” Nat corrected, slumping in her chair looking tired and uncomfortable.
“What is this guy? I know most shifters don’t shred their kills. Mages either.”
“Dragon.” The captain looked right at her, knowing she would react badly.
Blood drained from her face and her heartbeat raced; both things her vampire captain was aware of.
“Rogers, if this goes sideways, I’m not gonna be much help. No one is.”
“What’d’ya mean?” Clint asked loudly, “You’re way more powerful than me, that’s enough, right?”
“In this case, it's not…”
Now, there was the possibility that this guy wasn’t directly involved and would be cooperative. But the chance that he would be trouble was also there. If he was, Harper was the best choice. Not that it meant much. Harper may have been the apex predator at SHIELD, but she was only a half breed. Sure, her shifter half was at the top of the food chain, but a full blood dragon beat a half blood one anyday.
“So basically, I am being sent in in the hopes that if this guy causes trouble, I might take longer than most to kill?”
Captain Rogers hung his head; it wasn’t like he had much of a choice. Dragons beat everyone. They were the longest lived of the supernaturals and had the most power. They mostly kept to themselves, so policing them wasn’t really an issue. But when a dragon did decide to cause trouble, there wasn’t much to be done other than put forth your strongest player and cross your fingers.
“What’s the guy’s name?” Might as well know who it was she’d be going toe-to-toe with.
“Fuck me running,” Harper growled as she banged her head back into the wall. She missed the look Nat and Clint exchanged; they knew how shitty her chances were.
“Give me the file and address.”
Harper’s dragon was a warm presence along her spine as she drove out to Barnes’ home address. The dragon lent her reassurance, logical thinking, and just a hint of superiority. So while Harper knew that the investigation she’d been saddled with was extremely dangerous, she also knew that she was the best equipped to handle it, or at least the dragon in her knew. The large, scaly being she shared her soul with was more calm in most situations. You would be too if you knew that you could crush most opponents by simply stepping on them. The dragon was still cautious and calculating, but much less wary in general. As she approached the address on the file, Harper let her dragon half take more control.
James Barnes was surprised to hear who his unexpected guest was. It angered him that some lowly enforcer thought to shove their way into his home. Irritated, he made his way downstairs from his study to where his house manager had told him the enforcer was waiting. And then immediately cursed his lack of shifter staff; a shifter would have told him that the enforcer was a dragon. A half-breed of some sort, but still a dragon, which explained the lack of forewarning; no self-respecting dragon would call ahead. Checking his irritation, James entered the room.
“What brings a SHIELD enforcer to my home?”
“A crime has been committed, obviously. Were you involved?”
“I’ve committed many crimes.” Barnes hedged, smiling a little, “You’re going to have to be clear about which one you are speaking.”
Harper drew a deep breath, trying not to let the dragon in front of her see how annoyed she was.
“There have been bodies found in and around this territory, shredded and left for anyone to find. Now, my guess is that you aren’t involved, at least not directly. But this is your territory, so you must have at least an idea what’s been happening.”
“What makes you say that?” Barnes’ eyes flashed dragon for a split second.
“Any territory alpha should know what’s going on within their borders. But a dragon? No dragon worth their scales lets anything happen without their permission.” Harper met his gaze, which was a bold move after she essentially accused him of murder, but to look away after a statement like that would make her look weak, and she couldn’t afford that.
Barnes held her stare, he had no idea where this little half-dragon had come from, but what he was more interested in was how he had missed her. He’d been in this town for a year now and territory alpha for a little over 9 months, and he’d never seen or heard of her before.
“Who are you?”
Harper kept herself from rolling her eyes. “I asked first. Are you or are you not involved in the murders?”
“If you answer my question, I will answer yours.” He countered, a smirk working its way across his lips.
Harper’s eyes narrowed momentarily, she stood her ground, hands now loosely in her pockets and raised an eyebrow.
“I would be more amenable to your questions, Enforcer, if I knew your name. It is tedious to refer to you by your title.”
“I don’t see how my name is any easier to use than my title. But if you give me your word that you will answer my questions truthfully, I will tell you my name.”
Now his eyes narrowed. To give his word meant he would be bound to tell her the truth. It would be easy enough to find this enforcer’s name if he wanted, but this woman was intriguing, something he couldn’t say about much in his life. So he was willing to play along… for now.
“I give you my word.”
Harper blinked, surprised that he’d given in so easily, and now suspicious as to why.
“My name is Harper Coulson.”
James’ dragon was rolling happily in his head; hoarding this knowledge like it hoarded all its treasures. The fact that the dragon had labeled this woman’s name as a treasure was a bit startling, but James just smiled wider.
“Harper Coulson,” he repeated, like he was tasting her name on his tongue, “Very well, I was not and am not involved in the crime you have described. I am loathe to admit that I am, in fact, unaware of these occurrences,” he looked almost sheepish as his eyes slid away from hers. That admission must have burned his ego quite a bit, knowing this gave Harper and idea.
“What would you say to assisting in the investigation then?” she asked, tilting her head slightly to the right.
Barnes’ eyes narrowed again, but he met her eyes again, “What would ‘assisting’ entail exactly?”
“Well, it’s your territory, I would just give you extra resources really. We’d work together, find the perpetrator, then find a suitable punishment and carry it out.”
“A partnership then?” Barnes asked, an almost boyish smile on his face; ‘almost’ because there was a glimmer of dark mischief behind his eyes.
“If that’s what you want to call it,” Harper shrugged, “sure.”
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@buckyappreciationsociety, @melconnor2007, @17marvelousfreak
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