#Bhaldthota Doenkoenwyn
thanatle · 4 years
Val & Bhald in the market choosing an attire/equipment for Val, which hat/pair of gloves look better, which one is more practical/affordable/comfortable/better looking, better a traditional mage robe or something else? Is this ok?
 Requested by @valentine--heart from a while ago. Also, decided to have a small cameo appearance. ^ ^ Sorry this took so long. 
“What is it?” Alphinaud inquired when he realized that Valere had stopped following after him. He returned to her side, looking at the stall she was focused on, trying to see what might have caught her attention.
The owner has finished with his recent customer and looked up towards them, his expression changing from wariness to bewilderment. “I…I remember you!”
Alphinaud ready himself to intervene when Valere nodded.
“Aye. It has been many years, sir.” She offered a soft smile.
“Indeed. Five years, no? I have not seen you nor your sea wolf sister since before the Battle of Carteneau. To this day, it prides me that I sold gear to two of the Twelvesblades.”
After van Baelsar’s defeat, Alphinaud wasn’t surprised to hear another mention about Valere being part of the warriors of light who fought alongside his grandfather. However, it did surprise him to hear of a ‘sea wolf sister’. Valere never mentioned any family relations.
“How fares her?” The owner questioned.
“I know not.” Valere looked at the ground. “Now it is I who looks for her.”
“You found each other once. You will again.”
“I pray so.” Valere raised her hand in polite goodbye before turning to head in the direction she and her Elezen companion had been going.
Alphinaud hurried to keep up with her stride. “Who does he speak of? Valere?”
It was not her intention to be rude. Yet, the present blurred to her mind as she returned to memories of a much different time. She could barely hear herself answer him.
“He speaks of Bhaldthota. My sister, though we did not share blood.”
“Bhaldthota, this isn’t necessary!” Valere protested as the sea wolf dragged her throughout the crowded market.
“Nonsense!” Bhaldthota barked with her usual laughter. “Adventurers must look the part if they are to be taken seriously. You don’t need people assuming you’re a sea maid who foolishly wandered too far from the waves. Now…where is that stall at?”
They nearly past it when Bhaldthota noticed the sign, pivoting on her heel to head inside, tugging Valere close behind her. Valere muttered curses under her breath.
“Language!” Bhaldthota teasingly mimicked the tone of Valere’s grandmother, Thea.
The other scoffed, jerking her hand free before she nervously pulled at the hood-like cap she wore. Thankfully, it remained in place and kept her forehead hidden. Valere’s fears grow since arriving to the main streets of Limsa Lominsa. The Garlean Empire was growing as a threat and, while she knew most Eorzeans were unaware of the Garlean third eye, she didn’t want hers to be seen.
“You again,” the owner frowned when he realized who entered. He ignored the sea wolf’s grin and gave Valere a look over. “I take it that you are her missing friend? Mind you, if you are as difficult a customer as she was, I’m kicking you both out.”
Valere grimaced. “I deeply apologize for my sister’s display. She may not speak like a pirate but she kept the manners of one.”
“I am no pirate.” Bhaldthota spat. “And attempting to barter is not being difficult.”
The man released a tired sigh. He drummed his fingertips across the countertop he stood behind. “How much do you plan to spend? And what is your class?”
“Black mage.” Valere answered.
She pulled a small coin pouch from the inside of her sleeve and tossed it to him. The owner raised an eyebrow before emptying the contents onto the countertop. While the pouch didn’t contain her entire funds, the amount it carried had been carefully picked to show she was capable of buying suitable gear.
When he finished counting, he gave a nod and motioned to a selection of robes and other gear. “The prices are as marked and will not change.”
Bhaldthota kept a keen eye on the owner before he huffed and returned all the coins to the pouch and tossed it back to Valere. Then, he dismissed them when a highlander woman with an axe entered. Bhaldthota eyed the woman’s weapon in admiration before Valere chide her. The sea wolf shrugged it off before making her way to the black mage gear.
“What do you think of this?” Bhaldthota poked at a dark robe with sparkles on it that resembled stars.
“I thought I must look the part of an adventurer and not a fool.” Valere frowned. Most of the robes, hats, and gloves were within her price range. She just didn’t know where to begin.
“Perhaps the robes, first.” Bhaldthota suggested.
That’s when they quickly realized a problem. Valere was Garlean, but she easily passed as a highlander in appearance. Meaning that many of the robes were too short for her height except for two that fell to her ankles when worn. Valere considered the price of each before handing both to Bhaldthota.
“I can use one as my main and keep the second as a spare.” She explained. “I have enough for them.”
“Are you sure about the darker robe? It is leather and feels heavy.” Bhaldthota knew well that Valere could walk through a snowstorm without feeling a thing but wearing gear like this in warmer climates and battle might affect her.
“That’s why it will be my spare for now. Unless I’m fortunate enough to stay thin as an Elezen, I can’t be choosy with my gear if I hit another growth spur or gain more curves.”
Valere was ready to return to the stall owner but Bhaldthota insisted they find a couple more items for her. She was kind of grateful, after finding a hat that matched the robe she would use as her main gear. But she failed to find anything else…at least anything that wouldn’t provoke Bhaldthota into bartering.
It was beginning to get hot as noon approached. Valere carefully wiped at her forehead beneath the cap, careful to keep it in place. She noticed the highlander who entered after them watching her. Feeling a bit unease, Valere quickly took the items from Bhaldthota and hurried to the owner.
“Did you find everything ok?” He asked. “I know most of those robes aren’t designed for highlanders.”
“Yes. These should last me a while.”
He laughed. “Few things last for adventurers. Ah! I’ll half the price of the hat since you had enough sense to pick it with its matching robe.”
Suddenly, a half-staff was placed onto the countertop. A headband with a unique metal design was tossed beside it. Bhaldthota plucked out her own coin pouch, picking out the exact sum for both and handed it over to the owner.
The man eyed her, unamused, but still counted to make sure everything was in order. “May you both have a pleasant day.”
Valere thanked him and waited until they were outside. “What’s the headband for?”
“I think I can…adjust it for you.” Bhaldthota flipped the accessory over and ran her thumb along the leathery back. “It might even be better if you wear this headband under any hat. At least, when you’re in battle.”
Valere blinked as it dawned on her what the sea wolf meant. She had never been in actual combat before, so the thought of losing whatever covered her third eye had not occurred to her. She smiled, glad her adopted sister still watched out for her.
Little did they know, their words had been overheard when the highlander left the stall. She watched them for a moment before heading off in the other direction.
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thanatle · 5 years
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Valere Galilea, Bhaldthota Doenkoenwyr, and Argalus yae Galvus (oc). 
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thanatle · 5 years
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“I pray that my sister and I finally reunite in a better life.”
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thanatle · 5 years
Mamool Ja
Mamool Ja: Has your character ever done something inappropriate in a situation that did not warrant it?
Bhaldthota is the main criminal of this when it comes to pressing someone’s nerves for a reaction. Mainly because she’s always eager to fight someone. A’zadru if second, if you count how many times she enjoys being a flirt just to aggravate people. 
Qiqirn: Does your character collect anything?
[Adding this since I was asked in IM about it.]
Valere actually enjoys collecting minions. She’ll not reveal WHERE she stores them, but she has nearly every one created. And she may or may not collect guns. 
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thanatle · 5 years
There’s an intro scene for legacy players. You see the character summoned in the rift and then Lahabrea shows up to challenge them. To each their own interpretation, but for my Garlean mage verse, this is Hydaelyn’s attempt to bring back some of the Twelvesblades. 
Lahabrea had been successful in defeating several Twelvesblades. He confirms as much to Valere during Praetorium, but does hint that she was one of the few to escape his efforts when they ‘first’ meet at Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak. 
Valere doesn’t know where Bhaldhtota or the other WoL in their close group are. Either dead by Lahabrea’s hand, still lost in the rift while Hydaelyn grew too weak to call the rest of them back, or somewhere in Eorzea or other lands.
Despite heeding Hydaelyn’s call as a warrior of light, a major reason Valere continued with the Scions is in hopes of finding her adopted-sister and friends. 
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thanatle · 5 years
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“Sister, sometimes I dream of you. More than our allies who fought beside us. I wish I knew where you went when Louisoix’s spell spirited us away from  Carteneau. It seems like I returned alone to Eorzea. But I’m searching for you and the others. Just hang on, I will find you and bring you home.” 
- Valere Galilea, in letters quickly burned after they’re written.
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thanatle · 5 years
Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
I consider Bhaldthota to be one of my more reckless ocs. 
She lusts for battle, often seeking the thrill of the fight, but didn’t want to follow the moral paths of either parent; her father Doenkoen was a mercenary and her mother was a ruthless pirate before a rival crew took her out. 
Given her father’s reputation, it was hard for her to find friendship during her childhood. However, she did form a strong sisterly-bond with Valere and went to lengths to aid in hiding the girl’s Garlean heritage. 
By her late teens, Bhaldthota grew too restless to continue a quit life. Her Echo awoke at this time and she decided to run away and become an Adventurer. Valere followed along and the girl’s presence and efforts kept Bhaldthota from dying young. 
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thanatle · 5 years
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Top row (left to right):
Valere Galilea - Garlean pureblood, Black Mage
Bhaldthota Doenkoenwyr - Seawolf,  Marauder
Bottom row (left to right):
Deveraux -  Duskwight, Paladin 
Kuri Panari - Plainsfolk, Archer
A'zadru Lyehga - Keeper of the Moon, White Mage
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thanatle · 3 years
I think out of all my WoLs, Bhaldthota would def try to out drink Zenos. She would fail. Don’t ever tell this pirate how well you can hold your alcohol because she will test you. 
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thanatle · 5 years
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Sister, I fear what I become. I thought fighting for the light was right. Now, I walk towards darkness to save others.
Doenkoen heard heavy boots approach the stairs. He briefly glanced over his shoulder before returning to counting the coin he recently obtained while the footfall grew louder.
“Ye ‘ave returned.” He forced himself to speak despite how his throat tightened.
Silence greeted him when she stopped mere fulms behind him. He resisted the urge to turn. Otherwise, it would surely be another dream bought on by too much ale. He was growing tired of such dreams of either missing daughter.
“Yes, father.”
His eyes widen before he narrowed them. He slowly turned to look. “And Valere?”
Bhaldthota’s bloodshot eyes had dark circles under them. She looked pale, as she did when she normally forgo sleep for a day or two. But she possessed a look he didn’t care for. A haunting stare that reminded him of the far-out sea during a storm.
“I…I don’t…she wasn’t…” Bhaldthota trembled, reminding him of that day she returned to him as a little child after her mother’s death. “I came back alone.”
The news tore at Doenkoen. He shared no blood with the Garlean girl but he still saw her as his own. How was he going to tell the old hag? The woman was old and hardened like the ice of her homeland, she would not take kindly to only Bhaldthota returning without any knowledge of Valere.
“Tell me what ‘appened.” Doenkoen demanded.
“I only remembered that we were fighting at Carteneau. When that…thing escaped the red moon, something happened. Valere, the others, and myself just disappeared. I have no idea what happened until I opened my eyes three days ago.”
“You’ve been missing for five years.”
“Five years?” Her voice crackled when she finally spoke again.
Doenkoen rose to his feet, crossing the short distance between them, and hugged his daughter close to him. The act was enough to anchor her, to prevent her from breaking under the news that her mind struggled to comprehend.
“Rest, little one.” He urged softly. “Sleep will ‘elp you more than words.”
“I’ll find Valere…I’ll bring her home.” Bhaldthota whispered.
“I know.”
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thanatle · 5 years
Ixal: Is your character unable to do something now that they used to enjoy/love?
As a young child, Valere used to sing a forming of kulning that her village used as a means of communication in the wilderness of Garlemald. Since the empire attacked her birth-home, she rarely practices it and can only remember one ‘song’ (it’s the one she always begged her mother to sing for her when they’d go to look at the northern lights). 
Bhaldthota used to love pretending to be a full-fledge pirate and ‘captain’ of her mother’s ship. Her mother’s crew would indulge her in her play when their real captain was passed out from rum. However, Bhaldthota had a change of heart when witnessing her mother cold-heartedly execute a rival pirate in front of his own daughter, and then was unable to stop her mother from setting the man’s child adrift at sea. 
After that, Bhaldthota grew to resent spending time on ships and didn’t want to become a pirate and heir to her mother’s legacy. When her mother was killed by rivals, Bhaldthota took the chance to search for her father, Doenkoen. 
She still loves the sea, but that’s only because of Valere, whom she taught to swim shortly after Doenkoen found and adopted Valere and her grandmother.
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thanatle · 5 years
Let’s be honest. Since I don’t play FFXIV yet, I’ve failed to account how many times the WoL ends up unconscious during the storyline and ends up waking in the hands of healers/etc. This kind of poses a high risk for Valere, since she has a third eye to hide.
Headcanon time.
Healers have learned not to try and remove Valere’s headband if they’re tending to her while she’s passed out. Otherwise, she’ll reflexively strike out if someone tries to remove it. Valere developed this habit after someone (who became suspicious of her always keeping her forehead covered) jumped her and managed to get her headband off, revealing her third eye. Bhaldthota helped ‘train’ her, too. 
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thanatle · 5 years
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Tumblr didn’t want to load this yesterday while Twitter was kinder. This is an updated roster of the Warriors of Light who appear in my Garlean Mage verse and related content. 
Valere Galilea (top left): Garlean, black mage Bhaldthota Doenkoenwyr (top right): Sea Wolf Roe, marauder A'zadru Lyehga (middle left) - Keeper of the Moon, white mage  Deveraux (middle right) -  Duskwight, paladin  Unnamed Viera (bottom left) - Rava, dancer  Kuri Panari (bottom right) - Plainsfolk, archer
As I’ve mentioned on Twitter, my Garlean mage verse is based on the Twelvesblades lore. Anyway, I likely will cover more of these characters’ journey after I finish ‘Beast of Magic’. 
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thanatle · 5 years
I managed to fix my theme thanks to a ref. My blog now as a link to my CuriousCat, for anyone who wants to ask me things that will appear on Twitter rather than Tumblr. 
Feel free to use my Tumblr ask or Curious cat if:
Questions for me, the author.
Questions for my original characters.
Questions for my AUs on canons (like Bunscians). 
Anything that I can hopefully answer. 
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thanatle · 5 years
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thanatle · 5 years
About: Valere Galilea
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NAME: Valere Galilea (full surname is currently too much of a spoiler right now)
AGE: 24 (by the events of Stormblood)
RACE: Garlean (pureblood)
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual 
SERVER: N/A, yet. ;_;
HAIR: Dark brown and naturally wavy, usually the length reaches her mid-back. Valere often leaves her hair down but will put it into a bun if she feels the need to. Has fringe bangs to hide a certain physical feature on her forehead.
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 6 fulms, 4 ilm.
BUILD: Tall and brawny, Valere can easily be mistaken for a Highlander woman.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Notable her Third eye, which is usually kept hidden by a headband and/or mage hat. Various scars, including a nasty gunshot scar on her back beside her spine, and a long abdominal one from her first encounter with Zenos. There’s also a Twelvesmark tattoo on the back of her neck.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A headband that was a gift from Bhaldthota, which Valere usually wears even if she has a mage hat on. She also possesses a dagger given to her by her birth father, though she has long sanded off the Garlean empire symbol from its hilt.
Far from being a lost soul, Valere became guarded since she was spirited away from her homeland to Eorzea but, she retained some of the joyful and curious nature she possessed as a young girl.
Valere is not hateful towards other pureblooded Garleans unless an individual gives her reason to see the person in a negative view. Former foes, like Nero, leave her uneasy but she’s able to put differences aside if needed for their help.
Forging a strong friendship and sisterly bond with Bhaldthota aided Valere in learning to trust others. She is ready to die for instead of betray those she considers friends.
Valere harbors some guilt at not revealing her true heritage to even the Scions or fellow Garleans like Cid or Lucia. Haurchefant was the sole person she told her secret to since the Calamity and, while he accepted her despite it, he died shortly after.
PROFESSION: Adventurer. One of the Twelvesblades (a Warrior of Light).
HOBBIES: While Valere doesn’t care about the Empire, she interested in learning about pre-imperial Garlemald. She’ll often listen to her grandmother reminisce about the old days. She also loves sharing tells of her adventuring to children and singing them songs of her village, like Snow Beast. 
LANGUAGES: Valere’s mother tongue is Garlean. However, she is fluent in Common Eorzean and can understand most languages due to her Echo. She also has an understanding of older Roe language, given being adopted by a Roe family.
RESIDENCE: Eorzea (Formerly rural Garlemald)
FEARS: Failing those she is trying to protect. Being unable to find Bhaldthota and the other Twelvesblades. Being rejected if people learn she’s a pureblood Garlean.
CHILDREN: N/A, perhaps someday
PARENTS: Apollonia (mother), Garlean man [spoiler] (father), Doenkoen (adoptive father).
SIBLINGS:  Bhaldthota Doenkoenwyn (adopted sister)
OTHER RELATIVES: Bellona (maternal aunt), Juno (maternal aunt), Thea (paternal grandmother)
BEST FRIEND(S): Scions, Ironworks, various others.
PETS: None.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
DRUGS: Never.
ALCOHOL: Valere often refuses to drink wine since the events of Ul’dah. She does enjoy a taste of ale or mead in peaceful moments.
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