#Rhodeswesterfeld: the garlean mage
thanatle · 3 years
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thanatle · 5 years
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Valere featuring the Omega gear in the new benchmark. 
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thanatle · 5 years
About: Valere Galilea
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NAME: Valere Galilea (full surname is currently too much of a spoiler right now)
AGE: 24 (by the events of Stormblood)
RACE: Garlean (pureblood)
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual 
SERVER: N/A, yet. ;_;
HAIR: Dark brown and naturally wavy, usually the length reaches her mid-back. Valere often leaves her hair down but will put it into a bun if she feels the need to. Has fringe bangs to hide a certain physical feature on her forehead.
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 6 fulms, 4 ilm.
BUILD: Tall and brawny, Valere can easily be mistaken for a Highlander woman.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Notable her Third eye, which is usually kept hidden by a headband and/or mage hat. Various scars, including a nasty gunshot scar on her back beside her spine, and a long abdominal one from her first encounter with Zenos. There’s also a Twelvesmark tattoo on the back of her neck.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A headband that was a gift from Bhaldthota, which Valere usually wears even if she has a mage hat on. She also possesses a dagger given to her by her birth father, though she has long sanded off the Garlean empire symbol from its hilt.
Far from being a lost soul, Valere became guarded since she was spirited away from her homeland to Eorzea but, she retained some of the joyful and curious nature she possessed as a young girl.
Valere is not hateful towards other pureblooded Garleans unless an individual gives her reason to see the person in a negative view. Former foes, like Nero, leave her uneasy but she’s able to put differences aside if needed for their help.
Forging a strong friendship and sisterly bond with Bhaldthota aided Valere in learning to trust others. She is ready to die for instead of betray those she considers friends.
Valere harbors some guilt at not revealing her true heritage to even the Scions or fellow Garleans like Cid or Lucia. Haurchefant was the sole person she told her secret to since the Calamity and, while he accepted her despite it, he died shortly after.
PROFESSION: Adventurer. One of the Twelvesblades (a Warrior of Light).
HOBBIES: While Valere doesn’t care about the Empire, she interested in learning about pre-imperial Garlemald. She’ll often listen to her grandmother reminisce about the old days. She also loves sharing tells of her adventuring to children and singing them songs of her village, like Snow Beast. 
LANGUAGES: Valere’s mother tongue is Garlean. However, she is fluent in Common Eorzean and can understand most languages due to her Echo. She also has an understanding of older Roe language, given being adopted by a Roe family.
RESIDENCE: Eorzea (Formerly rural Garlemald)
FEARS: Failing those she is trying to protect. Being unable to find Bhaldthota and the other Twelvesblades. Being rejected if people learn she’s a pureblood Garlean.
CHILDREN: N/A, perhaps someday
PARENTS: Apollonia (mother), Garlean man [spoiler] (father), Doenkoen (adoptive father).
SIBLINGS:  Bhaldthota Doenkoenwyn (adopted sister)
OTHER RELATIVES: Bellona (maternal aunt), Juno (maternal aunt), Thea (paternal grandmother)
BEST FRIEND(S): Scions, Ironworks, various others.
PETS: None.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
DRUGS: Never.
ALCOHOL: Valere often refuses to drink wine since the events of Ul’dah. She does enjoy a taste of ale or mead in peaceful moments.
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thanatle · 5 years
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thanatle · 5 years
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thanatle · 5 years
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