#Bia Bonemer
egobrazil · 2 years
Filha de Fátima Bernardes é flagrada curtindo noitada com vestido coladinho: "Impactada"
Bia Bonemer, filha de Fátima Bernardes com William Bonner, costuma ser bem ativa em suas redes sociais, sempre publicando cliques na praia ou com os amigos. A jovem de 24 anos, que é trigêmea de Laura e Vinícius, tem mais de meio milhão de seguidores no Instagram, e cativa os seguidores com seu jeito autêntico e fotos encantadoras. Pra fechar a semana daquele jeito, Bia resolveu publicar alguns…
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fofocasefamosos · 4 years
Bia Bonemer fala sobre novos relacionamentos de Fátima Bernardes e William Bonner
Bia Bonemer fala sobre novos relacionamentos de Fátima Bernardes e William Bonner
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
Joe puts 17 green beads and 3 white beads in a bag. He leaves, and Cleo comes in. Cleo does not know the number of beads in the bag, or how many are each colour. She pulls out 8 beads. 6 of them are green. What is the experimental probability of getting a white bead based on cleo's results?
Well you see, it's very simple. In order to create the green and white beads, Joe would need to craft them with green and white dye, which comes from cactus and bonemeal. Cactus can only grow three blocks tall, so by dividing that number by its hardness according to the Minecraft wiki (0.4) that yields the answer 7.5. Skeletons have a 25% chance to drop bones upon death, so by taking 25% of 3 (the number of bones Joe would require to produce the beads) we find our second result, 0.75. (With of course a certain margin of error for if Joe chooses to get the bonemeal through composting or killing fish instead)
For the other half of our equation, Cleo has drawn 6 green beads. We may assume that because 8 beads were drawn and the only other beads in the bag were white, the other two beads were white. We know by the laws of electricity that opposites attract. The white beads are constructed from bonemeal, a product of undeath, while the cactus dye is a product of life. Therefore Cleo will have a statistical bias toward choosing the green beads over the white beads, so we must make an adjustment in our calculations.
The formula for field strength is E=(k•Q)/d^2. Assuming Cleo's distance from each of the colours of beads to be roughly equal, that makes the total life/death energy field on Cleo equal to:
E = k(17) + k(-3)
With k being a constant equal to 9 x 10^9. That yields:
E = 1.26 x 10^11
With unknown units, because asking around about what units life and death are measured in tends to earn you a visit from Cthulhu and my room isn't clean enough for guests right now. Plugging that into the equation for force from a field on an object:
F = Eq
Would provide us with a measure by which to adjust the probability to account for the bias, but the undeath charge of Cleo is an unknown. Fortunately, the magnitude of the gravitational field generated by ur mom is great enough to render the previously calculated pull negligible in comparison, so we may find our experimental probability by dividing the two results from the first part:
7.5/.75 = 10
And then dividing the result by 41, which is the number of videos in Cleo's very first YouTube series Super Hostile Legendary:
10/41 = 0.24
Adding a 0.01 error adjustment to account for the missing epsiode 31 on that playlist yields our final answer: 0.25, or 25%. Which is coincidentally, much lower than the percentage of pure rage within my body at the sight of a stats problem in my inbox! Hope this helps! :)
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portaletvgurupi · 2 years
Dilsinho ganha festa surpresa com Jota Quest, Fátima Bernardes e Juliette
Dilsinho ganha festa surpresa com Jota Quest, Fátima Bernardes e Juliette
SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – Muitos famosos marcaram presença numa festa surpresa para o cantor Dilsinho, que celebrou 30 anos em um evento na noite de terça-feira (5), no Rio. Dentre eles, Jota Quest, que abriu as comemorações e surpreendeu Dilsinho com seu show, a apresentadora Fátima Bernardes, sua filha Bia Bonemer, que cantou com o pagodeiro, e a cantora Juliette. Um dos momentos mais…
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vidadesucesso · 2 years
Dilsinho ganha festa surpresa com Jota Quest, Fátima Bernardes e Juliette
Dilsinho ganha festa surpresa com Jota Quest, Fátima Bernardes e Juliette
SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – Muitos famosos marcaram presença numa festa surpresa para o cantor Dilsinho, que celebrou 30 anos em um evento na noite de terça-feira (5), no Rio. Dentre eles, Jota Quest, que abriu as comemorações e surpreendeu Dilsinho com seu show, a apresentadora Fátima Bernardes, sua filha Bia Bonemer, que cantou com o pagodeiro, e a cantora Juliette. Um dos momentos mais…
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wanessapatricya · 2 years
Fátima Bernardes passeia em shopping com Túlio Gadêlha, Bia Bonemer e seus pais
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midiag4posts · 3 years
Rodrigo Faro sonhou com o irmão antes de acidente de carro - Novelando
Rodrigo Faro sonhou com o irmão antes de acidente de carro – Novelando
Rodrigo Faro sonhou com o irmão antes de acidente de carro. Foto: Reprdução Instagram O apresentador Rodrigo Faro usou o instagram para revelar que sonhou com o irmão, Danilo Faro, pouco antes saber de que ele tinha sofrido um acidente de carro, neste fim de semana. + Musa nos anos 90, Regininha Poltergeist vive em um posto de gasolina+ Bia Bonemer fala sobre doença do pet da família+ Após seis…
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4pop · 3 years
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Bia Bonemer viaja para Arraial d'Ajuda e abre álbum de fotos para seguidores
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radiotupi · 3 years
Bia Bonemer resgatou uma foto da viagem que fez para Pernambuco
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Morre Maria Luiza Bonemer, mãe de William Bonner
Maria Luiza Bonemer, mãe de William Bonner, morreu na madrugada desta terça-feira, 30. A notícia foi confirmada pelo apresentador do “Jornal Nacional”, da Globo, por meio das redes sociais.
O âncora e editor-chefe do telejornal de horário nobre publicou uma foto da matriarca da família e lamentou a perda. Segundo ele, Maria Luiza teve uma morte tranquila, pois faleceu enquanto dormia.
“Meu pai tinha sido encantado pelos sorrisos. Os netos, pelos carinhos sem medidas. Os filhos, pelo amor incansável. Partiu cedo, por força maior. Mas dormindo, como pediu”, escreveu.
Bonner também é órfão de pai. O pediatra William Bonemer morreu em meados de novembro de 2016, vítima de um câncer.
Ex-esposa do jornalista, Fátima Bernardes também publicou uma homenagem à ex-sogra: uma foto de seus três filhos – Beatriz, Vinícius e Laura – ao lado da avó, e escreveu “Gratidão. Respeito. Saudade”. Bia Bonemer, uma das netas, republicou a foto da mãe e declarou: “Lembranças que ficam para sempre”.
Sobrinha de Bonner, a jornalista Luiza Tenente também publicou uma homenagem para a avó em seu Instagram. “Eu gosto tanto das palavras, gosto tanto de escrever. Mas ainda não consigo expressar essa dor. Esse vazio. Só sei que já estou com tanta saudade, vó”, disse.
Maria Luiza morava em São Paulo. Foi na sua casa que Bonner se casou com a fisioterapeuta Natasha Dantas, em 2018.
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Meu pai tinha sido encantado pelos sorrisos. Os netos, pelos carinhos sem medidas. Os filhos, pelo amor incansável. Partiu cedo, por força maior. Mas dormindo, como pediu.
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A post shared by realwbonner (@realwbonner) on Apr 30, 2019 at 4:32am PDT
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#gratidao #respeito #saudade
A post shared by Fátima Bernardes (@fatimabernardes) on Apr 29, 2019 at 2:09pm PDT
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Eu gosto tanto das palavras, gosto tanto de escrever. Mas ainda não consigo expressar essa dor. Esse vazio. Só sei que já tô com tanta saudade, vó
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A post shared by luizatenente (@luizatenente) on Apr 29, 2019 at 2:37pm PDT
Veja também: William Bonner faz relato sobre últimos dias de vida do pai
Morre Maria Luiza Bonemer, mãe de William Bonnerpublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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inovaniteroi · 6 years
Filha de Fátima Bernardes e Bonner, ousa no clique, aparece de camisola transparente e enlouquece internautas
Fátima Bernardes e os filhos, Vinícius, Laura e Beatriz (Foto: Divulgação)
Do casamento de William Bonner com Fátima Bernardes nasceram os trigêmeos: Vinicius, Laura e Beatriz. Sempre que podem os pais babões falam do carinho e admiração que tem pelos filhos. No entanto, eles cresceram e estão começando a curtir a vida e um pouco mais da liberdade que a maioridade permite.
+Quase um ano após assassinato de Marielle Franco, Wagner Moura posa com placa da vereadora
Bia Bonemer, por exemplo, está curtindo uma viagem de férias para Cancún, no México. A gata compartilhou uma imagem no Instagram que acabou roubando todas as cenas. No clique, a filha do ex-casal queridinho do mundo dos famosos aparece ousando ao vestir uma camisola totalmente transparente.
+Dirigindo filme sobre a ditadura militar, Wagner Moura chama impeachment de Dilma de golpe e detona governo de Bolsonaro
“Apaixonada pela vista do nosso quarto”, escreveu a jovem de 21 anos, na legenda. O clique, claro, rendeu inúmeros elogios dos internautas que não perderam a oportunidade de lotar a publicação de comentários. Alguns deles foram até mais ousados nas respostas. “E essa transparência, hein?! Papai vai surtar”, escreveu um seguidor.
+Gracyanne Barbosa posta clique ousado no Instagram e internautas cravam: “Tá nua”
+Grávida de três meses, Claudia Leitte compara a gestação atual com as anteriores e aponta mudanças
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será que apaixonadas pela vista do nosso quarto?
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A post shared by Beatriz Bonemer (@biabonemer) on Feb 15, 2019 at 3:16pm PST
+Depois de sofrer ataques, Patrícia Abravanel toma atitude após compartilhar foto polêmica
+Em vídeo, Izabel Goulart revela segredo de bumbum na nuca e detalhe choca seguidores
+Laudo do IML indica reais causas da morte de Ricardo Boechat
O post Filha de Fátima Bernardes e Bonner, ousa no clique, aparece de camisola transparente e enlouquece internautas apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa http://bit.ly/2TO8w5L via IFTTT
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2BETAQr
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gazetadalapa · 6 years
Filha de Fátima Bernardes e Bonner, ousa no clique, aparece de camisola transparente e enlouquece internautas
Fátima Bernardes e os filhos, Vinícius, Laura e Beatriz (Foto: Divulgação)
Do casamento de William Bonner com Fátima Bernardes nasceram os trigêmeos: Vinicius, Laura e Beatriz. Sempre que podem os pais babões falam do carinho e admiração que tem pelos filhos. No entanto, eles cresceram e estão começando a curtir a vida e um pouco mais da liberdade que a maioridade permite.
+Quase um ano após assassinato de Marielle Franco, Wagner Moura posa com placa da vereadora
Bia Bonemer, por exemplo, está curtindo uma viagem de férias para Cancún, no México. A gata compartilhou uma imagem no Instagram que acabou roubando todas as cenas. No clique, a filha do ex-casal queridinho do mundo dos famosos aparece ousando ao vestir uma camisola totalmente transparente.
+Dirigindo filme sobre a ditadura militar, Wagner Moura chama impeachment de Dilma de golpe e detona governo de Bolsonaro
“Apaixonada pela vista do nosso quarto”, escreveu a jovem de 21 anos, na legenda. O clique, claro, rendeu inúmeros elogios dos internautas que não perderam a oportunidade de lotar a publicação de comentários. Alguns deles foram até mais ousados nas respostas. “E essa transparência, hein?! Papai vai surtar”, escreveu um seguidor.
+Gracyanne Barbosa posta clique ousado no Instagram e internautas cravam: “Tá nua”
+Grávida de três meses, Claudia Leitte compara a gestação atual com as anteriores e aponta mudanças
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será que apaixonadas pela vista do nosso quarto?
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A post shared by Beatriz Bonemer (@biabonemer) on Feb 15, 2019 at 3:16pm PST
+Depois de sofrer ataques, Patrícia Abravanel toma atitude após compartilhar foto polêmica
+Em vídeo, Izabel Goulart revela segredo de bumbum na nuca e detalhe choca seguidores
+Laudo do IML indica reais causas da morte de Ricardo Boechat
O post Filha de Fátima Bernardes e Bonner, ousa no clique, aparece de camisola transparente e enlouquece internautas apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa http://bit.ly/2TO8w5L
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febremania · 5 years
Bia Bonemer surge em momento fofo com cachorro na piscina e encanta
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codelistbiz · 5 years
via Code List
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animalexpert · 5 years
Wlrs; X
     One of my biggest gripes with this whole situation I’ve worked myself into is that it’s so hard to talk about it to people, and with who? These are serious feelings I’m dealing with, and I know they’re hurtful as well, like I could go on Omegle or something and talk to strangers about it like I used to do, but truthfully I don’t think I ever got any good advice from there, just someone who would listen without bias. Actually I don’t think I could do that now, I’m pretty sure Omegle is like a pseudo porn site now, not that it wasn’t kinda like that before but I’m rather certain the company embraces it now. I have a little dream these past few months, I was thinking one day about the impact I’ll have on this world, and as you get a little older you come realize that you likely won’t be able to make the huge ground breaking mark on this world that some people have made. Don’t get me wrong I know I have plenty of capability and I was blessed with a complex brain, but my legacy will be nothing like that of Newton’s, Galileo's, or even someone like Elon Musk, if things keep going prosperously for him I could see his name being in history books.       I don’t think I’d care for recognition like that. My dream is more simple, I want to bring beauty to the world around me, I want to plant flowers. While distraught about my life and impact, I thought of the line “Plant flowers everywhere you go, and beauty will find a way to follow you.” And it might be cheesy, it may somehow already exist, but it made me think. Whenever I travel around the country, I’m always in awe of how beautiful all the sides of the roads are in different states. When I drove to Wisconsin, the variety of wild flowers lining up each and every highway left me stunned, no one planted these? This is just how it is? Why doesn’t my state have a mass of wild flowers everywhere I go. When I drove through Georgia recently and the separating grass of the highway was full brim to brim with a bright orange daisy style flower, all unmowed, just left to grow, I wondered if maybe our highways WOULD grow flowers if they weren’t so readily cut by the state? Idk. But if I was so perceptive of their beauty, others had to be as well? I wanted to plant more, I wanted to go to every state and plant flowers as I go, native flowers that will set in and come back year after year. Wild flowers that will die as soon as the chill comes, hell I wouldn’t even be against planting some bulbs and setting up random gardens across the country. But I know I want to leave this place. I don’t like it that much here, not just because of flowers, although I’m seeing that other states are way better for them, but because people are just, in too much of a rush around here. I feel like they’re even more lost than I am, but in a different direction. I’m lost trying to figure out meaning and what my own personal happiness is, I think they’re lost in a capitalistic race for pride and recognition, and I feel often times they lose themselves entirely to it.             I don’t want to get lost in that, I’m already likely a third of the way through my life unless I stay healthy, maybe even about half way through if some major health issue comes up in my life. To waste that time not having the life that brings me the blessings and joy I want, that’s so unfair to myself, and I don’t really believe in fairness. I think it’s one of the reasons I’m so caught up on her... The joys and feelings and passion she’s been able to bring me, to think about letting those go and not being able to have her friendship again before I pass on from this world.... It makes me question everything. I can do things that I think are healthy for myself, but when I see myself bringing someone on a journey like the one I talked about, it would be her. When I imagine myself waking up making a little breakfast by the fire before I went onto a day of bringing beauty and life to this world, she’s the person I imagine yawning, stretching her arms up and smacking her lips a couple times as she asks me what we’re eating. I still see her so vividly, I wonder if I will ever stop seeing her in my dreams.      I want just drop things and go, I want to go to Oregon and down to the corner tip of Nevada, stop at Niagara, the grand canyon, the geysers of Wyoming, where the rocky mountains take up half of Montana, to the forests where the trees have been here longer than my Norwegian ancestors. And I want to bring a trunk full of seeds, bulbs, bonemeal and shovels. Every place I see that would benefit from me planting there, whether the dirt needed roots to stop erosion, the view needs some color, or the air could use just a lil bump of oxygen production. I’ll plant there. And I’ve also ALWAYS wanted to cruise down a very long smooth scenic road in the middle of gorgeous Buttfuck, NW with a blunt chiefing and my best friend right beside me. Damn I can’t wait until I have a dream for seeing the whole world because I actually love thinking about this flower journey, can you get to Alaska without a passport driving I’m pretty sure it’s blocked off by Canada. I would have to get specific flowers for planting up in Alaska also though. I want to get a passport anyway actually.    
    You know it’s a little daunting to know whenever I’m busy into my life and things are going smoothly I can easily avoid thinking about this stuff cause I’m so focused, but whenever I have time to myself, or lots of silence to think, or any good thinking time really, it shoots into my conscious, filling me with questions. What if it’s always like that, what if whenever I give me the time to reflect on myself and being I’ll hold onto this, I could see myself down a lot of different paths but regretful mid aged dude is not one of them for fucking real. I’m not alright right now, I don’t know how I keep telling myself I am or will be. Change coming is a scary feeling but it’s exciting lol, I’m like bubbling a little in my chair, nervously lmao... Love being able to smile at journal you’re writing though.      Back to the people being way more rushed and generally testy around the DMV area as compared to other parts of the country. I wonder how people in the rest of the world really are, like I know that some countries seem pretty bad but I feel like a lot of countries have a better general sense of happiness and well being because they aren’t under the strict stress of intense capitalism. My friend Allan who I’ve been gaming a lot with recently is from a country named the Faroe Islands, between the Uk and Denmark. I asked him about life there and he said that the economy is based heavily off fish and they have so much water to themselves that they don’t have to worry about a lack of fish. So from like age 17-18 they are making the equivalent of $1200 a week from fishing, and can pick and choose which weeks and months they go off fishing and stay home. And can live easily off this, IF they want to. Because fishing is such a wide spread job there, the demand for workers of almost all other types is available, so if you want to get into anything you very likely can. And just thinking about that I can see how people are just SO much more happy there, that’s like such soft sweet capitalism lol. Sounds so nice, and to go to tertiary school is FREE, can you fuckin imagine just being able to actually learn about something without paying as much as you make an hour working to learn an hour????? The Faroe Islands sound fuckin awesome. Now he’s obviously just a guy a little younger than me with his view on it, there may be more workings to it that I’m unaware of. I’m sure taxes are pretty damn high but such accessible wages would allow for it. Still promotes such a more positive, not rushed, no time to enjoy your youth environment like we have here. I think I wanna visit there lol, because he sent me pictures as well and it’s seriously one of the prettiest coasts I’ve ever seen, Maine had nothing on it, maybe Oregon/Alaska coasts could trump it in this country but I haven’t seen them, definitely will though :).       It’s quite a contrast how I’ve been pondering the fact I don’t want to have such easily avoidable regrets when I’m aging and dying, yet I so manically feel as though I want to kill myself and end this misery young. God life is weird. Puppet has been getting to me recently even more than it did the first listen, just want to talk, to knock, take the hour drive, walk into the night and talk. Nick was playing AWSF? last night in the car while we were going to get my car from the Aldi lot, I don’t even listen to that song because I know how it’s going to make me feel, have you ever hidden from an album because it makes you feel THAT much??? Wild to me, but v cool how powerful music can truly be. Even the interlude taps at my brain. Damn I’ve been writing for like an hour and a half, maybe I should transfer back to letter form depending on how I’m feeling, it is quicker and there’s something about hand written shit I just love. I should get stationary lol. I also just feel bad writing letters now SIGH fuck all this though.
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concursosdiario · 5 years
Sem Adriane Galisteu, Xuxa vai a evento em homagem à Ayrton Senna e relembra namoro: “Incrível”
Sem Adriane Galisteu, Xuxa vai a evento em homagem à Ayrton Senna e relembra namoro: “Incrível”
João Doria, Bia Doria, Xuxa Meneghel, Viviane Senna, Bianca Senna e Hugo Bonemer, que interpretou Ayrton Senna em um musical, participam de evento em homenagem ao piloto (Foto: Divulgação)
A apresentadora Xuxa Meneghel marcou presença no Senna Day Festival, evento que ocorre nesta quarta-feira, 01 de maio, no Autódromo de Interlagos, em São Paulo, em homenagem ao piloto Ayrton Senna, que morreu…
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