#Billy butcher x Rylee Milk
itsstrange · 2 years
Uncle Billy
Relationship: Billy Butcher x Rylee Milk (OFC)
Fandom: The Boys
A/N: Here’s another Billy Butcher fic because why not?? This was originally posted on my IG account but has been sitting in my drafts for a while now. It’s just something soft and something different. Hope y’all enjoy 💚✨
Summary: An unexpected guest invites themselves into school grounds, M.M is not having it but Rylee is sure enjoying it.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: (None) Fluff, cute, Butcher being the fluffy/funny/supportive over protective Uncle.
Enjoy! 💚✨
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Being popular and well known for throwing large parties or being in the football team, or the basketball team or the cheerleading team is one thing, but being well known for being the English teachers daughter is another thing, and that’s who Rylee is. The oldest daughter of Marvin T. Milk. It was embarrassing, or so her teenage mind thought, but as she grew up and got more mature she honestly got use to being known as the teachers daughter. In the beginning of freshman year she tried her best to hide it from everyone, minus her close friends, but once she entered her final period of the first day of high school, she just wished she had the power to turn invisible. Sitting on the desk with a iPad in his hands was her father, and once he made eye contact with her he made sure to greet her in the most exposing, embarrassing way. In case you’re wondering, yes, he greeted her as if she was 5 years old, and just because of that she had gotten shit from it ever since.
However, that died down once a specific person in her life found out their favorite niece was getting teased, and let’s just say that will forever be a favorite highlight of hers. Yes, people still know she’s the teachers daughter, but they all know better than to tease her with the fact, mainly because everyone has already matured to start shit like that, but also because they know she has somebody that’ll find out if they did.
Speaking of somebody, as Rylee was nose down in her test, she could immediately hear the way her father softly curses under his breath and catches the moment he gets up from his desk and towards the door. She can hear him mumbling things to the person outside, but before she can guess who it was that familiar black coat is the first thing she sees entering, then his black thick beard and hair, from where she sat she can tell he had trimmed both hair and beard from the last time she saw him. As both males enter the classroom, they’re still whispering amongst each other, well more like Rylee’s father trying to stop his stubborn friend from entering the class.
“Butcher seriously not now, they’re taking a test,” M.M calls after him but doesn’t really stop him from sitting down on his chair,
“I’ll be quiet as a daisy,” He throws him his iconic smile before looking down at some stacks of paper in front of him, scoffing as he scans some students paper, mumbling under his breath ‘plonker’ before reaching out for the red pen on the side,
Although, before he can even mark the paper with his idiotic-ness or leave some inappropriate British slang on the kids paper, M.M yanks the pen out of his hands and starts collecting the papers from the desk, awhile asking his friend why he decides to bring his negativity around school grounds.
“Lunch break, was around. Thought I stop by, throw a lil wave at ya,” He states, grabbing some sticky-notes from his right and another pen,
M.M scoffs with a shake of his head. He can never win with this man, yet he still kept him in his life and the other male kept him around as well, guess they had a much bigger bond then they assumed.
“Couldn’t your white ass wait until six, better yet until dinner?” M.M asks but quickly looks over his shoulder when he spoke a bit too loud, giving his students an apologetic wave, but lingers his eyes on Rylee who just sends him a shake of her head with a small smile,
“What’s so ‘rong in visitin’ a close mate o’ mine?” Butcher asks, still writing or drawing something on the yellow sticky note,
“It’s wrong if you show up during school hours..,” Rylee softly chuckles to herself as she tries to focus on her test but still being able to hear her father and friend talking to each other in the distance,
They remained talking to one another, but Rylee did her best in not eavesdropping, if her father knew she was listening in on their pointless conversation and not finishing her test on time, she knew she’d get a lecture from him back home. So to save her from misery, she did her best in focusing on the test in front of her, even if she’s already passing the class with a solid A-plus, she knew it was important to get as much good grades as she can for college, college applications were around the corner so it was not the time to slack off with anything.
As she was reading the last section of the test, she hears her father curse once again, which marks the twentieth time he curses on school grounds, which never happens but then again, Butcher was here. Butcher is the cause for her father’s foul language, he is always the cause for her fathers language.
"Shit... I gotta take this," M.M whispers as he looks down at his phone but glances back up to the kids who are working on their class work,
"’ave at it, I can watch the little buggers," Butcher offers, leaning back against the chair with his feet prompt up the desk, earning a scowl from the man in front of him,
M.M immediately shakes his head, "Nuh huh, not by a long shot," He claims as he shoves the man’s unsanitary boots off his space,
"Just while you take the call, they won't even know I'm ere'” Butcher argues back as he gets more comfortable in the chair, replacing his feet back on the desk when shoved off,
Now normally, M.M would have an entire list why he wouldn't let Butcher alone or near the kids, he's actually surprised he hadn't even called security on him, no, he’s actually surprised they let him inside the school, but he honestly did have to take the call. So with a defeated sigh he agrees.
"Just watch them, nothing else man," M.M points at him, seriousness settled in his tone,
Butcher raises both hands and pretends to zip his mouth shut. Narrowing his eyes once again, M.M makes his way out the classroom. Just as the door closes, Butcher looks back to the kids and immediately recognizes a face, sending her a wave with his fingers, earning a shy wave back.
"You know him?" A low voice makes her look away,
She only nods with a shrug, "That's my Uncle Billy,”
She casually explains to the boy beside her with a shrug of her shoulders, clearly not phased by the way he raises his brows at her for the unknown fact, or maybe due to the fact he’d never in a million years think this sketchy Brit of a man was anywhere related to her.
Turning back to the brute of a man, Rylee smiles at him before going back to her work. Not even five minutes had passed when she suddenly sees a yellow sticky note being placed in her view, which had a middle finger drawn that was pointing side ways which showed the remaining answers to her test. Glancing up she watches Butcher walk back to the desk before sending her a smirk and a wink, causing Rylee to shake her head with a smirk of her own before marking the correct answers on her paper. Cheating is technically considered to be a sin, especially when it comes to finals, but whenever she’s around her Uncle Billy nothing feels like a sin. Which should not be a good thing, but she didn’t care.
Just don’t let her parents hear her, or else she’ll get in trouble or grounded for weeks, and Butcher would not be welcomed to the house. Again.
By the time M.M walks back inside the classroom Rylee had just finished her test and was just sitting there for the timer to go off, meanwhile Butcher was leaning back against the chair, feet prompt up the desk with phone in his hands. Who was most likely scrolling through any news, or just watching random videos on YouTube. Once again, within reach, M.M slaps the man’s dirty boots off his desk awhile mumbling under his breath about how he’ll cut off his damn feet if he keeps it up, his remark was loud enough to earn a couple snickers from students, including Rylee.
Getting up from her desk Rylee walks over to both men and gently places her test in the center of her fathers desk.
“Reviewed everything?” M.M asks her, sitting on the edge of his desk since Butcher still hasn’t gotten up from his chair,
Rylee nods her head with a small smile, “You sure?”
“O' course she is she’s practically Stephen fuckin' Hawking. Matter o' fact, there’s no point in gradin' 'er paper just give 'er a passin' grade,” Butcher comments, already reaching out towards her paper with a red pen but immediately gets it taken from his grip.
“Y’Can’t just pass someone because you know they’re smart dickhead, even the smartest people can make mistakes,” M.M claims, putting his daughters test away from his friends idiotic prying hands,
Butcher scoffs with a roll of his eyes, not understanding why his friend is planning on wasting his time in grading his nieces paper when they both know everything would be on point.
“I’m sure you did great baby, just gotta make sure of it,” M.M sends her a reassuring smile which he receives back,
“Yer’re wastin’ yor time mate,”
“And you..,” M.M turns back to the Brit, shoving off his feet once again, “Are too. You should be heading back to the precinct by now, Mallory ain’t gonna take none of your shitty excuses today,”
Butcher scoffs again, “Does she ever?”
But rises from the chair regardless, placing the red pen back in its place along with the rest of the red pens, knowing all too well his friend has a thing with having his space organized. He can be an asshole… most of the time, but not always.
“Arright awright I’ll leg it, I’ll see ya at dinner. Will bring a bottle o’ wine or somethin’” The whole time both men were having a conversation Rylee just stood silently, chuckling at them every once and a while,
After confirming the proper time to arrive at the Milks’ home, both men firmly hug each other, making Rylee’s lips curl upwards. She truly loved their friendship. Walking around M.M, Butcher makes his way over to Rylee where he engulfs her into a tight embrace. He smiles to himself when he feels the way her arms snake their way inside his coat and around his waist, as well as feeling the side of her cheek against his chest. Kissing the top of her head and sending her a wink, they pull away from each other. Rylee doesn’t go back to her desk until the brute man finally walks out the classrooms, then chuckles when her fathers curses under his breath again when you can clearly hear Butcher whistling down the hallways.
When she walks back to her desk and sits down, she looks up the same time her fathers back is facing the entire classroom. Rylee squints when she sees something. Stuck on the upper edge of his right shoulder was a bright neon sticky note with black bold letters that said..
The loud snicker that escapes from her causes her father along with a couple students to glance her way, but she was quick to shut up by pretending to cough in her hand, even if she knew it wasn’t believable she still made it seem as if she was coughing. Her father sends her a look before turning back around to whatever he was doing, sticky note still plastered onto his shoulder. Rylee only shakes her head with a silent chuckle, knowing all too well once her father finds out he’ll be giving hell to Butcher later at dinner.
- Hope y’all enjoyed this short fic! Had this idea for a while now and was really excited to finally write it for y’all! ✨
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