#Birch has the prettiest lashes
theanoninyourinbox · 7 months
What if the kin of your kin still happened but Whitewing and Birchfall had all the kittens? The prophecy doesn't explain how many kits will be had though so Squirrel and a happy Bramble have their four cannon children early and Firestar watches them like a hawk only for it not to be any of his grandkits but his great great nephews and nieces. Kindly asking to see the Three as Whitewing and Brichfall's kits with Dove and Ivy in the same litter.
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giving them all powers, who's going to stop me, the erins?
holly has super smell powers
jay/aspen has mindwalking still
lion/larch has persuasive speech
ivy has super sight
dove/oak has super hearing
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