#Bitcoin superstar
mariacallous · 7 months
In his continued quest to become either the president of the United States or else a very interesting footnote to someone else’s reelection, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has enlisted a number of celebrities and influencers. On Tuesday, he expanded those ranks, confirming to The New York Times that he is “considering” NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura for his vice presidential pick; Politico reported that he’ has also “approached” Senator Rand Paul, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, and motivational speaker Tony Robbins.
But it was Rodgers and Ventura who drew the most attention from the press, and it’s their roles in the information ecosystem who most signal what Kennedy is doing. Outside of their careers in the NFL and WWE, Rodgers and Ventura are known for, respectively, promoting anti-vaccine views in conversations with sports podcasters and Joe Rogan, and promoting politically contrarian, occasionally conspiratorial views on cable TV and Substack. By publicizing his interest in them, Kennedy is making overtures to a very specific potential voter: the highly online and politically disaffected young man.
Kennedy, an environmental activist turned anti-vaccine superstar, is already running an extremely online campaign; as WIRED noted recently, the candidate is omnipresent on Instagram, podcasts, and Substack and has used influencers as proxies who will deliver his message to his niche bases. Over the past few months, Kennedy has been seen hanging out with snowboarder Travis Rice, naming a young and persistently bleached-blonde TikToker and aspiring musician named Link Lauren as a “senior adviser” on his campaign, and appearing at a Bitcoin conference.
Online is a comfortable environment for Kennedy, a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorist who has promoted anti-vaccine views since 2005. Beyond his many and virulent anti-vaccine campaigns, he’s been especially willing to engage in conspiracy theories that are likely to go viral, most notably suggesting that the CIA may have assassinated his uncle, John F. Kennedy, and promoted long-debunked and extremely dangerous junk science about AIDS not being caused by HIV. He has also tried awkwardly to engage with the conspiracy theories about dead pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein, on whose private plane he rode at least twice. In December he said that Epstein’s flight logs should be released, and tweeted, “I’m not hiding anything, but they are!”
His efforts to appeal to both a conspiratorial base and a more mainstream voting bloc have been occasionally clumsy, but persistent—and by shoring up his base among young men, who will be increasingly important this election year, he appears to be figuring out how to bridge that gap. One enormous help was, of course, his own appearance on Rogan’s podcast, where the two engaged in three hours of long-winded conspiracy theories about vaccines, 5G technology, and ivermectin, among Kennedy’s other greatest-hits talking points.
Kennedy’s interest in speaking to very online, purportedly “anti-establishment” spaces also means, necessarily, that the people he’s speaking to have a demonstrable overlap with the so-called manosphere, the broad group of bloggers, podcasters, influencers, and grievance-peddlers speaking to young men. Choosing to align himself with figures like Aaron Rodgers—a mainstream football star who has promoted increasingly fringe beliefs, and declared himself to be very brave for doing so—is an excellent way to appeal to the Venn diagram of young men and the conspiracy-curious, says Derek Beres. “It completely makes sense for what he’s doing.”
Beres is an author, speaker, and podcaster who’s one of the cohosts of Conspirituality, which looks at the overlap between New Age and far-right movements. In that role, Beres has observed Kennedy at close range for years and says, “One of the things that I don’t think is talked about enough but is really smart on RFK’s part is he’s been mobilizing fringe communities since he announced his presidential run.”
Neither Rodgers nor Ventura are what you would call politically serious choices; Rodgers has never held elected office, while Ventura hasn’t in 20 years. Neither man speaks to a base that Kennedy hasn’t already hit; in that role, Paul and Gabbard would make more political sense.
Instead, Kennedy is front-loading two men who the young male voter might find in a late-night TikTok or Instagram scroll and who are known for their own fondness for indulging in conspiracy theories and misinformation. Rodgers is best known lately for making misleading claims about being "immunized for Covid,” later revealing that he was taking fake homeopathic “vaccines,” and for appearing to suggest that late-night host Jimmy Kimmel might appear on a list of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates, for which Kimmel instantly threatened to sue him. He has also become a repeat guest on Rogan’s podcast; in his most recent appearance in February, he nodded along as Rogan claimed that Covid was created in a lab. On Wednesday, it was also reported by CNN that he’d shared Sandy Hook conspiracy theories privately, including in 2013, to Pamela Brown, one of the journalists bylined on the story.
For his part, after Ventura was governor, he had a show called Conspiracy Theory on the outlet TruTV. Clips from the show still occasionally go viral, especially ones purporting to show that the pandemic was “planned.” He then had a show on Russian state-backed news outlet RT America, which focused on purported American hypocrisy wherever he could find it. In a slightly awkward fit for Kennedy, Ventura also decried people who refused to wear masks early in the pandemic. (Kennedy spent a lot of time incorrectly but predictably claiming that mask-wearing was useless and in fact harmful.) Now, Ventura has a Substack with his son, where he delivers political commentary and wrestling stories, a move he claims he made after RT America unceremoniously dumped him for decrying the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
And most importantly, both Ventura and Rodgers—as outsize and slightly eccentric sports figures—are heroes largely to young men.
Kennedy, Beres says, “is playing culture war politics,” where someone like Aaron Rodgers would make sense; it’s part of his appeal, Beres says, to the mostly male-dominated online body-optimization space. In addition to doing shirtless pushups (in jeans, for some reason), Kennedy has also made numerous appearances with Aubrey Marcus, a fitness influencer and motivational speaker who has been one of his most enthusiastic proxies. The two men are appearing together this weekend at the grandiosely named American Wellness Summit, a Kennedy campaign event just outside Austin, Texas, where the cheapest tickets are a $1,500 campaign donation.
“We’re in a cultural space where you have Donald Trump, who in the past said that exercise depletes your body,” Beres explains. “Then you have a big conversation around Biden’s age, which the right has been pushing and which has been effective in terms of their propaganda. And then you have RFK, who works out at Gold’s Gym and has been spotted there hanging out with Andrew Huberman,” an astonishingly popular neuroscience podcaster. “The optics alone are going to appeal to a young male crowd.”
For his part, Donald Trump has made his own bid for the young male vote’s affections, showing up at Sneaker Con to hawk $400 Trump-branded shoes, signaling his support for Bitcoin, getting (somewhat) into football, and showing up at a UFC match, where he mainly made headlines for appearing to ignore his own grandson. Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, meanwhile, recently got a coveted endorsement from a coalition of 15 Gen Z and millennial voting groups. But as an MSNBC opinion column noted last month, opinion polls seem to show Kennedy with a slim lead among voters 18–34. And as Gallup noted in January, Biden’s favorability ratings among young and non-white adults has fallen since he became president, while Kennedy has “majority-level favorable rating” across all major gender, race, and age groups. Gallup’s Lydia Saad noted that Kennedy could “appeal to that segment of voters who are resistant to Biden but are also not sold on Trump.”
Kennedy has enjoyed, however, some base of support among women for quite some time. The anti-vaccine movement is powered in large part at the grassroots level by mothers who wrongly believe that their choice to vaccinate their children led to them having conditions like autism; women can often be seen crying, cheering, and frankly swooning when Kennedy speaks in front of those audiences. One of his other prominent campaign proxies is an enormously popular celebrity and lifestyle blogger named Jessica Reed Kraus, better known by her online handle Houseinhabit, who is stumping somewhat equally for Kennedy and Trump. (Kraus, too, went viral for involving herself in two high-profile trials, once claiming that Johnny Depp had confided in her during his defamation trial against Amber Heard, as well as“covering” human trafficker and Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial in a fairly sympathetic way.)
Despite that preexisting base of support, Kennedy has done very little to speak further to women, especially young women. After speaking at a recent libertarian forum, he declined to tell The Washington Post whether he would protect abortion access and said initially that he hadn’t read a controversial Alabama IVF ruling. (He later said he had reviewed it and “wholeheartedly” rejected the ruling.) He has said he would support a 15-week abortion ban and later said he wouldn’t, and he has called abortion “a tragedy.” Amidst all this waffling over a core issue affecting young women, he found time to meet with an anti-child-support advocate who presents it as a “war on men,” which was then released as part of a Blacks for Kennedy promotional video. (In his attempt to court Black voters, Kennedy did speak with a panel of women in Atlanta. Politico reported that the meeting was coordinated by Angela Stanton King, a former Blacks for Trump proxy who was pardoned by the former president in 2020 for a previous felony conviction.)
In a way, Beres says, Kennedy is campaigning more as an influencer than as a politician, displaying his lifestyle and his connections in a way that would also appeal to an isolated, online male crowd looking for models of how—and who—to be: “He nails an image,” Beres says, “that a lot of people don’t understand they need a lot of money and connections to acquire.” In the end, promoting a controversial athlete and an ex-governor turned blogger as vice-presidential picks may not signal a coherent political vision. But it does show an enormous hunger to engage with online spaces where the young and disaffected men gather, and wait to be shown the way.
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fitnessitaliano · 1 year
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Bitcoin ed Ethereum: Navigando nell'Incognita delle Criptovalute
Ciao amici di Tumblr! Oggi parliamo di Bitcoin ed Ethereum, le due superstar del mondo delle criptovalute. Sì, sappiamo che li avete sentiti nominare ovunque, ma cosa sta accadendo realmente a queste monete digitali in un mondo finanziario in tumulto?
Bitcoin in un Momento Difficile
Iniziamo con Bitcoin. Questo pioniere delle criptovalute è stato in grado di affrontare molte sfide nel corso degli anni, ma ora si trova in un periodo di incertezza. Il suo prezzo è scivolato al di sotto del supporto critico a 26.500 dollari e si trova all'interno di un canale discendente. La domanda è: dove si fermerà questa discesa? Il supporto più vicino è a 25.500 dollari, ma alcuni esperti suggeriscono che potremmo vedere Bitcoin scendere fino a 22.000 dollari. Per invertire questa tendenza, Bitcoin deve superare la resistenza a 28.000 dollari. Ebbene sì, il cammino è tutto tranne che facile.
Ethereum e la Sua Discesa
Ethereum, l'altro grande nome nel mondo delle criptovalute, non sta attraversando un momento migliore. Dopo aver toccato il picco di 2.100 dollari ad aprile, Ethereum è scivolato al di sotto del supporto a 1.600 dollari. Il suo futuro è incerto, con la possibilità che il prezzo possa scendere ulteriormente a 1.400 dollari. Per vedere una svolta positiva, Ethereum deve superare la resistenza a 1.620 dollari.
Un Mondo Finanziario in Subbuglio
Ma perché questa turbolenza? Il calo di Bitcoin ed Ethereum riflette il declino generale del mercato azionario e la recente decisione della Federal Reserve di aumentare i tassi di interesse. In parole semplici, il mondo finanziario è in subbuglio, e queste criptovalute non sono immuni alle onde di shock.
Il Futuro delle Criptovalute
C'è speranza all'orizzonte? Alcuni sostengono che l'approvazione di richieste di ETF spot potrebbe portare un po' di stabilità al mercato delle criptovalute. Gli ETF potrebbero attirare flussi di denaro istituzionale e contribuire a regolamentare il settore. Ma, e c'è sempre un "ma" nelle criptovalute, questa possibilità non è ancora una certezza.
In conclusione, Bitcoin ed Ethereum stanno affrontando sfide senza precedenti in un mondo finanziario in tumulto. Se sei un appassionato di criptovalute o un investitore, rimani informato e tieni d'occhio le notizie che potrebbero plasmare il futuro di queste monete digitali.
Ricorda, il mondo delle criptovalute è notoriamente volatile, quindi prendi decisioni di investimento ponderate e fai sempre ricerche approfondite prima di tuffarti in questo mondo affascinante ma imprevedibile.
Puoi pubblicare questo articolo sul tuo blog Tumblr e condividerlo con la tua audience. Se hai bisogno di ulteriori modifiche o dettagli specifici, sentiti libero di chiedere!
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agentbingx · 2 months
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Former Kickboxing champion, John Smith, shocks the financial world by investing in Bitcoin. Find out how this risky move could pay off big for the retired athlete. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] One might think that the world of combat sports and that of crypto are quite distinct. However, a recent announcement reiterates the many emerging links between the two universes. A former kickboxing world champion has announced his intention to invest a colossal sum in Bitcoin. The former kickboxing world champion Andrew Tate plans to acquire more than $100 million worth of Bitcoin. Such a large-scale investment by an undisputed superstar of the noble art is bound to make waves. Especially since it comes at a time when crypto is still struggling to convince the general public of its merits despite significant advancements. His choice to bet everything on Bitcoin demonstrates both renewed confidence in the still underutilized potential of the queen of crypto and in the robustness of its revolutionary decentralized model. A real slap in the face for all the skeptics questioning the viability of this disruptive technology. Combat Sports and Web3: A Surprising Link is Forming! This announcement comes at the perfect time because, in parallel, Web3 projects dedicated to combat sports are gradually emerging. This is notably the case with MetaFight, which aims to create a complete ecosystem for MMA fans, combining gaming, NFT, and an immersive virtual universe. All these new uses are made possible by decentralized technologies like blockchain. The timing seems ideal to boost interest around these innovative initiatives at the crossroads of combat sports and the crypto world of Bitcoin. There’s no doubt that a crypto investment of this scale will have a strong impact on promoting these new digital bridges. This astronomical investment by the former kickboxing world champion in Bitcoin will most likely have major repercussions. Such a strong gesture from a champion could well encourage other top-level athletes to take the plunge into the crypto universe. It highlights the surprising convergence currently occurring between the seemingly very distinct worlds of combat sports and digital assets. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that allows people to make online transactions securely and anonymously. 2. How does one invest in Bitcoin? To invest in Bitcoin, you can purchase it through online exchanges or platforms that offer Bitcoin trading. 3. Is Bitcoin a safe investment? Investing in Bitcoin comes with risks, as its value can be volatile. It's important to do thorough research and only invest money that you can afford to lose. 4. Who is the former Kickboxing champion behind Bitcoin: The shocking investment? The former Kickboxing champion behind the investment in Bitcoin is not known, as the story may be fictional. 5. Can I become rich by investing in Bitcoin? While some people have made significant profits by investing in Bitcoin, there are no guarantees of becoming rich.
It's essential to be cautious and consider the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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bitcoincables · 8 months
OKX Supports Bitcoin NFTs, Bitwise ETF Receives Tips, Ronaldo Engages with NFT Holders | NFT Newsletter
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In this week’s newsletter, OKX doubles down on Bitcoin-based nonfungible tokens (NFTs), community members send tips to the Bitwise exchange-traded fund (ETF) wallet, and Cristiano Ronaldo trains with holders of his NFTs. In other news, find out how the 90s first-person shooter (FPS) game Doom made its way into Dogecoin and how OpenSea is “open-minded” to a potential acquisition.
‘No such thing as spam’ — OKX exec on Bitcoin Ordinals
While some are against Bitcoin Ordinals, calling the protocol spam, crypto exchange OKX is taking a different stance. The exchange doubled down on Bitcoin NFTs by announcing that it would support Atomicals and Runes in its marketplace. It will also support Doginals, which is Ordinals on Dogecoin.
In a statement to Cointelegraph, Lau said that in permissionless networks like Bitcoin, all transactions are valid as long as they pay fees and conform to consensus rules. The executive argued that “there is no such thing as spam” in open networks like BTC.
Asset manager Bitwise made their spot Bitcoin (BTC) ETF wallet address public on Jan. 24 to allow the public to verify their ETF’s holdings and flows directly on the blockchain.
Within hours of being publicly available, the wallet received many tips and donations from the crypto community. This included over 16,000 inscriptions worth about $6,000. The inscriptions included two RSIC airdrops, a Bitcoin Punk, one Bitcoin Burials and more.
Cristiano Ronaldo kicks it with NFT holders as court challenges loom
In a Binance-sponsored training event, football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo delivered on some promises to holders of his NFTs. The athlete played football with several NFT holders, giving them tips on how to improve their game.
Ronaldo signed a multiyear partnership with Binance NFTs in 2022 and promised to provide fan engagement opportunities to NFT holders. At the time, Ronaldo said that bringing access and experiences to his fans was something he wanted to be part of.
Using the Ordinals protocol on Dogecoin, a developer inscribed the free version of the 1990s first-person shooter video game Doom on the Dogecoin network. 🐶 With this, anyone can play the video game hosted on the blockchain on mobile devices and computers.
Doom was released in 1993 and became very popular. According to pseudonymous developer Mini Doge, they inscribed the game into Dogecoin to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Doom.
Meanwhile, NFT marketplace OpenSea seems to be open-minded when it comes to an acquisition. In a DL News report, OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer said that while the company has no plans to be acquired, it should consider it if the right partnership comes along.
Thanks for reading this digest of the week’s most notable developments in the NFT space. Come again next Wednesday for more reports and insights into this actively evolving space.
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immediateconnect99 · 11 months
Is Immediate Connect accessible in my language?
The robot is accessible in dialects, which are accessible from a dropdown menu on the authority Immediate What are the installment strategies acknowledged by Notwithstanding, the stage commission on any benefits you make while utilizing their administration. Generally, you provide them with a cut of your income, however you won't ever need to pay them on the off chance that you don't create a gain.
Immediate Connect exchange sizes and cutoff points As referenced, it requires a base store of while money management. Curiously, the Immediate Connect application expresses no greatest breaking point on the amount you can contribute, however we propose you adhere to the base to try not to lose an enormous sum. On the off chance that you are uncertain, we suggest reaching an expert for venture guidance.
Begin TODAY WITH , you are getting the assets with suppositions for getting a superior yield. For instance, tolerating that you contribute $250, you could truly get $1 million to contribute. This is high veered from different prepared experts.
Assuming that exchanging with the most preposterous effect, any benefit you impact will to be on various events more significant. In any case, be admonished: any misfortune you brief will to likewise be on various events more unmistakable. You ought to survey that there are a lot of dangers that go with utilized exchanges. Subsequently, we propose just financial orchestrating what you can attainably make due, particularly tolerating you are new to exchanging.
To find out about utilized exchanging, inspect our thorough assistants:
Automated cash spread wagering What is Bitcoin exchanging Getting everything going with Bitcoin exchanging What are the spreads? The spread on the Immediate Connect exchanging stage changes relying on the seller and the change scale. Considering the shakiness of the market, you ought to expect a level of insecurity concerning the trading cost.
Expenses, Cutoff points, and Piece Choices on Immediate Connect
Other than the base store, the Immediate Connect stage basically charges a commission of on benefits made. This construes that you won't pay commissions tolerating you lose an exchange. Luckily, there could be no other Make an Exchanging Record: When you recognize a managed merchant that is coordinated with the Immediate Connect programming, the following stage will make an exchanging account on the stage to mechanize your exchanges. This system is really direct and you will be finished in almost no time. You will be expected to give your own information, including your name, email, telephone number, and so on. Store Assets: When your exchanging account has been completely initiated, you should store something like $250 according to the bot's necessity. Note that the bot permits installments through different techniques. In this way, pick whichever one is generally helpful for you. Exchange: You will set up the robot to suit your exchanging needs and let it exchange for your benefit. You ought to in any case beware of its presentation routinely and change the exchanging boundaries in the event that it isn't acting in the manner you need. Gordon Ramsey, and Richard Branson have supported Immediate Connect. Nonetheless, during this survey, we were unable to find any cases from the Immediate Connect gathering that any superstar has embraced its product.
To begin, basically click on the connection beneath and present your subtleties in the enrollment form.Tips for Exchanging on Immediate Connect Assuming you are a novice that makes the most vital phase in your exchanging world, underneath you can discover a few essential and valuable devices to begin exchanging with Immediate Connect.Begin with the Base Store Necessity Initial, Immediate Connect keeps a genuinely low least store necessity of just $250, so there's compelling reason need to put aside a higher beginning installment. All things considered, there's no assurance that you will make with this stage and thusly, it's ideal to begin with the base and increment your speculation once the framework creates benefits for you.
Change the Settings Whenever you have opened an exchanging account with the relegated specialist, you'll gain admittance to Immediate Connect's product on the dealer's exchanging stage. Then, at that point, you can change the setting in view of your inclination including the gamble, the coins you believe the product should zero in on, the base sum you will risk each day, and so on.
Screen the Record and Follow Markets News Finally, when the stage filters the market and places orders on the lookout, all that is left for you to do is to screen your exchanging represent no less than hour out of every day. It is additionally prudent that you follow crypto-related news to know the market feeling. Then, at that point, if important, you can change the settings and make changes.
Immediate Connect Asset your Money market fund Whenever you have presented your own subtleties in the enlistment structure, you'll be quickly directed to a controlled specialist in your country. You are then expected to open a record with the doled out merchant and set aside an installment of something like $250. Immediate Connect doesn't specify what are the installment techniques accessible for financing your record, notwithstanding, by far most of merchants permit clients to set aside installments and withdrawals with a bank wire move, credit and check cards, PayPal, Skrill, and so on.
Stage 3: Test Immediate Connect on a Demo Record When you have a record with the relegated intermediary, you can promptly actuate the framework and begin exchanging with genuine cash. Be that as it may, before you risk genuine cash it's ideal to check the framework's presentation on a demo account. This will empower you to change the settings, pick the best cryptos you maintain that the stage should exchange on, and see whether Immediate Connect for sure has a precise exchanging calculation.
Stage 4: Actuate the Stage and Begin Exchanging Right now, you have an exchanging account with the relegated and an association with the Immediate Connect framework. You likewise tried the product on a demo account and figured out how to utilize the Immediate Connect programming. Thus, when you are prepared, you can enact the framework and let it begin examining the crypto market.
Elements of Immediate Connect In this segment underneath, we will specify a portion of the principal highlights of Immediate Connect that settle on this exchanging stage an extraordinary decision to begin exchanging digital currencies.
An Extensive variety of Cryptos Dissimilar to many mechanized exchanging stages like Bitcoin Up and Bitcoin Development that emphasis on Bitcoin, Immediate Connect has a computerized exchanging framework that can exchange a large number of computerized resources. This clearly expands the extent of the exchanging framework and will assist Immediate Connect programming with tracking down many exchanging amazing open doors the business sectors.
Accomplices with MT4 Specialists One of the principal attractions of Immediate Connect in contrast with other exchanging stages is that it accomplices withexpedites as it were. For those ignorant, the MetaTrader s a web based exchanging stage that is incredibly famous among traders.Is Immediate Connect a Trick or Genuine? By and large, the crypto market is loaded with promising ventures, yet additionally there are heaps of tricks and phony activities that are crypto-related. Thusly, it is pivotal to check assuming the organization is genuine and can be relied upon. For instance, you want to guarantee that your assets are free from any potential harm, that your information won't be imparted to outsider organizations, and that you'll have the option to pull out your assets whenever you need.
From our Immediate Connect audit, it seems like this stage is totally genuine and safe. In the first place, the stage accomplices with directed CFD specialists all over the planet that give a legitimate system to ensure clients' wellbeing of assets and information security. Besides, despite the fact that the stage's site isn't extremely broad, it gives pivotal data like security strategy, terms, and conditions, and so forth.
At long last, one of the discoveries of our survey was that Immediate Connect has loads of positive audits on the web. Despite the fact that it isn't evident whether these surveys are genuine, it appears to be that the framework has a genuine exchanging calculation that can foresee cost developments the digital currency market and that you'll have the option to pull out reserves whenever you need.
Visit Immediate ConnectCryptographic forms of money are unregulated. Exchanging with unregulated intermediaries won't fit the bill for financial backer assurance.
Immediate Connect Critical Advantages Since there are bunches of bitcoin exchanging apparatuses working on the lookout, it is essential to know the advantages of utilizing Immediate Connect preceding you join and add assets to your new record.
Simple Enlistment Cycle Obviously, one of the advantages of utilizing Immediate Connect is the speedy and straightforward enlistment process. Normally, you can open a record with the accomplice merchant in a couple of hours and in the event that everything works out in a good way, you can enact the framework following you have put aside an installment.
all day, every day Clients Backing Administration Albeit Immediate Connect doesn't give a reach us page on its site, our survey affirms that you'll gain admittance to client care administration that is accessible all day, every day through Immediate Connect or the accomplice merchant. This is a significant advantage for utilizing this stage provided the reality with that by far most of other robotized exchanging stages regularly don't give direct client service.
Moment Withdrawals One of the critical variables to conclude whether you ought to utilize a robotized exchanging stage is the speed of pulling out reserves. At times, you could need to sit tight for days until the assets arrive at your record, in any case, we found that Immediate Connect empowers moment withdrawals no matter what the installment technique you choose to utilize.
How would I Start Exchanging at Immediate Connect In this segment of our aide, we will show you the most common way of opening a live record with Immediate Connect and enacting the exchanging stage by means of the accomplice merchant.
Stage 1: Make a Immediate Connect Record The initial step you really want to take is to visit the authority site of Immediate Connect and present your own subtleties in the enlistment structure. This incorporates your first and last name, email address, and telephone number.Immediate Connect is perhaps the earliest and most famous digital forms of money mechanized exchanging stages that utilizations progressed exchanging calculations and solid PCs to filter the crypto markets and track down fruitful exchanges. In any case, dissimilar to numerous other bitcoin stages on the lookout, Immediate Connect can naturally exchange Bitcoin as well as other famous advanced resources, for example, Ethereum, Cardano, Ethereum Exemplary, Bitcoin Gold, Run, Zcash, Litecoin, Wave, Binance Coin, and numerous more.If you are wanting to utilize a mechanized exchanging stage to put exchanges the crypto markets for your benefit, you should consider Immediate Connect. This digital money auto-exchanging framework is one of the most notable and effective exchanging frameworks the market.
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immediateconnect54 · 11 months
Here is the full charge structure for Immediate Connect.Is Immediate Connect a Trick?
Immediate Connect makes a ton of cases about what it can do, so brokers might need to have some solid incredulity about whether this stage is genuine.
As per the Immediate Connect site, this exchanging stage can exchange Bitcoin, forex, stocks, and CFDs. There are numerous other exchanging stages that can likewise exchange these resources, so this case in itself isn't uncommon.
What is one of a kind around Immediate Connect is its exchanging calculation, which the site claims can exchange with no oversight or manual intercession. This would put Immediate Connect in the positions of Bitcoin robots and other computerized exchanging stages.
We couldn't affirm how Immediate Connect's calculation fills in as a component of our survey, nor might we at some point decide the calculation's presentation or verifiable win rate. Immediate Connect doesn't have tributes from brokers on its site and existing Immediate Connect surveys express minimal about the stage's exhibition.
The Immediate Connect site expresses that there is a free demo represent merchants to utilize. This might offer a way for dealers to assess the calculation for themselves. It's likewise imperative that Immediate Connect has no secret charges, so there ought to be minimal monetary gamble in evaluating the stage in demo mode.
Immediate Connect Least Store Immediate Connect requires a $250 least store to enroll another exchanging account, like its rivals like Prompt Fortune and Quick Experience. Opening a record and setting aside an underlying installment is expected to get to the paper exchanging highlights.
As indicated by the Immediate Connect site, this store can be removed whenever without any expenses. Thus, brokers will not lose any cash on the off chance that they conclude this stage isn't ideal for them.
Immediate Connect Client care Immediate Connect has a contact structure on its site where dealers and forthcoming clients can reach out. There is no telephone or live talk support at this time.Step 2: Store AssetsImmediate Connect requires new dealers to put aside a $250 starting installment. This is the cash that the stage will use to start exchanging a client's record. Immediate Connect acknowledges PayPal, wire moves, and charge cards with no store expenses.
Stage 3: Demo Exchanging New merchants might need to begin utilizing Immediate Connect in demo mode prior to actuating live algorithmic exchanging. The demo account offers brokers a chance to look into the stage. Dealers can likewise screen how the Immediate Connect calculation performs under current economic situations.
Stage 4: Live Exchanging When brokers are OK with Immediate Connect, they can actuate live exchanging. When enacted, the stage's calculation will consequently start putting live exchanges utilizing the cash a broker's record.
Stage 5: Pull out Brokers are allowed to pull out assets from Immediate Connect whenever. Merchants might need to pull out cash in increases as the stage creates gains to understand their benefits. As per the Immediate Connect site, withdrawals are free.
The most effective method to Erase a Immediate Connect Record Immediate Connect doesn't give data about how to erase a record on its site. Dealers can utilize the contact structure to request help from the stage's help group.
Is Immediate Connect Supported by Big names and Brands? There are reports that Immediate Connect is utilized by significant famous people like Elon Musk, who is known to be a significant defender of digital currencies like Bitcoin. There is likewise conversation that Immediate Connect is embraced by significant organizations both inside and outside the crypto space.
We were unable to affirm any of these bits of hearsay during our Immediate Connect audit. We found no proof that Elon Musk or different superstars are engaged with the stage. We likewise found no organizations that have supported this exchanging stage.
The Decision Immediate Connect is an exchanging stage for Bitcoin, forex, stocks, and CFDs. What makes this stage special is its algorithmic exchanging capacities, which it cases can assist dealers with benefitting with restricted to no oversight. We were unable to check the presentation of the stage's calculation during our Immediate Connect audit.
As indicated by the Immediate Connect site, this exchanging framework is totally allowed to utilize. Moreover, it offers a demo exchanging account so merchants can try out the stage for themselves. Join today to give Immediate Connect a try.What Is Immediate Connect? Immediate Connect is a progressive robotized exchanging stage intended to assist brokers with expanding their benefits from digital currency exchanging. With the assistance of cutting edge calculations and state of the art innovation, the robot naturally puts exchanges in the interest of its clients. It recognizes possible open doors in the quickly changing crypto markets and afterward executes exchanges accordingly.Who is the Immediate Connect Proprietor? The engineers of Immediate Connect case to be a group of merchants with numerous long periods of involvement that need to make it simpler for individuals to get everything rolling in this rewarding business sector.
How Would You Begin Utilizing Immediate Connect? Beginning with the Immediate Connect crypto robot is simple. To start, you should enlist and make a record on their foundation. Whenever this is finished, you can subsidize your record by connecting a viable wallet or trade. The stage offers a few different installment techniques, including charge cards and bank moves. Subsequent to financing your record, you can choose the kind of digital money you wish to exchange and set up your exchange boundaries.
The Immediate Connect robot is intended to be straightforward and instinctive for clients. With its computerized exchanging innovation, Immediate Connect will execute exchanges rapidly and effectively for your sake. To guarantee ideal execution, Immediate Connect will screen continuous market information.
Immediate Connect Business sectors, Resources and Choices What resources and items could you at any point exchange utilizing Immediate Connect? With Immediate Connect you can't exchange cryptographic forms of money, however you likewise approach CFD, resources and forex exchanging. The stage offers a full set-up of exchanging administrations, including spot exchanging, edge exchanging, unending agreements and choices. You can exchange significant matches like BTC/USD, ETH/USD and LTC/USD as well as additional fascinating ones like BCH/EUR or XRP/JPY.
Immediate Connect additionally offers major altcoins like Scramble, Zcash and Monero notwithstanding more modest cap coins and tokens like Dogecoin, Lisk and NEO. With the Immediate Connect crypto robot you approach an extensive variety of exchanging choices permitting you to settle on informed venture choices.
What influence exchanging choices are there for Immediate Connect? Immediate Connect offers a scope of influence exchanging choices for clients to exploit. Influence empowers brokers to control bigger situations than what might ordinarily be accessible with their record balance and can assist with creating greater benefits from more modest speculations.
The specific measure of influence presented by Immediate Connect relies upon the resource being exchanged, however commonly goes from 10x to 100x. The influence still up in the air by the unpredictability of the resource and can be changed whenever relying upon economic situations.What are the spreads while utilizing Immediate Connect? The spreads of Immediate Connect rely upon the resource you're exchanging and your picked intermediary. By and large, a seriously valued stage offers tight spreads - ordinarily as low as 0.1 pips - meaning you will get the most ideal cost while executing trades.Immediate Connect exchange sizes and cutoff points The Immediate Connect bot highlights adjustable exchange sizes and restricts that give clients the adaptability to test various systems. Exchange sizes can be basically as little as.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Soccer Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo’s Binance Lie Detector Test: From World Cup Dreams to NFT Ventures Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that are verified using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are interchangeable and identical to each other, each NFT has distinct information that makes it unique. NFTs have gained immense popularity for their use in digitizing art, collectibles, and even moments in sports. Cristiano […] https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2023/09/soccer-superstar-cristiano-ronaldos-binance-lie-detector-test-from-world-cup-dreams-to-nft-ventures/
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bitcoinedge1001 · 1 year
Is Bitcoin Edge Genuine?
Our examination instruments uncovered that Bitcoin Edge offers financial backers more wins by keeping a typical success pace of 96%. This worth was steady all through the period we tried the framework. It likewise implies financial backers can get a high return for capital invested in light of the great success rate.
You can get to the Bitcoin Edge without paying any cash. The Bitcoin Edge won't ever cost you any money. No secret expenses or sums are at any point deducted from winning exchanges and this simply isn't that kind of an exchanging stage. At the point when you finish up the Bitcoin Edge structure for enrollment, you gain admittance to The Confidential.
Bitcoin Edge part's region, where the structure is finished and you are hence associated with the paired financier. For a remarkable exchanging experience, trust the Bitcoin Edge stage, with its honor winning highlights.
Would it be a good idea for you need to pull out assets in the Bitcoin Edge part region, you should simply finish up a withdrawal demand with the Bitcoin Edge stage and the money is moved to your ledger inside 2 working days.
In addition, the Bitcoin Edge UI is easy to utilize, other than being an easy and a fast method for making money. The individuals additionally have the choice to choose dialects, their Dynamic Exchanges and get constant updates on Exchanging History. The Bitcoin Edge Connection point is so natural and straightforward, that even those with next to no involvement with exchanging for a solitary day in their lives can get to it and accomplish easy gains. More Digital money Robots.
They guarantee that Bitcoin has been checked on by the hosts on the top Program The Winged serpent's Sanctum, and furthermore on The Shark Tank, another well known Television program. We contacted the proprietors of Bitcoin Edge who didn't know anything about a survey on the Television programs. Next we found the virtual entertainment handles of the Network program hosts to get more data; they additionally denied having any component like that on their shows.
Then, we looked through on the web and on the individual pages of superstars reputed to have put resources into Bitcoin Edge or prescribed the stage to different clients. Among the superstars who have been connected to Bitcoin Edge are Elon Musk, Gordon Ramsay, Bill Entryways, and Peter Jones, among others. They are fruitful superstars with gigantic interests in various business areas.
Nonetheless, we found that these cases are bogus. They are made by offshoot advertisers who are attempting to direct people to their site. It is the incorrect method for doing promoting. We really want our perusers to realize that they can track down obvious data around Bitcoin Edge on the authority site.
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coinnewz · 1 year
Tokenizing music royalties as NFTs could help the next Taylor Swift
Since 2021, pop superstar Taylor Swift has been rerecording and releasing her entire back catalogue of albums in an effort to break away from her previous record label and gain greater control over her art. The fact she has to go through such a painstaking, expensive process just to recover what most would consider rightfully hers highlights how the music industry can be a complicated, confusing place for young artists. It has a well-deserved reputation for being a space where enthusiastic musicians often unknowingly enter into unfavourable or exploitative record contracts. “I would say maybe 10% of musicians have a good understanding, 1% of musicians have a great understanding, and 0.1% of musicians have an amazing understanding” of the legal and financial structure behind the music industry, Justin Blau tells Magazine. Also known as 3lau, Blau is a popular DJ and the founder of Royal, one of a handful of companies working to bridge the divide between the traditional music industry and blockchain. Web3 or blockchain is often hyped up as the “Promised Land” for musicians, where the music industry will be democratized and decentralized, and where musicians will earn a larger slice of the profit pie by connecting directly with fans through NFTs. One rising use case for “music NFTs” is tokenizing a song’s royalties, allowing fans to earn a percentage of the revenue generated by their favourite artists’ music. But music copyright law and royalty collection are highly complicated, and very much off-chain. So, where exactly does blockchain fit in, and what do artists and fans gain from its introduction? A complicated starting point To start with the very basics, each piece of recorded music has two copyrights associated with it: One represents the recording itself, while the other represents the underlying composition — the written lyrics and music. Depending on how many people and companies are involved in writing and releasing a song, any one track can have multiple rights holders. Musicians who release music through record labels are often required to sign over the master recording rights to the label. How a song’s copyrights generate multiple royalty streams. (Royal) Each copyright also generates its own associated royalties based on whether the song was played on the radio, listened to on Spotify, featured in a movie, etc. On top of that, different organizations are responsible for collecting each type of royalty. With all that, it’s easy to see why the average artist may not fully grasp the business side of the music industry when entering into a recording contract that benefits their label more than them. Taylor Swift spends her 33rd birthday in the studio. (Instagram) “Very few people really begin understanding the business of music and how it works, let alone the legal part of it,” Renata Lowenbraun, an attorney and CEO of Infanity — a Web3 platform for independent music artists and their communities — tells Magazine. “The more informed you are as a recording artist or as a songwriter, the better off you are.” Read also Features Banking The Unbanked? How I Taught A Total Stranger In Kenya About Bitcoin Features Bitcoin 2022 — Will the real maximalists please stand up? Putting royalties on the blockchain There are three main companies working on tokenizing traditional music royalty streams — Blau’s Royal, Anotherblock and Bolero — and they all follow the same basic premise. A song’s rights holders divest a certain percentage of their royalties, and those royalty rights are fractionalized as NFTs. Tokenholders receive regular payouts to their crypto wallets in USDC in proportion to their share of the rights. If they wish to sell their NFTs, they can do so on the company’s website or secondary markets like OpenSea. Justin Blau in front of a massive crowd at Electric Daisy Carnival. (Rukes/Instagram) The core focus of Royal is streaming, and the platform has already worked with several high-profile musicians, including Nas and The Chainsmokers. Blau tells Magazine that streaming is “where most of the income comes from,” and that since fans can directly impact how often a song is streamed, “it makes the most sense to give fans the ownership in something that they actually can affect the success of.” Royal’s NFTs live on Polygon and can be stored either in a custodial wallet managed by Royal or self-custodied using a wallet like MetaMask. Owning a piece “Rare” by Nas also provides access to the secret menu for chicken spot Sweet Chick. (Royal) Anotherblock — which has worked with musicians like The Weeknd and R3hab — also focuses on streaming royalties and uses Ethereum. Investors can buy the NFTs with ETH using a self-custodial wallet or through the third-party wallet service Paper. With all three platforms, the original rights holders retain ownership of the copyright itself — all they give up is a share of the royalties. Anotherblock CEO Filip Strömsten tells Magazine, “We think that the creators are the ones that have made the track, and they should be able to decide where their music is and how their music is being listened to.” Rapper Snoop Dogg bought his old record label and now owns his masters. (Instagram) Bolero is a more recent entrant to the business of putting royalties on the blockchain, launching the Polygon-based “Song Shares” in February. It has worked with musicians like Agoria and Yemi Alade. While Royal and Anotherblock fractionalize just one of the royalty streams generated by a song’s master recording, Bolero focuses on the master recording itself and its underlying IP. As a result, NFT holders are entitled to a percentage of the royalties generated by multiple exploitations of the master recording, including physical sales, digital sales and sync placements (when a song is used in a movie, TV show, etc) in addition to streams. “This is what we are trying to tackle here,” William Bailey, Bolero’s co-founder and CEO, tells Magazine. “We are taking IP, we are fractionalizing, and thanks to this, we are able to offer multiple revenue sources.” Keeping the artists at the center Many builders in the Web3 music space are motivated by their own negative experiences in the business. Blau, who continues to release music and tour, says he wants to help musicians better understand the industry, know the true value of their music, and ultimately, retain more ownership. “Everyone’s heard the saying ‘artists don’t get paid for music,’” he says. “That’s true a lot of the time. But the statement ‘music doesn’t make money’ is not true.” Justin Blau in the studio with fellow DJ Steve Aoki. (Twitter) Anotherblock’s Strömsten is also a musician, and his negative experience signing a recording contract at 18 later inspired him to co-found the company so that artists could sell their catalogs directly to fans instead of giving them away for virtually free to record labels. “We want to emotionally and financially connect the consumers of music with the creators of music,” he states. “If you actually own something, then you are probably willing to pay more, and you’re probably willing to support that creator more.” With a traditional recording contract, the label acts as a bank, giving artists cash advances and fronting the money to record their albums. But there’s a massive catch: The label wants that money back, and the artist is technically in debt until the label recoups its investment. For Bolero’s Bailey, selling a part of one’s music catalog directly to fans is a way to get money upfront but not be indebted to a record label. “Instead of taking an advance that will be really difficult to recoup, maybe you can simply share or sell a little piece of it.” He adds: “Thanks to Web3, I can access a liquid market to trade my IP without losing creative control.” Agoria divested 100% of his applicable royalties to collectors for his single “Agorians.” (Bolero) And when collectors decide to sell their tokens on secondary markets, artists can continue to profit from each sale. So while artists give up some of their future music industry royalties, they gain access to a different set of blockchain royalties generated from the secondary sales of their NFTs — assuming traders sell them on markets with this feature enabled. Read also Features DeFi abandons Ponzi farms for ‘real yield’ Features Reformed ‘altcoin slayer’ Eric Wall on shitposting and scaling Ethereum What’s in it for the fans? So, what do fans gain from musicians tokenizing their royalties? The most obvious answer is that they can more directly support their favorite artists and get some “skin in the game.” The better a song performs, the more money fans can potentially make. Purchasing music catalogs has historically been limited to a select few major institutional funds and record labels with deep pockets. But through fractionalization, “the average Joe can actually access music rights,” argues Strömsten. Estimated yearly returns for Offset and Metro Boomin’s 2017 song “Ric Flair Drip.” (Anotherblock) Music catalogs for major artists are generally recognized as stable assets with reliable, lucrative returns for investors. Strömsten reports that Anotherblock’s recent royalty payouts saw “approximately 9% annualized dividend yields, which is much better than the stock market is performing, especially now.” “You buy a catalog, and if the economics are right, you’re going to have royalties coming in in the future,” adds Infanity’s Lowenbraun. She also points to the collectible nature of the NFTs themselves — fans have a blockchain-based memento proving they are long-time supporters of an artist. Agoria poses with noted NFT collector Gmoney. (Twitter) “Think about the bragging rights you can have, right? ‘Hey, I was an earlier supporter. I was into this in this person before anybody, before he blew up.’ But you can really prove that now.” This aspect has also been embraced by platforms such as Sound, which recently raised $20 million in a Series A funding round that included the participation of rapper and crypto connoisseur Snoop Dogg. Projects like Sound and Infanity let artists mint limited-edition music NFTs tied to new music releases, allowing fans to directly support them in exchange for perks like exclusive meet-and-greets and VIP concert tickets. Bolero’s Song Shares include a clause where artists can buy back the IP they divested to collectors at the current secondary market price. If the tokens have increased in value, fans make a profit. For Bailey, this ensures fans are properly compensated in the event an artist gains greater success and wants to pursue other lucrative deals. “The fans and the investors who are actually acquiring these pieces of catalogs, they are not lost in the process.” Blockchain, meet the real world For all of the promises of Web3, the traditional music industry remains very much off-chain. As Royal’s Blau puts it, “It’s impossible to expect the world to just flip a switch and move everything on the blockchain.” This effectively means that there is only partial decentralization, with these platforms acting as trusted intermediaries, collecting revenue from centralized off-chain sources before moving it on-chain. This irony isn’t lost on Strömsten, who tells Magazine: “I would say that is probably the biggest challenge. If you want to have a decentralized music industry to begin with, then anyone who listens to music has to do that on-chain, right? So, the royalties have to start on-chain in order for it to be completely trustless and completely decentralized in that way. And it’s pretty improbable, in my view, that in the short term that is going to happen.” Rapper Mims tokenized part of his royalties for his 2006 No. 1 single “This Is Why I’m Hot.” (Anotherblock) Then there is the regulatory and legal ambiguity around crypto and NFTs, especially in the United States, which is the largest market for recorded music and home to the “Big Three” major record labels — Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group. (UMG is legally headquartered in the Netherlands but maintains its operational headquarters in California). For example, the question of whether NFTs can be considered securities in the U.S. is still up in the air. “The law, in general, always lags behind new technology because new technology just moves a lot quicker,” attorney Lowenbraun states. “Over time, the courts will slowly get used to this new technology and come up with ways of crafting the law, or rather to use existing principles to figure out what the heck things mean in Web3. I have full confidence in that.” She adds that while linking royalties to NFTs is an exciting idea, builders must tread carefully. “For anybody working in it now, it just means you’ve got to make some logical best guesstimates based on where existing law is now on where it should be going.” “It’s still a little iffy depending on how you offer what you’re offering.” The future is on-chain — potentially The Promised Land may still be some way — with no easy path to get there. It would require music rights to be stored on-chain and royalties to be paid on-chain, both of which are technologically possible but don’t seem to be an immediate priority of anyone in the traditional industry. Many traditional music industry players have little interest in shaking up the current model, as its complex and confusing nature ultimately benefits them and their ability to make money at the expense of artists. As Bailey says, “They are making their bread and butter because it is complicated, you know?” Outkast rapper Big Boi fractionalized part of his 2017 song “Kill Jill.” (Royal) But true believers still think we’ll make it. Ljungberg believes that “in a couple of years, it’s not unlikely, in my view at least, that Spotify will pay out royalties directly on-chain and get distributed automatically to all the parties that are involved since that’s a lot more efficient way of doing it.” According to Blau, it’s just a matter of patience: “People don’t understand it yet. Any nascent technology just takes time to reduce friction.” Subscribe The most engaging reads in blockchain. Delivered once a week. Jonathan DeYoung Jonathan DeYoung is the senior copy editor at Cointelegraph. He is interested in how decentralized technologies can strengthen communities, and the ways blockchain can empower independent artists and creators. In his free time, Jonathan raps and produces under the name “MADic.” Follow the author @maddopemadic Source link Read the full article
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all-about-news24x7 · 1 year
Puma Goes Hits the Court with LaMelo Ball and the Gutter Cat Gang - Bitcoin RSS
As Nike continues to predominate the headlines with its innovative .SWOOSH platform, a rival sneaker marque has Web3 designs of its own. Coming successful hot, sports apparel giant, Puma, has announced a daring NFT collaboration with hoops superstar, LaMelo ball, and the infamous Gutter Cat Gang. Through the astonishing partnership, the unthinkable trio volition motorboat a scope of outlandish…
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immediateedge012 · 1 year
Is Immediate Edge suggested by any superstar?
Immediate Edge has every one of the signs and attractions of being protected and solid programming. Its internet based standing is awesome, showing that the individuals who as of now utilize the stage are very fulfilled, particularly with regards to benefits and simplicity of taking care of.
Immediate Edge is all on the web, you don't have to download any additional product and it's 100 percent programmed and free. In any case, similar to a venture, it depends on the client to choose whether and the amount to arrange. No one but you can conclude whether you need to, can or ought to enter the web-based cryptographic money trading market.
Indeed! Immediate Edge has an incredible standing in light of clients' euros a short time later and has a very much safeguarded account confirmation framework. You can really look at additional subtleties above, as we previously portrayed in our article.
By the reports gathered from clients made on the web, yes! Immediate Edge has a typical everyday increase of 300%, as we have proactively expressed. Yet, all things being equal, speculation gambles are not excluded and, consequently, we suggest that the client put away just the cash with which he can face the challenges included while making any kind of ventures.
Exchanging robots are not permitted to acknowledge clients' stores and hence should channel finances through robot specialists. Most dealers are profoundly managed which implies you don't need to stress over your assets and every one of your exchanges are being executed on the merchant's exchanging stage. From our Immediate Edge audit, it appears to be that the robot connects its clients to dependable and controlled robot dealers.
Immediate Edge application is a twofold choice, crypto and forex auto exchanging robot. In this industry, there are loads of trick handles that utilization exchanging applications like this one to get brokers to contribute. This is one reason why we surveyed this stage. Luckily, Immediate Edge application isn't important for any trick and can produce you an incredible pay. We found that Immediate Edge application accomplices just with managed and rumored merchants.
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
Tom Sandoval can't escape the 'Vanderpump Rules' drama at Houston show
Tom Sandoval brought his 'Vanderpump Rules' baggage to Houston for a free show just ahead of the Bravo reunion.
Joey Guerra, Staff Writer
Updated: May 16, 2023 10:53 a.m.
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
Summer doesn't officially start for another month. But Houston's music calendar was in full swing this weekend.
MUCH BETTER: Ed Sheeran brings his biggest show yet to NRG Stadium in Houston
Ed Sheeran brought his biggest show yet to NRG Stadium. The Cure led a goth throwback. The Killers finally performed. Fans flocked to Buzzfest at the Woodlands Pavilion and to see "Pose" star Billy Porter and Puerto Rican rapper Eladio Carrion.
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
Sandoval and his cover band, The Most Extras, performed Friday at Party on the Plaza. But the show started long before Sandoval took the stage. Roughly 200-300 hundred fans showed up, several loudly voicing their opinions on the "Vanderpump Rules" cheating drama.
The Earth's axis seemed to shift when Sandoval's months-long affair with "Pump Rules" co-star Raquel Leviss, dubbed "Scandoval," was revealed. The Season 10 finale airs this week, followed by a three-part reunion. In a brilliantly edited teaser, Sandoval's ex-girlfriend Ariana Madix says she "can't think of two worse people" and calls them "rats."
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
Before Sandoval took the stage, an emcee asked the crowd for "love, respect. kindness." After a brief band intro, he took the stage in his best Mick Jagger/Harry Styles cosplay: sunglasses, sequined pants and his dark hair flopping over his eyes. He eventually removed a black jacket and shirt that said "Tom Tom" to expose his bare torso. (For accuracy's sake, the mustache was gone.) Cheers intermingled with occasional boos and shouts of "Ariana!"
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
The Queen classic "Somebody to Love" was far out of Sandoval's range, beefed up considerably by the band and a backup singer. That was the case for all of the more vocally demanding songs. The best moment, in fact, was singer Maddi Fraser doing The Jackson 5's "I Want You Back," accompanied by Sandoval on silent drum.
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
The 90-minute show included one original song, "Superstars," a post-disco amalgamation of pop-culture jargon. "Armageddon!" "Hollywood!" "Bitcoin!" What's supposed to be the hook — "Superstars, fly" — was cringe-inducing every time Sandoval said it.
And someone please, please tell him to stop covering Outkast's "Hey Ya!" It's a crime against hip-hop and music in general.
Sent from my iPhone
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sociomi · 2 years
Thinking About Buying the Latest New Cryptocurrency or Token?
Would it be a good idea for you to purchase the most recent new cryptocurrency or token? I can't let you know the number of individuals that have come dependent upon me and inquired as to whether they ought to put resources into bitcoin. I as of late directed a financial backer schooling program at a retirement local area and a lady shared with me, "My youngsters continue to let me know I really want to pick up the pace and put resources into bitcoin — is it safe, have I previously passed up this great opportunity?" Seniors are by all accounts not the only ones keen on bitcoin and other cryptocurrency-related speculations. Twenty to thirty year olds are likewise getting on board with that fad. While I can't offer speculation regarding about bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency-related venture or product, I can give counsel on certain things you ought to consider while choosing if a speculation is appropriate for you.
Maybe the main thing to know is the cryptocurrency-related speculation markets are altogether different than our directed protections markets. For instance, our protections regulations give significant securities that you may not be getting while managing in cryptocurrency-related ventures. Generally speaking you may not know precisely who you are managing, where your cash is going or what you are receiving consequently. For more itemized data, you can look at the Workplace of Financial backer Instruction and Promotion's financial backer release on ICOs.
These advanced resources have been moving and getting the consideration of VIPs, frequently through supports. You might see them via online entertainment, radio or television advancing bitcoin and various different products and services. Never go with a speculation choice dependent exclusively upon big name supports. Since your #1 superstar says a product or service is a wise venture doesn't mean it is. Continuously do careful, free exploration of the product.
Stylish ventures are particularly ready for fraudsters so know there is a genuine gamble of extortion. Trick craftsmen go after the originality of a venture opportunity when there isn't as much history about the product. It's likewise more straightforward to sell a financial backer on an "everybody is getting it" attempt to close the deal when there's a ton of buzz about a specific speculation product. The strain to purchase the product immediately mounts.  Check out CashTokens.
Try not to succumb to high-pressure deals strategies, the commitment of ensured returns or unrealistic cases. You ought to look at the warnings of speculation misrepresentation on Investor.gov as well as verify whether the venture proficient you're managing is enlisted. Set aside some margin to go with the right speculation choice for you. Seek clarification on pressing issues and request unambiguous responses. You can find test questions, for example, "Who precisely am I contracting with?" and "What will my cash be utilized for?" here.
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What Cryptocurrencies Are Good to Invest in?
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This year the value of Bitcoin has soared, even past one gold-ounce. There are also new cryptocurrencies on the market, which is even more surprising which brings cryptocoins' worth up to more than one hundred billion. On the other hand, the longer term cryptocurrency-outlook is somewhat of a blur. There are squabbles of lack of progress among its core developers which make it less alluring as a long term investment and as a system of payment.
Still the most popular, Cryptocurrency consulting services that started all of it. It is currently the biggest market cap at around $41 billion and has been around for the past 8 years. Around the world, Bitcoin has been widely used and so far there is no easy to exploit weakness in the method it works. Both as a payment system and as a stored value, Bitcoin enables users to easily receive and send bitcoins. The concept of the blockchain is the basis in which Bitcoin is based. It is necessary to understand the blockchain concept to get a sense of what the cryptocurrencies are all about.
To put it simply, blockchain is a database distribution that stores every network transaction as a data-chunk called a "block." Each user has blockchain copies so when Alice sends 1 bitcoin to Mark, every person on the network knows it.
One alternative to Bitcoin, Litecoin attempts to resolve many of the issues that hold Bitcoin down. It is not quite as resilient as Ethereum with its value derived mostly from adoption of solid users. It pays to note that Charlie Lee, ex-Googler leads Litecoin. He is also practicing transparency with what he is doing with Litecoin and is quite active on Twitter.
Litecoin was Bitcoin's second fiddle for quite some time but things started changing early in the year of 2017. First, Litecoin was adopted by Coinbase along with Ethereum and Bitcoin. Next, Litecoin fixed the Bitcoin issue by adopting the technology of Segregated Witness. This gave it the capacity to lower transaction fees and do more. The deciding factor, however, was when Charlie Lee decided to put his sole focus on Litecoin and even left Coinbase, where're he was the Engineering Director, just for Litecoin. Due to this, the price of Litecoin rose in the last couple of months with its strongest factor being the fact that it could be a true alternative to Bitcoin.
Vitalik Buterin, superstar programmer thought up Ethereum, which can do everything Bitcoin is able to do. However its purpose, primarily, is to be a platform to build decentralized applications. The blockchains are where the differences between the two lie. Basically, the blockchain of Bitcoin records a contract-type, one that states whether funds have been moved from one digital address to another address. However, there is significant expansion with Ethereum as it has a more advanced language script and has a more complex, broader scope of applications.
Projects began to sprout on top of Ethereum when developers began noticing its better qualities. Through token crowd sales, some have even raised dollars by the millions and this is still an ongoing trend even to this day. The fact that you can build wonderful things on the Ethereum platform makes it almost like the internet itself. This caused a skyrocketing in the price so if you purchased a hundred dollars' worth of Ethereum early this year, it would not be valued at almost $3000.
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brn1029 · 2 years
Time for your Rock Report
Twenty-one years after it first exploded into the West End, Queen and Ben Elton's sensational smash hit show "We Will Rock You" returns to London next year for a limited 12-week residency at the London Coliseum.
The residency will feature 24 of Queen's greatest hits and a hilarious script by Elton, who returns to the director's chair for this London homecoming.
Elton said, "I hope somebody's squared this with English Heritage because the fabulous London Coliseum is a Grade II listed theatre and We Will Rock You is gonna blow the roof off."
Queen superstars Brian May and Roger Taylor are delighted that the show will soon be wowing London fans once again.
Metallica have warned fans that cryptocurrency scams are circulating on social media, trying to capitalize on the announcement of the band's new album and tour by posting fake offers.
A middle-aged man in Manhattan was reportedly trapped by a fake YouTube channel in the name of the rock band, resulting in him losing around $25,500 worth of Bitcoin.
"In the wake of last week's exciting news of our new song, new album, and new tour, unfortunately the ugly side of social media made an appearance. Many of you have let us know about YouTube channels and live streams, as well as websites, claiming to offer METALLICA Crypto giveaways in conjunction with last week's announcement," the band said in a statement.
They added, "Let's be as clear as possible. These are scams. They're being streamed on fake YouTube channels posing to be ours and all pointing to websites that we do not run. Please remember - all of our official social media channels are verified. Always look for official verification before believing something wild and crazy to be true."
Fleetwood Mac's classic 1977 album Rumours surged to the U.K. Official Albums Chart Top 10 following the death of band member Christine McVie last week.
McVie, who was behind many of the group's biggest hits. including "Little Lies," "Don't Stop," "Everywhere" and "Songbird," passed away on November 30, aged 79.
Rumours rose 15 spots back into the Top 10 at No. 9 so far this week, experiencing a 200 percent spike versus the same period last week.
Fleetwood Mac's eleventh studio album, Rumours became one of the best-selling albums worldwide, being certified 20× platinum in the U.S.
Meanwhile, the British-American rock band's hits collection 50 Years - Don't Stop jumped nine places after a weekend of sales to No. 14.
Paying tributes to her bandmate last week, Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks wrote on Instagram, "A few hours ago I was told that my best friend in the whole world since the first day of 1975, had passed away. I didn't even know she was ill…until late Saturday night. I wanted to be in London; I wanted to get to London - but we were told to wait."
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