biznichwrites · 23 days
The way I remembered your blog in a flash the moment Giyuu's bath scene played was legitimately biblical.
😂 A single crumb of Giyuu shirtless caused a full blown ptsd flashback. My legendary thirst lives on in infamy. I'd be ashamed if it wasn't so funny 😅
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biznichwrites · 4 years
Presenting: Biznichwrites Kinktober 2020 prompt list!
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The twist: I'm not giving any hints which prompts are coming out each day or what kinks are going to be written together
Getting tired of Giyuu? Head over to @dudeandduchess for some steamy Kyo action 👀
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biznichwrites · 4 years
Ask: Hello Biz! Smut aside, I love the darker stuff too. I just read your Yandere reader post and I love it! Which also left me thinking- do you think Giyuu is that sort who might develop Stockholm Syndrome after some time and eventually feels for his obsessive admirer? Or maybe even lose his mind and the will to fight her off and let her have her way with him completely?
It's entirely how she treats him. And how much she lets him have a choice, or an illusion of choice really. This is under the assumption she's keeping him locked away for herself.
If she treats him as a pet or clamors over his every little movement he will stay paranoid and never relax.
The less she allows him to do and the more strict she is, the less he feels like he's being treated as a human and will fight her at every turn. He is likely stronger physically so he won't let her touch him or have her way any time he's conscious.
His mindset will degrade into something feral against her with enough time. He'll hate her for ruining what was left of his life and removing him from the only meaning he's known - to keep others safe. Without that he doesn't know what to do other than fear what she might do if she gets mad at him. It's more of a fear for others rather than himself. He was prepared to die on a mission, anyway.
However if she comes at him with more of a loving approach it might fool him. He doesn't know about interactions, especially between adults, so he might take her sugar coated personality as someone genuinely caring about him. Which she does, just not in a healthy way.
When she no longer allows him to leave he feels betrayed until she weaves a story about how everyone else she cared about has died by a demon, which might or might not be true. He will sympathize and be resistant until she can work up some more emotional manipulation.
The key to getting him to go for complete Stockholm Syndrome is entirely emotional manipulation and praise. Physical threats to himself or others only worry him. Feigning that it's all for his safety and wellbeing can fool him into thinking it's genuine adoration for him. Compliments and praise will make him feel appreciated in way he never had in his daily life.
It's not hard to cut him off from others, as little as he talks to anyone with basically no friends. With his job it would be easy to assume he was eaten by a demon, leaving no trace of him. And somewhere he might rationalize that's for the best since he wasn't meant to be the water pillar anyway.
There's an adjustment period for him to be acclimated to what he can and can't do, but when Stockholm Syndrome starts working on him he rationalizes it's for the best. No one has ever cared for him so deeply and he's deep need for validation trumps his logic after a certain point.
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biznichwrites · 5 years
Ask: Can I request sugar daddy Giyuu admitting he is a virgin to his fem sugar baby? Like maybe they've been frisky before but haven't gone all the way. Maybe like a part 2/folloe up to the toys post?
I HC Giyuu being a bit older to be a sugar daddy. He needs time to get those riches. So mid to late 20s. I don't see him changing much physically, maybe just a bit taller.
"I'm a virgin."
It was shocking. So much so that the previous expression you had washed off your face until you blinked away your surprise. Whut???
Okay so he maybe rich but that doesn't mean he was promised pussy. He explained that he was too socially awkward to even have a girlfriend through school, including college, and barely dated in university. Then he went to working and didn't have time to think about women. Plus when he hung out with Sabito his natural charm pulled people away from him.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Does that make you his first romantic partner? Yes it did.
He was a blushing red mess and couldn't help but fidget under the pressure. But he was so cute!
You poke and prod to see if he was really interested in sex, and he had to admit he really wasn't until you came along. He just couldn't get into it unless he was close to someone. So demisexual Giyuu in the house???
If you tell him it's fine and he can take his time he melts into you and smothers you with hugs and affection. Expect some sweet Giyuu time, he is melting for you whenever you accept him as he is.
Call him out. Just enough to be fun. Tell him that you've noticed how lewd he is anyway, wanting to see you in lingerie and watching you use the toys you bought him. He will most definitely say it's not fair, he thinks you're beautiful and wants to see you even if he can't touch.
Tell him you never said he couldn't touch you. Make him RED. Watch him get so flustered.
He may end up planning a nice evening for the both of you with some dirty intentions at the end. Be sly when you notice, calling him out will embarrass him.
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biznichwrites · 5 years
Ask: Giyuu with a s/o that a cuddle bug and will want to cuddle every time they see each other
At first he'd all like "why are you all over me?" and really isn't the biggest fan. It limits his movements and he fears the other pillars will make fun of him
Eventually he does come to like it. It shows that you adore him, only him, and if others see it then they should know as well. He is liked, loved even, and you only cared for him. So suck it, Shinobu
In public he will give you some mild affection back, just enough to where he doesn't feel like it's one sided, but in private he is more affectionate. He will return your hugs, pull you into his lap and press his face into your hair.
He eventually gets into sleeping while cuddling. It was an adjustment, like all love is with him, but once he finds a position (or few) you both sleep well in that's how you both are going to sleep.
Forehead kisses. That's how he decided to return your affection publicly. It's clearly something lovers so but not so intimate it leaves him feeling painfully awkward. He's still awkward about it for a long while, but it's not to the point he can't brush it off.
Waayyy later on he will return hugs and cuddles with his own, particularly hugs that pick you up. If you chose to wrap your legs around him he will hold you under your butt like a baby and lean into your cuddles.
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biznichwrites · 5 years
Ask: Can we have more kindergarden au please? Like, the way you put it is unbelievably cute. Doesn’t even have to be a reader inserted, just giyuu is enough content on its own and i live for it
I'm including the reader on a few things because the cuteness can't be contained
Giyuu gets food all over his face when he eats. Sabito has given up trying to help clean him and just lets it happen.
When his sister comes to pick him up from school he tears up in joy the moment he sees her and runs straight for her.
If you're around then you're dragged with him to her and he's like "We're in love and married!" and totally shows off your hand with a blade of grass toed around your ring finger.
He likes to play by himself or with Sabito. Large groups of kids scares him. So he builds forts out of blocks and hides in them.
He tries to not do school work. Who needs to write their name anyway? Everyone he cares about knows who he is already.
Somehow he still gets good marks and is proud to show off his report card to his family. He may or may not get ice cream nights for his work.
Holds Sabito hand (and yours too) during nap time. If not hand holding then he's latched onto a piece of clothing. He also has a fav nap time blanket.
He likes cats. They are soft and fluffy. Because he's a quiet kid and doesn't chase after them they like him back. When a cat purrs and comes by to run against his legs he gets just the sweetest smile. A kitty has chosen him!
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