#Bl00ms rambles
insanitybl00m · 7 months
QSMP Player-sona lore
because I can
if you haven’t seen my drawings of these OC’s check them out!! (Should be the previous post assuming I don’t get distracted)
My pronouns are They/He/Ellé and those are the pronouns Q!Bloom uses as well. Both me and Q!Bloom are trans-masc. etc, etc. basically this is a sona, so if I Identity as something; so does q!bloom.
so. Q!Bloom is half demon. A born demon like Mouse not a fallen angel like bbh and Tina. I think their other half is human? Idk most of their lore doesn’t touch on that part so it’s kinda not solidified in my mind yet what their other half is but I’m guessing it’s human. They are also a pretty young demon. Maybe like 200-500? (Younger than Tina but idk Tina’s cannon age)
Going to touch on demon things and then get into like their character arc! Q!Bloom was taken by the Feds when they were a little demon. (As almost all halflings are (halflings being avians, shifters, anything that is only partially human or has a human form (foolish is a humanoid by my classifications so not a halfling)))
One of his few memories of this time period is when the Feds numbed his wings. (CW: non-con medical experiments). Avian wings can be clipped, demon wings can either be cut off or torn to shreds by tearing the skin like membrane. (Demons have bat wings so basically look up bat wings). The Feds didn’t want to “harm” such a unique “creature” so they put numbing chemicals into the muscles. Though q!bloom has done so much work to try and strengthen their wings the most they can do is move them. No gliding with them and you can forget about flying. Again, q!Bloom was an experiment to them.
Eventually the Feds told him that he should interact with the other islanders, (this is right after the eggs were kidnapped)
They are also the only living test subject of the happy pill trials. They gave q!bloom a higher dosage then they gave q!frvr or q!pac. They basically called Q!Bloom into the offices and drugged them, as they already needed more test subjects and what better than an islander who is used to being experimented on? The Feds were shocked when Q!Bloom lived.
Q!Bloom wasn’t given the antidote until he stumbled into the order with withdrawals; they were begging for cellbit to do something. They didn’t realize that Cellbit had already set up an intervention for pac and frvr. And they didn’t have enough of an antidote for q!bloom (they hadn’t even known q!Bloom was drugged). pac had to make another one when he snapped out of the happy drug infested world he was living in.
and that took hours. Q!bloom was left in a state of panic, with withdrawals from the pills. They got better with the antidote (very slowly). He still has flashes of these periods. Pac suspects that since q!Bloom was put on such high of a dosage, some of it will still linger in their system for years, maybe for their lifetime. (The amount would have been lethal to a normal human but q!Blooms a demon so they just suffer).
So they have days where they have all of the withdrawal symptoms for up to twenty hours at random. No particular trigger either. It just happens.
there was one good thing to come out of the drugs.
and that was flora.
Flora was another “mistake egg”, a “problem egg”. She was desperate to leave the Feds offices and when the Feds drugged q!bloom Flora saw her chance to escape and took it. Flora tucked herself between q!blooms wings and purple backpack. (Bloom’s backpack lies flat on her back between her wings, she can’t fold them up properly to fit in the backpack because of the fed experiments). She wasn’t seen as q!Bloom teleported away, briefcase full of drugs and dizzy.
q!bloom spent weeks in their home, drawing like a madman. They had vivid memories of their past at times and drew and drew and drew. Flora hid from them, it was terrifying to see.
—“Was this worse than the Feds office?” She thought at some point.
when q!Bloom was unconscious after getting the antidote Cellbit brought them to their house. Cellbit knew how they would feel about the sterile, white hospital of the order. It would feel too much like the Feds offices. (Cellbit and q!Bloom bonded over their trauma due to the Feds. Cellbit was the only one q!Bloom truly trusted.)
but that’s when Cellbit met Flora. He was making sure Q!Bloom was ok.
—“demons like the warmth right?” He questioned as he layered a fourth blanket over Bloom. Roier promised to be over with soup soon, right now all Cellbit could think about now was that his little brother was in a coma.
(Found family, Cellbit and q!Bloom are like brothers because of yk shared trauma (yes I said little brother, although q!bloom is lifetimes older than Cellbit, in terms of Demon lifespan and human lifespan Cellbit would be older, Bloom is still a young demon))
he saw Flora, a little egg, wearing a cape and with a small flower tucked into their hair. —C:“Hello?” The egg ran away. C:”I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to make sure you’re ok.” The egg was cowering in the corner of the kitchen, a small knife held out in front of them, shaking. C:”woah! Hey I’m not from the Federation. I hate those guys.” F: “you do?” C:”yeah.” The egg put down the knife. F:”who are you?” C:”I’m cellbit.” F:”who’s the crazy one?” C:”Bloom? This is his house, he was under the federations drugs.” The egg nodded. F:”I know, that’s how I escaped.” C:”so the Feds don’t know you’re here?” The egg shook their head. “Ok, we’ll figure that out later. What’s your name?” F:”the Feds call me Finn, but I hate that name. I’m a girl not a guy.” C:”ok, so do you want another name?” F:”I can do that?” C:”of course!” F:”what should my name be?” C:”if you want I could just call you flower until you decide, because of your flower in your hair.” F:”ok, I’ll think about one. How’s the insane guy doing?” C:”Shit Bloom!” Cellbit scooped up Flower and raced into Bloom’s room. He was still unconscious.
When q!bloom woke up they met Flower. q!bloom instantly berated Cellbit for giving them such a shit name. Like cmon, flower. That’s like calling richas shirt. Q!Bloom named her Flora. Q!bloom noticed that their transflag was draped around flora’s shoulders. Flora had been using it as a blanket when she was still hiding from Q!Bloom. After a bit Flora and q!bloom became really close. Q!bloom explained how they had also been an experiment of the Feds. After a bit Flora started calling q!bloom her Pa. (Like “my Pa Bloom took me…”)
And that’s all I have for now
I really want to write out his full story rn. Believe it or not this is a summary (with little dialogue bits because I couldn’t convey the interactions well by just explaining it)
hope you enjoyed listening to my rambles!
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insanitybl00m · 2 months
Art rant. I’m mad. Ignore if you want but I’m making this because I think it’s important.
I keep seeing this shit and it’s making me pissed off so here I am.
I keep seeing people reposting other people’s art onto other platforms (most of the time without credit and when it is credited typically it’s due to a watermark.)
I’ve seen this on A LOT on Pinterest (which I use mainly for drawing references and writing stuff).
People will never credit the artist. Never. I’m going to get niche here for a second but specifically in the Pissa/deathduo and overarching QSMP community.
It’s not even something that can be easily reported and taken down. It’s an act of respect for the artist. If you like a work so much you want to go through the effort of reposting it then CREDIT THE PERSON. And if they say explicitly they do not want their art reposted. DONT REPOST IT.
Look there are other ways to draw attention to cool art from other platforms. “Look at this amazing art I found” and then drop the link. (Even this should come with precautions because don’t click any link you see on the internet. Like remember the internet safety shit that’s drilled into your head).
AND SOME OF THEM HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TURN OFF COMMENTS. (Ik specifically Pinterest has weird features where you have to opt in to comments but still I think it’s fucking rude to not even let someone point out that you are technically stealing art.)
I just have to say it’s horrible.
Credit artists if they are ok with their art being reposted. End of the day don’t do that shit.
Don’t be the reason people have to watermark their art. Don’t be the reason people stop sharing their art. Don’t be the reason why someone stops drawing because they aren’t even going to get credit for the hours that goes into making art.
At the end of the day it is theft. You are stealing someone else’s art. Yeah sure you won’t face prison time over it but shouldn’t you have morals?? Shouldn’t you want to be a good person who respects others??
I’m tired of going onto Pinterest to find a drawing reference and seeing people’s art getting stolen. Especially people I follow within my community.
It’s not just one person reposting either. If it was one person they could easily be blocked and reported but no, people in general just aren’t respecting the artists.
People who make art, write fics, create theories; they are the backbone of a community. When you start to chip away at their motivation to keep creating you are hurting the community itself.
This has gotten long and I’m still pissed but I’m rambling at this point.
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insanitybl00m · 3 months
are you doing artfight? I’m on team seafoam btw!
Yes! I am trying to get everything together!
I might be busy for the first half of the month but depending on how the rest of July goes depends on how much art I’ll get done.
No promises to be great at keeping up with all of it but I’m going to try!!
here’s the link to my profile :3 (I’m on team stardust mwahahahaha)
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insanitybl00m · 3 months
Everyone is like oh I cry when I'm sad. I literally cant unless its like a dog dying in movies (yes I was forced to watch John Wick a few days ago, yes I cried).
However I cry when I'm angry. I'm so angry and I cannot express my anger because the words are not coming out right and I will just break into tears. Ugly crying, yep.
And honestly I prefer crying when I'm sad. When I'm sad the tears are a way to get the sadness out. I feel numb for a bit afterward but then I'm fine. When I cry while I'm angry, I get angry that I'm crying because tears are a stupid response to being angry. Which then fuels my anger and then I'm crying more.
Basically Bloom just finished crying because they got mad and now Bloom is rambling to the internet about how they feel like shit--
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