#Black Knot Fungus Treatment
blackknotbegone · 1 year
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Get better black knot Fungus Treatment for grape vines, apple trees, etc with the 100% organic black knot be gone. Apply the black knot fungus spray any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, from early spring to late fall. The best time is any time you see the black knot disease on the tree.
For more details, visit our website: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/
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mrgcalgary · 1 month
Black Knot Treatment in Calgary: Simple Steps to Keep Your Trees Healthy
Black Knot is a common fungal disease that can seriously harm trees, especially cherry and plum trees. This disease shows up as ugly, black swellings on branches, which can weaken and even kill the trees if not treated. Black Knot Treatment in Calgary is important for anyone who wants to keep their trees healthy and their yards looking good. In this article, we’ll talk about how you can treat and prevent Black Knot disease, focusing on easy and natural methods. 
What is Black Knot Disease? 
Black Knot is a disease caused by a fungus called Apiosporina morose. It mainly affects trees in the Prunes family, like cherry and plum trees. The disease appears as hard, black lumps or "knots" on the branches. These knots can choke the branches, eventually killing them and making the whole tree unhealthy. If you don’t treat Black Knot, it can spread quickly, especially in areas where many trees are close together. That’s why Black Knot Treatment in Calgary is so important for homeowners and anyone who takes care of trees. 
How to Treat Black Knot in Calgary 
The best way to deal with Black Knot is to catch it early. By checking your trees regularly, especially in late fall or early spring, you can spot the signs of Black Knot before it gets too bad. Once you see the signs, you need to act fast to stop the disease from spreading. 
One of the easiest and most effective ways to treat Black Knot is by pruning the affected branches. You should cut off the branches at least 4 to 6 inches below the black knot to make sure all the infected parts are removed. It’s very important to clean your pruning tools after each cut to avoid spreading the fungus to other parts of the tree. After pruning, you should destroy the infected branches, usually by burning them, because the fungus can survive on cut branches and keep spreading. 
If the Black Knot infection is really bad, you might need to call in professionals. Experts who specialize in Black Knot Treatment in Calgary know exactly how to handle the disease and can use special tools and methods to treat it. They might also suggest preventive measures like applying fungicides, which can help in areas where trees are at high risk of infection. 
Organic Pest Control in Calgary: A Natural Way to Protect Your Trees 
Besides treating Black Knot directly, taking good care of your trees in general can help prevent diseases. Using Organic pest control Calgary is a great way to keep your trees and garden healthy without using harmful chemicals. 
Organic pest control involves using natural methods to protect your trees. This might include introducing insects that naturally eat harmful pests, using organic compost to make the soil healthier, and watering and fertilizing your trees properly. By keeping your trees strong and healthy, they’ll be better able to resist diseases like Black Knot. 
What You Can Do Next 
If you notice Black Knot or any other problems with your trees, it’s important to act quickly to stop the damage. You can get help from professionals who specialize in Black Knot Treatment in Calgary and Organic pest control in Calgary. They have the knowledge and tools to provide effective, natural solutions to keep your trees in great shape. Reach out to us today to schedule a tree inspection and learn more about how we can help you maintain a healthy, beautiful yard. Don’t wait until the problem gets worse—take action now to protect your trees and keep your landscape looking its best. 
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How Do I Reduce Hair Loss Problems Naturally?
Hair is the crown on every individual’s head that is a direct expression of their personality and style. Hair loss is one of the most common problems affecting the self-esteem of both men and women today. Losing 50 to 100 hair strands per day is considered normal. However, excessive hair loss can be troublesome and difficult to manage without a proper diagnosis.
Before investing in hair care products, it is important for us to understand the underlying causes leading to hair loss. Stress, underactive thyroid, genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, pollution, hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, taking birth control pills, menopause, and chronic illnesses with long-term use of allopathic medications are few of the common causes of hair loss.
Hair Care Tips for Hair Fall Control:
It may be very surprising for us to learn that hair fall Homeopathic remedies can be managed with every easy natural remedy as well as changing little things in our daily hair care routine.
Massaging – Massaging your scalp with your fingertips applying slight pressure in circular motion increases blood circulation to the hair follicles. Gentle scalp massages done every day over the time period of a few months have shown to significantly help to reduce hair fall and help in hair growth.
Regular Hair Wash – It is important to regularly wash your hair and scalp to maintain hygiene and keep your scalp free from any bacteria and fungus which may further lead to dandruff. Make sure to wash your hair 2-3 times every week with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo. Dead Sea shampoo is one such mild homeopathic shampoo that clarifies your scalp, reduces hair fall, and helps treat dandruff too.
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Hair tip: If you have longer hair, comb it before washing to detangle any knots present! Wet hair should not be combed as it is weaker and breaks easily.
Aloe Vera Gel and Tea Tree Essential Oil: Aloe vera gel, by itself, is a common and easily available ingredient that helps reduce hair loss, treats itchy scalp and dandruff. Tea tree oil is another widely used ingredient for scalp homeopathy treatment for dandruff. Since essential oils are a concentrated form of oil, they need to be mixed in a medium. Combine aloe vera gel with 10 drops of essential tea oil in a bowl, apply on the scalp and leave for 45 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo and follow up with a conditioner on the length of your hair.
Oil Massages – Hair oil massages have been an ancient tradition for Indians to maintain our luscious hair. Though every grandmother has their own secret recipe for the perfect hair oil, a mixture of curry leaves, castor oil, rosemary oil, geranium oil, and lavender oil will provide your scalp with the nourishment it needs.
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Combating Nutritional Deficiencies – We are what we eat! Fueling your body with food rich in antioxidants, vitamin B-complex, C, D, and essential fatty acids will give your hair growth a much-needed boost. Including food items such as eggs, flaxseed oil, yoghurt, berries, sunflower seeds and black sesame seeds in your daily diet is bound to help improve your hair health. The addition of a medicinal supplement such as Bals Tablet homeopathic medicine will help fight against hair fall, itchy scalp and dandruff.
If you are experiencing excessive hair loss and are unable to understand why, consult with doctor immediately to get an accurate diagnosis.
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doctorajoy · 5 years
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Homeopathic HERBAL Remedies for cancer
  Following is the list of some common used homeopathic remedies for cancer
Calcarea flour, Conium, Lapis albus, Hecla lava, Silicea, Phytolacca, Condurango, Baryta carb, Baryta mur, Mercurius, Carcinocin, Schirrinum, Thuja, Hydrastis, Plumbum iod, Arsenicum album, Phosphorus etc.
Details of homeopathic remedies for cancer
#Calcarea fluorica. [Calc-f] This homeopathic remedy for cancer is most useful for knots, kernels or hardened lumps in the female breast, accompanied with indurated glands of stony hardness; the enlargements may occur in the fasciae. It will prevent the development of cancer, and should be considered always in the cases where the breasts present suspicious lumps. Enchondroma.
#Lapis albus. [Lap-a] Several cases of incipient scirrhus (cancer) of the breasts, presenting retraction of the nipple, and the other characteristic symptoms have been cured with this remedy. It is of signal use in many cases of goiter. Dr. E. G. Jones recommends Lapis in malignant diseases of the uterus where the discharges are black and offensive and intense burning pains all through the diseased part.
#Silicea. [Sil] This homeopathic remedy will often abate the pains of cancer. Lupus and sarcoma with a thick yellow and offensive discharge.
#Hecla lava. [Hecla] Osteomata (Bone Cancer), not so-called ivory tumors, but those of spongy nature.
#Conium. [Con] Great hardness of the infiltrated glands, with flying stitches in them worse at night. Cancer, mammary tumors of beginning of scirrhus; chief remedy, especially useful after contusions and bruises, it corresponds particularly to glandular bruises. Here it is an absolute specific, and the writer advises the 30th potency. Dr. O. S. Haines has verified this statement. The irritability seems the characteristic. Epithelioma, enlarged testicles or uterus.
#Condurango. [Cund] This homeopathic remedy for cancer has achieved considerable reputation is cancer of the stomach and various forms of carcinoma. Many cases have improved under the Ix; open cancer and cancerous ulcers; it modifies the pain. Bernstein believes the field of this remedy to be in epithelioma, especially in open and ulcerated types. He recommends the 6x potency, and has had remarkable results from its use.
#Baryta carbonica. [Bar-c] Fatty tumors appearing here and there over the body.
#Baryta iodide. [Bar-i] Hard cancerous tumors of the breast. Ovarian tumors with a scrofulous taint.
Phytolacca has a tendency to fat formation, and may prove useful in fatty tumors as well as in hard, painful nodosities in the breast. Cancers of the breast when the tumors is hard, painful and purple. It acts as an absorbent in fibroid tumors of the uterus.
#Plumbum iodatum. [Plb-i] Inflamed indurated masses in the female breast slowly developing. The hard, unchangeable character, the slow development and the supervention of painful inflammations therein are the elements of decision.
#Arsenicum. [Ars] This homeopathic remedy corresponds to the general phenomena of the cancerous diathesis, though Bayes notes that we have other remedies which may posses more power over cancer indicated. It is said to be almost a specific for lupus, and its special indications in any form of tumor, be it cancer or not, the sharp burning and lancinating pain, the weakness and debility and the general Arsenicum symptoms known so well. In other words, the patient is to be treated, not the disease.
Bromine is sometimes useful for mammary cancer.
Iodine. Cancer of the uterus, with profuse haemorrhage.
Aggravation from warmth. Excessive hunger.
Morphine, when there is great susceptibility to pain, may be of service.
#Phosphorous. [Phos]
Fungoid and bleeding growths. Fungus haematodes.
#Thuja. [Thuj] Bleeding fungi. There is on record the cure of a fungus tumor of the orbit, with this remedy and Carbo vegetabilis, in the Austrian Field Marshal Radetsky. It is also a remedy for polypoid growths in the nose and ears. The epithelial variety of cancer, and cauliflower excrescences would seem to correspond to this remedy. Dr. Helmuth also considered Thuja as a valuable remedy in sarcoma. Palpillomata also comes within its field.
#Hydrastis. [Hydr] This remedy corresponds to what Jousset terms the epithelial diathesis and is of undoubted and special value in epithelioma and uterine cancer. Our English confreres praise this remedy in simple glandular tumors of the breast; here it allays the pain retards the growth and improves the patient generally. The dyspeptic symptoms of the remedy lead to its choice. The hydrastis treatment is one of the best known in cancer.
Cicuta. Epithelioma, honey colored scabs.
Kali sulphuricum has cured cases of facial epithelioma when operation was refused.
Cuprum aceticum will allay with the distressing vomiting in carcinoma. Dr. Pope, of England thinks no scirrhus of the breast should be removed until Hydrastis has been tried.
Hydrastis corresponds to the cancer diathesis, the worn jaded look, the sallow complexion hide-bound state of the skin, low spirits, loss of appetite, constipation, as well as to the ulcerative stage. It has cured lupus, epithelioma and malignant ulcers. Tumors of the stomach and pylorus have disappeared under the continued use of Hydrastis.
#Radium. [Rad-br] The use of this substance has been heralded as a homeopathic remedy for cancer. Though it produces actually and pathologically that disease, it has never cured cancer in any dosage nor in any stage of that affection. It use in all doses save those of Homoeopathy is dangerous and should be avoided. However, the excellent provings by Dieffenbach have precisioned its use and it may indicated therefore, not in Cancer, but in what Vannier so happily the terms that “Cancerinique” dyscrasia, which means the abnormal blood conditions which tend toward that disease, and always precede it. Thus it use is confined to the pregrowth manifestations when we have such symptoms as aching pains, itching over the body, pains resembling a chronic arthritis. Apprehension. Mentally tired and irritable patients. Pimples on the skin and spots which itch and burn.Restlessness, heat in stomach, flatulence and constipation. The 30th potency is as low as it should be used. We can never be certain whether a patient has not been subjected in some unknown way to radium emanations and by giving the remedy in the lower strengths we may add to the trouble. A recent finding of the New York Health Department (April, 1932) says : “In regions where radio-active minerals were mined an increased incidence of cancer, especially of cancer of the lungs, had been noted.” It also condemned the use of so-called radium waters as elements of danger. A study of the “cancerinique’ or pregrowth symptoms will give positive information as to the approach of this disease, and positive indications for the remedies that should be used to prevent the same.
#Carbo animalis. [Carb-an] Mammary cancer, scirrhus, gland indurated in little nodes, the parts being as hard as stone; skin bluish and mottled axillary glands swollen; drawing pains through mammae. Cancer of cervix, with induration and burning pains, with thin offensive discharge from the vagina.
#Carbolic acid. [Carb-ac] Has also been highly praised as a valuable internal remedy in cancer.
#Cedron. [Cedr] Helmuth speaks favorably of this remedy for the lancinating pains of cancers.
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thesleepstudies · 6 years
Bookcase headboard – Top 10 Picks in Twin, Full, Queen & King size
This guide on bookcase headboards is planned to be a one-stop shop for all the information you’ll ever need to choose right.
What you’ll see
We are a month late with this update because we wanted to make sure that was covered everything. So, no matter what you’re looking for in terms of size and materials (mostly solid wood), we’re confident you’ll find it here.
It took us this long because we needed in our statistical data to make specific recommendations. That’s the first thing you’ll see - our top five picks among bookcase headboards in all styles, colors & sizes (twin, full, Queen and King). So let us get right to it.
Bookcase headboards with sizing details - Queen, King, Full and Twin
Kansas Solid wood bookcase headboard by Palace Imports
Most of the complaints we’ve seen while gathering data for this guide were about assembly, stability and longevity of the assembled headboard.
In those quality categories there is simply no comparison between composites and solid wood pieces like this one. It’s 100% solid wood (pine) available in 3 colors (mahogany, cherry and java) and two sizes (twin & full).
Between the sizes and colors, it’s hard to imagine a room that one of the versions one be a good fit for.
Bottom line – all the other solid wood pieces that we looked at cost way more and shed lower user satisfaction numbers.
In terms of value for money it’s worth noting that this solid piece is in the same price range as most composites.
You can read more about it and see what the users are saying below.
Bookcase headboard King
Prepac Sonoma
If you’re looking for clean, minimal look and value for money, this classic Prepac Sonoma might be where your search ends - especially if you're after a King size.
The doesn’t come as a surprise that it’s the most popular product on the list because it’s at the sweet spot between price, and versatility in both size and color.
The Prepac Sonoma is available as Twin, Queen and King size bookcase headboard. The twin is only available in white, one of the Queen and King are available in 5 colors: white, cherry, warm cherry, drifted gray and washed black.
We say that its popularity and high user satisfaction ratings are not a surprise because between the sizes, colors and minimal lines, it’s hard to imagine a room where one of the versions won’t be a good fit.
One caveat you should be aware of is that it’s a standalone, meaning that it doesn’t actually attached to the bed but is held in place by the weight of the bed. Some people we talked to find this to be a plus because it’s easier to clean around the bed while others prefer fixed models.
It’s just something to be aware of when it arrives without attachment hinges – it’s supposed to be like that.
The wood
It’s not a solid wood headboard bookcase and one doesn’t expect to be in this price range. It’s composite wood with a thick, solidly crafted laminate.
Most of the complaints we’ve seen about this Sonoma are regarding two aspects that go hand-in-hand - assembly and structural integrity over time.
Like most pieces like this (composite wood), a bit of extra care while putting together base dividends in the long run. If the screws are not properly aligned and angles are not right, it might affect how stable the final assembly is.
Based on our statistics, about 1 in 10 people have the complaint about the assembly or the longevity. In this price range, it’s fair to say that the percent of pieces are faulty on-arrival. So, the best practice here is to get someone experienced to put it together.
A trained eye will notice any on arrival issues with the angles or screws. In this scenario, it’s wise to replace the package instead of improvising.
Sauder County Line bookcase headboard Queen / Full
At the time of the last update to this guide, this Sauder County Line is one of the highest numbers in the category of user satisfaction. Granted, the number of reviews it had is currently nowhere near as high as, say, that of the Prepac Sonoma.
It’s only natural because this Sauder comes in only one color (salt oak) and it’s not as versatile as some of the other pieces of the list in terms of color scheme of the room.
It’s designed to be attached to pretty much and standard bed in full or queen-size. What do we especially liked about it is the thickness of the side boards in the frame and the minimal yet practical segmentation of the shelves.
If the salt oak finish works for your intended space, you can see all the details of this Sauder by following the link below.
Sauder Orchard Hills
Sauder Orchard Hills is one of the most popular pieces on the list.
The company stresses that the Orchard Hills have significantly lower return rate compared to similar headboards.
The design is minimal and can work with most spaces will, from modern to traditional. Of course, the fact that it only comes in Carolina Oak is a limiting factor.
It’s 62.75 inches long and 40 5/8 inches high. Total height of the shelves is 10 7/8 inches with the central shelf of 29.25 “.
Solid wood bookcase headboard Queen by Barrister
Finding a solid wood headboard bookcase in Queen size is proven to be a more difficult task than we anticipated. That’s why this Barrister is an amazing find.
We had to dig a bit deeper around carpentry forums, but once we stumbled upon it was a dear in headlights moment.
We were taken back by the price range first and foremost. Once we researched more, we found some answers. It’s made of plantation hardwood. This is a medium density hardwood that you typically find on rubber wood plantations.
This type of wood is also known as Malaysian Oak. Widespread use of Malaysian Oak in furniture is yet to enter the mainstream - that’s the most likely explanation for the low price of this piece.
If this was the ‘80s, we could talk about the susceptibility of Malaysian Oak to fungus or insects. It was in the 80s that manufacturing treatments were developed to protect the sensitive wood.
One would think that 30 years would be enough for the industry to catch up, but this piece is proof of sorts that it’s yet to happen.
But, talking about furniture industry trends is besides the point here. The point is that this Barrister offers the quality of solid wood at a price range of composites.
Prepac Espresso bookcase headboard Queen / Full
If you’re looking for a more intricate design (read: more shelf space) this slanted piece might be right for you.
Total height adds up to 55.75 “. The width of 65.75 makes a good fit for Queen and the full beds.
The central storage space measures 29.75 x 16.75 inches, with three smaller separated shelves on top of it and some generous space on the sides.
As you can see in the images, it has more than enough space to organize both your books and smaller stuff like alarm clocks or boxes.
In terms of design, what separates this Prepac is the slanted front-end, the bottom shelf is 10.25 inches, while the highest self is 6.5.
Again, the limiting factor is the color since it only comes with an espresso finish. In the cold works for you, you can read more about it below.
Sauder Shoal Creek
The first thing that stands out about the Sauder Shoal Creek are the drawers. If you have any knick-knacks that belong in the bedroom but you don’t want them displayed this Sauder might be right for you.
While the width is similar to most bookcase headboards for Full and Queen beds (64 inches), the Sauder Shoal Creek is the lower and not as imposing.
Measured from the bottom to the top shelf, it’s 41 7/8 inches. In the central storage area is 11.5 inches high and 28.75 inches wide.
It comes in five colors: white and soft white, brown, diamond ash gray and Jamocha (the best we can describe the mocha that it somewhere between dark brown and black).
South Shore Summer Breeze Bookcase Headboard Full
The South Shore Summer breeze clearly stands out in terms of design, with the dominant top arch. One look at it and it should be clear enough whether it can work for your room.
It’s available in two colors – chocolate and vanilla cream.
Dimensions and weight
Height – 48 “, width – 56 “, depth 9.25 “. It weighs 58 lbs.
South Shore Little Treasures
The South Shore Little Treasures is one of the pieces on the list that will obviously work primarily with rustic spaces.
In the country pine finish with knotted patterns is what defines the look.
The design relies on straight lines and right angles, which gives it a simple and minimal “feel.”
Its 57 inches wide, 36 1/8 “ high and 9 inches deep. The biggest (central) shelf measures 23 x 9 1/8 “.
South Shore Step One headboard bookcase Twin
The South Shore step one is clearly designed to be a good fit for modern spaces.
The shelves separation is not as intricate, the total with 56 inches is simply separated into three shelves, each 17 3/4 inches wide and 14 5/8 inches high.
Total height is 40 1/8 inches.
In spite of being minimal, it doesn’t look boring – the top arch is a nice designer's touch.
Twin bookcase headboard
Sauder Beginnings
The Sauder Beginnings belongs to the top five pieces in terms of user satisfaction numbers.
Furthermore, Sauder goes out of their way to stress how much lower the return and replace numbers are.
All the statistics we looked at do confirm the advertising claims about this Sauder. With that said, we’re not sure why the company is not offering it in more size and color choices.
It’s only available in dark cinnamon cherry color finish and twin size.
Reference info on bookcase headboards
In this section of our guide will offer some insights and tips about what to think about when choosing a bookcase headboard.
Composite or solid wood
As you saw in our analysis above, composite wood is more commonly used for headboard bookcases than solid. Our list of top 10 includes only 2 solid wood pieces and one of them is not classic wood but Malaysian Oak otherwise known as para wood.
The reason is that composite is much easier to work with and assemble. However, all composite’s are not created equal, so in the following section, we’ll take a look of the different types we saw used for the pieces.
Before we get talking about densities and the manufacturing process let us answer a basic question.
What is the wood composite in the first place?
We all know the type of “wood” but we don’t know much about how it’s made, where it comes from or how to judge its quality. So, we’ll try to simplify the definition, it to make the rest of this section easier to understand.
A composite derives from wood and it’s created from fibers, compressed boards, strands and other pieces pressed together and binded. Apart from wood-only, a composite can be WPC (WP stands for wood-plastic), this means that fibers and thermoplastics are mixed together.
It might sound strange, but this type of “wood” doesn’t have to include wood derivatives at all. It can be made using vegetable fibers like sugarcane, wheat straw or hemp stock. These fibers and are done pressed together by adding binding chemicals.
Roughly speaking, all composite wood belongs to four categories: plywood, fiberboard, oriented strand board and laminated timber.
Headboard bookcases are typically made from laminated timber
We did see some sub-par pieces made using fiberboard or strand board but, most of the time, companies use laminated timber to make headboard bookcases.
It’s at the sweet spot between malleability, density and sturdiness. In other words, it’s easier to work with and it assembled right, it holds shape pretty well…more on that in a minute.
The construction of headboard bookcases
If you look at the pieces and analyze the weak spots, the first thing to look at is the shelves (and drawers, if any). If we look at our statistics, most complaints about assembly are not regarding the frame but the shelves.
It’s only natural because the better pieces have a thicker frame that can withstand more force, both because the material is sturdier and more screws are applied to keep it in place. Shelves are a different story, they are much more sensitive.
Shelf sagging
Even if you don’t know much about woodworking, intuitively, you understand the issue were talking about when we say “shelf sagging”.
If the screws that go in the sides of the frame and through the shelf are not perfectly aligned, the assembly can quickly become rackety, sag or move.
Some of the pieces that we saw above have predrilled holes for the shelves. With these, the bookshelves lay on metal notches that go into the hopes. Some of the woodworking experts we talked to preferred this design because it minimizes the chances of the bookcase shelves becoming loose in the short run or sagging in the long run.
Dimensional factors of the bookcases
There’s nothing more important for the structural integrity of the bookcase frame than the thickness of the shelf.
Let’s try and explain bookcase sagging in plain terms
The two other dimensional factors (width and length) are directly proportional. This simply means that you if you had 5% of with the bookcase shelf gains 5% in rigidity.
The same directly proportionate math applies to length - the shorter it is, the more rigid it will be.
Thickness is not so straightforward
Thickness of a bookcase has, mathematically speaking, exponential connection with sagging. If you make a shelf 10% thicker, it becomes 21% stronger.
What this means for you
With all other factors equal, thickness of the wood will have more impact on bookcase sagging.
Simply put, if you’re looking for longevity from your bookcase headboard, choose thicker lumber.
“Creep” of the bookcases
What we talked about above (sagging) only applies in the long run as the woods changes shape. There’s another woodworking term that describes the small changes is in shape (arching) as you put on weight (books).
Creep is only a secondary factor with the pieces that we listed above because, typically, the bookcase shelves are not long enough for you to see significant creep. It can, however, become a factor in the composite is low-density and creep forces become a factor that pulls on the screw connections between the frame and the inner case.
For example, if you get a two-section headboard bookcase in King size, the length can be a factor if you substantially burden it.
Strength of the wood used for the bookcases
We’re only briefly address solid wood strength because the range of choices is limited and the detailed analysis would be futile.
But, if you’re making a DIY headboard bookcase, it might be worth having some basic knowledge when choosing the wood. For our purposes, the more important part is the comparison between solid wood (primarily pine), medium density fiberboard (MDF) and plywood.
The harder to wood the stiffer and stronger the bookcase. Naturally, a piece made of solid wood will cost more, whether you’re making it yourself or buying it.
Medium density fiberboard
Probably the most cost-effective option, MDF is not as strong and stiff, but it does a good job for a bookcase.
Compared to pine, plywood is about 64.5% “weaker.” On the other hand, it’s about 67% stronger than MDF.
For reference purposes, we are including comparison table of wood strength for bookcases. The numbers below describe how much weight a 36 x 12 x 1 “shelf can take and not sag more than 0.25 “.
Pine: 200 pounds
Oak: 313 pounds
Plywood: 129 pounds
MDF: 87 pounds
Rigidity of composites versus solid bookcase headboards
Man-made wood is nowhere near as strong as solid pieces. Let’s take the example of plywood - the rigidity is about 50% lower than hardwood (on average).
MDFs and particleboards are not a great choice if they are not strengthened. On their own, and they are about 75% weaker than average wood. With this in mind, the thickness of the shelves that we analyzed previously and the quality of the laminate finish becomes crucial important.
This is where he to ties in – our top picks in the table at the very top of this guide are superior to similar products from competitors in most of these aspects, especially in the craftsmanship of the laminate. Granted, you won’t be burdening your headboard with heavy objects, but if there is space, they might fit a set of encyclopedias.
To that end, we’re including a reference table about maximum length between supports for moderate and heavy loads (25 & 50 pounds per running foot).
Talk to us and apply for our giveaway
If we haven't covered something in the guide, feel free to ask us about it. We respond to all comments and questions with 1 day.
If you do end up getting one of the pieces above or already have experiences you'd like to share, make a note to contact us and tell us about it. That would make you a contributor and qualify you for our annual 1K Amazon gift card giveaway.
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The Sleep Studies Team
Bookcase headboard – Top 10 Picks in Twin, Full, Queen & King size See more on: thesleepstudies
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bingdodo-blog · 7 years
What is constipation, do constipation, constipation eat what medicine good?
What is constipation, do constipation, constipation eat what medicine good? What is constipation, simply use 3 words to describe: a small, hard, difficult. "Little" means to reduce or reduce the number of defecation defecation. Under normal circumstances, each person can be 2 times daily defecation times or 3 times a week. According to the physiological law, food residue (i.e. feces) to discharge after eating 24 to 72 hours, so that the state is not more than 3 days of constipation defecation. "Hard" refers to the feces of excellent (hard fecal matter, dry hard stool, stool) if there is excellent, even if the frequency of defecation normal, should also be considered for constipation.
"Hard" refers to the difficulty in defecation, defecation, defecation and fecal matter which excellent difficulties should be a necessary condition for constipation, and defecation should be based on individual circumstances, there are very few people ask when the defecation interval of more than 3 days, but without any discomfort, do not need medical treatment, also do not need to take laxatives strictly speaking, this kind of person can't be thought to have constipation there. The best method to treat constipation or food therapy, constipation will have no side effects, safer and healthier. The following is a treatment of female health net constipation diet food therapy, as a reference to all patients with constipation.
Sweet potato
Eat sweet potatoes, cure constipation, make smooth stool easy, folk have this experience. "Materia medica seeking original" are also recorded, think: "sweet potato Liangxuehuoxue, wide stomach, laxative, blood stasis poison to dirty places." The food is especially suitable for chronic constipation. Also available fresh sweet potato leaves 250 grams of salt, oil, cooking to eat, eat once, sooner or later the time to eat fasting, suitable for constipation person.
Can be laxative, constipation person take appropriate. "Shanghai Chinese magazine" September 1963: Zhao Moumou, female, 65 years old, Yin fluid dryness, suffering from constipation has been 5 years, every 4~5 days 1 stools, accompanied by dizziness limb numbness, pain throat disease. The "mirror" in ancient times medicine pill with black sesame sesame, (fried) with equal the late winter mulberry leaves, honey to reconcile for the pills, day 12~15 grams, January and more.
Can nourishing Yin Runchang, appropriate body deficiency constipation consumption. "Ren Zhai": "at the treatment of elderly constipation with deficiency astringent, gelatin two money, three pieces of root scallions, honey two spoon, water decoction, onions, gelatin, honey dissolve the people, before eating." This method of postpartum weakness, constipation and also should be.
Can heat, Runchang, detoxification, suitable heat constipation and habitual constipation person take. Bananas, raw food, 2~3 times a day, each time 2.
Can nourishing liquid, Runchang, suitable for physically weak people constipation, also suitable for chronic constipation taking blood deficiency. Use fresh black mulberry juice squeezing, take 15 ml each time, 2 times a day. Or with fresh mulberry 2 kg, Jiashi, 500 grams of white sugar, white sugar into the aluminum pan, add a little water, suffering a small fire until the sugar dissolves after adding mulberry juice, mulberry cream boiled together. 2 times a day, every time 15 grams of boiling water, clothes, even clothes for 1 weeks.
Sugar cane
Power in the heat, Sheng Jin, Runchang, suitable for those taking heat constipation. The available green Sugar cane juice and honey wine each 1, evenly mixed, daily morning fasting.
Pine nuts
Suitable for chronic constipation edible, have a liquid, moistening lung, slippery bowel function. Available pine nuts 30 grams, cooked with rice to eat Rice porridge a day sooner or later. Or the use of sea pine nuts 250~500 grams, stir fry cooked mash, with 500 grams of sugar, add appropriate amount of water, together with wenhuoaocheng paste after cooling, bottling, daily morning fasting food, drink boiling water.
Suitable for constipation person take, there are ancient records. "Medical Lin Tsay" in say: "the walnuts, run through large intestine, heat." Common folk Hu peach kernel, black sesame 500 grams, fried smashed a total crush, with a little honey transfer service morning fasting, both nourishing the body, and the treatment of habitual constipation. Walnut meat can also be used alone 30~50 grams, with rice porridge, eat sooner or later.
Use fresh white radish 250 grams, cleaned twisted take carrot juice, and then into a small amount of honey, 1 times of fasting, 1 times a day. "Daily Materia Medica" cloud: "the radish wide chest and diaphragm, Lee toilet." This method is especially suitable for the secret of the gas, gas to not be secret, even the pain in the abdomen, chest fullness.
Three-colored amaranth
Suitable for human consumption, habitual constipation. As early as in the "intermediate medical journal" in 1954 first have introduced: wash the potatoes cut into thin slices, into the meat grinder Jiaocheng paste, using sterile gauze Jiao Zhi, each fasting and afternoon before each take half glass. According to Yang Tianying's report, which was used to treat 84 patients of chronic constipation patients. Results all recovered, most of them in taking effective 2~4 days, constipation taking 20 days of individual effective.
Vitamin Bl, vitamin B2 more, can strengthen the gastrointestinal peristalsis, is the ideal food for the prevention and treatment of constipation.
Can Runzao bowel, suitable for intestinal constipation dry food. "Was introduced by practical effect of unilateral": "a man, 61 years old, left hemiplegia, constipation, bed has been half a year. With honey 180 grams, 30 grams of black sesame Yanlan, reconcile, steamed, 1 2 times a day as a snack. Half a month later, the stool returned to normal after 3 months can get up, after half a year, go back to business as usual."
Can Runchang pass stool dryness. "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains a method: 100 grams of lard into the enamel cup, add 100 grams of honey, with the fire boil, a cool, the lard and honey stir. Two times a day, every time 1 tablespoons of intestinal constipation dry especially.
Chinses Angelica
Kidney essence, moistening dryness, slippery bowel function, especially suitable for dry blood and yang deficiency constipation constipation person take. "The medical notes" wide: "treat high blood sucking, constipation, Cistanche 32 meat, liquor soaked, washed scales slice, three bowls of fried soup, a bowl of meal."
Liver, eyesight, laxative, suitable for habitual constipation taking. The first 500 grams of cassia, fried yellow, daily intake of 10~15 grams, boiling water when the tea.
A tonic, nourishing Yin, nourishing and moistening effect, and constipation, especially food. "With interest in the diet spectrum" say it can "benefit two", and "the treatment of constipation: pork soup, drink oil blow."
Flat, sweet, tonic Runchang, where physical weakness, or disease after postpartum, or the elderly constipation, safe food. The "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" said it "large profits", "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "milk run large intestine, porridge should be very old".
sea cucumber
Supplementary food for cleaning, which can Ziyin Runzao and nourishing laxative. Such as "drug test" it "will nourish the kidney, moistening intestines, and introduces the treatment of fire dry knot: sea cucumber, edible fungus, cooking into pig intestine". So, for constipation and blood, constipation, or infirm constipation, eat quite appropriate.
Flat, sweet, can be laxative. "Modern practical medicine" said: "sweet almond nourishing, with oral laxative effects, and nourishing effect." Therefore, for the frail elderly people with chronic constipation, food is the most suitable.
Cold, salty, there is a clear fire cooling effect. On dry stool and habitual constipation, fasting every morning to drink a cup of light salt was the most suitable, have the function of catharsis effect.
Flat, sweet, have the effect of Jianwei qingchang. "With interest in the diet spectrum" also said it would "heat, runchang". Chronic constipation should eat it.
Flat, sweet, a consumer product moistening effect. Materia medica Yanyi "also said:" eat too much slippery bowel". Therefore, constipation, eat a laxative effect.
Water spinach
Cold, sweet. "Lu Chuan Materia Medica" records: "treat disease of intestines and stomach, stool." The "dictionary of Chinese medicine" and said it was "constipation", because its cellulose can enhance intestinal peristalsis, chronic constipation should eat.
Agaric, commonly known as sliding abdominal dishes. Cold, sweet and sour, constipation to eat particularly appropriate. "Compendium of Materia Medica" cloud: "the big intestine basellaceae". "Fujian folk medicine" also said it "spilled hot lubricating intestines". "Quanzhou herbal medicine" also states: "the treatment of constipation". Because of the cold weather, the hot food is quite suitable for constipation.
In addition, people should take the constipation of oats, sweet potato, pig intestine, red bayberry, chrysanthemum, green vegetables, green asparagus, beet, seaweed, Sargassum, letinous edodes etc..
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
What is constipation, constipation how to do, what drug does constipation take?
What is constipation, constipation how to do, what drug does constipation take? What is constipation, simply speaking, can be used to describe 3 words: less, hard and difficult. "Less" refers to the decrease in defecation frequency or decrease in bowel movement. Normally, the number of bowel movements per person can be 2 times a day, or 3 times a week. In accordance with physiological laws, the food residue (fecal) discharge should be 24 to 72 hours after eating, so it is generally believed that more than 3 days without defecation is called constipation. "Hard" refers to the discharge of feces excellent (fecal hard, dry, hard stool), if there is excellent stool, even if the normal number of bowel movements, but also should be considered constipation.
"Hard" refers to the difficulty in defecation, defecation, defecation and fecal matter which excellent difficulties should be a necessary condition for constipation, and defecation should be based on individual circumstances, there are very few people ask when the defecation interval of more than 3 days, but without any discomfort, do not need medical treatment, also do not need to take laxatives strictly speaking, this kind of person can't be thought to have constipation there. The best way to treat constipation is to use food therapy. Constipation therapy has no side effects. It is safer and healthier. The following are the women's health nets Xiaobian compiled a treatment of constipation diet, food therapy, constipation patients for you to make a reference.
Sweet potato
Eat sweet potatoes, cure constipation, make smooth stool easy, folk have this experience. "Materia medica for the original" also recorded, think sweet potato: "cool blood, blood circulation, broad stomach, constipation, go to the Su stasis, dirty poison."." Chronic constipation is especially good for those who are constipated. Can also be used fresh sweet potato leaves 250 grams, refueling, salt cooking, eating at a time, sooner or later fasting every time to eat, suitable for people who dry bowels knot.
Can be laxative, constipation person take appropriate. "Shanghai Chinese magazine" September 1963: Zhao Moumou, female, 65 years old, Yin fluid dryness, suffering from constipation has been 5 years, every 4~5 days 1 stools, accompanied by dizziness limb numbness, pain throat disease. The "mirror" in ancient times medicine pill with black sesame sesame, (fried) with equal the late winter mulberry leaves, honey to reconcile for the pills, day 12~15 grams, January and more.
Can nourish yin, blood, Runchang, suitable for people with constipation. "Ren Zhai": "at the treatment of elderly constipation with deficiency astringent, gelatin two money, three pieces of root scallions, honey two spoon, water decoction, onions, gelatin, honey dissolve the people, before eating." This method for postpartum weakness, constipation, constipation is also appropriate.
Can heat, Runchang, detoxification, suitable heat constipation and habitual constipation person take. Take raw bananas, 2~3 times a day, 2 times a day.
Can nourishing liquid, Runchang, suitable for physically weak people constipation, also suitable for chronic constipation taking blood deficiency. Fresh black mulberry juice can be squeezed, take 15 ml each time, 2 times a day. Or with fresh mulberry 2 kg, Jiashi, 500 grams of white sugar, white sugar into the aluminum pan, add a little water, suffering a small fire until the sugar dissolves after adding mulberry juice, mulberry cream boiled together. 2 times a day, 15 grams each time, boiling water clothes, and even 1 weeks.
Sugar cane
Power in the heat, Sheng Jin, Runchang, suitable for those taking heat constipation. The available green Sugar cane juice and honey wine each 1, evenly mixed, daily morning fasting.
Pine nut kernels
Suitable for chronic intestinal dry constipation consumption, there are nourishing liquid, moistening the lung and sliding intestines. Available pine nuts 30 grams, cooked with rice to eat Rice porridge a day sooner or later. Or the use of sea pine nuts 250~500 grams, stir fry cooked mash, with 500 grams of sugar, add appropriate amount of water, together with wenhuoaocheng paste after cooling, bottling, daily morning fasting food, drink boiling water.
Suitable for constipation person take, there are ancient records. "Medical Lin Tsay" in say: "the walnuts, run through large intestine, heat." Common folk Hu peach kernel, black sesame 500 grams, fried smashed a total crush, with a little honey transfer service morning fasting, both nourishing the body, and the treatment of habitual constipation. Walnut meat can also be used alone 30~50 grams, with rice porridge, eat sooner or later.
250 grams of fresh white radish can be used, washed and then twisted radish juice, and then a small amount of honey, fasting 1 times, 1 times a day. "Daily Materia Medica," the cloud: "radish wide chest, diaphragm, Li, feces and urine."." This method is particularly suitable for people who have constipation, Qi constipation will not be, and very abdominal pain, chest and hypochondriac fullness.
Three-colored amaranth
A person who is habitual constipated. As early as in the "intermediate medical journal" in 1954, the first phase of the introduction: the potatoes cleaned, cut into thin slices, into the meat grinder, twisted into a paste, with sterilized gauze juice, every empty stomach and afternoon before each half glass. According to Yang's report, this method has been used to treat 84 patients with long-term constipation, the results are all cured, mostly in 2~4 days effective, individual constipation taking 20 days effective.
Contains vitamin Bl, vitamin B2 more, can enhance the peristalsis of the stomach, is the prevention and treatment of constipation ideal food.
Can Runzao bowel, suitable for intestinal constipation dry food. "Was introduced by practical effect of unilateral": "a man, 61 years old, left hemiplegia, constipation, bed has been half a year. 180 grams of honey, black sesame 30 grams, grind rotten, reconcile, steamed, 1, 2 times as dim sum to eat. Half a month later, the stool returned to normal, 3 months later can get up, half a year after the resumption of normal."
It can relax the bowels and defecate. "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains a method: 100 grams of lard into the enamel cup, add 100 grams of honey, with the fire boil, a cool, the lard and honey stir. Two times a day, 1 tablespoons each time, especially for intestinal constipation.
Chinses Angelica
Kidney essence, moistening dryness, slippery bowel function, especially suitable for dry blood and yang deficiency constipation constipation person take. "The medical notes" wide: "treat high blood sucking, constipation, Cistanche 32 meat, liquor soaked, washed scales slice, three bowls of fried soup, a bowl of meal."
Cassia seed
Can clear liver, eyesight, catharsis, suitable for habitual constipation. The first 500 grams of cassia, fried yellow, daily intake of 10~15 grams, boiling water when the tea.
There are tonic, nourishing Yin, nourishing blood, Runzao role, weak constipation people, food is particularly appropriate. "With interest in the diet spectrum" say it can "benefit two", and "the treatment of constipation: pork soup, drink oil blow."
Sexual flat, sweet taste, can make up empty Runchang, so all weak physique, or after the disease, postpartum or elderly people constipation, all suitable for eating. The "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" said it "large profits", "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "milk run large intestine, porridge should be very old".
sea cucumber
In order to clear and supplement food, it can nourish yin, moisturize dryness, and nourish the blood and purge the bowels. Such as "drug test" it "will nourish the kidney, moistening intestines, and introduces the treatment of fire dry knot: sea cucumber, edible fungus, cooking into pig intestine". Therefore, the intestinal dry constipation, or blood deficiency, constipation, or frail elderly constipation, food rather appropriate.
Mild, sweet, Runchang catharsis. "Modern practical medicine" said: "sweet almond nourishing, with oral laxative effects, and nourishing effect." Therefore, for the frail old people, chronic constipation, the most appropriate food.
It is cold, salty and salty, and has the function of clearing fire and cooling blood. On dry stool and habitual constipation, fasting every morning to drink a cup of light salt was the most suitable, have the function of catharsis effect.
Flat, sweet, have the effect of Jianwei qingchang. In the diet diet, it also says that it can clear away heat and smooth the intestines". Chronic habitual constipation should be eaten regularly.
Sex is flat, sweet, and has the effect of eliminating accumulation and moistening dryness. In the book of herbal extracts, he said, "eating too much is a slippery bowel."". Therefore, constipation, eat a laxative effect.
Water spinach
Cold and sweet in taste. "Lu Chuan Materia Medica" records: "treat disease of intestines and stomach, stool." "Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary" said that it "rule constipation", because of its cellulose can increase peristalsis, chronic constipation, it is appropriate to eat.
Agaric, commonly known as sliding abdominal dishes. Cold, sweet and sour, constipation to eat particularly appropriate. "Compendium of Materia Medica" cloud: "the big intestine basellaceae". "Fujian folk herbal medicine" also said that it "diarrhea, hot, slippery bowel."". "Quanzhou herbal medicine" also states: "the treatment of constipation". Because of the cold weather, the hot food is quite suitable for constipation.
In addition, people should take the constipation of oats, sweet potato, pig intestine, red bayberry, chrysanthemum, green vegetables, green asparagus, beet, seaweed, Sargassum, letinous edodes etc..
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blackknotbegone · 1 year
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