digitalfriend08 · 2 months
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nice-bright-colors · 1 year
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A high place of honor between the electric kettle and coffee grinder. Not exactly where I would put it, but I only live here part time.
Now, where do I put the toaster whenever I want to use it?
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amethystsoda · 2 years
I’m surprised there’s no “Will It Blend” posts in the tag, so let me introduce y’all to one of my favorite inane things from my teen years:
WILL IT BLEND? (That is the question)
The whole thing reads like a surrealist joke or like a neo-dada skit.
Do we know most of the stuff will blend? Probably.
Is it still fun to watch and find out? Yeah…
And he always follows the same format, so you know he’s going to say “will it blend” and “(insert whatever he’s blending that day) smoke. Don’t breathe that.”
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northbirdblog · 1 year
How to Make Almond Milk
Another easy and delicious money-saver from the Northbird kitchen!
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Long story short I was trying to make gravel and I broke your blender. It did not blend.
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huang0415 · 11 months
Sky最想買的家電年度特賣開始啦!特惠 39 折起!來自義大利Smeg復古美學家電、美國超強的blendtec調理機、嵌入式洗碗機、⽔龍頭、烤箱等,還有Wesco 德國儲物垃圾桶、德國琺瑯鍋,即日起至07/23為止喔! Continue reading Untitled
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myntramiller · 1 year
Blendtec Blenders FAQ: Answering Your Questions
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If you're considering purchasing a blender, chances are you've come across Blendtec as a top contender. Blendtec blenders are known for their exceptional performance, durability, and innovative features that make them a popular choice among home cooks and professionals alike. To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Blendtec blenders. Read on to find answers to your queries and discover why Blendtec is a brand worth considering.
What sets Blendtec blenders apart from other brands? Blendtec blenders are renowned for their powerful motors, which allow them to effortlessly blend even the toughest ingredients. Their high-speed blades create a vortex that pulls ingredients down towards the blade, ensuring consistent blending and smooth results. Additionally, Blendtec blenders boast advanced features such as pre-programmed settings, touchscreens, and smart blending technology, making them user-friendly and versatile.
Are Blendtec blenders suitable for commercial use? Yes, Blendtec blenders are built to withstand the demands of commercial environments. Their robust construction and durable components make them ideal for use in restaurants, juice bars, cafes, and other foodservice establishments. Blendtec offers specific models designed for commercial use, ensuring they can handle high-volume blending tasks with ease.
Can Blendtec blenders handle hot ingredients? Yes, Blendtec blenders are designed to handle hot ingredients. The blender jars are made from BPA-free materials that can withstand high temperatures. This feature allows you to blend soups, sauces, and other hot liquids without worrying about the jar cracking or warping.
How easy is it to clean a Blendtec blender? Blendtec blenders are known for their easy cleaning process. Most models have a self-cleaning feature that allows you to clean the blender jar with a simple push of a button. This feature is especially convenient when switching between different recipes or when you're in a hurry. Additionally, the removable parts of the blender, such as the jar and lid, are dishwasher-safe, making cleanup a breeze.
Can Blendtec blenders grind grains or make nut butter? Yes, Blendtec blenders are capable of grinding grains into flour and making homemade nut butter. Some models even come with a specific jar attachment designed for dry blending tasks. With the powerful motor and sturdy blades, Blendtec blenders can tackle a wide range of blending, grinding, and food processing tasks.
Are Blendtec blenders loud? Blendtec blenders are known for their powerful motors, which can generate some noise during operation. However, the noise level can vary depending on the model and the specific blending task. Blendtec has made efforts to reduce noise levels in their blenders, but it's important to note that high-powered blenders tend to be louder than standard household blenders.
Do Blendtec blenders come with a warranty? Yes, Blendtec blenders come with a warranty that provides coverage for any defects in materials or workmanship. The warranty period varies depending on the model and can range from three to ten years. It's recommended to check the specific warranty details for the model you're interested in to understand the coverage and terms.
Blendtec blenders offer exceptional blending performance, durability, and versatility, making them a popular choice for blending enthusiasts. With their powerful motors, innovative features, and user-friendly design, Blendtec blenders are well-equipped to handle a variety of blending tasks in both home and commercial settings. Whether you're looking to make smoothies, soups, sauces, or nut butter, Blendtec has a blender that can meet your needs and deliver outstanding results.
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digitalfriend08 · 2 months
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mirashank2 · 2 years
Blendtec Food equipment based in Vancouver
We are Blendtec Food equipment based in Vancouver are renowned manufacturer and exporter of restaurant equipment, refrigeration equipment, beverage vending machines and more. blendtec vancouver
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justinmooreus · 2 years
Shop Blendtec Soft Lid that is built to create an airtight seal, perfect for smoothies, frozen drinks, slushies and more.
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banyanas · 2 years
well you see, I stole your blender
Blendtec's Will It Blend?- Sasha Waybright
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The Story of Content: Rise of the New Marketing [ Documentary]
" The Story of Content: Rise of the New Marketing, a new documentary by the Content Marketing Institute, is the first comprehensive film of its kind for the industry. It explores the evolution of content marketing through the eyes of the world’s biggest leading brands such as Red Bull, Kraft and Marriott; and marketing influencers, including Joe Pulizzi, Ann Handley, Scott Stratten, Jay Baer and more. Featuring case studies from early pioneers to today’s marketing innovators, you’ll learn how content marketing has been–and will continue– to change business and media forever.
00:00 Intro 7:00 - John Deere case study 10:30 - Procter & Gamble case study 13:20 - History of custom publishing 17:00 - Blendtec case study 23:15 - River Pools case study 29:09 - Red Bull case study 33:40 - Marriott case study 36:25 - Jyske Bank case study "
Source: Content Marketing Institute
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Thank you for following All about Marketing 4 You
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mobidobi-krimc-20 · 19 days
Привлекайте внимание аудитории: уникальные стратегии продвижения
В мире, где каждый борется за внимание, умение выделиться и удержать интерес аудитории становится искусством. Традиционные методы маркетинга уже не работают с той же эффективностью, что раньше. Настало время для уникальных стратегий продвижения, которые не просто привлекают, а захватывают дух. Давайте погрузимся в мир инновационных подходов и удивительных тактик, которые помогут вам стать настоящим мастером привлечения внимания.
#### 1. Сторителлинг: магия слова
Истории — это то, что связывает нас с миром. Хорошо рассказанная история может вызвать эмоции, вдохновить на действие и создать глубокую связь с брендом. Но что, если история будет не просто рассказом, а интерактивным приключением? Представьте себе, что ваш продукт — это главный герой эпического сюжета, который разворачивается на глазах у зрителей. Компания Red Bull мастерски использует этот метод, превращая экстремальные виды спорта в захватывающие повествования, которые вдохновляют миллионы людей.
#### 2. Вирусный маркетинг: эффект неожиданности
Вирусный маркетинг — это не просто удачное совпадение. Это тщательно продуманная стратегия, основанная на уникальных и неожиданных идеях, которые мгновенно захватывают внимание. Например, компания Blendtec, производитель блендеров, запустила серию видео "Will It Blend?", где измельчались самые неожиданные предметы — от iPhone до мармеладных мишек. Эти видео стали вирусными, обеспечив бренду мировую известность и рост продаж.
#### 3. Экспериментальный маркетинг: создайте опыт
Экспериментальный маркетинг — это создание уникального опыта, который вовлекает потребителя на эмоциональном уровне. Это может быть интерактивная инсталляция, неожиданный флешмоб или уникальное событие, которое заставит говорить о вашем бренде. Вспомните кампанию Coca-Cola "Share a Coke", где бутылки с именами людей стали настоящим хитом. Люди делали фотографии с персонализированными бутылками и делились ими в социальных сетях, что создало волну бесплатной рекламы.
#### 4. Персонализация: будьте ближе
Персонализация — это не просто тренд, а необходимость в современном маркетинге. Люди хотят чувствовать себя особенными, и вы можете предоставить им это ощущение. Используйте данные о поведении и предпочтениях ваших клиентов для создания индивидуальных предложений. Spotify, например, создает персонализированные плейлисты для каждого пользователя на основе их музыкальных предпочтений, что делает сервис неотъемлемой частью их жизни.
#### 5. Секретные вечеринки и VIP-мероприятия
Создайте ощущение эксклюзивности и тайны. Организуйте закрытые мероприятия, на которые можно попасть только по специальному приглашению или через квест. Такие мероприятия вызывают интерес и желание стать частью "избранного круга". Бренд Supreme, например, известен своими ограниченными выпусками и секретными продажами, что создает ажиотаж и формирует огро��ные очереди из желающих приобрести эксклюзивные товары.
#### 6. Коллаборации с неожиданными партнёрами
Иногда самое неожиданное сотрудничество может принести наибольшие результаты. Подумайте о брендах, которые кажутся совершенно не связанными с вашим бизнесом, и создайте что-то новое вместе. Например, когда Lego объединилась с IKEA, чтобы создать серию игровых наборов для дома, результат оказался настоящим хитом. Неожиданные коллаборации всегда привлекают внимание и создают дополнительную волну интереса.
#### 7. Технологии виртуальной и дополненной реальности
Использование VR и AR технологий открывает новые горизонты для взаимодействия с аудиторией. Это может быть виртуальный тур по вашим продуктам или интерактивная игра, которая вовлечет пользователей...
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cronbaytech · 2 months
5 Successful Video Content Marketing Campaigns and What We Can Learn from Them
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, video content has emerged as a powerhouse for engaging audiences and driving conversions. With its ability to convey messages quickly, evoke emotions, and capture attention, video has become an indispensable tool for brands looking to stand out in a crowded online space. In this article, we'll explore five successful video content marketing campaigns that have captivated audiences and examine the key lessons we can glean from their success.
1. Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches"
Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign is a prime example of how authenticity and emotional resonance can drive engagement. The campaign featured a forensic artist sketching women based on their self-descriptions and then sketching them again based on descriptions provided by strangers. The resulting sketches revealed a stark contrast, with the sketches based on strangers' descriptions often portraying the women in a more positive light.
Lesson Learned: Authenticity resonates with audiences. By tapping into universal themes such as self-esteem and body image, Dove struck a chord with viewers and sparked conversations around beauty standards.
2. Nike's "Dream Crazy"
Nike's "Dream Crazy" campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick stirred controversy and conversation. The ad, which highlighted athletes who overcame adversity to achieve greatness, sparked debates about patriotism and social justice. Despite the controversy, the campaign received widespread attention and ultimately bolstered Nike's brand image.
Lesson Learned: Boldness pays off. By taking a stand on a divisive issue, Nike demonstrated its commitment to its values and resonated with its target audience, ultimately driving brand loyalty and engagement.
3. Blendtec's "Will It Blend?"
Blendtec's "Will It Blend?" series of videos became a viral sensation by showcasing the company's powerful blenders in action. The videos featured Blendtec's founder blending various items, including iPhones, golf balls, and even a rake handle, to demonstrate the blender's durability and performance.
Lesson Learned: Creativity and humor can be powerful marketing tools. Blendtec's irreverent approach to showcasing its product not only entertained viewers but also effectively communicated its key selling points in a memorable way.
4. Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like"
Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign revitalized the brand's image with its humorous and over-the-top commercials featuring actor Isaiah Mustafa. The campaign's surreal humor and memorable catchphrases, such as "I'm on a horse," helped Old Spice appeal to a younger demographic and reposition itself as a modern and playful brand.
Lesson Learned: Embrace creativity and humor to make a lasting impression. Old Spice's unconventional approach to advertising helped it break through the clutter and establish a strong brand identity.
5. Always' "Like a Girl"
Always' "Like a Girl" campaign challenged gender stereotypes and empowered young girls to reclaim the phrase "like a girl" as a symbol of strength and confidence. The campaign's emotional video featuring interviews with girls and boys of various ages highlighted the impact of stereotypes on self-esteem and encouraged viewers to rethink their perceptions of what it means to do something "like a girl."
Lesson Learned: Purpose-driven storytelling can create meaningful connections. Always' campaign struck a chord with viewers by addressing a societal issue and inspiring positive change, positioning the brand as a champion for empowerment and inclusivity.
In conclusion, these five successful video content marketing campaigns demonstrate the power of authenticity, boldness, creativity, humor, and purpose-driven storytelling in capturing audience attention and driving engagement. By studying these campaigns and applying the lessons learned to their own marketing efforts, brands can create compelling video content that resonates with viewers and achieves their marketing objectives.
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myntramiller · 1 year
The Blendtec TB-621-25 Total Blender Classic: A Fusion of Power and Performance
The Blendtec TB-621-25 Total Blender Classic is a versatile and high-performance blending appliance that has garnered a strong reputation among blending enthusiasts. In this review, we will delve into the features, performance, design, and overall value of the Blendtec TB-621-25 Total Blender Classic. With its powerful motor, advanced blending technology, and sleek design, this blender stands as a formidable contender in the world of blending.
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Unleashing Power:
Equipped with a robust 1,560-watt motor, the Blendtec TB-621-25 Total Blender Classic effortlessly tackles a wide range of blending tasks. Whether it's crushing ice or blending tough ingredients, this blender delivers exceptional performance, consistently producing smooth results. The powerful motor ensures efficient blending, ensuring a flawless texture in your recipes.
Cutting-Edge Blending Technology:
The Blendtec TB-621-25 Total Blender Classic boasts advanced blending technology that sets it apart. With pre-programmed blending cycles, this blender takes the guesswork out of achieving optimal results. Simply select the desired blending cycle, such as smoothies, soups, or ice cream, and let the blender do the rest. This technology ensures consistent blending and precise outcomes with just a touch of a button.
Unmatched Versatility:
The Blendtec Total Blender Classic is a true culinary ally, offering remarkable versatility. From blending and pureeing to chopping and grinding, this blender handles it all. Whether you're preparing refreshing smoothies, creamy nut butter, zesty salsa, or even grinding grains for baking, this blender's power and versatility make it an indispensable tool in the kitchen. Simplify your blending experience and eliminate the need for multiple appliances with the Blendtec Total Blender Classic.
Sturdy and Stylish Design:
Crafted with durability and aesthetics in mind, the Blendtec Total Blender Classic showcases a sturdy and sleek design that enhances any kitchen countertop. The blender base is constructed with high-quality materials, ensuring long-lasting performance and stability during operation. The BPA-free Tritan jar not only guarantees durability but also resists stains and odors. Its square design promotes effective blending and easy pouring, adding both functionality and style to your culinary space.
User-Friendly Interface:
The Blendtec Total Blender Classic prioritizes ease of use with its intuitive interface. The blender features a user-friendly control panel and a clear digital display, allowing you to effortlessly select your desired blending cycle or adjust the blending speed. The buttons are thoughtfully labeled and responsive, enhancing the overall user experience and making blending a hassle-free endeavor.
Effortless Cleaning:
Cleaning up after blending is a breeze with the Blendtec Total Blender Classic. The jar is dishwasher-safe, simplifying the cleanup process. Additionally, the blender's blade design eliminates the need for a separate blade assembly, further streamlining the cleaning routine.
Warranty and Customer Support:
Blendtec stands behind the quality of their products and offers a generous warranty for the Total Blender Classic. This warranty provides peace of mind, ensuring that any manufacturing defects or issues will be promptly addressed. Blendtec's customer support team is known for their responsiveness and helpfulness, offering assistance whenever needed.
The Blendtec TB-621-25 Total Blender Classic embodies power, performance, and versatility. With its robust motor, advanced blending technology, and user-friendly design, this blender surpasses expectations. Whether you're a smoothie enthusiast, a culinary explorer, or simply seeking a reliable blender for everyday use, the Blendtec Total Blender Classic is a worthwhile investment that will elevate your blending experience to new heights.
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arvisdigital3 · 3 months
Unleashing the Power of Viral Content: Strategies and Case Studies
In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, few achievements are as coveted as creating viral content. The ability to captivate audiences, spark conversations, and propel content to widespread recognition is the hallmark of viral success. But behind every viral sensation lies a carefully crafted strategy, fueled by creativity, insight, and impeccable timing. In this article, we delve into the strategies and explore case studies that exemplify the art of creating viral content.
Understanding Virality: A Blend of Science and Creativity
At its core, virality is the result of a perfect storm – a convergence of factors that ignite widespread sharing and engagement. While there's no exact formula for viral success, understanding the underlying principles can set the stage for creating content that resonates with audiences. Viral content often evokes strong emotions, whether it's laughter, awe, or inspiration. By tapping into universal themes and human experiences, brands can craft content that strikes a chord with viewers, prompting them to share it with their networks.
Leveraging Social Platforms and Trends
In today's interconnected world, social media platforms serve as fertile ground for viral content to flourish. From Twitter memes to TikTok challenges, social trends have the power to propel content to viral status within moments. Savvy marketers keep a keen eye on emerging trends and cultural moments, seizing opportunities to join the conversation in authentic and relevant ways. By aligning content with popular hashtags, memes, or challenges, brands can amplify their reach and increase the likelihood of virality.
Authenticity and Shareability: Keys to Viral Success
While the allure of virality may tempt brands to prioritize shock value or gimmicky tactics, sustainable success hinges on authenticity and shareability. Authentic content resonates with audiences on a deeper level, forging genuine connections and fostering loyalty. Moreover, shareability is essential for content to spread organically across social networks. Whether it's a heartwarming story, a hilarious meme, or a thought-provoking video, content that elicits an emotional response is more likely to be shared and reshared by users.
Case Studies in Viral Brilliance
To illustrate the power of viral content, let's examine a few notable case studies:
Blendtec's "Will It Blend?" – Blendtec, a blender manufacturer, achieved viral fame with its "Will It Blend?" video series, showcasing the blender's durability by blending unconventional items like iPhones and golf balls. The videos garnered millions of views and transformed Blendtec into a household name.
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge became a global phenomenon, with participants from all walks of life dousing themselves with ice water to raise awareness and funds for ALS research. The simplicity of the challenge, coupled with its charitable cause, propelled it to viral status, generating widespread participation and media coverage.
Oreo's Dunk in the Dark – During the 2013 Super Bowl blackout, Oreo seized the moment with a clever tweet that read, "Power out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark." The timely and witty response resonated with audiences, earning Oreo widespread praise and millions of social media impressions.
Conclusion: Crafting Viral Magic
In conclusion, creating viral content is equal parts art and science, requiring a deep understanding of audience psychology, social dynamics, and cultural trends. By prioritizing authenticity, tapping into emotional resonance, and seizing timely opportunities, brands can increase their chances of creating content that captivates audiences and spreads like wildfire across the digital landscape. While there's no guaranteed formula for virality, embracing creativity, experimentation, and a willingness to take calculated risks can set the stage for viral success.
Article created by Arvis Digital
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