pipe-valve · 3 months
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they look funny
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thedarthray · 6 months
Super7 - ReAction Devo Bob2 Bob Casale
Super7 - ReAction Devo Bob2 Bob Casale by Darth Ray Via Flickr: Super7 - ReAction Devo Bob2 Bob Casale "Satisfaction" Card Back with Guitar
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devo-photos · 2 years
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DEVO outside Musika Mutato, 2000.
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megan-karau · 6 months
i finished the video yayyy <333 (in loving memory of BOB2 and BOB3)
i lil talk about this one. Elizabeth is trying to expand her territory among the "human" fish (i'll explain someday) thus the cannibalism.
also the buff fish in the first half just imagine he's a normal fish and not a humanoid. (i realized this doesn't work with the timeline)
Elizabeth and BOB2 became friends after Bob shared food with her. (the other fishies didn't want to share with her since she's the tiniest)
but she becomes more arrogant and bitter every time she was discriminated and being given the smaller territory (she never voiced these feelings to Bob cuz she hated him for being popular but also to victimize herself)
so she leads a rebellion to attack the 3 bob's during meal time and chlorination time.
Michael is traumatized by this and couldn't help him cuz of Elizabeth's influence and his animal instinct. (don't ask why bob3 isn't affected by it maybe cuz he's blind idk)
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worldsofzzt · 7 months
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Source “Business Bob 2” by Robin Miller (1993) Published by: BOB GAMES [BOB2.ZZT] - “Yard” Play This World Online ---- Discover More Information About This World on the Museum of ZZT
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askcirclecritters-acc · 5 months
welcome to ACC! that's the acronym. welcome to Ask Circle Critters! by the name, this is an ask blog of my own ocs! yes, there's 18. i don't know how or why. 2 of them are not my ocs, they are a close friends at school who allowed me to use them for this.
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there's only one person on this blog. @spamtongreal1
tags for this blog: #askscc - tag used for answering asks. #artcc - art of ACC. #referencescc - self explanatory. #occ/cc - out of character / circle critters. and any of the characters name with 'cc' afterwards.
characters: Bob2, far left, Slender next, Happy next, Fluffy and Drufs, the two after, Gills, fish guy, Spoingle, Sponk, Petal next to him, Drip and Shine under the first two. Spong, Vision, Angel and Scrimblo in the air, Fang and X in the back. Midnight in the air above gills. Rajani isn't included atm, you'll see it soon
to ask any of them, use certain emojis. Bob2: 👑, Slender: ❤, Happy: 🎉, Fluffy: 🐾, Drufs: ⚙️, Gills: 🦈, Spoingle: ⚡, Sponk: ⭐, Petal: 🌸, Drip: 💧, Shine: ✨, Spong: 🦋, Vision: ♦, Angel: 😇, Scrimblo: 🕊, Fang: 🕷, X: ❌, Midnight: 🌑, Rajani: 🐍
we have simple rules. no nsfw or any problematic asks!!
!! THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN THINGS LIKE BLOOD, TRAUMA, AND THINGS LIKE THAT. PLEASE TRY NOT TO GET INVOLVED HERE IF THESE THINGS TRIGGER YOU !! luckily nothing is sexual. the blood is only apart of the ocs, but maybe somebody who asks might get a little bit silly and try to kill someone, who knows?
this might be updated whenever i learn how to properly make an ask blog correctly :]
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sorcerous-caress · 2 months
hope this isn't weird to ask but how long have you been writing and how old are you? did you ever take any courses related to writing or have you been improving through writing as a hobby?
Hey it's not weird at all, I'll happily answer!
I'm 20 years old, and I have been writing non-continuously since I was 12.
My first fic was written with colon punctuation for spoken dialogue instead of quotation marks bc I didn't know what those were at the time. For example:
Bob: nice weather we're having today (he said with a smile)
Bob2: I signed the divorce papers, they're on the counter. (Sighing at the other's stubbornness)
I posted it on wattpad.
Afterwards, I never wrote anything else, but I learned about Ao3 and kept enganging in fandom spaces. At 14, I joined roleplaying group chats, which made me think and write faster to keep the rp going. Eventually, it became one on one rp with another person where we would take our chat history log, freshen it up a bit, then post it as a fic.
By 16, I joined a fandom server with a semi serious writing subcategory in it. People more experienced and much older than me would beta for other's story. It's where I picked up the habit to write drafts in google docs so I can easily share the link for a beta reader to add suggestions to.
I still haven't written another fic by then, not by myself, at least. I got very insecure at the time about my writing and lack of knowledge. Mind you, I joined the server, not knowing what punctuation was. It took several beta readers adding punctuation for me until it finally clicked that I should use it.
It felt like I was an outcast in a way? Sure, everyone treated me just as nicely as others there, but I noticed the little things that added up over time. Like how no one would react or talk about the stories I post, but if someone else shares theirs, then the entire server gushes over it. Or how one time I reacted to my own story with an emoji, only for someone else to mention how it's me who clicked it and I shouldn't do that. It was a very unhealthy environment for a 16-year-old surrounded by 30-20 years old, but I stuck to it because I wanted to improve my writing.
Even if I was ignored, they'd still beta for me as a chance to offer "constructive criticism." Artists can be very petty when a low skilled person joins them.
My skills improved, and I posted my second fic! It was nothing remarkable, but it felt like the first stone into the stairway of improvement, yk? I loved that fic, it was my crowning jewel.
But as a result, I started to hate writing. It was a struggle, I'd spend hours on two sentences while others on the server were bragging about their 50k fics. I hated my own inability to perform better, to write better.
I got sick of reading my own writing from the number of times I'd rewrite it in an attempt to format it better. I couldn't even bare look at other's writing or read fanfics on AO3 because I'd always compare their writing to mine. Break their style down and analyse it in an attempt to spot what I'm doing wrong.
I left the server eventually, abruptly too. It was for the better.
I swore off of writing.
For two years, that was true. I gradually came to reading fanfics again, but just looking at a blank document was enough to get me nauses.
By 18, Aot happened, and the boom in x reader fanfics.
Everything I've written up to this point has been ships. Not once did I consider the idea of an x reader. For a while, I used to scoff at it and label it as cringe, as if the ship fanfics I was reading wasn't cringe either. Elitism, I tell you.
I saw these request blogs and how posting on tumblr seemed less intimidating than AO3. How intimate it felt to have an anon talk to you about your own fic that you wrote for them, to have people discussing your writing and stories with you! And they ask for more!
Sign me tf up.
I started my first writing blog, and I didn't know shit. I learned as I went. The new formatting, the tumblr tag system, creating a masterlist.
How important presentation is in here.
In AO3, your fic has the same chance of being read as any other one. Only your description is there to judge it by. But on tumblr? The shiny bookcover was almost as important as the material inside. In here, you have to market your own fic, present it with a lovely bow on top, add a pretty eyecatching header, and all the right trending tags.
Luckily, it clicked easy for me. I used free domian paintings from past centuries to make my covers, and they stood out amongst the anime cover galore. It was a little pretentious, I admit, but I also was a little pretentious, so it's alright.
I played my cards right, answered requests enthusiastically, and delivered fics at a fast rate. Paid attention to what styles worked best and what genres attracted more attention. At that point, it was a numbers game for me. Play marketing right, and you'll win at capitalism.
It felt very degrading and dirty.
My personal style fazed out, and my fics had a sanitised safe for mass consume feel to it. It was written to appeal to you rather than written out of any real love or passion.
It was soulless garbage.
Not to mention at the time I still used the same unhealthy and needlessly convoluted writing method I learned from that server. Yes I cut ties with them but I still didn't have any other alternative writing method to use.
What's that? Just write however I want? Are you crazy? What like my 12y old self wrote on wattpad? My 18y old self would rather die than actually be true to themselves.
I was extremely insecure and afraid of being labelled as "cringe" I completely ereased any stray stains of personality that managed to trickle their way down into my writing. Not once did I write for myself during that time, and not once did I actually enjoy a single piece I made.
I hated all of them, I couldn't bear to even read the fics I wrote. But I still made more and more to appease the requesters, still forced myself to sit and write each morning for hours on end.
A tight timeline, an exhausting production and no friends or hobbies to fall back into and relax. It was a fucking nightmare.
What ircked me the most was how people would just keep requesting more without a thank you or even a fuck you afterwards. It's like it's a fast food drive-through and I should be grateful for any attention I get.
But I never said a word. I never complained because complaining drives away people and engagement. No, I needed to keep my happy chill imagine and never show any emotion or talk about my struggles in real life or writing.
Instead of realising I hated my writing because of its lack of essence and soul, I convinced myself instead that it's because my skill level is still too low.
So I searched online. I found writing courses I couldn't afford, and neither could I ask my family for money for anything at the time because of personal reasons.
So I put on my pirate hat.
Apparently, people don't bother uploading the scam writing tips courses to pirate websites. That's fair.
Instead, I pirated books from famous authors talking about writing. Read them and tried to apply their methods, ignored my own preferences, and wrote to fit their subjective standards of what good writing is.
I signed up for free trials courses that didn't require a credit card and copied every single file into my hard drive before the trail ended.
I had so much material to study. I watched youtube videos about writing. I really really tried everything I could.
But I still loathed every fucking word I put down on these pages.
And I hated how a general advice in writing was to "follow your heart" what is that supposed to mean? I can't do that. Others do not like my heart, It has been proven many times before so how about you just give me some useful advice instead you useless wrinkled piece of shit book?
You can't force or fake creativity.
You can fake an elegant writing style, you can copy interesting lines from famous books and apply them to your own writing, you can include every trendy word in all the right places.
But you can't fake creativity.
I wished I was 12 again. Writing fics on wattpad, where my style was worse than garbage, and yet I loved it. People loved it.
Because it was garbage with a soul, a garbage that had empty chocolate milk bottles and spilt sprinkles. A garbage that showed personality and where my priorities were. With kids' fingerprints in colourful paint and a toddler's fridge artpiece.
A garbage that mirrored my love for the art.
And I ruined it. I traded it all for stupid punctuation that I didn't even care for.
I was happy.
Like every other probome in my life, I ran away.
I hit my breaking point. The requests were never ending, the studying and writing books were getting more and more pretentious and contradicting themselves. I barely had time to eat, I don't talk to people or go outside.
I do not have the time for anything, I missed having friends.
I left the blog. I stopped writing, it was too anxiety inducing.
I got into videogames again, I enjoyed the text heavy ones. I chose to ignore what that implied.
They were so...beautiful.
And fun!
I made some friends, I was happy for a while.
Then, one of my favourite characters in my video game mentioned missing their parents, how hard the funeral was.
It hit home.
I'm not writing, I convinced myself with a lie, I'm just gonna put down my thoughts on them...in a google document.
See just around 1k words, easy peasy. I AM NOT WRITING. It doesn't count.
But I did write it. Not with any calculated formula or method. I wrote my thoughts like how I hear them in my head and what I felt, what I imagined the character would feel.
Then, I added some dialogue, trimmed the corners, and sprinkled in euphemism.
It was simple and bare, vulnerable.
I posted it. It never got much traction.
But I was happy, I liked it, even loved it and kept rereading it.
I was 19.
I nervously showed it to my friend. They mentioned how much they can't stand reading books or fics because the words overwhelm them courtesy of their ADHD.
But they managed to read mine. Very smoothly.
Because my style, my own personal style that is set to my preference, makes me write in small paragraphs and straightforward. I never linger on details or focus on one thing for too long, I always give breaks and seperate events from each other.
And it clicked for this one person who struggled with reading, a style that will get criticism in any serious writing circle for being too simple or childish.
They liked it.
I hate needless convolution.
I just turned 20 years old, I asked for Baldur's Gate 3 early access as my birthday gift.
I received it, I played it.
I fell in love with its writing.
Then I made this blog, and I promised myself not to follow rabbits into any holes again. To reject the requests I don't want, to write because I love to, because I find it interesting or fun.
To never feel obligated to any thing or person. Only write if I want to, only post it if I want to. And if I don't want to? Then I simply won't.
And yes this blog gets much less attention than my first one but the people in here, the anons and my readers, they interact much more with me and my writing. It feels much better to have a handful of people genuinely excited and curious about your stories than a hundred people who would only leave likes and leave.
I have never touched a writing course or a helpful book since then. I block every writing tips blog, I see. I hate each and every single post about writing tricks and immediately skip past it.
I don't care if I improve anymore. I don't care if people don't read my stuff. I do not care if my style degenerates so much and reverts back to wattpad. All I care about is the fact I love writing and I enjoy it, I plan to keep it this way.
It's also funny that I'm writing in English since I when I first started writing at 12 it was in Arabic. My first fic? In Arabic.
And I was willing to go down that road yk. Keep true to my heritage and culture, write in my own beautiful language.
But. I wrote about queer topics and stories. Homophobia is still a massive thing in our society. My story was more infamous and taboo than famous and beloved.
I had so many people coming to my dms to "educate" me about religion and sin. How what I'm doing is wrong and the message I'm spreading is haram.
It was funny at first especially when it was the quran that made me want to write in the first place. Because it's actually a collection of poems! It just loses its rhythm when translated to English. It was so beautifully written, I'd listen to it always as a kid.
But then those dms became unbearable and I decided to learn english to join the western fandoms instead. A 12y old just deciding to fuck it and learn a whole new language to write gay fics.
A lot of my struggles in writing at 12-17 was because I was still learning English at the time.
This was fun. Thank you so much for asking this, anon! I had the chance to reminisce about the past.
I made so many mistakes. But I'd rather having made them and reached this point of content with myself than not having made them at all.
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painterofhorizons · 2 years
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Vacation day 2, met Bob, Ernie&Bert and Bob2 (I don't know the real names of Ernie&Bert and Bob2 yet). Lots of cuddles and playtime followed.
Excellent day. Excellent.
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absurdbartholomew · 1 year
are you able to explain supersponge in the greatest detail you can
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sorry for the super late answer I forgot about this
supersponge is a video game developed by climax group. they made such classics as: Licensed Game, Licensed Game, Diablo PSX, Licensed Game, Sponge Bob 1, Licensed Game, and Sponge Bob2: Crossover
I'll only be talking about the PSX version cause I like that one ( I grew up with it )
the game opens with spongebob standing still in a 2D environment. Gary is there too and almost looks like a 3D studio max r3 render. strange!
the French narrator recaps on the predicament - Patrick's birthday is TODAY (sunday!) so spongebob wants to give him a present he knows Patrick will like: a little photograph of his Favourite Super-Heroes!!! with a little signature on it. he walks over to the conveniently placed shady shoals rest home. the two retired superheroes await him right at the front door. mermaidman is in a wheelchair for some reason!
SpongeBob tells 'em about Patrick's deepest desire and Barnacle Boy sends him off with a simple request: sarnie ingredients. note the usage of a British term for sandwich!
little to spongebobs knowledge, he's just being sent off for peace and quiet. how mean!
SpongeBob meets squidward at jellyfish fields after getting off the bus, who reminds spongebob that it's Sunday, and that he should forget the krusty krab. after calling SB a moron (an appropriate response would be "I know you are, but what am i?") he requests that spongebob uses his net. after picking it up, spongebob suddenly recalls that he can catch jellyfish, and launch them at those annoying critters!
he gets the QUEST ITEM at the end, and runs off to Sandy's treedome (biodome?) to raid her house for sea-nut butter. Sandy's fine with this, and even tells spongebob to try using his helmet.
spongebob's off to the carnival now. however, it may be possible that this game takes place after the classic season 1 episode "hooky", as spongebob is aware this is a park. with fish hooks. fish hooks park. not a carnival. beware of the hooks!
THEN, spongebob heads downtown - which is in an absolute state of disrepair. massive flaming potholes to hell everywhere and people driving cars back and forth praying to god that they hit someone today
he fights the big Meany jellyfish stuck between two mailboxes. it was holding onto the bread all along! collect it and you've made a banger sandwich. but watch out! spongebob's clumsy. he trips! oh no! yikes!! oh, wait! the sandwich is okay!
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100 Short Haircuts and Hairstyles For Fine Hair - Best Short Hair Styles To Copy In 2023 Featured Short Hairstyles: 1. Layered bob fine hair dark roots pastel lavender balayage blunt bang straight 2. Asymmetrical bob straight black 3. Asymmetrical pixie blueberry balayage 4. Blunt straight bob middle parted 5. Brush up blonde pixie 6. Chestnut shaggy stacked bob messy 7. Gold blonde layered straight shaggy 8. Lavender angled bob straight 9. Layered pixie side bangs 10. Middle part blunt bob 11. Peach stacked bob wavy 12. Pixie voluminous wavy texture 13. Platinum blonde silver stacked bob straight long side bang 14. Short bob black side parted 15. Side wavy bob 16. Styled back top 17. Textured bob auburn ombre 18. Textured bob babylights 19. Wavy pixie undercut 20. Angled straight bob 21. Asymmetrical bob 22. Blonde blunt side long bangs 23. Blonde blunt waves thin bangs 24. Blonde long pixie 25. Blue bob 26. Blue pixie undercut 27. Blunt bob side bang 28. Blunt bob style 29. Blunt wavy bob 30. Bob blunt 31. Bob wavy style 32. Bowl cut 33. Braid mohawk 34. Braided bang pixie 35. Braided bob 36. Braided top knots 37. Braided updo style 38. Braided updo 39. Bright bang pixie style 40. Brush up pinned 41. Chin lenght hair 42. Classic long pixie 43. Classic pixie 44. Coco rocha 45. Curls 46. Deep long bangs 47. Deep side part 48. Disheveled pixie 49. Dua lipa 50. Emily blunt 51. Emma stone 52. Extra short hair 53. Gigi hadid 54. Graduated bob red 55. Headband 56. Heike makatsch 57. Ice blonde bob 58. Layered long pixie 59. Layered side parted bob 60. Layered top 61. Light purple layered hair 62. Lob style 63. Long top purple pixie 64. Longer on top pixie 65. Loose curls 66. Messy pixie bob 67. Messy wavy bob 68. Pinned bob 69. Pixie shaved sides 70. Pixie undercut 71. Purple bob bangs 72. Scarf pixie 73. Scarf 74. Scarlett johansson 75. Shaggy bob bangs 76. Shaggy bob 77. Shaggy platinum bob 78. Shaved sides 79. Short pixie 80. Side long pixie 81. Side parted lob 82. Side parted pixie undercut 83. Side swept long pixie 84. Side swept long pixie2 85. Silver layered top pixie 86. Straight bob 87. Swept back long pixie 88. Swept back pixie 89. Textured bob 90. Thin hair long pixie 91. Undercut pixie 92. Wavy blonde bob 93. Wavy layered bob 94. Wavy layered bob2 95. Wavy side parted bob 96. Angled bob 97. Blonde asymmetrical bob undercut 98. Braided front side style 99. Brown wavy angled bob 100. Curly 101. Dark hair wavy style 102. Ocean blue bob color 103. Platinum bob 104. Platinum hair 105. Stacked wavy bob 106. Twisted updo style 107. Wavy messy bob Credit Images: Instagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Hairstyles | Short Hair | Hairstyles For Short Hair | How To Style Short Hair | Short Hair Styles | Short Hair Tutorial | Short Hair Style | Hair Styles | Short Hairstyle | Hair Style | Style | Short Styles | Styles For Short Hair | Short Hair Hairstyles | Short | Shorts Hair Style | Short Hair Style Girl | 10 Ways To Style Short Hair | Easy Hairstyles For Short Hair | Short Natural Hair | 10 Easy Ways To Style Short Hair | Best Short Hair Styles For Mature Women ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark: All Images Shown In This Video Are Taken From The Net , And Are In No Way The Property Of This YouTube Channel. Thank You For Your Comprehension And Collaboration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Hairzy YouTube channel does not promote any illegal content or encourage any type of illegal activity. All content provided by @Hairzy is intended exclusively for educational and informational purposes. The owner, administrator, author and publisher of this YouTube channel, @Hairzy, have no responsibility for the content of this video. #hairstyles #haircut #hair #hairzy by Hairzy
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simminghoneybee · 2 years
Hello from me
bob1: Hello
Bob2:Hello to you
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devo-photos · 2 years
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DEVO on the set of 'The Day My Baby Gave Me A Suprise', 1979, by Richard Creamer.
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devo-obsesso · 3 years
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average group of gay people /j
(src; date & photographer unknown)
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worldsofzzt · 8 months
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Source “Business Bob 2” by Robin Miller (1993) Published by: BOB GAMES [BOB2.ZZT] - “Holoplace 1” Play This World Online ---- Discover More Information About This World on the Museum of ZZT
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sw3ll1n68rain · 4 years
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modcircus · 5 years
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sparkly bob1 and jerry!!
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