#Boe probably eats normal things id imagine. whatever limbo's supermarket has. if limbo has one.
skeletalheartattack ยท 1 year
randomly saw a post of yours on my dash and came to say i rly like your url. then i saw boe and went :D and now i must say i rly like boe too :]
wah!!! wahhh!!!!! thank you!!!!! ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒธ
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also i'm always short on words whenever it comes to answering asks like these, but it always makes me smile seeing folks liking Boe. makes me :) <- that. but seriously thank you for liking my bloag name too :) i like it myself too.
also take a look at Boe's dog okay? okay? his name is Budd okay? this guy
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