#Boku Unmei no Hito desu ep 7 analysis
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 7
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Whether it is reasonable for Yamapi God to befriend Mitsukuni
Whether having a crush on someone brings some colour to one’s life
Whether getting two rings in two months is reasonable
The Rule(s):
Totally! The trio (Yamapi God x Makoto x Mitsukuni) are hilarious!
It can be, depending on one’s perspective.
It’s debatable.
Jubiemon J: I have to be frank here. Though I anticipated that there’d be some mission Makoto would be have to do and some other things would happen that would throw a twist on his mission, I think this episode falls flat to deliver that surprise or to highlight deeper meanings.
Here’s a brief recap. Yamapi God tells Makoto that Makoto should buy Haruko a ring as a belated birthday gift and to present that gift as a surprise. Giving her a plain, white umbrella for her birthday isn’t enough.
(Side note: I agree . . . somehow it doesn’t seem like such a great gift for a birthday. I don’t think giving an umbrella is taboo in Japanese culture; I tried to research if it was, nothing came up. In Chinese culture, umbrellas should not be given as gifts. The word for umbrella is  傘 (sǎn) . It sounds like 散 (sǎn), which means to scatter or part. White is also associated with death.)
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Yamapi God teaching Makoto how to put the ring on Haruko’s hand!
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Yamapi God hugging Makoto as a demo
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Makoto is like . . . nope! Back off.
Because it must be a surprise, Makoto has to learn how to estimate someone’s ring size without asking. To do that, he goes through some training with Mitsukuni (no surprises there).
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Makoto freaking out his boss by asking to measure his boss’ finger
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Boss freaking out
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The training begins!
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What’s the size?!
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Asparagus = best way to estimate ring sizes Lol!
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Now tell me the size!
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Buying asparagus just to guess the ring sizes lol
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Go! What size?!
Yamapi God shows up during his training session with Mitsukuni and freaks Makoto out. The three of them become buddies and Mitsukuni and Yamapi God help Makoto train.
Makoto invites Haruko for a movie and tries to slip that ring during a movie scene. He misses his chance, so he asks her to go karaoke.
Even though she can’t sing, she still agrees. Makoto has another failed attempt at slipping the ring on her finger, so he invites her to bowling. It’s only when she’s about to bowl to try to get a third strike does he manage to put the ring on her finger. She’s shocked, but later she tells him she’s very happy and loves the design.
So . . . anything deep to get out of this? Not that I can think of. This episode felt a bit like a filler episode where there was nothing but sugar to the relationship. It’s definitely nice to see them be so sweet and cute; however, the plot itself hasn’t really advanced. I’m half looking forward to the next episode where Haruko’s father doesn’t want Haruko and Makoto to be together because he learns that Makoto’s ex-girlfriend is a con artist. (I already don’t think it’s Makoto’s fault that his ex was a con-artist. Makoto had no idea until she got caught, so my first instinct is that Haruko’s father is being unreasonable. I get this feeling that the script writer might be running out of ideas once Haruko and Makoto have started to date.)
Oddly,  for this episode, I was completely not used to Haruko giving those loving looks at Makoto. She also seemed so . . . subservient to Makoto, which made it seem different from the Haruko we’ve always known. She was just so . . . so . . . agreeable like it seemed as if anything Makoto asked, she’d just say yes. Her sudden increase in admiration and love for Makoto doesn’t seem too realistic to me. Sure they did have that heartfelt moment last episode, but it just feels off seeing her looking at Makoto with such lovey dovey eyes. She went from -40 degrees Celsius of love to a boiling 100 degrees Celsius of passion/love. Mmm…
1. Whether it is reasonable for Yamapi God to befriend Mitsukuni
Jubiemon J: Yes! I think this was one of the highlights of this episode–Yamapi God crashing Makoto’s training session with Mitsukuni! I loved the pun that Yamapi God used. He came in, holding a porcelain turtle figurine, and announced: “I’m Kami, no, I’m Kame.” Kami is the word for God. Kame is the word for turtle. Then, the other hilarious parts are how Makoto panics like crazy and tries to get Yamapi God to go away and how Mitsukuni is so easily accepts Yamapi God. I’m looking forward to see what this trio will do in the next few episodes! Yes to the bromance!
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Kami being a kame Hehe.
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Turtle time~
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Makoto freaking out that Yamapi God is here
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Yamapi God: Why don’t we smoke a cigar?
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Makoto: Why don’t we just get Mitsukuni to estimate Haruko’s ring size? The boys: . . . . NO.
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Makoto getting pissed at Yamapi God so here goes a human kick!
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Makoto bitching at Yamapi God
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Yamapi God saying that Haruko cares about his hard work and is the type to like him for that so he must do the ring estimation by himself
2. Whether having a crush on someone brings some colour to one’s life
Jubiemon J: I think this really depends on your perspective. When you have a crush on someone, you get all excited around that person and look forward to seeing him/her when you can. However, there’s also those moments where you’re unsure whether he/she likes you back or where you miss them. In this case, Haruko’s boss, Hatozaki Sumire, thanks Makoto’s boss, Torita Shokichi, for bringing some colour to her life and letting her want to try falling in love again! Her sudden change in thought is a bit abrupt, in my opinion, and sort of dealt with off-screen. In the beginning, she is super mad at Shokichi for not wearing a wedding ring and saying stuff about how their coincidences are like fate. Later, she suddenly says how she isn’t actually mad at him for not wearing a wedding ring and thanks him. Mm.
3. Whether getting two rings in two months is reasonable
Jubiemon J: I do think Yamapi God was right in that Makoto should get something that’s more meaningful than an umbrella for Haruko’s birthday. What I don’t really agree with is that it needs to be a ring. Yamapi God says Makoto should give her a ring for her birthday and then a month later, give her another ring for her wedding. Personally, I think it’s a bit redundant and wasteful to give two rings in a span of two months. I don’t really think Haruko would be the type to really love the idea of getting two rings. She seems to be more of the frugal sort. Thus, I wasn’t really sold on the two rings in two months idea.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed. 
Rating: 3 = MM. Okay. Fine. (I did get kind of bored during this episode, but I do like the new bromance we’re seeing with Makoto, Mitsukuni, and Yamapi God.)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-7 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 7 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
The Rule(s):
It depends.
Totally! He’s so fun, hilarious, and so jokes.
Kind of. He was lucky that fate was on his side.
Jubiemon J: I really enjoyed this episode as well! I loved how different aspects of fate were played again. This time, this drama mostly used classical music as a way to hint what’s to come. When the rival came, they played a classical song that resembled the Devil. When Makoto and Haruko shared a cute phone call where they both saw the moon, Claude DeBussy’s Claire de Lune played. They played the wedding song when Mitsukuni proposed to Haruko. They picked pieces that most people would be familiar with, so that made the scenes even more hilarious or relatable. Plus, we had a co-worker who talked about how she thinks she met her fated one. There were the coincidental meetings between Makoto and Haruko and the boss’s dinner party that led to Makoto bumping into Mitsukuni (the rival). Finally there was that baseball scene with the kids whose surnames were “Akai” and “Ito” and the scoreboard ended up being Makoto’s phone number.
Makoto for the top part and Akai Ito for the bottom – Scoreboard = half of his phone number
Side note: Akai Ito = Red string of fate. It’s an East Asian belief that the Gods tie a red string to two people to string them together. In Japan, they usually believe that the red string is tied to the pinky finger.
Kids looking like . . . biotch plz, we are helping u!!! We did u a favour and played baseball with u!
I also liked the contrast shown between fate and choice, which is definitely a predominant theme throughout this drama. There’s Mitsukuni who is very aggressive and a total go-getter. Then there’s Makoto who is shown again as someone who is very passive and agreeable. Makoto is the one relying mostly on fate, while Mitsukuni carves his own path. Mitsukuni finds it super easy to ask for Haruko’s number. He also proposed to her in this episode; before in high school, he confessed to her and got rejected. Meanwhile, Makoto struggles to even get her number! During a group setting where we have Mitsukuni, Haruko, Mitsue, and himself, he is very quiet and doesn’t really serve the people. Makoto also does a huge roundabout when trying to ask for Haruko’s number. He doesn’t directly tell her; instead, he tells her that he’ll prove to her that they have fate via the baseball scoreboard. If he can get his full number on the scoreboard, then they’re fated to be together. (This is the final moment when he has the courage to actually try to tell her his number. I’ll get to the details about this later.) Before this scene, Makoto definitely had so many missed opportunities. I do like those because they show that it’s not just fate that’s important. You have to make the choice to act on fate.
Mitsukune telling Makoto he’s gonna propose to Haruko. Makoto: P-P-Propose?!
Makoto finally getting the guts to ask Haruko out ~
Other highlights of this episode would be Yamapi God love advice as well as the minor characters’ comedic relief. The co-workers are hilarious! I laughed a lot when they showed up. Yamapi God’s love advice was great too.
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis!
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! What are you gonna do? Crisis!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Issue 1: Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Jubiemon J: Yes! I really, really disliked how Mitsukuni was such a jerk and kept trying to make Makoto look terrible in front of the girls. Okay, I get he is the rival, but he totally doesn’t play fair at all. I haven’t met such an annoying second lead male till now. I usually root for the second lead male; I tend to suffer from the second lead male syndrome. However, this time I’m totally for Makoto. Mitsukuni definitely reminded me of those stereotypical sly Wall Street bankers or those stereotypical sleazy car sales people. Ugh! He purposely suggested that Makoto and Mitsue should date because they shared similar tastes in food. There were just two similarities: they preferred not to dip some meat in sauce and they liked dipping French fries in ketchup. Okay, just because they liked to do that doesn’t mean that they should date! Of course Makoto was completely shocked and said no way. Then Mitsue got all annoyed because she believed he was rude for rejecting her like that. (To be honest, I’m like Makoto, so I get his frustration. He’s a very straightforward guy and isn’t super sensitive to how his reactions would affect other people’s feelings.)
I totally blame Mitsukuni for making the whole atmosphere awkward. If he hadn’t made that “joke”, Makoto wouldn’t have been put in a tough spot. If he said yes or hinted that, then he’d be making a go at Mitsue. However, if he outright denied that, she’d get hurt. There was just no good way to save himself. Mitsukuni . . . sly guy. -0-
I also really didn’t like how Mitsukuni was super aggressive. He only had like one or two outings with Haruko and then he wanted to propose to her. Like what? Sure they’ve known each other since high school, but I really think he was forcing her to accepting him far too quickly. Plus I really hated how Mitsukuni thinks way too much/tries way too hard to get Haruko. That scene where he came out in cosplay as a singer and played a song with his guitar was so cringey and cheesy! Yuck!
The F is this?!?!?! Who does that a restaurant?!?!?! How’d he get his wig too? -0-
Makoto: … (Me too. Me too.)
Okay, so Makoto does try to ask her out too and seems to pop here really often, but I find Makoto’s actions to be reasonable. He hasn’t forced marriage on her. He only wanted to ask her out to dinner.
Even worse, Mitsukuni was a total jerk towards Makoto’s co-workers. They asked Makoto if he wanted to join their dinner party. Sure, they were interested in chilling with some hot co-workers that Mitsukuni was with, but Mitsukuni denied them. Okay, he had like 6-7 girls chilling with him and he seemed very happy about it. How is that being dedicated to Haruko? -0-”
Sleaze ball with his gals =___= . . . loyal my ass.
Makoto’s co-workers: If you want us to kill him, we will gladly do so. LOL!
 Issue 2: Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Jubiemon J: Mitsue and Haruko started off the episode with a presentation she did for her company. They were researching on what women consider the ideal marriage partner. The two presented this hexagon that showed the six points that are the most important for women when finding the ideal guy: (1) personality; (2) appearance; (3) income; (4) outlook on life; (5) humour; and (6) dependability. Mitsue stressed that because Mitsukuni is above average in all six aspects, he would be the ideal guy for Haruko. Of course, these points seem to be quite reasonable for a marriage partner, but I think Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is flawed in a few ways.
Not everyone would weight each point equally, so even though Mitsukuni would average out to be above average in all areas, there could be a few points where he scores very low. Those low points could be what Haruko really values. Moreover, not everyone would have all of those six points down as what makes their ideal marriage partner. Another point of consideration is as Haruko subtly mentioned: sometimes the points could be too sharp and cause pain. Let’s take “appearance”. Scoring high in appearance could result in the guy having more female pursuers or potentially being too narcissistic.
Although this love hexagon might be kind of flawed, I did like how the writer decided to throw in this other POV towards finding the right marriage partner. I think this balances out the heavy emphasis on “fated love” and also hints that love sometimes might not be as “logical” as some people might make it out to be.
Side note: The kanji for marriage is 結婚. This is the same in Mandarin as well. In Mandarin, when you take the second character, 婚, you will notice that it’s made up of two other words which are woman  (女) and dizziness (昏). To get married, your mind must have been “dizzy” (ie you weren’t thinking that clearly). Love blinds you. If you wanted to take it a step further by combining the woman and dizziness together, you could potentially say that the woman needs to have been blinded by love. I prefer thinking that both partners need to have some sort of irrationality to choose marriage. 
Issue 3: Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Jubiemon J: Yes! Yamapi God is perfect as a roommate. He gives the best love advice and shows up in the funniest ways like appearing in Makoto’s closet. Yamapi God constantly bitched at Makoto for being too passive, yet when Makoto finally had the courage to ask Haruko out, Yamapi God celebrated the win by drinking beer with Makoto.
Yamapi God: Yellow Card! Why’d you creep her office huh? If you had asked her number, you wouldn’t have need to have done that.
Cheers to asking her out! (So cute these two!)
Yamapi God doesn’t baby Makoto and pushes him to go for love. I think Yamapi God is really motivating Makoto to be less passive in life. Makoto is too easygoing and sort of lets things slide by, so Yamapi God often has to lecture him to “Yolo”. I seriously love how “God” here doesn’t just reward you for nothing. You actually have to work for something to get some reward. He made Makoto memorize 100 classical pieces which would allow Makoto to share a similar hobby as Haruko and to know what was to come. (I’ve talked before about how music was a foreshadowing of what would happen.)
Yamapi God: Happiness isn’t gonna come to someone who doesn’t love music. (Word.)
In addition, Yamapi God also didn’t constantly interfere with Makoto’s actions and wasn’t always all forgiving. Yamapi God would remind Makoto of his last chance to ask Haruko out since Mitsukune was going to propose to Haruko the next day. After Makoto still failed to ask her out the Nth time, Yamapi God got disappointed in him and disappeared for a while. Some tough love here . . . but it was necessary to push Makoto to do something!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Yamapi God: Stop giving me this ugly face! You were looking for me all this time. Makoto: Do you even know how I feel right now?!?!? He’s gonna propose to her..
Yamapi God: This is your last chance! Go!
Issue 4: Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Jubiemon J: Gosh the duo can be so annoying, yet so hilarious at the same time! They bothered Makoto about his love life. They bitched at Makoto for not letting them crash at some drinking party when Makoto went out with the “Goddess” ie Mitsue. According to the co-workers, if they were able to ride the elevator with Mitsue then they’d get the best luck for the day. Lol!
Not to mention, I laughed pretty hard when the co-workers were so excited to be able to drink with the other company since Mitsue worked there. The next scene then showed them drinking with the 1 older female boss and their faces were hilarious! Honestly without these two, the humour for this drama wouldn’t be complete, so I’m totally looking forward to what more they have to offer!
Issue 5: Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
Jubiemon J: Kind of. I get that Makoto is a shy type of guy and Haruko has a colder type of personality, the sort that’d outright say “No” to someone. Therefore it does make sense that Makoto would be more hesitant to ask her out. No one wants to be rejected. However, I think I got a bit impatient waiting for him to make a move. I was totally on Yamapi God’s side when he lectured Makoto. Makoto is super lucky that he has fate on his side to remind him to do this or that. If there wasn’t that scoreboard or the kids to ask him to play baseball, I doubt Makoto would have had the courage to ask Haruko out in the end. Plus, the part where he was trying to interrupt Mitsukune asking Makoto to marry him was so pitiful. Makoto was telling her he needed her opinion as to where the water fountain could be installed at this spot at her family’s house!
Even though what he did was cringing, I still liked how he tried his best. I also did like how when Makoto did tell her his number or at least half of it, he did that directly! That was good because he finally was putting in 100% of his efforts.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4. I’ll give you a cookie! (I was getting impatient waiting for Makoto to ask for her number . . . > _ <)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-3 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
The Rule(s):
It depends.
Totally! He’s so fun, hilarious, and so jokes.
Kind of. He was lucky that fate was on his side.
Jubiemon J: I really enjoyed this episode as well! I loved how different aspects of fate were played again. This time, this drama mostly used classical music as a way to hint what’s to come. When the rival came, they played a classical song that resembled the Devil. When Makoto and Haruko shared a cute phone call where they both saw the moon, Claude DeBussy’s Claire de Lune played. They played the wedding song when Mitsukuni proposed to Haruko. They picked pieces that most people would be familiar with, so that made the scenes even more hilarious or relatable. Plus, we had a co-worker who talked about how she thinks she met her fated one. There were the coincidental meetings between Makoto and Haruko and the boss’s dinner party that led to Makoto bumping into Mitsukuni (the rival). Finally there was that baseball scene with the kids whose surnames were “Akai” and “Ito” and the scoreboard ended up being Makoto’s phone number.
Makoto for the top part and Akai Ito for the bottom – Scoreboard = half of his phone number
Side note: Akai Ito = Red string of fate. It’s an East Asian belief that the Gods tie a red string to two people to string them together. In Japan, they usually believe that the red string is tied to the pinky finger.
Kids looking like . . . biotch plz, we are helping u!!! We did u a favour and played baseball with u!
I also liked the contrast shown between fate and choice, which is definitely a predominant theme throughout this drama. There’s Mitsukuni who is very aggressive and a total go-getter. Then there’s Makoto who is shown again as someone who is very passive and agreeable. Makoto is the one relying mostly on fate, while Mitsukuni carves his own path. Mitsukuni finds it super easy to ask for Haruko’s number. He also proposed to her in this episode; before in high school, he confessed to her and got rejected. Meanwhile, Makoto struggles to even get her number! During a group setting where we have Mitsukuni, Haruko, Mitsue, and himself, he is very quiet and doesn’t really serve the people. Makoto also does a huge roundabout when trying to ask for Haruko’s number. He doesn’t directly tell her; instead, he tells her that he’ll prove to her that they have fate via the baseball scoreboard. If he can get his full number on the scoreboard, then they’re fated to be together. (This is the final moment when he has the courage to actually try to tell her his number. I’ll get to the details about this later.) Before this scene, Makoto definitely had so many missed opportunities. I do like those because they show that it’s not just fate that’s important. You have to make the choice to act on fate.
Mitsukune telling Makoto he’s gonna propose to Haruko. Makoto: P-P-Propose?!
Makoto finally getting the guts to ask Haruko out ~
Other highlights of this episode would be Yamapi God love advice as well as the minor characters’ comedic relief. The co-workers are hilarious! I laughed a lot when they showed up. Yamapi God’s love advice was great too.
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis!
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! What are you gonna do? Crisis!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Issue 1: Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Jubiemon J: Yes! I really, really disliked how Mitsukuni was such a jerk and kept trying to make Makoto look terrible in front of the girls. Okay, I get he is the rival, but he totally doesn’t play fair at all. I haven’t met such an annoying second lead male till now. I usually root for the second lead male; I tend to suffer from the second lead male syndrome. However, this time I’m totally for Makoto. Mitsukuni definitely reminded me of those stereotypical sly Wall Street bankers or those stereotypical sleazy car sales people. Ugh! He purposely suggested that Makoto and Mitsue should date because they shared similar tastes in food. There were just two similarities: they preferred not to dip some meat in sauce and they liked dipping French fries in ketchup. Okay, just because they liked to do that doesn’t mean that they should date! Of course Makoto was completely shocked and said no way. Then Mitsue got all annoyed because she believed he was rude for rejecting her like that. (To be honest, I’m like Makoto, so I get his frustration. He’s a very straightforward guy and isn’t super sensitive to how his reactions would affect other people’s feelings.)
I totally blame Mitsukuni for making the whole atmosphere awkward. If he hadn’t made that “joke”, Makoto wouldn’t have been put in a tough spot. If he said yes or hinted that, then he’d be making a go at Mitsue. However, if he outright denied that, she’d get hurt. There was just no good way to save himself. Mitsukuni . . . sly guy. -0-
I also really didn’t like how Mitsukuni was super aggressive. He only had like one or two outings with Haruko and then he wanted to propose to her. Like what? Sure they’ve known each other since high school, but I really think he was forcing her to accepting him far too quickly. Plus I really hated how Mitsukuni thinks way too much/tries way too hard to get Haruko. That scene where he came out in cosplay as a singer and played a song with his guitar was so cringey and cheesy! Yuck!
The F is this?!?!?! Who does that a restaurant?!?!?! How’d he get his wig too? -0-
Makoto: … (Me too. Me too.)
Okay, so Makoto does try to ask her out too and seems to pop here really often, but I find Makoto’s actions to be reasonable. He hasn’t forced marriage on her. He only wanted to ask her out to dinner.
Even worse, Mitsukuni was a total jerk towards Makoto’s co-workers. They asked Makoto if he wanted to join their dinner party. Sure, they were interested in chilling with some hot co-workers that Mitsukuni was with, but Mitsukuni denied them. Okay, he had like 6-7 girls chilling with him and he seemed very happy about it. How is that being dedicated to Haruko? -0-”
Sleaze ball with his gals =___= . . . loyal my ass.
Makoto’s co-workers: If you want us to kill him, we will gladly do so. LOL!
 Issue 2: Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Jubiemon J: Mitsue and Haruko started off the episode with a presentation she did for her company. They were researching on what women consider the ideal marriage partner. The two presented this hexagon that showed the six points that are the most important for women when finding the ideal guy: (1) personality; (2) appearance; (3) income; (4) outlook on life; (5) humour; and (6) dependability. Mitsue stressed that because Mitsukuni is above average in all six aspects, he would be the ideal guy for Haruko. Of course, these points seem to be quite reasonable for a marriage partner, but I think Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is flawed in a few ways.
Not everyone would weight each point equally, so even though Mitsukuni would average out to be above average in all areas, there could be a few points where he scores very low. Those low points could be what Haruko really values. Moreover, not everyone would have all of those six points down as what makes their ideal marriage partner. Another point of consideration is as Haruko subtly mentioned: sometimes the points could be too sharp and cause pain. Let’s take “appearance”. Scoring high in appearance could result in the guy having more female pursuers or potentially being too narcissistic.
Although this love hexagon might be kind of flawed, I did like how the writer decided to throw in this other POV towards finding the right marriage partner. I think this balances out the heavy emphasis on “fated love” and also hints that love sometimes might not be as “logical” as some people might make it out to be.
Side note: The kanji for marriage is 結婚. This is the same in Mandarin as well. In Mandarin, when you take the second character, 婚, you will notice that it’s made up of two other words which are woman  (女) and dizziness (昏). To get married, your mind must have been “dizzy” (ie you weren’t thinking that clearly). Love blinds you. If you wanted to take it a step further by combining the woman and dizziness together, you could potentially say that the woman needs to have been blinded by love. I prefer thinking that both partners need to have some sort of irrationality to choose marriage. 
Issue 3: Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Jubiemon J: Yes! Yamapi God is perfect as a roommate. He gives the best love advice and shows up in the funniest ways like appearing in Makoto’s closet. Yamapi God constantly bitched at Makoto for being too passive, yet when Makoto finally had the courage to ask Haruko out, Yamapi God celebrated the win by drinking beer with Makoto.
Yamapi God: Yellow Card! Why’d you creep her office huh? If you had asked her number, you wouldn’t have need to have done that.
Cheers to asking her out! (So cute these two!)
Yamapi God doesn’t baby Makoto and pushes him to go for love. I think Yamapi God is really motivating Makoto to be less passive in life. Makoto is too easygoing and sort of lets things slide by, so Yamapi God often has to lecture him to “Yolo”. I seriously love how “God” here doesn’t just reward you for nothing. You actually have to work for something to get some reward. He made Makoto memorize 100 classical pieces which would allow Makoto to share a similar hobby as Haruko and to know what was to come. (I’ve talked before about how music was a foreshadowing of what would happen.)
Yamapi God: Happiness isn’t gonna come to someone who doesn’t love music. (Word.)
In addition, Yamapi God also didn’t constantly interfere with Makoto’s actions and wasn’t always all forgiving. Yamapi God would remind Makoto of his last chance to ask Haruko out since Mitsukune was going to propose to Haruko the next day. After Makoto still failed to ask her out the Nth time, Yamapi God got disappointed in him and disappeared for a while. Some tough love here . . . but it was necessary to push Makoto to do something!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Yamapi God: Stop giving me this ugly face! You were looking for me all this time. Makoto: Do you even know how I feel right now?!?!? He’s gonna propose to her..
Yamapi God: This is your last chance! Go!
Issue 4: Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Jubiemon J: Gosh the duo can be so annoying, yet so hilarious at the same time! They bothered Makoto about his love life. They bitched at Makoto for not letting them crash at some drinking party when Makoto went out with the “Goddess” ie Mitsue. According to the co-workers, if they were able to ride the elevator with Mitsue then they’d get the best luck for the day. Lol!
Not to mention, I laughed pretty hard when the co-workers were so excited to be able to drink with the other company since Mitsue worked there. The next scene then showed them drinking with the 1 older female boss and their faces were hilarious! Honestly without these two, the humour for this drama wouldn’t be complete, so I’m totally looking forward to what more they have to offer!
Issue 5: Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
Jubiemon J: Kind of. I get that Makoto is a shy type of guy and Haruko has a colder type of personality, the sort that’d outright say “No” to someone. Therefore it does make sense that Makoto would be more hesitant to ask her out. No one wants to be rejected. However, I think I got a bit impatient waiting for him to make a move. I was totally on Yamapi God’s side when he lectured Makoto. Makoto is super lucky that he has fate on his side to remind him to do this or that. If there wasn’t that scoreboard or the kids to ask him to play baseball, I doubt Makoto would have had the courage to ask Haruko out in the end. Plus, the part where he was trying to interrupt Mitsukune asking Makoto to marry him was so pitiful. Makoto was telling her he needed her opinion as to where the water fountain could be installed at this spot at her family’s house!
Even though what he did was cringing, I still liked how he tried his best. I also did like how when Makoto did tell her his number or at least half of it, he did that directly! That was good because he finally was putting in 100% of his efforts.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4. I’ll give you a cookie! (I was getting impatient waiting for Makoto to ask for her number . . . > _ <)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-3 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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