#bromance japanese drama
whumperer-86 · 3 months
I want this drama so badly
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save-the-data · 5 months
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Fermat no Ryori | S01E04
Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 Episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Netflix | Catalogue
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lgbtally4ever · 1 month
40 Essential BL Dramas of All Time
Not in any particular order
(The only one I haven’t seen is The Miracle of Teddy Bear, since it hasn’t been on any of the major streaming services)
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yronig · 6 months
TOKYO MER: Hashiru Kinkyu kyumeishitsu
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simply-whump · 2 years
Miman Keisatsu: Midnight Runner - Whump list
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Whumpees : Honma Kai played by Nakajima Kento and Ichinose Jiro played by Hirano Sho
Synopsis : Meet Honma Kai and Ichinose Jiro, police academy cadets. The intellectual Honma favours a theoretical approach to policing. Conversely, fellow cadet Ichinose 's style makes use of his brawn and emotional savvy to get the job done. These oddball rookies compensate for their lack of practical experience by applying lessons learnt from the academy combined with a healthy dose of youthful exuberance. They make good friends and partners who balance out each other's shortcomings beautifully. (MDL)
Genre : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Bromance
Note : Shout-out to the biggest whumpee of the drama, Kai's glasses, that got broken nearly every episodes.
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
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Honma Kai
Ep 1 : Participating in a harsh training — Trips and falls, sprains his ankle, carried by Jiro — Walking with a crutch — Jumps from a wall with his injured leg, worried for Jiro — Electrocuted, passes out— Tied up, scared, electrocuted again, passes out — Taken away in a truck — Hit on his injured leg, drenched in water, almost electrocuted again — Slapped
Ep 2 : Thrown to the ground repeatedly during a sparring session — Throws up after running — Attacked with a knife — Fighting — Kicked in the chest, thrown, beaten, kicked repeatedly — Taken away unconscious
Ep 3 : Hanging by his tied wrists, freed, shoulders hurting — Chased by a bunch of thugs — Fighting, hand injured — More intense fighting (gets hit and thrown around a lot), exhausted
Ep 4 : Fighting
Ep 5 : Fighting
Ep 6 : Hurts his back while digging, carried — In a wheelchair (for the whole episode), gun pointed at his head (multiple times), in a hostage situation, hands tied, sweating
Ep 7 : Still in a wheelchair, gets off it briefly, in pain
Ep 8 : Fighting, almost stabbed
Ep 9 : Chased, surrounded, at gunpoint, fighting, using himself as a decoy, beaten — On the ground, kicked, passes out — Found half-conscious, concern for him — Punched, passes out — Pushed to the ground (by Jiro), emotional, fighting with Jiro, shouting, angry, crying — Shot, unconscious, woken up (it was a rubber bullet)
Ep 10 : Punched, emotional, crying
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Ichinose Jiro
Ep 1 : Participating in a harsh training — Completes a race while carrying Kai — Electrocuted, passes out — Woken up by Kai — Electrocuted again — Tied up, electrocuted for the third time, passes out — Taken away in a truck — Slapped
Ep 2 : Jumps of a balcony to chase a suspect — Fighting — Beaten, kicked and thrown to the ground multiple times, Taken away unconscious
Ep 3 : Hanging by his tied wrists, manages to free himself, falls down — Chased by a bunch of thugs — Angry, emotional — Fighting — More intense fighting (gets hit and thrown around a lot), exhausted
Ep 4 : None
Ep 5 : Feeling down — Fighting, overpowered, beaten — At gunpoint, shoulder injured, fighting — Emotional, crying
Ep 6 : Punched, stepped on, at gunpoint, in a hostage situation, hands tied, sweating — Fighting
Ep 7 : Chased, fighting, beaten, unconscious
Ep 8 : Fighting
Ep 9 : Chased, surrounded, at gunpoint — At gunpoint — Fighting with Kai, emotional, crying — Shot, unconscious, woken up (it was a rubber bullet)
Ep 10 : Punched, emotional
More Whump Lists
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heretherebedork · 2 years
My friend describing me: If you give a dork a pandemic, he'll work from home. If you let a dork work from home, he'll find a new obsession to wile away the empty hours. If you give a dork a new obsession, he'll become an expert on Asian BL.
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Currently watching - October
Because I love a good little list 😊
Regularly updated during the month - colored = finished
This may contain spoilers!
Currently airing
Choco Milk Shake (2/10)
🥰🥰🥰🥰 This is so good! I love it! I enjoyed every little second of this first episode. I hope it will go on like that. The story about Choco and Milk, a cat and a dog becoming human and live with their former owner. The acting is really good! I can see the dog and the cat in them 😅 So far perfect casting!
Love in the air (11/13)
I like how much Phayu cares about Rain. I definitely have my problems with some of the things that happend and I guess there are going to be things I don't like in the upcoming episodes, but overall I enjoy it. And yes I had a very big issue with the 8th and 9th episode...what the fuck? That is all I am gonna say.
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized (4/8)
It is so well shot and edited. I was just blown away by the art. The story…Well we are in episode one, but I guess it will be interesting. I am interested. The story of two people who meet again after years, one an artist and the other an idol. And I really want to know what happened that their paths drifted away like that and of course if and how their paths come together again 😊
Eien no Kino (2/8)
I am curious in what direction this will go, but I did enjoy the first episode. I like the aesthetics of the show. The way scenes were shot and the coloring. Really pretty!
Ghost Host, Ghost House (4/8)
This one is a funny one, well for now. I love the family 😅 The two mains have so much chemistry! The plot is intersting, Kevin and Pluem are soft and tender and passionate and so in love and yet there are some secrets and wounds which need to heal. And I am here for the ride. This show is so good!
War of Y (10/20)
I finally watched the next chapter...And yeah, I think I can't watch the stories week for week. I need to wait until one chapter is closed and binge the five episodes. This is one of the few bls I watch with a lot of tension in my body and no smile on my lips...I need to calm a bit before I can dive into the next drama...
Big Dragon (3/8)
I would say a promising start. Kind of a dub con situation on both sides? The main characters are both not really sympathetic😅 I like the bodyguards, if you can call them that. And I indeed like the chemistry between the mains.
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (6/8)
This one I like...Perhaps it is the enemies working and forced living together thing for me. I enjoy those storylines way too much! Overall it's funny and I enjoy their dynamic and acting so much more than in Kissable Lips.
My Tooth Your Love (4/12)
I guess this could be called a nightmare for people with a dental phobia. But it looks so messy and lovable and I am totally in for it! I enjoyed the acting and the sister is so bossy, but in a good way 😀 Never thought I would like a series about a dentist this much! But I do!
My only 12 % (12/14)
Okay, I can see why people like it. It is growing on me a lot with more episodes in. And now I can't watch any further because I want to know how this ends and I can't watch those two hurting. But I am still not fond of the amount of times the name "Cake" is said...This is really unpleasant for my ears 🙉
Fahlanruk (7/12)
This series is a mess! Fah is a dominant prick who tries to get his man by forcing him to everything (besides sex)! The dialogues are crap, the acting is sometimes really not that good, the chemistry…I don’t know. At this point I don’t know what story the series wants to tell us. You can’t be friends with benefits? If you are persistent enough your love/fuck interest will give in to you? What is it? But I have the time of my life watching this mess and with episode 5 it has happend...I am invested 😒
Ai Long Nhai (5/12)
Ai likes Nhai. Nhai kind of likes Ai. To test if their relationship could have a future they decide to test-date for a month and show all their habits, good and bad, in front of each other. That is what I got from the subtitles 😂 They are a mess 😅 So funny and yet so frustrating, because sometimes you just don’t get what they are saying at all 😂
To Sir, with love (2/28)
The first episodes are on youtube with english subs! First episode told us about their history and of their family. I really can't stand the secondary wife and her maid. Hateful bitches! But I like Bua. She would have been a great mother and in a way she is more of a mother to the children than their mums.
Self (3/6)
I have my problems with mirrors, so this one was kind of creepy for me, but I am intrigued how this is going on and if there are more episodes than two!
Remember Me (3/12)
Okay what happend? I am emotional invested in this story! Why did it become so good within two episodes? I love the domesticity and the wholesomeness of the third episode so much! It touched me and moved me and now I am looking forward to the next episode!
2 Moons: The Ambassador (3/12)
This might be the first series I will drop. And I watched Check Out...But the subtitles are a mess, the acting is cringy and the story is boring...okay, I am on ep 2, so perhaps there is some good plot coming, but right now I can't see it.
Already broadcasted series
Fish upon the sky (2/12)
I don't know how to feel about this. I don't like Pi that much, but the series managed to make me cry with their first episode. Of course I want to see where this jorney is taking me. I catch myself weirdly grinning from ear to ear and that is a good sign most of the times 😅
Mama Gogo (2/10)
There are too many series on the side to satisfy my need for second-hand embarrassment that I’ve neglected Mama Gogo a bit. There are sexy dancing men…so I will definitely keep watching, really!
Finished in October
180 degree longitude passes through us (8/8 on Gaga) - very highly recommended
Damn, THIS WAS SO GOOD. The cinematography, the acting, the relationships, the tension. I am blown away! Every episode delivered. Definitely one of the best series I have watched, like ever! If you like sophisticated stuff, please give this a try. 10 out of 10 longing looks
Once Again (8/8 on Viki and Gaga) - highly recommended
This is a unique one and got me by surprise. I loved it even if I have cried the whole time watching the last episode. It is such a devastating and real ending. I knew it would be like that, but I hoped for something different. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful story about fate and love and grief. 10 out of 10 necklaces
My Ride (10/10 on Gaga) - highly recommended
This was some fucking wholesome shit! Damn! I love it. Why haven't I watched this one sooner? I had a smile on my face probably for the whole series. And Mork's smile? Pure sunshine and love and happiness. There might not be the strongest story, but it was well written and acted. 9,5 out of 10 sunshine smiles
My Bromance (2018/Taiwan) (12/12 on youtube) - recommended
This one was fun and light and I had a good time watching it. The focus is on the relationship between the mother and her two children. As funny as it gets, the series deals with serious issues and managed it not to be silly. 8,5 out of 10 sleepwalking fails
Craving You (10/10 on Gaga) - I can recommend without a doubt
This is as sweet as the desserts. It is not all lovey dovey and I didn't understand the concept of the collaboration, but I enjoyed this drama about a pastry chef and a singer who collab together. Best line of the drama: What I mean is, I decided to like you. That touched me deeply. 8,5 out of 10 madeleines
The Eclipse (12/12 on youtube) - recommended
It is really not easy to find the best words and the ebst rating for this one. I do like it very much, well until episode 11 happend...This is difficult. I wish they would have dealt a little different with all of the protests and homophobia and the revolution. It feels unfinished even though it is. After all I enjoyed watching it most of the times. The ending felt just too rushed. 8 out of 10 curses
Boys' Lockdown (6/6 on Youtube) - recommended
If you want something that makes you just feel good, watch this! I am still smiling :) The stroy is simple, but well done and acted and the characters are lovables. Two boys, who met in a drugstore and mixed up their meds, learn that they are each other's crush. So sweet. 8 out of 10 small dicks
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (8/8 on Gaga) - recommended without doubts
I like this. It made me smile with every episode. At the end of every episode there was always reconciliation and they talked with each other! Their relationship is healthy and they care so much about each other! There is not much happening besides their story, but that is okay. 7,5 out of 10 blushing Takara-kuns
Love by Chance (14/14 on Viki) - recommended for Perth
Do I like the main story? Sure. I love Ae! He has such a cute pair of heart-eyes. And he so naturally loves Pete! I am in love with his love for Pete. Pete on the other hand, not my favorite. And the side stories! What in the holy hell was that? The amount of violence and SA, was that really necessary? But MAME...Do I have to say more? Guess not... 7 out of 10 of Ae's heart-eyes
Love by Chance 2: A chance to love (13/13 on Viki) - recommended for all of you who loved TinCan in the first one
I like TinCan. I like their story and that they are quite open and honest with everything. But the chemistry was difficult...It was there as long as there was no physical sexual contact. The story with Tin forgiving and helping his brother felt kind of rushed in the end, but Tul and Gonhin had more chemistry than everyone in this series together, so I am not mad that Tin helped his big brother to be together with his love again. The whole Ae/Pete storyline...was that necessary? And why couldn't you explain it better to your audience? Because it didn't make sense that they broke up? That made me really angry! 6,5 out of 10 for TinCan and TinCan only
My gear and your gown (12/12 on Youtube) - recommended if you don't know what to watch
This was okay. I liked the way the story was told. And I liked the couples and their energy, even though Itt had just one facial expression for anger, sadness or annoyence...that was a little bit annoying 😅 The story of those people falling in love was nothing new, but it was good enough to keep me hooked. I really appreciate the fact that they kind of educated about safe sex. 6,5 out of 10 earrings
I'm a fool for you 1 (4/4 on Gaga) - not really recommended
Confusing as fuck. I guess a few more minutes per episode could have helped. Most if the times I felt like someone just threw me into the scene or conversation without backstory or anything! I felt lost very often! But it is the best one for me out of the three. 5,5 out of 10 What is this all about
My Roommate (32/32 on Youtube) - not recommended
I don't know what this was. Barely two minutes per episode? Really? How can you tell a story with such a small amount of time? Well...I am, yet again, confused! This is just something else! 4 out of 10 I don't even know what...
I'm a fool for you 2 (4/4 on Gaga) - low recommendation rate
Guess what, I am still confused! At some points I got the impression they didn't know what they had talked about ten minutes ago and so the whole story changed without making any sense! Just no... 4,5 out of 10 why is this happening now
I'm a fool for you 3 (5/5 on Gaga) - only recommended if you like to suffer and watched the other seasons
Well that took a very dark turn! Still confused, because you don't get any backstory or explanation. But why so dark? Why so deeply devestating? And ending on a cliffhanger? Damn it...now I need to watch season four when in comes out...I need closure. 3,5 out of 10 dark turns
Evening Café (4/4 on Youtube) - not really recommended
This was bland and boring. It is a low production, but that doesn't mean it needs to be this bad. There are some good low productions out there which make just fun. This I couldn't enjoy. The acting was not good, the pacing was difficult, the scenes were cut together in a not so good way... 3 out of 10 too loud glass breaking noises!
Short films
Attraction (on Gaga) - recommended
What if you are in an established relationship, but developes attraction for someone else? You can't control who you find attractive, but you can decide to act on it or not. It is all about choices. This short was really good and it left me thinking. 8 out of 10 shared headphones
FUFU (on Gaga) - recommended
This is wholesome. Both lived a happy life together and in the end they stayed together. Of course the ending is sad but at the same time beautiful and an ode to love! While both are dealing with the inevitable ending they remember some happy moments. Worth a watch. 8 out of 10 times they felt like a married couple
Military Dog (on Gaga) - recommended if you're old enough and interested in those topics
A short film about a military officer who wants to be dominated by his master whose specialty is the training of human dogs. Yes, this is a short film of 10 minutes on GagaOOLala. I love Gaga for all the content they provide us with. I really can't watch any horror movie besides something with vampires or aliens, but I can watch those movies. 7 out of 10 doggy positions
One Last Order (on Gaga) - recommended if you like coffee and a good feeling in your heart
The story about a regular guest of a coffee shop who has a secret admirer who writes him love poems. That was a cute one, but at some points a little bit too long. But it has a good atmosphere and coffee. 7 out of 10 love poems
Some (on Youtube) - a mediocre recommendation level
You see how unrequired feels like. It is heartbreaking and devastating and full of wishful thinking. But in the end it is nothing but a friendship. At least a friendship so you have some parts of this person and you can be near them. But reality can just punch you in the guts sometimes. I liked it. 7 out of 10 daydreams
How to die young in Manila (on Gaga) - recommended if you have some spare time
I guess it is my month for disturbing things to watch...Well, I am more confused than disturbed. It is a little bit over artsy and missed the point it wanted to make, I guess? The dangers of being a male prostitute in Manila or just anywhere? But in the end I really don't know what exactly the point of this story should have been. The summary is not helpful at all... 6 out of 10 very graphic depiction of dead/dying people
Nabang Spark (on Gaga) - recommendation level low
This one was not my cup of tea. The bland story about two students and one og them wants to be close to the other and invites him to his birthday, but the other didn't show up. 5 out of 10 non existing sparks
The shortest distance is round (on Gaga) - not recommended at all
What a fuck-fest...I guess this movie was produced to show the dark sites of prostituion, sexual assault and just what could happen if your life takes a wrong turn...BUT! What the actual fuck? The plot was bland and with the ending (both versions) just stupid. I thought it was about a teacher-student-relationship as a main point, but that was just a catalyst for the following shit-show. The message is drowning in the flood of sexual content and that I think is really sad. It could have been so much more. Do I like it? Nope. Will I watch the rest of the movis? Probably... 3 out of 10 noises...oh those noises
What I’m looking forward to in October:
To Sir, with Love (Oct 3)
Kabe-Koji (Oct 4)
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Oct 5)
Two and One (Oct 5)
Big Dragon (Oct 8)
My Roommate (Oct 8)
Remember Me (Oct 9)
2 Moons 3 (Oct 10)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Oct 13)
Self (Oct 13)
My Tooth Your Love (Oct 14)
Hard Love Mission (Oct 15)
Doukysei (Oct 19)
My Tempo (Oct 20)
Eternal Yesterday (Oct 21)
Choco Milk Shake (Oct 25)
Grand Guignol (Oct 28)
Till the Worlds ends (Oct 29)
A shoulder to cry on (no exact date yet)
Happy Ending Outside the Fence/Happy Ending Romance (postponed until november)
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xxtraspoiledfujoshi · 13 days
Bromance recommendation: High and Low & High and Low the worst
A fujoshi knows okay, we KNOW
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whumperer-86 · 27 days
Tokyo Mer ep8
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save-the-data · 4 months
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Aozora no Tamago | S01E04
Japanese Drama - 2012, 9 episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
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gabrielokun · 2 years
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ismagulnitatay · 1 year
I need more Japanese crime/mystery dramas to watch. God damn. Istg, the bromance in them is just so chef's kiss. We love our crime-solving duos.
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whumpy-gems · 2 years
I swear Kamen rider saber is the whumpiest Kamen rider I’ve watched yet.
But I’m not complaining! Cause this is beautiful 😍
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simply-whump · 2 years
Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou - Whump List
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Whumpees : Kunishita Ichiro played by Suzuki Nobuyuki and Hanabusa Shiro played by Inukai Atsuhiro
Synopsis : Three years ago, a disappearance known as the Joker Case went unsolved, and the file closed. Renewed interest in the case demands a second examination of the evidence. Investigator Kinoshita Ichiro from the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is called on for a reunion of the investigation. However, he is assigned a completely different mission. His assignment is to spy on a gang clan led by its young head, Hanabusa Shiro. (MDL)
Genre : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Bromance (maybe more than bromance)
Other names : Kei×Yaku: Dangerous Partners , ケイ×ヤク -あぶない相棒-
@love-me-a-lotta-whump, you wanted it, here it is !
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
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Kunishita Ichiro
Ep 1 : Punched, lips bloody — Intense and difficult fight against a boxing champion, remembering traumatic past, ears ringing, punched a lot, knocked out— Wakes up on a couch, face and body bruised — Wakes up from a nightmare
Ep 2 : Attacked, tased, beaten — Dropped half conscious at Shiro’s house, concern for him, face bruised — Wounds treated, talking about his past
Ep 3 : Surrounded by motorcycles, chased — Exhausted, out of breath — Wakes up from a nightmare — Talking about his painful past 
Ep 4 : Worried for Shiro, receives a video of Shiro getting beat up — At gunpoint, shocked, crying
Ep 5 : Getting angry at Shiro — Crying
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : Falls out of bed — Worried for someone — Worried for Shiro
Ep 8 : At gunpoint — Shocked
Ep 9 : Emotional, Teary-eyed
Ep 10 : Learning the truth about his parent’s death, very emotional, crying
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Hanabusa Shiro
Ep 1 : None
Ep 2 : Worried for Ichiro, angry — Feeling guilty about Ichiro’s injuries, talking about his past
Ep 3 : None
Ep 4 : Tied to a chair with a bag on his head, hit multiple times, chair with him on it toppled, kicked — Caught a cold, has a fever — Doing yakuza business even though he’s sick, almost collapses, at gunpoint, kidnapped — Repeat of first scene (tied to chair, beat up) — Waterboarded multiple times, hallucinates, unconscious — Saved, half-carried — Wakes up, shocked, emotional
Ep 5 : Face still bruised, looks like he’s about to cry after being scolded by Ichiro
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : Razor blade put on his neck — Teary-eyed
Ep 8 : Gun pointed at his head — Fighting, punched hard in the guts, collapses — On the ground, at gunpoint, saved at the last second — Shocked
Ep 9 : Sad, crying 
Ep 10 : None
More Whump Lists
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daze4all · 7 months
Host Club AU Reader Series: Host! Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan, Loucha, Gepard, Sampo
Smoky room and a sweet scent, golden tasseled curtains and a plush velvet loveseat spread out.
In a room where handsome men beckon you into the jazz filled space.
 For a moment to forget your worries and relax
Which Host would you like to request milady?
3 Takes on This Reverse Harem Setting
Modern Spicy Japanese Host club Guys in Suits with Secrets issue. Stelle /Reader Manager
Comedic Ouran Highschool host Club twist with Stelle/Reader Haruhi forced to crossdress as a host Caelus!
Ancient Asian Past Brothel like Red Light district. Yoshiwara! Past life! Client! Stelle x Host forbidden love. Escape attempt. From red light district prostitution.
Alternative dark setting with forbidden love setting clients customer relations… secret romance to steal away high-class courtesan or ancient Chinese harem setting.
To get you in the mood this spicy Amv of the tall Guys in Suits by Thoma inspired me  abit~
Secrets in the Host Club
Host! Dan Heng has a contract to pay from predecessor top host
Host! Dan Feng who disappeared to have baby Dan Heng due to a scandal with a client. Father-Son or twins? Scandalous~
Or they be the Hitachin Twins lol Brotherly love/ twincest for comedy  value like Ourna Highscool Host Club lol.
Host! Blade abnormally obsessed with beating Dan Heng in the rankings.
 Bl vibes from a past bromance Dan Feng maybe
possible amnesia but flashes of their past lives in yoshiwara maybe?
desire to beat dan heng as top host
-Blade like Mori Like tough silent guy host in OHSHC! AU
Host! Jing yuan Current top one host
been their the longest watching this drama
smugly knowing the whole stories
 Wingman! Jing Yuan secretly wants Blade x Dan Heng together so he can get with manager/reader or Stelle/Caelus
Secretly some ceo or big shot being forced to marry like Tamaki souh but avoiding engagement by  keeping up playboy personality by keeping up the host club.
The Tamaki Souh the King of the host club who wants his host club family to get along and be fam
Host! Loucha maybe sneaked in their as Kyoya keeps it together financially.
- Spy ! Loucha Secretly undermines  club
- Double Agent! Louche Maybe geos to Belobag! club and have to bring him back for ratings
- but he a double spy who was stealing belobog host sclub’s secrets
- Steals Gepard & Sampo maybes he sways them to join  Xianzhou/Loufu’s Host Club Rival Planets / Clubs
Host! Gepard awkward embarrassed host.
- actually FBI Or undercover COP as sus undercover drug dealing going on.
- Guy Next door? Natural! Host like Haruhi. Or Mori tough guy.
Cop! Gepard there to To bust Host! Sampo being that Sus dealer of kinky toys not drugs lol.
Host! Flirty! Sampo Criminal Dangerous Host
Fun Host Theme nights: Yukata night, suit day,  glasses day, costume day, pirate etc. other kinks ppl can comment.
Host! Stelle : Client, host/crossdressing Caelus or manager willed to take over and run host club that is suffering from a debt from scandal with top star (Dan Feng)
Breaks vase like Haruhi just student at college idk lol gets into shifty host club for rich famous lol
Or modern au or ancient red light district brothel?honkai
NanookL manager! dad of stelle? Debt lender guy have to make up deficit too for club
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ineffable-opinions · 4 days
BL “Censorship” & Commercialization
Content: 1. ubiquitous censorship - special focus on Japanese BL 2. commercial viability of live action BL & generalizations 3. solutions - special focus on state support of Thai BL
Censorship is a sensitive topic. I have tried my best. Please feel free to comment and critique.
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History of Korean BL is one of censorship and commercialization and Korean fu-people has struggled against both. There have been different victors at different points in time. Aljosa Puzar’s "BL"(Boy Love), "GL"(Girl Love) and Female Communities of Practice and Affect in South Korea chronicles that struggle. (Highly recommended.)
I have tried to problematize BL commercialization before. But that was in the context of fu-culture and the commodity fetishism associated with the consumption of BL, particularly in live action form which is probably its most capitalist rendition for many many reasons.
Here I would like to look at it from another angle: censorship. This is a continuation of my earlier post (Why so many shonen ai live-action?) motivated by the live action adaptation of ‘조폭인 내가 고등학생이 되었습니다’ (I, A Gangster, Became a High School Student) by 호롤 (Ho Rol).
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The live action has jumped genres switching from BL to 판타스틱 휴먼 드라마 (lit. fantasy human drama). This switch got it tagged as ‘Censored Adaptation of Same-sex Original Work’ on My Drama List. I personally don’t like that tag. Almost all BL adaptation is a censored adaptation, with notable exceptions like Sei no Gekiyaku. But no one uses that tag for, say, 25 Ji, Akasaka de (2024) which censored all sexual content, especially from the volume 1 of the manga which was critical to the story and the couple’s development in the original manga series’ and its multiple adaptations’ popularity. Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (2024) went as far as removing the more sexual second couple from the live action adaptation all together, yet it does not get a "censored" tag.
An interesting question that the controversy surrounding High School Return of a Gangster (2024) has sparked is that of BL media’s commercial viability, especially in live action form. Here’s what producers told the Korean newspaper, Hankook Ilbo, about the genre-jumping:
"BL 장르는 제작비 투자나 리쿱(제작비 회수)에 한계가 있는 게 사실이다. 그러다 보니 처음부터 이 작품은 브로맨스로 해보고 싶었다"
“The BL genre is limited in terms of investment in production costs and recoup (recovery of production costs). So, from the beginning, we planned it as a bromance (beulomaenseu).”
The author of this article cites examples of works that enjoyed success on OTT platforms, namely Watcha’s Semantic Error and TVing's Unintentional Love Story (2023). However, the article also highlights the fact that BL continues to be a niche genre and live action adaptations don’t guarantee success.
이성택 (Lee Seong Taek), the director of High School Return of a Gangster, previously directed the BL Love Class (2022). The producer 넘버쓰리픽쳐스 (Number Three Pictures Co., Ltd.) have BL works like Unintentional Love Story under its belt.
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'Unintentional Love Story' Director Jang Eui-soon (장의순) | source
If the producer of one of the two most popular live action BL is admitting to it, then it is not easy to dismiss the issue of commercial viability of live action BL.
Very famous BL publishing houses (starting with JUNE) and hosting platforms with relatively lower expenses have struggled. Some of them are no more. It is also difficult for authors to survive merely on earnings from publishing houses and hosting platforms, especially when those platforms are not very rich. So, it is not difficult to imagine that live action production houses also struggle to survive.
Take GMMTV for example. They are probably one of the most successful BL producers. According to their managing director, BL content (series) is not a profitable business in itself. They rely on khujin (branded pairs) of actors to bring in advertisement revenue, merchandize sales, and pull crowds to concerts and fan-meets. It is not enough for actors to just act. They are expected to sing, dance and perform. Meanwhile, GMMTV is forced to keep working with these actor pairs and stick to templates that suit them. While it works for now, it remains to be seen how long the business model can last.
Now there is also investment from Mainland China that has migrated to other BL producers following dangai ban. But those who invest already burned themselves pretty bad with all the money they poured in during the short-lived but explosive dangai boom. It is sunk cost at this point. Another crack down could be the death knell for Chinese investments in BL. 
More generally, it is likely that commercial viability of a live action BL project hinges on the following:
#1 Target demographic
Like all other BL content, live action too is primarily targeted at fu-people (BL audience) – both queer and non-queer. The target demography is further sub-divided based on the type of BL and purchasing power.
Sweeter ones are supposed to appeal to all ages and that’s the area Thailand and GMMTV in particular are focused on. Most of Japanese BL series are sweet. Korea too produces sweet BL. However, they are unlikely to bring in explosive success the way odo BL (those following royal road narrative progression – wherein characters face significant challenges, interpersonal or otherwise, to reach happy ending).
Older and, perhaps more hard-core fans, are likely to support jado works (BL that follow the evil path where neither happy ending nor resolution to challenges are guaranteed) with surprising frequency. This might be partly due to the erotic content in jado works.
Purchasing power of BL fans vary widely. There are those who are
“sending gifts to their actors in Thailand, sending food trucks to their shooting locations, putting up billboard advertisements and doing charity events [as well as] ordering merchandise in bulk.”
They also travel to BL producing nations [on fan pilgrimages] and attend fan meetings, concerts and other events regularly.
(Source: The Print)
The other group of BL fans who are probably younger and/or can’t afford to show support in the above-mentioned ways. BL commercially benefits from being appealing to those with higher purchasing power.
#2 Popularity of original work in case of adaptation  
Popular BL novels, manhwa, etc. bring in a set of fans who are interested in the live action. Longer and more-acclaimed works are likely to ensure success of the live action given decent making and reasonable changes during adaptation. Semantic Error is a case in point. However, missteps during adaptation can have the opposite effect.
#3 Cost of production
It is difficult to get investment in the first place, especially with how niche the genre is. Moreover, higher cost of production sets the bar for success higher too.
On the other hand, high production quality and better cast and crew (likely more expensive too) makes the viewing more pleasurable and increases the likelihood of success.
There are other factors which influence the success of BL producers. The most popular BL live action from China, Addicted, was produced by the author, Chai JiDan, with a tiny budget. Its dangai family drama remake, Stay with Me, also has an interesting producer.
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Source | Mame with her Japanese fans
Orawan Vichayawannakul’s MeMindY is another BL author led production company that has enjoyed considerable success.
OP Pictures’ entry into BL genre has also been successful.
#1 Let’s start with the worst
BL as money laundering vehicle. It is probably the most obvious, sort of win-win until it isn’t. Sustainability depends how much skin the ruling class have in the game.
#2 State sponsorship
(or better yet, tax payer supported BL production)
State sponsorship is what Thailand has perfected.
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source | 2023 seminar on "Beyond Borders: Exploring the Global Appeal and Diversity of Thailand's Boys' Love Contents" by 9 companies from Thailand organized by Department of International Trade Promotion under Thailand’s Ministry of Trade.
The eleven speakers, including an official from the Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy in Japan, vigorously pitched partnerships with Japanese content companies [at the above-mentioned seminar.]
Also, several of the companies pitching at the seminar, such as Star Hunter Entertainment […] were plumping for BL not as a niche product but rather a core element of their corporate strategy.
Halo Productions representative Tewarat Supunnium [trumpeted] the vertical integration of his company, from talent representation to contents distribution.
Thai BL has been big hits in China, South Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and beyond, which has motivated Thailand’s government to ‘deploy Boys Love as its latest soft power weapon to promote the country on the global stage’. In an article published in The Nation, BL director, Bundit Sintanaparadee, explains how that affects production.
He pointed out that the international popularity of Thai shows can boost tourism and generate interest in the featured locations – a vital aspect of soft power. The government can facilitate this process by providing support and streamlining the bureaucratic obstacles to filming in attractive locations like Bangkok’s Chinatown district of Yaowarat.
Filming in iconic places such as Yaowarat can be costly and complicated due to the need to coordinate with multiple government agencies and pay location fees. Bundit said the government could simplify the process to benefit not just filmmakers but also tourist revenue in the locations.
Bundit also cautioned against a top-down approach to soft power, where the government dictates what represents Thailand on the world stage. He emphasises the need for industry professionals to have their say.
In a 2022 article, Bangkok Post explores the impact of BL on Thailand’s economy ‘as export products that can draw lucrative revenue streams and foster business opportunities in other areas, including tourism.’
[According to government estimates from 2021,] Thailand's Y content market was worth more than 1 billion baht... In June that year, the Department of International Trade Promotion held an online Y content business matching event to boost the industry, with the participation of 10 Thai content creators. More than 360 million baht was generated from the purchase of the Thai content, with the top three buyers coming from Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.
Noppharnach Chaiyahwimhon, GMMTV's senior director of content production, said [that the] business ecosystem linked to Y Series in Thailand shows a growth of 30-40% per year. [He also said that] Y Series can also be a boon for other businesses, such as films, artist management and merchandise. [He mentioned] Y Series from Thailand [getting] translated into several languages [and one of their Y Series having received theatrical adaptation in South Korea.]
[According to] Kanokporn Prachayaset, chief commercial officer and country manager of WeTV Thailand, … Y Series from Thailand is one of the most popular content genres on its platform. [Half of all the BL content on the platform was Thai.] WeTV [was] sourcing Y Series from Asia as well as having its own WeTV original shows by working with various local production houses, such as GMMTV, TV Thunder, Dee Hup House, M Choice Studio and All This Entertainment. [She also highlighted the contribution of the fan base, which is] active in organising activities and campaigns for their idols.
Seksan Sripraiwan, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand's (TAT) Tokyo office, said the TAT and the Royal Thai Embassy have actively promoted the country by using Thai entertainment [and that] Thai BL content is considered one of the most popular recent cultural exports to Japan. Japan's market for Thai BL is around 1 million viewers, of which 20,000-30,000 are heavily active on social media sites for renowned BL actors, led by Bright-Win and Krist-Singto. He said Japanese tour operators already offered tailor-made tour packages which contain elements related to BL TV series, such as shooting locations like universities, cafes, Wat Arun or the Amphawa floating market.
Kanokkittika Kritwutikon, director of the TAT Chengdu office, said Thai BL TV shows have gained popularity in China, such as the coming-of-age series "I Told Sunset About You", which helped drive tourists to Phuket, the main location of the story.
"Most Chinese BL fans are millennial females who can offer long-term support for their favourite actors," Mrs Kanokkittika said. [Recognizing the 3 million strong queer population of Chongqing,] she said the LGBT segment could be categorised as luxury travellers as they are high-income earners, live in key cities, and want to spend more for travel experiences.
Earlier this year Ministry of Commerce have partnered with Be On Cloud and Idol Factory to promote ‘Thai products, services, tourism, and culture by incorporating them seamlessly into’ their new series “Shine” and “Pin Phak” aka “The Loyal Pin” respectively.
“This will help create around 2 billion in value for Thailand’s economy,” said Commerce Minister Phumtham.
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Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and two actresses, Becky and Freen, witness the signing ceremony between the Ministry of Commerce and Idol Factory Co., Ltd. on February 28, 2024....
According to the Department of International Trade Promotion, the Thai movie and series sector and related industries will generate 8,000 million baht in exports by 2023. In 2024, it will likely reach 10,000 million baht, particularly in the Y-movie and Y-series, which are expected to expand in value from 1,000 million baht to 2,000 million baht as a result of the Ministry of Commerce’s proactive cooperation with the private sector.
The Thai government’s efforts are paying off.
Oramon Sapthaweetham, director-general of the Department of Business Development, revealed that the Boys’ Love series had helped revitalise the film production industry, generating substantial profits and extending economic benefits to allied sectors, such as advertising, leveraging actors as influencers, event organisation, and tourism. 
"Over the past 10 years, Thailand has produced over 177 Boys’ Love [series], continuously gaining popularity and expanding its customer base, eventually leading to exports to international markets," Oramon added.
The film production industry in Thailand is witnessing substantial growth. In the first four months of 2024, 56 new businesses were registered, marking a 12% increase from 2023. The total registered capital also saw a significant rise of 146.44% to 195.18 million baht. In 2023, the industry grew by 20% with 137 businesses and a capital of 258 million baht. The total revenue in 2022 was 12.895 billion baht, indicating a continuous growth trend.
#3 Diversification
Ok, so this is based on my limited knowledge and imagination. Feel free to skip.
There are two production companies that I have ever been interested in - Bhavana Studios and Mammootty Kampany. Both of them have produced experimental Malayalam movies while managing to remain commercially successful. While is partially attributable to these companies being brands, I think their overall strategy of diversification have worked in their favour.
Mammootty Kampany could produce art-house movie Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam for award circuits and with no expectation of commercial performance by banking on their other production Kannur Squad which was action entertainer sure to bring in the big bucks. Their queer family drama Kaathal – The Core and neo-noir psychological thriller Rorschach did exceptionally well in the box office as well as garnered critical acclaim. Bhavana Studios has similar track record of their commercially successful projects kind of cross subsidizing their experimental and unique projects and lifting the heat off in case of flops.
Having production companies which are aspirational in their approach to BL while having the economics sorted out help where government support is not forth coming.
Censorship as No-thing
When sometime is truly censored, we wouldn’t know. Unless we ask. Here’s what Jooyin Saejang learned from asking.
I have a strong preference for live action adaptations that are willing to go the last mile in terms of sexual content, social critiques and addressing real-life issues. That’s the reason why the header image for this BL side blog is from Moothon (2019).
But realistically this isn’t always possible. And I prefer having more production companies offering variety. I don’t want them to sink under the weight of BL that didn’t do well commercially and me being left at the mercy of media conglomerates with seemingly bottomless funds and monopsony over BL authors, original works and the culture that creates them.
Also, there is queer content from Korean that is neither mainstream nor from fu-culture. Support those.
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