Part One
Happy birthday Bokuto 💕
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It was the first day of the Volleyball Tournament and the Black Jackals were in the middle of a set against a powerhouse team. Everyone was very tired from the game going on longer than anybody intended it too. But this was the last set and determined the winner of the first day. Hinata was at his limit along with everyone else on the team, Miya had a bored look on his face with sweat dripping down the side of his cheek, Sakusa was irritated that he was all sweaty. Everyone was ready for this to be over, the only one who still had energy to spare was Bokuto, you would never know from his sweaty face and tired appearance though. He loved volleyball and was having the time of his life.
You were sitting on a bench next to the manager watching and taking notes. You started off as a volunteer for the team, handing out waters and drinks when needed and sponging up as much information you could get. The manager noticed your attitude and determination and decided to take you under his wing as Manager in Training. He told you that he would retire someday and the team would need a new, fresh manager one day.
A whistle blew and everyone cheered, the Black Jackals won the winning point confirming that they won the first day. You jumped up excited and everyone on the team jumped but fell on their backs from exhaustion.
“Line up!!!!!” Yelled the Coach
While the team was lining up to say thank you you were getting bottles and towels ready. Everyone rushed to you and nearly fell on you groaning.
“Ack guys.. cmonnnnn”
“ be easy with her” the Manager said leaving the gym. “If she gets crushed you'll have no one to hand you towels.”
The men groaned standing up straight so you could compose yourself around these sweaty giants (except for Hinata) and pass out towels.
Hinata screamed into his towel and Sakusa gave him a disgusted look. Bokuto leaned on you again and you laughed putting your arm around his back to support him.
“Congratulations” you told him, handing him a water bottle.
Bokuto took the bottle and drank half of it and grinned at you standing up straight. “Thank you!!! We couldn't do it without you !”
“Oh pft, “ you waved off his praise and Sakusa grabbed both your hands, scaring you, he stared right into your eyes hunched over. “Thank you , y/n. Without your guidance and helpful attitude I would have crashed.”
“Uh.. sure Sakusa..”
He let go and Hinata and Miya hugged you squeezing a little too tight.
“Guuuuyyyssss please…” you whined unable to breath till they let go.
You sat down heaving and Bokuto held out his bottle to you.
“Need a refill?” You asked taking it.
“Nope! You look like you need it though.” He sat down next to you stretching.
Bokuto was an interesting man to you. He was full of energy and excitement and loved having all eyes on him all the time, his volleyball skills were amazing but that was no secret to anyone since he was the Captain in highschool.
Most days back then you watched him from a distance, catching every game, learning everything about how to play hoping it would get you closer to him, watching him practice and making up an excuse that you were there to learn how to be a Manager. You wondered if he ever noticed you or even looked at you. You were quiet, closed off most of the time and never put yourself out there because of nerves.
But after highschool you got word of the Black Jackals looking for volunteers to pass out towels and bottles to the team. Having no idea your Owl Boy was on that very team. The first meeting was awkward for you. All the guys shook your hand (except for Sakusa but he warmed up to you) Bokuto thanked you for wanting to help and it made you realize he did not remember you from highschool. But.. Why would he?
Being a bottle girl was easy enough. They always said thank you and asked politely for more water if they needed it. The first couple games Sakusa ignored you, he stared you down a lot and you always just waved awkwardly at him. He never took a towel or bottle from you, something about germs . So you always folded his towel on the bench pricing his water next to it. It wasn't until one day at practice he thanked you and asked for another bottle.
Hinata was always excited to hear your ideas about what he could improve and the Coach and Manager took note of this. Miya liked to sneak up behind you and pinch your hips whenever Bokuto came over to get a towel. “I know your secret” he would tell you and wander off. It made you a blushing mess every time and he always left way too fast so you couldn't confront him.
Things got easier as you got into the routine of everything. The Manager and Coach even asked you about taking the soon to be open spot and you accepted in a heartbeat, soon enough you put your feelings aside and focused on how you would manage the Black Jackals.
Bokuto leaned on you again, humming in your ear till you looked at him, he had an amused look on his face.
“ yes Bokuto?”
“Are you not drinking the water because you think i have backwash?”
“Uhm.. no?” You took a sip and lowered the bottle squeezing it, fighting off your heart. “You did great, the Nationals will be amazing”
“Oh ho ho ho?” He teased standing up, hands on his hips.
By now the gym was emptying and it was slowly becoming just you and Bokuto.
“ yes? “ you got up to start gathering bags and what not till he grabbed your arm .
You looked over making a fist with your other hand to see his happy face , you wanted to touch it so bad, run your fingers through that crazy hair..be near him.. feel him… was he warm? It wasn't fair…...
“Yes, Bokuto? I won't miss the bus, just gathering things.”
“You know how we stay at that inn?”
“Yes. The one Hinata does not like because its next to a five star hotel and ramen shop.”
“Well maybe w-“
“Bo ku to san!!!!” Hinata yelled jumping
The tall boy looked over his shoulder letting your arm go gently. “Hinataaaaaa” groaned the boy.
“Im comin!!” He looked back to see you picking up bags and going to the Exit. Bokuto looked down at his hand and made his way to the Exit too catching up with Hinata feeling a little down.
@thegirlwhoharnessedthelight @squeaky-ducky
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