#Bolt Scytere
black-eco-sage · 9 months
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Name: Cpt. Jolt Scytere
Affiliation: Krimzon Guard [Praxis Regime]
Occupation: Krimzon Guard Elite (KG-E). Heavy Artillery, Shock-Specialist
Patron Precursor: Haest (Precursor of Wrath)
[+] Vulcan Fury VF1000 (not pictured here)
[+] RE/YE Gauntlets
[+] KG Knife
"Rage Light": Jolt has a Berserker Mode that utilizes the Dual-Channeling ability. She gets stronger with every hit taken up to 10 times her base strength, and becomes an unstoppable juggernaut.
"Dual Channeling" - Being a Scytere, Jolt has the ultra-rare genetic ability to channel two Eco Types at once. Specifically, has an affinity for Red and Yellow Eco, the two most destructive types on the planet (sans Dark Eco of course).
Jolt is a legendary rage junkie. If there is enough Eco in her system, they can trigger the Rage-Light ability, a nigh invulnerable state that boosts their offense and defense tenfold. This is used sparingly and in dire situations; if used for too long, Jolt's system could literally burn up, and/or run out of Eco.
The RED Gauntlet is for short range, point-blank power attacks, and the YEL gauntlet is for ranged offense. For typical melee, Jolt uses them both to fire-punch her enemies in the face. >:)
For Heavy work, the VF1000 is the full version of the Vulcan Fury, with armor-piercing rounds that can punch through the bio-mechanical hides of even the toughest Metalheads.
(Bonus) When low on Eco, Jolt can absorb her own Red or Yellow Eco Shells from the gun or gauntlets.
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black-eco-sage · 1 year
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“KG Mondays”
Not ready for another day of this bs >:[
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