black-eco-sage · 1 year
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Name: Cpt. Jolt Scytere
Affiliation: Krimzon Guard [Praxis Regime]
Occupation: Krimzon Guard Elite (KG-E). Heavy Artillery, Shock-Specialist
Patron Precursor: Haest (Precursor of Wrath)
[+] Vulcan Fury VF1000 (not pictured here)
[+] RE/YE Gauntlets
[+] KG Knife
"Rage Light": Jolt has a Berserker Mode that utilizes the Dual-Channeling ability. She gets stronger with every hit taken up to 10 times her base strength, and becomes an unstoppable juggernaut.
"Dual Channeling" - Being a Scytere, Jolt has the ultra-rare genetic ability to channel two Eco Types at once. Specifically, has an affinity for Red and Yellow Eco, the two most destructive types on the planet (sans Dark Eco of course).
Jolt is a legendary rage junkie. If there is enough Eco in her system, they can trigger the Rage-Light ability, a nigh invulnerable state that boosts their offense and defense tenfold. This is used sparingly and in dire situations; if used for too long, Jolt's system could literally burn up, and/or run out of Eco.
The RED Gauntlet is for short range, point-blank power attacks, and the YEL gauntlet is for ranged offense. For typical melee, Jolt uses them both to fire-punch her enemies in the face. >:)
For Heavy work, the VF1000 is the full version of the Vulcan Fury, with armor-piercing rounds that can punch through the bio-mechanical hides of even the toughest Metalheads.
(Bonus) When low on Eco, Jolt can absorb her own Red or Yellow Eco Shells from the gun or gauntlets.
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mizukissies · 8 months
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yo yttd joesara icons? sick
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sentilenti · 1 month
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mini photo dump della vacanza in salento
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buscandoelparaiso · 10 months
la parte che mi entusiasma di piu di andare all'europeo e' commentare le partite col tumblrcalcio perche' so gia che vada come vada tireremo fuori dei meme iconici
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sludgeguzzler · 11 months
learned how to make onigiri and ong its so fucking good MAN its so delicious
#im making noodle & tuna ones rn ((ive eaten some on friday yesterday and today too ot was like 1kg of sticky rice in 3 days))#((but granted i shared some with friends too so idk!))#as proximas tags sao dedicadas aos de verdade#se vcs quiserem fazer onigiri eu tenho tipo. algumas dicas e conselhos aq pra comprar as paradas#(levamdo em consideração que eu moro em capital ent tem loja especifica pra essas coisas e os preços são mais caros)#o arroz oriental da qualita que eu comprei em um supermercado normal naql pedaço que tem algumas coisinhas diferentes foi beeeem mais barato#doq o que eu comprei num mercado oriental mais especifico (a diferença foi de tipo. 13 reais pra um kg de arroz)#(o da qualita tava uns R$10.32 pra um kg q não é mto insano pra um arroz diferente!!)#o nori eu so achei no mercado especifico mas eu comi um sem a alga e ainda é bem gostoso#(faz uma diferença um pouco grande ent se isso te incomoda se pa é melhor vc procurar uma receita que nao precise necessariamente do nori#(tipo o bibimbap coreano que é bem parecido cm um poke. vale a pena pesquisar e vc ainda pode usar o atum enlatado nele !!)#pro recheio eu fiz alguns de kimchi que a minha irma comprou ((e nao comeu.....)) mas comparados aos de atum cm maionese eu n achei mto bom#o recheio eu fiz cm atum enlatado ao natural cm maionese helmans#nao importa muito qual maionese vc usa eu acho e o atum pode ser oq vc gosta ou tem em casa msm#eu tive q comprar pq a minha mãe n come carne sbdbajsb#ent onigiri é realmente um bolinho de arroz asiatico com um recheio de atum cm maionese#eu nao sei como seria a situação wm uma cidade menor ou mais pro inteiror (lembrando eu moro em capital e sou meio burguês) mas#se vc quiser mto fazer ir atras do arroz nos mercados e tal vale a pena#lembrando tb que eu nao sou nem asiatico nem descendente de asiatico eu so fiz a minha pesquisa e adaptei um pouco a#receita pra nao gastar 100 reais em bolinhos#é isso gente 😁 desculpa se eu fui meio cego a situação fora de capital eu genuinamente tentei nao ser babaca (se eu fui pode me falar)#bjos bjos adeus#talk
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ronzombie · 4 months
Queer F/O Headcanons for Pride!!
Codename V (He/she/they)
Gay , Demiromantic/sexual
Colin Gray (He/it)
Pansexual , Cupioromantic
Lisa Swallows (She/her)
Straight, but she deserves to be on this list because she definitely kisses girls
The Creature (He/it)
Bisexual , Transgender
König (He/him)
Gay , Demisexual
Dwayne Hoover (He/they)
Cupioromantic , Asexual
Kyle Garrick (He/him)
Alejandro Vargas (He/him)
Edward Nygma (He/it)
Simon Riley (He/him)
Nancy Wheeler (She/they)
Bisexual , prefers women
Kurt Kunkle (He/they)
Gay , Demisexual
Enid Sinclair (She/they)
Lucifer Morningstar (He/him)
Omnisexual , prefers women
Eve (She/her)
Mazikeen Smith (She/it)
Chloe Decker (She/her)
Bisexual, prefers men
Dale Dobson (He/him)
(inspired by @mandm-cringe)
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mynameis-gloria · 9 months
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2⁰ round
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killuaisaprincess · 6 months
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Spinning a little again after a long hiatus has reawakened my desire to do my plan for an extremely laborous cosplay of the prince from The Wild Swans who only partially transformed back into a human.
The story is basically that a king had a daughter and several (the number varies) sons and his evil new wife who learned witchcraft from her mother gets jealous of them and turns the princes into swans (you know how stepmothers are) and banishes the princess after making her Unrecognisable by ripping her dress and dirtying her face and hair.
The princess finds her brothers (and sometimes some fairies) and learns that she can turn them back into humans if she had makes them shirts that are knit from yarn that she spins out out of stinging nettles (sometimes within a time frame of a certain number of years). One of the conditions of this magic is that she has to remain under a vow of silence or her brothers will die(/remain swans forever).
At some point she gets married to a king from Some Other Kingdom who takes a fancy to her, whose own evil mother (who is sometimes an archbishop, presumably to switch up the evil mothers theme a bit) tries to have her burned as a witch (her husband goes along with this because the queen hides each of her children after she gives birth and claims that she commited infanticide in some versions, but in others he's just kind of a pushover) because she doesn't talk and keeps going into the graveyard at night to get nettles. The princess keeps knitting as long as she can and then her brothers come to rescue her as she's on the pyre and she throws the shirts over them and they turn back into humans. The youngest prince still has a wing for an arm though, because she hadn't finished the last sleeve.
So my very good plan, which is not at all overambitious to the point of stupidity, is to spin ramie (nettle fibre) into yarn and design and knit a one-armed sweater (possibly with a lace feather pattern on parts of it?) and make a single wing After Some Fashion (but probably modeled closely on this tutorial and... idk. Wear some poofy trousers and a crown. I haven't thought the non-sweater and wing elements out very fully.
The ramie top I have is bleached, so I want to dye it green. I think I will probably dye the fibre or yarn and almost certainly not piece or garment dye it, because if I spun all the yarn and knit the whole thing and then ruined it that would be Rather Sad. I kinda do want to naturally dye it, but natural dyeing can be a little unpredictable and apparently green can be a little tricky to do anyway and cellulose fibres are harder to dye than protein fibre, so I may just use a fibre reactive dye like Dylon and use less of it than they recommend for the amount of fibre, so that I don't get the full depth of shade and it's a bit faded and more... idk "natural" looking.
Re: dyeing though, I want to imitate the colour of nettles, even though a completely "accurate" version of what a shirt that the princess in the story would have knit would look like would probably be a sort of brown, because her yarn was undyed nettle fibre. Also, I do not think she was messing around with lace patterns, given that she was on the clock on this. Of course, maybe she too overcomplicated things and was merrily designing lace patterns for the first four years and then got a bit crunched for time towards the end. Explains why she had to keep going back to the graveyard for nettles too: she didn't process enough nettles into fibre at the start of the project and then she kept losing yarn chicken as she was knitting and had to go back to step one. These princesses, they can be a little inefficient! But in her defense, she was under a lot of stress.
Also, having now written this out, this is all kind of Gender (nettle shirt as transition metaphor) and I am simultaneously the prince with the wing and the princess who is trying to save him. Somehow after having had this vague plan for a cosplay for... maybe ten years, I think that this is the first time I am coming to this realisation.
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mcstonecutter · 8 months
Skibdi Toilet saved my life 😩
I am in tears writing this. Tonight at 12:60 AM I almost died… Skibidi toilet saved my life. There I was, about to get run over by a 3000 kg semitruck. Skibidi toilet pushed me out of the way, but got crushed in the process. The last words skidi toilet said to me was: "Some of us die young, and some of us live to see the become the villain."
To this day I am still haunted by his visage. Shine on you crazy Toilet. 🙌
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crocodilesareboring · 2 years
Caro Dio,
quando ti ho chiesto di smetterla di farmi finire il grasso sulla pancia, di certo NON intendevo di farmelo finire sulla faccia.
un criceto parecchio incazzato
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black-eco-sage · 1 year
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01010110 01001001 01010010 01001001 01010011 :)
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omarfor-orchestra · 11 months
Una domanda che ho è di che materiale era fatto quel letto nella scena con 4lvise come ha resistito
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Che bello svegliarsi e fare colazione con latte biscotti e casatiello 😂
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principezinhoo · 21 hours
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queerographies · 19 days
[Tra Sogno e Realtà][Daniele Gadaleta][Francesco Maione]
"Tra Sogno e Realtà" di Daniele Gadaleta e Francesco Maione esplora le sfide quotidiane e le speranze delle coppie, incoraggiando i lettori a non arrendersi mai. Con ironia e semplicità, offre un viaggio emozionale che ispira la riflessione.
Daniele e Kekko tornano: da “Insieme siamo più forti” a “Tra sogno e realtà”, un nuovo capitolo della loro storia Titolo: Tra Sogno e Realtà: Bisogna vivere la pioggia per godersi l’arcobalenoScritto da: Daniele Gadaleta e Francesco MaioneEdito da: Edizioni &100Anno: 2024Pagine: 130ISBN: 9791281549814 La sinossi di Tra Sogno e Realtà di Daniele Gadaleta e Francesco Maione Dopo il successo di…
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