#Boston to Mumbai flights
musiquesduciel · 1 year
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Mumbai > Dubai > Boston
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bookviaus · 9 months
Find the best deals on flights to Mumbai from Boston with our comprehensive flight search. Book your tickets today and enjoy a comfortable and hassle-free journey. Start planning your trip now!
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choicesfanaf · 2 years
Always & Forever
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For Choices February Challenge 2023: Day 4 (Harmony) and To Be or Not to Be Event: (Prompts Forever and Miss You for To Be)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Sahil Kulkarni (m!OC)
Minor Characters: Dilip Kulkarni (m!OC), Nandita Kulkarni(f!OC), Radhika Deshpande (f!OC) and Nikhil Bapat (m!OC)
Word Count: 2580 words
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Arundhati attend the wedding of their acquaintances and get some time to themselves.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @choices-february2023, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesficwriterscreations, @lovealexhunt
Perma: @quixoticdreamer16, @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Arundhati: @rookiemartin
A/N: Song used in the fic is
A/N 2:
Translations provided-
2. Ho, aai- Yes, mom
3. Tumhi sagle kashe aahat?- How are you all?
4. Aamhi ekdum majet- We are having fun
5. Tumhala kasa kalala-How did you know?
6. Ethan ne sagitla aamhala-Ethan told us
7. Radhika, mi tula barya peki olakhte- Radhila, I know you very well
8. jau de tyana-Let them be
9. aata tujhya lagnachi tayari karayla pahije, didi- Now we should prepare for your wedding, sister
10. Kay ugach kahi boltos. Amchya lagnala ajun khup vel aahe-
11. Apan baghu- We shall see
12. Aata ghari jauya. Parva flight aahe amchya doghancha- Let's go home now, we have a flight to catch the day after tomorrow.
In late January, Arundhati and her family were invited to attend her distant relative, Radhika's wedding in Mumbai in March. Their grandmothers were close friends, so Aru and Sahil spent a lot of time with Radhika during their holidays when they were young.
They kept in touch even when Aru and her family moved to Boston and basically were like cousins. Naturally, she called them at her wedding, wanting them to participate in her happiness.
Radhika's fiance, Nikhil, knew Ethan since their work in the Amazon and had bonded well with him and became his good friend, who was still in contact with Ethan. As a result, Nikhil invited him to his wedding.
"Ethan, I wanted to let you know that I won't be able to come into the hospital for the first week of March. I have to go to Mumbai to attend my relative Radhika's wedding", Aru told him. 
"That's fine, but make sure to submit an application. Just so I can note it down officially so that no one reprimands you later."
"Got it. I will mail you the application in a day or two."
"Great. By the way, you know Nikhil, right? He's also getting married in Mumbai during the first week of March."
"That's great, maybe we could go together if it is around Radhika's wedding. Who is he getting married to?"
"His fiancee," Ethan looked at the e-invite on his phone before continuing, "Radhika Deshpande, who is a statistician."
"Wait, what?" questioned a shell-shocked Aru.
"Aru, what's wrong?" Ethan asked when he saw her too stunned to speak.
"Aru, come sit down and have some water. Whatever it is, we will face it together," Ethan said while helping her sit down and bringing her a glass of water.
"Thanks. Can I see the e-invite, please?" She asked, after managing to recover her speech.
"Sure, here you go", he said, handing her the phone but not understanding why.
Aru quickly took out her phone to compare the e-invites.
To her surprise, the e-invite she received was the same one that Ethan had gotten. She spent enough time staring at the phones in her hands that Ethan got worried.
"What's wrong, Aru? Can you tell me what's going on in your mind?"
"Ethan, I think we have been invited to the same wedding."
"What do you mean?"
"Here, look at these two invites, and tell me if there is anything different about them", she said, handing him the devices.
Ethan treated the images like a diagnostic case and inspected every pixel of them for any difference.
After about 15 minutes of peering at the screen, he grunted.
"So, my conclusion was right," Aru responded.
"Yeah. We are going to the same events", Ethan sighed. 
"Ethan, you haven't told Nikhil about us, have you?"
"No, not at all."
"No matter what, we can't reveal our relationship to them", Aru mentioned.
"Why not, love?"
"Because everyone who knows Radhika and Nikhil will be present there. I don't want to be judged for dating you and neither do I want anyone to judge you or make snide comments about us."
"Okay, I do get your point now", Ethan nodded.
"So, just for a week, we will have to pretend that we aren't dating. I'll go there with my family and you by yourself. 
"Yeah, okay. We don't have any other option, do we? It's a shame because I would have loved to introduce you as my girlfriend."
Before Aru could reply, her phone started ringing and displayed Sahil's call.
"Hi Kiddo, how did you get reminded of me suddenly?"
"Did you get Radhika's invitation?"
"Yes, I did. But there is a huge issue, bud."
"What is it?" Sahil asked, not knowing what would be coming next.
"Radhika's fiance is a good friend of Ethan's."
"And they don't know you both are dating."
"Exactly. I don't want to give anyone a chance to gossip about us."
"Yeah, I get it. Some people can be downright nasty and disgusting. But are you sure that Ethan's friend is marrying our relative, Radhika? Because both Radhika and Nikhil are extremely popular names."
"Yes, Sahil. I compared the invites we both received. We both have been invited to the same wedding."
"Well, if that's the case, you both will have to stay at different places."
"Why should we do that?" asked Ethan.
"Because there is a huge chance that Nikhil will invite you to stay near him, and if you refuse, it will look weird. Also, Radhika and her relatives might visit us and question about you", Sahil explained.
"Shit, we didn't think about this."
"You are completely right. We can't show that we are together. Only then they will buy the lie."
"Didi, we have been asked to attend all the pre-wedding and post-wedding events. Has Ethan been asked as well?"
"Yup, all the events," responded Ethan.
"Well then, it is settled. We'll stay away from each other for a week."
"Let's see how long that lasts," teased Sahil.
Aru was interrupted by her pager.
"Sahil, I gotta go. There is a 911 call I have to attend to. Talk to ya later, bud."
Aru and Ethan didn't realise how quickly the time flew. They were on their way to Mumbai with her family. Ethan was sitting a few rows behind them so that they could leave separately, just in case Radhika or Nikhil came to escort them to their places.
Before they parted ways, Ethan and Aru promised they would stay somewhat around the other. "During all the events, stay in my line of vision, don't stray away."
"Yes, ma'am. Understood," he said, with a huge grin on his face.
"I love you, babe. See you later. Message me when you get time."
"Of course, love. Don't need to tell me twice. Love you too, sweetheart."
The wedding took place smoothly, and the couple had a great time, enjoying all the rituals they had to perform. 
Meanwhile, Ethan and Aru enjoyed themselves even though they were apart for a long time.
After the wedding, the married couple hosted a reception event which had a DJ playing some hit Hindi, Marathi and English songs. Meanwhile. Aru and Sahil were having some snacks in a corner.
"Didi, you should go dance with Ethan."
"Sahil, no one here knows about us."
"Didi, look around you. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Go and have some fun with Ethan."
"Are you sure? What if someone sees us?"
"They will not, I can fully assure you that."
 A few minutes later, Ethan and Aru met in a dark part of the room.
"Why did you call me here, darling? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to dance with you."
"Are you sure, love?"
"Yes, Ethan. Please? We haven't seen each other in a week."
"Alright, then. Anything to make you happy."
At that moment, the DJ started playing a song that made Aru swoon because it was perfect for them, and they started dancing.
Dekha hazaron dafaa aapko, phir bekarari kaisi hai
I've seen you a thousand times, then why this restlessness.
Even though Aru's eyes were fixed on Ethan's, her mind was elsewhere.
She was busy thinking about how her life had changed for the better ever since she met him. She had transformed into a completely new person ever since she met him.
Sambhale sambhal ta nahi yeh dil, kuch aap me baat aisi hai
I'm not able to control my heart, there's something special about you.
She never knew when she fell head over heels for him despite everything. She felt they were destined to be together, no matter what happened.
Lekar ijazat ab aapse, saanse ye aati jaati hai
Now after taking your permission, my breaths come and go.
She couldn't imagine how her life would have been without Ethan. He constantly pushed her to be better and supported her always.
Dhunde se nahi milte hai hum, bas aap hi aap baaki hai
When I search for myself, I can’t find myself, as it's only you who remain.
He had a way of making her feel better just by being near her, which she always appreciated and enjoyed, especially when she had bad days.
Pal bhar na duuri sahe aapse, betabiyaan ye kuch aur hai
Even for a moment, I can't bear your separation, this eagerness is something different.
He made her feel like everything was possible and made her life more colourful and wonderful by just being in it.
Hum duur hoke bhi paas hai, nazdikiyan ye kuch aur hai
Even being far, we're close to each other, this closeness is something different.
Aru was very sure about her feelings for Ethan since the day she took care of little Ethan. So much so that she was ready to take the risk to be with him, circumstances be damned. 
Dekha hazaron dafaa aapko, phir bekarari kaisi hai
I've seen you a thousand times, then why this restlessness.
Everything seemed beautiful when she was with him. Aru missed him all the time when he wasn't next to her.
Sambhale sambhal ta nahi yeh dil, kuch pyaar me baat aisi hai
I'm not able to control my heart, there's something special about our love.
Aru felt she could trust and rely on Ethan to be there through thick and thin. She knew he would support her through all her worries.
Aagosh me hai jo aapke, aisa sukoon aur paaye kahan
Now that I am in your arms, where shall I find such peace.
Being with him made her feel safe and protected. He made her feel warm and contented. She remembered once telling him that he was her true home.
Aankhen hame yeh raas aa gayi, ab hum yahan se jaaye kahan
I'm hooked on your eyes, now where should I go leaving this place.
Ever since they had started dating, her joy knew no bounds. She felt like she was on cloud nine all the time. She started finding happiness in everything around her, something she thought was impossible before.
Dekha hazaron dafaa aapko, phir bekarari kaisi hai
I've seen you a thousand times, then why this restlessness.
Every new day with Ethan was like an exciting adventure that she wanted to participate in, and she didn't know what to expect.
Sambhale sambhal ta nahi yeh dil, kuch pyaar me baat aisi hai
I'm not able to control my heart, there's something special about our love.
She knew they would be together, always and forever, ready to face whatever life would throw their way.
Aru was pulled out of her thoughts by her phone vibrating and ringing frantically, which was quite noticeable in the quiet area.
"Beta, where are you? Nikhil and Radhika have started making their rounds to meet everyone."
"Aai, I'm with Ethan."
 "Come and join us quickly before they notice your absence."
"Ho, aai."
Ethan slipped out of the dark into the light after bidding goodbye to Arundhati but she felt like she had plunged into darkness. She couldn't even get a few minutes with her beloved without someone troubling them.
Meanwhile, the married couple joined Ethan to have a chat.
"Hey, Ethan, my friend! How are you? I hope you enjoyed all the events today."
"Yes, I enjoyed it to my heart's content, Nikhil. It was fun learning about new traditions that you follow."
"That's great. I bet Arundhati had already taught them to you."
"What.. what are you talking about?"
"We know you are with Aru. We saw you dancing with her just a few moments ago", Radhika said monotonously.
"How...how did you know it was us?"
At this, both Nikhil and Radhika burst into a fit of laughter.
"Look at his scared face, Radhika. Relax, my dear friend. We figured it out from the looks you have been giving each other all week. And the fact that whenever she had her phone out, your phone would start pinging. Also, you came up to take your photograph with Aru's family. It didn't take me long to figure that you are more than colleagues."
"As for the dance, doctor, I saw you go to a random spot and then Aru joined you exactly 2 minutes later. I think it's pretty obvious, right?" remarked Radhika.
"Yeah, you are right. We tried to be secretive the entire week, but you can't hide from everyone."
"Yeah, you definitely can't hide it from everyone. Well, I hope you are happy and content with Aru, and so is she. She's like a sister to us, and so we want what's best for her, Ethan", said Nikhil.
"I understand. You don't need to worry about Aru. I promise I'll take good care of her."
"Now, we are going to meet Aru to tell her the same thing."
"Let me know how she reacts, please. I can already imagine how much fun you both had. Also, do make sure to ask her in front of her family. They know about us, so you will have triple the fun."
"Sounds good. Talk to you later, Ethan!" saying so, the newly married couple made their way to Aru's family.
"Hi, everyone. Tumhi sagle kashe aahat?"
"Aamhi ekdum majet, enjoying all of your events", Sahil replied.
"Mmhm. I'm sure Ethan must have enjoyed it as well right, Aru?"
"I...I don't know what you are talking about," stammered Aru. 
Meanwhile, the Kulkarni family looked as if they had seen a ghost. 
"Tumhala kasa kalala?"
"Ethan ne sagitla aamhala."
"Nahi..you both must have scared him in the same way. Radhika, mi tula barya peki olakhte."
"You are absolutely correct, Aru. These pulled the same thing on me."
"Ethan!" Aru exclaimed as she walked towards him.
"Beta, don't scream so loudly..."
"Sorry, aai! I just got excited."
"How did you get this excited even though you met almost...", Radhika said as she checked the time, "ten minutes ago?"
"Radhe, jau de tyana. Almost every couple is like that in their honeymoon phase."
"Aru, why didn't you tell me about Ethan?"
"As if you told me about you and Nikhil? At first, I thought you were set up by your parents."
"No, that's not how it was. It was quite a difficult task to convince our parents about each other. If I tell everyone here that we were together for five years before getting hitched, they'll go crazy, start gossiping and bashing us."
"Yeah, I know. We didn't reveal our relationship for the same reason", replied Aru.
"Well, I hope we hear your wedding bells next", Nikhil mentioned to Aru and Ethan.
"Well...," Aru said as she blushed.
"Ho, aata tujhya lagnachi tayari karayla pahije, didi."
"Sahil! Kay ugach kahi boltos. Amchya lagnala ajun khup vel aahe."
"Ho, ho. Apan baghu."
"Aata ghari jauya, kiddo. Parva flight aahe amchya doghancha."
"Aru.. were you dodging questions on our wedding?" asked Ethan.
"Yeah. You figured it out pretty quickly. But they were joking around."
"Don't sweat it, love. I know that was nothing serious and in good fun. As for our impending wedding, we can discuss that later. For now, I want to spend all my time with you. I've missed you dearly this last week. We are going out on a date tomorrow, so start preparing."
"Ethan, I have missed you a lot and don't want to leave your side until we get to work. I love you, honey."
"I love you too, Arundhati", he said as they walked towards her dad's rented car.
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nuinindia2023 · 1 year
Day 1
We slept well after our 20 hour flights from around the world (Boston, New York, Istanbul, Tokyo). Most of us awoke to an excellent breakfast at Hotel Sea Princess at Juhu Beach in Mumbai! There were so many options and I loved the masala chai and the butter fish.
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After breakfast we sorted out our rooms and had orientation. Duane and Sagar told us about the companies we were going to visit like Diageo, Sony, and Tata Renewables. We also enjoyed chai with biscuits and Chariot India gifted us personalized duffel bags.
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We embarked on a scavenger hunt throughout the surrounding neighborhood. My group did yoga by the beach and Scott got henna done at another. We raced back and crafted presentation to showcase our findings.
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Some of us went to the gym while others rested or got a head start on our first case study. We met in the lobby and walked to our welcome dinner at Copper Chimney. We learned how to eat with naan and enjoyed countless dishes like paneer, tikka masala, garlic naan, and ras malai. It was a terrific ending to our first day.
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Your straightforwardness, open mind,
is how others identify you.
But do these people know,
that you have a locked heart?
klaw to jackie
a.n: despite her attempts on being a bad girl, jackie varma has feelings like everyone else. i hc that before she would become a medical student her father and uncle wanted her to marry someone she didn’t love to become just like every housewife and then having kids. she got furious. but her mother was well aware that her daughter had a dream to follow and helps her hideously to get a flight ticket to boston to attend harvard uni. 8 years later she hasn’t any contact with her father but only with her mother and little brother who’s a civil engineer student at mumbai. from that escape day she started to speak her mind but not her heart.
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shraddhakapoor12345 · 4 months
Shraddha Kapoor Biography
Shraddha Kapoor is a name synonymous with vivacious energy, captivating performances, and a contagious smile. This reigning Bollywood actress has carved a niche for herself in the industry, captivating audiences with her relatable charm and undeniable talent. But the journey to the top wasn't always on the red carpet. Let's delve into the life story of Shraddha Kapoor, exploring her early life, cinematic rise, and everything in between.
Born into Bollywood Legacy
Shraddha Kapoor was born on March 3, 1987 (some sources say 1989) in Mumbai, India, into a family steeped in cinematic heritage. Her father, Shakti Kapoor, is a veteran Bollywood actor known for his villainous roles, while her mother, Shivangi Kolhapure, is a former actress herself. Shraddha's artistic lineage extends further, with her aunts Padmini Kolhapure and Tejaswini Kolhapure being celebrated Marathi actresses [Wikipedia: Shraddha Kapoor]. Growing up surrounded by the glitz and glamour of Bollywood, it's no surprise that acting aspirations flickered within Shraddha from a young age.
Education and Early Steps
Shraddha completed her schooling at Jamnabai Narsee School and the American School of Bombay. Interestingly, acting wasn't always the initial plan. She even enrolled at Boston University but returned to India in her first year to pursue her Bollywood dreams. This decision proved to be a turning point.
A Career Taking Flight
Shraddha's Bollywood journey began with a brief role in the 2010 film "Teen Patti." Her first lead role came soon after in the teen drama "Luv Ka The End" (2011), which earned her critical acclaim and the Stardust Award for Best Actress. However, it was the 2013 musical romance "Aashiqui 2" that propelled her to superstardom. Playing a passionate singer, Shraddha's on-screen chemistry with co-star Aditya Roy Kapur and her soulful singing voice resonated deeply with audiences, solidifying her place as a leading Bollywood actress.
Milestones and Achievements
Since "Aashiqui 2," Shraddha Kapoor has delivered a string of successful films, showcasing her versatility. She impressed critics with her portrayal of Ophelia in Vishal Bhardwaj's acclaimed drama "Haider" (2014) and brought action hero vibes to the screen in "Baaghi" (2016). Her ability to seamlessly transition between genres has cemented her status as a bankable actress.
Shraddha's success extends beyond box office numbers. She has been consistently featured in Forbes India's Celebrity 100 list since 2014 and was recognized by Forbes Asia in their prestigious 30 Under 30 list in 2016. These accolades solidify her position as one of India's most influential figures.
Beyond the Spotlight
While Shraddha remains tight-lipped about her personal life, she is known for being a dedicated daughter and a supportive sister to her brother, Siddhanth Kapoor, who is also an actor. When not filming, Shraddha is active on social media, keeping her fans engaged with glimpses into her life.
A Fun Fact (or Two!)
Did you know that Shraddha was offered her first film at the young age of 16 by none other than Salman Khan? Though she declined to focus on academics, this early brush with Bollywood foreshadowed her destined path. Another interesting fact? Shraddha has confessed to having a fear of lightning!
Shraddha Kapoor's journey is an inspiration for aspiring actors and a testament to her dedication and talent. With her captivating screen presence and ever-evolving repertoire, Shraddha Kapoor is sure to continue captivating audiences for years to come.
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casquecest · 5 months
Skyscanner is saying there are roundtrip flights between Boston and Mumbai for under $350 👀
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sahajkaur07 · 9 months
Boston to Mumbai Flight | IndiGo
Fly seamlessly from Boston to Mumbai with IndiGo! Discover the perfect blend of historic charm and vibrant culture. Book your tickets for a hassle-free journey, enjoy exceptional in-flight service, and experience the warmth of Indian hospitality. Explore exclusive deals on Boston to Mumbai flights with IndiGo - your gateway to an exciting Indian adventure awaits!
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Boston to Mumbai Your Ultimate Travel Guide Boston to Mumbai is a journey that takes you across the globe, from the historic streets of Boston to the vibrant metropolis of Mumbai. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first long-haul flight, this guide is designed to make your journey seamless and enjoyable. Planning Your Trip Before you embark on this adventure, meticulous planning is essential. Here, we'll cover the following aspects: [caption id="attachment_65183" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] boston to Mumbai[/caption] Choosing Your Flight Selecting the right flight is crucial. Look for non-stop options like those offered by Air India, British Airways, and Emirates. These direct flights can help you avoid layovers and reduce travel time. Packing for the Journey Packing efficiently can make a world of difference during a long-haul flight. Don't forget essentials like travel adapters, comfortable clothing, and entertainment for the journey. Visa and Documentation Ensure your passport and visa are in order well in advance. Mumbai requires a tourist visa for entry, so check the latest requirements and secure your visa before you depart. Departure from Boston As your journey begins, departing from Boston Logan International Airport is a breeze. We'll discuss the following: Boston Logan International Airport Boston's primary airport, Logan International, offers a range of amenities and services. Learn about parking options, terminal facilities, and dining choices before your flight. In-Flight Experience A direct flight from Boston to Mumbai can take over 16 hours. Find out what to expect during your flight, including meal options, entertainment, and tips for a comfortable journey. Arrival in Mumbai We'll also provide insights into what to expect upon your arrival at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM). Navigating customs and immigration is a breeze with the right information. Exploring Mumbai Mumbai, often referred to as the "City of Dreams," is a bustling metropolis known for its rich culture, historical landmarks, and thriving entertainment scene. In this section, we'll explore: Must-Visit Attractions Discover the top attractions in Mumbai, from the historic Gateway of India to the vibrant Colaba Causeway. We'll provide insights into the best places to visit and what makes them special. Local Cuisine Mumbai's street food is legendary. Dive into a world of flavors with dishes like vada pav and pav bhaji. We'll recommend the best street food stalls and local eateries to savor Mumbai's culinary delights. Cultural Experiences Immerse yourself in Mumbai's diverse culture. We'll guide you to cultural events, art galleries, and museums where you can explore the city's artistic side. Accommodations in Mumbai Selecting the right accommodation is essential for a comfortable stay in Mumbai. Here, we'll discuss: Luxury Stays Mumbai offers a range of luxury hotels known for their impeccable service and stunning views. We'll recommend some of the best luxury accommodations in the city. Budget-Friendly Options Travelers on a budget will appreciate our suggestions for affordable hotels and guesthouses in Mumbai. We'll provide tips on finding comfortable yet budget-friendly options. Neighborhood Insights Mumbai's neighborhoods each have a unique character. We'll offer insights into popular areas like South Mumbai, Bandra, and Juhu Beach, helping you choose the best neighborhood for your stay. Transportation in Mumbai Navigating Mumbai is an adventure in itself. In this section, we'll provide valuable information about transportation options: Local Trains and Buses Mumbai's local train network is the lifeline of the city. We'll guide you on how to use the suburban train system and explore the city like a local. Additionally, we'll cover the extensive bus network. Taxis and Rickshaws For travelers who prefer more convenience, we'll discuss the availability of taxis and auto-rickshaws in Mumbai. Learn about fares, how to hail a taxi, and tips for negotiating with rickshaw drivers. Ride-Sharing Apps Mumbai has a thriving ride-sharing scene. We'll introduce you to popular ride-sharing apps that make getting around the city even more convenient. Cultural Etiquette Respecting local customs and cultural norms is essential when visiting Mumbai. In this section, we'll explore: Dress Code Mumbai's dress code can vary depending on the context. We'll guide appropriate clothing choices for different situations, from visiting temples to enjoying the nightlife. Greetings and Gestures Learn about common greetings and gestures in Mumbai. We'll discuss how to address people respectfully and avoid cultural misunderstandings. Eating Etiquette Dining in Mumbai is an experience in itself. We'll explain table manners, including how to eat with your hands and show respect while dining in local eateries. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What's the best time to travel from Boston to Mumbai? A: The best time is during the dry and cooler months of November to February when the weather is pleasant for exploring. Q: Are there direct flights from Boston to Mumbai? A: Yes, several airlines offer direct flights, making the journey convenient and faster. Q: How long is the flight from Boston to Mumbai? A: The flight duration is approximately 16 to 18 hours, depending on the airline and route. Q: Do I need a visa to visit Mumbai from Boston? A: Yes, travelers from the United States require a tourist visa to enter India. Be sure to apply in advance. Q: What should I pack for my trip from Boston to Mumbai? A: Pack lightweight and breathable clothing, comfortable shoes for exploring, travel adapters, and sunscreen. Q: What are the must-visit attractions in Mumbai for first-time visitors? A: Don't miss the Gateway of India, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, and Marine Drive. Q: Is Mumbai a safe city for tourists from Boston? A: Mumbai is generally safe for tourists. Exercise standard precautions, and be cautious in crowded areas. Q: What's the local currency in Mumbai, and where can I exchange money? A: The local currency is the Indian Rupee (INR). You can exchange money at banks, currency exchange offices, or ATMs. Q: How can I get around Mumbai's extensive public transport system? A: Mumbai has local trains, buses, taxis, and auto-rickshaws. Trains are a popular choice for commuting. Q: What are some local dishes I should try in Mumbai as a traveler from Boston? A: Savor street food like pav bhaji, vada pav, and bhel puri. Don't miss the seafood delicacies along the coast. Conclusion In the final section of our journey, we'll provide a summary of the key points covered in this comprehensive guide from Boston to Mumbai.
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bookviaus · 9 months
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Looking for flights to Mumbai from Boston? Find the best deals and book your tickets with ease. Explore multiple airlines, compare prices, and choose the most convenient flight options for your journey. Start planning your trip to Bangalore today!
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orlandopackages · 2 years
Why should you not miss travelling in winter?
Get some sunlight with fun outdoor activities like ice fishing, bonfire-ing, or making snow angels. Travel a lot this winter. Take flights to Baltimore from London (or elsewhere) to experience a winter wonderland at Pandora Ice Rink.
Cold weather brings warmth, love, connection and people together. The holidays means big family meals, endless gratitude, and it just seems like time moves a little bit slower than usual.
This winter do something special. Take flights to Mumbai from UK; move to warmer places or even to even more chilly places. You will enjoy a plethora of benefits; some of which are given below-
Flight and accommodation prices go down in cooler places during the winter. So you can avail a great dealif you book flights to Boston from London; when booking through travel agents such as White Magic Travels.
You can avoid the crowds. You can enjoy the beach as if it is your private beach. You needn’t brush your elbows after flights to Chennai from UK or rush for a table in restaurants.
Landscapes look like something out of a fairy tale when dusted in snow. Sure, beaches and blue skies are beautiful, but winter has its own unique charms. Show off to your friends someplace new and off-beat.
Moreover, when visiting somewhere in winter, we can get more of a typical view, and glimpse into what life is like in that city or country without the impact of tourism lingering.
The sun has a habit of slowing life down in stiflingly hot countries in summer when it’s such an effort to move let alone get any sightseeing done.
Christmas markets are one of the joyous things to do while travelling in winter. You could spend hours and days wandering around these extravaganzas, picking up seasonal goods and buying unique gifts for loved ones back home.
Move around and see how’s life in warmer or in colder places.
Source: https://orlandopackage.wordpress.com/2023/01/25/why-should-you-not-miss-travelling-in-winter/
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travelradar · 2 years
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mytickets-toindia · 4 years
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Across Seven Seas
Chapter 1
Description: This fanfiction series is set in the year 2022, after the horrid COVID-19 has finally come to an end. In this fanfiction, Chris Evans holidays with his family in India and meets Meera Shankar. The story explores their rollercoaster journey and raises a question, whether two people, from two contrasting backgrounds and cultures, can build their future together?
This series is Chris Evans x OFC with Chris Evans' family and friends having recurring appearances. Please find below a lot of Original Characters-
Meera Shankar - The female lead
Meera's Mother
Poppy - Meera's maternal grandmother
Rohan - Meera's elder brother who is 6 years older than her.
This is a work of fiction. The names of the hotels and companies have been changed to avoid copyright issues. Meera Shankar and her family is based on the author and her kin. No offense is intended.
Chapter 2
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Chapter 1
5th September, 9pm - Boston, USA, Chris' childhood home:
Passport? Check.
Visa? Check.
Mobile charger? Check.
Airpods? Airbuds? What the fuck are they called? Pods? Buds? Whatever, check.
Dressed in a simple black Henley with blue denim, Chris checked the list for the upteenth time, making sure not to leave anything behind. It didn't help that his faithful canine was nuzzling at his knee, begging for attention. Somewhat satisfied with the list, Chris finally locked the suitcase, keeping it besides his carry-on duffle bag.
"Hey bud", he knelt down, gently petting the Mutt, "I will be back soon, you know that right? I have to leave... You know why... I'm sorry, you know I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to, right? I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm really sorr... Hahahaha get off me!!!!" Dodger had started licking his face, begging him to stay. Soon Chris was on the ground, with Dodger safely secured in his arms, dropping kisses on his furry head. Scott chose that moment to barge into Chris' room. "There you are! I have been calling you, whistling for you, yet no reply!! What do you have to say for yourself Dodger Evans?!" exclaimed Scott, hands on his hips, trying his best to mimick their strict mother. Dodger wriggled out of Chris' grip and put his front paws on Scott's hips. "Uh huh young man, your puppy eyes are not going to work on me this time. C'mon, Tara is here to take you."
With Chris closely following the pair, they headed towards the living room. "Do we really need to leave him here?", Chris asked again. "Chris we have been over this, it would not be advisable for Dodger to travel all the way to India. It can affect his health." "But why do we need to go to India in the first place? Can't we go somewhere closeby?" On hearing those words, Scott turned just enough to give Chris a knowing look. "We discussed this before, we need to go to India. YOU need to go to India." As they entered the living room, Chris muttered, defeated, "I really don't...."
6th September, 6am - Mumbai, India, Meera's House:
Meera woke up with a jerk. Her eyes still adjusting to the darkness in her room. Fumbling for the phone, she set the alarm to snooze, hoping to get 10 more minutes of precious sleep. She could already hear activity in the house. Resting her head on the pillow, she almost fell back into a deep slumber when...
"Meera! Get up! It is 6:30 already!" her mother shouted. Scowling at her door, Meera shouted back, "It is just around 6 Ma! No need to exaggerate! 5 more minutes!" KNOCK KNOCK "We will get late for the flight, hurry!" Sighing in resignation, Meera groggily woke up.
Heading downstairs for breakfast, she stumbled upon the luggage in the living room. Irritated, she scowled at her elder brother, "Rohan, I asked you to move the bags na? Why are they still in the way?" Looking up from his plate of buttery parathas (Indian bread), he flashed a wicked smile from the sofa, "Why should I move them? You move them if you want to." Rolling her eyes, Meera grabbed a small packet of cornflakes from the kitchen, shoving handfuls of the crunchy goodness in her mouth. Her mother looked at her with defeat, "Bala (meaning child in local language), at least use a bowl. I don't understand how can anyone eat raw cornflakes just like that." "I like them crunchy Ma. I cannot imagine eating cornflakes with milk or water. YUCK!" said Meera, shuddering. "Is that all you want to eat now? Won't you get acidity if you eat less?" her mother inquired. "No Ma, I am good. I hate waking up so early, and eating a heavy breakfast on top of that? Impossible. Not going to happen."
"Look at me, I already ate 3 stuffed parathas, Ma is making a fourth one now", her brother proudly exclaimed. "I don't think I have ever seen you not stuffing your face, fatty. Stop eating or you will not fit through the doors of the plane!" teased Meera. "I am not fat, I am plump 😄. Now pass me some green chutney." It was Meera's turn to wickedly smile now, "Why should I give it to you? If you want it, then get off that sofa and take it." "PLEEEEEEEEAASSEEE," begged Rohan. "Shut up! Absolutely not."
"Arey (often used as an exclamation in Hindi), give it to him, he needs it to eat with his parathas," softly chided Meera's grandmother as she entered the living room. "Only because Poppy asked me to," Meera said to her brother's smug face.
As family of four got comfortable on the sofa and the chairs to finish breakfast, Meera's mother suddenly exclaimed, "Meera! What are doing wasting your time?! Finish your breakfast and go and take a bath immediately! We will be late for the flight!" Trying to reason, Meera said, "Calm down Ma, our flight is at 12:30pm. It is 6:34am right now. It's alright. Even Rohan hasn't taken a bath yet." "I am not taking a bath," he said with his mouth full. The room was filled with disgusted "eww"s and "tsk"s at that announcement. "Bala you need to take a bath. How can you travel for such a long time without taking a bath?" said their Mother. "You are 35 years old! Do you still not know how to take a bath?" a disgusted Meera chimed in. "That is unhygienic," added Poppy. "I bathed 2 days ago, and we are going to Mussoorie, an icy cold hill station, so I am definitely not going to waste my time by taking a bath," proclaimed Rohan. Scrunching her nose, Meera said, "The whole plane will stink now." "You worry about your odor, I will wear my cologne. Now go take a bath or else we will get late," and with that, the smug smile was back on Rohan's face.
Same day, 9:45pm - Boston, USA, Chris' childhood home:
"Oh my God Chris if you repeat yourself one more time I swear to God I will throw something at your head!" shouted an irritated Tara, "I know how to take care of Dodger. This is not the first time you are leaving him with me. Just go on your vacation already!"
A myriad of emotions crossed Chris' face. Agitation, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness to name a few. "It is not too late, we can still cancel the trip and go somewhere nearby. How about a shopping expedition to NYC? Or Disneyland? How about Disney World? We will even go to Harry Potter land if yo.." "First of all, it is called the Wizarding World and not Harry Potter land," Shanna interrupted Chris' protest, "Secondly," she continued from the couch, "Why are we still discussing this when there are only 7 hours left for our plane to leave?"
Chris' lips turned into a thin line. Shoulders slumped, hands in his jeans pockets, he tried his best to come up with an excuse. Anything at all to cancel this trip. He needed to stay here, at his home. He needed to think about what had happened. Where did it all go so wrong? How did he not see the signs? How could he have been so careless? As his mind started drowning into questions, his mother put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Remember when you went to India all those years ago? You were seeking peace and you found a way to deal with the chaos in your life. After A Starting Point...," she paused, "After everything that has happened in the last two years, maybe you need to find yourself again?" "But Ma I had gone to Rishikesh, a city well-known for yoga and meditation. We are going to Mussoorie! It is just a fancy hill station." "OH MY GOD! Not this again!!" shouted Carly from her room, "I told you the hotel has an amazing meditation and yoga course! You can do that for 3 weeks. Plus, the kids are excited about the indoor-pool and the gaming lounge AND we all love the view from the hotel! Do you know how many months it took me to arrange this entire vacation? DON'T. YOU. DARE. cancel this trip. Do you hear me?" Carly threatened Chris. Raising his hands in defeat, Chris set about arranging everyone's luggage near the door.
"Don't you pout now. I am sure this trip will change your life, FOREVAH!" said the ever-dramatic Tara. Smiling wistfully, Chris looked around his childhood home, already beginning to miss it. Chris knew that 3 weeks in a 5-star hotel in another part of the world would not change a single thing in his life.
If only he knew how wrong he was.
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travelhuge · 5 years
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Connecting Two Vibrant Cities - Boston to Mumbai When it comes to embarking on a journey that bridges two distinct worlds, there are few experiences quite like the flight from Boston to Mumbai. This comprehensive guide will take you on a virtual journey, unveiling the beauty, culture, and adventure that awaits as you travel from the historic streets of Boston to the bustling metropolis of Mumbai. Boston Departure: Where History Meets Innovation Your journey begins in Boston, a city steeped in history and innovation. Here, you'll explore iconic landmarks and experience a unique blend of old-world charm and modern dynamism. Historic Treasures: [caption id="attachment_63943" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] boston to Mumbai[/caption] Walk the Freedom Trail and discover key historical sites, from the Massachusetts State House to Paul Revere's House. Immerse yourself in the rich history of Fenway Park, home to the Boston Red Sox. Innovation Hub: Explore the thriving innovation ecosystem of the Seaport District and Kendall Square. Visit world-renowned institutions like MIT and Harvard University, driving cutting-edge research and technology. En Route: The Flight Experience from Boston to Mumbai As you board your flight from Boston's Logan International Airport (BOS) to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM) in Mumbai, prepare for a journey that transcends geographical boundaries. Here's what you can expect during your flight: Airline Options: Explore various airlines offering flights on this route, including Emirates, Qatar Airways, and British Airways. Consider factors like flight duration, layovers, and amenities when choosing your airline. In-Flight Comfort: Discover the comfort and convenience of long-haul flights, including entertainment options, meal services, and cabin classes. Learn how to make the most of your time in the air, whether you're looking to relax or stay productive. Arriving in Mumbai: Get a glimpse of what to expect upon your arrival at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM). Familiarize yourself with customs and immigration procedures to ensure a smooth transition to the vibrant city of Mumbai. Exploring Mumbai: Where Tradition Meets Modernity Upon your arrival at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM), you'll step into the heart of Mumbai, a city that beautifully blends tradition and modernity. Here's what awaits you: Cultural Marvels: Dive into Mumbai's rich cultural heritage by visiting iconic sites like the Gateway of India and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. Explore ancient temples, such as the Siddhivinayak Temple and Mahalaxmi Temple, to experience spiritual serenity. Modern Marvels: Witness the city's contemporary side with visits to commercial hubs like Nariman Point and Bandra-Kurla Complex. Don't miss out on the Bollywood experience by taking a studio tour or catching a film screening. Culinary Delights: A Flavorful Journey from Boston to Mumbai One of the most exciting aspects of traveling from Boston to Mumbai is the culinary adventure that awaits. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with a wide array of dishes: Boston's Culinary Scene: Savor New England classics like clam chowder, lobster rolls, and Boston cream pie before your departure. Explore the city's diverse dining options, from historic seafood shacks to modern farm-to-table restaurants. Mumbai's Street Food Extravaganza: Dive into Mumbai's street food culture by trying local favorites like Vada Pav, pav bhaji, and pani puri. Indulge in a wide range of regional and international cuisines at Mumbai's restaurants, cafes, and food markets. Culinary Tips: Learn about dining etiquette in Mumbai, including the use of your hands for certain dishes. Discover the best places to sample Mumbai's famed street food without compromising on hygiene. FAQs on the topic "Boston to Mumbai" : Q: How long is the flight from Boston to Mumbai? A: The flight duration from Boston to Mumbai can vary depending on factors like the airline, layovers, and flight routes. Typically, it ranges from approximately 18 to 24 hours. Q: Which airlines operate flights from Boston to Mumbai? A: Several airlines offer flights on this route, including Emirates, Qatar Airways, British Airways, and more. The choice of airline can impact factors like layovers and amenities. Q: What is the best time to book a flight for the Boston to Mumbai route? A: Booking your flight well in advance is advisable to secure better prices and availability, especially if you plan to travel during peak seasons. Q: Are there direct flights from Boston to Mumbai? A: Direct flights are available, but many flights have layovers in other cities. Passengers can choose between non-stop and connecting options based on their preferences. Q: Do I need a visa to travel from Boston to Mumbai? A: Yes, travelers from the United States to India typically require a visa. It's essential to check the visa requirements and apply in advance. Q: What is the best time of year to visit Mumbai from Boston? A: The ideal time to visit Mumbai is during the post-monsoon period from October to March when the weather is pleasant, and outdoor activities are enjoyable. Q: What should I pack for a long-haul flight from Boston to Mumbai? A: Packing essentials include comfortable clothing, travel pillows, entertainment, and travel-sized toiletries. Dressing in layers is advisable to adapt to changing cabin temperatures. Q: How can I stay comfortable during a long flight from Boston to Mumbai? A: Staying hydrated, moving around the cabin, and practicing in-seat exercises can help prevent discomfort during long-haul flights. Q: What is the time zone difference between Boston and Mumbai? A: Boston follows Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) or Eastern Standard Time (EST), while Mumbai follows Indian Standard Time (IST). There is a significant time zone difference. Q: What are some cultural etiquettes to be aware of when visiting Mumbai from Boston? A: Respect for local customs and traditions is important. In Mumbai, it's customary to remove your shoes before entering homes and some religious sites. Dressing modestly is also appreciated. Conclusion Your journey from Boston to Mumbai is not just a flight; it's an exploration of two vibrant worlds, each offering its unique charm and experiences. Whether you're departing from the historic streets of Boston or immersing yourself in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, this journey promises unforgettable memories.
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