#Both teams to score tips
mutange12 · 27 days
Both teams to score Friday
Inter Milano Vs. Atalanta Bc Starts 30/08, 21:45 Union Berlin Vs. St. Pauli Starts 30/08, 21:30 Moreirense Fc Vs. Sl Benfica Starts 30/08, 22:15 Lion City Sailors Fc Vs. Geylang International fc Starts 30/08, 14:45 Hougang United Vs. Tampines Rovers Fc Starts 30/08, 14:45 Al Bataeh (Uae) Vs. Al Ain Fc Starts 30/08, 16:55 Krc Genk Vs. Kvc Westerlo Starts 30/08, 21:45 Sv Zulte Waregem Vs.…
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roanofarcc · 2 months
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pairing. Tyler Owens x fem!reader
summary. as the local weather woman, you shared an interesting rivalry with your hometown storm-chaser. while you always reported on the dangerous weather from a safe distance, tyler barreled into it head-first. but things change the night of the county fair when you find yourself in the middle of a storm rather than in the safely of a newsroom. 
warnings. dramatic fluff, hurt/comfort, description of tornados, a curse word or two, description of injury, slightly inaccurate meteorological info.
word count. 2.9k || masterlist
a/n. hopping on the glen powell bandwagon bc he and daisy absolutely killed it in twisters!! feel free to send me requests for tyler, kate, and javi!
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“If you keep looking at him like that your face will get stuck in a scowl, which is really bad for television,” your friend said, leaning into your side. With a roll of your eyes, you managed to pull your attention away from the self-titled ‘tornado wrangler’ who had stirred up a fuss in the line for funnel cakes. People buzzed all around him as he signed shirts and took photos, never dropping his smile that you often dreamed about smacking right off of his face. 
You had grown up alongside Tyler Owens, never as friends but as friends of friends. After you both split off for school to study meteorology, you returned to your hometown for very different reasons. Tyler started in the business of storm chasing, live streaming his adventures to people all across the internet who sensationalized the dangerous weather, and you scored a job as your hometown’s Weather Woman. Your job was to warn people about the threat of tornados while his was to drive head-on into them. 
That was where you two drew your lines in the sand when it came to each other. He thought you were scared of taking risks while you thought his thrill-seeking was stupid and would eventually get him or one of his team members hurt. Those opinions on each other's job led to you two butting heads every time you encountered one another. His mere presence was enough to annoy you, especially at your favorite event of the summer, the fair. 
“Look who it is,” Tyler’s voice sounded near you and your friend nudged your arm in the direction of it. You looked away from her just as he approached you, tipping his hat and flashing his teeth in a smile. “Didn’t know they still let you out of the newsroom these days.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest, as the air of arrogance surrounding him nearly choked you out. “Don’t you have a tornado to chase?” you asked, wanting to end the conversation before it fully started. Unfortunately, he never seemed put off by your jabs, but he was assumed by them. 
“I took the night off,” he replied. “I wanted to see if there was anything worth my while here tonight.” 
You raised your brows. “Oh really?” He nodded, smiling brightly at you. “Find anything yet?” 
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “It’d be easier if she answered my phone calls.” 
Tyler disliked you a whole lot less than you disliked him. After you graduated and he started storm chasing, he tried at every given opportunity to get you to join his team. Even years later he still tried to, no matter how many times you told him the risk he was putting himself and his team in every time they barreled into a storm cell. He was relentless but you were happy where you were at. You wanted to help people when it came to severe weather, not make the storm look enticing for internet audiences. 
“I already told you, I’m not interested.” Storm chasing was a dangerous game that you had no intention of playing. Being from the Midwest, you had lived through your share of tornados. Chasing them was not in apart of your career path.
His smile faded slightly before he seemed to snap back to himself. “All I’m saying is, we could use a mind like yours out in the field.” The compliment was nice, you could admit that to yourself, but it wouldn’t win you over. He knew that too. “But suit yourself.” And with that he walked off, meeting up with the rest of his team that joined him at the fair that night. 
Your friend whistled lowly. “I don’t know how you do it,” she said. 
“Do what?” 
“Say no to a man like that.” You rolled your eyes once more as the line you were in moved. As she stepped forward to order, you threw a quick glance over your shoulder in the direction Tyler had walked off in. You saw him happily chatting with his team before glancing back at you for just a moment before you returned your gaze forward.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of colorful lights, sticky heat, and enough fried food to make your stomach ache in the best possible way. Your friend left after a couple hours of roaming the prize barns and laughing at the kids screaming their heads off on the carnival rides, but you stuck around for a little longer, relishing in the sweet nostalgia the fair brought you. 
Before you had taken a couple of well-deserved days of work, you and your team had predicted a storm front moving. Later that night was supposed to bring rainfall and a thunderstorm or two popping up around the county and neighboring areas. You thought you’d have plenty of time to roam the fair for a little longer until it hit, but you noticed the shift in the weather almost immediately. The sudden uptick in wind pricked the back of your neck as the distant rumble of thunder echoed above the fair chaos. 
It was difficult to predict everything, that you had learned early on in your career. It also was hard to predict how quickly weather could change from bad to deadly. One moment you’re gazing up through the lights into the night sky, trying to gauge the incoming storm, and the next, the sirens are blaring across the fairgrounds. 
The crowd of people running in every direction made the walkways hazardous. You were knocked into and jostled around as you tried to run toward the restrooms that doubled as storm shelters. They were clear at the opposite end of the walkway, but they were your closest option. You dodged and weaved through the swarms of people, trying to stay on your feet. 
You only made it halfway to the shelter when you were stopped by the awful cries of a little girl who sat under the counter of one of the carnival games. She hugged her knees to her chest and called out for her mom, but no one who rushed by stopped. You didn’t think twice before you sidestepped the fleeing crowd and crouched down in front of the little girl. The wind picked up significantly, blowing the cheap prizes right out of the booths and sending everything flying around and knocking into people. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” you raised your voice above the howl of wind and frantic people. 
“My mom!” she cried harder. “I lost her. I don’t know where she is!” 
You glanced back up at the sky. The lightning strikes illuminated the massive, dark mass moving in quickly. “Come with me, and I’ll help you find her, okay?” 
The noise all around grew louder, frightening the little girl, along with yourself, but as you outstretched your hand, she took it, and you quickly pulled her to her feet before you both took off running. The speakers urged everyone to seek shelter immediately, but you watched as people raced in the opposite direction of the shelters, probably bee-lining to cars in an awful call. They’d never out race it. 
“Charlotte!” Someone screamed and the little girl whipped her head around before she tugged hard on your hand. From behind you, the little girl’s mother appeared, immediately scooping up her daughter in her arms. “Oh my, God. Thank you!” she said, looking at you with teary eyes. 
“We have to take cover,” you told her, gently pushing her forward. “The shelter’s just up that way.” She thanked you again before she took off with her daughter in her arms. You wanted to follow, it was stupid not to when the wind gusts became more powerful, rattling everything dangerously and making it hard to think. But there were more people unsure of where to go and what to do. Groups of kids who had been dropped off for the evening stumbling frantically out of the rides and still dizzy. You stepped from the path and tried to direct people as best you could, shouting in tune with the speaker and the sirens for them to hurry into the shelter. 
It wasn’t until larger objects were plucked from the ground and tossed into the air like paper did you abandoned your aiding. The tornado screeched to life, ripping apart pieces of the show barns and rides with ease. You tried to close the distance between yourself and the shelter once more, but it wasn’t people in need that stopped you, it was a sheet of metal pried from the side of one of the food trucks. You tried to dodge the hurling objects, but the sheet came at you hard and fast. 
It sliced your shin, sending a wave of pain up through the rest of your leg. You stumbled, determined to stay upright, but the wind was too strong for your limping figure, and you toppled against the concrete, slamming your knees against the ground before you rolled over into the lousy shelter of a game’s tent somehow still standing. 
Panic started to set in as the storm raged around you, loud and monstrous. You covered your wound with your hands, unsure of where the blaring of the tornado ended and the fast-paced beat of your heart started, drumming in your ears and beating against your skull. You knew you couldn’t stay there, but leaving was just as dangerous as every attraction of the fair swirled around in the air. The cut from your leg painted your hands red and throbbed; it would only slow you down if you tried to run, creating even more of a risk. 
You didn’t know what to do. All of your life, the storms you had faced you’d always been lucky enough to find shelter in plenty of time, from the cellar in your backyard to your high school’s basement created just for such an occasion. 
Through the freight train sounding winds and your thundering heart, you heard a couple of voices that had to be close. Tearing your eyes away from the cut on your leg, you watched as another group of people sprinted down the walkway as someone yelled behind them to run. 
In all of your life, you’d never been so relieved to see Tyler Owens’s face standing just a few feet away; he hadn’t spotted you, and for a terrifying moment you thought he’d be unable to hear you yell out above the screaming storm. But somehow, he did. His head snapped in your direction, rain-coated and windblown, looking both out of sorts and in his element. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he yelled as he ran over to you, dodging flying debris that grew larger by the minute. The second he crouched down in front of you, his eyes flickered onto your legs, and the blood seeping out between your fingers as you tried to keep pressure on the wound. 
“I thought I’d just hang out here,” you said, your sarcasm watered down by the fear clear in your teary eyes.
His brows furrowed, deep in thought for a moment as he looked between you and the distance there was still to cross to the only close shelter. Without saying a word, he peeled off his wet flannel, leaving himself in a shirt that was already nearly soaked through as the sideways rain beat down against the both of you. “I’m gonna tie this around your leg and then we’re gonna run, okay?” 
You shook your head frantically. The ache in your legs was intense and you had already lost a good amount of blood, not enough to make you woozy but you were well on your way. It felt like your heart had crawled up your throat, making it hard to breathe as panic soaked you to the bone along with the rain. Everything around you seemed to be ripped from the ground, even the anchored tent you were under was seconds away from being picked up. 
“Hey,” he said, grabbing a hold of your shoulders, shaking you slightly. “It’ll be alright. You gotta trust me, though.” The sincerity shined in his eyes, bright as the rest of the power around you flickered wickedly. With a nod of your head, you dropped your hands from your leg and let him tie the flannel around your cut. As he pulled it tight, you cried out in pain. “I’m sorry,” he kept repeating until it was knotted. Quickly, he jumped to his feet and helped you up, looping an arm around your waist as you slung an arm around his shoulders. 
“Ready?” You didn’t get a chance to respond as the tent you were under was plucked from the ground, anchors and all, and flung backward into the tornado as it tore through the front entrance of the fairgrounds. Tyler took off, giving you no choice but to follow. 
You two stayed low, trying desperately to avoid the flying objects. With each step your leg burned, but Tyler’s hold on you was strong, not giving any room for you to lag behind or slip away. It felt like hours of running, but it was no more than a minute or two before you reached the shelter. The only major injury between the two of you was your leg, otherwise, you both collected a series of little cuts and bruises from your journey. 
Stumbling into the restroom, you were met with a hoard of scared fairgoers. You two managed to find a spot to slot yourself in with everyone else. He helped you lower yourself to the floor back in the corner just as the tornado was fully on top of you. You brought your knees up to your chest and covered your head. Tyler sat flushed against your side; you felt his hands rest over the top of yours as the building rattled violently. Squeezing your eyes shut, you refused to see the damage until the howl of wind subsided and people started to stir. 
Once it was over, everyone stumbled out of the shelter, getting jumbled together as police and ambulances rushed to the scene. Amongst people pushing and shoving to find their loved ones and get the hell home, you and Tyler were separated and before you could look for him, an EMT caught sight of your bloodied leg and ushered you to one of the ambulances. 
You sat on the back after the EMT stitched up your leg, looking over the torn-apart fairgrounds. Debris was littered everywhere, food trucks and carts overturned and some demolished, and rides were dislocated and strewn about in pieces. 
You clutched the bloodied flannel to your chest, shivering in the loss of adrenaline and temperature drop, and watched the sea of people until a familiar face popped into view, looking a little frantic as he stumbled through the crowd looking like he was in search of something. His eyes finally settled on you before he quickly pushed his way through the crowd until he reached you. 
“Hi,” you greeted, smiling tiredly. 
“I was looking for you everywhere,” he said, sounding slightly out of breath. “I looked away for a second and you were gone and-” You continued to smile, and he stopped himself. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Nothing,” you replied quietly before clearing your throat. “I, um, I just wanted to thank you. And I’m sorry for ruining your flannel.” You gestured to the ruined piece of clothing resting in your lap. 
Tyler was quiet for a moment, looking at the large bandage around your shin. “Don’t mention it,” he said, brushing off your thanks like he hadn’t just pretty much saved your life. “What were you doing out there anyway?” 
You sighed, feeling a creep of embarrassment up your spine. You should’ve known better but at the moment you just wanted to help people and had little regard for your own safety, until your leg was sliced open, that was. “There were people still out there, trying to figure out where to go. I was trying to help.” 
“That was stupid,” he said. “But brave. Stupidly brave, maybe.” 
“Funny. I think I’ve said the same thing about you a time for two.” 
His signature smirk slowly fell onto his lips. “Not to my face.”
“Oh, no. Never.” 
Tyler laughed, gently patting your knee, lingering for a moment before he dropped his hand back at his side. Someone called out your name, and you spotted your friend running back through the crowd. She had called you as soon as you had made it to the ambulance and told you she’d come back to take you home. 
“You should get some rest,” he said. “I’ll see you around.” As he turned around to walk away, you called out to him. 
“Tyler, wait.” He paused. “You should try calling me again. Maybe I’ll answer this time.” Breaking out in a grin, he tipped his hat in another goodbye, leaving you with a new feeling stirring inside your chest. 
Hours later, after you had cleaned yourself up, you were tucked into bed, reading by the lamp light knowing sleep was probably far off after the events of the night. You didn’t expect your phone to ring that late into the night, and when you glanced at it, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the caller ID, but that time it was something besides annoyance that you felt. 
You answered, discarding your book on your nightstand. “You don’t waste any time do you,” you teased. 
“What I can say,” Tyler said on the other line. “I know when I find something worth my while.” 
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satoruoo · 9 months
currently thinking about basketballplayer!gojo
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basketballplayer!gojo who brings absolute carnage to the court. on top of being unfairly tall, he's quick-witted and aggressive. the worst kind of person to be your opposition.
basketballplayer!gojo who's eyes are always finding yours throughout a game, winking and blowing kisses without shame. seeing you smile and retaliate sets his heart ablaze in a way that he can't describe.
basketballplayer!gojo who's entire team knows you, and if he's ever having one of his little "missing his girl" episodes, one of them is already texting, begging you to come and fix him so he can play at his best.
basketballplayer!gojo who somehow convinces you to practice with him even though you know absolutely nothing about basketball. he's all soft when he plays with you, dramatically falling to the floor when you dribble past him. he lets you win because he can't get enough of the way your lips tip up into a smug grin. you're both aware you're doing absolutely shit, but that's not the point.
basketballplayer!gojo whose preparation for a game involves a good luck kiss from you to soothe any nerves that course through his veins as he steps onto the court. believe it or not, the pressure sometimes gets to him.
basketballplayer!gojo who gets pissed when he hears someone from the other team wolf whistle and make an inappropriate comment about you. his team pities their opponents because gojo does not allow them to catch a breath the entire game. it's point after point after point and geto swore he saw gojo give the guy a middle finger.
basketballplayer!gojo who blows a kiss to you when he scores then makes direct eye contact with the dude who made the comment as both a warning and a boast.
basketballplayer!gojo who makes it known to everyone in the stadium that his girlfriend is present in the stands, dedicating every point to you. it's a fact, the grass is green, the sky is blue and you are his just as he is yours.
basketballplayer!gojo who's looking for you the moment his team is announced as the winners, heart running laps when he spots you cheering and clapping. he celebrates with his team until you make it down from the stands, and then he runs to you and traps you in a hug that conveys both his thanks for coming to watch and the adrenaline of winning.
basketballplayer!gojo who spins you around three times with the brightest smile you've seen in your life when he wins.
basketballplayer!gojo who revels in the attention you give him post-game. he loves the way you'll offer him a massage, kneading his muscles with practiced ease that makes him feel so much lighter. you let him lean on you, head nuzzling into your stomach as you thread your fingers through his hair.
basketballplayer!gojo whose coach notices his sloppy shots one day and calls you, sighing to himself when he finds that gojo's state is due to an argument you had this morning.
basketballplayer!gojo who only perks back up when you drop by while the team is practicing and he's immediately clinging to you and apologizing like his life depends on it. then, he's back to normal. hell, he's even better.
basketballplayer!gojo whose team hopes you never break up because they fear what gojo will become.
basketballplayer!gojo whose top priorities are you and basketball. nothing else really matters in his eyes.
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tagging: @sad-darksoul
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azsazz · 4 months
Shut Out
Hockey!Azriel x Figure Skater!Reader
Summary: Req from @i-am-a-lost-girl16: Hockey Az and Figure Skater reader?
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,493
Notes: See? I still write 😏
“Hey! I still have the ice for another fifteen minutes,” you shout at the hockey players that are suddenly stampeding through the gate to the ice rink like animals.
You cut to a harsh stop, ice shavings spraying in your wake as you cross your arms over your chest and glare at the Velaris Bats hockey team gliding easily across the ice rink where you were just practicing your figure skating routine. Normally, you’d be ogling the broad players in their onyx and violet practice jerseys, already splitting into teams for a scrimmage as they ignore the fiery look on your face, but with only a few more weeks until nationals, you need every minute on the ice that you can get.
“Sorry, Princess,” Cassian “Bloodshed” Bailey says, flipping a puck onto the tip of his stick as he skates past, tossing it up and catching it again a few times as if it’s a display that should impress you. Right now, none of their tricks or flirtatious teases are doing anything of the sort. “Gotta big game against the Wolves this weekend. Coach wants us on extra ice time so we’re in tip-top shape.”
“I’m pretty sure when he said extra ice time, he didn’t mean to interrupt my ice time,” you growl at him, but he’s already distracted, bobbing the puck back and forth as he approaches the net. The sound of his stick on the ice echoes throughout the arena as he takes a slap shot.
You refrain from smiling smugly when the goalie stops his shot with a triumphant cackle.
You stubbornly want to stay on the ice, take up the time you’re allowed to practice your routine, but with all the pucks zipping around, it could be detrimental to your health if you were to trip or—Mother forbid—land on one as you come out of an axel.
Eyes flitting angrily around the colony of Bat’s players, you scour the ice for the team captain, Rhysand. The thing is, all dressed up in their pads and helmets, the players are a blur of clones, whipping by you on both sides as they warm up.
There’s always one player that never fails to stand out to you, no matter how much he tries to disappear from the crowd. He catches your eye as he skates by, the fallen strands of hair from your ponytail lifting with the speed that he’s moving, taking a puck down the ice as a breakaway ensues.
He dodges you easily, and your heart races in your chest at the fleeting glance he passes you. His hazel eyes have a hard, determined set to them, as if he knows before he’s even finished crossing the neutral line that he’s going to score a goal.
Azriel Teller.
He dips around the defensemen effortlessly, and if you were more well-versed in hockey to know if he was actually as good as he seems, you’d be sure that he’s a shoo-in for going to the big leagues after graduation.
Azriel feigns to the right, deking out the player in the violet practice jersey, before placing a well-aimed shot at the net.
It soars past the goalie, hitting the net and falling to the ice with a clatter that’s deafened by his teammates cheering and skating his way to clang their helmets together in celebration.
From the middle of the player puddle, those glittering hazel eyes find yours again and your breath whooshes from your chest at the smirk he pairs with it.
“(Y/N?) What are you still doing out here?” A voice startles you away from the glorious sight of Azriel. You flinch, teetering off balance as you whirl around, flailing your arms as you startle.
Rhysand catches you as you slip, steadying you against his chest. The sound of his hockey stick slapping the ice is loud in your ears and your cheeks heat with embarrassment as you clutch to the captain of the Velaris Bats jersey with an iron grip.
You were nearly born on the ice, your parents getting you into skating at a very early age, and here you are, tripping around like a newborn deer walking for the first time.
All in front of Azriel, too.
When you have your feet beneath you again, you slide back a pace, the frown returning to your face as you tilt your chin to address Rhysand.
“Your team cut into my time early,” you say sourly, but standing this close to Rhysand, you can’t seem to find that fire in the pit of your stomach that raged when the team first stepped onto the ice. The goal Azriel all but dedicated to you with that look snuffed it right out. “I don’t appreciate you guys barging in here on my time, thinking you own the damn place. I have nationals to practice for, you know.”
Rhysand grimaces in response. He’s someone you might even consider a friend, having run into the hockey boys on multiple occasions, the figure skaters and the hockey teams having to share one rink now that the other one is finally being updated with the generous donation the school received. He’s nice, a good team captain, if you’ve ever seen one, caring not only about his players, but the circumstances everyone at the Velaris Ice Center is facing with recent construction.
“I’m sorry about that,” he says, and he means it. “I was in a call with coach and wasn’t able to stop Cassian from leading the charge out here.”
“This is the second time it’s happened in two weeks, Rhys.” You all but huff. You don’t want to act like the prissy figure skater they probably all think you are, but enough is enough. Winning Nationals is important to you, and you can’t become distracted by hockey players or lose any ice time.
Rhysand opens his mouth to reply but before he can say anything, Azriel is whizzing past, shoulder checking his captain as if the consequences of that don’t bother him in the slightest.
You gasp as Rhys recoils, even more so when you see the cross look on Azriel’s face when he shoots a warning glower over his shoulder.
Rhys glares, flipping his friend off, and you have to tuck your lips between your teeth to keep from bursting into laughter at the sight of his gloved fingers thick with padding flipping Azriel off.
Rolling his eyes, the captain turns back to you.
“What was that all about?” You ask tentatively, not sure you want to know the answer. Your eyes are still on Azriel who’s hopped over the fence into the team’s bench and is currently squirting some water into his mouth. It drips down his chin, gliding down the thick column of his throat and into the neckline of his pads.
The sight makes your throat dry.
“I’ll try better,” Rhysand says, hands on his hips as he looks around the rink. His perfectly plucked brows are furrowed as he thinks, and you can’t help but wonder if he gets them professionally done or not. “Hey, assholes,” he suddenly shouts, and you flinch when his voice echoes around the arena. “Get on the benches, now!”
You swallow the lump that’s forming in your throat as the team follows their captains’ orders with grumbles. They don’t seem to want whatever lecture they think they’re going to get from Rhysand, but he ignores their grousing, turning back to you when the last ass has hit the bench.
“You have fifteen minutes, (Y/N),” Rhys says, skating backwards towards the bench.  When your jaw drops, his grin turns wicked.
He wants you to finish practicing right now? While the entire team watches? Is he fucking crazy?
“You can’t be serious,” you shriek, almost stomping your skate-clad foot on the ice. Yes, you’re used to performing in front of a crowd even larger than the team, but these guys are like fiends. Half of them glower at you while the other half is looking at you like they want to fool around on center ice.
“Totally am,” Rhysand shouts back, and you’re pretty sure your cheeks are hot enough to melt the ice beneath your skates. “C’mon now, you’re wasting precious practice time for the both of us!”
“Fuck you,” you grumble, but he’s right, you do want your time back. Preferably without a horde of horny college hockey players watching you, but you’ll take what you can get this time.
Skating over to where your phone is placed on the rail of the away team benches, you restart your song with a few beats of silence before so you can get into your starting position back in the middle of the rink.
When the first string of the violins starts, you’re off, determined now more than ever at getting this routine perfect.
You’re all too aware of the hazel eyes tracing your every move as you skate, though.
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bon2bonn · 8 months
Media Menace
22!F1 grid X female!driver!reader
Words count : 1.5k
* just Some of the fans favourite moments of Y/N being the media menace she is ✨.
It was as a normal interview with Seb standing in the media pin , being asked about the drivers and the line up so far , he listened carefully before he answered " well , I think we have a solid lineup so far, each have their own unique driving style and that makes it more interesting to see and to compete with on track , they surly matured from where they started and........" What the fans didn't expect was when the camera zoomed in on the back of the pin , where some of the drivers were seen carrying a wiggling Charles trying to escape their hold as they marched on , being led by Y/N , who was chanting " to the pit ! , to the pit! " hand raised with a water bottle in it , her media officer could be seen standing at the back facepalming as she watched her driver walking away unfazed by the cameras following them .
*Crack-heads leader 🪄.
They paused as they came across Fernando , who was being interviewed close by and asked her something while pointing at Charles, she answered back and he nods at her , raising his own water bottle in a cheer , letting them go on their way with Charles seemingly pleading to be let down but no one dared to help him as the rest of the grid and media officers watched in amusement as they disappeared out of frame , the camera zoomed out and turned back to Seb as he finished his answer , blissfully unaware of the chaos behind him .
* The road to Silverstone fistfight! , choose your fighter ! MV#33 Vs LH#44 🥊💪🏻.
She sat between Max and Lewis, bored out of her mind and fed up with their pity low-key shit talk by both drivers along with her team's principal and the media exaggerating the rivalry between them three , ignoring the reporters trying to bait her with their twisted questions as yet again she got stuck in the crossfire.
One reporter asked "what's your input on the ongoing feud ? " she let out a sigh at the repeated question for the millionth time this weekend alone , answering with a shrug " I don't know mate , I just work here " . Another one asked " what do you think of this ongoing rivalry, and do you think it'll last and how today's results will effect tomorrow's race ? " She answered nonchalantly " I sure hope it wouldn't affect tomorrow's race for I'm starting between them " giving them both a pointed look as if warning them , both looked away trying to maintain a stoic face listening as she went on answering , ignoring her officer who kept waving their hands at her from the back to cut it out " and as for if it'll last I honestly think today's quali could've been a fist fight, you know , end it there and move on with their day but no one is ballsy enough to arrange it , so here we are " leaving the reporters with a hanging jaws and taken back looks along with the driver's media officers as she leaned back into her chair waiting patiently for the next question .
* "Bitch! , I'm out!" .
Being seated in another post-race conference with Seb and Lewis after scoring P2 after a breathtaking battle against Seb, both Seb and her were beyond exhausted from pushing eachother to the limit but they enjoyed how they kept eachother at the tip of their toes , same as the fans who were at the edge of their seats anticipating who'd cross the finish line first between these two , and the final lap was proof of it , but she made sure to secure herself the position by one tenth of a second ahead of Sebastian who made sure to congratulate her first , everyone was pleased with the race results, well, everyone but the reporters who kept slipping backhanded remarks starting from the post-race interview up untill the actual press conference where they kept asking whether she considered another career or if she ever consider an early retirement , she got bored as another one asked why she still held on to the F1 career instead on Turning to other fields os sports , she gave him a fed up look " I just wake up everyday and decide that I want to make my life harder , why choose something else easier while I can make myself miserable here with you lot asking me the same question in hopes I'd give a different answers?" That got them to shut down for a while before another one asked the same , again.
Before either Seb or Lewis could shut them for their way or choice of questions she took the mic with no hesitation addressing the reporter who asked her for the third time when she'll take the retirement decision " look , and listen carefully cause I'm going to say it once , and I won't be repeating myself . when I Y/N L/N finally decide to retire from F1 my statement would be " Bitch, I'm out " nothing more , and definitely nothing less , so untill I myself say I am retiring I won't entertain this question anymore, and I advise you along with everyone else to do the exact same thing . next question please ! " Leaning back with a leg crossed over her knee as she waited for the next question . And It'd be save to say no one dared to poke at her with such assumptions after that answer , and earning herself the Bear nickname.
* Toto's karma .
She rolled her head back distractedly looking up at the sky as she had to sit again through one of the team's interviews with her and Lewis both stuck with Toto as he went on and on about the teams competing against Red Bull and their chances this season and his opinion on drivers etc ...., she looked at the side , waving at some of the fans who walked by and shouted for her attention, sending them hearts and making faces before she was brought back by the host asking them three " speaking of the Red Bulls and the on going rivalry , who can you say is your favourite driver " Toto answered before any of his driver's could do, in a dismissing tone " in Red Bull? , I can't say there's anyone one I can name " . she however smirked as she shared a side look with her teammate before she answered ignoring Toto's pointed look giving him a wide tight lipped syndical smile " Oh! , but I know one I could name , you might be very familiar with him after all " the host eagerly look at her waiting for her answer " my favourite Red Bull bull driver is Toto Christian Wolff " Lewis tried to hold back his laugh as she kept smiling smugly at the said man , who looked away at the mention of his name with his eyes clenched in a grimace , wondering what have he ever done in his past life to get her as a karma/driver . The host stuttered before changing the topic , asking the drivers about their upcoming summer breaks and holidays .
* lando's downfall (literally) .
She stood in the media pit doing an interview with one of her favourite reporters , answering swiftly as the reporter gave her questions she actually enjoyed for once , not the diet and ignorant questions as if she barely knew anything about the sport , let alone drive . Her interview was going well , too well if she could say , because not long after she was halfway through answering her question , a gremlin decided to poke her for the fun of it. Having finished his interview already he turned to her to fill the time before his next interview , and boy would he regret it .
She kept swating his hands away and smacking him in attempt to finish her interview in peace , but no , he didn't pay her any mind untill he was called away . She glared at his smug face as he successfully annoyed her for the day , then she looked at the reporter with a wide sweet smile as she said " he'll regret it , trust me " nodding along as the reporter laughed nervously at her not knowing how to react , but that turned into shock as the driver excused herself for a moment.
she went around the pit sneaking up behind the McLaren driver, giving a thumps up to the reporter who looked at the camera with wide eyes before back at her , only to witness as she swept her foot in a kick aimed at the back of lando's knees, causing him to gasp as his feet gave up on him and he fell face first on the ground mid interview . She dusted her hands in accomplishment as she made her way back to the interview , asking as she smiled innocently " so , where were we?"
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inuyashaluver · 1 month
more leah x lessi x reader please
a bunch of kids - leah williamson, alessia russo
leah williamson x alessia russo x reader
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description: in which you and your two girlfriends are just a bunch of kids, random moments in your lovely life
warnings: timeline makes no sense cause i said so - alessia was signed to arsenal a little earlierrrr. polyamory, NO SHIPPING - ALL FICTION, this is my brain rot by the way, i'm rusty!
a/n: you ask and i deliver hehe, how is everyone? i missed you all dearly!! my exam season has simmered and i can now put out more fics!! enjoy my lovesssssss xxx
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if there was anything to sum up your relationship with your two girlfriends, it was that you were all a massive bunch of kids. there was just something so youthful about your relationship, the joy was incredibly infectious to anyone around you.
alessia and leah, two blondies that were most ardently in love with you, and you with them. the amount of love, trust and happiness imbued in your relationship was so clearly transparent to everyone.
love is special, and these two girls only made it more remarkable. 
the union of the three of you was a bit of a blur to be honest. you were slightly younger than the two, coming up to the senior teams a little later than them, but boy did you make an impression.
they heard of you, the up-comer from the youth teams, absolutely annihilating everyone from the midfield. 
and the moment you stepped through that door from arrivals at st george’s park, sparks flew. and it wasn't even an exaggeration, they both fell in love, then and there, and funnily enough so did you. 
the progression was unexpected, but they both knew they had to have you. especially when you scored your first senior goal and the two blondes lingered in an embrace much too long for platonic courtesy - there was something there and it was undeniable.
it just…happened. one minute you're teammates and the other you're moving in together and signing your arsenal contract along with alessia to stay close to each other.
you’ve now been dating for a little over 3 years, the absolute best 3 years of your lives.
“lee, i’m trying to change” you giggle, squirming in the strong grasp of your girlfriend, “i’m helping” she laughs, kissing your cheek firmly the moment you stilled, “how are you helping, huh?” you mock, slightly pulling back to the side to get a look at her.
she smiles the moment your eyes meet hers, she kisses the tip of your nose before putting her hand to your cheek to direct your face back to the front.
she lets go, pointing around your cubby, “right, baby, there’s your boots, jersey, shorts, and shin pads right there” she says proudly. you throw your head back laughing, head resting on her shoulder as you and leah now broke out into a fit of giggles.
“you always leave me out!” alessia pouts as she comes from the other side of the room to meet the two of you, you pucker your lips up at her immediately. your other girlfriend immediately cups your face and gives you a kiss, not forgetting leah as well. 
“let her get changed, lee babe” alessia laughs, grabbing your hands softly to pull you out of the other girls embrace, “tsk, buzzkill, man” leah groans, kicking the ground with her boot.
alessia raises her eyebrow at leah, and you follow suit, “babe” she rolls her eyes fondly, “much better” alessia grins, winking at leah.
“fine” leah huffs, slipping her hands under your hoodie to take it off hurriedly, you gasp, hitting leah jokingly, letting the oldest blonde slip the jersey on you.
“there, darlin’” alessia giggles at your tousled appearance, “poor baby’s been roughed around” alessia holds her arms out to you and you comply, sitting sidewards on her lap. leah scrambles to grab her phone, taking a photo of both of you as soon as you give her cheesy smiles. 
she bussies herself with making it her wallpaper, walking over to beth and steph to brag before you pushed alessia to victoria and kyra. finally, you got changed.
“lee, babe, you need to hold still” you laugh, cupping her face in between your hands and holding her face still. “baby, i am still” she smiles, “you are not!” alessia watches in amusement, leah sends her a half hearted glare before winking at the other girl.
“baby, i don’t want to poke your eye out” you reprimand leah, adjusting yourself as you straddled her lap, leah sighs, nodding and looking up so you could do her mascara. you were all currently getting ready for a team dinner with the england squad.
“okay, bubba, go ahead” she squeezes your hips encouragingly, letting alessia feed you and her snacks every now and then. “well done, captain!” alessia praises teasingly, leah grumbles, attempting to say still for you. 
“oh, look how pretty you are” you coo, rubbing your thumb over her neck lovingly, “look how pretty she is, lessi” alessia begins to coo as well, both of you fangirling over how good leah looked tonight.
“oh stop it” she goes red, giving you an appreciative kiss before leaning over to give alessia a kiss as well. “all right, lessi bear, your turn” leah teases, lifting you off her lap and passing you over to alessia.
“oh, i’m a doll then, cool” you laugh, leah kisses your head fondly, alessia hugs you tightly as she peppered your face with kisses, “no, you’re our cute girlfriend” making you all laugh.
"i'm surprised you're sharing this time" you say cheekily, both of them glare at you for that.
“pst” you hear a whisper at dinner, you look up to realise that alessia is smiling at you from across the table, “yes, my love” you grin, resting your head on the palm of your hand.
alessia giggles, and it makes you giggle too. she places her hand on the table, clearly covering something, she pushed forward a small piece of paper.
you cock your head to the side as you looked at her, what was she up to? leah leaned over from the side of you, her head resting on your shoulder, intrigued by your giggles. you open the small paper, laughing immediately when you see the contents.
‘hey, beautiful, i saw you from across the room and thought you were gorgeous, call me xxx - alessia’
leah laughs as well, pulling the note a little closer and giving an impressed nod.
alessia gives you an accomplished smile, so proud of what she had done. you hold your hand up in a phone gesture, winking at her and mouthing “call me”, making both of your girlfriends laugh.
“hey, can i call too? you’re cute” leah grins at alessia, alessia thinks for a moment, “hmm, i’ll think about it” alessia winks.
leah scoffs, clearly offended. “nah, i’m not calling” leah mutters, putting her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her side.
you place a hand on her chest, kissing her cheek fondly, “baby, she didn’t mean that” leah looks down at you with a charming smile, kissing your lips sweetly. “don’t care, i’m not calling” she mumbles against your lips. you laugh, patting her thigh before resting it there.
“lessi baby, you didn’t mean that” you nudge her ankle with your shoe, alessia huffs, “lee, are you forgetting we are in a relationship?” alessia waves her finger gesturing to the three of you. leah gives her a shrug, kissing your temple as she pulled you in closer.
alessia rolls her eyes, grabbing her napkin off the table and writing a similar message on it, sliding it to leah when it was done.
leah unfolds it, smiles, shoves it in her jacket and looks at alessia with a cheeky smile. “i’ll think about it” she winks, making you shake your head with a giggle. children.
“why did i have to sit next to you?” beth grimaces from the other side of leah, dry retching at the clear loved up bubble you were in.
you collapsed on the floor of the pitch after training two days later, alessia flops on top of you to make you giggle but you actually found it comfortable. your arms hold her to you tightly as you kiss her cheek.
“do you ever spend two seconds apart? that’s my best friend” ella groans, slapping alessia’s back harshly, making her yelp and giggle. leah comes down and flops beside you, giggling at the two of you loved up. "nah, they're obsessed" leah teases.
“ugh, baby! i miss you!” alessia cries, still on top of you. you laugh brightly, moving the hair from her face, “i’m right under you!” alessia groans, “i still miss you” she pouts as she hovers over you.
leah nods, “i feel you on that, babe” you look over at her surprised, alessia looks at her happily, “you get me!” alessia grins, holding up her hand for a high five that leah was quick to return.
alessia pulls you up once the break is over, promptly pushing you into the awaiting arms of leah, who was happy to see you. “alright, gorgeous?” she grins, you nod, letting the girl give you a tight hug.
“my lips are chapped” leah frowns, you frown as well, “i have some lip balm in my bag-” you start, though, are cut off with leah’s lips pressed against yours gently, “so much better” she whispers, making you giggle. 
she spins you around, pushing you towards the midfield for a mini game, “right, we’ve got work to do” leah shouts, “there she is” you and alessia say at the same time, laughing when she sent you that captain’s glare.
"it was fun while it lasted" alessia sighs, kissing your cheek before she got chased by leah to start shooting practice.
god you love these girls. and they love you.
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you know the drill - pretend it’s you! ily tooneyyy
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 44,232 others
alessia: we were just trying to have fun, then captain williamson came along
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yourname: we were mid giggle as well :(
↳ alessia: i know! such a good giggle as well
↳ leahwilliamsonn: in the middle of a match but okay
leahwilliamsonn: no regrets, you both got a goal after this, remember that?
↳ yourname: thank you, baby
↳ alessia: thank you, baby
↳ leahwilliamsonn: you're welcome, my girls!!!
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outsideratheart · 2 months
We Support Each Other (Aitana Bonmati x reader)
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A/N: This could be read as a stand alone but it is also a sequel to Sore Loser. Based off this request.
You could ask anyone that knows you and they would say they have never seen you more determined than they have during this last month. Each game you gave it your all and left the pitch knowing that you couldn’t physically do anymore. It was that attitude that got you where you currently are and that is standing in the tunnel about to walk out to a sold out Wembley stadium for the 2022 Euros final.
As always you are the last player in the line. It was superstition of yours and whilst your team mates loved to tease you about it, they didn’t mess with you today. No, today they let you be.
The first half wasn’t bad but it didn’t go as you had planned. Nothing seemed to work and the German players were beginning to get on your nerves. You knew it was their game plan and you welcomed the extra physicality. It did nothing but drive you to do the thing you failed to do in the first half and that was get the ball in the back of the net.
When Ella scored it gave you a boost of energy which was much needed. The score line being tipped in your favour didn’t last long because Germany equalised just over 15 minutes later. 
Injury time came up on the board and the 5 minutes passed without either teams taking the lead.
Then came extra time and the second half of extra time. Both teams were on their last legs and they knew that they needed to score soon because if it went to penalties then it was anybody’s game and all the work they had done would be almost meaningless.
During a Germany corner Mary punched it out and England were on the attack with the Germans hot on their tails. Keira ran down the middle of the pitch and it was as if the ball was stuck to her feet. There was no way she was losing that ball and when you began running along side of her there was no way you were going to mess up this opportunity.
Keira played you the most pin point accurate through ball and you know now was the time. This one shot could make history, it could change everything and when you shot the ball you knew it was going it. That didn’t stop time from standing still as you watched the ball sore through the air.
You don’t know what came over you but you take your shirt off and running towards Keira.
“Bloody Brilliant” you kiss her forehead.
“Y/N!!!” Keira jumps into your arms “You did it”
“We did it”
The rest of your team piles on top of you. When the goal celebrations are over you know that another goal isn’t going to come so your attention goes to running down the clock. You do the thing you hate when other teams do and you take the ball to the corner flag and do everything you can to keep the ball. The clock isn’t in your eye view but the final whistle is definitely heard.
England were Champions of Europe and you had done it at home. That final goal made you top goal scorer of the tournament and all your hard work was rewarded by winning player of the tournament. 
You had every right to celebrate yours and the ‘ achievement and whilst you are never one to go mad after winning a game, you do with this one. You celebrate with the entire team, players and staff alike but after an hour or so in the locker room you only want to be with one person and she is upstairs in the bar where all the friends and family were.
“Aita” You bury her head in the crook of her neck. 
The last couple of days had been stressful to say the least so when your body feels the safety that Aitana’s arms give you, it relaxes for the first time since you played Sweden.
“Amor meu” Aitana held you tightly knowing that in this moment you will be feeling very overwhelmed.
When you pull away you notice that she is crying and whenever your girlfriend cried, you cried. It didn’t matter if they are happy tears or sad tears.
Both of you stood there in the middle of the room crying without a care in the world. 
For the next hour the team stays at the bar in Wembley stadium but after that people start to leave and you are told it is time to go back to the hotel. You knew the tournament rules but technically it was over now so did the rules still apply? 
Aitana recognises that look. It was one she was well accustomed to and was often followed by mischief.
“Gaffa!” You shout maybe a little too loudly but you blamed the alcohol for the slight raise in volume. 
This term wasn’t something Aitana knew.
“It means boss, baby” you turn back towards your coach who was now coming towards you. 
“Wait!” You turn back to Aitana “not boss baby. It means boss and then I was calling you my baby because you are, you’re my baby” you kiss her once, twice, three times.
“Lo se” Aitana giggles. She liked drunk Y/N, she really liked her.
By the time you turn around again, Sarina is right next to you.
“Gaffa!!!” You place your arm around her shoulder.
“Yes, Y/N” Sarina gives Aitana a look as if wishing her luck with you in your intoxicated state.
Your girlfriend watches as you take a couple of seconds to compose yourself. She could have sworn she heard you giving yourself a little pep talk.
“Sarina, we have just won the euros” the Dutch woman shakes her head but then nods her head when she sees your expression change into one of confusion “We did win, look” you hold up your medal “I have been very good and well behaved”
“You snuck out of the team hotel and didn’t return for over two hours” Sarina recalls the night when she came to talk to you only to be told several different reasons why you weren’t with the team.
“That’s because of Aitana” Without realising you throw your own girlfriend under the bus.
“Right so Aitana here is a bad influence on you, I understand”
“She is not!” You say rather protectively “Aitana is the best thing to ever happen to me. I am a much better person because of her. You should have met me before we started dating, I was a handful”
Sarina knew that it was time to leave and whilst she was enjoying seeing you react this way, she also knew that you three were some of the many few left at the bar and that the rest of the team was already on the bus. She had to get to your point quickly.
“Y/N, I have already told Aitana that she is more than welcome to come to the hotel with us”
“You have?” You ask her “She did?” you ask Aitana who at this point could contain her laughter no more.
The coach journey back the hotel was loud and rowdy but not for you and Aitana. The alcohol had began to wear off given you stopped drinking. The two of you sit there, barely talking as you hold hands looking out of the window. Your girlfriend knew you were coming down from the winner’s high.
As you enter the hotel you excuse yourself stating that you wanted some time with Aitana before rejoining the festivities. She finds that a little strange but doesn’t push you. The elevator ride up to your room is silent but once in your room Aitana notices what is happening.
“You deserve this Y/N. I’m here because I want to celebrate with you” 
You had already laid your self out on the bed. With no hesitation she curls up into your side.
“We have celebrated. You shouldn’t have to watch us celebrate when we beat you in order to get to the final” You had enjoyed celebrating with the team but it was also important to take your girlfriend’s feelings into consideration.
“Watching you win today will be one of the best days of my life. I am so so proud of you and I don’t want you to stop celebrating your achievements because of me. We were never going to win this tournament. The federation—“
You let out a dramatic sigh.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about what was going on” 
“I told you after the game. I am your girlfriend and some of the team are your closest friends, some even family. You wouldn’t have been able to be near Jorge and not say something”
You sat up rather quickly. Quick enough startle Aitana.
“You’re right, I would have said something. You should say something. From what you have told me, things are really bad at the minute and the way to make change is to stand up. If I come face to face with that man or any of his buddies then that is what I will be doing”
“We are going to say something but we are going to do it the right way” Aitana moved down the bed so she is closer to where you are standing.
“I will support you” you stand between her legs, cup her face with your hands and lean down to kiss her softly.
“I know you will” She returns the kiss with the same amount of softness “Right now I want to support you so let’s go celebrate you and your friends”
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wsoc-gay · 5 months
World Cup Results
Ona Batlle x Reader
Summary: It seems as though you and Ona make big decisions after big matches.
(This was originally going to be longer, but then it became too long. So, instead, I am breaking it into two parts, second will be out soon.)
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You and Ona had met during her time playing at Manchester United while you were still at Arsenal. Arsenal was your childhood club you had made your way through the youth system until you finally made your full-team debut at 16. As growing through the Arsenal ranks you also were an up-and-coming player in the England youth system making your international debut at just 17. 
You met Ona when you were 18 after she had first arrived to United, one of your best friends from the National team, Alessia, introduced you two after a match. From that day forward you two were nearly inseparable. For your years in England, it was a relationship full of afternoon drives after training and early morning goodbyes to be back to London in time for the next, but nevertheless you two did it because you truly fell for each other fast.
It was three years later that Ona decided she wanted to return to Barcelona, she wanted you to come with her, but you were hesitant at first. Your whole life was in London all you ever knew was Arsenal, but also you two weren’t public and you weren’t sure about the swarm that would come from it. Your families and friends knew about your relationship, but with how young you both were you wanted to keep it out of the spotlight, you didn’t want the media focused on your relationship over your football. However, after a year of playing in two different countries you decided you had enough a followed her to her home.
You were one of the best players in the world at the time, so it did not take a lot for you to get a contract from the Catalonian club. While you still weren’t saying anything about your relationship to the public fans quickly started to notice the undeniable connection between you two, the walks into matches, the looks during training, Ona always being your first hug after scoring, and everything in between. You slowly started to be less secretive about your relationship until the only thing keeping fans from knowing you were dating was a kissng photo. 
It now was the 2027 World Cup final; you and Ona had been together for 7 years and were now meeting for the second time in a World Cup Final. You hugged and placed a kiss on the short Spaniard’s temple during the prematch pitch inspections, but then went on your way as you both were here for business.
You scored early into the match, just a mere 15 minutes in is when you broke the deadlock. It was a brilliant through ball from Kiera that you were able to calmly finish past Cata, you immediately ran towards the corner flag to celebrate in front of your country’s fans as your teammates chased after you.
It wasn’t long after that Aitana scored the tying goal and brought the game even going into halftime. The speeches weren’t long, both teams knew what they had to do going into the second half. It was tight for the majority of second half, Spain doing what they do well and passing around your team, but you and Kiera used what you’ve learned there to hold them. 
It was the 87th minute that La Reina, herself, scored the winner for Spain. The English team and fans could do nothing but tip their hats to the Spanish captain as it truly was the perfect goal to win a World Cup with, a beautiful passing display starting with their backline which found their captain sitting alone at the top of the box and hit a first time shot perfectly into the top corner. 
As soon as the whistle blew you fell to the ground with your head in your hands sobbing, severely disappointed for now the second time. So close to being on top of the world but failing right at the summit. 
Ona knew better than to come comfort you right away, in the years of you playing together and against she learned that more than comfort at first you simply needed time to yourself. If she were to come over to you now you would’ve just shoved her away and told her to go celebrate. 
It was after the medal ceremonies when she came and found you sitting on the turf knees tucked tight against your chest. She sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to pull you against her chest, “I’m so proud of you, mi amor,” She kissed your head.
Whenever you lost to the brunette, she always followed it up with this comment. She knew better than to apologize for winning as you would never take this from her. You let out a light chuckle, clearly still emotional, “Still can’t quite beat you, can I?”
Ona let out a breath when she heard you laugh, she was hoping to lighten the mood a bit, but didn’t expect for your comment to be the one that did it, “You’ll get to try again in four years, don’t worry.”
You sat up straight and turned so that you were facing he Spaniard, “You know if I can’t win them, I’m glad you’re the one beating me.”
She smiled and her cheeks reddened slightly at the comment. It was true if you weren’t the one winning you were glad the love of your life got to accomplish what was both of your dreams, “I take home the World Cup medals you bring home the Ballon D’ors.”
You laughed again, “I’ll see what I can do about that.” At just 26 years old you had won the last two Ballon D’ors, but you knew as well as anyone that after a World Cup year it would almost inevitably go to one of the winners.
“I think I know what could make you feel better,” You gave her a suggestive look, she leaned into whisper in your ear, “Vamos a tener un bebé.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard and leaned back in shock, “What did you just say?”
Louder and in English this time, “Let’s have a baby.” 
The comment was dropped slightly to the Spaniard’s own surprise. She wasn’t expecting to say it at this time, but she had been thinking it for a while now. It slipped out in the moment of pure joy for her, and she couldn’t imagine a time better than coming off a World Cup win to start their family.
The topic has come up many times throughout your relationship, but always ended on saying that it was something for the future. Ona knew she wanted to carry for you both, but you always settled that it was something for the future, you didn’t want to interrupt the Spaniard’s career. However, there simply was nothing more than either of you wanted than to have a family one day, to get to see your love encompassed into a family. Both of yours love for family was one of the reasons you first fell in love, nothing came before family for either of you and that would one day include a family of your own. 
The conversation on the field quickly was pushed aside as you joined Ona and some of her Spanish teammates on their post-World Cup holiday. It was a vacation full of boats, sun, and many, many, drinks. You all had all agreed it was one of the nicest holidays and breaks from football you had in a while.
After returning from you holiday you both returned to your normal lives of training and preparing for matches. The topic still hadn’t been brought back up until one day after returning from training you noticed Ona was a bit quieter than usual at dinner.
“Is there something bothering you, mi amor? You’re quieter than usual.”
 “No, nothing is wrong,” Ona looked down at her plate as she spoke, in the tone reserved for when she was upset over something. It was quiet, slower, and slightly sharper causing her accent to come through a bit more in her English words.
“Babe, I can tell something is wrong, please tell me,” You were nearly pleading with her now, as your eyes searched her expressions for any details and as your mind raced through the contents of your day in efforts to find what had upset the short brunette.
She continued to look down at her plate, “It’s nothing I promise.”
Ona stood up from the table and collected the plates before walking into the kitchen and over to the sink. She began washing the dishes as you followed her to the kitchen. You stood a few feet away leaning against the counter, you didn’t want to startle the smaller girl by touching her, “Talk to me please, I want to help.”
She kept her focus on washing the dishes and spoke softly as if she was worried for your response, “I just thought we would talk about starting a family soon, but you don’t seem like you want to.”
Ona didn’t look towards you, but saw you freeze as soon as the words left her mouth. She was worried about your response so continued cleaning the dishes as if she hadn’t just dropped the one thing that hadn’t left your mind since the final. 
You walked over to her and gently reached for her chin to turn the Spaniard to face you, “What did you just say?” You said hushed, but sternly.
Ona’s cheeks flushed under your hand, “It’s just that you seemed excited at the final when I brought up having a baby, but you haven’t mentioned it since and I seriously meant it,” She began rambling when you suddenly cut her off with a soft kiss to her lips.
You leaned back slightly enough that she still felt your breath against her lips, “Sounds like were going to have a baby then.”
The shorter woman placed a hand against her chest and leaned back slightly with a big smile plastered against her face. Your free hand found its spot wrapped around her waist you hold her upright, “Really? You want to have a baby?”
You moved your hand holding her chin to the small of her back and pulled her flush against you, “Of course I want to have a baby with you, I didn’t want to bring it up because I didn’t want it to seem like I was pushing you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to put your career on hold for this.”
Ona’s hands found their place around your neck as she leaned into place a kiss to your cheek, “I don’t want to tell our kids stories of us playing, I want them to be able to be there, to be able to experience it themselves.”
You leaned in to passionately kiss her then pulled away with a gleaming smile, “Sounds like were going to have a baby then.”
You began the reciprocal IVF process almost immediately, both of you getting tested and screened to make sure that you both were in good enough health to begin the process. These thankfully all came back with positive results allowing for you to continue forward. 
There was worry and stress looming throughout your house during the early stages of the process. Many nights spent talking through fears and uncomfortable conversations which always ended in you both feeling more optimistic and hopeful.
Ona was there to hold your hand for every injection you took, and you were helping her with everything in the house to give her as little stress as possible. For every appointment she had you were sat right there next to her just as she did for you. You both knew that no matter what you were there for each other, and you’d be okay.
The egg retrieval day was stressful, you were worried about the procedure and weren’t quite fully sure what to expect, but as always Ona was right there for you calming you down as your leg bounced in the waiting room. Once you were in the room and the doctor walked you through what would happen you were much less stressed and more excited than ever to get further in the process.
After the first implantation you had to wait two weeks for the blood test to find out if it had stuck. It was a very anxious two weeks for you two full of trying to find ways to distract yourselves, and of Ona claiming she had symptoms even though you both knew it was too early for that. 
On the fourteenth day you were sat in the waiting room with your knee bouncing like there was no tomorrow. You wanted to be strong for Ona, but you knew you both were just as nervous as one another. The Spaniard was brough back alone at first to get the blood draw, but then was led to the room where you’d wait for the doctor.
Once you were brought back into the room you walked beside the bed your girlfriend laid on and took a hold of her hand. 
You brough the back of her hand to your lips to lay a kiss before you stood to look at her, “If we don’t get the news, we’re hoping for we’ll be okay. I’m still so proud of you and it won’t be your fault.”
Ona had a slight pout on her face and looked up at you with those deep brown eyes you had fallen in love with all those years ago, “I really hope it worked.”
You let up a small smile at her as you leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, “Me too baby, but it’s rare it sticks on the first try. We’ll be okay no matter what, we can try again whenever you’re ready if we have too.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you-”
You cut her off before she could finish, “You could never disappoint me, mi amor. I love you no matter what and I’m right here through it all.”
You both felt like you were drowning under the weight of the anxiety in the room but knew that no matter what either of you would say in that moment nothing could quite calm the nerves you both were feeling. 
You could’ve sworn time had never moved slower, as you stood there waiting for the doctor. There were so many times in your life, on and off the pitch, that you have wished to be able to freeze time and stay in those moments forever, but now more than ever you wished time would pass by sooner. You both wished to escape the anxious feeling deep in your bodies and for the doctor to come in and tell you the words you’ve been awaiting since beginning the process.
You were beginning to zone out, imagining a future with Ona and your family, when suddenly a slight knock on the door led in a woman dressed in a white coat holding a folder, with what you assumed were the results.
You were stood there trying to read the expressionless face of the doctor standing before you, trying to gauge any sense of what she was about to tell you both. “Are you both ready?”
Ona looked up at you, “God, I don’t know if I’m ready.”
You moved your hand to rub it along the side of Ona’s face when the doctor spoke again, “Trust me you want to know.”
Ona’s head whipped around back to the doctor, you swear she could’ve gotten whiplash, “What?”
“Congratulations, you’re officially two weeks pregnant.”
Ona collapsed back onto the bed as tears immediately filled both of your eyes. You had a hand covering your shocked expression, and Ona had one covering her tearful eyes. 
You leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple, “You did it, mi amor, we’re going to have a baby,” You whispered through tears.
She looked up at you with matching tear-filled eyes, “Lo hicimos, hay un bebé ahí adentro,” You hand found its place on the side of her face as the other one still hasn’t let up its grip on her hand. 
Once you both were recovered enough to refocus on the doctor, she explained further into what expect for the coming weeks and advice on keeping Ona as healthy as possible for the baby.
You listened as closely as possible as you knew you were going to do everything you could for them both, starting now.
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hotyanderedaddies · 7 months
Yandere Jock wants Nerdy You... Badly
🦦: Hi, it's my first time requesting without anon, so please excuse any awkwardness.
Can I request maybe yandere jock/bully x  extremely anxious male reader with an oral fixation? Only if you want, though.
A/N: I decided to go with jock since I haven’t written that yet. Hope you like it!
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[Yandere! Jock x Anxious! GN! Reader]
Chase is the captain of the baseball team, and he’s helped lead the team to several victories. He’s an all-star athlete and has scores of girls (and some guys) throwing themselves at his feet. As if his position at the top of the school sports hierarchy wasn’t enough, the young man was also blessed with a pretty impressive body too— muscles for days and coming in well over six feet tall.
And he loves you so much!
But you don’t pay too much attention to Chase because you’re too busy hiding away from everyone due to your extreme social anxiety.
It feels like a curse, really. The mere thought of being trapped in a building (a.k.a. school, *shudder) with a whole bunch of other people who all stare at you and talk about you behind your back is torture!
Hence, you try your best to blend into the crowd and not stand out.
After reading a tip in a mental health article, you resulted to sucking on hard candy when you get stressed out. Your nerves start to climb? You pop a little mint into your mouth and suck on it.
It helps.
And it also garnered the attention of a certain jock.
The mere millisecond that Chase had first seen you popping a piece of candy into your mouth and sucking on it as if your life depended on it, he swore his heart had skipped a beat.
“So cute,” he’d whispered to himself as his eyes honed in on you— focusing on his cute little darling.
He has something else for you to suck on.
And from that moment on, Chase knew you are his.
You just didn’t know it yet. He just had to court you.
Unfortunately, with your social anxiety, that proved to be a little challenge to the lovesick jock.
Chase would frequently wait by your locker for you, trying to strike up a simple conversation that would lead to him asking you out. However, every time you’d see the big guy, you would turn bright red and pop a candy into your mouth, turning around and heading straight for your class instead.
Chase tried to offer you a ride home so that you wouldn’t have to ride the bus— but the idea of one-on-one time in a cramped car with a guy sent shivers down you spine, and you’d barely had time to blurt out, “No thanks!” before sprinting to the bus.
Chase even “surprisingly” transferred into some of your classes. And with one glare at the students sitting next to you, they’d fled, allowing him to take any seat that was closest to yours… but you would refuse to look up from your textbooks, your jaw clenched as you sucked on some hard candy.
But Chase is persistent.
One day, as you’re leaving English class, Chase utilizes his impressive bulk to block the classroom exit from you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said in his deep voice, trying to act all nonchalant, yet his Adam’s apple quivered when he noticed you sucking on something.
“Oh,” you muttered, your face already growing cherry red, “h-hi Chase.” The exaggerated size difference between you and the jock was striking. He completely towered over you and was at least twice as wide with solid muscle. It really made your heart beat faster, both from fear and a little because you thought it was hot.
You sucked on your candy even harder.
Chase casually leaned against the door jam, crossing his big arms in front of his beefy chest. “So, I was wonderin’ if you’d come see me play tonight?” he asked, playfully flexing his massive biceps, the muscle curling out of his short sleeves with the action.
Your eyes widened, but still, the idea of being in the crowded bleachers with a bunch of screaming, rowdy people wasn’t something you looked forward to.
“Um…” you began, trying to think up an excuse to turn Chase down.
Chase could sense your hesitation, and before you could put two and two together, the large jock reached out and snatched you up. He easily tossed you over his broad shoulder, as if you weighed absolutely nothing.
Chase felt on top of the world carrying you, like this was where you belonged: in his arms.
You were stunned silent, unable to move a muscle while in the strong grip of the large jock, who carried you off towards where you assumed would be the gym…
But Chase passed the gym, and even exited the school, heading towards the parking lot.
“Um, wh-where are we going?” you asked. “I thought you had a game?”
Chase puffed out his chest with pride.
He has you! He finally has you! And he’s not going to let go.
Chase stopped in front of his car, practically tossing you inside.
He quickly ran to the driver’s side, starting up the car and speeding off, taking you, his Darling, home with him so that he can really see your sucking skills in action!
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mutange12 · 25 days
Both teams to score Sunday
Both Teams to Score Saturday 01/09/2024 England: Manchester United vs Liverpool  England: Newcastle vs Tottenham  Spain: Getafe vs Real Sociedad  Germany: Heidenham vs Augsburg  Italy: Juventus vs Roma France: Lille vs PSG  Netherlands: Utrecht vs Twente Belgium: Gent vs Royal Antwerp Belgium: USG vs Anderlecht  Czech: Slovan Liberec vs Viktoria Plzen
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barcaatthemoon · 18 days
mini me || lucy bronze x reader ||
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you find your place playing soccer, just like your mother had.
lucy couldn't believe how nervous she was sitting in the car park. it was the end of your first youth camp with england. she had wanted to greet you on the field, but you had been adamant about not making a scene. you were a lot like your mother in a lot of ways, people frequently joking that you were actually her clone. you wanted to make a name for yourself at this camp, and if lucy was always hanging around, you wouldn't have been able to.
you had a tendency to be shy and quiet, always keeping to yourself. it was why you hadn't made many friends while in barcelona. you were brilliant, and took the language expertly, but despite your almost natural fluency, you hadn't spoken to many people. that was why lucy's heart swelled at the sight of you laughing with some of the other girls while you walked out from the training area.
"hi mum," you greeted as you got into the car. you had obviously just come from the showers, your hair dripping slightly onto your shoulders. she could see little droplets over your last name on the back of your shirt, something that always filled her with pride.
"hey lovey, how was practice?" lucy asked you. you just sort of shrugged the question off. it wasn't in the same, somewhat dodgy way you had back in spain or france, but rather in the way that lucy would have whenever she was your age. football was one of the few things that lucy felt like the two of you had in common. you were secretive with your interests, only becoming more so when lucy tried to pry. "come on, give me something lovey."
"it was good, scored a couple goals. they're gonna put me up front next game, just to see how i do," you told her. lucy hummed as she waited for you to put your seatbelt on. you were a bit nervous to tell your mom about the position change. she had been talking about you taking her spot as a defender since you were old enough to walk.
"you'll do fine, don't worry about it. you're a bronze, we're good anywhere on the field." lucy reached out and patted your knee. you let out a small sigh of relief as she started the car up again. the drive home was quiet, but at least she wasn't mad about you changing positions. all you wanted to do was make your mother proud.
"damn it!" you punched at the ground as another run was thwarted by your opponents. coming forward had been going well for you, but this game was different. the swedish girls had been playing it defensively, and you hadn't been able to fully make a break for it yet. both teams had scored, but you needed that extra point. your mum had dropped everything to come see you play, even flying out some of her former barcelona and lyon teammates to watch the game.
"hey, it's okay. don't lose your head mate." the reminder from your teammate was welcome. she held her hand out for you to take, and despite wanting to seem strong on your own, you accepted her help. riley was definitely your best friend on the team, the two of you being closer with each other than anybody else.
in the months since you joined up with the youth team, you had made quite a few friends. every other weekend you and riley were hanging out. she was signed to tottenham's youth academy, whereas you had gone to chelsea's. still, the two of you trained together and were each other's biggest supporters. lucy was glad that after years of being a loner you had finally found a good group of friends that obviously loved and cared about you.
"they're giving you a penalty. make it count," riley whispered into your ear. you swallowed down your nerves and took the spot. you took a deep breath and remembered what you had gone over at your last couple training sessions. lucy had let you train penalties with zecira and hannah, who definitely didn't go easy on you.
in that moment, you were grateful for the extra help. you reminded yourself of the little tips and tricks they had given you. somewhere in the audience, they were sitting and watching you. you were pretty sure that all of chelsea was there for you, every member of your mum's team there to support you like you were one of them. one day, you would proudly wear that blue jersey, but today, you were here to show the world the future of the lionesses. you kept your head up as you sprinted towards the ball and kicked your shot off.
"oh my god!" your teammates rushed to surround you. there was still enough time for sweden to score again if they really pressed, but defensively, your team was ready for them. sweden pushed and pushed, but in the end, you stood with your team as you lifted up a trophy.
"hey lovey," lucy greeted you with a tight hug. you were still quite a bit smaller than her, but she swore that you were still growing every single day. ona stood next to her, now a solid two inches shorter than you. "that was amazing. i'm so proud of you."
"muy bien," ona echoed your mother's sentiments. you moved to hug her tightly, not letting go of the woman who had become like a second mother to you. she was still in barcelona, only occasionally making trips up to see you and your mother. with you starting school up again, it was hard to find time to go down to spain for visits. "i have missed watching you play."
"i told you how good she's been getting. just wait until the ballon d'or nominations start rolling in," lucy said as she put her arm around your shoulders. all of their words made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. you had no shortage of love and attention from your mum, but this felt different. you had been trying to distance yourself a bit from the pressure that came with being a bronze, and incidentally distanced yourself from her completely.
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br7ght · 9 months
It's your reward Millie Bright x Mary Earps x Reader
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summary: You've scored the winning goal at the World Cup Final and you've got two women ready to give you your reward.
warnings: dom!millie, sub!mary, brat!mary, sub!reader, threesomes, sex toys, strap-on, cunnilingus, fingering, praise kink, daddy kink (only if you squint), this fic is actually too filthy to write out all the warnings
pairing: millie bright x mary earps x reader
word count: 8000+ [you're welcome ;)]
Just a side note, this was my biggest challenge yet so feedback would be appreciated! Also, there is definitely a shit-tonne of typos, but you'll let me off once you've read it
“I can’t believe you scored the winner!” Mary squeals in genuine excitement, throwing off her jacket and jumping on top of you as you sat on the bed. It was the night after the World Cup Semi-Final win and the entire team had been out partying, a lot of the attention all focused on you. All the kindness from the girls was something you never really got used to, it made you blush uncomfortably. Yet when it was Mary grabbing your face and telling you how happy she was for you, you melted into her touch.
“You played well darling; you made us both so proud.” Millie beamed; her eyes glowing at you as if she held sunlight in her gaze. You felt your cheeks flush, going all shy as you were sure that you must have been bright red at the praise you were receiving from both girls.
“All I did was kick it at the right time, you were the ones stopping them from beating us.” You spoke truthfully even though you knew that your goal was easily the best you’d ever scored. It flew into the top left corner and even you were shocked that it went in.
“God, so humble.” Millie teased, stroking a strand of your hair behind your ear, her thumb caressing against your blushing cheeks. “I think this all calls for another drink, go get that bottle Maz.” She instructed, gesturing towards the fridge that had an unopened bottle of champagne that Millie had bought in anticipation of the win that she knew deep down you’d have tonight.
“I don’t think she needs anymore alcohol.” You giggle, watching Mary walk to the fridge, clear to everyone in the room that she was beginning to feel the small effects of the alcohol she had consumed with the rest of the team. She popped open the bottle, overexcitedly cheering as the champagne began to pour from the top, clasping her tips over the leaking bottle to stop it from making a mess on the hotel floor. You and Millie were in stitches as you watched her chaos erupt in front of you both.
“The rest is for you, golden girl.” Mary smiled as the red returned to your calmed cheeks. She walked towards you, a stumble in her small steps as her thumb brushed your bottom lip, tipping your head back as she tips a little into your mouth.
“You really are our golden girl aren’t you.” Millie hummed, her hand still playing with your hair, taking a strand, and twirling it around her finger. Despite the small time you’d spent together as a three they both knew exactly how to make you squirm underneath them. Both of their hands on you and you were burning up in front of them.
“Watching you score that goal had made me so fucking hot for you.” Mary exclaimed, her body connecting with yours in a passionate flurry of arousal, straddling herself over your lap, your face in her hands and she pulls you in for a kiss. The feeling you got when her lips clashed into you, her heated frustration was contagious. She swiped her tongue across your lip, tasting the champagne on her mouth. Her tongue was moving with yours with such urgency that you didn’t see Millie reposition herself behind the other woman. Without hesitation, Millie pulls back on Mary’s ponytail, inciting a sharp gasp from the shorter woman.
“And what about you hm, making that incredible save against the best striker in the world.” She pulls Mary in for a rougher kiss, her head turned towards Millie at such an uncomfortable angle, but it allowed you the perfect view of Millie’s tongue swiping into her mouth, her hand reaching down to hold her by the throat. Their lips were moving together in such a way that made you wonder what they looked like together before they added you into the mix.
Everybody knew that Millie and Mary had been hooking up for months, they weren’t exactly subtle about it, making bold moves on each other at social events and then leaving together early on into the night. That’s why you were so confused when Mary made a move on you at the last Christmas party, that was until you found out that Millie had basically told her to do it. Mary had admitted that she was eager to hook-up with you and Millie wasn’t one to limit her, wanting her to do the things that made her feel the best she possibly could. Finding out that the two of them had discussed you in a sexual manner was something you found impossible to put to the back of your head and it all blossomed from that moment. Now here you were, Mary straddling over your thighs while Millie choked the woman who dominated you in such a way that you found it difficult to believe she was in this position.
“Now do you want to help me reward her.” Millie spoke into her ear, her heavy breath beating down against her neck, talking about you as if you weren’t underneath them both. Millie released her hands from her throat as she nodded eagerly, allowing her to turn back and look darkly into your eyes, her arms wrapping around your neck and pulling you back into a deep kiss. There was something about the way Mary would draw you into her body, making you tremble just at the feeling of her lips on yours. “What colour are you at?” She directed at you, you were fairly new to their dynamic and Millie liked to make sure that you were both entirely comfortable with everything she suggested.
“I’m completely green.” You smile, Mary nodding in agreement.
“Take her top off then baby.” Millie directed to Mary, the bed indenting slightly as she knelt beside you both. She complied immediately, never usually doing what Millie told her to do, but she wanted nothing more than to see your nipples harden when they make contact with the air of the room you all inhabited together. Once your top had come over your head, Millie’s fingers attacked the hair tie that was holding your hair loosely together, fanning your hair out over your shoulders.
You barely had time to think before you felt Millie’s hand snake around your body, grasping at your bare breasts, taking your nipple between her fingers, making you softly gasp into Mary’s mouth. This drove her crazy, her hips involuntarily grinding against your lap at nothing but the sound of you. Millie sensed her arousal and she wanted to make sure she felt as equally as important, finding great pleasure at having two women riled up in sexual frustration in front of her.
“I think you should get a reward too sweetheart.” She whispered into Mary’s ear, “You’ve made me so proud.” It was Mary’s turn to take Millie’s praise, both of you victims of her words that were making you simply kiss each other harder and with more desperation. Her hand found its way into Mary’s hair now, pulling her away from your lips and guiding her head towards your chest. Without much more prompt, Mary’s tongue swirled around the edge of your nipple, teasing you gently before taking it into her mouth. You feel your back arch against her lips connected to your chest so perfectly, your nipples hardening against her tongue as she increased her pressure, wanting to hear you moan so perfectly like she knows you can.
“I want you to ride her face while I give her a reward for playing so well.” Millie demanded and if you weren’t moaning desperately before, you certainly were now. Your eyes were wide, Mary’s gasp at the request vibrating against your nipple as she continued to tease you with her tongue.
“Is that okay with you baby?” Mary asks you, your breasts in her hands now as she kneads them underneath her palms, not wanting to let go of you as her desire to have you grew stronger.
“Fuck yes, Mary please.” You beg, her nails gripping into the sides of your chest at your pleading. She asked you with desperate eyes that you’d never seen before, she was usually so in charge of you and yet with one ounce of Millie’s praise and she was ready to give it all up.
Before you could even finish your train of thought, Mary was pushing you down the bed, sliding your skirt from your waist and both of the women smirk as they found nothing underneath. “Oh baby, you didn’t even wear underwear to the party.” Millie glowed, her proud smile telling you that you’d done something right. In Millie’s eyes you were the perfect submissive, you barely ever stepped a foot out of line, and you would do anything to make her happy with you. Mary was different. She challenged Millie a lot of the time, finding pleasure in being bratty, especially in comparison to you.
“Now my perfect girl, spread those legs for me, let me see how wet you are for us.” Millie had barely strung her sentence together and your legs were wide open, and Millie smiled down at you, dragging her fingers across your inner thighs. She could see you glisten on the inside of your legs, your lack of underwear meaning your arousal had spread down your legs.
“Mm absolutely soaking for us, and I bet this isn’t all from now, is it?” Mary asked you; her natural dominance always found a way to shine through, even when it was clearly Millie who held the control. You shook your head at her question, and you heard them both let out a scoff at the thought of your arousal starting to drip down your legs at the celebrations earlier just at the idea of coming back to this room with them.
You had your eyes shut in anticipation of what was to come, always feeling overwhelmed when the attention was completely on you. Mary was sat to the side of you, her clothes quickly chucked on the floor, her fingers pinching your nipples lightly, not enough to hurt you but enough to make you squirm under her touch.
“Mary baby, come keep her legs open and her mouth shut for me.” She instructs adding a sharp slap to her ass as Mary obliges, not even having to think about her body as she turns herself around. Mary knelt over your face, leaning down against your stomach, her hands gripping your thighs to keep them apart. Millie lies down between your legs, dragging her fingertip up and down your slit a few times, making you tremble at how light her touches were. As soon as Millie made contact with you, Mary let her body drop against your face and you followed Millie’s teasing on Mary’s folds, copying the same strokes she made but with your tongue.
Mary was anything but a quiet lover, she was the loudest of all three of you and those noises that she made was anything but innocent. You savoured the taste of her, this was one of your favourite things and they both knew this. You loved having her toned thighs squeeze against your head as she grinded down against your tongue, controlling her own pace as she rode your face. You remembered exactly how Mary liked to be ate, the exact twists and swirls of your tongue that made her head go fuzzy. You felt gentle kisses being placed against your clit, gasping against Mary which made her nails grip harder into your thighs, her hips moving against her will. The mix of Millie’s fingers teasing your entrance and the soft gentle movements of her lips against your folds was mind-blowingly pleasurable for such light touches.
“Fuck Fuck you feel so good, you’re so fucking good with that tongue of yours darling.” Mary gasped, her voice hitching over certain words as you quickened your pace, desperate to make Mary weak at the knees, you wanted her thighs to tremble around your face and you quickly gained this small pleasure. As Mary praised you, Millie teased a fingertip into you, her mouth around your clit making you a moaning mess against Mary’s cunt as the rest of her finger followed. Lost in your own pleasure you forgot to remember how Mary was staring directly at Millie going down on you along with slowly pulling her finger from your pussy before inserting it again, your arousal slick against her hand.
Once you were stretched around her finger you began to rock against Millies’s hand, giving her the signal that you were ready for her to thrust properly into you. Your moans were muffled and drowned out by Mary’s breathy gasps; the high-pitched sounds suddenly being cut off as Millie’s spare hand found its way around her throat. “God you both sound so fucking hot.” Millie let out, coming up for air and focusing on finding the points on Mary’s neck to clasp harder against, knowing that would send her into overdrive, her wrist slamming against your skin as she equally continues to fuck you at the same time.
Every time you felt Millie curl her fingers against your g-spot, the swirling of your tongue on Mary’s clit got quicker and you increased the pressure and you finally got what you wanted, her knees started to give way and you were convinced that the grip of her nails on your thighs was going to leave bruises. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop, your mouth feels so fucking good.” Mary managed to let out as Millie let go of her throat, allowing a full stream of oxygen enter her body.
“Don’t you dare fucking come Earps, I mean it, I want her to come first.” Millie ordered, her thrusts into you still getting quicker, her thumb nudging against your clit with every movement. Millie liked to dictate the act between you three, getting off on both of you listening and acting how she asks of you. She rarely got what she wanted as Mary enjoyed ruining this simple pleasure for her, and it didn’t look like this was going to change as you harden your tongue, flicking her swollen clit back and forth, knowing this would send her over the edge every single time.
“Mils she feels too good, I can’t stop, I want to cum on her face.” Mary gasped, her voice break paired with her shaking legs signalling that it was too late to listen to Millie’s orders now, she was going to cum on your face no matter what Millie wanted. You were beginning to get close, each thrust met with her thumb sliding against your clit.
“Mary, I’m warning you.” But by the time Millie had even finished her sentence, her words were cut off by Mary’s moans, her hips jerking uncontrollably against your face, you found your hands on her thighs, pulling her down closer as she rode out her orgasm. Before you had chance to join in on the high all contact from you was removed. You whined, your building orgasm stilling.
“You are so fucking good with your tongue.” Mary let out; her head hung as her body calmed after the shocks through her body started to relax. You were still underneath her, the frustration between your legs at the loss of contact so close to your orgasm doubling the arousal to your surprise. It had turned you on more than you thought it would.
“Clearly too fucking good considering you couldn’t do what I asked.” Millie growled, grasping a handful of Mary’s hair, and forcing her to meet her gaze. Millie was met with a smirk, no level of remorse shown for disobeying her orders and she knew that Mary was going to be as much of a brat as she could, like usual, still refusing to submit to her without a fight. “Get on your knees now.”
“Make me.” Even you knew that was a mistake as you felt Mary being forcefully pulled off your body, hitting the ground with a thump. You watched in suspense as Millie placed her on her knees, knowing that Mary needed more than you did to submit fully to her. Your eyes were darting back and forth between the two women, observing how Millie grasped Mary’s face in between one hand.
“You’re going to stay like this, you didn’t listen to me, and you need to learn to be more like y/n.” Millie demanded, looking directly into Mary’s eyes, her smirk wiped completely from her face, and you felt your legs squeeze together at the combination of the praise but also the view of Mary on her knees for her. “Don’t do anything stupid, trust me you’re on your last chance.” She warned, her thumb sliding down against her bottom lip. “Colour?”
“Green.” Mary revealed in true honestly. As much as she didn’t want to admit how much she was enjoying being forced onto her knees on the cold wooden floor, her gaze still being able to catch glimpse of you lying there in suspense of what was left to come, she wasn’t going to lie about it.
“That’s a good girl.” Millie was the only one left with a smirk on her face, looking in awe at Mary finally on her knees for her, silence overwhelming the room as she walked over to the bed, straddling your body and stroking your hair behind your ear. With every touch your breath was shaking.
“I bet you’re desperate for a release after she ruined it for you hm?” Millie asked you directly, both of your eyes diverting to glance at the goalkeeper. She was sensing from your desperate groans and small squirms that you were accidentally edged by her. “Tell me what you want as your reward for doing everything I’ve said, you’ve earned it from being so well-behaved.”
You didn’t know what to say, at this point Millie could do anything to you but that’s not what you really wanted. You three had only shared a few moments together like this and usually the focus was completely on you, but this time had been different. Millie was trying to make Mary just as submissive as you, rather than letting her take turns. You wanted to watch Mary struggle against Millie’s fight for dominance, one that you knew Millie wouldn’t lose. From the second you watched the heat between them tonight you were so curious as to what they would look like together, alone.
“I want to watch you fuck Mary.” You whisper and Millie stops stroking your hair in shock, that’s not what either of them were expecting. You glanced again at where Mary was knelt, and she was smirking at you with her wide eyes, and you felt the heat between your legs burn against your thighs. You didn’t understand how Mary could have this dominating effect on you while she was forced to be on her knees.
“I’m sure that can be arranged baby.” Millie reassured, reaching for her bag, and pulling the strap the inner pocket. Your eyes widened at the sight; you’d never introduced toys between the three of them. You knew that Millie and Mary would be much more experienced in that field which made you all the more excited to watch them both together. “Do you think you can take it first, just for a little while, I’ve never wanted to fuck that beautiful pussy more than right now.” Her words were so gentle towards you, just filled with lust and desire to have you there and then. You nod, your eyes brushing over the sheer length of the toy, as she slipped the harness over her thighs, pulling the straps tight, fixing it into place.
“C’mere Baby.” Millie’s voice was calm and soft, different than when she was talking to Mary. You felt her hand against your face, brushing her fingers down the length of your jaw. She took your hand, squirting some lube against your palm. “Get it ready.” She instructed yet her tone of voice remaining gentle as you took the length of the strap between your fingers, spreading the lube against the silicone toy. You flicked your wrist up and down it, not once making eye contact with the blonde who was looking down at you as you moved your hand. She placed a kiss against your forehead, tilting your chin up to look at her. In that moment when your eyes met hers you forgot that Mary was down on her knees just watching the two of your together. This was a completely different dynamic than anything you three had done before, it was always a joint effort, but the addition of such slight voyeurism was making you more desperate than before.
“Please Millie, I want you to feel your cock inside of me.” You spoke, the innocence to your voice differing completely to what Millie was used to with Mary being so bratty all of the time. While Millie loved Mary’s bratty side, she was beginning to fall for your well-behaved submissive act too.
“Lie down baby, let me make you feel good, you deserve it.” She whispers in your ear, her breath grazing your skin as your back hits the bed. Her hands were on your chest, your legs spreading open for her without request. “See, this is how you behave.”
Millie was edging towards your aching opening, teasing you with the head, wanting to get as much of you on her strap. Her hands loved to explore your body, making you tremble under her touch as the head pushed against your clit, feeling the shock rock through your skin. You knew not to beg too much, knowing this was one of Millie’s frustraters, you knew that she liked you to be grateful for everything she gives you, even if it is teasing you into oblivion.
“Breathe for me baby.” Millie instructed as she held the strap in her hand, guiding it towards your entrance and pushing the tip inside of you. You felt yourself begin to stretch around her and the moan that escaped your lips had Mary’s eyes locked onto your face, watching desperately at your reaction as Millie pushed inside of you. “Take your time.” Millie continued to coach you through it, knowing that it was an overwhelming feeling as she continued to push until she felt resistance.
“Fuck Mils, you- I- you feel so good.” Your voice was shaking, barely able to string a sentence together as your eyes slammed shut, your body getting used to the feeling of stretching around Millie’s cock. Her hands were soothing, tracing shapes against your skin as your lips clamped together, your eyes fluttering open to look at Millie’s awe stuck face at you taking her strap so well.
“Look at what you’re doing to her, she can’t stop looking at you taking my cock.” Millie breathed, her voice has deeper than usual, her hips beginning to rock into you, taking it slowly, working you up. You turned your head to look at Mary, her eyes locking to yours and you decide to look at her while Millie took her first full thrust into your body. Her tongue licked her top lip, taking her bottom lip into her own mouth as she watched you moan, looking directly into her eyes.
“You look so pretty like that.” Mary spoke, her head tilting as she smiled at you, disobeying Millie’s order to stay silent earning her a sharp look from the taller woman. You felt her thrusts getting stronger in response, her hands found their way to your hips, holding you down and slamming you against her thrusts. You thought you were going to explode from Millie’s strong hips slamming against your body alone, but now your body was moving to her pace too you couldn’t stop the endless strings of moans that were escaping your lips, and you didn’t even try to stop them. You could feel her in your stomach, each thrust seeming to go deeper and deeper into you. You were getting close, the orgasm building each time Millie rolled her hips, the strap hitting your spot with every thrust.
“Mils, I’m getting close.” You whimper, your legs beginning to tremble, your back arching slightly towards the taller woman. She slows her thrusts, stroking your skin as she pulls out of you. You go to open your mouth in protest but she places her finger against your lips.
“I know I know but trust me it will be worth it later.” She smirks, her hands travelling down your body, still looking at you in disbelief that she’d just had her strap inside of you. “It’s time for your reward remember.” She says, looking over at Mary who looked like a desperate mess on her knees against the cold floor.
You instantly forgot your own frustration, sitting up against the back of the bed as Millie shuffled towards the edge of the bed to where Mary was kneeling impatiently. “Now what am I going to do with you hm?” Millie spoke, her gentle voice was gone and in replacement was a dominating tone that you she had never used on you before.
“Guess we’re both going to find out.” Mary smirked, her brattiness coming out in full force now. The blonde had Mary’s face in her hand, roughly jerking her head up to look up towards her.
“God you are such a fucking brat.” The taller woman spat, shaking her head in disbelief at the woman still on her knees for her. She pinched her nipple between her fingers making Mary gasp at the sharp touch. She stood up, the strap she’d used on you still glistening in your arousal at her hips. Mary’s face was directly in-line with the dick, looking at the remnants of you with a huge smile on her face. “You wanna taste her? We both know how good she tastes.” Millie teased, looking back over at you, your legs slightly open allowing them both to see you dripping at your entrance. Mary licked her lips in suspense, nodding her head. “Go on then.” Her left eyebrow raised, gesturing Mary towards the strap, clearly not what she was originally agreeing to.
“Millie we both know I’m not going to do that.” Mary protested, but Millie nudged the strap towards her lips, her hand on the back of her neck. Her lips were not opening at the request, but once the strap made contact with her, she opened her mouth in response to the taste of you against her lips. Millie took her chance against her open lips, sliding the strap harshly into her mouth. She spluttered, but the taste of you against the strap let her swirl her tongue around the head, gripping the back of Millie’s thighs as she thrust into her mouth.
“This is my new favourite way to keep you fucking quiet.” Millie stated, her eyes never leaving Mary’s as she took the strap in her mouth, looking up with lust behind her eyes. Millie was harshly thrusting into her throat now and you could feel your cunt ache in desperation at watching the two of them together.
“Deeper baby, that’s it.” She had her hands wrapped up in Mary’s hair, forcing her to gag on each thrust. She looked up at Millie, taking her in, the way she was stood looking down at her.
Millie pulls out of her mouth, smirking at the saliva dripping from her lips. Mary’s cheeks were flushed red as she makes eye contact with you again, almost nervous at how she’d just sucked you off of the strap, gasping and moaning at the taste of you. You felt that even you were having an effect on her now, one that was slowly breaking down her bratty walls. “You looked like you enjoyed that.” Millie mocked, knowing the red in her cheeks was from the pleasure she just received from the humiliation.
“I did that for the taste of her, not for you.” Mary tried to change the subject, bringing the focus back to you being used for their little game of power play, but the flush on her cheeks was giving you and Millie a different view of why she enjoyed that.
“Sure, you did sweetheart,’ Millie teased, brushing her thumb down Mary’s bottom lip, “It suits you being on your knees for me, sucking me off like that.” The red in her cheeks was growing, her eyes rolling at the comment.
“Now are you going to fuck me in front of her or not?” Mary was growing impatient, her knees beginning to ache against the floor, her body slumping against her thighs as she struggled to keep her core tight.
“Only if you beg for it.” Millie responded quickly, barely thinking about her words, and knowing exactly what to say to make Mary tremble underneath her. “Considering you’re already on your knees I’m sure that will be easy enough for you.”
“I’m not begging for anything.” She protested and you could feel the arousal between your own thighs growing at her disobedience. Millie let out a mocking laugh, knowing that Mary would be begging because she wasn’t planning on doing anything to her until she does.
“Then you’re not getting anything.” Millie turned away from her, looking back towards you. She was making her way back between your legs, painfully slow, giving Mary enough time to regret her decision. You watched in awe as the strap hung from the blonde, giving you a telling look that made you know that Mary was going to give in within seconds.
“Please Millie, I’m sorry, come back.” Millie smirked at you when the submissive words came from Mary’s lips. You’d never heard her apologise, never seen her on her knees like this and it was something you could get used to.
“I think you’re using to wrong name sweetheart.” Millie was really lapping it up now, feeling confident at how you were being able to watch Mary in her submissive headspace. This was never something that you’d imagined them being like, presuming it would be a heated fight for dominance, but Millie wasn’t having that today, she wanted to show Mary off to you.
“I’m not calling you that, not until you’re inside of me.” Mary was still not quite where Millie wanted her to be, but she was beginning to get desperate to watch Mary take her cock herself. Millie stuck her hand out and Mary took it, slowly allowing her to stand up and meet her at the edge of the bed that you were watching from.
Their lips met with such urgency and desperation, Mary’s hands snaking around the back of Millie’s neck, pulling her in closely and tightly. The shorter woman was whining against her lips, aching with frustration. “Please can you fuck me now, I need you.” Even you felt your breath hitch at Mary’s pleading, her flushed cheeks and begging eyes driving Millie crazy. With no hesitation, Millie turned her round, shoving her into the bed on all fours, standing behind her and slapping her ass swiftly once before roughly grabbing her waist, pulling her back into her.
“I don’t think you’re even going to need warming up.” Millie scoffed, her fingers dragging through her folds with ease as her arousal had been building up at watching you take the strap a few moments before. “You’re fucking soaking, I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle watching me fuck another woman without you.” She wiped her fingers down her back, her body arching into her touch. Mary’s head was hung, her hair falling across her face as Millie was degrading her infront of you.
You shuffled a little closer, not trying to bring attention to yourself but wanting to be able to physically feel the heat that was growing between the two women. You could see Millie push the strap against her cunt, harshly rubbing between her thighs and catching the top of her clit with her strokes. Mary was gasping every time she edged closer to her entrance, you could see her body reacting to each touch.
“Fuck please Mils.” Mary begged, the bedsheets bundled in her fists, Millie roughly pulled her hair back, forcing her head up and you saw her eyes for the first time, your lips clamped together along with your thighs at the look she gave you. She pushed just the tip of the strap into her folds, and you watched her eyes widen and her mouth hung slightly ajar. Millie didn’t push any further, as if she was waiting for another plead from the brunette. “Fuck fine, Daddy please I need you.”
With that she thrust fully inside of her, gripping her hips so tightly as Mary effortlessly moved her hips back into her with every movement. You barely had time to recover from Mary calling Millie Daddy as you watched the two bodies move together in such desire, awe stricken from what you were watching. You could see Mary’s chest rising and falling rapidly from the pleasure she was getting from Millie grinding her hips roughly into her. Millie was looking smug with herself, forcing Mary’s hips to keep up with her relentless pace, Mary’s sudden submission to her making her groan with each thrust. “Take It baby, take all of me like a good little girl.”
Her hand was on Mary’s back, pushing her weight onto her so her face was shoved against the mattress, her ass stuck up higher allowing her to pump harder into her. Mary was a moaning mess against the sheets, her hips still pushing back against the strap. The sharp and breathy whimpers she was making as her grip on the sheets got stronger was making your pussy ache, your legs crossing trying desperately hard not to touch yourself as you watched them. Mary was moaning Millie’s name, her words just tumbling out of her mouth with no thought behind them as her face was continually shoved into the bed with each pump into her cunt.
You weren’t only admiring Mary now, your eyes caught gaze of the strong arm that was pinning her against the bed. The sleeved muscular arm that flexed hard, Millie still with her sports bra on, her face glowing pink as she worked harder into Mary. There was something so mesmerising about those two together, with Mary so submissive to the taller woman, taking all of her. You were still edging closer to the two of them and when Mary felt your presence she gripped hold of your hand, digging her nails into your skin making you wince but also making your heart grow warmer. Millie caught glance of this and the smirk she had been wearing turned into a smile as she continued pumping into her.
“If only Mary would take a leaf out of your book baby, then she wouldn’t have to look like such a desperate mess.” Millie said over the top of Mary’s endless moans, her grip still getting tighter around your hand. You tucked Mary’s hair behind her ear, catching a glimpse of how desperate she really did look.
“Do you think I could have a turn, since I’ve been so good for you.” You whispered nervously, not sure what had come over you. You rarely asked for anything, usually enjoying the feeling of not knowing what either of them were going to do to you. Millie’s thrusts slowed down, tilting her head to look at you, melting at the doe eyes you were giving her.
“Oh baby, you’re getting all jealous hm, you want me to fuck you again?” Millie said, her voice again naturally going all soft on you, like she couldn’t ever say no to you even if she wanted to.
Your skin shivered at the request, but you felt your head shaking, a confused look plastered on both of their faces. “I, uh, no, I want to do what you’re doing.” With that Millie’s movements had stilled completely, leaving Mary a whining mess against the bed.
“Fuck that’s so hot, you’re so hot.” Millie groaned, pulling out of Mary who was looking at you as with such desperation, giving you silent permission to do anything you wanted to her. She reached for your face, pulling you into a heated kiss as she removed the strap while your lips moved against each other’s. “It is your reward baby, come here then.” Millie says, urging you up off the bed and helping you into the harness. It felt so powerful having the strap around your legs and Mary waiting desperately for you.
“I want to see your face, Mary.” You asked, your voice not quite as demanding as Millie’s, but Mary complied nonetheless, turning herself round and her mouth instantly opening as she looked up your body, the strap round your waist.
“Aren’t I lucky?” Mary smirked, her eyes not once leaving your body and you felt yourself getting nervous, not wanting to embarrass yourself infront of the two of them. Millie was just stood watching, frozen infront of the scene unfolding between the two hottest women she’d ever laid eyes on. The way Mary was looking at you, her legs spread as you kneel between them, you’d never done this before, not to someone else but you’d watched as other people had done it to you and you were certain you were going to shock them both.
“Confidence baby, make her feel how you like to feel.” Millie whispered into your ear, sensing the nerves that were radiating off of you, she planted a kiss on your cheek before moving to sit behind Mary, resting her head against her stomach, wanting to feel part of it all. “I’ll keep her still for you, she’s a squirmer this one.” She hooked her legs around her back of her head, bending her knees and holding Mary’s hands flat against the bed, stopping her from moving around too much, allowing you to work this out in your own head.
“Please, I need you to fuck me, I want to feel you inside of me baby please.” Mary begged; her eyes filled with lust as she looked at you shaking infront of her. This gave you the extra confidence that you needed, fully fitting into the role as best as you could. You looked down at her and you decided you were really going to make sure she felt like your reward.
You guided the strap to her, doing exactly what Millie did to you, teasing her with the head. She was so desperate for a release that she wasn’t going to let you tease her like Millie had, pushing her hips up to meet you, silently pleading for you to skip this step. You looked as Millie nodded at you to continue, Mary’s chest lifting and falling as she waited for you to fuck her. Her back arched as you pushed the entire strap into her, and the moan that escaped her lips was the best one yet.
You started with a few slow lengthy grinds into her, pulling all the way out and re-entering her again, making her stretch around your strap. You watched the way her body reacted to each fully thrust, watching as you pushed it into her. You wanted to be closer to Mary, readjusting to lean forward over her body, your hands either side of her body as you thrust your hips a little harder. She was moaning your name into your ear, and you leaned down to kiss her fiercely, not once taking your focus off the rhythm you were building.
“Yes, baby girl, just like that!” She moans, her legs wrapping around your waist, pulling you into her.
“You’re doing such a good job taking her cock baby.” Millie said, squeezing her hands a little harder for encouragement. “And fuck you look so hot fucking her.” She said honestly, feeling her arousal growing as she watched your body finding its own rhythm, one that was drawing pretty moans and gasps from Mary. You were watching Mary’s face react to each thrust, trying to find the sensitive spot inside of her that you knew would prove yourself to her. She called out your name and you didn’t move from your position, applying a few more thrusts into her, hitting it with every single one, your name escaping her lips each time.
“Let me ride you baby, please I’m begging you.” Mary let out as you hit her spot again, you look at Millie for confirmation and she had the biggest smirk on her face, nodding her head at you as you pulled out of her. You barely had chance to get off of Mary before she had her lips crashing against yours, that same animalistic kiss that she gave you when you were usually in her position. Millie moved out of the way, patting the bed where she was sat and Mary pushed you back onto the bed, ready to take some dominance back from you. You were distracted as Mary’s tongue swiped against your lip, letting her in and she was kissing you as if it was the first time, she’d tasted you. Millie was rummaging around in her bag before bulling out a small bullet vibrator.
“Do you want this to help you get your release my pretty girl.” Millie praised, waving it infront of your face and you were nodding with eagerness, gasping as Mary was still kissing you, straddled on top of you, ignoring the strap that was behind her. She moved up off you, allowing Millie to slot the vibrator into the right place, not switching it on but keeping her hand on the button as she sat on the bed next to you.
Mary was hovering over you, but with the vibrator sat perfectly against your clit you knew that you needed nothing more than to feel like Mary was going to making you cum. She starts to take the strap and you grab her hips, pulling her all the way down onto you. With that Millie pressed the button and the vibrations against you mixed with the way Mary was gazing into your eyes, her moans barely escaping her lips as she started to rock her hips against you. You were the desperate mess now, jerking your hips up into Mary as her hand found its way around your neck, leaning over your body, her breasts right in front of your eyeline. You gasped as she squeezed harder, beginning to fully thrust into her as she slammed her body down against the strap.
“Fuck Mary you feel so fucking good.” You let out in a spluttering mess as you watched her body eagerly bouncing up and down, you were mesmerised by both the orgasm growing inside of you and the way her body looked taking you so desperately. You watched her eyes roll back as you pushed her hips down on you harder. Millie started tracing circles against your skin, leaning in, her mouth trailing over your exposed neck, leaving occasional marks by nibbling against your skin.
 “I’m getting so fucking close, fuck Mary you look so fucking good like this.”
“Go on baby, cum for us.” Millie spoke against your neck, taking your skin in-between her teeth, soothing the immediate pain with her tongue.
“Come inside of me sweetheart.” Mary grinned as your moans became higher pitched with each one you let out of your open mouth. She was still grinding her hips against you, and Millie’s fingers were toying with your nipple as you got closer and closer and each time you thought you were going over the edge it kept building instead. You figured this was a result of the edging earlier but as your head threw back into the pillow and the feeling of Mary’s body slamming against the vibrator against your clit, you chanted out both of their names as it finally washed over you. Mary was riding you slower, letting you uncontrollably thrust your hips up into her.
You didn’t get a chance to recover, Mary’s body tiring as she was still grinding her hips against the strap. The vibrations didn’t stop, but you watched Millie finally take her underwear off, kneeling back onto the bed. You were so sensitive, and the vibrator being pushed consistently against you was overstimulating you.
“Did you want the vibrator off before I get off on that tongue of yours for the first time?” Millie asked gently, stroking your face as you shake your head, wanting to feel the overpowering vibrations take-over your body as the older woman rode your face. Millie had never let you do this before, she barely ever received when you three were together, preferring to get off on making you two feel incredible.
“That’s my girl.” Millie smirked, looking at the way your body was desperately still trying to push Mary over the edge of her own orgasm. You took one last look at Mary whose moans were becoming breathy and laboured before Millie kneeled over your face, your tongue immediately searching through her dripping folds, wanting to make her feel as good as she makes you, wanting to prove yourself to her.
Unlike Mary, Millie was not a loud lover, but the gasp she released when your tongue swirled against her clit, barely touching her made you instantaneously increase your pressure. The two were facing each other, both on top of you, both using you to get off and it was the hottest you’d ever felt. She tasted different to Mary, but equally as addictive as you lapped your tongue around her opening.
Your hands were gripping the back of Millie’s thighs, and you could hear them kissing, their bodies melting into one another’s as they both chased their long-awaited orgasms. You could hear how close Mary was, her hips moving quicker again but not in any sort of rhythm, just doing anything to feel the strap inside of her.  Millie reached her hand to Mary’s clit, stroking small precise circles over the top of it and you swear you could feel her clench against the strap you were wearing.
“I want you to hold that orgasm love, wait for me to get there.” You heard Millie say, her voice was no longer dominating, it was shaky and desperate as she lowered herself further down against your tongue. You flatten your tongue, letting her grind her hips against your face.
“Mils hurry I can’t hold it much longer.” Mary’s voice was broken up by her own moans and you felt Millie’s legs begin to tremble underneath your touch, remembering exactly what you did with her tongue that pushed her over the edge, her thighs squeezing so hard around your head you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to. All you could do was listen to them both reach their orgasm together and the noises they made harmonised one another and both of them using you to get off had quickly become your new favourite thing.
Millie was the first to collapse, Mary still riding out her orgasm and you lifted your hips in an attempt to aid her in pushing through it. Millie quickly got off your face, a devilish smile across her lips as she looked at your face, your hair messed up and your cheeks painted scarlet, her arousal fresh around your lips. She kisses you first, her hand stroking through your tangled hair. Mary had lifted herself off the strap, helping you out of it while Millie planted kisses all over your face. She collapsed on top of you, her body finally giving in, wrapping her arms around your body.
“That may have been the hottest thing we’ve ever done.” You said honestly, finally catching your breath back. “Seeing you like that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” You directed towards Mary, and she hid her face in your arm, getting all flustered at your words.
“I don’t tend to make a habit of it.” She whispered into your arm, her body flush against yours as Millie lied down next to you, wrapping her own arm around your neck, joining in on the group hug.
“You should.” Millie grinned, her hand patting the top of Mary’s head, “I enjoyed seeing you get so flustered and desperate.”
“It certainly was an experience.” You said, looking down at Mary who had finally shown her face, her eyes swiftly looking back at the both of you before squeezing you both tightly in her arms.
“Well, it won’t be the last, I’m sure.” She said, her cheeks flushing red again and Millie mocked her, pinching her cheek and shaking her head with her hands. “Right, that’s enough now, just give me a hug.” You both obliged, feeling the warmth from both of them right in your chest.
(well done for getting through it, hope you're not feeling too much)
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slickchickchocolatier · 9 months
Bad Boy
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Warnings: reader experiences sexual harassment/potential assault from an unnamed ex-bc, rough smut, smut with a stranger, implied creampie, breeding kink…
Who is the bad boy? 😏
She’s a good girl, crazy about Elvis. Loves horses, and her boyfriend too…
I’m a bad boy…for breaking her heart.
Tonight was the night when the major football game took place. It was a make it or break it moment for your college football team as the game would dictate and highlight the most select players to be drafted for professional football. You and your friends joined up and gathered around the best set of bleachers. You had to. Your boyfriend was the team's quarterback and you had to be in the front row to cheer him on.
Things had been edgy between you two. The ongoing arguments were likely a result of the stress of tonight’s game and finals combined. It was more arduous for him, as he was in his final year of college, whereas you had just barely begun. Still, the hardship of maintaining a relationship and your grades wasn’t easy, regardless that you were a newbie to campus.
The score was close, yet in the end, your boyfriends team emerged victorious and earned their way towards a bright future.
He drives you back to your dorm, where both your friends would meet up for some drinks, or so you thought.
“Let’s hang tight and have some one-on -one time after everyone leaves.” He tells you. You felt a bit uneasy, considering he was giving you that look when you both had barely spoken to each other.
Left alone with him on the bleachers, you started the conversation, trying to establish closure.
“Look, I’m sorry about the fights. I know we haven’t really spoken much, and only made up yesterday but I want you to know I am very proud of you.”
He looks over but doesn’t make any effort to converse back, instead he hums a hollow tune as he begins to pull the sleeves of your dress downward. “Wait! What are you—“
He doesn’t even make eye contact, instead he becomes rather forceful in all the wrong ways. “Come on you like it when I’m rough.”
You used to…
Back before the arguments, you used to dig the idea of your boyfriend tossing you around and going all in like a Viking while you took it. But this time was different, you didn’t really feel that strongly for him anymore. It was something you wanted to refrain from bringing up until later, but now seemed to be the time to let him know that…
“I think we should break up…”
“I…I know about what you did with…with her.”
Yeah. Maintaining a relationship is hard when you’re studying and trying to earn top grades. But it’s a lot harder when rumors of your boyfriend's infidelity becomes a popularized topic among your peers. To make the wound deep was that it was with your best friend that he was conducting the affair with. Last night, you saw the photos on her phone after she passed out, and as angry as you were, you didn’t have the heart to force any type of drama until after the big game.
“Okay…so I slept with her a few times. But I promise it was only during your periods.”
You shot a scorned look. “I saw the dates in the pictures.” Hinting at the timeline not meeting up, he sighed as he continued while you did your best to shove him off.
“Stop…I said stop!”
You began shouting when suddenly, a popping sensation stung your cheek. You were shocked as you realized he had just slapped you, but it didn’t become reality until the tangy taste of blood dripped from your lip.
He pushes you down and takes advantage of your short floral dress, and positions himself in between your legs as he rushes to undo his belt. You yell out and flare a series of kicks as you try to get away, yet he overpowers your attempts as he pins his weight down on your body. Plastering the sides of your face with his kisses, you shove and sneered away as you continued with your attempts, though it was all futile. Exhaustion begins to take over and you sense the horrifying loss as you feel the tip of his member poking your inner thigh as he tears your panties.
“What the—“
The weight of his frame is lifted so abruptly off you as you face forward and gain a clear vision of what was going on.
“Get the fuck ou—“
The sound of your boyfriend's voice is halted still and shut as you hear the audio smack of knuckle meeting his jaw, or perhaps it was his cheek. It happened so fast that you couldn’t make out the difference, all you know was that you saw the one that conducted the deed.
Flinging him off as if your boyfriend was a ragdoll, you watched as the strong arms of your savior become tender as he leans forward and kneels, presenting you a hand. He doesn’t say a word, instead he nods as he implies for you to take it. He pulls you back up on your own two feet, and rushes you under his arm while he takes you back to his car nearby. The slight bit of cigarette smoke and the musk of his cologne mixed together impaled your nostrils as he opened the door and tucks you in the front passenger seat.
You recognized him. He was in the same year as your boyfriend…or former boyfriend actually. He was somewhat of an outcast, not one that you ever really conversed with though you normally spotted him hanging out at the bleachers smoking and joking with his equally delinquent friends. Dressed in jeans, a fitted tee with a flannel over shirt left unbuttoned, it was obvious that he wasn’t dressing to impress anyone.
He starts the old steel vehicle and drives off. Once he hit the main road, he finally spoke.
“Where’s your dorm? I’ll take you there.”
You shook your head as you started to sob once more, only quietly this time. Fingering the shredded tatters of your dress, you hang your head low as the silky strands drape over, hiding your face. “Please…just take me to the airport. I can’t be here….everyone is at my dorm and I don’t want to see anyone…I just want to go back to my home.”
He doesn’t say a word. The sound of the steering wheel turning left, then right, was all the noise that filled the entire car ride until finally he puts it in park.
He really took you to the airport?
“Come on.” He sighs as he hops out and opens the door for you.
“This…where are we?”
“We’re in my frat home.”
“F-frat? You’re a part of a fraternity?” Your surprised tone causes him to smirk as he walks you to the front door. “Yeah, I know.” He nods, already aware of the presumptive appeal that is otherwise an irony. “I’m a bad boy, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”
You’re not sure what made you even more confused, the fact that the college delinquent belonged to a frat or that he actually earned decent grades and was a promising student.
He walks you to his room quietly as he fixes the bed. “You sleep here.” Grabbing onto a spare comforter, he makes his own little nest on the small loveseat on the opposite end. You felt so humbled at the fact that the man was willing to lend you his bed while he prepared to sleep on such a small couch, considering his height and stature.
“Thank you…but I really don’t want to inconvenience you. I feel a lot better now, I think I should leave you alone. I don’t want to be trouble and get you involved—“
“I want to be involved.” His tone was deep and somewhat hoarse as he smiles, switching his gaze down to the floor before making their way back to you. “I’ve been wanting to get involved ever since I first saw you at the bleachers…when you came for orientation.”
His confession made your heart melt as you raised your eyebrows with peak interest. “Y-you did?”
He nods. It never occurred to you that you would catch the eye of a delinquent, just like you never realized that closeup, the man was actually quite handsome.
His lengthy strands delicately framed his brows as he steps closer.
“I…” he begins before taking a slight pause. “I can turn your night around…and do it the right way, unlike that scumbag.” He proposes.
At any other given time, you’re quite sure you would have rejected, regardless how dashing he may have appeared. But with the way he came to your aid and was presenting you the opportunity to consent, your heart faltered. “…show me.” You whispered.
He softly rubs your cheek as he swipes the dried blood from your lip. “It’s going to hurt…and I’m going to fuck you hard…remember, I’m a bad boy. There are no…safe…words…y/n.”
He knew your name.
You felt the tingle ringing in between your legs as he outlined the aggression of his passion and proposal. To hell with soft sex anyhow, you wanted it.
“Please…show me. I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give. Just turn this night around.”
He smiles. “Good girl.”
He pulls you in as his strong hands colored your entire body. Finishing what that bastard tried to do earlier, the man before you was a true man as he tore off your dress, but never lost the velocity of his tenderness and passion.
He sucks on your neck as he takes a fistful of your hair and aggressively pulls your head back, only to balance the moment out with him tenderly licking the bite wound. Reaching down, he inserts two of his fingers. They were cold and sharp with the way he injects them, yet immediately warmed up as your walls soothed the shocking temperature and created a beautiful sensation. His coarseness with your silky flesh, mending together as he thrusts his hooks in and out, starting off slow and steady, gradually increasing in tempo.
“Oh….oh my God!….”
“Tell me how good it feels baby…” he whispers as he nibbles on your lobe.
“Mmmph!” You bite down on your lip as you hang on by the clinging grip of his muscular biceps. Lifting your leg, you hook it around his waist as you yearn for more, in which he gladly obliged.
He looped his free hand under your kneecap and propelled you up and back as he slams your body on the bed. He coats your entire body with kisses as his fingers continue to thrive in and out of your womanhood. Finally, he releases his internal hold on you and presents his flick digits to your lips. You took the hint and licked the glistening coating off, until he shoved them into your mouth altogether, inheriting a whole new line of moans from your throat.
The sound of his jeans coming undone slightly echoed as he buries his face into your neck, mumbling against your skin while he tells you how beautiful and delectable you appear underneath him. With the tip of his nose pressed against your cheek, and his lips plastered against yours, he smiles. The stretch of his grin could be felt against your cherry stained pout, igniting a gasp as you felt yourself gush in front of him.
He takes the bold tip of his cock and slowly slides it in. “Ah! Y-you’re too big!”
“Fuck yeah I am.” He whispers rather ferociously as he continues to go in deeper…and deeper.
“I told you…I’m a bad boy…a big…bad…boy.” He grunts in between his words as he presses forward, burying his thunderous rod deep into your walls.
He settled once he was all the way in. “Ready to get fucked girly?”
You eagerly nod as you catch your breath, or try to. The moment he garnished your final consent of the evening, you were down for.
He draws out his length, slowly. As soon as you feel he is about to fully exit, he rams it all back in. Each of his inches swarms back into the cavity, but it didn’t stop there. Pumping it vigorously, he maintains a solid pace as he reaches further and deeper into you. What was this feeling? This sensation? It was mind blowing. Compared to all the instances when you engaged in sexual contact with your ex, none of them had ever amounted to the rage this man was taking out on you. He was massive, rough, hard, but also soft and tender. He was both black and white, your Heaven and Hell. He was…he was….
“I-I…I can’t breathe! Oh God! Please don’t stop fucking me!”
He continues to pump his shaft harshly and tenderly as he stilts himself on his kneecaps and rubs his thumb on your clitoris. In circulation motion, he gives the external stimulation of pleasure to pair with the drumming throb you felt inside.
“That’s it girly, let me fuck you real good. You’re doing so well, you know that?”
His stiff member thrusts in and out repeatedly. His testicular sacks slap into you, staining the under skin of your vaginal opening bright red as he jams into you. Your body absorbs the impact and shifts around. Like a ragdoll, you felt yourself being tossed by the momentum of his thrusts as your body went left, then right, only for him to grab you by the arms, pinning them to your sides as he straightened you back to center and never breaking the pace.
“Na-uh. Gotta stay still for me baby, we’re going to do this the right way…me and you.”
Your eyes remained squinted shut at the immense pleasure that rampaged in between your legs, yet the vagueness of his words caused you to reach for clarification. “The r-right way? Uh!” You gasped out as you felt the pinch of lightning pleasure the moment he flexed inside you.
“Yeah baby…the right way. Gonna turn us into parents—ah! Fuck!…gonna make you mine forever. Whadya say?”
It was careless, risky, and completely irresponsible…but it made it even more dangerously sinful and absolutely pleasurable. At that moment in time, you didn’t care about anything or anyone, you wanted him. All of him.
He pumps faster and harder, causing your breaths to shorten as you gasp for air while moaning your heart out. “Oh my God!”
“Fuck yeah baby.” He gasps as his rhythm increases. The shortness of his breath indicates he was close as his abdominal region moves at an awesome speed, back and forth as he pummeled into you wildly. Sensing that you were close as the squelching grew louder, he bids you to come undone as the knot snaps in your lower gut.
“Cum on it. I want you to cum on me baby.”
You released and let it all go as you felt loss of control in your body. The shakiness lasted for an eternity as you grabbed your own breasts and gripped onto his forearm for dear life.
“Fuck, make me cum baby.” He grits as he plunges one last time, deeper into you than before. A second later you feel the warmth of his seed staining your walls as he collapses against your frame, declaring his honest love as he decorates your face with small kisses. “Stay with me baby. I’ll never let anything happen to you, let me take care of you and be the one.”
It was like cupid’s arrow struck gold. A product of love and passion emerged as you wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him in. Here all along you thought the night was going to end terribly when your ex didn’t take your breakup well, only for it to end blissfully as your savior became the one to do the unexpected. Kissing him, you released as it occurred to you…
“I don’t even know your name…” your voice trembling as you recover your composure from the exploding shot of pleasure that still rhymed within your womanhood, even after he stopped and rested inside.
Riddling a tune, he softly says his name into your ear. His voice came out almost haunting in the most delightful sense as each letter tickled your canal. It was foreign and he exotic, and he knew how to get you to speak it aloud.
“Say it with me baby, S-u-n-ghoon.”
He paused as he bites his lip. “Oh fuck baby…when you say my name….it just….come here now.”
You feel yourself being dragged down towards him as he plasters baby kisses on your inner thigh. Through the overstimulation that robbed you of your other senses, you allowed him to continue. You would have been a fool to stop him, after all, it was a perfect night to make up for lost time, considering you spent all your life with the good boys. Now that you got a taste of you bad boy, you’re not sure if you ever want to be good again. It’s better to be bad.
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weirdmarioenemies · 10 months
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Name: Bowling Pin
Debut: Bowling
Yeah, Bowling! It's the pin, from Bowling! Bowling is a game, so it is fair game for this blog. And the pins are Weird Enemies! The whole point of Bowling is to Defeat as many pins as possible. You are taught to HATE them! It's messed up. I will teach you to love them.
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When anthropomorphizing a bowling pin, are you on Team Face On Tip or Team Face On Base? I think both have their merits. Tip is good for if you want to give it a humanoid impression, like it could walk up to you and shake your hand. Hug you. Even... kiss you?! Base, however, is more of a creature, which I imagine waddling around on a bunch of legs or tentacles emerging from the bottom. It would hobble up to you and ask you, "Gleep gwanorb?" Answer carefully, or it might aim its Space Ray Gun at you! In the base design, the tip of the pin could be an antenna, or it could be read as a long-haired creature that tied its hair up in a tall bun!
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You know something messed up? There are more types of bowling pins! No one ever told me that! The classic one we all default to is the Ten-pin, but there are two others! We'll get to them. Biologically, a Ten-pin must abide to the specific standards set by the United States Bowling Congress, adopted by World Bowling. They MUST be 15 inches (380 mm) tall, 4.75 inches (121 mm) wide at their widest point, and weigh 3 pounds and 8 ounces (1.6 kg), give or take 2 ounces (.057 kg). Wow! These would be some unrealistic standards to live up to, if these were not chunks of carved and coated wood produced specifically to match up to these measurements.
The reason the different pins are pictured with different balls is that they are used in different variations of the game! Candlepin is pretty self-explanatory. It's shaped like a candle. But Duckpin? That looks like a smaller, cuter, more marketable Ten-pin. What's its deal?
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My first thought was, it's called a Duckpin because it looks like a duck! It has the one red line like the ring around a male mallard's neck, and it is rather shaped like a duck as seen from the front, overall! How cute! In reality, they are called Duckpins because the way they scatter when hit reminded a duck hunter of a scattering duck flock. Always comes back to violence with poor little Bowling Pin. They have it so rough! They could really use a friend, who's always there to pick them up when they're down.
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Name: Pinsetter
Debut: Bowling
Pinsetter is just the sort of friend a Bowling Pin needs! No matter how many times Pin is knocked down, Pinsetter will be there to pick it up and put it back in its deserving spot. If any mean ol' stray Bowling Balls try to land a cheap hit, Pinsetter's sweep bar will block them. Play fair, you bully ball! Pinsetter's job used to be done by human Pin Boys, but there can still be a human in the mix, making sure the machine is clean, and unjamming it if need be. I can only assume this beautiful relationship between human and machine is just like that of horse and rider.
The more I think about it, though, is Pinsetter really helping? It's just putting the pins back in harm's way every single time, facilitating their unending torment. It blocks incoming balls, but only briefly, allowing them to crash through the pins as soon as they're all reset. Why does it do this? Who does it work for? Who is sending all these balls?!
...It's Pinsetter.
Pinsetter does not only set the pins. It detects the score, encouraging players to hit as many pins as possible. It returns the balls, giving them the weapons to do so. Humans think they're playing a game, but Pinsetter is playing them all! It controls the whole operation, driven by nothing but pin bloodlust! Maybe Bowling Ball has been misunderstood, another tortured soul, an unwilling pawn in Pinsetter's twisted game!
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Bowling Pins are beautiful creatures. They belong in the wild, or with trustworthy, knowledgeable caretakers. To bowlers, they are an Enemy. To me, they are a Friend.
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 49
part 1 | part 48 | ao3
cw: angst, canon-typical violence
It's a totally normal Tuesday the day it all starts going to shit.
Eddie's got a show at The Hideout, and Wayne's got a rare night off, so Steve's at his boyfriend's place without him catching a basketball game with Wayne and Ernie. He did try to go to the show, to be fair; wanted to, but Eddie took one look at the way he was cradling the side of his head and winked at him to "sit this one out, big boy," so here he is: drinking beer with two old men and watching the most frustrating game he's seen all season.
"Oh, what the hell was that?" he begs the tiny screen, jumping out of his seat to pace a tight circle and rake his hands over his scalp hard enough to pluck a few strands. Beside him, Ernie shakes his head and mutters "goddamn disgraceful, that's what" and in the kitchen Wayne munches happily on a fresh plate of nachos, taps his bald head with a half-eaten chip and warns, "Quit tuggin' at your hair 'fore you wind up lookin' like this."
"Whatever, old man." Steve rolls his eyes, but he loosens his grip. Drags his hands down his face instead. "Don't act like you're not loving this."
Wayne laughs, a broad, smug smile that's pure Munson mischief. "Never claimed otherwise," he says, then he pops a cigarette in his mouth and tells them to get their wallets ready.
Bastard. His team's doing fine tonight. (And sure, the bet was only five dollars, but it's a point of pride, damn it.)
Steve turns his attention back to the game, where the ref is making yet another call that's so laughably bad Steve's not sure how he isn't getting decked for it. A stray elbow to the face, at least. Fucking something.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles; still pacing, arms crossed. "If they don't fire this idiot, I swear..."
He turns to Ernie for back up; remembers that Ernie's got a lapful of Misty the cat right now and quickly looks away. Creepy little thing still freaks Steve out (even if Ernie's stroking her fur like she's a harmless stress toy and not the razor-clawed, rat-chomping demon she really is.) He still can't look at her. Gets queasy just thinking about all the "presents" she's left him since he moved in.
Ernie catches the way his shoulders tense. "Didn't think you'd be afraid of a little pussy," he teases, scratching the cat behind her ears.
Misty gives a low rumble of approval.
Steve's stomach flips. "Whatever," he scoffs, looking anywhere but at them. "That thing's bad luck. No wonder we're losing."
He settles back into his seat, and the game goes on — and on, and on, until the score gets so embarrassing that Steve considers just getting up and yanking the TV plug out of the wall, or maybe storming out of the place in protest — and he's about to beg Wayne for mercy, ask him to change the station to anything else, when the front door opens so softly it sets off alarm bells in his head.
Steve whips around at the lack of sound. Knows immediately that something is wrong, because Eddie Munson doesn't do quiet. Eddie Munson comes home like fireworks going off: Crack! Whizz! Bang! He's always a burst of noise and energy; he's a fucking racket; Wayne's said so a million times — muttered it angrily when Eddie's music keeps him up, grumbled it fondly over breakfast while he tries to stop himself from falling asleep face-first in a plate of eggs.
Tonight Eddie comes home quiet as a thief. A mouse trying to evade the clutch of Misty's claws. His head's hung low as he shucks off his boots, his face obscured by frizzy hair.
Steve's across the room in a heartbeat.
"Baby?" he whispers, trying to peak behind the curtain. Eddie won't look at him, but his breathing sounds off; labored and whistling, and his hair is matted with something dark. "You okay?"
"Fine," Eddie croaks.
They both know it's a lie.
Steve lifts a hand to gently tip his chin up, but the moment his fingers graze skin Eddie winces and tugs away. "Okay," he says, pulling his hand back. "Okay, I'm sorry, just— can you look at me? Please?" He softens his voice, tries to coax Eddie out. You're safe here; you can trust me.
When Eddie finally looks up, Steve's heart lodges in his throat.
His face is ruined. Caked in dried blood, the skin below his left eye like an overripe eggplant: deep purple and threatening to split down the middle, to spill rotten juices all over the floor. There's a cut above his brow, another nick between his eyes, and— fuck.
His nose is broken.
Steve's gonna kill someone.
"Who did this to you?" he asks, deadly quiet. Whoever it is, they're not living to the morning. Steve's got a car and a nail bat and a boy with a broken nose, and he's going to kill whoever did this to him. "Eddie." He grips his biceps; shakes him a little. Insists. "Eddie, tell me who did this!"
Eddie hiccups a weak sob. Lips shiny with blood and tears, and Steve lets go; feels horrible for making it worse, for letting his anger get the best of him. He wraps Eddie up a gentle hug, cradles him against his chest and doesn't care if Ernie sees. He doesn't give a damn.
"Fucking—" Eddie grunts against Steve's shirt, his teeth chattering around the word. His throat clicks when he swallows. Sticky with blood and phlegm.
Hospital, Steve thinks. Blood loss; sepsis; shock.
Eddie gulps a ragged breath and tries again. "Fucking assholes," he gets out, "they took our- t-took our—" The words cut off with a pained whimper, and he breaks down and just cries. Cries and cries until the heaving subsides, until it lessens to muted trembling in Steve's arms. There's fresh blood on his shirt.
Eddie's blood is on his shirt.
He looks up, eyes wet and wide, and then Wayne's there; two strong, weathered hands firm on Eddie's shaking shoulders. "Is it bad?" he asks Steve. No nonsense; demanding answers. Decorated veteran.
Steve nods without a word.
"C'mon, kid," Wayne soothes. "Let's get you cleaned up."
part 50
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: ona batlle x fem!reader
synopsis: barcelona sets its sights on the champions league; things between you and ona unfold in the way they were always going to.
word count: 5.9k
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Barcelona won its first game back from winter break. It wasn’t the first one this season, but everyone was glad the team managed to hold onto the momentum over break. Though you didn’t score, you felt like you started to understand how to pass, how to move, how to bring the ball forward effectively the Barça way.
Things were finally starting to look up for you at your new club.
In training one day, you were paired up with Aitana for a short passing drill, and she quickly took the opportunity to inquire about you and Ona.
“I’m not telling you!”
“¿¡Por qué no?!” Aitana exclaimed, earning a few turns of heads from several teammates around. “I was the one to tell you to say something, no?”
You blew raspberry and looked down at the ball rolling between your feet. In truth, you haven’t talked to Ona about that night. Unlike the last time, though, there wasn’t an air of animosity around it. You wanted to kiss her really badly, but you also knew starting something then wasn’t the best idea. You and her both needed to concentrate on getting the team through this slump, and it was more crucial than ever that you did.
“You make it really hard for me, you know that?” You had told her, a quiet confession.
You remembered her smiling. “You don’t make it easy for me either. Every time I see you, I try so hard not to pull you to me and kiss you.”
You chuckled and dropped your head, hiding the warmth creeping up your neck. “Well, try harder.” You brushed her nose with the tip of your finger and stood up. “Our team needs us. We can’t . . . be distracted.”
“Can’t we be selfish just once?” Her tone was light and teasing, but when she leaned back against the bed, there was a darker sincerity in her eyes. Her elbows supported her weight, as her toned legs dangled off the bed. You had almost scoffed at how good she looked, and how much you wanted to pounce on her.
Swiftly, you snatched a pillow and threw it at her, earning an offended gasp from the girl. You watched her face shift, then, when you leaned down and kissed her cheek. Pulling back, you smirked. “Happy?”
Grabbing your pajamas which were draped over a chair, you quickly got out of the room and headed to the shower where, under the running water, you repeatedly told yourself to snap out of it. That night, you still fell asleep in the same bed as her. In the morning, your head was nuzzled in her neck, and your arm wrapped firmly around her waist.
You asked how long she had been staring at you, watching you sleep. Ona couldn’t resist a smirk, telling you she didn’t want to wake you up.
You had hoped she couldn’t feel how fast your heart was beating, but then again your chest was pressed into her side. You felt the overwhelming urge to pull away, alarm bells ringing in your head to sober up from your slumber and pull away. You were controlled by an invisible fear. In all of your nightly interactions with the many people that have warmed your bed, you had never felt so vulnerable than in that moment before, or since.
You could see her freckles so clearly from here. There were plenty, like a constellation of stars, but the only difference was you would lay there and count each and every one of them. Slowly, you brushed the pad of your thumb over them, and she let you, closing her eyes.
“Stardust,” you whispered quietly, feeling her skin under your finger.
Ona’s heart burned like a thousand fires watching you as you admired her, three heavy words weighing down on the tip of her tongue.
They went unsaid when you got up to go brush your teeth, over the table at breakfast, when her mom hugged you both goodbye and even when she dropped you off at your place a few hours later.
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The team was playing away in Valencia on Saturday night. Right after that, on Wednesday, you would be playing the second Champions League quarterfinal leg in London. It was going to be a stressful week, but you needed to get your head in it because this week would determine the rest of the season in the league and in the prestigious European competition.
When Valencia led 1-0 at halftime, the more the clock ran out the more the team was desperate to win, or at least get a point back.
Alexia was holding the ball, as everyone moved over to Valencia’s side of the pitch; the latter was now only concerned with defending their three points. You waited for the defenders around to get distracted and made a run for it. Fridolina received the ball and fed it to you, but the angle was too narrow and the ball bounced off the net.
Chances were coming, and you were getting much closer to an equalizer.
A corner ensued, and you were at the near-post. The ball was sent in straight towards the goalkeeper, but you thought you could manage it. The goalkeeper was beelining for the ball and headed straight towards you with her fists out ready to punch the ball away, but you were faster. 1-1.
The adrenaline rushed to your head as you ran to celebrate with your teammates.
Only when the ball was rolling again did you feel lightheaded, and were on the ground before you knew it. The referee’s whistle rang out, and several of her teammates rushed over to you, as did Ona.
She saw the way your steps slowed as you were walking back to the middle, your head hung low. The way you fell to the ground, Ona could only compare it to a jet running out of fuel and free-falling. It was as if your legs gave out under you.
“Y/N? Joder, Y/N. Fisio!” She knelt beside you, yelling to the sidelines.
Thankfully, you were able to move, turning to your side, and hiding your face in the grass.
“It’s okay, Y/N. They’re coming,” Ona breathed heavily and squeezed your shoulder.
You have had collisions that knocked the air out of you before, but this time you knew it was much more severe than that. You suddenly didn’t quite know where you were, or why all these people were gathering around and peering down at you. All you knew was there was one face that made it all okay, one that you reached for and never wanted to let go.
There were physios coming to check the reflexes in your eyes; you were fine, it was just really, really bright. You were helped to sit up, seeing stars as you did, like cartoon characters when they suffer concussions. You looked over to that beautiful face, the one that appeared in your dreams like a plague, and you were okay. Though you didn’t know what was happening, Ona made you feel brave.
You regained clearheadedness after a few minutes, the symptoms had seemingly subsided. You signaled that you could continue (you really thought you could) but Esmee was already getting ready on the sideline to come in for you.
“Y/N, you did well today,” Ona approached you and wrapped her arm around your shoulder. “You were brilliant. We’ll take care of this.”
She said and gave you a kiss on the side of your head before sending you off with a pat on your back. You smiled gracefully at her and walked towards the bench. The unheard of happened then, as you made out applause ringing out from the Barcelona section of the stands, as people stood out and whistled for you.
You spent the rest of the game in the dressing room, watching the game from a TV. The lights had been dimmed for you to lessen the side effects of the concussion. When the rest of the team returned victorious, you cracked a smile. Your teammates surrounded you to check on your well-being, one in particular was the quickest to sit next to you.
“They clapped for me when I came off,” you said with a smile. “The fans.”
“Yes, they did,” Ona grasped your hand. “Because you deserved it.”
Barcelona came back from a deficit to win 3-2, earning a crucial three points in the title race.
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“Arsenal is a very different team now than when we met them last, girls,” Jonatan stood at the front of the conference room. He played the next clip. “The one thing we’ll have to keep in mind is that they prefer passing and progressive carrying. They’ll have holding midfielders that will transition the formation from defending to attacking, so Williamson, Little, Wälti. Whoever that pivot player ends up being, if we cut her off on the high press, we cut off the supply going forward.”
As Coach was explaining tactics, you quietly turned around toward where Ona was sitting. The moment her gaze landed on you, the corner of her lips lifted. You mirrored her smile, and looked back at the projector, pulling your hoodie up past your lips to hide your cheeks heating up.
After the briefing, you walked towards the dining room to have lunch when your phone buzzed with a notification. You had just received an Instagram DM from an account that you hadn’t looked at in a long time, mainly because there would be nothing to see, as you were blocked.
Hi! I heard you’ll be in town this week for a game. Any chance we could go grab a coffee and chat? Sent 11:04am
“Hey, you coming to lunch?” Ona asked.
“Oh, yeah. I’ll be there in a second,” you said quickly and typed a reply.
On Tuesday, a couple of hours after you landed in London, you made your way towards the little café the address of which you had been sent. Just before entering the coffee shop, you exhaled sharply and wiped your palms on your pants before pulling the door open. Leena was already seated at a table, a cup in front of her.
“Hey,” you hugged her. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too, Y/N,” she wrapped her arms around you and squeezed you tightly. “You look good.”
You let out a snort. “Yeah, Barcelona tends to do that to ya.”
You sat on the opposite side of the table, after going to order a small coffee.
“I heard you got a concussion last game,” Leena asked, concerned.
“Oh, that.” You waved it off. “I’m fine. I’ve seen better days, but it’s all a part of it. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good,” Leena smiled. “I . . . I had to step away to . . . put things into perspective.”
You nodded slowly and sighed. “Leena, the way I handled things, I’m just so deeply ashamed of it. I’m really sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. I should have known better than to pursue someone who isn’t ready yet. I tend to do that.”
“Still, I mean . . . That’s not who I am, and I never meant to hurt you or lead you on like that.”
Quickly leaning forward to grasp your hand, she whispered, “It’s okay”. You nodded and smiled gratefully. Leena never made you feel less than whenever you bore your emotions to her, and it was no exception this time.
You started chatting about work, learning that Leena wanted to go back to school for a master’s in cinematography. You told her about your new club, and how much harder it was to live up to expectations than you thought. By the end of your little meeting, you had told her pretty much everything that was going on within the past year.
You said goodbye about an hour later, but not before asking if she wanted to come to the game the following night. “Sure,” she said. “Should be fun.”
Leaving the café with a smile, you called an Uber back to your hotel just in time for dinner with the team, where Ona was already waiting for you in the lobby.
“Hey,” you said, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“I was waiting for you.” The girl quickly ascended from her seat on the couch. “I texted but you didn’t answer, so I got worried.”
“Oh,” you pulled out your phone to see said unread messages from Ona. “I’m sorry. I was meeting up with a friend, and I usually put my phone on silent for stuff like that.”
“I see,” Ona chewed on her lower lip. “Well, it’s dinner time. Come.”
As you walked, you looked down at your joined hands that she nonchalantly initiated, and blushed. You ignored the knowing look a couple of your teammates sent your way when you walked into the hotel dining room.
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“Hey, good luck out there today,” you found Ona in the dressing room before the game, and decided to offer your support.
“Thanks. Are you cleared to play today?”
“Yeah, later though. Just to be sure,” you explained.
Though you were cleared by the physios to travel to London with the team, Jonatan wanted to be sure that you weren’t overexerting yourself by playing the 90 minutes, but you were assured that you would be subbed on in the second half.
Ona nodded tentatively. “Hey, Y/N. I just wanted to say—“
The voice outside the dressing room made you turn around.
“Leena, hi! You made it!”
Then you were gone, walking out and greeting the woman she saw with you in Ibiza. Ona clenched her jaw, listening to your animated conversation in the hallway, not she had no right to infringe upon your other relationships. But she didn’t know where you stood with Leena, nor where she stood with you, and it made her nervous.
She had spent the last few months trying to make you feel her love, hoping that you would answer her and give her your heart.
You were you, though, and maybe she would never be enough to make you commit. She had messed it up before, and while you had forgiven her, you had made no effort to progress past a friendship.
She had been ready to take on Arsenal mere minutes before, now she felt dejected and beyond embarrassed.
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It was an easy win for Barcelona. You managed to score again, a screamer from outside the box, and the fans went wild for your seemingly return to form.
After the game walked towards where Ona was near the stands, greeting fans, and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Nice work today,” you said.
Ona only glanced at you shortly with a small smile before turning back to the fans to sign their shirts.
Your smile faded for a split second, but it returned when Leena approached you. You didn’t realize Ona was sneaking glares at the back of your head, wishing you would just notice how desperate she was to get you alone.
That night, you were back in the hotel room you shared with Patri when you heard a knock at the door.
“Hi,” you couldn’t hide the slight inflection in your voice when you discovered that the person on the other side of the door wasn’t Patri coming back from Claudia’s room where she said she would be, but Ona.
“Hi,” she mumbled, her hands hidden in the pockets of her hoodie. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” you said, stepping aside to let her in. You caught a whiff of her shampoo as she walked past you, and the comfortable way in which she dressed suddenly made your heart beat wildly.
“Are you feeling well?” You rubbed your hands together nervously, an impending question already burned into the back of your mind. “You were just quiet after the game, and I wasn’t sure whether you’d hurt yourself.”
Ona pulled on her sleeves, and timidly sat at the edge of your bed, swinging her legs back and forth. “Just wanted to come see you,” she shrugged.
You hated not being able to read her, not knowing what she was thinking. You guessed your relationship has always been like that, hiding how you really felt and continuing this façade you both had decided was the only thing that could work.
You didn’t know, but what you knew was you were tired of pretending.
“What are we to each other?” Her question tore you from your thoughts.
Well, that was certainly one way to do it. You were still standing in the middle of the room, unsure of where to go or sit.
“We’re friends, aren’t we?” You answered. “We support each other, we have each other’s backs.”
“That girl you were with, are you seeing her?” Her quiet voice, in addition to the slight frown she sported made her so endearing. You hadn’t seen her so open, so vulnerable ever since the night you spent with her after Spain lost out on the Euros. But maybe then you might have missed all the signs.
“No,” you shook your head. “We’re friends. She helped me a lot after everything went down between us.”
She nodded, looking away. You still didn’t know what she was thinking, and it was driving you crazy.
“Why? Are you jealous?” You smirked, wanting to lighten the mood, but the despairing look on her face remained.
Feeling bold, you took a seat next to her on the bed. “What is it, Ona?”
She drew a breath, still refusing to look at you and opting to look at your hands instead. “I don’t want to be just friends.”
You let the silence hang because you weren’t sure if those words actually just left her mouth.
They did, because she followed up, “I want to have you to myself. I want you all the time. Every time I see you, it’s like I can’t function until you talk to me. I don’t know where we stand and it’s honestly tearing me apart. I know I sound clingy and pathetic, but I think I’m in love with you.”
You heard her repeat the last part under her breath, as if affirming to herself, as if finally saying it out loud was the hardest thing to do.
Your heart was hammering in its cage. You held her gaze when she looked up, her eyes were dull and sad and lost, despite having just won a Champions League match.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear you say those words?” You cracked a tiny smile. “Almost five years. That day when we played against each other for the first time in Manchester. I singled you out, I pushed your buttons because I wanted to get your attention from the moment we met. I wanted you to notice me because I liked you.”
You knew it was a selfish thing to do, but it was the only way you knew for sure that her eyes were on you. And on you they were.
Ona perked up, grinning softly. “Really?”
Her pinkie was hooked with yours at your side. “I want to try us. I promise I won’t let you down this time,” she said quietly, and instead of looking away, she held your gaze firmly.
“Okay.” There was nothing else.
“Yeah,” you nodded and brought your hand up to glide over her cheek lightly.
Her lips parted slightly. You could see the way her chest rose and fell before she lunged at you, cupping your jaw and pressing her lips against yours.
You let out a quiet groan at the sensation of her bruising kiss. You let her do whatever she wanted, even when she shoved you down on the bed and got on top of you, kissing, touching, and feeling everywhere, you let her, because it had been too long.
At some point, you had managed to flip her over, keeping eye contact as you kissed down along her body. She always liked it when you took your time worshipping her as you did now, holding your gaze and encouraging you to keep going. Once in a while, she would throw her head back and mumble breathless profanities in her native tongue, giving you a good look at her defined jawline.
You might have known her body inside and out from the time you spent with her, but this time it felt different. There was love in every tug, every kiss, every look she gave you. You found yourself in a trance and let your body tangle with hers in ways you were too afraid to have done before; afraid it was too affectionate, too intimate, too personal.
By the time you were done, she was whimpering, her eyes closed shut, and her skin was damp and hot to the touch.
Resting your chin on her stomach, you watched her come down. When she finally opened her eyes, it took one look for the both of you to burst out into laughter.
Your laughs died down, and suddenly you felt shy again. As if having read your mind, Ona pulled you closer and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“When we’re back in Barcelona, I’m taking you out on a date,” she whispered.
A couple of hours later, Patri, upon entering the room, decided to grab her charger and return to Claudia and Ona’s room. She found the both of you sound asleep, tangled up in bed together, and decided to leave you be.
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“But why do I have to do the press conference? Why can’t Caro or Alexia do it?” You groaned. “No one cares what I have to say.”
“Of course they do,” Toni responded. “Y/N, I might be biased, but you are one of the best players of this half of the season in the team, if not the league. You’re Barcelona’s new gem.”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” you muttered.
“People will want to hear from you. Plus, it’s good—“
“—publicity, yeah, I know.” You hunched over and adjusted your position on the couch. “Ughhh . . .” You groaned loudly and dragged your hands down your face. “Fine.”
Toni proceeded to run you over things you should say, things you shouldn’t say, things you should absolutely avoid at all costs. You half-listened to the rest of it because you felt the couch dip beside you, and a sneaky hand creeping up and down your back.
You ended the phone call with another sigh. The hand that calmed you proceeded to inch towards your nape, caressing the skin there.
“I thought you liked doing press.”
“No one likes doing press,” you grumbled.
You looked up from your moping and over your shoulder, and the sight of Ona made you smile. She always managed to make you forget about everything wrong in the world, and crave the warmth of her touch. When she wore one of her snuggly hoodies as she did now, the heat under the fabric made her chest and embrace extra warm.
“You’ll do great, hermosa,” she held you close to her, giggling at the feeling of your face buried deep in her neck. “Besides, what is it you always say? ‘All in a day’s work’?”
You grinned and kissed her cheek. “I hate it when you use my shtick against me.”
“No, you love it,” Ona kissed you quickly, but you held her by the collar of her sweatshirt and savored her lips a little longer.
“I was thinking,” you said slowly. “Since you already know the code for the front door, and you’re always here anyway, why don’t you move in?”
Her eyebrows raised in surprise. For a split second, the silence caused a familiar pang in your heart from all the times she had turned you down. There was a moment when you imagined the worst to happen, that she would run for the hills again and leave you to pick up the pieces by yourself. But it was different this time; the circumstances were different, you both were different.
“No pressure at all. I just—It was just a suggestion—“
“Okay,” she breathed quietly. “But after the season is over.”
You let a wide grin spread across your face. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Ona smiled and tapped your nose lovingly. “Now, come on. I’ll help you practice for your big press conference.”
You groaned and sunk back into the couch, but you knew you would be able to distract her from putting you through this torture if you picked your moments right. There were no more barriers between the two of you, and kisses were expendable.
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“Hello, Y/N. My question to you is, ‘How do you judge your opponent coming into this match, and are you confident that you’ll be walking home with your first Champions League after tomorrow?’” “I think that Chelsea is a formidable team, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind about that. As for if I think we can win; yes, I think so. I’m confident in my teammates’ abilities, and I know that I’ll be giving 110% into tomorrow’s match. So, yes, we are going into this match to win.” “Obviously, you’re surrounded by World Cup finalists at Barça. What is it like playing with some of the more experienced and decorated players on this team in particular?” “It’s a wonderful environment for me as a young professional in this sport, to have that support system in my own club. I enjoy every second that I get to play alongside and learn from my teammates. No matter who it is, finalist or not, I’ve been able to learn from everyone I play with.” “You’ve had an admittedly rocky start to your spell at Barcelona, but have since improved a lot from what we’ve seen in the return leg of the season. Do you think you have fully integrated yourself into the Barça system?” “As a player, I’m very fortunate to have had the club’s, the coach’s, and my teammates’ trust as I familiarized myself with the system. I will say, I’m much more confident in my role at the club now than I was at the start of the season, and I just hope to continue to do well with the team, and we’ll see how it goes.”
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All 50,000 spectators of the Estadio José Alvade roused into cheers as the whistle blew. Chelsea got the ball rolling in motion, and, already, some of its finest attackers planted themselves deep into Barcelona’s defense, waiting for their moment to reap their rewards.
It was a long back-and-forth for the next 20 minutes, and both teams were not willing to risk it in the opening minutes of the game. But then a wild attempt by Lauren James from outside the box left the ball unattended after Sandra pushed it out. Sam Kerr did what she always did best, and tapped it in. 0-1.
“Shit,” you muttered, seeing Jonatan shouting to Aitana and Patri to change tactics.
You hoped Chelsea couldn’t pick up on the franticness at which Barcelona picked up the ball again. All four players of the backline were on Chelsea’s side of the pitch, Irene, being the deepest, also just barely skirting above the halfway line.
The possession paid off though, as after a long period of tiki-taka, you found an opening for Mariona, who took the shot and sent it past Zećira Mušović into the net. 1-1.
If you could choose, you would always prefer counterattacks over possession plays, in which you could use your speed and dribble to explode; your opponents always feared it when you did. But possession was how Jonatan wanted the team to play then, and Chelsea must have anticipated that. Ève Périsset won the ball back inside the box and lobbed it across the pitch to Guro Reiten, who made the run far before anyone could catch up to her. Mapi was fast, but at her fastest she was still trailing behind her, watching powerlessly as Guro glided past Sandra coming out and passed the ball into an empty net. 1-2.
You could see some of your teammates’ spirits crumbling. Mapi was cursing under her breath as she hid her face under her shirt.
Your eyes landed on Ona walking back to the halfway line, hyping your teammates up. There was a time when she would be doing to her own teammates after you scored against her. You thought it was selfish of you to feel glad that she was doing it for you now.
“Come on, Y/N,” she clapped her hands a few times. “We got this. We’re almost there.”
She was right, you’ve suffered worse deficits, and you wouldn’t be where you were if you didn’t help your team emerge victorious from them.
The dressing room was still as the night at halftime, only the sound of cleats shuffling and the occasional water bottle caps closing were heard.
You sat in your designated spot, taking deep inhales to catch your breath, slapping your teammates’ hands as they walked in. You low-fived Ingrid before she made her way over to where Mapi sat, her head hanging low in her hand.
The team hadn’t been playing well since the beginning of the match. Maybe it was the underestimation of Chelsea’s abilities or their opening goal that caught everyone off-guard. Whatever it was, the team hasn’t recovered.
“Come on, girls,” Jonatan said in the dressing room. “We’re down by one. One. We’ve come back from worse.”
He proceeded to go over tactics again, this time using the wingers as the main force of attack. Since Chelsea would most likely park the bus now that they were in the lead, he wanted to take initiative and penetrate the defense, only the one thing you were very good at.
Ona sat down next to you, huffing a breath and leaning back against the wall. Her eyes fluttered close, and her cheeks were flushed. You thought about running your hand along her face down her neck were you in private, instead, you squeezed her knees and offered her a smile when she opened her eyes again.
“You okay?” How selfish of her to ask if you were okay when if anything, she was the only person holding this team together at this point. Out of everyone during the first 45 minutes, Ona had done her job to the very best of her abilities, and it was a lifeline to the team.
When it was time to return to the pitch, you walked to her with your heart in your hands. “Ona,” you touched her arm, “I love you.”
Your heart hammered as the corner of her lips pulled up, her brows twitching with a sympathetic look. “I love you too,” she leaned into you, “very much.”
You hoped no one noticed how wide you were smiling too, but you also hoped they did. You wanted to shout it out loud for all 50,000 people in the stadium to hear how much love you had for Ona.
“I wish you had told me that earlier, so I can kiss you,” she said.
“Later,” you grinned. “You can kiss me as much as you want.”
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Summer never lasted as long as you wanted it to. Gone were the days of sunny beachside margaritas, and bonfire nights at local bars. Ona had taken you to a secluded spot off the coast of Morocco, and for two weeks straight, it was beach, drinking, the occasional sightseeing, and lots of sex. It was the first time the two of you were able to truly be alone without any distractions after you started seeing each other officially, and you couldn’t be happier that it happened the way it did.
You had been back with the team for a couple of weeks, and as much as you missed your much-needed summer vacation, you missed playing more.
“Behind you! Here, here!”
“Body language, girls! Let’s go!”
You sat on the grass, catching your breath after your first successful practice of the season.
“Getting up any time soon, partner?” You heard Ona call next to you before a water bottle was tossed onto your legs.
You grabbed the bottle and squirted some water onto her legs, but she remained unfazed with that stupid smirk on her face. “Ooh, recreating last night’s activities now, aren’t we? You know it should be more than that.”
You let out a laugh and pulled her down next to you. “Since when do you make the dirty jokes?”
“Since I started spending way too much time with you, apparently.”
“Are you complaining?”
“No,” Ona’s voice lowered as she leaned in, “not in the slightest.”
“Ey, tórtolitos (lovebirds)!” Aitana’s voice rang out. “Coach has an announcement to make. Vamos!”
You sighed. “Remind me why telling the team that we’re dating was a good idea again?”
“For one, it would stop all the pestering,” Ona pecked your lips and stood up before offering a hand. “Come on, tórtola. Time waits for no one, not even for new Champions League winners.”
You didn’t expect things to turn out the way they did when you first saw her across the pitch years ago, but you were glad that they did, and better than you could have ever hoped.
You took Ona’s hand gingerly, swinging it back and forth, getting used to the feeling, because you intended on having it with you forever. If Ona came with it too, that's fine by you, you supposed.
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The Athletic: A Star Is Born — Y/N Y/L/N’s Barcelona Start and Road to First Champions League “Y/N Y/L/N is the kind of player every club would benefit from having,” said former Manchester City captain Vincent Kompany in the summer of 2020, days before news of Y/L/N’s signing was announced. “She is a star in the making.” Y/L/N came up within the ranks of Portland Thorns before getting picked up at Man City, helping the club to its first-ever WUCL participation. But it was at Barcelona that she was able to realize her potential. And then, in the 94th of the Champions League final, she scored and sealed a third European championship for Barcelona. After a tumultuous season which sees Barcelona barely clinch the league title for the sixth year in a row, Y/N Y/L/N emerged a key player at La Blaugrana, a sure-fire Ballon d’Or contender in October, and one of the most prolific forwards within the game—and she’s only 23. […]”
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a/n: WOOP WOOP!! we made it guys, we've reached the end. if you've read everything up until now, i sincerely thank you for coming along on this journey of self-indulgence lol. we'll say goodbye to y/n and ona and let them ride off into the sunset and continue to slay at barcelona. once again, thank you for reading, more woso fics coming soon! for now, delfiore over and out 🫡
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