#Bowling bag durability
squareofshape · 11 months
maybe this is just me and my specific sensory Stuff but the more work i put into reducing waste & living sustainably, the more i find that even the most mundane of tasks can be truly pleasant.
using a cut&hemmed chunk of old, loved-to-faded-pieces t-shirt as a napkin in my work lunch makes me smile during my too-short break (would a paper towel do that for me?)
the mended spots on my clothes mean that every time i get dressed, i have endless, ever-expanding opportunities for customization & personalization
when i put a saucer upside-down over my bowl in the microwave, then i have a convenient not-quite-clean-not-really-dirty plate to shield my hands from the hot bowl of soup
fabric shopping bags are so so durable and so much easier to carry around than plastic bags
just like. the joy of solarpunk living
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valeriianz · 2 years
had thoughts about Dream being able to sleep, how soft and human he would look. for your consideration:
Hob announced his arrival from work with a long sigh, heavy with exhaustion, and leaned into the door as he opened it and stepped into his flat. He dropped his keys in the little bowl and toed off his shoes. He had just shrugged off his messenger bag when he noticed a pair of large black boots in the living room, stark against his off-white rug. They were about a meter apart, like they’d been kicked off or tossed aside without a second thought.
With one brow raised, eyes scrupulous, Hob deposited his bag on the couch and bent down to pick up first one boot, then the other, tucking them together and neatly placing them on the wooden floor next to a bookshelf.
“Dream?” Hob called out, straightening up and casting his gaze upon the room. It wasn’t like Dream, when he paid surprise visits, to not immediately be within eyesight of the door, let alone leave his shoes haphazardly on the carpet.
Hob’s eyes landed on the entryway of the hall, spotting Dream’s thick, long coat in a heap on the center of the floor. Worry began to creep in as Hob slowly stepped up to Dream’s mystical coat, his pulse thrumming under his skin. He stooped down, grabbing it by the collar and brushing it off with his other hand. The material felt luxurious in Hob’s hands, soft like cashmere or shahtoosh, but also durable– something akin to wool or even canvas. Hob’s fingers caressed the fabric, feeling the lip of the tall collar between his thumb and fingers. 
Gently folding the coat over one arm, Hob continued down the hall, stepping softly, carefully. 
Hob’s bedroom door was open, the rays of the setting sun streamed in through the window and lit up the entryway, revealing more dark clothes in a jumble leading into the room.
Swallowing, lips parting, Hob bent down once more to collect Dream’s t-shirt, his pants and, following the line of mayhem, his socks, taking them all into his arms. Hob wasn’t sure what he expected to see when he finally straightened up and turned, but it certainly wasn’t this.
Hob almost dropped all the clothes he had spent carefully collecting, his mouth going dry. 
There was a considerable, person-sized lump in Hob’s bed, buried under his thick gray comforter. The only indication that it was indeed Dream laying in Hob’s bed, was the mane of wild dark hair poking out from the mass of linens.
Hob took a step forward, then another, crushing the pile of clothes to his chest as he walked around the bed, his gaze transfixed to the top of Dream’s head– a smattering of black ink spilled on his white pillow. He held his breath as he finally came to face Dream, the only part of him sticking out was his nose and eyes, Dream’s impossibly long lashes draped down, threatening to brush the tops of his cheeks.
Hob felt his jaw drop, lips parting in wonder at this ethereal creature in his bed.
Dream was sleeping.
Or… it looked like he was sleeping. The shape of him steadily rose and fell, imitating breath that Hob knew Dream didn’t need. Hob didn’t think Dream needed sleep, either… or was even capable of it. Was Dream sick? Had he been injured?
Hob quietly deposited the bundle of clothes into a wicker chair in the corner of his room, turning back to Dream and leaning over him, slowly pressing one hand into the mattress next to him, and bringing the other up to lay it against Dream’s forehead.
Hob immediately felt foolish, of course Dream didn’t get sick, he’d nearly beaten it into Hob by now, how Endless never fall ill (not in the way humans do, apparently), but Dream did actually feel quite warm. Hob moved his hand from underneath Dream’s soft fringe, grazing his fingers down the side of his head, brushing the shell of his ear, cheekbone, and across his pointed nose, unable to get any further with the blanket folded up tight around half his face.
With his heart lighter than it’d felt in a long time, Hob couldn’t resist carefully hooking his fingers around the edge of the comforter, leaning in close as he pulled it down to expose Dream’s lips and chin. He looked softer, like this– human and vulnerable. There’s a trust here, Hob knows, his chest tightening, as his knuckles caress down the line of Dream’s jaw, free of blemishes and marble smooth. Hob swallowed again, his eyes flicking down in unrestricted interest at the line of Dream’s concealed body, cocooned in creamy grays. He looked back up, focusing on plush lips that are too red for Dream’s alabaster skin, like they’d been bitten.
Hob’s own teeth pull on his bottom lip, moving his hand to press a thumb against that mouth, barely touching, like a paint brush, dragging it from corner to corner.
“What are you doing?”
Hob huffed a surprised laugh, but didn’t remove his hand. Dream’s voice was lower than usual, thick, and rumbly, pulled from a deep slumber.
“Checking your temperature,” Hob answered in a whisper. His breath caught in his throat as Dream’s eyelids fluttered open, crystal blue eyes focusing right on him.
Christ almighty, he was gorgeous. Hob still couldn’t believe it sometimes, that he was allowed to see this, to be regarded by such beauty, such a divine entity. That he could call Dream his, and be confident in the knowledge that he was Dream’s, too. Hob felt himself begin to shake, his thumb was still at Dream’s lips, which had parted slightly when he’d spoken, his hot breath hitting Hob and causing something both carnal and pure to race through his blood, something devotional.
“You’re quite warm,” Hob tried again. Dream hadn’t spoken, only watched him, like he was waiting for something.
“Yes,” Dream’s voice ran over Hob in that velvety way of his; a warm tide crashing over him and lifting Hob up.
“I was seeking warmth. You weren’t home, and I know how pleasant you are after a long rest.”
“Pleasant?” Hob’s lips curled in a smile, distractedly pressing his thumb a little harder against Dream’s bottom lip.
“Tepid.” Dreams amended, parting his lips and allowing Hob’s thumb access.
Hob gasped softly as Dream bit down, his eyes blazing now, the black of his iris growing so there was no more blue. Hob hummed, his fingers curled around Dream’s chin, tilting it up.
There’s a tongue that swipes the tip of his thumb and Hob knows he’s lost, feigning nonchalance was never his strong suit when it came to this entity in his bed. His heart crashes against his ribs and Hob’s sure Dream can hear it, can hear the desire there.
A bare arm slips out from the pile of gray and latches onto Hob’s bicep, pulling him down. Hob goes along with a smile, getting one knee up on the bed, then the other, dislodging his fingers from Dream’s face to steady himself.
They lift the comforter together, allowing Hob to crawl in next to Dream. The shock of the sudden temperature hike against Dream’s bare skin makes Hob’s breath catch, desperately wishing he’d taken his clothes off first.
“Christ, Dream it’s like a furnace under here.” He’s never felt Dream radiate so much heat before. He truly was learning something new about this man– Endless, every day.
Dream’s long arm pulls the blanket back down, going around Hob’s middle and tucking it under him, coaxing Hob to be flush against his sinew body, usually firm with restrained strength, now soft from sleep. Dream’s chin tilts down, lips brushing Hob’s forehead.
“Could be hotter,” he murmurs, lips traveling down, his sharp nose nudging against Hob’s face, encouraging him to meet him evenly.
Hob is already panting, he’s sure he’s already sweating too, but he meets Dream’s mouth eagerly, pressing hard, getting his hand back on his face to cup Dream’s jaw.
“Well,” Hob pants as Dream wetly breaks the kiss, pressing his lips instead up Hob’s face and into his hairline. “I certainly wasn’t expecting this today.”
Dream hums, the sound reverberating down his body and tickling Hob’s senses. 
“I’m pleased I can still surprise you.”
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birdingbutch · 9 months
I'm a huge fan of Thriftmas/thrifting for the holidays! If you're looking for last-minute, personal, and inexpensive gifts for the holidays, here are some ideas using things you can find at your local thrift/charity store:
mugs (especially handmade ones, mugs that match their style, or ones that relate to their interests/hobbies) filled or gifted alongside hot cocoa/tea/coffee supplies
a cozy blanket, some gently worn socks/slippers, and DVD's of movies/shows you know they like or might be interested in (you could also throw in a bag of popcorn & their favorite candy)
a handwritten recipe of something you enjoy making, plus utensils/cookware/serving ware to go with it! examples: matching set of bowls + a recipe for your favorite soup, or a ceramic loaf pan with a spatula, whisk, and recipe for zucchini bread (this would also be cute to be gifted with an apron!)
gift a dinner-party-in-a-box (this would also make a great gift for someone with a new apartment!): create a set of plates, utensils, cloth napkins, a fun tablecloth, maybe a candle holder with candles, etc.
a book/books related to a hobby that they enjoy (or are just curious about) + items relating to that hobby. some examples: a book about houseplants, with a cute planter, and small glass containers for plant propagation. or a hiking guide, with a pair of durable socks, and a bandana
homemade treats (cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, candied nuts, etc) gifted in a metal tin, mason jar, or other thrifted container. you can find christmas-y tins, or tins that can be used by the recipient year-round :3
As with anything you get from a thrift store, be sure to give your items a thorough cleaning! You might be surprised how 'like-new' you can make something look with a quick scrub.
Thrift stores always have baskets, metal tins, glass jars, and gift bags that you can use to gift things in! I like to stock up when I find these things throughout the year, to use in December. Happy thrifting ^-^
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Let's talk about flying to pick up a puppy by yourself
And some ways to make it easier on you.
Your prep starts honestly, about a week before baby actually comes home. Maybe 2 weeks.
For my pre-flight prep, I first picked out a flight carrier. I went with the one my breeder recommended.
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It has expandable sides, and a little storage pocket. And it's resistant to chewing. I'm really glad I didn't buy a cheaper one, and I can't stress enough that it's cheaper to buy a quality one the first time than have a zipper break or a tear in the middle of your trip. My trip in total was 4 flights and 4 hours in the car, with him being with me for half of it and having the longest layover of my day. I could only really let him out a couple times, so this next part was incredibly helpful.
I mailed the carrier to my breeder,
at her behest. This was *huge* because the siblings got their scent on it and he was acclimated to being in it before I got to him. It acted as a secure place for him to ride in the car and for his first few nights here, he slept in there through the night.
And now that he's in his crate, the removable pad with scents on it has been instrumental in establishing the crate as a safe place for him.
Video of why I'm really glad I got the durable carrier.
Please consider what you're wearing that day.
Wear clothes you don't need to fuss with *at all* that's normal airport protocol- but I can't stress this enough, you're carrying the puppy in your arms through the TSA checkpoint and other people will be fussing over him. Make sure your appearance and personal bag is no fuss.
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See: jeans, hoodie, puppy treat and potty bag that can be shoved into my personal Item, and a no fuss backpack.
In my personal travel bag I kept:
Pee pads, his food from the breeder, a change of clothes in case of incidents, a portable battery to charge my phone, collapsible food and water bowls, collar and leash incase one wasn't provided, and SEVERAL toys in there.
The toys were great for waiting in the terminal. I'd expand the sides of the crate and introduce a new toy to him to help him run a bit of energy out before we had to board.
Peepads: Even though airports have animal relief areas, chances are they're either kind of gross or your dog may be a little too young for it to be safe. I was traveling through one of the busiest airports in the world, and nobody was checking jack shit so I opted for potty breaks to occur in bathrooms with pee pads. He didn't end up going but it's better to be prepared.
I flew Delta and used Skymiles accumulated from our credit card with them that we pay off monthly, so the only thing I paid for out of pocket was 95.00 to bring Argos on board. My flight only costed 20k miles total, and that was only a small portion of what we'd accumulated over the 6 months we've been using the card. I think it's worth considering if you're planning to fly to a breeder. It enabled me to go anywhere in the country that Delta flies and not worry about costs.
Day of hack: double check your flights on the airlines app and switch your seat if possible. I swapped one of my return flight seats to an empty row for 15.00, which meant I could have my carryon and him with me at the same time and that was very nice for readjusting where my stuff was and taking a damn nap. Because at this point, I'd been up for about 18 hours and still had 7 hours of traveling before I'd get home.
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I think my last thing is that if you're like me and you do have an invisible disability- ask if you can preboard. Dont be afraid to say "hey, i have this problem and standing in the heat while carrying a bunch of stuff is potentially going to cause an episode. " The employees were extremely nice, and willing to work with me. Ultimately, I went through all of this because he's a service dog prospect and will hopefully help.
Small things for me specifically prior: ate in the morning and right before I picked him up, he was able to chill in his carrier while I ate dinner at a restaurant in the airport- didn't make any sounds. He slept the whole time. I don't think I couldve eaten in the food court, too much to carry between him and my main bag.
I think that's it. I may add to this if I remember anything I forgot.
Edited to add: for my besties with miscellaneous illnesses-
A baggie with your medicines is IMPORTANT. Do not forget some dramamine, advil, Tylenol, whatever, pack it if there's a small chance you'll need it!
I ended up getting migraine symptoms like 5 hours into travel, and that was not a day I could afford to have blurred vision. <3 remember to take care of YOU on the journey.
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greatkittydream · 7 months
The creature from the dungeon 4
“Thinking” ‘talking’ (righters input) Important/ very noticeable
Jacob pov
Jacob was currently resting up against a tree using the cloak as a sun shield for him and the girl. while he doesn't feel safe in this area he knows that he needs to take a break.
After that last minute run he's afraid he may have pulled something. there's a constant aching pain towards his thigh.
His arm, the one he used to stop the marble door also hurt probably a hairline fracture, if he's going by self diagnosis. He's currently trying to keep his arm as straight as possible. Using a bunch of sticks he's found and some Rags from the bags he stole as a makeshift cast.
Leaning forward sighing as he looked to his right. The small girl was currently playing in the sand without a thought in her mind. She doesn't know how close they came to death. nor does she probably care.
“Okay Jacob we're in some high fantasy bullshit, you more than likely have several torn muscles and a broken arm. And you can't afford to stay here for much longer because you'll run out of food. Why does life have to be so difficult? ".
Swinging his head back with tremendous Force knocking it into the tree for getting how much strength he has .Grasping on to the back of his head letting out a.
As the tree shook a coconut fill landing on his head.
looking over to his right he saw the coconut, a smile appeared on his face quickly reaching over to grab it. He pulled it close to him and he began peeling it, pinching at the skin and pulling it off.
'Now if only I had a way to crack open the coconut, oh wait I do thank you small child for the murder weapon’.
Smiling happily as he grabbed the rock next to him he had used as a murder up in moments ago. He raised the coconut into the sky and smashed it down onto the Rock unlike what he expected.
what would have normally taken him a few hits completely shattered the coconut during him and coconut milk, shell and flesh.
Deep breath in deep breath out.
'Okay motherfucker you want to play hardball?’
Looking up to the palm tree he saw at least a dozen more coconuts growing, unlike the normal fashion there growing more like grapes on a vine than an actual coconut tree.
Using his good hand he backed fist the tree shaking it as two more coconuts fell down. The Girl by this point had looked over to him and curiosity.
Thinking for a moment he just searched for the girl to come here as he grabbed the two coconuts that fell near him. As she approached him he had it the same next to him gesturing for her to sit down.
When she sat down he handed her a coconut in Jester to the rock. Not quite understanding what he's meaning she drops it and then picks up the Rock.
Shaking his head then putting the coconut back in her hand he guides her hand over the coconut as he raises it up then slams it down very gently. Getting what he's gesturing she does repeatedly until it cracks open.
With curiosity she looks inside seeing pale flesh and Milky water. living in an ecosystem more comparable to forests of Europe than a tropical climate she's Probably never seen a coconut before.
Taking a guess at this given the stereotypes of elves. Jacob pinches off a bit of the flesh and eats it. Seeing her idle do it she does the same. Her ears begin to wiggle.
She began ranting in a very high-pitched voice picking more flesh clean as she ate into her coconut. Jacob looking over his own. Now having to take into account his greater physique and apparent durability.
Raises his middle finger to just above the coconut then Jabs down quickly creating a small hole. raising the whole to his mouth drinking the coconut milk. The little girl next to him does the same out of her miniature Bowl.
After he made sure to get every drop out he put his two thumbs into the hole he created and then split it into half. he started eating the coconut flesh.
soon Jacob began to sing.
‘Take Me Home, Country Road, to the place I belong’.
When Jacob pause to take another bite of his coconut a peculiar thing happened from the small child next to him.
‘Tace Me Hame, Cooun, try Raad, to the plece I beloog’.
Ha, haa, haahaahaaaa.
Jacob went into a hysterical laughter, somehow hearing this small child try and mess up to mess up one of his favorite songs was just the funniest thing to him at that moment.
Before pausing to think of the implications. quickly turning to face the child and shove a thumb to his chest he said out loud.
In response.
Shaking his head
A smile appeared on Jacob's face quickly grabbing a chunk of coconut shell he pointed towards it.
And thus Jacob began partaking in the ancient tradition of teaching English to people who have no idea how to speak it.
Ada and the rest of her group were currently on the 160th floor. They had burned through every possible healing spell.
Every stamina spell, any other enhancement spell in order to get to floor 160. They were run ragged not a moment of rest was given until now.
Fact the smug bastard had snapped his fingers as his minions brought him out a stool to sit on.
‘you all may rest’.
Ada and her party collapsed in an unprideful manner. They had long since abandoned Noble Pride after entering the dungeon.
Covered in small cuts and breezes collapsed in a heap next to each other. taking in deep breaths whenever possible.
The entire group was looking at vect with murderous eyes. The entire time vect just looked at them as if this was the most entertaining thing in the world. Turning his head to his underlings.
‘Well, what are you waiting for set up our tents’.
The lap dogs did as their Master commanded, pulling out the tinting supplies needed for his much too expensive mobile home. The only good thing about this current situation is that they are making their way towards Aafje.
It made her blood boil thinking of what those bastards are doing to her sister. She swears upon all the gods when she ever gets out of this and protects her sister she will skin their dicks. And make them plead for death.
Then she'll spank her sister's posterior so bad it will match the Red Sands of the sacred desert in color. The bubbling rage in her was overshadowed by concern for her sister though.
As the group solely lost their ragged breath they huddled together. Lionheart was the first to try and make a fire. unlikely for him he wasn't a Dragonborn with fire breath.
So they had to settle for the old rub two sticks together method which raxs took up. Stone for his part was studying the movements of their captors.
Lionheart spoke up.
‘So am I the only one here thinking that they're actively throwing us into Danger’.
Stone responded.
‘no, I've been thinking the same thing and I know damn well why. They're throwing us head first into danger to keep us weak. So when we do meet up with the other dogs we will still be on their leash. I mean why the bloody hell would they be forcing us to go at this insane rate’.
As much as she hated to admit it. It was a smart plan to force the stronger people you have prisoner to fight your battles, whittle down their strength until there more manageable. Conniving bastards.
‘So how are we going to get out of this?’.
Raxs asked as the fire just started to come to life.
Ada put in her response
'It's simple I was dead on target when it comes to they're inexperienced in the dungeon. will either trip them up at a boss room. Or get some healing item dropped along the way that they wouldn't know about. when my sister can be rescued then is when we spring our trap. Until then we will be patient. ’
A cold thought out plan sprung from her despite the seething rate she was fully composed. Or at least that's what she told her if it wasn't for the fact that that bastard might be the only way to get her sister out of here safely he would have been dead by now.
‘What about floor 195 they've got a miniature town setup down there’.
Stone input.
Lionheart was the one to answer his question.
‘Well if their leader is pushing us this hard it's safe to assume the other guys are as well. Even if they're severely under level they can still sneak and drift past the monsters if they're smart about it’.
‘I'm still not satisfied with this, Aafje is in too much danger and there's too many variables for us to just hope for it to pan out, I say we double time it to get down there quicker.’
Raxs said being a voice of Worry. Despite coming from a heavily militarized Society one of the few things the Orcs honored more than Marshall prowess is family. If a orc considers you family they will put your safety Above All Else.
Ada was in agreeance, but she knew logic came before Hope.
‘look I know your heart's in the right place but we can't just rush these things. I mean what do you think's going to happen, some magical Beasts are going to save my sister. and abandoned Heroes will come along to help them. this isn't a fairy tale. So we'll just need to tough it out through the worry.’
Her scathing comments hurt Raxe and despite knowing she didn't mean to her in it still did. she took a deep breath in and began apologizing. who knows maybe if she hoped some Heroes would help her sister.
Floor 183 is a gladiatorial pit home to the minotaurs. Beasts with a Bull's Head in a body similar to that of an Orc minus the green skin.
They hold tremendous strength, able to hack apart entire Spearman formation in a matter of seconds. shock troops of the highest order.
Swoosh scrunch BAM
And in a single swing I'm going to tell her was cleaved in half. The culprit was none other than a beastman.
Beastmen are fundamentally different from minotaurs although some unknowing May lump them in the same category there are some major differences.
For starters beastmen are sentient and come in a variety of shapes and colors. let's use the one that turn to this Minotaur into a chopped log as an example.
A mountain goat variant well basement typically live more towards the deserts of the world; it's not uncommon to find small populations here there in different climates.
Standing at 8 ft tall with digitigrade legs that end in hoofs. moving up the body you'll see a list that is very similar to that of a human's just with more rugged fur and thick muscle.
Moving up to the arms they are shockingly similar to that of a human aside from some key differences. For example they have much less rotation in their arms. in exchange they have a greater degree of musculature and back leading into their shoulders forearms, biceps, Etc.
While not all basement or lumbering beasts of muscle that use their fists far more than their brains that is the common stereotype. especially for the colder climatid ones.
Moving on to the top of the head it's exactly as you would imagine that of the mountain goats aside from the set of horns being a bit more bumpy giving it a more Spike appearance. that and a bloodthirsty smile on his face.
Another Minotaur was charging from behind with a large Stone Club raised above its head about to slam down. starting a spin at the waist leading into the arms and finally kicking off of the legs it launched out at attack with one of its hatchets.
A thick Burly thing that had more in common with a slab of iron than it did a proper short axe thick head which must have been 4 inches across in 10 in in height this Beast blade covered the wooden handle protecting the hand while allowing for more chopping power weighing dozens of pounds. this weapon would have been next to impossible to use for a normal person.
Burning the hands of this Beast Man it cut through the air as if it were a child's toy when it made contact with the club it already shattered it having the forward momentum to keep going it first made contact with the snout of the bull headed man. going completely through the skull severing it from the rest of its body showering the Beast Man and blood.
Unfortunately for this Reckless Berserker another bull man had already started its charge and was about to gut him from the side.
The Minotaur would finally be able to say it's bloodlust until a Sky Piercer spear stabbed the Beast through its stomach before lifting it by the Stab Wound and throwing it into the stands of the abandoned Coliseum.
A sky piercer spear is similar to that of a halberd except it has a longer point for the spear tip. And the end of the ax bit ends in a curve similar to that of a bill hook.
looking up the pole arm what you'll see is not what's commonly expected. a skeletal hand was gripping it rapidly moving up the body. you will see a giant skeleton 7 ft tall easy.
With a thick snort steam exited to the mountain goats nose and a satisfied smile was upon his face. He turned to his friend and spoke.
‘Hay Red, Why are we here again? Not that I mind spilling blood but this place is pretty empty. I don't think you're going to find another fragment here.’
A surprisingly light voice sounding more akin to that of a teenage boy than a beastial man.
‘One's here I feel it we just need to keep going lower besides won't your God be happy for this bloodshed’
The skeleton replied in a deep voice that sounded like gravel going through a concrete mixer.
‘heh got me there’
With a shrug of his arms he simply dropped his hatchets before sitting down watching as the body slowly turned back into Mana to be reabsorbed by the dungeon. Turning to his friend red he looked at his friend and pity.
Being forced to claw through the world to find pieces of your soul just to find memories of who you once were.
Red wasn't even his name. Red Hare it's just the last thing he remembers before winding up and that Undead body of his.
Every piece of his soul he finds he gets shards of memories from what he's gathered; he was some type of great warrior that was feared by many. although the faces of those he fought are always shrouded.
One thing always stands out to him though he remembers being hanged to death and that's it. He decided to give some words of encouragement to his lifelong friend.
‘Well if it's any consolation those memories probably ain't worth crap now you're a new person, who you were is probably not the same as you are now, and if all else fails I wouldn't mind becoming an undead to stay with you someone has to keep you company.’
With the grin on his face he could tell his friend was smirking, sitting down and hitting his shoulder. The two simply took in a moment to appreciate the spectacle before them.
Watching monsters dissolve back into Mana was always a beautiful thing. Well he did follow a god of violence he could also enjoy the Finer Things such as the array of colors and fractaling Light that came from strong beasts magic died.
‘Thank you hedre.’That's all that needed to be said for him to know it meant a lot.
“I guess the only thing left to do now is to go deeper, I wonder if I'll get to take anymore trophies it's been a while since I've gotten a good skull”.
6 hours later
Jacob pov
“After me and squeaks impromptu lunch and rest I'm actually feeling much better the pain is pretty much gone in my leg. I can't say the same for my arm though. does feel better though so that's a plus. I've decided that now is as good a time as any to begin our ascensions again”.
Standing up with squeaks next to him he began stretching and feeling out his limbs aside from the broken one.
He felt limber enough to continue on and he doesn't want to stay in this room anymore than he has to.
Seeing the cabin is just five more Islands away from them. He's fairly confident they can make it.
Jumping into the air to see how high his vertical can go. bending his knees and riding his jump he launches off the ground. to his utter Fascination and disbelief he reaches the height of the palm trees easily 20 ft.
‘Well damn, this will make island hopping easier I could just fucken skip half the distance’.
The squeaks was being cute again jumping about ears wiggling doing exasperated hand movements. with a chuckle he Emotion for her to come over.
Squeaks had gotten very used to what he was planning and the smile on her face couldn't be any brighter. Running over faster than he even thought she was capable of and making a leap of faith jumping onto his lower back before shimmering up.
Wrapping her arms around his neck and pointing forward she said something in her weird language. But he could figure go fly my steed.
Getting into a runner's position digging his rubber Croc into the sand getting ready to spring off into a Sprint jump. Each island had roughly a hundred feet of distance he could clear maybe 50 to 60 of that the rest would be a chest deep Jog and water surrounded by potentially deadly predators.
Well normally this would be very fucking stupid he had his old friend with him Mr murder Rock. and not to mention most of the beasts have left by now going back to deeper waters having lost interest in them.
He began his Sprint picking up speed to a pace similar to that of a world class athlete then slowly speeding past that into superhuman territory easily hitting 30 mph at its peak before he ran out of Running Room.
He jumped clearing 70 ft before hitting the water, and all his grandiose planning he forgot one major detail the harder you hit water without breaking the surface the more like concrete it becomes and holy shit it was a rough Landing.
Breaking the water and bending his knees immediately put a strain on his hurt leg. Not as healed as he wants though. But thankfully nothing broke he began moving his way through the water seeing shadows slowly come in near the massive Ripple. before they could get too close he already made it onto the next Island.
‘Okay squeaks I may have let my ego get a bit too big for me britches, but this plan definitely will work. We just need to be patient and wait for them to leave again. hope you like coconut because we're having it again.’
Walking over the palm tree on this island and giving it a hard smack, coconuts fell down and the little bundle of joy ran up to them and began motioning for his Rock.
‘Oh God I just adopted a child didn't I’
This one took longer than expected. I hit a roadblock with Them talking back and forth about what they should do to retrieve Ada's little sister.
I also got stuck on what I should jump to next and the dialogue between them. I also didn't want a Mary Sue moment so I didn't know if it was right to introduce my two newest characters or not. so I decided to make it satire hope it fits well.
by the way I'm planning on adding another dwarf later on any dwarf names the last name is going to be gold beard though
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liepabdg · 9 months
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So here’s how i make the “goo” to form my pieces of my costumes:
Firstly, what do you need: •find a good bowl you could cover up and set aside; •some liquid glue; •scrap paper ( You can get scrap paper from old school notes, magazines, newspapers, anything that’s made from paper, and i just cut or rip them into small pieces. )
Then you put all of the scrap papers in the bowl and add water to cover them. Then you add some liquid glue. The wet papers itself stick alright, but can potentially break down once dried, so the glue makes it last longer and be more durable, so add as much as you want, i for example use one glass of water with one table spoon of liquid glue.
Then you mix it up. And you cover the bowl with a cloth or plastic bag, etc. and put it aside for at least an hour to soak up the scrap papers in the liquids.
And you can use the mass to sculpt from there or you can mash it into smaller pieces to make a “puree” to sculpt more smoothly, which takes more time to make, best option would be to blend it, but i do it manually by squeezing and ripping the goo for a while until im satisfied!
And there you go! Here’s how i make my own sculpting “goo” 😆
( update: i found out how this technique is called: “papier mache”, Its name originates from France, which is translated as “chewed up paper” )
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
random things that ikea sells that are worth the money
according to me, a person whose hoarder father is in emotional bondage with that store since 2002
collapsible bowl with textured bottom for laundry etc:
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bag that's also backpack (however the material is noisy):
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half bowls you can put under cutting board to minimize mess (however they do make the board wobble):
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zipped, half-transparent bag for shoes:
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500ml shaker with lid (perfect for eggs and batter imho, it's also not bulky so i use it more often than my actual protein shaker):
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hanger for socks and other things (i use it for small kitchen rags):
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these two laundry bags (pretty good, durable material, survived multiple high temp laundry cycles, zipper doesn't unzip itself):
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ikea bag but with zipper (perfect for moving since it's also more or less waterproof and dustproof):
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measuring spoons (i hate those that are chained together, these have 2 ends and are way easier to clean and use, the other set with 100ml spoon is also cool):
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Udaipur’s Famous Handicrafts: What to Buy
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Udaipur, known as the "City of Lakes," is not only famous for its beautiful palaces and serene lakes but also for its rich culture and exquisite handicrafts. When visiting Udaipur, you will find a variety of unique items that make perfect souvenirs or gifts. After a day of exploring, you can relax at Hotel Sagar Palace, one of the finest Luxury Hotels in Udaipur Rajasthan, which offers a perfect blend of comfort and style. This article will guide you through the famous handicrafts of Udaipur and what you should consider buying during your visit.
1. Traditional Miniature Paintings
One of the most cherished handicrafts in Udaipur is traditional miniature paintings. These paintings are small yet incredibly detailed, often depicting royal life, historical events, and vibrant landscapes. The artists use natural colors and gold leaf to create stunning works of art. Miniature paintings make for excellent decorative pieces in homes or as thoughtful gifts. When purchasing, look for authentic pieces from local artisans to ensure quality and support the community. After a day of shopping, unwind in the luxurious ambiance of Hotel Sagar Palace, where you can admire local artwork in comfort.
2. Handcrafted Silver Jewelry
Udaipur is renowned for its beautiful handcrafted silver jewelry. Artisans in the city create stunning pieces, including necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, often adorned with colorful stones and intricate designs. Silver jewelry is not only elegant but also a part of Rajasthan's rich cultural heritage. When buying silver jewelry, make sure to check for authenticity. You can find these pieces in local markets, where artisans sell their creations directly. After exploring the markets, return to Hotel Sagar Palace and relax in one of the luxury rooms, reflecting on your wonderful finds.
3. Blue Pottery
Another unique craft of Udaipur is blue pottery. This beautiful ceramic art is characterized by its vibrant blue color and intricate designs. Made from a special type of clay, blue pottery is used to create a range of items, including plates, bowls, vases, and decorative tiles. Each piece is handcrafted and painted with great care. Buying blue pottery is a great way to add a touch of Udaipur's charm to your home decor. After shopping, enjoy a sumptuous meal at the restaurant in Hotel Sagar Palace, surrounded by the elegance that matches the beauty of the pottery.
4. Traditional Tie and Dye (Bandhani)
Bandhani, or tie and dye, is a traditional textile art form that originates from Rajasthan. The process involves tying small sections of fabric before dyeing it, resulting in beautiful patterns and designs. Udaipur offers a variety of bandhani products, including sarees, dupattas, and cushion covers. These textiles are perfect for adding color and style to any outfit or home. When shopping, look for vibrant colors and intricate designs that reflect the rich culture of Udaipur. Afterward, you can return to Hotel Sagar Palace, one of the best Luxury Hotels in Udaipur Rajasthan, to relax and plan your next day's adventures.
5. Wooden Crafts
Udaipur is also known for its intricate wooden crafts. Skilled artisans create beautiful items such as furniture, toys, and decorative pieces from local woods. The craftsmanship involved in making these items is exceptional, often featuring detailed carvings and unique designs. When purchasing wooden crafts, look for pieces that showcase traditional Rajasthani art, like intricately carved elephants or furniture with beautiful inlays. After a day of shopping, unwind in the serene environment of Hotel Sagar Palace, where luxury meets traditional elegance.
6. Leather Goods
Udaipur’s markets are filled with high-quality leather goods. From bags and wallets to shoes and belts, the variety is endless. The leather products are often handcrafted and can be found in various styles and colors. When buying leather goods, consider investing in a durable item that reflects the local craftsmanship. These products are not only stylish but also functional, making them great souvenirs or gifts. After you’ve found the perfect leather items, head back to Hotel Sagar Palace to enjoy their luxurious amenities and recharge for another day of exploration.
7. Traditional Rajasthani Textiles
Textiles play a significant role in Udaipur's handicraft scene. You can find a wide range of fabrics, including block-printed cotton, embroidered textiles, and silk sarees. These fabrics are often used to create clothing, bed covers, and curtains. When shopping for textiles, look for unique patterns and vibrant colors that capture the essence of Rajasthani culture. After shopping, the comfort of Hotel Sagar Palace, one of the most sought-after Luxury Hotels in Udaipur Rajasthan, awaits you, offering a perfect retreat after a busy day.
8. Stone Carvings
Udaipur is famous for its exquisite stone carvings. The region’s artisans skillfully create sculptures, decorative panels, and other items from marble and sandstone. These carvings often depict intricate designs, including floral motifs and mythological figures. Stone carvings make for stunning home decor items and are a testament to Udaipur’s rich artistic heritage. When buying stone carvings, ensure you choose pieces that reflect the local craftsmanship. After making your purchases, relax at Hotel Sagar Palace, where the luxurious setting complements the artistic beauty of your new items.
9. Handwoven Rugs
Handwoven rugs are another highlight of Udaipur's handicrafts. These rugs are made using traditional weaving techniques and often feature beautiful patterns and colors. They add warmth and style to any room and are durable enough to last for years. When selecting a handwoven rug, look for high-quality materials and intricate designs that showcase the skills of local artisans. After shopping, return to Hotel Sagar Palace, where you can unwind and enjoy the elegance of your surroundings, creating a perfect end to your day.
10. Copper and Brassware
Udaipur is also known for its copper and brassware, which includes utensils, decorative items, and lamps. These items are often handcrafted and exhibit beautiful designs. Copper and brass items not only add elegance to your home but also serve practical purposes. When shopping for metalware, choose pieces that have a good finish and are made by skilled artisans. After a day filled with shopping, relax at Hotel Sagar Palace, one of the premier Luxury Hotels in Udaipur Rajasthan, where you can reflect on your wonderful purchases in a beautiful setting.
Udaipur's handicrafts are a beautiful reflection of the region's culture and traditions. From miniature paintings to handcrafted jewelry, there is something for everyone to cherish. When shopping for these unique items, consider visiting local markets and artisan workshops to find authentic products that support the community. After your shopping adventures, Hotel Sagar Palace awaits, offering luxury and comfort to complete your Udaipur experience. Whether you are looking for souvenirs or gifts, Udaipur’s handicrafts will leave you with lasting memories of your visit to this enchanting city. Enjoy your shopping experience and take a piece of Udaipur’s rich heritage home with you!
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chefrollbag · 11 days
Scissors in the kitchen
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In every chef’s kitchen, whether you’re an enthusiastic home cook or a professional, high-quality knives are essential, but so are various other tools, including kitchen scissors. Unlike ordinary office scissors, these are more durable and designed specifically for food preparation. In many cases, kitchen scissors can replace a knife, making cutting and prepping food more convenient and faster.
And if you often need to move around with your kitchen tools, it’s good to know that Chefrollbag’s knife rolls have space not just for knives, but also for your essential scissors. This ensures that your tools are always organized and ready for any culinary task.
Kitchen scissors come in different sizes, designs, and are made from various types of steel. Their functionality can be enhanced with additional features. Here’s how they can be used in the kitchen:
Fish Cleaning: The sharp tip makes it easy to cut open the belly. You can quickly trim fins and heads of small fish. Some models even come with serrated edges for scaling, and smaller fish can be cut into pieces.
Opening Packages: Kitchen scissors can easily cut through boxes, bags, strings, and other packaging materials. They provide a clean cut with less risk of damaging the contents inside, and they're safer to use than a knife.
Chopping Herbs: Take a bunch of dill, basil, or parsley and chop it directly into a bowl or pot. This not only speeds up the process but also eliminates the need to wash a cutting board.
Poultry Cutting: When it comes to cutting through chicken wings, cartilage, and other small parts of a bird, nothing compares to kitchen scissors. They handle the elastic connective tissue with ease.
Cutting Dough: Whether it’s trimming excess dough, creating perfect edges, or making strips for pie decorations, scissors get the job done efficiently.
Vegetable and Fruit Prep: Kitchen scissors help you trim green beans, garlic shoots, and asparagus, cut off green tops from carrots and beets, and break cauliflower or broccoli into florets. This versatile tool simplifies fruit and vegetable prep.
Slicing Pastries: Not just for pizza cutters, scissors are also great for slicing delicate pastries without scratching your baking sheet.
Chopping Preserves: You can cut juicy peaches, apricots, tomatoes, or pineapples directly in the jar without splashing juice all over the counter.
Cutting Dried Fruits: Chop sun-dried tomatoes or dried fruits directly onto your plate.
Cracking Nuts: Some scissors come with a built-in nutcracker, making it easy to separate kernels from shells.
Seafood Prep: Scissors are handy for opening shellfish, peeling shrimp, and deveining them.
Opening Jars: Some models have special grooves to open beer bottles and hooks to pry open jars of pickles.
To ensure your kitchen scissors are reliable, durable, and don’t require frequent sharpening, consider the following:
Type of Steel: The material should be strong and resistant to corrosion. High-carbon stainless steel is ideal, with additives like molybdenum or vanadium for extra durability and rust resistance.
Additional Features: If you plan to use your scissors for a variety of tasks, choose models with hooks and extra features for cracking nuts or opening bottles.
Assembly Type: It’s convenient if the blades can be easily separated. This allows you to clean all the joints thoroughly after cutting strong-smelling foods and sharpen the blades when necessary.
Do you have kitchen scissors in your arsenal? If so, what kind do you use? Do you store them together with your knives or separately? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Just finished reading about essential kitchen tools? Now make sure your gear is stored in style! Visit our shop for handcrafted leather bags designed for chefs and bartenders. Keep your tools safe and organized—shop now!
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pallaviaiyar · 24 days
Must-Have Pet Products for New Pet Owners A Complete Checklist
Becoming a new pet owner is an exciting time, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. To ensure your furry friend has everything they need to thrive, it's essential to have the right pet products on hand. Here's a comprehensive checklist to help you get started:
Essential Pet Products
Food and Water Bowls: These are the most basic necessities for your pet. Choose bowls that are easy to clean and durable.
Collar or Harness: A collar or harness is essential for walking your pet and keeping them safe. Make sure it fits properly and is comfortable for your pet.
Leash: A leash is necessary for walking your pet and keeping them under control. Choose a leash that is the right length for your pet's size and breed.
Pet Bed: A comfortable bed will provide your pet with a cozy place to rest. Choose a bed that is the right size for your pet and is made of durable materials.
Grooming Supplies: Depending on your pet's breed and coat type, you may need a variety of grooming supplies, including a brush, comb, shampoo, conditioner, and nail clippers.
Toys: Toys are essential for keeping your pet entertained and mentally stimulated. Choose toys that are appropriate for your pet's size, breed, and age.
Crate or Carrier: A crate or carrier is essential for transporting your pet and providing them with a safe and secure space.
First Aid Kit: A pet first aid kit is a must-have for any pet owner. It should include essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and a thermometer.
Identification Tags: Make sure your pet is always wearing identification tags with your contact information.
Additional Pet Products
Pet Insurance: Consider pet insurance to help cover the cost of unexpected veterinary expenses.
Pet Waste Bags: Always clean up after your pet to be a responsible pet owner.
Pet Gates or Barriers: If you have a multi-pet household or want to restrict your pet's access to certain areas, pet gates or barriers can be helpful.
Pet Carrier Backpack: If you enjoy taking your pet on adventures, a pet carrier backpack can be a convenient way to transport them.
Pet Cooling Mats or Beds: During hot weather, pet cooling mats or beds can help keep your pet comfortable.
Where to Buy Pet Products
Pet products can be purchased at various retailers, including:
Pet Stores: Local pet stores often have a wide selection of pet products.
Online Retailers: Online retailers like Amazon, Chewy, and Petco offer a vast array of pet products at competitive prices.
Veterinary Clinics: Many veterinary clinics also sell pet products.
By having these essential pet products on hand, you can ensure that your furry friend has everything they need to live a happy and healthy life.
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kdhome · 1 month
Discover the Ultimate Snack Experience: Snack Chopsticks for Every Occasion
Snack chopsticks are more than just a trendy utensil; they are revolutionizing the way we enjoy our favorite snacks. In a world where convenience and style are equally important, snack chopsticks offer a unique blend of functionality and elegance. This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about snack chopsticks, from their benefits to creative ways to use them.
What Are Snack Chopsticks?
Snack chopsticks are specially designed utensils intended for snacking. Unlike traditional chopsticks, which are primarily used for eating meals like sushi or noodles, snack chopsticks are crafted to handle a variety of snack foods with ease. They often come with unique features such as more comprehensive tips or ergonomic designs to make snacking more enjoyable and less messy.
Snack chopsticks have gained popularity for enhancing the snacking experience. They allow you to enjoy a range of snacks—from popcorn to pretzels—without getting your fingers greasy. This makes them a perfect choice for parties, casual gatherings, or even a quiet night in.
Why Choose Snack Chopsticks?
Snack chopsticks offer several advantages over traditional snacking methods:
Hygiene: By using snack chopsticks, you avoid direct contact with your snacks, which helps maintain cleanliness and hygiene. This is especially useful when sharing snacks with others.
Convenience: The design of snack chopsticks often includes features that make them easier to use for snacking compared to regular chopsticks or utensils. They can be more comfortable and less cumbersome.
Style: Snack chopsticks come in various designs and materials, making them a stylish addition to any snack setting. Whether you prefer sleek metal or colorful plastic, there is a set of snack chopsticks to match your taste.
Versatility: While traditional chopsticks are best suited for certain types of food, snack chopsticks are designed to handle a broader range of snacks. From small items like nuts to larger snacks like chips, these chopsticks are versatile tools for any snacker.
How to Choose the Best Snack Chopsticks
Selecting the proper snack chopsticks can enhance your snacking experience. Here are some factors to consider when choosing your ideal pair:
Material: Snack chopsticks are available in various materials, including wood, bamboo, metal, and plastic. Each material offers different benefits:
Wood/Bamboo: Provides a natural feel and is gentle on your hands. It's also eco-friendly.
Metal: Offers durability and a sleek look, making it a good choice for modern settings.
Plastic: Affordable and available in numerous colors and designs, ideal for casual use.
Design: Look for snack chopsticks with ergonomic designs that fit comfortably in your hand. Some may feature non-slip grips or more comprehensive tips to help you handle snacks more efficiently.
Length: The length of snack chopsticks can affect their usability. Longer chopsticks may be better for reaching into snack bowls, while shorter ones are easier to maneuver for smaller snacks.
Ease of Cleaning: Consider how easy it is to clean the snack chopsticks. Some materials, like plastic and metal, are dishwasher-safe, while others may require hand washing.
Creative Ways to Use Snack Chopsticks
Snack chopsticks can be used in a variety of innovative ways. Here are some fun and practical ideas to make the most of your chopsticks:
For Parties: Serve snacks like popcorn, pretzels, and chips with snack chopsticks to add a touch of sophistication to your gathering. Guests will appreciate the stylish and hygienic option.
For Kids: Encourage children to use snack chopsticks to develop their fine motor skills. They can enjoy snacks like fruit pieces or mini sandwiches in a fun and engaging way.
For On-the-Go: Keep a pair of snack chopsticks in your bag for convenient snacking while traveling. They are lightweight and compact, making them perfect for road trips or flights.
For Healthy Snacking: Use snack chopsticks to control portion sizes and avoid overeating. By carefully picking up snacks, you can enjoy them more mindfully.
The Evolution of Snack Chopsticks
The concept of snack chopsticks has evolved significantly over time. Initially, chopsticks were used primarily for eating traditional Asian dishes. However, as global snacking trends grew, so did the innovation in chopstick design. Modern snack chopsticks are now crafted to cater to a wide range of snacks and are available in various styles and materials.
This evolution reflects a growing trend towards enhancing everyday experiences with stylish and functional tools. Snack chopsticks are a testament to this trend, combining practicality with a touch of elegance.
Care and Maintenance of Snack Chopsticks
To ensure the longevity of your snack chopsticks, proper care and maintenance are essential. Here are some tips to keep your chopsticks in top condition:
Cleaning: Clean snack chopsticks after each use to prevent residue build-up. Wooden and bamboo chopsticks should be hand-washed and dried immediately to prevent warping or cracking. Metal and plastic chopsticks can typically be cleaned in the dishwasher.
Storage: Store snack chopsticks in a dry place to avoid moisture damage. For wooden or bamboo chopsticks, consider using a chopstick holder to keep them clean and protected.
Inspection: Regularly inspect your snack chopsticks for signs of wear and tear. Replace them if they become damaged to maintain a hygienic snacking experience.
Where to Buy Snack Chopsticks
Snack chopsticks are available from various retailers, both online and in-store. Here are some tips for finding the best options:
Specialty Stores: Check out specialty kitchenware stores or Asian markets for high-quality snack chopsticks. These stores often have a wide range of designs and materials to choose from.
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon or kitchenware-specific online shops offer a vast selection of snack chopsticks. Be sure to read reviews and check ratings to find the best options.
Local Markets: Explore local markets or craft fairs for unique and handcrafted snack chopsticks. These can offer a more personalized touch and support local artisans.
Incorporating snack chopsticks into your snacking routine can transform your eating experience, making it more enjoyable and sophisticated. Whether you're hosting a party, enjoying a quiet evening, or traveling, snack chopsticks offer a stylish and practical solution for all your snacking needs. Embrace the versatility and elegance of snack chopsticks and elevate your snacking game today!
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kishizyp · 2 months
7 Camping Cookware Sets That Make Cooking in the Wild Easier
If you love spending time in the woods or at your local state park’s campground, you’ll quickly understand how important it is to eat outside. After a long day of climbing, you need to eat well. It can also help you forget about the rainy day and turn it into a “at least we ate well” adventure.
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It’s not always as easy as it sounds to move the cooking outside. I’ve worked as a chef and led many groups through the woods. During that time, I learned something that every professional guide knows: the food makes or breaks the trip. I’ve put together a list of ideas for you, including the camping cookware with heat exchanger for fuel efficiency, titanium camping cookware for the ultimate lightweight option, and camping cookware with pot coozies for keeping food warm. This has something for everyone, whether you’ve been camping before or this is your first time.
1. Redcamp Camping Cookware Messs Kit
The Redcamp Camping pan Mess Kit is one of the few pan sets that you can get for less than $20 that has so many useful pieces. This camping cookware set with pots, pans, and lids has everything you need for an easy meal. It comes with bowls, camping tools, and a sponge for cleaning up. Everything fits inside the pot, so it’s easy to pack in a bag. It weighs less than a pound.
Note: Some reviews from outside sources say that the handles can melt and that the pots are small and hard to clean.
2. GSI Pinnacle Base Camper
The GSI Pinnacle Base Camper Cookset is my favorite set of knives for camping by a long shot. I’ve had the hard-anodized, nonstick set for more than 100 days in the field. You can cook almost anything in the camp with the two pots and pan.
The cooking set comes in both small and large sizes, and the stuff bag can also be used as a sink. You can also put pieces together. When there are only a few people, I only use one pot and leave the skillet out. I’ve cooked for up to 12 people with the big set.
Note: You can bend the pots back easily if you push them too hard. The set of aluminum cookware is not good for cooking over a campfire.
3. Primus Stainless Steel Campfire Cookset
The Primus Stainless Steel Campfire Cookset is a stylish and durable set of stainless steel cooking tools that is light enough to take hiking and strong enough to use while camping in your car. It has a pot, a kettle, and a skillet that can all be used on a stove or over a campfire. It comes in small and large sizes. Pot lids with leather tabs look nice and make it easy to take off hot lids. It’s also easy to hang over a campfire because it has a bail handle.
Note: There is no lid on the pot. The cooking gear for camping doesn’t fit together well and rattles around in a bag.
4. Lodge 3.2 Quart Cast Iron Combo Cooker
The Lodge Cast Iron Combo Cooker has a deep pan and a fryer that can be used together to make a Dutch oven. Dutch ovens cook food very evenly, so you can use them to make soups and bread. Cast iron is also one of the most durable materials for cooking. My family has used cast iron for generations.
There is vegetable oil already on the Lodge Cast Iron Combo Cooker, so it is nonstick and ready to use. It doesn’t have any PTFE or PFOA in it, and you can use it to cook over a campfire.
Note: This camping cookware set is by far the biggest on the list. To keep it from rusting and sticking, cast iron also needs some simple care.
5. Primus Stainless Steel Campfire Cookset
This is a high-quality set of stainless steel cookware that is light enough to take hiking and strong enough to use while camping in your car. There are small and large sizes, as well as a pot, a saucepan, and a skillet. You can use all of them on the stove or over a campfire. Leather tabs on the pot lids make them look nice and make taking them off quickly when they’re hot. The pot has a bail handle that makes it easy to hang over a campfire.
Note: There is no lid on the pot. The cooking gear for camping doesn’t fit together well and rattles around in a bag.
6. Stanley Even-Heat Camp Pro Cookset
The Stanley Even-Heat Camp Pro Cookset was made to cook food well, which makes it a great choice for eaters. The three-ply, thick stainless steel evenly spreads heat, and the two pots and pan of different sizes let you cook different parts of a meal at the same time. The cooking tools and cutting board that are BPA-free and can be folded up fit inside the pan. The pots and skillet all fit together.
Note: Many reviews say that the cutting board is weak and the plastic cooking tools melt easily. Additionally, it is one of the largest and most expensive choices on this list.
7. MSR Ceramic 2-Pot Set
This MSR Ceramic 2-Pot Set doesn’t stick and doesn’t contain any PFTE or PFOA chemical.
Since MSR doesn’t use Teflon, but Fusion® ceramic, you don’t have to think about chemicals that are bad for you when cooking on a campfire or over high heat. As with other nonstick surfaces, this nonstick camping cookware for easy cleaning is a best choice. The lids of the clay pots can be locked in place with the handle that can be taken off. This set of camping tools weighs just under a pound, which is light enough to take on a backpacking trip.
Note: This camping cooking set costs a lot for what it is because it doesn’t come with a skillet.
Camp cooking doesn’t have to be scary, after reading this advice. Compared to cooking inside, it’s not too different. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your campers will have a wonderful time, eat well, and make lasting memories.
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radhyaa58 · 2 months
Onion Storage 101: Best Containers for Prolonging Freshness
Onions are a staple in many households, known for their versatility and essential role in numerous dishes. However, storing them properly can be a challenge. The right onion storage container can help maintain their freshness and prevent them from sprouting or rotting. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best onion storage containers, their benefits, and how to choose the perfect one for your kitchen.
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Why Do You Need an Onion Storage Container?
Before diving into the various types of onion storage containers, it's essential to understand why proper storage is crucial. Onions release moisture and gases that can cause them to spoil quickly if not stored correctly. A well-designed storage container can:
Prolong the freshness of onions.
Prevent them from sprouting.
Minimize odors.
Keep your kitchen organized.
Types of Onion Storage Containers
There are several types of onion storage containers available, each with its unique features and benefits. Here are some popular options:
1. Breathable Mesh Bags
Breathable mesh bags are a simple yet effective solution for storing onions. These bags allow air to circulate around the onions, preventing moisture buildup and reducing the risk of spoilage. They are also lightweight and easy to hang in your pantry or kitchen.
2. Ceramic Storage Pots
Ceramic storage pots are not only functional but also add a touch of elegance to your kitchen. These pots are designed with ventilation holes to ensure proper airflow, keeping your onions fresh for longer. They are also opaque, which helps protect onions from light exposure that can cause sprouting.
3. Wooden Onion Bins
Wooden onion bins are a classic choice for onion storage. These bins are often made from natural wood and come with slatted sides or holes for ventilation. They can hold a large quantity of onions and are sturdy enough to last for years.
4. Plastic Storage Containers
Plastic storage containers with ventilation holes are another practical option. These containers are usually stackable, making them ideal for kitchens with limited space. They are also easy to clean and maintain.
5. Stainless Steel Storage Bins
For a more modern look, stainless steel storage bins are an excellent choice. These bins are durable, rust-resistant, and come with perforations for proper ventilation. They are also easy to clean and match well with contemporary kitchen decor.
How to Choose the Best Onion Storage Container
When selecting an onion storage container, consider the following factors to ensure you choose the best one for your needs:
1. Ventilation
Proper ventilation is crucial for keeping onions fresh. Look for containers with holes, slats, or breathable materials that allow air to circulate.
2. Capacity
Consider the amount of onions you typically store and choose a container with an appropriate capacity. It's essential to avoid overcrowding, as this can lead to spoilage.
3. Material
The material of the container can affect its durability and appearance. Options like ceramic, wood, plastic, and stainless steel each have their pros and cons, so choose one that fits your preferences and kitchen style.
4. Ease of Cleaning
Onion storage containers should be easy to clean to prevent the buildup of dirt and bacteria. Removable parts and smooth surfaces can make cleaning more convenient.
5. Design and Aesthetics
Since the container will be part of your kitchen decor, consider its design and how it fits with your overall aesthetic. Choose a container that complements your kitchen's style.
Tips for Storing Onions
In addition to choosing the right storage container, here are some tips to keep your onions fresh for longer:
Store onions in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Avoid storing onions near potatoes, as they can release gases that cause each other to spoil faster.
Check your onions regularly for any signs of spoilage and remove any affected ones immediately.
Use older onions first to ensure none go to waste.
Investing in a good onion storage container can make a significant difference in the freshness and longevity of your onions. Whether you prefer a rustic wooden bin or a sleek stainless steel container, there are plenty of options to suit your needs and kitchen style. By considering factors like ventilation, capacity, material, ease of cleaning, and design, you can find the perfect storage solution for your onions.
Ready to upgrade your kitchen with the best onion storage container? Visit Radhyaa to explore our range of high-quality storage solutions. Keep your onions fresh and your kitchen organized with our stylish and functional containers.
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waltersmom · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kurgo Travel Pet Bowl Zippy NEW!!.
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alishaatar · 3 months
Why Parents Adore Silicone Baby Feeding Sets: Their Benefits
Making countless decisions along the way to ensure the happiness and well-being of the children is the journey of parenthood. Feeding is an essential part of this journey that calls for both efficiency and safety. Parents have been using silicone infant feeding sets more and more in recent years. The multiple benefits that these sets provide are the reason for their recent rise in popularity. We will go  into the many benefits of silicone baby feeding sets and examine why parents love them in this detailed post.
Knowing How to Use Silicone Baby Feeding Sets
Typically, silicone infant feeding sets come with bowls, plates, utensils, bibs, and occasionally even cups and snack containers. These goods, which are made of food-grade silicone, are meant to be useful, long-lasting, and safe for both parents and their infants. However, what differs silicone feeding sets from materials such as glass, plastic, or stainless steel?
Benefits of Silicone Baby Feeding Sets
Safety and Health
The safety of silicone feeding sets is a major factor in parents' decision. Non-toxic silicone is free of dangerous substances like phthalates, BPA, and PVC, which are frequently present in plastic items. These substances have been connected to a number of health concerns, such as disturbed hormone levels and trouble with infant development. Parents can feel secure in knowing that they are giving their infants a safer feeding option when they choose silicone.
One material that is quite durable is silicone. In contrast to glass, which is easily broken, and plastic, which is brittle, silicone is tough and can tolerate a good deal of wear and tear. Because of their strength, silicone feeding sets are an affordable investment for parents. 
Resistance to Heat
Because silicone is temperature-tolerant, it can be used for a variety of purposes. It is safe to use in the freezer, dishwasher, oven, and microwave. Parents can store leftovers or heat meals directly in the feeding containers without worrying about the material releasing any  harmful substances thanks to its heat resistance.
Ease of Cleaning
When it comes to baby feeding products, hygiene is essential. Cleaning silicone feeding units is quite simple. There is no chance of harm whether hand washing or running them through the dishwasher. Furthermore, silicone is less prone than plastic to retain odours and bacteria, guaranteeing that the feeding accessories stay hygienic and secure for frequent usage.
Flexibility and Softness
Because silicone is soft and flexible, it's the perfect material for baby feeding equipment. A baby's gums and teeth are friendlier to silicone spoons and utensils, which lowers the possibility of harm occurring while feeding. Because of their flexibility, silicone bowls and plates are also less likely to fall over, which minimises spills and messes during mealtimes.
Silicone is a more naturally inviting fabric than plastic in a time when natural mindfulness is getting to be more and more vital. Sand, a naturally occurring material, is used to make silicone, which lasts longer than plastic items and requires less replacements. For parents who care about the environment, silicone items are a more sustainable option because many of them are recyclable.
Portability is a major consideration in the design of many silicone feeding sets. They are convenient to take in diaper bags or when travelling because they are lightweight and frequently foldable or compressible. Parents may continue their baby's feeding schedule even when they are on the go thanks to this portability.
Visually Attractive
Mealtimes are made more fun for both parents and babies by the diversity of colours and designs available in silicone feeding sets. Babies might be engaged by the bright colours and interesting shapes, which increases their appetite. Furthermore, the visually appealing patterns can provide a little flair to the dining room by matching with trendy home decor.
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Advice for Selecting the Best Breastfeeding Set Made of Silicone
Selecting the best silicone baby feeding set might be difficult due to the wide range of options available on the market. Here are some pointers to assist you in making a wise choice:
Check Safety Certifications
Make sure the silicone products you select are free of dangerous chemicals like BPA, PVC, and phthalates, and are constructed from food-grade silicone. Seek out certifications and approvals for safety from the appropriate health authorities.
Consider Your Baby's Needs
Consider your baby's age, stage of development, and unique requirements. For example, you may want to give special attention to suction-base bowls and soft silicone spoons if your infant is just beginning solids. Consider silicone plates and snack containers if your child is older and more self-sufficient.
Read Reviews
To learn about the functionality, strength, and usability of the product, read parent reviews. Reviews can offer insightful information about how well a product performs in actual use.
Evaluate  functionality and design
Think about the silicone feeding set's layout and features. Does it have spill-proof lids, ergonomic handles, or suction bases? Select goods that provide useful answers to typical feeding problems.
Assess Cleaning Ease
Make sure it's simple to clean the silicone feeding set in the dishwasher or by hand. Products that are hard to clean may not be used as often and might soon become a headache
Addressing Common Concerns
Despite the many advantages of silicone infant feeding sets, some parents might be concerned about utilising silicone products. Let's talk about a few of these common issues:
Silicone Safety
Concerns regarding silicone safety are common among parents, especially with regard to possible chemical leaking. It's crucial to remember that premium silicone meant for food use is regarded as stable and safe. When heated, it doesn't react with food or beverages or release any hazardous compounds. Always select goods from reliable brands that adhere to safety regulations to guarantee safety.
Despite silicone's strength, some parents might be worried about how long it will last in comparison to alternative materials. When taken care of properly, silicone feeding sets are made to resist repeated usage and can last for several year.
Environmental Impact
Although silicone is less biodegradable than natural materials like bamboo, it is still more environmentally friendly than plastic. All things considered, though, its durability and recyclability make steel a more sustainable option. Parents who want to reduce their environmental impact can choose silicone goods that are made with recycling in mind.
Popular Silicone Baby Feeding Products
Let's explore some common silicone infant feeding goods and their unique advantages in more detail so that you can see why parents enjoy silicone feeding sets:
Bibs made of silicone
For many parents, silicone bibs are a game-changer. Because these bibs are waterproof, they are very good at preventing spills and stains on babies' clothing. In order to minimise mess during meals, a lot of silicone bibs also have a pouch at the bottom to catch food that falls. Wiping them down quickly or running them through the dishwasher makes cleaning them up simple.
Silicone Bowls and Plates
Silicone plates and bowls frequently have suction bases attached to them so they stick to highchair trays or tables and are difficult for small hands to tip over. 
Silicone Cutlery and Spoons
Silicone spoons are perfect for the weaning process because they are soft on babies' teeth and gums. Their flexibility makes it simpler for babies to scoop and chew food, and their soft texture might assist ease the discomfort associated with teething. Certain silicone utensils have an ergonomic design that makes them comfortable for small hands to hold, which promotes self-feeding.
Flexible Snack Containers
Parents who are constantly on the run might benefit greatly from silicone food containers. These food containers are flexible enough to fit into diaper bags without taking up a lot of room, and they are sealed, keeping treats fresh. In order to encourage independence, many silicone food containers are made to be simple for small hands to open and close.
In summary
Parental favourites, silicone infant feeding sets have earned their position. Their eco-friendliness, longevity, ease of cleaning, and safety make them a great option for contemporary families. Investing in premium silicone feeding products enables parents to give their infants a secure, useful, and enjoyable feeding experience.
The advantages of silicone feeding sets go beyond simple ease, as this essay has shown. They provide a range of functions that meet the requirements of parents and babies alike, making mealtimes less stressful and more enjoyable. Silicone infant feeding sets are an option you won't regret, whether you're a first-time parent beginning the weaning process or you're searching for long-lasting feeding solutions for your toddler.
Parents can improve their baby's feeding experience by making educated decisions by being aware of the benefits and taking care of any issues. Mealtimes may become a treasured part of the day with the correct silicone feeding set, encouraging good eating habits and making lifetime recollections.
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dogerys · 3 months
10 Essential Dog Accessories Every Pup Needs in the UK
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Looking after your furry friend properly means you need the right gear. From cozy, trendy dog collars to top-notch dog beds, the UK offers a variety of options to enhance your pup’s life. We’re exploring the 10 best dog accessories that blend luxury, practicality, and quality without breaking the bank. These picks are suitable for all dogs, ensuring your pooch stays happy and healthy.
Top 10 Must-Have Dog Accessories for Your Pup in the UK
1. No Pull Dog Harness: Comfort and Control for Stress-Free Walks A no-pull dog harness is a must for every dog owner. It ensures comfortable and manageable walks by distributing pressure evenly across your dog’s body. Look for a durable, adjustable harness for the perfect fit and guaranteed peaceful strolls.
2. Comfortable and Stylish Dog Collar Elevate your pup’s style with a comfortable and best dog collar. Choose materials that are both durable and comfortable. Ensure it’s adjustable for a perfect fit as your pup grows, making them stand out in the crowd.
3. Premium Dog Leads Designed for Durability and Style Opt for high-quality dog leads that blend durability with style. Adjustable nylon or sleek leather leads offer the best walking experience for you and your pup.
4. High-Quality Dog Bed for Restful Sleep Invest in a top-notch dog bed for a good night’s sleep. With a range of sizes and materials, you can find the perfect bed to support your pet’s rest and relaxation.
5. Chew Toys to Keep Them Entertained Chew toys are essential for puppies, especially during teething. Choose safe, durable toys that keep them entertained and relieve teething pain. Look for variety to keep them interested.
6. Water and Food Bowls Designed for Dogs Proper water and dog food bowls are crucial. Opt for non-slip, dishwasher-safe bowls made from safe materials. Raised bowls can be beneficial for dogs with joint issues.
7. Dog Coat or Sweater for Chilly Weather Keep your dog warm in winter with a cozy coat or sweater. Choose breathable, insulated materials and ensure a proper fit for comfort and mobility.
8. Poop Bag Holder for Convenient Walks A poop bag holder is a walk essential. Choose a durable, easily attachable holder for hassle-free cleanups.
9. Grooming Tools for a Healthy Coat Maintain your dog’s coat with the right grooming tools. Regular brushing with breed-specific brushes and combs keeps their fur clean and healthy.
10. Dog Backpack for Adventure Days A dog backpack is perfect for carrying essentials on adventures. Ensure it fits well and is adjustable for comfort.
Keeping Your Dog Healthy and Happy
Prioritizing your dog’s health with regular vet check-ups, proper nutrition, and exercise is vital. Choosing the right food and ensuring consistent vet visits can prevent health issues and promote longevity.
Choosing the Right Nutrition and Diet Provide a balanced diet suitable for your dog’s age, size, and breed. Consult your vet for personalized recommendations.
The Importance of Regular Vet Check-Ups Regular vet visits ensure your dog’s overall health and catch potential issues early. Follow your vet’s advice on vaccinations and preventive care.
Training and Socialization Tips
Training your dog with basic commands and proper socialization is crucial. Start early with positive reinforcement and consider professional training if needed.
Essential Commands Every Dog Should Know Commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” are fundamental for safety and behavior. Consistency and rewards help reinforce these commands.
Socializing Your Dog: Why It Matters Early socialization prevents behavioral issues and helps your dog adapt to new environments. Introduce them to different people, places, and dogs regularly.
Creating a Safe Environment at Home
Dog-proof your home by keeping dangerous items out of reach and providing a comfortable space for your dog.
Dog-Proofing Your House Ensure cabinets, cords, and harmful substances are inaccessible. Create a designated, comfortable area for your dog.
Safe Outdoor Spaces for Your Dog Check for outdoor hazards and ensure a secure fence. Provide shade and water for hot weather to keep your dog safe and comfortable.
Engaging Activities for You and Your Dog
Interactive games and outdoor activities strengthen your bond and keep your dog mentally stimulated.
Fun Outdoor Activities to Enjoy Together Engage in activities like hiking, playing fetch, or swimming. These outings provide exercise and deepen your connection.
Interactive Games for Mental Stimulation Puzzle toys and treat dispensers challenge your dog’s mind. Regularly change up their toys to keep them engaged.
Equipping your pet with the right accessories, training, and care ensures their comfort and happiness. From harnesses and beds to regular grooming and vet visits, these essentials create a joyful life for your furry friend. Visit us at https://dogerys.com/
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the most important dog accessories? Essential accessories include no-pull harnesses, comfortable beds, and engaging toys for a well-rounded care routine.
How often should I replace my dog’s collar and leash? Inspect regularly and replace every 6–12 months or when signs of wear appear.
Can dogs wear coats in winter? Yes, coats keep dogs warm. Choose breathable, insulated materials for comfort.
What is the best way to ensure my dog’s ID tag remains legible? Choose durable, engraved tags and check regularly for wear.
How can I choose the right size accessories for my dog? Measure your dog’s neck, chest, and other relevant parts. Refer to brand sizing guides for the best fit.
Are there specific toys recommended for puppies? Yes, choose soft, durable, age-appropriate chew toys to relieve teething pain and keep puppies entertained.
How can I get my dog used to wearing a backpack? Introduce the backpack gradually, rewarding positive behavior. Ensure a proper fit for comfort.
What are some tips for socializing my dog safely? Start in controlled environments with well-behaved dogs. Gradually introduce new people and places, rewarding positive interactions.
How often should I groom my dog? Groom every 4–8 weeks, depending on breed and coat type. Regular grooming maintains coat health and cleanliness.
Do all dogs need a bed, or can they sleep anywhere? Most dogs benefit from a designated bed for security and better sleep quality.
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