aquariuminfobureau · 5 months
The genus Brachygobius is a nexus of species in the true goby clade, that are collectively known as bumblebee fishes or bumblebee gobies, in account of their colours and patterning. Often they are seen in dealers aquariums, because they are petite and beautifully colored. Yet much confusion exists as to which exact species is being traded, and what water conditions they might benefit most from, or are natural to the wild gobies. Particularly, the question of proper salinity, with confusion and dubious, repeated 'facts' as to their wild habitats.
B. doriae, B. nunus, and B. xanthozonus in particular, are often confused, and indeed, there is confusion even among ichthyologists, as to which of the Brachygobius species an individual bumblebee fish, or Its population, might belong to. The species of Brachygobius are, in nature, partially separated by environmental niche partitioning, with some species present in wild freshwaters. However, the Brachygobius sp. most usually encountered in the aquarium trade, are in fact from brackish waters.
For instance, B. doriae is sympathetic with Rhizophora mangroves, as well as fish like mudskippers, siganids, and archerfishes, in the muddy lower (and thus tidal) reaches of tropical Asian rivers. Thus this species, chosen as an example, would appreciate a quite higher brackish salinity, than books might suggest. But also, it's presence overlaps with that of the palm, Nypa, which is not as salt tolerant as is Rhizophora, so it would be wrong to reckon B. course as a marine fish.
Smaller Brachygobius species, such as B nunus, might grow to around 1 inch or 2.5 centimetres long. Larger congeneric species of bumblebee fishes, can grow to about 4 centimeters, or over 1 and a 1/2 inches. The small size of these beauties has often appealed to those seeking oddballs or brackish fishes, but finding themself with limited space. Although the male gobies can be territorial to one another, its possible and imperative to house members of these species, in a group of about six or more fishes. Single fishes are too easily stressed, it seems. A combination of factors makes these fish unsuitable for a typical community tank, although with careful thought, they can share with other benign brackish fishes.
Its also worth noting that these gobies appreciate it demand warm end tropical temperatures, higher than the 24 degrees centigrade standard, that is probably the norm for tropical tanks. Perhaps a temperature between 25 and 28 degrees centigrade would be ideal for their aquarium. The wild gobies show a positive association, with a muddy substrate. Again contrary to information in books, these gobies do not need crystal clear water, as they evolved in conditions of turbidity. Their presence in mangrove habitat, means that non-toxic leaf litter and wood, are suitable choices for the aquascape also. Wood could be arranged to imitate the appearance of mangrove roots.
Brachygobius sp. aren't quite as finnicky about eating, as some aquarium literature might lead you to believe. These gobies will, at least if acclimatised, take to defrosted foods, and do not require regular feedings, of love invertebrate prey. Some of them even adjust to nipping proprietary flake foods, although it must be cautioned, most of them will not accept manufactured substitute diets. Given that misinformation about feeding this genus, has daunted many aquarists from attempting bumblebee fishes in the aquarium, it isn't really a basis for most fishkeepers to fret unduly about. Misunderstood fishes that are not eating, are presumably stressed in some way.
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80s-gallery · 2 years
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13 バンブルビーフィッシュ Brachygobius doriae
●制作寸法(額縁の中のマットを含むサイズ) =203*254mm ●販売価格(税込) =69,300円
原画販売サイトはこちら (2022年12月29日 10:30 販売開始)
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snowflakeeel · 4 years
rate that fish: bumblebee gobies? i have a bunch and feel like ppl tend to overlook them cuz they’re so little :(
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Awwwwww How precious!! Don’t be overlooked little dude! Everyone come look at this fish! LOOK AT IT!
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fishupdates · 3 years
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Bumblebee Fish (Brachygobius xanthozonus)
requested by sablesablesablesable
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wishfishy · 6 years
Hey. Pssst. Hey.
Yeah you.
You wanna see some some cool fish?
Of course you do! Come with me and I will show you the glory and wonder of freshwater (and estuarine) gobies!
The goby family, Gobiidae, is massive. Like, thousands and thousands of species massive. And some of those thousands are nifty and criminally underrated freshwater species. (And also gobies are some of my favourite fish of all time ever).
Here we go!
We start with the ever popular, and often misidentified bumblebee gobies (Brachygobius spp.), a group of diminutive brackish/freshwater species.
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The truely tiny, 1 cm long dwarf Pygmy goby (Pandaka pygmaea).
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The charming Rhinohorn goby (Redigobius balteatus).
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The very handsome Desert goby (Chlamydogobius eremius).
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The Red Cheek goby (Lentipes armatus). Gosh.
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And the Red Tailed goby (Sicyopterus lagocephalus). Golly!
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The Lipstick goby (Sicyopus exallisquamulus). Now that’s A Look.
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Sicyopus zosterophorum, whose common name I’m not sure about. But look at this little belted fashion icon!
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It looks like I’m getting close to the 10-picture limit, so hang tight for goby post part 2, where I gush about the genera Stiphodon and Rhinogobius!
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aquaworldinfo · 3 years
Bumblebee Goby - Brachygobius doriae | Care/Full Information
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entuacuario · 4 years
¿Sabías que el pez Avispa🐝 pertenece a la familia de los Góbidos, y esta familia de peces pueden vivir tanto en agua dulce como en aguas saladas?
Si quieres saber más sobre los cuidados, características y origen sobre estos peces entra EnTuAcuario.com 🐝
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thebrackishtank · 7 years
hello! i am trying to find information about bumblebee gobies, i noticed you keep the brackish type, but the kind i'm looking for is BRACHYGOBIUS XANTHOMELAS. i figured since they are very similar with the difference of water types, i was hoping you could tell me whether they can be kept singly or not. I want to be 100% sure about what i am doing.
So here’s the thing. You can’t reliably tell Brachygobius spp. apart, at least not without dissection. Trust me when I say whatever retailer tells you they can isn’t being truthful... from what I’ve heard, most pictures online and in books even have them wrong!
Virtually all BBG species, whether freshwater or “true” brackish all do fine at 1.002-1.005 and it’s typically the best way to keep them. You CAN keep most species in freshwater (provided it’s very hard) and I’ve done so without problems. But you need to keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t get sick or go on hunger strikes. If they do, that’s usually a sign to try upping the salinity.
As for your question above (sorry, I’m long-winded!) they can be kept singly or in groups. They will quarrel with each other if kept in groups but they won’t injure each other... it really is fun to watch them circle each other lightning fast :)
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petstutorial · 6 years
Cá Bống Mắt Tre - Thông Tin, Kiến Thức Về Cá Bống Mắt Tre
Cá Bống Mắt Tre có tên khoa học là Brachygobius doriae, tên tiếng Anh là Bumblebee goby. Nó thuộc bộ cá  vược và họ Cá Bống Trắng. Nó còn có tên tiếng Việt khác gọi là Bống Ống Điếu hay Bống Ông Nghệ.
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Nguồn: https://petstutorial.com/ca-bong-mat-tre
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yenihizmelink · 6 years
Latince Adı: Brachygobius xanthozona  Coğrafik Kökeni: Güneydoğu Asya  Beslenme Biçimi: Etçil. Kuru yemi kabul etmeleri zordur. Artemia ve su piresi ile beslenmesi uygundur.  Davranış Biçimi: Orta decede agresif  Kendi Türlerine Davranışı: Bölgecidir, bölgesine giren balıkları uzaklaştırır.  Cinsiyet Ayrımı: Dişilerin karnı daha şiş olur.  Yüzme Seviyesi: Tabana daha yakın.  Üreme: Bir kovuğun içine dökülen yumurtalar erkek tarafından korunur. Dişinin karnı yumurtayla dolduğunda suyun tuzluluk oranı düşürülmelidir.  Sıcaklık: 23°C - 28°C  En Fazla Büyüdüğü Boy: 5 cm.  En Az Akvaryum Hacmi: 30 litre  Su Sertliği: 8 - 12 °dH  pH: 7.5 - 8.2  Zorluk Seviyesi: 3  Genel Yorum: 4 yıl kadar yaşarlar. Acı su balıklarıdır. Sularına tuz katılmalıdır. Suyun yoğunluğu 1005 - 1011 arası olmalıdır. Bölge tuttuklarında agresif olurlar. Çok küçük olduğu için yavrularının büyütülmesi zordur.
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fishcommunity · 8 years
so i'm planning on moving my betta to a 20g and am wondering what groups of fish do ok in a 10g? otherwise i'm just gonna do a few shrimp i think...
Mod @thebrackishtank
Well, you have a fair amount of options, depending on what your tap water quality is... but a few ideas:
Anchor Catfish (Hara jerdoni)
Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) - can be brackish
Endler’s Livebearers (Poecilia wingei) - can be brackish
Bumblebee Gobies (Brachygobius spp.) - better off brackish
Smaller Ricefish (Oryzias spp.)
Mosquito Rasbora (Boraras brigittae)
Galaxy Rasbora/Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus)
Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae)
Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon innesi)
Golden Pencilfish (Nannostomus beckfordi)
Scarlet Badis (Dario dario)
Sparkling Gourami (Trichopsis pumila)
Lots of invertebrate options here too... but I would only try them if you have hard water.
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awwflycat · 6 years
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Bumblebee goby (Brachygobius xanthozonus)
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alaruine · 7 years
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) My FISH COLLECTION Edited Video #001 Sterilizer Chiller Guppy fish tank wallpaper hd my tank Hybridization fish guppies aquarium full download #wallpaper #hd #ful Breeding of aquarium fish and caring for fish ponds Ornamental fish and their types Breeding ornamental fish for beginners Information on thickness of decorations Breeding of fish in ponds (for beginners) Breeding ornamental fish at home Ornamental fish diseases Ornamental fish Fishes delivery Ornamental fish and their types Fishes delivery Breeding ornamental fish for beginners Information on thickness of decorations Breeding ornamental fish at home Predatory ornamental fish Ornamental fish diseases Aquariums ornamental fish Fish ponds and prices How to make fish ponds Aquariums for sale Prices of fish ponds Aquariums for sale Fish ponds Small aquariums Ornamental fish and their types fish tank wallpaper hd #fish Algae eater Crossocheilus siamensis.jpg ternetzi بلاshubunkin.jpg سمكة اورندا Oranda Carassius auratus auratus OrangeOranda.jpg سمكة بمبل بي Bumblebee fish Brachygobius xanthozonus Brachygobius1.jpg سمكة ذات الجناح الأسود Black-winged hatchetfish Carnegiella marthae Carnegiellamarthae.jpg فرس البحر Seahorse Hippocampus Hippocampus whitei 1.jpg فلام Flame tetra Hyphessobrycon flammeus Hyphessobrycon flammeus 3.jpg قرش صيني Chinese high fin banded shark Myxocyprinus asiaticus Balantiocheilos melanopterus.JPG كات فيش Corydoras catfish - Dwarf corydoras corydoras hastatus Corydoras hastatus.jpg كاردينال Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi Paracheirodon cardinalis.JPG كلاون كيلي Pseudepiplatys annulatus ' Clown killi 1.jpg كلون لوتش Clown loach Chromobotia macracanthus Chromobotia macracanthus.jpg كلون ، المهرج Clown barb Puntius everetti كوريدروس بلاتس منقطة corydoras paleatus Corydoras paleatus by NiKo.jpg كوريدروس بلاتيس البينو corydoras albino كوريدروس شوليتزي corydoras schultzei - Bronze corydoras Corydoras aeneus Corydoras aeneus 2.jpg كوي Koi Cyprinus carpio haematopterus Six koi.jpg ليمون Lemon tetra Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis.jpg ليوبارد بوش Leopard bush fish Ctenopoma acutirostre Leopard-Buschfisch.jpg مارابلي هاتشيت Marbled hatchetfish Carnegiella strigata Carnegiella strigata.jpg نيون Neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi Neonka obecna paracheirodon innesi.jpg هارلي كوين Rasbora heteromorpha - Harlequin rasbora Trigonostigma heteromorpha Harlequin rasbora.jpg هدستاندر Headstander وايت سبوت Whitespot Aplocheilus panchax ويت كلود مونتان White Cloud Mountain minnow Tanichthys albonubes White Cloud Mountain Minnow 1.jpg يلو Yellow tang Zebrasoma flavescens Zebrasoma flavescens Luc Viatour.jpg يوكاتان Yucatan molly poecilia velifera Poecilia velifera.jpg أسود Black ruby barb Puntius nigrofasciatus Black Ruby Barb 700.jpg الدما Checker barb Puntius oligolepis Puntius oligolepis.jpg ذات العين الحمراء، رد أي Oligolepis - Red eye tetra Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae Red eye tetra.jpg شراعية الزعانف Sailfin molly poecilia latipinna Poecilia latipinna.jpg صاحب الست خطوط African Banded Barb Barbus fasciolatus Barbus fasciolatus.jpg عادي black molly Poecilia sphenops Black Molly.jpg كريزي Cherry barb Puntius titteya Male Cherry Barb 700.jpg مشع Hyphessobrycon gracilis Tetra Glowlight cropped.jpg نمر Tiger barb Puntius tetrazona Tiger Barb 700.jpg وردي (Rosy tetra) Hyphessobrycon rosaceus Acanthurusleucosternon-Wei?kehl.jpg زيبرا zebra danio Danio rerio Zebrafisch.jpg Moonfish - Platy Xiphophorus أسماك ولودة | Wagtail.JPG Molly Poecilia أسماك ولودة Poecilia latipinna.jpg Tang Acanthuridae Three Spot Gourami female.jpg بلو جرامي Blue gourami أوبالين جرامي Astronotus Ocellatus Astronotus ocellatus.jpg سوردتيل Swordtail Baloon Kissing Gourami أسماك ذات اعضاء تنفسية جرامي البقع الثلاث Three spot gourami Trichogaster trichopterus Cocoa damselfish.jpg سمك الجنة paradise fish Macropodus opercularis Dwarf gourami Colisa lalia Colisa lalia.jpg كيسينج جرامي Kissing Gourami Helostoma temminckii Elacatinus Elacatinus evelynae.jpg أوسكار (سمكة) Oscar Giant Gourami Osphronemus goramy Osphronemus Gourami (better).png بالون كيسينج جرامي Macropodus opercularis - side (aka) edit.jpg نيون جوبي Neon Goby Moonlight Gourami.jpg شيكولت جرامي Chocolate gourami Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Sphaerichthys osphromenoides.jpg ثيك لب جرامي Opaline gourami جرامي ذهبي Gold Gourami Golden gourami.jpg سناك جرامي Paracheirodon innesi Neonka obecna paracheirodon innesi.jpg جرامي لؤلؤي Pearl Gourami Snakeskin gourami - Siamese gourami Trichogaster pectoralis Snakeskin gourami.jpg مون ليت جرامي Moonlight gourami Trichogaster microlepis Thick lipped gourami Colisa labiosus Colisa labiosa m.jpg هاني جرامي Honey Gourami Trichogaster chuna Colisasota male.jpg سمكة
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mondaymorgue · 7 years
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Princess Carplet (Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae) Kranji Marshes, 29th June 2017
Animals & Plants of Singapore
Addition of fish species to the established alien fauna of Singapore: Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae and Brachygobius sabanus
Fishes of Kranji Marsh
Fishes, shrimps and aquatic snails observed at Kranji Marsh
Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae sp. nov., a New Cyprinid Fish from Thailand and Kampuchea
Seriously Fish
IUCN Red List
Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong
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wecappafc · 8 years
(6) 1" Bumble Bee Goby TR Brachygobius doriae Live Freshwater Tropical Fish
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poisson-aquarium · 13 years
Quelques gobies en aquarium
Les gobies sont surtout connus en aquarium d'eau de mer, mais il existent, et ils sont nombreux, en eau douce. Il existe même un poisson appelé le Gobie du Désert, de l'espèce Chlamydogobius eremius qui survit dans des conditions extrêmes, mais qu'il faudra conserver dans un environnement sain et simple en captivité.
Le gobie abeille, Brachygobius xanthozonus, est un petit poisson d'environ 4 cm de long qui apprécie les eaux fraîches et saumâtres; originaire de l'Indonésie, le gobie abeille se distingue de nombreuses autres espèces dans le genre Brachygobius et a été placée par certains ichtyologistes dans le genre Hypogymnogobius. Il est très rare dans la nature, et n'a pas été importé en tant que poissons d'aquarium, en dépit de la généralisation l'utilisation du nom en aquariophilie dans la littérature.
Mais n'oubliez jamais que la compatibilité des gobies en aquarium est parfois aléatoire, et certains ont des moeurs molluscivores, appréciant de manger des escargots par exemple. Aussi, le gobie abeille, par exemple, mangera et titillera toute grande nageoire de poisson. L'association de ce poissons, et de quelques autres, n'est donc pas chose aisée et doit être préalablement compris et mesuré.
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