#Brad ain't what I pictured when Nanao's description came up
shadowcatgirl09 · 2 years
Bullet Train has to be the only movie where I watched it before reading the book and enjoyed both. I spent majority of the book reading Lemon and Tangerine’s lines with English accents. The Wolf’s change was welcomed; I immediately thought of Miguel Rojo from Tekken when his backstory came up. I only have two problems with the movie.
Brad Pitt as my baby Nanao/Ladybug? Nah I think they should’ve went with someone else. Maybe Justin H. Min, Manny Jacinto, or literally anyone not Brad.
On one hand I’m fine with Joey as The Prince but her character? Yeah nah. (The little shit was a monster of the highest order but I guess they wanted you to root for her in the movie)
The book has it’s issues too (looking at you crossdresser) and it’s surprisingly less gory.
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