#Brady O'Sheine
elvhenwitch · 7 years
Brady makes some deliveries, and very much Resents™ the fact that the town is small enough to not reasonably need a vehicle of her own.
"Fuck, why are there so many trees."
She rested some of her weight on her axe, and used her sleeve to wipe the sweat off her forehead before leaning the tool against the remaining stump.
With a tired sigh she started gathering up the logs she'd just finished cutting, stacking them in the slightly oversized cart she'd picked up specifically for this purpose.
The farm was so jam-packed with damn trees, that even after keeping enough wood to not only build a barn but also fill the damn thing, she still had a ridiculous amount left. So, she offered to sell stacks to people around town.
And today was her first delivery.
Glaring at the overfilled cart, she started pulling it with a grunt, instantly grateful for all the damn muscle she'd built up since moving. It still sucked, but at least it wasn't any worse.
Once in town she decided to work her way back to Pierre's, intending to sell him whatever was left after her drop offs. She sat the front of the cart back down once she reached the bridge to the beach, knowing there was absolutely no way she was trying to drag that thing across the beach.
Thankfully Elliott was already on the bridge, a journal and pen in hand, though he slipped those in his jacket when he saw her.
His eyes went amusingly wide when he saw how many stacks of wood she'd precariously stacked in her cart.
"Now you understand why I was so eager to get rid of it somehow," she said offhandedly, shooting him a smirk and rolling her shoulders and neck in an attempt to loosen her tense muscles.
"Yes." He obligingly took one more stack than he'd originally said he would, and they carried them down to his cabin. He handed her the money they'd agreed on and asked if she needed any assistance with the rest, she waved him off with a thank you.
Next she dropped off a stack for Lewis and then Clint, making several trips for the latter. Who shook his head at her and awkwardly advised not to overwork herself.
Heading back into the town square she bumped into Marnie, and promised to drop off her own bundles later that evening.
Leaving the cart outside of Pierre's she hefted two bundled stacks onto her shoulder and carried a third in her free hand before getting Alex, who had originally been tossing around a gridball until he saw her with her wood stacks, to open the door for her. He offered to carry some of her load but instead she had him grab a forth to bring in.
Pierre's eyes went wide when he turned around an saw her, he gladly paid her and even handed her and Alex each a small bottle of water free of charge.
Alex offered to help with the rest of her deliveries but she turned him down.
"I only have a few more anyway, and after those it's all down hill."
He quirked an eyebrow at her. "Wouldn't that be more reason to have help?"
She snorted in amusement. "No, I meant literally down hill, as in the path I'll take back to the farm is on a downward angle. I really just have to steer, gravity should do the rest."
"Ohhh, okay." He nodded his understanding and said his goodbyes.
Getting up the slight hill to Robin's was definitely more of a pain in the ass then she'd hoped, but she made it at least. She bypassed the carpenter's for the moment, knowing she'd have to pass it on the way back, and pulled her cart over the bridge to the Guild. Instead of paying her in cash Marlon traded her a slightly better pair of boots for the lumber, sighting something about an enchantment that would aid her in the mines.
Considering one of her closest neighbors was an honest-to-Yoba wizard, that actually teleported or whatever in front of her, she wasn't gonna question him.
She dropped almost all the rest of the wood off at Robin's, earning quite the pretty penny for the quality material, and started making her treck home. Though not before stopping by Linus' darkened camp to leave the last two bundles of the wood stacked by the side of his tent, with a quick note thanking him for delicious plate of sashimi.
After reaching the farm again she traded the cart with a wheelbarrow and placed the three stacks of wood for Marnie in it, and headed down the path to make final stop before being able to go home and crash.
Marnie thanked her profusely and offered a plate of chocolate chip cookies she and Jas had made that morning alongside her money. Brady gratefully bit into one of them while she stood there, having noticed the little girl hiding by the doorway to the kitchen as they talked, and made sure to make her enjoyment of the baked good known.
Marnie smiled approvingly and wished her a goodnight.
She honestly didn't even remember getting back to the farm, but the cookies were covered on the table and she was already in her pajamas by the time she really took note of her surroundings again.
"Fucking trees.." she grumbled as she all but fell into her bed.
She's such a grumpy little thing, I love her~
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elvhenwitch · 7 years
Day 1: Introducing the Farmer of your choice! (I am very late)
I am very late but I just saw these so i'm gonna do them! Every week is Stardew appreciation week) [Warning - Cussing happens]
1. First things first! What’s their name and age, is there a special significance to their name? Gush about who they are!
Brady O'Sheine, she's something like 26-28 (hello indecision!). Her full name is Bralynn, but she really kind of hates that name, so Brady is it! Her style is pretty laidback, but she knows how to dress up. She in the second eldest of 4 kids (and also the only girl), raised basically by a single mother and her eldest brother. She is a sassy little shit that will smack you down so hard if you try to talk shit about her or anyone she cares about, Joja like destroyed her patience and restraint so prepare to be emotionally crippled~! :D
Also, be warned, you really piss her off/do something she will start tossing around legal stuff like no tomorrow and you will leave unsettled, and unsure whether you're gonna get sued or something. (Morris should watch out)
2. What was your farmer’s life like in the city? Were they a part-timer at jojacorp, were they just fired from their dream job?
City-life was basically a lot of scrambling for money to pay bills and rent.
Her father was never really around when she was a kid, but a few months before her youngest brother was born he just completely disappeared. Of course that was also when they found how much debt he was in, so her family grew up pretty on the poor side, with her mother working three jobs and her eldest brother putting off college to take on a couple jobs of his own. This left her, as the second eldest, to take care of her little brothers (not that she really minded).
She started working in Joja's customer service during her third year of college, in an attempt to get her school loans paid off, a couple years later she got moved to telemarketing and a few more years after that she was placed in the position she had at the start of the game. During this time she graduated law school and passed the bar, but wasn't able to find any work so continued working at Joja.
3. Why did your farmer decide to leave the city? Did your farmer have a loved one in the city? A significant other, a pet, a best friend?
She was well and thoroughly sick of Joja's by the time she finally opened the letter from her grandfather, but she didn't actually quit Joja until a few months after that. She hadn't wanted to just leave her family with one less paycheck, but her mother finally sat her down one night and told her that she didn't want her to put her life on hold, and that if she wanted to move to the Valley they would be okay. Even then, her mother's words didn't really stick until she (and her older brother) promised her that leaving wouldn't mean she was abandoning them.
Moving to Pelican Town left behind her mother (Rena) and three brothers (Emmet/Benson/Jacob), and her best friend, Emelyn. (Funfact! Emelyn is one of my farmers too, just obviously not in Brady's world lol.)
4. How did your farmer adjust to the farming life? Was it hard to get up early in the morning, are they deeply afraid of bugs?
Slowly. And with a lot of aches.
Getting up wasn't that hard, at first. But then she actually started cleaning up the farm and planting more crops, and she'd be exhausted by the end of the day, which lead to a groggy/grumpy morning. She eventually adjusts of course, but still, she figured out pretty quick that just becoming a farmer was a lot easier said than done. It's amazing the woman didn't lose any fucking toes or fingers. Someone save poor Harvey from stupidly stubborn city-girls who think they know what the fuck they're doing (Spoiler: they don't).
She's not technically afraid of bugs, but she makes an exception for those big ass fly things in the mines, the second she hears fluttering noises she nopes the absolute fuck outta there (cue frantic pickaxe-ing in search of a ladder). She's a real big fan of figuring out how to get a blowtorch and hauling it down, just for the, and I quote- "big swarming fluttery bitches." First time she saw one she marched right over to the Adventurer's Guild and banged on the door until Marlon answered so that she could yell "What the actual fuck Marlon?!"
5. Who was the first townsperson to make your farmer feel at home?
Shane actually. She was coming out of Pierre's with a bag of soil while he was on his way to work, they ran into each other and the corner of his nametag ripped a hole in the bag as they backed up, spilling soil all over the two.
Cue a "holy fuck" from Brady and her trying to apologize, he tells her to fuck off and walks away. She kinda just stands there for a second, half annoyed half surprised. Up until than she'd kind of started feeling a little disenchanted with the town as everything seemed so perfect and idyllic, but for some reason the encounter finally cemented that this place wasn't just a cozy little dreamtown with no problems.
Call it a rude awakening if you want, but Brady was more than thankful for it. That night she stopped by the tavern, bought a beer and dropped it in front of Shane. Then she left without a word, smiling the whole way back to the farm and finally feeling content with her latest life-choices.
(Shane is confused lol)
6. What season is your farmer’s favorite season, and why?
Winter. Let her live for five minutes without sweating to death over a patch of fucking parsnips or pumpkins and she'll be the happiest person you've ever fucking seen.
7. What is your farmer’s most favorite thing in the whole wide world?
Family meals. The only rule in her house after her father left was that the dinner table was a safe space; no arguing, no drama, leave your stress at the door. Since her mother/brother were always working Brady decided she would be responsible for feeding everyone. She spent most of her pre-highschool years learning how to cook, so that it would be one less thing her mother/brother had to worry about, by highschool she made every meal for the family.
Her other favorite-ist things are her Grandfather's antique cutlass and spicy foods (especially wasabi).
8. Is there a favorite place your farmer likes to hang out at? If so, why?
 Depends on her mood I suppose.
If she's in a good mood she'll go sit at the tavern and people watch.
If she's in a lonely/self-doubting "why did I come here what am I doing I don't know how to fucking run a farm I should have just stayed at Joja" mood at night she'll go sit(hide) in the little cave on the farm and watch the bats do their thing.
If she's in a... Hm, idek how to describe this mood exactly, a "I've done so much more than I ever expected and that's great but what's next? I feel like my whole life has just been waiting for something and I'm so tired why am I waiting? What am I waiting for? How do I get it to happen so I can stop feeling like this" mood, she'll either sit by her Grandpa's memorial (day) or go sit on the cliff with her legs swinging and just look down at the waves/water (night).
9. What song perfectly matches your farmer?
(I'm awful at these oh god) Um.. I'm gonna go with Swan by Willa.
Bonus: draw your farmer in their most iconic outfit! Or, write about their first few days on the farm!
Sim!Brady (1st outfit) - Drabble (+ Her tag)
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elvhenwitch · 7 years
Brady's first week(s) on the farm.
The first few days go by in something of a blur for her, but by the fifth she's exhausted and starting to understand the commitment she's made.
By the end of the first week she Regrets Her Decisions, and after finding the (creepy) memorial for her grandfather, on the days that she finds herself standing amongst her crops wondering how she got there she could almost swear she hears him laughing at her.
The old man might have been leagues better than his son, her father, but he was still an old bastard sometimes, she thinks fondly, remembering one time when they'd come to visit and he'd warned her not sneak up on the chickens. Of course she didn't listen, and the very next time she ended up with a face full of surprised hen. Her grandfather was practically rolling on the ground laughing at her.
Still, she keeps pushing forward, through the exhaustion and the aches and the muscle cramps.
By the end of the second week the farm looks somewhat presentable. The house is still a shithole, but at least it's livable. She's even making money! Not so much with the crops yet, but hey, she'll take what she can get.
A couple days later she wakes to the sound of a knock at her door. Pulling on pants and slipping on an old pair of slippers she flicks on the coffeepot before going to the door.
She's greeted by the owner of the ranch just south of the farm, Mar-something, she met her at Pierre's a couple days ago. Beside her sits a tan and white dog that stares up at her with big brown eyes.
She blinks, confusion drawing her eyebrows down.
"Good morning Miss O'Sheine, I'm sorry if I woke you, but I have a small proposition for you," the woman says, smiling warmly. "I'm Marnie by the way, from the ranch down the road, we met the other day."
Marnie, that was the name.
"Um, hi," she says hesitantly. "...Would you like to come in? I uh, I don't really have chairs but.."
"Oh no, I'm fine, but thank you for the offer."
She nods, looking down at the dog again. She's sees it's curly tail wag and it's tongue lolls out of it's mouth, giving it a doggy grin and bringing a small smile to her own lips.
"This one here is actually what I wanted to talk to you about," Marnie says, smiling down at the pooch. "I found it wandering around on the road to your farm, and anytime I came near it would start walking in this direction, it brought me right to your door actually."
She raised an eyebrow at the woman.
"I know, isn't it strange," Marnie laughs, reaching down and patting the dog's head. "Well, I was wondering if you liked dogs?"
"Who doesn't?" She says, still wondering where this was going.
"Then I was hoping you'd consider keeping it? I brought some basic supplies, if you say yes, and I'd just hate to leave the poor thing all on it's lonesome."
She blinks in surprise, looking back down at the dog. It tilts it's head to the side and whines at her, the damn thing, positively melting her heart.
"I've never owned a dog before."
"Well what better time to learn than now, with the farm!" Marnie says encouragingly.
Brady sighs, she was a goner the second she saw those puppy-dog brown eyes.
"I guess you have a point." She crouches down and holds her hand out to it, letting it sniff and then lick her fingers. "Hell, alright, I'll keep the dog."
"Oh that's wonderful!" The dog barks in agreement, before trotting past Brady into the house, where the cocky little thing precedes to curl up on the rug.
"Make yourself at home apparently," she says smirking with amusement.
When she turns back Marnie appears to be trying not to laugh. She hands her the supplies she'd brought and asks if Brady knows what she might name, they chat for a bit longer after that but by 6:30 Marnie has left for her own home.
"Well," she says mildly, watching the dog wag it's tail at her as she drinks her coffee. "Alright then."
/Rooney (her dog), is a basenji dog in Brady's canon.
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