#Brain o'conner smut
xstarkillerx · 5 months
brian who has his little passenger princess in the skyline ☺️ she’s all pretty and doe eyed with the mini skirts and bras for shirts with his jacket but she’s HIS and everyone knows that. wins a race and fucks her silly in the back
Not be evil, but I'm lowkey sooooooo happy you didn't use the word "girlfriend," because it gave me this idea about being "the pretty fuck toy Brian picked up in Miami to fuck Mia out of his system," and I can't resist a little draaaaamaaaaa
Thinking about the way you're everything Mia isn't; soft, sweet, doe-eyed, god you probably worship the ground Brian walks on, don't you? Some hot older guy with a cocky attitude and a fast car who fucks that little body so fucking good, gives you his jackets to wear when the car meets run late and the nights get too cold for those slutty outfits you like to wear. Brian who'll carry you into his house when you fall asleep in his car, Brian who was never weird about letting you spend the night after he fucks you, Brian who cracks jokes over the breakfast you made in his kitchen the morning after. Brian who can bring himself to do everything BUT make it official with you, because in the back of his mind there's Mia, in Los Angeles, whose life is in shambles because of him.
Oh you poor baby, you poor, sweet little girl you have no idea do you, that he lays awake for hours feeling awful that you're in his bed again because he sees the way you look at him, like you're waiting for something, it's the same way Mia looked at him too. Fucking figures that it doesn't matter how different you two are, the way you dress, the way you act, they way you speak, what fucking coast you're from, a smitten young woman looks like a smitten young woman and it makes him so guilty sometimes he could vomit. But does he stop? Fuck no, that pussy's too good, too tight, the ego boost of having a pretty thing in his passenger seat too tempting. He's screwing you over baby, but he won't leave before you do.
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poguehoe4life · 3 months
The Toretto's
Part 1
"Are you ready?" Clarisse asked Brian. He nodded. She turned to look at me. "I know you're ready." She raised the flag into the air yelling, "Ready.....steady....GO!" My wheels spun out on my 1976 Charger as I threw the car into gear. Brian was ahead but not for long. I wasn't the reigning champ for no reason.
The car followed my every move as though we were connected through the wiring. The bridge was up just as I had predicted and Brian seemed to be lost as to what to do. He was slowing down as he got closer to the raised platforms and I passed him with ease, flipping him off as I went. I raced across the bridge, raising my suspension as I went to keep my car from being totaled. The finish line was coming up. I had this. Suddenly Brain raced passed me, nitrous fuming from his exhaust. "Too soon Spilner," I muttered flipping my own nitrous on. He began to slow 15 feet from the finish line and I passed him yet again.
Brian jumped out of his Nissan Skyline and slammed the door. "You cheated Lani! You knew that bridge would be up!" I laughed as my big brother parted the crowd. "You better be careful how you talk to my sister Buster. She just whooped your ass and you know it." I got out of my own car and walked up to him. "It's not called cheating Spilner. It's called winning." I walked away leaving him speechless and Dom lifted me up onto his shoulder. Jesse yelled, "Part the ways! The Torettos have dominated yet again!"
When we got to Dom's car, he set me down and kissed Letty. "Good job little Toretto. You're livin up to the name." She said hugging me. "Hey!!! I'm 19. I'm not that little." Vince handed me a Corona and smiled. "You did good kid. I don't know why he thought he had a chance." Dom looked from me, to Vince, to the beer in my hand. "Come on Dom. She just one 10,000 dollars. Cut her some slack." Letty said winking at me. "Fine," Dom agreed, pulling the cap off of the bottle.
Later that night, around 3 AM, I was sitting on the roof of our house, staring at the stars. I heard someone climb through the window and smirked. "I knew you couldn't resist coming up here." The man sat beside me, his own Corona glistening. "Well I guess you were right." I turned to look at Brian, his blonde curls blowing in the breeze. He took a drink and looked at the sky. All I could do was stare at him. The man who had infuriated me from day one. All I could think about were how his muscles flexed when he pointed or how he licked his lips every time he took a drink.
My panties were soaked through and the chilly night air didn't help. I crossed my legs. He looked at me and smirked. "What?" I asked, pissed that he had such an affect on me. He smirked. "If I were a betting man, which I am, I would bet that if you spread your legs right now, that lace thong of yours would be soaked through." He dragged a finger slowly up my thigh, making me shiver and leaving a trail of goosebumps. "Tell me I'm wrong," he whispered against my neck, his finger reaching the hem of my short denim skirt. He left light kisses along my neck until he got to that spot. My eyes rolled and my legs split as he began to suck on my neck. His hand, once trailing up my thigh brushed over my panties and rested in the center of my legs.
He smirked. "I suppose that means I was right huh princess?" I didn't respond, to busy caught up in my own world of pleasure until he stopped. I turned to look at him, confused as to why. His baby blue eyes were dark and filled with lust. He wrapped a hand around my neck, squeezing slightly. "I asked you if I was right. Now answer me." "You were right," He released my neck and smiled. "Good. Now you get to suffer the consequences of not doing as you're told." I looked up at him. "Brain we're on a roof." He pulled my thong off and pulled me onto his thigh so I was straddling it. "I don't care. Now ride daddy's thigh like a good little slut."
I looked at him hesitating before slowly moving my hips, my clit dragging on the rough material of his jeans. I bit my lip and closed my eyes holding a breath my hips moving faster as I chased my high. The pressure began to build and I slowed, whimpering. "What's the matter princess? Need daddy's help?" Brian asked smirking at me. I nodded but he pulled my chin up so that I was looking directly at him. "Beg for it." My cheeks flamed as one of his hands gripped my hips tightly. and the other traveled between my legs. I gasped as his pinched my clit between his fingers. "Oh god- please," I said, my eyes rolling. His hand went back to my hips and he pulled me forward and back until my orgasm crashed through me. "Holy fuck Brian," he looked at me and said, "That's not my name princess." I sagged against his chest breathing heavily. He slowly ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead. "Let's get you to bed love."
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ashcomanderchief · 7 years
Nerd. [Part 4.]
Tumblr media
Summary: Where Luke is pretentious and Y/N is a nerd.
Warning: PG-13 
word count: 1000
{part one}  {Part two}  {Part three}
"Here is your sandwich." I gritted my teeth, handing Luke yet more food, that's usually the most he bosses me around for, and to a point, I want to throw his food at him, god is he annoying.
"Aww, aren't you sweet." He smirked, as I took a seat at their lunch table, even Ashton seemed a little annoyed with me getting up so much to get food.
"Yeah, yeah, can't I just do my homework in peace?" Shaking my head, I looked back at my biology papers.
"Nah." he shrugged, taking a giant bite out of his sandwich, at least he wasn't resorting to sexist jokes, like how I was 'supposed to make a sandwich.' but Luke luckily didn't reach that level of disgusting.
"In case you didn't know we have a history speech, so if you would gladly shut the fuck up." I put my glasses back on, trying to focus on the speech I wrote over the weekend, the key was to make it really clickbaity and entertaining, but fact full and not just complete copy and paste shit.
"Wre?" Luke said half of his tuna sandwich nearly falling out of his mouth, clearly, he hasn't been paying attention in class.
"Yes," I avoided calling him a 'fuck tard.' as much as possible. "Remeber Tuesday? where everyone had to get in a group of two?" I sighed not bothering with looking at my long speech, and taking off my glasses, Luke's figure no longer as blurry.
"Oh that, I wonder why no one asks to partner with me?" Luke pouted taking another bite of his sandwich.
"Maybe because of you're scary and intimating," Calum spoke up.
"You aren't nice to people." Ashton chimed in.
"You broke Chad O'Conner's nose?" Michael looked up from his youtube video on his phone.
"You're a fuck tard." I patted Luke's shoulder giving him a smiley grin, clearly not holding back on my own insults.
"Okay! damn, anything else you guys wanna tell me?!" Luke grunted putting down his sandwich, Looking across the Bench at his three close friends.
Michael opened his mouth but before he could say anything.
"Don't even." Luke glared.
"Alright, mister pissy pants." Michael turned up his youtube video, which consisted of 'dank meme's of 2016.'
I giggled, Luke facial expression softened, nearly smiling, but then giving me a quick glare, I cleared my throat as I felt my body feel numb just looking towards Luke, I was so dumb, I needed to stop right now, he was just another guy.
"And that is our speech, thank you, everyone." My classmates grinned and went back to their seat, my knee shook anxiously, I was barely prepared and by the way, Luke was playing 'Flip the bottle' or some bullshit on his phone, I knew he was barely even close to ready.
"Y/N and Luke?" My history, Miss.Pennington looked towards me and Luke who were in the back, I nudged Luke's arm motioning for him to get up.
I could feel a cold sweat on my palms but tried not to ruin my penmanship on my paper, preparing so hard for this, but I could never be ready for public speaking, ever.
Luke tugged on my arm, motioning for me to move a little bit faster to the front of the class, I nearly dropped my paper that had 500 words of pure shit, I was shit, I was going to fail... I was never going to graduate, kill me now.
"I- um this is our speech on The Great Depression," I looked up at the class, my throat tightened, and all I could focus on was the eyes staring at me, it's okay Y/N, just imagine them in their underwear.... nope.
"The.. the." I closed my eyes, trying to find my words, my ears ringing, I couldn't hear myself, was breathing?! how do I breath?!
Luke grabbed the paper from my hand, his words all just an empty echo, he.. he was saying our speech.
My ears ringing, I couldn't focus on anything else besides's his steady tone, eye's staring down anyone who even glanced at me in worry or any emotion that might be bad, he had a tone of authority, he was calm and collected. not me.
"Thank you." Luke murmured, looking at as if saying, 'We should sit down.'
I followed close behind him, I still felt everyone was staring at me, they probably all thought I was a loser, Oh god I am a loser.
I sat down as the next person went up with their well-presented speech, laying my head down on my desk, I was going to fail, no one would like me, I'd end up working at McDonald's-
"You did well," Luke whispered, I looked through my strands of hair in my face, my head tilting from my smothered in my desk now up at his Curelean eyes, that felt cool and relaxed.
"I failed, everyone was staring at me." I felt tears start to brim my eyes again so I buried my face back into my desk.
"No, that speech was really good, it's okay not be able to publicly speak, everyone has their fears." Luke shifted in his seat, I was surprised by his kind-hearted words, he looked honestly a little uncomfortable with his words too.
"Thank you, I would probably still been stuttering in front of the class if it wasn't for you. " I let out a breath of relief, briefly smiling at him,
I cleared my throat, turning my face back to unemotional and unattached, He did the same, both of us staying quiet for a second not knowing what to say to one another.
"This doesn't change anything, Nerd."
"Yep totally. . . . Mister pissy pants." I snorted under my breath, as Luke kicked my shin.
(Part Five)
I know I promised smut this chapter, but my brain had a wonderful Idea and like it’s going to be ten times more awesome next chapter, and then this series should be finished in just two more chapters, sweet Jesus, I’m not ready.
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