sangue-e-luce · 4 years
@theartofruling​   Jacques & Brayden
Brayden could tell everyone was stressed lately, so instead of going to court and buzzing around in everyone’s business, he decided to hold court at the white orchid instead. Honestly he was doing the same thing he would do at the palace, drinking and gossiping. But the gossip here wasn’t as entertaining as he would get at the palace. He was nearly done with a bottle of wine and was about to call for one of the girls to bring him another one when he looked up and saw Jacques talking to someone at the bar. He got up from his table and went over to the bar.  “Hello my dear duke. I almost never see you outside of court.” He smiled. “Are you as bored with it as I am? Ever since the wedding ended, everyone just wants to talk about war.”  
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Marie ( @ocean-eyesahq) 
Brayden was enjoying the Highwinds tournament, especially after he got over all of the drunks that seemed to call the Autumn Court their home. It wasn’t so bad. Plus it was the perfect opportunity to get gossip from the other courts besides the Night Court. Another bonus was he got to watch people fight while he listened in on the conversations around him. He was heading to the next dueling competition when someone stepped in front of him in the line to enter the dueling grounds.  “Madam you must have a death wish if you think you can just cut in line.” Brayden said as he tapped the smaller woman on the shoulder. For a second he thought he was talking to a child because of how short the woman was. It definitely made him do a double take. But he doubted there were many parents who would let their child out dressed like that with that much makeup on. Maybe she was one of the competitors grandmother. “I know your time with us on this planet is short but you still need to get to the back of the line.” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden and Rowan  ( @theartofruling​)
Brayden had been bored. Sure there were always people coming in and out of the White Orchid. But he was disappointed that all of the exciting things seemed to be happening in the other courts. He decided to hang around the palace when he heard there would be visitors from other courts. Surely the would have the best gossip, maybe he would see a few friends. 
He settled himself in one of the corridors under the guise of waiting for Kael. In reality he was people watching and snooping. He smiled when he saw Rowan Hartwell walking down the hall. He sat his glass down and jumped up to walk beside her.  
“Lady Hartwell, it’s so good to see you.”  Brayden smiled. “It’s been crazy lately. Can you believe the Humans killed Lysander? Such a shame.  To kill such a beautiful man in cold blood like that.”
He knew that he was probably getting on Rowan’s nerves. She seemed stressed out when it came to being a High Lady. “How have you been? I hope you’re not looking into an arranged marriage now. I don’t think a marriage is going to save anyone from someone sneaking into their bedroom in the middle of the night.” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Gabriel ( @covrtofnightmares​) 
Brayden was having a great time. His suit was a hit, since everyone seemed to be talking about it and him. This was his idea of a perfect wedding. He wasn’t getting married and he had everyone’s attention. He was surprised to find the High Lord of the Night court and groom, sitting alone during the feast without his bride. Of course it was an arranged marriage, but surely they should be together throughout the celebration. 
“My lord, congratulations on your wedding.” Brayden gave Gabriel a low bow. He stood up and smiled at him. “And may I also offer my condolences. Getting married is the worst.” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Jacqueline ( @thenxghtwemet​ )
Brayden had been very sad to hear about the passing of the High lord of the dawn court.  He had many fond memories of the high lord. To hear how the powerful high lord was killed, was almost shocking. It didn’t seem like a noble way for a high lord to go. He hadn’t heard much gossip about it other than people being shocked by it. So Brayden decided to go to where he got the most gossip from, the Palace. Plus he was overdue for a visit to the palace. He was sure there were plenty of people there who would give him all of the juicy details. 
He was walking down one of the corridors after being pointed that way by a servant after saying he was looking for Kael. He smiled when he saw Jacqueline leaving a room a few steps away from him. “Lady Dubois, It has been too long since I’ve last seen you. Has my absence been missed here?”
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Aida ( @wickedgxmes​)
Location: His brothel (Night Court) 
It was a rather busy night at the brothel. His escorts were keeping their visitors entertained, while the bartender kept the drinks flowing. Brayden liked to sit back on these nights and just enjoy the fruits of his labor. If anyone asked him he would say that he had the best brothel of the entire court, probably in the entire land. It didn’t matter to him what anyone else thought. Gabriel might rule the night court, but here he was the king. 
He knew everything that happened in these walls. There were no secrets kept from him here. He knew who each of his escorts had fucked and the kinkest clients. His eyes swept over the room and he noticed a girl holding court of her own in the corner. He got up from his seat and strolled over to where she was sitting in the middle of her admirers. He knew who all of his escorts were but did not recognize her. He didn’t think they hired anyone new yet. Plus they wouldn’t have been working with out him approving of them first. 
He sat down in the empty chair in front of her and gave each of her companions a look that made them scatter. “I don’t recall hiring you, so do you mind telling me why you think you can steal the attention of the clientele from my escorts?” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Rowen ( @theartofruling​)
Location: The Night Court 
There was no one who got under his skin like the high lady of the day court. Although he was sure he did the very same thing to her. Each run in with her left the both of them angry and frustrated, and in the same bed a few hours later. He hadn’t been expecting to run into her that day. He had just gone to the palace because he was bored, and there was usually some drama there that would entertain him. 
When he saw Rowan walking down the corridor towards him he rolled his eyes. He was hoping for something juicer or a chance to flirt with Gabriel, but maybe this would be just as entertaining.
 “Lady Hartwell, I wasn’t aware you would be visiting our court today? I thought the high lords actually had work to do and didn’t have time for visits to other courts. Isn’t that what those council meetings are for?” He leaned in closer to whisper in her ear. “You know you could have just said you missed me.” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Nate ( @wickedgxmes​) 
There were many people who came through the White Orchid. Some of them were regular customers or old friends just stopping by for a visit. But Brayden was slightly surprised to run into the Captain of the Guard for Night Court sitting at one of the bars. He excused himself from his guest and made his way over to Nate.  “Captain, I would have thought they needed you at the Palace more than ever.” Brayden smiled and sat down on a stool next to him. “Unless you just missed seeing me, I don’t get to the palace as much as I used too. Our High Lord says he doesn’t miss me when I’m gone, but we both know that’s not true. Gabriel just doesn’t want to reveal his true feelings about me.” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Raven ( @queensofclover) 
After all of her hard work organizing the pleasure fae for the wedding, Brayden decided that Ravenna deserved a reward. A shopping trip would be the perfect reward for his favorite employee. It was early in the afternoon when Brayden went into the White Orchard, the escorts and other pleasure fae were still probably in bed sleeping. They didn’t open until later in the evening. Brayden was surprised to see Ravenna up and about in one of the lounges. 
“Let’s go out. I want to spoil you today.” Brayden grinned and looked around to make sure no one else was within earshot of them. “Let’s go now before anyone else finds out I’m here. I don’t want to hear them whining about how I never do the same for them.” 
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Raven (@queensofclover)
For a moment Brayden had thought that this royal ball was going to be as boring as all of the others. He should have known that the Autumn court would find a way to liven things up a bit, even if it meant at failing at keeping the rulers of Astralis safe. While Brayden normally enjoyed a good fight, he wasn’t dressed well enough for it. After securing a bottle of wine he found a place to sit on a stage that had been set up for performers for the ball. Judging by the bottle of wine he could sit here an hour or two before he would have to find more wine. Maybe by then the fighting would be over or something would be set on fire. Brayden hoped it was the drapes that caught on fire, they we’re hideous. Whoever designed the palace deserved to be hung for their crimes against his eyes.
Brayden hadn’t seen Ravenna since the ball had started. He had assumed that she had escaped when the fighting started. That’s why he was surprised when he spotted her among the fighting guests. Brayden sighed and took a sip from his bottle. He couldn’t let her get hurt. Not only would it be a horrible business decision, but she was one of the few people he liked. He slipped from the stage and pushed his way through the crowd where he had spotted her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from a man who clearly meant to attack her. He stood between the two of them his body shielding her from the man.
“I’ll let you rethink your actions before I break your neck.” The man clearly was surprised that he was being stopped by a man in a gold suit. But he was sure by the look in Brayden’s eyes he wasn’t joking about breaking his neck. The man shuffled off and Brayden turned to examine Raven for any injuries.
“What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left when it started.”
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Kael ( @voxdaemonica​) 
Brayden really didn’t have business at court today. Although he never really did have any pending business with the high lord and the others who ran the court. He just really liked to snoop around and maybe try to get the high lord to bring him to bed, It never worked but he had hopes that maybe it would eventually. He did however have better lucky with the high lord’s general Kael. Plus he was one of the few that dressed even better than he did. 
He smiled when he saw the man coming down the corridor towards him. He had to admit the timing was perfect. “How did you know you were just the person I wanted to see. “
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Raven ( @queensofclover​) 
Location: The wedding feast 
Brayden was enjoying the party while everyone else seemed to be going through the motions of it. He trusted Raven to keep an eye on the escorts and dancers they had supplied for the party. She was one of the few people he trusted when it came to his business. He circled the ballroom as he looked around for her. He had told her not to worry about working tonight. He wanted her to enjoy herself at the party. Plus there was no one here he deemed worthy of her company.  
He found her standing on one of the balconies overlooking the gardens below. He walked up to her and handed her a glass of champagne. “There you are my darling. I have been looking everywhere for you. Are you enjoying yourself?” 
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sangue-e-luce · 5 years
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Braydon Barlow
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