#Brayden: Rowan Hartwell
sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden and Rowan  ( @theartofruling​)
Brayden had been bored. Sure there were always people coming in and out of the White Orchid. But he was disappointed that all of the exciting things seemed to be happening in the other courts. He decided to hang around the palace when he heard there would be visitors from other courts. Surely the would have the best gossip, maybe he would see a few friends. 
He settled himself in one of the corridors under the guise of waiting for Kael. In reality he was people watching and snooping. He smiled when he saw Rowan Hartwell walking down the hall. He sat his glass down and jumped up to walk beside her.  
“Lady Hartwell, it’s so good to see you.”  Brayden smiled. “It’s been crazy lately. Can you believe the Humans killed Lysander? Such a shame.  To kill such a beautiful man in cold blood like that.”
He knew that he was probably getting on Rowan’s nerves. She seemed stressed out when it came to being a High Lady. “How have you been? I hope you’re not looking into an arranged marriage now. I don’t think a marriage is going to save anyone from someone sneaking into their bedroom in the middle of the night.” 
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astralisgossip · 4 years
Well, well, well my darlings, the results are in. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at your answers to these little superlatives, and I think you’ll be pleased, astonished, and downright giddy at what the lot of you had to say about everything going on in Astralis. I even decided to play nice this time and included second place / runner-ups for each category. Some of you just couldn’t make up your minds!
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Please note that these awards only include characters who were a part of Astralis at the time of voting. Additionally, characters who are no longer in the group have been removed, and those with votes next in line were moved up to support all active members / characters of the group at the time of participation.
Most Attractive Male
Noel Chatunga
Roman Hartwell / Carter Blackthorn
Most Attractive Female
Rowan Hartwell
Sophia Beaumont
Prettiest Wings
Sophia Beaumont
Aurora Doefoot / Tatiana Valentina
Everyone’s Favorite Asshole
Brayden Barlow / Raymond Holloway
Ares Deerling
The Serpent-Tongued
Laurent Morningstar
Marie Luter 
The Underdog
Aida Karadag
Darcy Dunn
Biggest Tease
Aurora Doefoot
Aida Karadag
The Babydoll
Arielle Deerling
Wren Hartwell
Most Likely to Be Someone’s MCM / WCW
Henryk Wolfe
Kael Endiron
The “Bad” Boy / Girl
Kuzey Korkmaz
Santiago Castillo
The Dreamer
Guinevere Adler-Hartwell
Clara Song
The Drama King / Queen
Ares Deerling
Brayden Barlow
The Class Clown
Eryk Lutz
Cian O’Gorman
The Brains
Noa Kumar
Ashir Abdi
The Rebel Without a Cause
Raymond Holloway
Alexander Barrett
The Angsty Edgelord
Gabriel Beaumont
Jacqueline Dubois
The Femme Fatale
Celine Dahl
Isadora Moon
Takes Everything Too Seriously
Marie Luter
Evelyn Hyun
Doesn’t Take Anything Seriously Enough
Apollo Deerling
Eryk Lutz
Character I’d Like to See More of
Katherine Amaral
Ravenna Callisto
The “Mom” Friend
Svala Sigurdottir
Calliope Bisset
The Daddy
James Deerling
Adrik Udinov
Looks Like a Cinnamon Roll But Would Fight You
Tatiana Valentina
Clara Song
Looks Like They Would Fight You; Actually a Cinnamon Roll
Jacen Warren
Cassian Blackthorn
Looks Like a Cinnamon Roll; Actually a Cinnamon Roll
Mahina Kekoa
Hiro Tanaka
Most Likely to Succeed
Lucien Nightborne / Lilianna Shu Lei
River Hartwell
Most Likely to Descend to Villainy
Louisa Caerwyn
Arabella Li Liu
Most Likely to Be Redeemed
Ares Deerling
Raymond Holloway
Most Willing to Lend a Hand
Jacques Dubois
Kaden Bahatti
Up and Coming: Most Intriguing Newcomer
Ada Desai
Geneva Tulloch
Favorite Frenemies
Maxim Aslanov x Apollo Deerling
Sophia Beaumont x Jacqueline Dubois
Dream Couple
James Deerling x Faun Deerling
Jacen Warren x Idalis Valdunciel
Beauty and the Beast
Raymond Holloway x Sophia Wren
Ares Deerling x Tatiana Valentina
Angstiest Ship
Gabriel Beaumont x Kael Endiron
Santiago Castillo x Noa Kumar
Jacen Warren x Idalis Valdunciel
Carter Blackthorn x Arielle Deerling
Romeo and Juliet
Celine Dahl x Sophia Wren
Darcy Dunn x Roman Hartwell
A Couple of Cinnamon Buns: Most Wholesome Relationship
Jakovan Petrov x Wren Hartwell
Adrik Udinov x Svala Sigurdottir
Bonnie and Clyde
Santiago Castillo x Noa Kumar
Ashir Abdi x Evelyn Hyun
The Heathers
Marie Luter x Rowan Hartwell x River Hartwell
Gabriel Beaumont x Kael Endiron x Jacqueline Dubois
Platonic Soulmates
Tidus Stormpike x Isadora Moon
Amara Zareen x Clara Song
Steamiest Ship
Gabriel Beaumont x Sophia Wren x Kael Endiron
Jacques Dubois x Aida Karadag
Ship I Just Can’t Get Enough Of
Nate Dubois x Rowan Hartwell
Roman Hartwell x Aurora Doefoot
The Dynamic Duo
Carter Blackthorn x Cassian Blackthorn
Nathan Luter x Marie Luter
BROTP of the Ages
Henryk Wolfe x Ares Deerling
Mahina Kekoa x Idalis Valdunciel
The Golden Trio
Ares Deerling x Apollo Deerling x Arielle Deerling
Viktor Valentina x Svala Sigurdottir x Jakovan Petrov
Favorite “Never Gonna Happen” Coupling
Lilianna Shu Lei x Santiago Castillo
Ares Deerling x Calliope Bisset
Favorite “Forbidden” Coupling
Henryk Wolfe x Tatiana Valentina
Alexander Barrett x Aurora Doefoot
Exes (Friends or Lovers) Who Need to Reunite
Cassian Blackthorn x Rowan Hartwell
Jacen Warren x Victoria Adler
Just Kiss Already
Skai Rai x Hiro Tanaka
Raymond Holloway x Zora Nadir
Most Likely to Get Married
Jakovan Petrov x Wren Hartwell
Nate Dubois x Rowan Hartwell
Favorite Enemies / Most Likely to Fight Each Other
Carter Blackthorn x Ares Deerling
River Hartwell x Wren Hartwell
Biggest Gossips
The Dubois Family
The nymphs
Messiest Couple
Alexander Barrett x Lilianna Shu Lei
Raymond Holloway x Sophia Beaumont
Most Likely to Be in a Rom-Com Together
Kuzey Korkmaz x Gemma Somers
Henryk Wolfe x Ares Deerling
Family of the Moment
The Deerlings
The Hartwells
MVP of the Wild Hunt
Mahina Kekoa
Amara Zareen
MVP of the Garden
Idalis Valdunciel
Aida Karadag
MVP of the Dawn Court
Louisa Caerwyn
Eryk Lutz
MVP of the Day Court
Rowan Hartwell
River Hartwell
MVP of the Night Court
Gabriel Beaumont
Jacqueline Dubois
MVP of the Spring Court
Kuzey Korkmaz
Henryk Wolfe
MVP of the Summer Court
Tidus Stormpike
Skai Rai
MVP of the Autumn Court
Kaden Bahatti
Gemma Somers
MVP of the Winter Court
Tatiana Valentina
Viktor Valentina
MVP of the Human Resistance
Noa Kumar
Lilianna Shu Lei
Current Ruler to Watch Out For
Faun Deerling
Rowan Hartwell
Choose a Favorite Court
The Spring Court
The Wild Hunt
Choose a Fae Alliance
Night x The Garden x The Wild Hunt
Autumn x Winter
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sangue-e-luce · 4 years
Brayden & Rowen ( @theartofruling​)
Location: The Night Court 
There was no one who got under his skin like the high lady of the day court. Although he was sure he did the very same thing to her. Each run in with her left the both of them angry and frustrated, and in the same bed a few hours later. He hadn’t been expecting to run into her that day. He had just gone to the palace because he was bored, and there was usually some drama there that would entertain him. 
When he saw Rowan walking down the corridor towards him he rolled his eyes. He was hoping for something juicer or a chance to flirt with Gabriel, but maybe this would be just as entertaining.
 “Lady Hartwell, I wasn’t aware you would be visiting our court today? I thought the high lords actually had work to do and didn’t have time for visits to other courts. Isn’t that what those council meetings are for?” He leaned in closer to whisper in her ear. “You know you could have just said you missed me.” 
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