#Breadcrust Crusaders
nibwhipdragon · 2 years
71 for kakyoin 😈
Breadcrust Crusaders jotakak my beloved
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Kakyoin listens to Jotaro talk about marine biology. Jotaro listens to Kakyoin talk about his Very Normal theories like The Teeth Theory. Win/win relationship (trying my hardest not to ramble. God.)
Also bc I always do the palette colouring in greyscale I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Jotaro has mostly red and Kakyoin has mostly green. Something something colour theory and symbolism etc etc
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clawjostar4 · 2 years
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This is a art i made inspired by the last characters of the second story of breadcrust
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ellis-seaweed · 1 year
Which Breadcrust Crusaders character do you think is most likely to feed cigarette ends to babies
jotaro after playing with them in his mouth he would try and get a baby to do it and they would eat it and he would find it funny and then start doing it constantly cus he thinks it's funny
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arraxthatsonjah · 2 years
I want to remove Joseph’s organs, make a sauce made with soy, Tabasco and garlic TOGETWHR and marinate his organs with sauce, then slow cook it in an oven and serve with lemon-drizzled roasted vegetables in a dish
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
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I am good at graphic design
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clawjostar4 · 2 years
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
(As you haven't read the whole thing, I'll take your asks as towards the during Breadcrust versions of the characters)
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"Well, I hope you know Spanish. I'm not the best at it myself, but it's the only language I know I can somewhat speak in that they can't understand. El chico que le gusta el pescado. El está vestido de negro. Sabes de quién estoy hablando, ¿verdad?"
"If you understood any of that, promise you won't tell them, ok? Neither of them can keep their mouths shut."
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
No actually why the hell do all my readers like Breadcrust Crusaders Joseph....hmmm....I will have to interrogate
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
15 for any character you want🙏
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Could not be bothered to do a background <3
I think I've actually gotten better at drawing people over the last few months or so, still can improve on it though.
Things I think I did well on:
• Blood splatter. It's a comedic amount coming out of Dio's head, really adds to the picture tbh
• Joseph's single polygon tits. Absolute 10/10 in my eyes
Things I can improve on
• Hands. The classic. I do em as claws, decided to make that part of my artstyle, but they can 100% be better
•Joseph's face wasn't comedically bloodthirsty enough, Dio's face wasn't comedically harmed enough. Needed it to be more slapstick imo
Whilst making this drawing, I thought about Breadcrust Crusaders Joseph in the Dio chapter and I feel like I should talk about it a little here. It's like a little thing before the Breadcrust anniversary <3 Gonna be under the read more, there's gonna be major spoilers so be warned if you're gonna end up reading the whole duology. It's probably going to be very discorded if you do read it, I have a lot of thoughts and no idea on how to present em properly
I know that Breadcrust Crusaders is meant to be about Joseph (he was the only other character in the dream I had, other than myself and Dio), but GOD, the way I made the plot revolve around him...babygrill I'm so sorry
The fight with Dio is probably one of my favourite scenes with him, I feel it gives the most insight into his character without even being from his POV. I think the fact that the reader has to think "Oh, what's Joseph feeling right now" and extrapolate what he's feeling by putting themselves in Joseph's place instead of simply being given it through a POV is the reason why. I also like it because it's the only point in the entire duology where Joseph was pushed to his breaking point – yes, even with all the fucked up stuff that happens in The McDonald's Crisis of 1999, it never pushed Joseph to the point he snapped like the Dio fight did.
He's been carrying the self-imposed guilt of "killing" Caesar for fifty years, and though he never openly admitted it, knew Polnareff was right. Polnareff was right to be pissed, because Joseph had literally gotten Avdol and Iggy killed in his pursuit of the McRib. Joseph's also fractured the group, by making Polnareff be absolutely pissed at him. That's already a lot of guilt to be holding (wow I sure do hope his choices don't give him even MORE guilt!). And he's already vowed to keep Jotaro and Kakyoin safe so they don't end up like him and Caesar. So, of course, when Dio turns Kakyoin into a glowstick and snaps his spine, he stays and uses his hamon healing to keep Kakyoin dying of shock until help arrives.
And, of course, Jotaro gets pissed and knowingly runs headfirst into Dio's trap of getting him alone for easier disposal. And Joseph doesn't chase after him. Joseph stays with Kakyoin. He doesn't want Kakyoin to die, because he knows it'd mess up Jotaro badly. He stays with Kakyoin, faintly hoping that Jotaro's going to be alright on his own for the time being, until Polnareff or Joseph himself finds him and assists him.
And well. If any of you here have read Breadcrust Crusaders, then. Yeah. Jotaro was certainly having A Very Not Good Time.
So he end up hearing Jotaro crying to the heavens for help (Jotaro taking that massive L deserves its own post tbh) when searching for him, immediately heads in the direction of the call for help, and sees Dio just straight up fucking around with Jotaro, whose badly wounded on the ground. Quite literally like how a cat plays with the mice it catches, putting it through unnecessary suffering for its own pleasure.
Though it wasn't fully intentional, Joseph is quite a mellow character. Even when he fought Alessi, he still was playful and goofy, not really being as involved in the battle as one would expect (that whole paragraph where he's confused about the clothes he's wearing and that he'd never wear those clothes...babygrill there is a guy trying to kill you). Hell, the only time I think he'd gotten aggressive was when he snapped at Jotaro. Even then, him snapping at Jotaro was only a knee-jerk reaction to what Jotaro had said about beating Dio on his own. Joseph immediately apologised for it after as well.
And after all that had happened in the Dio chapter, he sees Jotaro in that state, and straight up snaps. He had still been somewhat lighthearted when fighting Dio previously, but at this point he just absolutely loses it. It's actually the most violent he's actually ever gotten in the duology!
And then, of course, despite the hamon healing he then gives Jotaro, Jotaro dies. He chose to stay with Kakyoin, and ended up causing Jotaro's death. I think it fits really well for the sort of themes I was going for with the fic, tragedy and how Joestars pull people they care about into pain and suffering because of fate and such. God, if only I decided to keep Jotaro dead...it would've fit a lot better.
Ok as I'm writing this I've just realised that literally every character death in the series can be linked back to Joseph and his choices. God. That was completely unintentional but holy shit it fits the theme so well. Like, he tries his hardest to have people not die and ends up killing them in the process, it gets to the point where he's actively trying to bend the narrative to his will, making threats to a God (me) that he can quite literally never follow up on because I am flesh and bone, and he's just pixels on a screen and bits of data...He needs choccy milk, maybe that'll fix everything I've put him through
Ok I am definitely going to end up getting sidetracked so I'm gonna end this little rant thing very soon. I just really love the Dio beatdown given by Joseph, it's as if his pent up feelings towards himself are being channelled into that beatdown and just. Breadcrust Crusaders Joseph my beloved
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clawjostar4 · 2 years
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This is the follow up to my previous post I’m going to attempt add to this in the future or even add it to something
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
Yknow what the worst part about the Breadcrust Crusaders series is that there's no divorce arc in it
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
She Breadcrust on my Crusaders until I Pissy Bongwater
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
JOTARO teach me about marine biology pal
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(Autism be blessed my boy can recite Wikipedia pages)
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clawjostar4 · 2 years
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Just started not fully done yet but I like how it looks
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