jcsolomons · 2 months
Has anyone watched "Hapless" yet?
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Reminder: Stand Against Anti-Semitism
Disheartening news about anti-Jewish hatred on both sides of the pond. In the USA, we have news of Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar pontificating about Israel and then spewing half-hearted apologies whilst maintaining their essential animosity towards the Jewish State. 
A Chabad synagogue was attacked in New York, forming the latest in a long line of anti-Semitic attacks on Jews there. In Britain, MP Luciana Berger (and other Jewish MP’s) has stepped down from her party because of its hostility towards Jews. 
Notable Jewish places and areas are often beset by bodyguards and security: the Bevis Marks Synagogue and Chabad Lubavitch Centre, as well as neighbouring Chassidic schools come to mind. Jewish schools in Manchester need bodyguards and security gates, too. 
French Jews are facing unprecedented attacks and thinking of leaving, as well as German Jews. 
Only a rigorous commitment to and defence of Israel will challenge this evil. The anti-Semites hate Israel because the Jews there won’t take their abuse lying down and are empowered by living once again in their historic nation. Attacks on Israel invariably lead to attacks on Jews around the world, Zionist or not. I’m sure that Luciana Berger, Ed Miliband etc. have their criticisms of Israel’s policies. Yet they have been treated with contempt and violent hatred by rabid anti-Semites. The reason? 
They are Jews. 
This kind of hatred would be denounced if directed towards any other group of people. Unfortunately, the doctrines of double standards make it possible for some to claim exemption from condemnation simply on the basis of their characteristics. Notice how many descriptions of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar referred to her as a Somali refugee, as if this has anything to do with, let alone excuses, her blatant hostility towards the Jewish State. Some claim to condemn anti-Semitism, but entrench it by their attacks on Israel’s existence (as Omar and co have done). Ironically, attitudes like this make Jews want to leave-- for Israel. 
To paraphrase Mayim Bialik, don’t be afraid to voice support for Israel! It’s the only way to challenge anti-Semitism. If the Jews have no home, they have no defence. 
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My congratulations to MP Luciana Berger, who has quit the Labour Party. She had suffered a vile campaign of anti-Semitic, violent, and misogynistic abuse for condemning Jeremy Corbyn. His rabid followers, rather than prove their false god was innocent of such claims, doubled down with the abuse. I am sure they continue to prove Berger right even now. Britain must strengthen ties with Israel and stand with British Jews against all anti-Semitism, Corbynite or otherwise. I wish MP Berger well with her upcoming pregnancy. 
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Excellent article from British Jewish journalist, Melanie Phillips, on the meaning behind the Labour Party’s obsession with demonising Israel. 
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