girlactionfigure · 1 month
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
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"#Zionism is nothing more - but also nothing less - than the Jewish people's sense of origin and destination in the land linked eternally with its name [Israel]. It is also the instrument whereby the Jewish nation seeks an authentic fulfillment of itself."
~ Abba Eban, 1975, who passed away #OnThisDate in 2002. His exceptional oratorical gifts in the service of Israel won him the widespread admiration of diplomats and increased support for his country from American Jewry.
Eban became Israel’s Permanent Rep to the United Nations from 1949 - 1959. He also served as Israel’s ambassador to the United States From 1950-1959 and Israel‘s Foreign Minister from 1966-74.
May his memory always be for a blessing
Humans of JNF
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bottlepiecemuses · 25 days
"proudzionist" is a recently made blog that only reblogs israel content
you're following a bot, plain and simple
No, a bot ain't mindless.
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taptrial2 · 26 days
me, peacefully scrolling thru danny phantom tag:
person whose url is literally proudzionist:
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I read this article with great dismay. The United Nations continues its senseless attacks on Judaea and Samaria under the supposed belief that Israeli’s are holding Palestinian markets in “captivity”, among other accusations. 
Thus they have blacklisted mostly Israeli companies which do business in the disputed territories, falsely labelled as “Palestinian territories”, despite there being no legal mandate which confirms this. 
On the other hand, it was the international council of nations itself which confirmed the Jewish right to settle throughout these regions, a right which has never been revoked. 
The Jordanian military, who invaded these regions illegally in 1949 are now given credibility not just through the dismal deal with the Waqf over the Temple Mount, but also through using the term “West Bank”, which is nothing more than an extension of Jordan-- the other side was called the “East Bank”, yet curiously nobody claims those are “Palestinian territories”, too. 
While Israeli leaders have vowed to fight the list, supporters of Israel abroad must do their part and buy from these companies whenever and wherever possible. This is particularly necessary since the European Union has upheld its shameful decision to label Israeli products made in the disputed territories. As Britain is no longer a member of the European Union, we are not bound to follow this rule, but countries who support Israel within the Union must support Israeli produce in spite of labelling. 
It is the height of hypocrisy that a people who have repeatedly refused the very land as a future state (most recently in President Trump’s so-named “Deal of the Century”) now claim that this blacklist is “a victory for international law”. Yet they have no sovereign claims in that region and have just kicked the ball of peace another couple of kilometres by refusing to even consider Trump’s plan. 
It is also ironic to note the number of Palestinian employees who stand to lose economically from this blacklist, yet their leaders support it. Furthermore, the UN Human Rights agency lists the “captivity” of Palestinian markets, while conspicuously failing to notice the wholesale embezzlement of the Palestinian Authority, and the fact that Palestinians who have raised the alarm over this have been sent to prison. Journalist Khalid Abu Toameh has documented this almost alone. 
Once again, the time to support Israel is now. As Rabbi Hillel rightly said, “If not now, when?”
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hannsimp · 6 years
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Just randomly caught a window full of light to get a really cute #nomakeup selfie headshot like this. Yes I did the hair myself and it took me 5 hours. Consider me for movie, tv, and voiceover roles as the unapologetic young trans woman heroine, mentor, or ass-kicker ;-) Did I mention I also raid tombs? Just saying if #scarlettjohansson can play a #transman, then I can star as a queer af Lara Croft. #hannahsimpson #rainbowhair #dyediy #diydye #lgbtq #transgender #trans #transisbeautiful #mtftransgender #lovewins #bisexual #pansexual #pride #pride2018 #zionist #proudzionist #proudjew #israel #selfielove #moviestar #selfiehelp (at New York, New York)
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purezionist · 4 years
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The MOST LIBERAL DEMOCRAT should find this most APPALLING.
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Everyone knows
That the slogan "Free Palestine" is simply code for "Kill all the Jews." Israel is the Jewish homeland, always and forever. An undivided Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it should always be that way.
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girlactionfigure · 10 days
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girlactionfigure · 3 days
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Words matter!
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girlactionfigure · 9 days
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The pain, suffering, and death of innocents is horrific, no matter what their race, religion, or nationality is.  The war in Gaza does not fit the definition of genocide for many reasons. It is a word that is used incorrectly just like the word Zionist is used as a slur to make fit what ever narrative antisemites wish to push and the word “hostage” is used to describe people who were arrested and are being held in a prison for crimes according to international law.  Words matter.  If there are innocent Palestinians in Israeli prison, OF COURSE they should be released. There are innocent people in prisons around the world. It’s unfortunate and it happens…. EVERYWHERE.  Should ALL prisoners be released from prisons because there MIGHT be a few that are wrongly arrested or convicted? NO! That is absolutely ridiculous.  The agenda being pushed to release ALL prisoners because they are “hostages” and to wipe Israel off the map is absolutely ridiculous.  Anyone with common sense can see the logic isn’t there. Who wants to release a bunch of terrorist murderers from prisons? Not good people that’s for sure.  Who wants to wipe the only Jewish state off the map? Not good people that’s for sure.  Think. Just think.
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girlactionfigure · 6 days
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girlactionfigure · 10 days
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
They say israel is putting out propaganda and then pump out garbage like this…  Give us back our hostages. Force Hamas to surrender. And this war is over!
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
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"Zionism is the belief that Jewish people deserve an autonomous homeland free from terrorism." ~Mayim Bialik 
 Image: Maccabee Task Force
Humans of JNF
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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#OnThisDate: Theodor Herzl was born in 1860 in Pest in the Kingdom of Hungary. In 1898, he published his book 'Judenstadt' in which he dared to imagine what a Jewish state might look like. He also is the father of Jewish National Fund and modern political Zionism. "Today, people will think I am crazy. But in 50 years they won't"….Exactly 50 years later David Ben Gurion declared statehood in Tel Aviv.Never shy away from dreaming.
Source: Elchanan Poupko
Humans of JNF
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