#Broke So Many .dll's
audhdgoku · 9 months
Wow The Newest Skyrim Update REALLY Fucked Things Up, Huh
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beybella09 · 2 years
Udah mikirin banget buat bikin clay tray serba guna ini dari jauh hari padahal. Disclaimer, ini bukan ashtray soalnya aku nggak mau ambil bagian buat support kegiatan rokok—merokok dia wkwkwk🙏🏼 tapi sebagai gantinya mau kirim sepaket sama candle yang wangi lavender, soalnya katanya bagus buat bantu bikin relax + bisa bantu ningkatin kualitas tidur😡
Belajar banget jadinya sama beberapa hal yang diluar prediksi ini, mau semateng apapun rencana ternyata masih banyak faktor lain yang jadi bisa berpengaruh sama rencana awal.
Udah lama nggak megang tanah liat, lupa karakteristiknya kok beda banget sama yang terakhir kucoba waktu jaman SMP buat nilai praktikum seni budaya wkwkwk🙂👍🏼
Padahal udah sengaja spare waktu juga karena pasti perlu buat keringin clay + nunggu kering cat juga kan nantinya, ternyata keringnya makan waktu lebih dari yang aku kira, mendadak badmood buat lanjutin karena masih basah banget, panik mikirin kalo masih basah gini kapan mulai kasih cat, kapan pakein varnish, dll. Keselnya lagi H-1 yang harusnya udah mau ngasih ini malah baru kering, berasa masih ada harapan jadi tetep nyoba buat pakein coating base, tapi dibikin tambah kesel karena lagi-lagi kelupaan sesuatu, waktu lagi tambahin coating baru ngeh kok texturenya jelas banget, masih kasar, taunya lupa amplas dulu🤷🏻‍♀️
Yaudalah ya, mungkin disuruh belajar lagi buat bikin yang lebih proper, niat awalnya bikin bentuk abstrak sih emang, gak mau yang bulet sempurna, tapi yang ini jadinya kok kelewat abstrak 😂👍🏼
Buat menghibur diri sendiri, drop disini ajalah ya, buat kenang-kenangan sendiri jadinyaaa;
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Nggak lupa juga bikin pin tengkorak yang kawaii, sama keychain telur wkwkwk telur reminds me a lot of him, dia pernah jadi bocil telur soalnya 😂👍🏼
Btw, setelah kucoba test taro lilin wangi kopi punyaku, jadinya lumayan lucu ternyata🙃
Dahlah, mau jadi gigi aja rasanya🙏🏼
Bentar serius lagi.
Lewat hadiah handmade kecil ini sebenernya cuma mau kamu tau, you mean a lot to me 💛
With you, I learned a new way to love, a different one that has turned my life upside down. You help me to broke the chains that wrapped my hands, and you were the one who made me laugh when my heart felt heavy.
Someone who taught me that love was not conditional, not dependent on circumstance, and not because of what I could give, but who I was.
The way you laughs at my "receh" jokes 😩🔪 with all of my silly and weird act, you accepted the real me, so, thank you for believing that I could still be the best version of who I am.
Thank you for letting me know that I didn't need to be perfect just so I could be loved, despite all of my imperfections, I can still be accepted, I can still be loved.
I don't need to be always showered with gifts, poems, flowers or fancy presents all the time, cause all these kind of attitude makes me feel comfortable.
I know these words will never be enough to tell you that you mean a lot to me. But let me tell you, all the years you’ve been with me are priceless, buzz! 💛
There are still so many things that I could and should learn.
Salah satunya buat nggak takut nunjukin rasa sayang. So, I think it's the perfect time to tell you, that I really love you. Kayaknya kamu juga perlu biasain mata plus kuping buat baca dan denger aku bilang "i love you" mulai sekarang, jangan capek, ya?
I love you.
When I say it, I really do mean it <3
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Tell Him
Jadi di sabtu sore ini gue lagi rada gabut, dan gatau gimana gue akhirnya dig into my gallery dan menemukan banyak foto2 gue waktu SMA, especially jaman2 gue bimbel dulu, and as expected, he was almost in every photos, and honestly my heart hurts a little…
All of my friends probably knows in detail how I broke up with him, but I guess I never really tell anyone how I fell in love with him. Jadi, gue berniat untuk menulis disini karena sejujurnya ingetan gue tuh PENDEK BANGET dan jujur memori2 gue tentang dia udah mulai blurry… jadi sebelum semuanya bener2 hilang, gue akan coba tulis disini, sebagai jejak digital cerita asam manis cinta pertama yang bisa gue kenang selamanya
Technically, we knew each other since we were in junior high school tp gapernah ngobrol karna ni bocah akselerasi sedangkan gue rakyat biasa!!! Background story sedikit, di sekolah gue dulu sistemnya, kalo lo kalau mau daftar difilter pake nilai SMP, tp lo tetep test lagi, dan kalo lulus baru bener2 masuk. Terus top 40 dr hasil test itu dimasukin ke satu kelas unggulan namanya X-A (kelasnya doi), dan sisanya diacak B-J, dulu gue X-C, jadi basically gue ga sekelas, but somehow one of my close friends dated his close friend so we met and talked for a while, but I guess the time wasn’t right…
Terus, di kelas 11, diacak lagi berdasarkan nilai dan surprisingly gue yang ga jenius2 amat ini, made into this special class, and as expected, he did too, terus kita les di tempat yang sama juga, dan sekelas pula?!?!? so I guess it was just meant to be. Things between us were awkward at first, because we were in an almost relationship back then, but as time went by, we fixed it.
Di kelas 12, rasanya kaya pre-requisite nya quarter life crisis kali ya, dimana ada hari lo semangat dan hopeful, dan ada hari dimana lo ngerasa kayanya lo gabisa nih masuk ptn yg lo pengen, hasil TO lo jelek, masa depan lo burem, dll. But, he was by my side thru all ups and downs…
Saat-saat SMA dulu, gue udah yakin banget dia bakal masuk ITB, kalo pun ga lulus snmptn, gue yakin 100000% dia bisa sbmptn, but that wasn’t the case for me, banyak banget momen dimana gue meragukan diri gue, bahkan orang tua gue juga meragukan gue… tapi dia selalu bilang gue pinter, gue pasti bisa, gue hanya perlu belajar dikit lagi mengenai A B C (insert topik2 yang gue masih gabisa), semangatin gue biar kita sama2 masuk ITB. he said that a thousand times until I eventually believe that I am smart and everything is possible.
Not only that, he also did taught me even tho he was literally under the same pressure as me. Gue masih inget satu kalimat yang dia bilang ke gue saat gue bilang gue gaenak suka ganggu dia minta diajarin padahal dia udah lewatin bab itu, then he said to me “kalau gue kerjain doang, gue bisa jadi lupa besok, tapi kalau gue ajarin ulang ke lo, gue pasti inget, jadi yang untung gue sebenarnya”. LOL, well.. while it’s true, I just knew he did that for me, if that was not me, I knew he wouldn’t did that much.
If that wasn’t for him, I don’t think I will be where I am today. I always believe God sent him to me to answer my pray (masuk ITB). He was the first person who believed in me.
I will be forever grateful for him, to helped me knowing my worth. Thank you for convincing me endlessly that I can achieve anything, taught me how it felt to be loved, to be wanted. I really loved him so dearly, so selflessly, I didn’t even know I was capable of loving someone that much.
Because of him, I’m able to meet a lot of people, some of them becoming the most important persons in my life (including my 3 best friends here). I lost him, but everything he gave to me was enough.
I do hope one day I can find someone better than him, but if I could turn back time, I’d still choose him.
*sigh* maybe if I was less of a coward, I’d be able to tell him this instead of writing it here.
Apr 23rd 2022. 18.09 PM
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hydrus · 4 years
Version 425
I had a good week. I optimised and fixed several core systems.
I messed up last week with one autocomplete query, and as a result, when searching the PTR in 'all known files', which typically happens in the 'manage tags' dialog, all queries had 2-6 seconds lag! I figured out what went wrong, and now autocomplete should be working fast everywhere. My test situation went from 2.5 seconds to 58ms! Sorry for the trouble here, this was driving me nuts as well.
I also worked on tag processing. Thank you to the users who have sent in profiles and other info since the display cache came in. A great deal of overhead and inefficient is reduced, so tag processing should be faster for almost all situations.
The 'system:number of tags' query now has much better cancelability. It still wasn't great last week, so I gave it another go. If you do a bare 'system:num tags > 4' or something and it is taking ages, stopping or changing the search should now just take a couple seconds. It also won't blat your memory as much, if you go really big.
And lastly, the 'session' and 'bandwidth' objects in the network engine, formerly monolithic and sometimes laggy objects, are now broken into smaller pieces. When you get new cookies or some bandwidth is used, only the small piece that is changed now needs to be synced to the database. This is basically the same as the subscription breakup last year, but behind the scenes. It reduces some db activity and UI lag on older and network-heavy clients.
I have fixed more instances of 'ghost' tags, where committing certain pending tags, usually in combination with others that shared a sibling/parent implication, could still leave a 'pending' tag behind. This reasons behind it were quite complicated, but I managed to replicate the bug and fixed every instance I could find. Please let me know if you find any more instances of this behaviour.
While the display cache is working ok now, and with decent speed, some larger and more active clients will still have some ghost tags and inaccurate autocomplete counts hanging around. You won't notice or care about a count of 1,234,567 vs 1,234,588, but in some cases these will be very annoying. The only simple fixes available at the moment are the nuclear 'regen' jobs under the 'database' menu, which isn't good enough. I have planned maintenance routines for regenerating just for particular files and tags, and I want these to be easy to fire off, just from right-click menu, so if you have something wrong staring at you on some favourite files or tags, please hang in there, fixes will come.
full list
I fixed the new tag cache's slow tag autocomplete when in 'all known files' domain (which is usually in the manage tags dialog). what was taking about 2.5 seconds in 424 should now take about 58ms!!! for technical details, I was foolishly performing the pre-search exact match lookup (where exactly what you type appears before the full results fetch) on the new quick-text search tables, but it turns out this is unoptimised and was wasting a ton of CPU once the table got big. sorry for the trouble here--this was driving me nuts IRL. I have now fleshed out my dev machine's test client with many more millions of tag mappings so I can test these scales better in future before they go live
internal autocomplete count fetches for single tags now have less overhead, which should add up for various rapid small checks across the program, mostly for tag processing, where the client frequently consults current counts on single tags for pre-processing analysis
autocomplete count fetch requests for zero tags (lol) are also dealt with more efficiently
thanks to the new tag definition cache, the 'num tags' service info cache is now updated and regenerated more efficiently. this speeds up all tag processing a couple percent
tag update now quickly filters out redundant data before the main processing job. it is now significantly faster to process tag mappings that already exist--e.g. when a downloaded file pends tags that already exist, or repo processing gives you tags you already have, or you are filling in content gaps in reprocessing
tag processing is now more efficient when checking against membership in the display cache, which greatly speeds up processing on services with many siblings and parents. thank you to the users who have contributed profiles and other feedback regarding slower processing speeds since the display cache was added
various tag filtering and display membership tests are now shunted to the top of the mappings update routine, reducing much other overhead, especially when the mappings being added are redundant
tag logic fixes:
I explored the 'ghost tag' issue, where sometimes committing a pending tag still leaves a pending record. this has been happening in the new display system when two pending tags that imply the same tag through siblings or parents are committed at the same time. I fixed a previous instance of this, but more remained. I replicated the problem through a unit test, rewrote several update loops to remain in sync when needed, and have fixed potential ghost tag instances in the specific and 'all known files' domains, for 'add', 'pend', 'delete', and 'rescind pend' actions
also tested and fixed are possible instances where both a tag and its implication tag are pend-committed at the same time, not just two that imply a shared other
furthermore, in a complex counting issue, storage autocomplete count updates are no longer deferred when updating mappings--they are 'interleaved' into mappings updates so counts are always synchronised to tables. this unfortunately adds some processing overhead back in, but as a number of newer cache calculations rely on autocomplete numbers, this change improves counting and pre-processing logic
fixed a 'commit pending to current' counting bug in the new autocomplete update routine for 'all known files' domain
while display tag logic is working increasingly ok and fast, most clients will have some miscounts and ghost tags here and there. I have yet to write efficient correction maintenance routines for particular files or tags, but this is planned and will come. at the moment, you just have the nuclear 'regen' maintenance calls, which are no good for little problems
network object breakup:
the network session and bandwidth managers, which store your cookies and bandwidth history for all the different network contexts, are no longer monolithic objects. on updates to individual network contexts (which happens all the time during network activity), only the particular updated session or bandwidth tracker now needs to be saved to the database. this reduces CPU and UI lag on heavy clients. basically the same thing as the subscriptions breakup last year, but all behind the scenes
your existing managers will be converted on update. all existing login and bandwidth log data should be preserved
sessions will now keep delayed cookie changes that occured in the final network request before client exit
we won't go too crazy yet, but session and bandwidth data is now synced to the database every 5 minutes, instead of 10, so if the client crashes, you only lose 5 mins of login/bandwidth data
some session clearing logic is improved
the bandwidth manager no longer considers future bandwidth in tests. if your computer clock goes haywire and your client records bandwidth in the future, it shouldn't bosh you _so much_ now
the rest:
the 'system:number of tags' query now has greatly improved cancelability, even on gigantic result domains
fixed a bad example in the client api help that mislabeled 'request_new_permissions' as 'request_access_permissions' (issue #780)
the 'check and repair db' boot routine now runs _after_ version checks, so if you accidentally install a version behind, you now get the 'weird version m8' warning before the db goes bananas about missing tables or similar
added some methods and optimised some access in Hydrus Tag Archives
if you delete all the rules from a default bandwidth ruleset, it no longer disappears momentarily in the edit UI
updated the python mpv bindings to 0.5.2 on windows, although the underlying dll is the same. this seems to fix at least one set of dll load problems. also updated is macOS, but not Linux (yet), because it broke there, hooray
updated cloudscraper to 1.2.52 for all platforms
next week
Even if this week had good work, I got thick into logic and efficiency and couldn't find the time to do anything else. I'll catch up on regular work and finally get into my planned network updates.
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canariessource · 7 years
im sorry im kinda new to comics, whats the connection between dinah lance and dinah drake? i didnt even know black canary was two different people. did they make her into a one person in new52 and rebirth?
Hey there! That’s okay, the timelines and character can be super confusing, so I’ll try to break it down for you. This might be a bit hard to explain, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask about other things!
(explained under the cut):
DC had three major “resets” to their continuity. 
First one was Crisis On Infinite Earths in 1985 (anything before that is called “Pre-Crisis” anything after is called “Post-Crisis”)
Second one was New 52 in 2011 (anything before that was “Pre-New 52″ / “Pre-Flashpoint” and also had “DCYOU” which was a small reboot but didn’t affect too much)
Third is Rebirth in 2016
Pre-Crisis, Dinah Drake was from Earth-Two, and was a member of the Justice Society Of America (the JL of that earth). She originally posed as a villain to take down criminals from the inside. 
Her father, Richard Drake, was a police officer. He wanted Dinah to also become a police officer one day when she grew up, so when she was little, he taught her basic police training (mostly fighting and flexibility). When Dinah became of-age (as they put it, she was “now a woman”), she applied for Gotham Police Academy, but was rejected because “they didn’t need anymore women”. That broke Richard and Dinah’s hearts. Richard had a partner, Larry Lance. Dinah met Larry and later in life they actually got married (so her name was changed to Dinah Drake-Lance). 
One day Richard passed away of a heart attack. With Dinah feeling as though she could do more and wanted to live up to her father’s wishes, she was inspired by mystery men like “Flash” and “Green Lantern”, she dawned a mask & costume, and became the very first Black Canary.
Later in life after her and Larry were married, they had a daughter. They named their daughter Dinah Laurel Lance. However, when DLL was born, she was cursed by the villain “The Wizard”, so every time she opened her mouth to cry, a super-sonic scream came hurdling out, destroying almost everything in it’s path. Dinah Drake and Larry couldn’t handle this and didn’t know what to do. So they somehow contacted DD’s friend “Johnny Thunder” (I say “somehow” because at this point Johnny had already passed away) to help take their baby Dinah Laurel Lance into the Thunder Realm (I believe that’s what it’s called??). Johnny agreed, and he took the baby there, but also changing Dinah Drake’s and Larry’s memory, so instead, they just thought their baby had passed away. 
By Johnny doing this, he put Dinah Laurel Lance’ body in suspension. Meaning, she was sleeping and unable to move, but her body was still growing/aging and she was still alive. 
About a decade or so later (or maybe 5 or more years, I’m not entirely sure), while fighting the villain “Aquarius”, Dinah was just about do die, but Larry jumped in front of her and was killed. After the battle was over, they buried Larry. At this time, the Earth-One Justice League was there helping the JSA fight Aquarius, so Dinah Drake asked the Earth-One Superman if he could take her back to Earth-One with him, because “[Earth-Two] has too many memories of Larry”. Kal agreed, took her back to Earth-One, and that became Dinah’s new home. 
HOWEVER, it was later found out that during the battle with Aquarius, not only did Larry die, but Dinah Drake also died. So from that point on, it was Dinah Laurel Lance as Black Canary. Dinah Drake had found out that Dinah Laurel Lance was still alive, she was just in a suspended animation (as I mentioned before). When Dinah Drake was dying, I believe Johnny gave her back her memories (about what really happened to DLL), and she wished that her memories would be placed inside her daughters and that she would live out the rest of her life as still being Black Canary. BUT, as her memories were placed inside Dinah Laurel Lance, DLL had no memory of DD dying, and believed she was Dinah Drake. She (thinking she was still DD) was the one that wanted to leave Earth-Two after she thought only her husband (who was actually her father), had passed away. 
So from that moment on, it was Dinah Laurel Lance as the Black Canary. It was around 1984 (a year before Crisis On Infinite Earths), and Dinah Laurel finally found out the truth; that she was Dinah Laurel Lance, the daughter of Dinah Drake-Lance and Larry Lance, and that both of them had passed away. After finding all this out, she still decided to stay on Earth-One because it was now her home. She also decided to be her own self, stop living as Dinah Drake, and dawned a new costume.
Post-Crisis, it’s the same story with Dinah Drake; her father trained her to become a police officer, the academy rejected her, met Larry Lance, Richard died and she dawned a mask and costume, Larry and her got married and had a daughter Dinah Laurel Lance. BUT, instead of them being on Earth-Two and Larry and Dinah Drake dying, they lived happily on Earth-One with their daughter, and DLL wasn’t cursed by The Wizard, she was born with a meta-gene that gave her a ultrasonic scream (a.k.a. she was a metahuman). Dinah Drake was Black Canary and a member of the Justice Society, but as she got older and after Larry died (I think he died on-duty), Dinah Drake stopped being Black Canary. 
Dinah Laurel was basically raised by the entire JSA, and thought of them all as her aunts and uncles. When Dinah Drake showed DLL what she used to be Black Canary, Dinah Laurel LOVED IT and wanted to carry on that legacy. However, DD didn’t want that life for her daughter, and forbid it. DLL, not listening to her mom, got the help of her uncle, Ted Grant (a.k.a. Wildcat) who was world champion boxer. He helped train Dinah Laurel in secret. When Dinah Drake found out about this (years later), she was furious. She never wanted the hero life for her daughter because she’s seen time and time again what it can do to someone. But of course, DLL and Ted didn’t listed to her, and when DLL was old enough, she took up the mantle of being the second Black Canary.
Dinah Drake and Dinah Laurel lost touch over the years and didn’t talk much. Over a decade later, Dinah Drake was passing away from cancer (radiation poisoning), and DLL went to see her in the hospital. They patched things up and DD even said she was very proud of her daughter for being a hero and loved her very much.
To answer your question if they made her into one person in the New-52: NO, they did not. They only combined their names, nothing else.
New-52, is suuuuper confusing. Dinah was born to her mother, Dinah Drake and an unknown father (still assuming his name was Larry Lance because in her solo series she confirmed her father was a detective/p.i.). Her birth name was Dinah Laurel Drake (although I think if her father was Larry she was still born Dinah Laurel Lance but used “Drake” as an alias). From what I understand, her mother left her when she was really young, and Dinah went from foster home to foster home. She ran away from an abusive home at a really young age, and was taken in and trained by her sensei, Desmond. 
After he passed away, she took over his do-jo and became the new sensei. One night, these ninja-like people attacked Dinah and her do-jo, destroying it. Dinah fought back with everything she had. She won. After she won the fight, agents swarmed her and asked her what her name was. They weren’t there for her, they were there for the people that attacked her, but she didn’t need any help. The agents that were there, were members of a secret task force known as “Team-7″, lead by Amanda Waller. The (field) team leader, Kurt, saw what Dinah did and asked if she would like to be recruited to become a member of “Team-7″ because of how skilled she was. Dinah agreed.
This team being led my Amanda Waller, obviously meant there was some catch. The team (including Dinah) were tested on. Dinah was given some sort of mix of random gene-changing things, and that led to Dinah having a ultrasonic scream she called her Canary Cry. She was officially recruited and was a valuable member of the team.
After spending a lot of time together, Dinah and Kurt (who’s last name happened to be “Lance”) fell in love. They eventually got married, and Dinah’s name was changed to Dinah Laurel Drake-Lance.
On one mission, they went to the island of Gamorra to stop an attack. Things got waaaay out of hand real quick. Dinah tried to save Kurt and her team by using her Canary Cry, but lost control of it and ended up killing Kurt and taking down the entire island of Gamorra.
After accidentally killing her husband, Kurt, Dinah was wanted by Amanda and the police for murder. Dinah (barely) escaped the island and went on the run, taking up the codename “Black Canary” (as far as it’s been confirmed, her mother was never the first Black Canary, she was only a master martial artist).
Years later, she met Evelyn “Ev” Crawford, who became her best friend, she also recruited Poison Ivy and Katana to become members of the newly-formed Birds Of Prey. Batgirl later joined.
DCYOU, was a very small reboot in DC’s continuity. In 2015, the Birds Of Prey disbanded, but not much had changed for Dinah, character wise. Her name (confusingly Dinah Laurel Drake-Lance) was never really explained in-detail, so you kinda had to read between the lines to understand it fully. 
In 2015 is also when her solo series launched. I personally thought the series was pointless, however, there are some key parts in the series that further explain her origin.
REBIRTH, is almost the same. Her mother was Dinah Drake and a master martial artist (still not the first Black Canary though), she went from foster home to foster home, was taken in by and trained by her sensei Desmond. There are some significant changes though. For example, she’s back to being a metahuman (and being born with her Canary Cry), and was born Dinah Laurel Lance. Or, at least, took the “Drake” out of her name so she’s back to being Dinah Laurel Lance. She’s close with Oliver again, and on really good terms with Barbara (Batgirl) and Helena Bertinelli (Huntress) in Batgirl and the Birds Of Prey.
Rebirth kinda reset the entire continuity again, with only keeping some things from New-52/DCYOU. They said it was almost like “going back to the basics” and “righting their wrongs”, so Rebirth is currently handling her pretty well.
If you’d like to read more about her, she’s currently in:
Green Arrow v7/Rebirth [next issue]
Batgirl and the Birds Of Prey [next issue]
Justice League Of America v5 [next issue]
Injustice 2 (she’s kinda spotty in here appearing whenever, and this is also an alternate universe)
I hope this helped! Again, if you have anymore questions, just ask!!
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sixskyrimmistakes · 4 years
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First attempts: 
I have:
added in all the skse plugins, dlls etc
added a very pretty ENB
loaded in to test it works
fought it
turns out I broke the ini files so when I tried to start a new game it simply did not and CTD’d, but I fixed that now
I have a lot of mods loaded into MO2, but not many activated so far.
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itspineapple732 · 5 years
Rootkit Forensics Seminar
I attended a Rootkit Forensics seminar on the 28th of June hosted by Accenture. Overall the event was quite interesting as they went through a walkthrough example of a rootkit in action towards the end of the presentation.
They began the talk by explaining a little bit about themselves and their company. It was a good insight to see so many passionate people about security from different technical backgrounds working together in order to solve a particular problem.
After the introduction, they started to explain simply what a rootkit actually is. They broke down the word into the word “root” referring to admin level access to a computer and “kit” a part of a toolkit or installed as a normal software bundle.
We then talked about two examples of rootkits, Zeus bot and Stuxnet. They explained Zeus bot to be a banking trojan that steals sensitive credentials and Stuxnet a rootkit that targeted Iran’s nuclear program.
Some ways that rootkits are installed are by code injections, camouflage, access to memory and permissions of a target, process migration, evade A/V and whitelisting or API calling through windows feature VirtualAllocEx(), CreateRemoteThread() and SetWindowsHookEx(). With injections, you can do whatever you want based on the permission of the file. Process migration injects code and moves from process to process.
classic DLL injection
target process
open process
allocate space
write malicious
create threads
process hollowing
launches a process
suspend process
unmap memory
allocation memory
write memory
set execution flow
continue process
They also talked about the kernel and the different rings with ring 0 having the most privilege. They explained that different levels were in charge of loading the applications while others were to load the drivers into memory. Drivers are what allows you to do stuff with our computer, whether it be typing or printing or whatever.
Man in the middle attack- authenticate a user with yourself
Finally, they went through a short demo of a rootkit in action which was quite interesting to watch.
Before we left they left a link of an activity that we could do after the seminar. It contained an APT-grade malware sample so I’ll definitely check it out on a virtual machine when I have some more time.
If anyone wants a copy of the link, I would be happy to send privately as I don’t think I should be posting anything like that on Tumblr.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Brent Cook
The Metasploit project just wrapped up its second global open-source hackathon from May 30 to June 2 in Austin, Texas. This event was an opportunity for Metasploit committers and contributors to get together, discuss ideas, write some code, and have some fun.
In addition to the regular Rapid7 committer crew, Metasploit developers joined from around the world to take part in the event. Some projects just got started, some were finished, and more ideas were discussed for the future. It was great having many of the Metasploit crew able to work together directly for a few days, and to get to know each other better. Thanks especially to everyone who helped make the event happen!
Here is a sampling of hackathon results, in the developers’ own words:
zeroSteiner’s report: Meterpreter logging, sequencing, and obfuscation
So, at the hackathon, I worked on more projects than I completed, but I got started on an internal logging channel for Meterpreter. This will help folks, including module developers, troubleshoot their Meterpreter sessions remotely without having to worry about accessing PTYs or other streams to get the messages from.
I also helped out OJ with the string eradication from Meterpreter’s TLVs by implementing his lookup tables in the Python Meterpreter. Finally, I started work on a sequenced UDP transport. When completed, this would offer users the ability to use reverse_udp stagers for Meterpreter sessions and help with egress evasion in instances where TCP is limited and UDP is not.
The primary issue I worked on was troubleshooting the handler’s ability to receive frames issued by the Meterpreter side and implementing general sequence and error-handling logic to handle the stateless nature of UDP communications.
OJ’s report: Meterpreter obfuscation, encryption, and W^X memory
I ripped the method strings out of the TLV protocol, so instead we have integer identifiers. This means that if any TLV packets go across the wire in plain text (which they can still do in some cases) those strings no longer exist and can’t be fingerprinted.
I also added the ability to renegotiate TLV encryption keys on the fly (with the goal of being able to do that automatically after a period of time).
I also got started on removing RWX allocations from stagers.
timwr’s report: iOS exploits, Meterpreter remote control, post-exploit trolling
During this Hackathon, I assisted Brent with getting a new iOS exploit landed, plus fixing some bugs on keyboard and mouse control.
I teamed up with zeroSteiner to start on adding a logging channel to the Java Meterpreter and fixing some minor Python Meterpreter bugs. Brendan and I got some more of the automated tests passing.
I also worked with wvu to fix some bugs on the java Meterpreter (in shell_command_token and expand_path). We also improved the play_youtube module and added epic sax guy as the default video.
busterb’s report: Ruby, libraries, and removing ‘expand_path’
I, too, started more than I finished, but got a lot of small and big things into the tree. I worked with jmartin-r7 and timwr to get Mettle’s iOS dylib support packaged, which made its debut with Tim’s exploit for CVE-2018-4233, targeting all 64bit iOS 10–11.2 devices.
I poked at a few minor annoyances, quieting some Ruby 2.6 warnings, and started tackling new Windows Meterpreter warnings unveiled when building with a mingw-w64 toolchain. I broke, then subsequently fixed, automatic Content-Length header insertion in HTTP requests and responses, which was some foundational work to enable HTTP proxy code that Boris was working on.
The rest of my time was spent reviewing existing PRs, landing Tim’s keyboard/mouse control code for Meterpreter, some commits to implement RW^RX support in the Reflective DLL Injection code for Meterpreter, and on a tree-wide flensing of the ‘expand_path’ API, switching to getenv in most places. This change will make it easier to get consistent results from all session types, since getenv is easier to implement than expand_path consistently across different session types.
h00die’s report: Hashes, crackers, brocade switches, traceroute, and epic sax
During this hackathon, I was able to finish the hashcat integration and cracker overhaul #11695 (a 6,400-line change). With help from jmartin-r7 and timwr, we were able to identify an issue with osx 10.7 hash enumeration and test additional osx hashes with the cracker overhaul. Pooling great minds, wvu and rageltman were able to identify and propose a fix for the ssh_login libraries #11905.
With this, a brocade config dumper and eater was finally born #11927. An idea born a year ago of building a traceroute and network diagram creator for pentest reports was started and is close to being ready for submission. Last, busterb and OJ have volunteered configs or to test a new ubiquiti config eater.
None of this would have been possible without the pro-level support of ccondon-r7 and two hours of epic sax.
rageltman’s report: HTTP proxies, SSH enhancements and server support
During this hackathon, I completed work on the HTTP proxy, permitting HTTP CONNECT request servicing via TCP / HTTP implementation with full bidirectional comms. This also led to some library cleanup across all of our proxy libraries, which has left us with a wonderful place to implement proxy MITM for all (socks and http) proxies.
Working with wvu and h00die, we found lib-level issues in the SSH scanner implementation that cause breakage on a number of embedded devices/locked-down servers. A fix is in the works for this presently. I also assisted zeroSteiner a bit with the UDP implementation for Meterpreter transport. Last, the base-level implementation for Rex::Proto::Ssh::Server was started and is still ongoing, which will give framework users the ability to catch reverse-ssh sessions, log SSH auth attempts, deliver exploits to vulnerable ssh clients connecting, and test protocol clients for weaknesses.
I learned more in five days than I have all year. Huge thanks to Rapid7 for hosting the event, ccondon-r7 for herding the cats so masterfully, and everyone in attendance for their invaluable input, corrections, and good humor. Finally meeting some of the folks with whom I’ve worked for years and finding that they’re all even better to work with in person as well as great human beings is a lung-full of fresh air and excellent motivation to continue building and pushing code. Y’all rock! Thanks for an awesome week.
P.S. I’ve never had such epic sax before—my cultural awareness is now greatly increased.
chiggins’ report: coding and community inspiration
Austin is one of my favorite cities and I was lucky enough to go there and spend a weekend with the wonderful Metasploit crew for a hackathon. The biggest takeaway for me was being surrounded by some mega-intelligent people and trying to soak up as much information as possible.
Sometimes it’s hard to find time to contribute to an open-source project, but it was definitely good to be able to get everyone in the same room together and work things out. Being able to dig deep in some code and yell across the room for some guidance is extremely helpful and super rewarding.
It was inspiring being able to have discussions with people that tend to use tools in ways that are a little different, and brainstorm on how to improve on what’s already there and where we see the future going. It was truly a fantastic experience and I’m already looking forward to the next time we’re all able to get together.
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Go to Source Author: Brent Cook Metasploit Hackathon Wrap-Up: What We Worked On Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Brent Cook The Metasploit project just wrapped up its second global open-source hackathon from May 30 to June 2 in Austin, Texas.
0 notes
amelialele · 6 years
CCleaner Pro License Key of (5.51.6939 ) With crack 100% Working Lifetime
CCleaner Pro License Key of 5.51.6939 + Crack Full Version
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How To Register Ccleaner Professional Plus
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How to CCleaner Pro 5.51.6939 License Key?
Download as well as install the c cleaner pro keygen by Run setup.exe.
Do not launch it, after installation.
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Window: Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary Files, Log Files, Clipboard. Also, Cache DNS, error reports, memory dumps and jumps lists.
Registry Cleaner: Advanced functions for deleting unused and old entries. Including file extensions, ActiveX controls, ClassID, ProgID. Also, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, fonts, help files, application paths, icons. Invalid Shortcuts and more …
The post CCleaner Pro License Key of (5.51.6939 ) With crack 100% Working Lifetime appeared first on Crack Roots.
from Crack Roots https://ift.tt/2qWrv13 via IFTTT
0 notes
oliviamarksfan · 6 years
CCleaner Pro License Key of (5.51.6939 ) With crack 100% Working Lifetime
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CCleaner Pro License Key is a free system of optimization as well as confidentiality. This tool can remove unused files from your system. Then it will allow the Windows to run faster and free up space on your hard drive. CCleaner portable pro will also help to clean up traces of your online transactions, such as the history of your Internet.
CCleaner pro full crack with license key can also work with a portable drive such as USB. So, install it and run it on your system without a complicated installation process. In addition portable, CCleaner pro tool can specify files, folders, and registry keys to ignore the cleanup process. Ccleaner serial key will take less than a second to run and contains NO Spyware or Adware.
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Are you fed up from slow speed of your computer? Is your computer not working faster according to its specifications? As it gets older, it collects unused files. While Junk or unused files take a lot of space in hard drive. Due to this, your system’s speed gets slower and slower. CCleaner Pro Crack cleans up these files and makes it faster instantly.
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CCleaner Pro License Key is the world’s favorite PC optimization tool. Millions of people trust it. It is very easy to use. Just one click cleaning so beginners can optimize their computers in seconds.
System Requirement
Windows XP, Vista,7, 8, 8.1, 10, Windows Server all versions.
25 MB Hard disk space.
How To Register Ccleaner Professional Plus
Name: Robert Hamming
How to CCleaner Pro 5.51.6939 License Key?
Download as well as install the c cleaner pro keygen by Run setup.exe.
Do not launch it, after installation.
Copy the contents.
Paste it into the installation directory.
Run the program.
Window: Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary Files, Log Files, Clipboard. Also, Cache DNS, error reports, memory dumps and jumps lists.
Registry Cleaner: Advanced functions for deleting unused and old entries. Including file extensions, ActiveX controls, ClassID, ProgID. Also, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, fonts, help files, application paths, icons. Invalid Shortcuts and more …
The post CCleaner Pro License Key of (5.51.6939 ) With crack 100% Working Lifetime appeared first on Crack Roots.
from Crack Roots https://ift.tt/2qWrv13 via IFTTT
0 notes
melogad · 6 years
18 April 2018 - 21:42
Ini tulisan lama, saya sengaja post hanya untuk memori saja. Dan saya berani post karena saya sudah tidak merasakannya lagi. Saya sudah menganggap Dentang teman biasa dan memang pernah bersama semasa sma, tapi sudah sampai disitu saja tidak lebih. Saya sudah ada yang baru dan cuma mau satu.
Selamat membaca, semoga bisa dijadikan pelajaran bahwa hubungan pacaran semasa sma itu memang lucu, unik, asik, apalagi untuk dikenang (bukan kangen rindu terus mau balikan gitu yaa, hanya sekedar o ya dulu gue bego. Gitu aja) tapi kalau memang tidak cocok dikarenakan sama-sama egois dan sudah tidak mau mempertahankan, untuk apa dilanjutkan?
Selamat membaca!
Ini tulisanku di notes iphone, 6 hari setelah saya jadian sama mas Hazmi
Is it me being dumb or what. Until this day saya masih kepikiran Dentang. The way I broke up with him, the way I told him that we couldn’t be no longer together. It was over the phone and without ask for his opinion and permission, I told him good bye and I hung up on him. It was super rude but honestly I can’t stand for his action anymore. We had a moment when we had a huge fight and lots lots of conflicts. It wasn’t orang ketiga thingy, it was our attitude toward each other.
Dikarenakan saya dan dent tipe orang yang setia sama pasangan, jadi mau putus juga susah soalnya konflik eksternnya gak ada. Internal aja yang jadi konflik, tapi kata orang putus karena konflik internal itu bodoh... tapi kami diharuskan putus... gimana dong?
Akhirnya saya memutuskan Dentang setelah 4 hari tanpa kabar. 19 Mei 2017 jam lupa ehe
*percakapan lewat telepon*
Nelva: “Assalamualaikum halo dentang”
Dentang: “waalaikumsalam, iya”
Nelva: “kemana aja?”
Dentang: “gak kemana-mana”
Nelva: “lagi dimana?”
Dentang: “di jalan”
Nelva: “ohhh yaudah”
Dentang: “kamu kenapa?”
Nelva: “gapapa, putus ya. Hatihati di jalan. Wassalamualaikum”
*Saya matiin telepon* *turned on the airplane mode*
Oke jadi namanya orang pacaran dan masih bocah masih sma, cemburu-cemburuan wajar kan. Nah saya yang notabene temen-temennya kebanyakan cowok, dan mulai serius sama Dentang berusaha menghargai apa yang dia gak suka, yaitu aku hang out sama cowok. Jadi yasudah aku jaga jarak sama temen. Entah it was a bad decision or good decision but I was bling, okay? Nah bad thing I lost my friends but setelah aku putus jujur aku happy temen-temenku balik semua literally pada baikan and it is the best thing for me at the moment. Tapi baiknya aku jalan terus sama Dentang and I love him so much sampe sekarang. Bego ga si. Terus yaudah kan kami ldr dan lain-lain. Eh entah kenapa somehow he kinda trying to destroy my reputation? Hm gimana ya bilangnya.... Misal gini deh, pernah aku sama dia ke mcd nemenin dia nonton bola kalo gak salah. Nah namanya nobar kan lumayan lama, jadi yaudah tak tungguin sambil hapean sumpa bosen se soalnya makanannya kurang wekeke. Nah teruus setelah nobar aku ya mau cerita dong what happened with me those days, eh dianya rada halu gak fokus gitu kan. Yaudahlah aku juga capek udah malem dan dentang diajak ngomong gak nyenengin ya aku mending pulang. Itu aku bilang baik-baik hiks. Dan isoke. Dia blg ke temennya kalo aku marah gara-gara dia ngeliatin happy mealnya anak kecil :((( I know dia sepolos itu tapi kenapa ceritanya mesti gak nyambung sama kejadian yang ada. Kayak cerita sesungguhnya itu kan 100% ya, dia ceritanya 5% dan seakan-akan aku segoblo itu untuk marah sama orang :’))
Terus ada lagi, misal aku dibilang abussive gara-gara gelas waktu kita ngafe itu pecah. Hm. Oke jadi gini kejadiannya. Aku lagi krisis kepercayaan diri, soalnya bener-bener saat itu dia judging banget towards me & my family. Aku gapernah tau sebelumnya orang tua aku usahanya ternyata buanyak banget literally gatau sampe saya bingung mau cerita yang mana, jadi aku cuma bilang ortuku pedagang biasa. Aku baru tau pas udah kuliah &&& aku bener-bener baru tau projectnya dimana aja dan punya kantor sendiri hmmmm. Nah terus dia & orang tuanya (menurut cerita dentang, dia sepolos ini omg i lov him this way, tapi suakit coy) semacam ngatain aku dan keluarga gitu hehe. Nah aku yang yauda emang keadaannya begini aku diem aja dan cuma iyaiya. Kalo aku direndahin mesti malah ngerendahin diri gitu, sok asik, tapi sakit wkwkwk. Terus dengan berbagai krisis kepercayaan diri dan krisis kepercayaan kepada dentang, aku berusaha dapetin saran dari temen-temen dong. Aku gak biasa cerita gini sih hehehe biasanya cuma dengerin temen cerita terus ngasi saran terus tanya pendapat mereka tentang cerita mereka sendiri & what they usually did to their boyfriend gitu si lol. Aku inget tanya ke Vidya sam Sheryll, dan pacar mereka setelah dikasih treatment gitu jadi memahami dan nurutt :( Nah aku bener-bener gabisa menuntut orang kalo emang gitu yaaa mau gimana lagi, sedangkan temen-temen itu bisa yang ngontrol pacarnya buat dateng ke rumah kek, nyuruh gini gitu bahkan nyubit pacarnya. Jadi aku bodohnya I tried everything wkwk. Dan ada kejadian jadi kita ngafe tuh, terus di Jon’s cafe itu bener-bener cafe favorite karena itu bekas kantor ibuku, owner dari cafe itu temennya yangkung dan namanya pak john. Biasanya bawain jajan dari luar negeri gitu wkwk namanya bocah ya seneng aja dikasi coklat segeban. Oke kembali ke kejadian, nah pas di Jon’s cafe aku selalu selalu selalu duduk di lantai 2, meskipun masih belum ada ac nya aku gapernah gamau kalo gak di lantai 2. Kenapa? Feng Shuinya bagus, sekian. Nah emang feelnya berasa beda banget wkwk kesensitifanku berkata demikian hea. Terus suatu ketika si dentung minta duduk di lantai 1 masa. Itu karena aku telat datengnya, aku telat 30 menit. Dia selalu bete kalo aku telat hehhee, tapi itu aku bener-bener habis urusin olshopku dan nungguin bapaaak. Waktu itu aku dianterin orang tua dan dia dianterin orang tua gitu. Nah setelah makan dia minta putus, yauda si gapapa toh sebelum-sebelumnya aku udah beberapa kali minta putus (iya saya punya kebiasaan gak bagus waktu sama dent suka minta putus, baru setengah tahun aja udah minta putus waktu itu) heheheh maaf bocah. Tapi yang gak aku terima itu ya alasan dan kenapa harus banget di jon’s cafe, dia tau aku hobi banget kesitu apalagi buat nugas. Terus yaudah sih lama-lama kita b aja. Nah aku gak b aja sih, aku kesel ofc kenapa harus putus. Sempet nangis, terus aku juga semacam ngomel-ngomel gitu hehehe soalnya berasa ga adil harusnya aku yang mutusin dong (loh?? Ini becanda gengs) ok halu. Terus aku itu berusaha ngilingitik dentang, gatau aku sejail itu :( soalnya kalo aku lagi marah sama orang ada 3 stage. Kalo marah aja diem, kalo marah banget nangis, kalo marah buanget aku malah jail serius gatau kenapa. Nah kan aku cuma pengen ngilingitik tapi ternyata dengan air mata dan kehaluan aku rada nyubit dentang. Dan aku ga sadar bener-bener ga sadar, until dia bilang aku abbusive......... suedih se sumpah dibilang gini tapi yowesla rumors are spread out.....
Naaah habis itu kita diem-dieman lagi, bicara-bicara lagi tapi masih intens sama-sama gasuka, aku gasuka dia bilang aku abbusive (responku setelah dibilang gitu aku diem aja berusaha mencerna kek mau eek tapi mikir mau eek dimana & bawa sabun apa engga, exactly kek gitu) habis ituu ehhh ketinggalan. Nah pas aku selesai ngilingitik, nelva dengan kejailannya mainan air hehe. Jadi aku berusaha mindahin air dari gelasku ke gelasnya dia pake sedotan gitu. Minumnya dah sama-sama habis kok tinggal es doang terus meleleh dikarenakan waktu. Nah terus entah si dentangnya emosi terus aku juga masi mau maen dong soalnya aku juga emosi tapi gatau harus gimana, akhirnya gelasnya pecah. Disitu dia bener-bener bilang aku “abbusive sampe mecahin gelas” kan tae, tapi sayang. Kzl gak noh. Nah yaudah akhirnya gelasnya diberesin pegawainya (maaf ya mas) terus si dentang bayar gelasnya yang pecah ituu. Nah pas dentang ke kasir, aku masi mainan air ehehhe, serius deh kalo aku marah responku cuma 3, ketawa, nangis atau jail. Sekian. Nah aku naruh air dari gelasku pake sedotan ke kursinya dentang. Terus pas dentang duduk kan basah, tapi dia gak kerasa soalnya pake jeans. Terus aku ketawa “hehehe aku tadi habis naruh air disitu, maap yak” terus u kno waaad DENTANG BILANG “KAMU GATAU TA HARGA JEANSKU INI LEBIH MAHAL DARIPADA BAJUMU” terus aku bilang “eh eh gimana gimana?” Dengan nada baik nguenes dan membuka telinga tajam-tajam wkwk. But yauda akhirnya kita pulang bareng naik uber dan gajadi putus.
Intinya bener-bener deh banyak lika liku kehidupan romansaku dengannya, sampe akhirnya 3 years relationship and idk how many years friendship is over. Eh gak ding gapake frenship2an dah males. I hate our toxic relationship but I also love it at the same time. Somehow I called myself a masochist melancholy, soalnya masochist itu suka disakiti (tapi bukan yang masochist nuansa dewasa :( cuma kayak apaya suka perasaan sedih gitu lo) dan melankolis itu ya yawes akhirnya muncul akun instagram MELOGAD... it just the way he said things like cursing and judging, it was way too rude but ugh I smurf him so much AT THAT TIME. Sekarang saya sama mas Hazmi. Bahkan saya sudah dekat sama orang lain pun, masih kepikiran. Gak cuma kepikiran, way more than that. I told my best friendsss I don’t think that it’s good for me to have someone new. Because I still have something behind that I just can’t forget. There are unfinished dishes that I need to clean. Not me, but we, there are unfinished dishes that we need to clean. Tapi temen-temen lebih suka liat aku gini, katanya lebih hepi tanpa dikekang dll. Tapi aku sayang gimana dong :( bahkan aku deket sama masmas its (finally after buanyak cowok sumpa mereka picek ta yaapa) yang menurutku pendampingable banget tapi mesti kepikiran hiks, bahkan aku merasa sungkan untuk lanjut sama si mas soalnya aku takut ngecewain mas, aku masi suayang dent. (Tapi sekarang sudah enggak kok)
I hate to tell the truth to the people about how I feel and stuffs, about my past relationship, and every truth behind it. I prefer Dentang tell people how it really is, I don’t care if it’s different and way beyond what I expected to tell. But somehow it’s killing me to know that the story is way further and down grading my reputation. The thing is, I just don’t understand why can’t we have a reconciliation gitu looo, puengen sumpa kek dulu. Temenan lagi, lari pagi bareng lagi, goblo lagi, bahkan si ernest blek lebi mili main sama aku daripada dent. Padahal aku cewek yang which is literally beda gender af. MAAF GENGS DAH 01.39 hehehe
Yadah gitu, aku gatau kenapa aku cerita gini hehehe. Emang ya, jatuh cinta sama sohib sendiri itu gak baik. Apalagi kalo gapernah ada orang ketiga ketika menjalankan hubungan tersebut. Karena permasalahan utamanya kita sama-sama anak pertama dan sama-sama egois. Terus berpisah karena ya memang saat itu aku jadi lupa siapa aku, aku iya iya aja dentang mau bilang gimana ttg aku. Sampe akhirnya aku mutusin, I have to know who I am I have to understand what I like and what’s not. Setelah aku bener-bener bisa hidup sendiri, kembali ke temen-temenku, aku masih kepikiran, terus gimana dong? Hehehe:(
Jadi itu tulisanku saat itu ya. Mas Hazmi sudah tau aku sempet kepikiran tentang yang dulu dan aku sudah bilang berkali-kali ke mas kalo aku belum pantes buat mas dan kenapa mau baik banget, mau nunggu, mau ngemong. Bener-bener sabaaar banget ngadepin aku yang waktu itu tiba-tiba sedih tiba-tiba ini tiba-tiba itu tiba-tiba upload melogad. Terima kasih mas 😭💕
Sebentar lagi akun tumblr melogad isinya jadi mas Hazmi yaaa, kalau ada sesuatu tentang Dentang itu yaudah tulisan yang lalu-lalu kok.
Maaf ya buat saya semakin saya banyak cerita semakin saya terbiasa dan semakin saya tidak merasakan apa-apa ke dent hehehe dan alhamdulillah setelah satu tahun melogad jadi self healing buat saya
See you di post selanjutnya!
0 notes
crackpoolblog · 6 years
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DLL Files Fixer Crack Full Version:
DLL File Fixer Serial Key is exceptionally basic programming that resolves all mistakes and bugs effortlessly. Besides, it works quick and productive way since it has all most recent innovation. Moreover, this product naturally settles all mistakes in your framework. When you introduce this product once in your framework then you can get the ideal answer for all Windows issues.
DLL File Fixer License Key is good with all working framework Windows like (32 bit) and 64-bit working framework Windows. Be that as it may, when it begins working above all else it filters all projects in your working framework precisely and then running procedure will proceed.
The new DLL-files.com Client has an enhanced UI to make it simpler to settle your DLL blunders. A refreshed record coordinating and conveyance strategy will get a DLL mistake settle suited to your PC setup with better proficiency and exactness.
The old Crack DLL Files Fixer had an in-assembled Registry Cleaner yet the new Client does not, fundamentally on the grounds that the technique has turned out to be obsolete and gives constrained advantages to current PCs. While it can be valuable for more established PCs, for anybody utilizing (Windows 8.1) or (Windows 10), registry cleaning is never again suggested.
Features of DLL Files Fixer Crack:
Resolve .dll related errors and ensure your software runs smoothly.
Eliminate .dll related system pop-up error messages.
Repair and clean your Registry of unwanted and invalid registry entries.
It Optimizes PC performance and also boosts up your PC with a clean.
Defragment Registry to reduce startup time and memory usage.
Prevent your applications and PC from crashing.
Counteract deterioration over time. (12, 24, 36 months) licenses available.
Easy to use 2-in-1 interface.
It backs up your registry for uncomplicated restoration at any time.
The crashing of applications and PC I are prevented.
It counters deterioration over time with available licenses from 12 months to 3 years
It is simple to use and has a two in one interface.
System Requirements:
At least 1 GHz processor.
At least, 512 MB memory.
And also 25 MB free space.
Must have 800×600 screen resolution.
Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
How to DLL Files Fixer Premium Crack 3.3.92?
The software has final version to register it after crack; Also, method is below:
First of all, Download setup having Download DLL Files Fixer Crack file from below
Now, save to the PC and extract the trial version
So, simply it will say to you to put a registration code for activation
And then you can go to crack folder and copy that code
Come back to the installation window, put and proceed to ‘Next’
Wait or restart the system to Enjoy!
Note: (DLL errors) can appear at any time for anyone who owns a Windows PC and uses it regularly. Over time PCs slow down, the DLL-Files Fixer Serial Number can decrease this effect and keep your PC running at the best speed.
The post DLL Files Fixer Crack 3.3.92 with Serial Key appeared first on Oh Dady.
from Oh Dady https://ift.tt/2M1psBC via IFTTT
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terrencehorder-blog · 6 years
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Almost anything that can be gained from skills, excepting those actions that can be gotten from basic resource gathering (Wood, Raw fish, Ores) can be exchanged for points to waste on your troops, on special units, and to fund scenarios for reward points. Squads cost(runescape Gold) 100 credits to purchase. With any luck, you should only in order to buy osrs items your ten squads once. After that, tend to be 50 credits to resupply after being defeated. In this article, I can discuss draft beer crafting. It can fun and profitable skill; you probably will make many useful and valuable items. You can even earn money by selling items that there is crafted. As a ranked any kind of skill will need be about level 30 in that skill And in best search engine optimization 1,000,000 associated with players [ there are something like 5,000,000 players] in the skill, xp wise. 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0 notes
Real Talk - Dating a.k.a pacaran & marriage a.k.a pernikahan
Hai siapapun yang baca ini.. Pesan dibawah ini aku tulis dari pasangan suami istri yang takut akan Tuhan sebagai sumber. Mungkin gak sekomplit yang seharusnya sih, ini bener-bener yang aku masih ingat aja dari catetanku yang pasti pasangan ini super duper keren hidupnya secara personal dengan Tuhan dan juga rumah tangga kecil mereka. Juga, aku share karena aku merasa terbantu dan tercerahkan wkwk jadi aku juga ma share ke temen2 siapa tau membantu yakan wkwkkw love you guys!
 Kenapa sih kita harus saling mengasihi ? Kita diciptakan untuk mengasihi. Kenapa? karena Tuhan sendiri adalah kasih dan menurut alkitab kita diciptakan serupa dengan gambaranNya. Seperti yang kita tahu sendiri dalam 1 Yohanes 4 dikatakan bahwa kita mengasihi karena Tuhan sudah terlebih dahulu mengasihi kita. Jadi mari saling mengasihi! Well, I agree that we have no power to love our enemy sometimes hehe ya but that’s why our Father sent Jesus the only one child to came for us to showing the perfect love, yang seharusnya kita bisa belajar bahwa kasihNya nyata dan hanya kasihNya lah yang sempurna and that’s why we have Holy Spirit inside us so we can ask, kita bisa minta power untuk mengalami kasih tersebut sehinggal kita mengerti betul bagaimana Tuhan mengasihi kita, kita bisa minta kekuatan agar kita bisa mengasihi sesame bahkan musuh kita secara supernatural.
Apasih tujuan pacaran ? pastinya untuk menemukan calon atau partner hidup alias pacar haha tapi tetep, goalnya adalah menikah jadi kalo belum siap menikah, mending gausah wkwk. Oh ya, juga untuk belajar. Belajar satu sama lain yang goal akhirnya juga untuk siap menikah haha.
Harus gak sih nikah? Yap, pembicaranya sangat mendorong kita untuk menikah wkwk karena kebanyakan orangpun menikah, jadi sadar atau tidak sadar kita punya desire/hasrat untuk menikah. Jadi, gak harus sih nikah tapi kalau kamu punya desire untuk nikah, kenapa enggak? ehehe toh Tuhan juga waktu lihat Adam Dia sadar kalau Adam butuh seseorang dan di alkitab juga bilang its not good for a man to be alone, so yap. Dan lagi-lagi nikah bukan tentang pressure atau tekanan dari orangtua atau dari orang lain. Malu karena temen-temen yang lain udah nikah. Its your decision!
Kalo gak punya visi yang sama gimana? Hm, sulit geng. Nikah itu adalah salah satu keputusan yang sangat besar didalam kehidupan karena kita akan hidup sama si doi sampai kita mati wkwkwk oh ya, ditambah lagi otomatis salah satu dari kamu atau pasanganmu harus merelakan visinya. Part paling gak enak sih, bisa jadi kamu bakal nyalahin visi pasanganmu kalo ada masalah, dll dan berakhir unhealthy, jadi sangat di recommend untuk memiliki satu visi yang sama.
Waktu yang tepat untuk pacaran? sama kek diatas, waktu kamu siap untuk nikah! Wkwk karena plis jangan deh main-main sama pacaran hehe pacarana bukan permainan. Biasanya sih 2 tahun untuk pacaran itu cukup sehat lalu setelah itu nikah hahah!
Apa yang harus dilakukan waktu pacaran? jalan-jalan (?), banyak bertanya sih, jangan pernah cuma berdua di ruangan jadi pilih public places untuk menghidarkan kita dari sexual immorality, buat batesan-batesan apa yang harus dijalanin bareng-bareng . Jaga purity/kekudusan satu sama lain guys! Ngobrol sih kan salah satu hal yang sangat baik nih untuk mengenal satu sama lain, well banyak banget loh topik guys, keuangan, roles,dll jadi tihati ada juga topik-topik yang harus kamu tahan sebelum kamu memang bener-bener bakal nikah sama dia misalnya ‘sex’, tahan gengs gausah buru-buru gak selamanya kok. Omongin ini seminggu sebelum nikahpun bisa wkwkw.
Apa aja sih batesan-batesan di pacaran? Well, menurut alkitab sih having sex before married itu gak boleh, men tapi kami percaya  banget kalo lebih dari itu. Jadi sebenernya yang pacarana harus diskusiin bareng-bareng sih apa aja. ini buat cowok, men cowok kalo kamu bisa tuntun/memimpin untuk membuat batesan ini mennnn cewek pasti bakal lihat kamu sebagai cowok yang bisa control diri, jadi waktu kamu diluar, cewek bakal percaya kalau kamu sebagai cowok gak akan macem-macem sama cewek asing, she will not doubt. Bahkan disaat cewek ngerasa butuh rasa kasih saying yang lebih, be creative guys. Dan make sure kalo ceweknya tau kalo kamu sangat peduli sama dia sebagai cewekmu tentang purity. juga, batesan ini sebenernya adalah fondasi gengs, jadi yap buatlah fondasi sekuat-kuatnya biar gak ambruk!
Gimana sih caranya tau kalo si doi ini asalnya dari Tuhan? Dan tips untuk ngejalanin hubungan atau pernikahan? 1. Yang pasti harusnya kamu sangat yakin kalo kamu dan doi bakal melakukan hal yang lebih besar untuk kerajaan Allah daripada waktu kamu sendirian. 2. Cari Godly mentor, ya mungkin kamu punya teman yang selalu ada buat kamu tapi waktu kamu pacarana nanti kamu butuh seseorang yang memberikan saran dari sudut pandangnya Tuhan bukan sudut pandangmu atau manusia karena kita gak perfect. Mentor juga bakal kasih pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ‘berat’yang tujuannya untuk jaga kamu dan menyadarkan kamu. Ngomong2 tentang mentor, biasanya sih satu gender- fyi 3. Be clear wkkw semuanya harus jelas guys. Jadi buat cowok kalo kamu memang punya niat untuk pursue her atau jadi pacar si cewek kamu harus bilang dengan jelas kek ‘’im asking out for a date’’ gak cuman ‘’main yuk/lets hang out’’ karena temenpun bisa wkwkw so ya, yang jelas ya. 4. Praying together guys! Penting banget sih ini. Gak harus literally bareng-bareng doanya tapi doain di quite time kamu sama Tuhan masing-masing dan denger Tuhan. Jelas pasti banget Tuhan bakal kasih lihat dan kasih  konfirmasi karena ini adalah decision terbesar dihidup kamu. When we willing to hear God, man there will be soooo many confirmation. 5. Share semuanya secara blak-blakan sama mentor karena kamu butuh orang lain untuk bantu kamu waktu kamu jatuh dalam dosa pribadi maupun pas pacaran. Jangan malu, karena semua ngelakuin dosa kok so cari bantuan sebelum tambah parah, kalo udah parah pun tetep cari ya gaada kata terlambat. Waktu kamu bisa sehat sama hidupmu sendiri aku percaya hubunganmu pun sehat. 6. Konseling sebelum kamu nikah. Fix penting bet sih 7. Nah, kalo kamu udah nikah nih. Salah satu contoh yang baik adalah punya satu bank account, kenapa? Karena waktu kalian nikah, kalian jadi satu semuanya dipikirin sama-sama dan diatur sama-sama. Dan banyak hal lainnya (p.s: pasangan yang kasih saran ini memang punya banyak konfirmasi dari Tuhan karena mereka willing dan obey setiap hal yang Tuhan bilang)
Tuhan yang pilih atau kita yang pilih pasangan sih? BOTH! Hahah itulah keindahan dari sebuah pernikahan wkwk kita harus milih tapi Tuhan pasti bakal bikin semuanya jelas. Semua yang dari Tuhan itu baik guys, yang berarti bawa kedamaian. Jadi waktu nanti kamu mau nikah jalan ke altar ngerasa gak pasti dan gak damai, it can be sign kalo he’s/she’s not the one. HARUS BANGET KAMU YAKIN BENER-BENER YAKIN.
Trust issues – Gimana nih caranya percaya (takut,dll) Ini tentang emotional healing sih satu-satunya cara ya spend waktu sama Tuhan dan surrender semuanya sama Tuhan, kenal Tuhan karena Dia bener-bener fix semua hal yang salah dalam hati dan diri kita kok. (p.s.: jawaban ini dari seseorang yang latar belakanganya orangtuanya cerai saat dia umur 6 tahun,  dari kecil dia takut banget sama nikah karena dia mikir ‘gimana kalo nanti cowoknya ninggalin dia dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan liar yang lain’ juga banyak realita yang menyakitkan dari cowok-cowok yang pernah ada dihidupnya yang pernah nyakitin dia. Men tapi sebelum dia dapetin sosok yang tepat untuk hidupnya alias suaminya sekarang dia disembuhin sama Tuhan, jelas ada waktu yang cukup panjang dan dia sembuh waktu dia dating sama Tuhan)
Toxic relationship? ini sangat-sangat tidak akan bisa membantu sama lain untuk bertumbuh sih. Dan juga biasanya gara-gara kita dibutakan oleh cinta makanya penting banget nih gengs punya mentor.
Siap gak siap untuk nikah? gengs, karena biasanya cowok yang ngelamar jadi ini buat cewek. Kalo kamu gak siap, bialang aja gak siap, dan cowok bagus banget buat tanya ‘mau gak jalanin hubungan lebih serius’wkwkw tapi berikan sang cewek waktu untuk mempersiapkannya kalo memang dia bilang dia mau tapi butuh waktu. Oh ya, tentang ngelamar, plis obrolin dulu wkwk cowok, kamu tetep bisa kok bikin surprise dia walaupun kamu udah omongin. Jangan sampe kalian nikah gara-gara ceweknya kasian sama cowoknya atau malu untuk nolak,dll MAN THIS IS SERIOUS THING WKWK
Gimana nih kalo pacaran kami sudah ngelewatin batas-batas atau fail? wkwkkw lagi-lagi mentor sih. Its not shameful its wise. Dan ya, yang pasti si ‘trust’ ga akan seutuh sebelumnya tapi harus tetep move forward. Lagi-lagi butuh banget power dari Tuhan sih untuk nguatin kita dan menjadikan pemikiran, hati dan banyak hal menjadi baru dan baik. Karena sudut pandang Tuhan selalu baik. juga, evaluasi sih penting banget. Misalnya pas kapan nih kamu broke the boundries, waktu kalian nonton film berdua di bioskop kah, atau waktu ngapain. Nah setelah itu pasang dan buat lagi batesan untuk kelemahan-kelemahan tersebut, lagi-lagi gak selamanya kok. Tunggu sampe nikah doang nanti pas nikah bebas haha. Its not forever.
Pacaran beda agama? ini balik lagi kepertanyaan beda visi diatas sih. Beda visi aja udah susah ngejalaninnya gengs apa lagi agama. Kenapa? Karena agama atau faith itu hal yang paling dekat dengan soul kita, sangat sensitive dan lebih sensitif dari visi. Man akan sangat terasa luar biasa waktu kamu nikah dan kamu jadi satu, pelayanan bareng, ibadah bareng rasanyaaaaa itu sangat emejing!! (p.s: pasangan ini ngomong bener-bener dari hati mereka keliatan banget dari mukanya, mereka juga ngejelasin mereka ngomong begini karena mereka ingin banget kita bisa ngerasain betapa luar biasanya ngerasain yang mereka rasain) dan waktu nikah harusnya itu equal supaya bisa baik jalannya waktu jadi satu.
Kalo ada conflict/agrrement ? karena setiap manusia punya ego masing-masing, yang bisa benerin ini cuma Tuhan. Jadi ya doa bersama-sama. Karena yang sempurna cuma Tuhan jadi cuma Tuhan yang bisa membenarkan perasaan walaupun kesel. Dateng ke Tuhan sih ya terbaik! Tapi, tapi doa itu bakal menyembuhkan kalo pasangan kamu sudah memberikan diri sebelum menikah, kalo belum? Cuma salah satu (yang sudah menyerahkan diri) orang saja yang merasa disembuhkan sama Tuhan. Men, setiap waktu ketika kamu dateng ke Tuhan pasti ada sesuatu yang terjadi. So ya.
Scripture about dating aku lupa buat yang cowok ayatnya dari mana pokoknya intinya cewek dan cowok harus sama-sama focus ke Tuhan, jadi kalo ada yang tanya ‘pilih Yesus apa istri/suami’jawaban yang paling tepat adalah Tuhan. Put God in the first place gengs. Kalo buat cewek dari Amsal 25:24 (BIS) Tinggal di sudut loteng lebih menyenangkan daripada tinggal serumah dengan istri yang suka pertengkaran. Wkwk jadi kenapa ayat ini, katanya cewek kalo baru nikah biasanya tuh suka cerewet gara-gara hal kecil yang sebenernya gak butuh di pusingin. So ya, don’t be dramatic guys dengan hal-hal kecil. kasihNya Tuhan itu sudah mengalir didalam kamu cewek jadi show him more love and grace jangan ambil semuanya, mirikin semuanya sendirian. Omongin baik-baik dengan cinta, ehehhe tjie
 So ya! That’s all. Aku buat ini karena siapa tau kamu butuh. Aku sangat terbantu dengan jawaban-jawaban diatas so ya. You are loved! G-d bless
0 notes
hydrus · 3 years
Version 442
I had a great week. An important part of GUI Sessions is overhauled, which should save a lot of hard drive time for larger clients.
gui sessions
I always encourage a backup before you update, but this week it matters more than normal. If you have a client with large sessions with many important things set up, make sure you have a backup done before you update! I feel good about the code, and I try to save data on various failures, but if your situation gives errors for an unforeseen reason, having the backup ready reduces headaches all around!
Like the subscriptions and network objects breakups I've done in the past year, I 'broke up' the monolithic GUI Session object this week. Now, when your session has changes, only those pages that have changed will be saved, saving a ton of CPU and HDD write I/O. Furthermore, sessions that share duplicate pages (this happens all the time with session backups), can now share that stored page, saving a bunch of hard drive space too. Like with subscriptions, some users are pushing multiple gigabytes of session storage total, so there is a good amount of work to save here.
You don't have to do anything here. Everything works the same on the front end, and all your existing sessions will be converted on update. Your client should be a little less laggy at times, and client shutdown should be a bit faster.
If any of your old sessions fail to load or convert, a backup will be made so we can check it out later. Let me know if you have any trouble!
Advanced stuff:
Another benefit is the old limit of 'sessions fail to save at about 500k session weight' now applies to pages individually. Please don't immediately try to nuke your sessions with five million new things, but if you do end up with a big session, let me know how other performance works out for you. Now this bottleneck is gone, we'll start hitting new ones. I believe the next biggest vulnerability is thread starvation with many simultaneous downloaders, so again please don't paste-spam a hundred now queries (for now).
If you have been tracking session weight (under the pages menu), I am rebalancing the weights. Before, the weight was file = 1, URL = 1, but after all our research into this, I am setting it to file = 1, URL = 20. In general, I think a page will fail to save at the new weight of about 10 million. If you are in advanced mode, you can now see each page's weight on page tab right-clicks. Let's get a new feeling for IRL distribution here, and we can aim for the next optimisation (I suspect it'll eventually be a downloader-page breakup, storing every query or watcher as a separate object). Since URLs seem to be the real killer, too, see if you can spread bigger downloads across multiple download pages and try to clear out larger completed queries when you can.
the rest
I did a bunch of little stuff--check the changelog if you are interested.
I have also turned off the interval VACUUM maintenance and hidden the manual task for now. This was proving less and less useful in these days of huge database files, so I will bring it back in future on a per-file basis with some UI and more specific database metadata.
EDIT: Thanks to a user submission, yande.re post parser is updated to pull tags correctly if you are logged in. I hoped my update code would move the link over from the old parser correct, but it did not. I'll fix this for next week, but if you download from yande.re while logged in, please hit ''network->downloader components->manage url class links'' and move 'yande.re file page' from moebooru to 'yande.re post page parser'.
We fixed a couple more problems with the new builds--the Linux and Windows extract builds have their surplus 'ubuntu'/'windows' directories removed, and the Linux executables should have correct permissions again. Sorry for the trouble!
And after some tests, we removed the .py files and the source from the builds. I long-believed it was possible to run the program from source beside the executables, but it seems I was mistaken. Unless you are running the build-adjacent source pretty much on the same machine you built on (as my tests years ago were), you get dll conflicts all over the place. If you want to run from source, just extract the source proper in its own fresh directory. I've also fleshed out the 'running from source' help beyond setting up the environment to talk more about the actual downloading and running of the program. I'll continue work here and hope to roll out some easy one-and-done setup scripts to automate the whole thing.
full list
gui sessions:
gui sessions are no longer a monolithic object! now, each page is stored in the database separately, and when a session saves, only those pages that have had changes since the last save are written to db. this will massively reduce long-term HDD writes for clients with large sessions and generally reduce lag during session save intervals
the new gui sessions are resilient against database damage--if a page fails to load, or is missing from the new store, its information will be recorded and saved, but the rest of the session will load
the new page storage can now be shared across sessions. multiple backups of a session that use the same page now point to the same record, which massively reduces the size of client.db for large-sessioned clients
your existing sessions and their backups will obviously be converted to the new system on update. if any fail to load or convert, a backup of the original object will be written to your database directory. the conversion shouldn't take more than a minute or two
the old max-object limit at which a session would fail to save was around 10M files and/or 500k urls total. it equated to a saved object of larger than 1Gb, which hit an internal SQLite limit. sessions overall now have no storage limit, but individual pages now inherit the old limit. Please do not hurry to try to test this out with giganto pages. if you want to make do a heap of large long-term downloaders, please spread the job across several pages
it seems URLs were the real killer here, so I am rebalancing it so URLs now count for 20 weight each. the weight limit at which point a _page_ will now fail to save, and the client will start generally moaning at you for the whole session (which can be turned off in the options), is therefore raised to 10M. most of the checks are still session-wide for now, but I will do more work here in future
if you are in advanced mode, then each page now gives its weight (including combined weight for 'page of pages') from its tab right-click menu. with the new URL weight, let's get a new sense of where the memory is actually hanging around IRL
the page and session objects are now more healthily plugged into my serialisation system, so it should be much easier to update them in future (e.g. adding memory for tag sort or current file selection)
the rest:
when subscriptions die, the little reporting popup now includes the death file velocity ('it found fewer than 1 files in the last 90 days' etc...)
the client no longer does vacuums automatically in idle time, and the soft/full maintenance action is removed. as average database size has grown, this old maintenance function has increasingly proved more trouble than it is worth. it will return in future as a per-file thing, with better information to the user on past vacuums and empty pages and estimates on duration to completion, and perhaps some database interrupt tech so it can be cancelled. if you really want to do a vacuum for now, do it outside the program through a SQLite intepreter on the files separately
thanks to a user submission, a yande.re post parser is added that should grab tags correct if you are logged in. the existing moebooru post parser default has its yande.re example url removed, so the url_class-parser link should move over on update
for file repositories, the client will not try to sync thumbnails until the repository store counts as 'caught up' (on a busy repo, it was trying to pull thumbs that had been deleted 'in the future'). furthermore, a 404 error due a thumb being pulled out of sync will no longer print a load of error info to the log. more work will be needed here in future
I fixed another stupid IPFS pin-commit bug, sorry for the trouble! (issue #894)
some maintenance-triggered file delete actions are now better about saving a good attached file delition reason
when the file maintenance manager does a popup with a lot of thumbnail or file integrity checks, the 'num thumbs regenned/files missing or invalid' number is now preserved through the batches of 256 jobs
thoroughly tested and brushed up the 'check for missing/invalid files' maintenance code, particularly in relation to its automatic triggering after a repository processing problem, but I still could not figure out specifically why it is not working for some users. we will have to investigate and try some more things
fixed a typo in client api help regarding the 'service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags' variable name (I had 'displayed' before, which is incorrect)
build fixes:
fixed the new Linux and Windows extract builds being tucked into a little 'ubuntu'/'windows' subfolder, sorry for the trouble! They should both now have the same (note Caps) 'Hydrus Network' as their first directory
fixed the new Linux build having borked permissions on the executables, sorry for the trouble!
since I fixed the urllib3 problem we had with serialised sessions and Retry objects, I removed it from the requirements.txts. now 'requests' can pull what it likes
after testing it with the new build, it looks like I was mistaken years ago that anyone could run hydrus from source when inside a 'built' release (due to dll conflicts in CWD vs your python install). maybe this is now only true in py3 where dll loading is a little different, but it was likely always true and my old tests only ever worked because I was in the same/so-similar environment so the dlls were not conflicting. in any case the builds no longer include the .py/.pyw files and the 'hydrus' source folder, since it just doesn't seem to work. if you want to run from source, grab the actual source release in a fresh, non-conflicting directory. I've updated the help regarding this, sorry for any trouble or confusion you have ever run into here
updated the running from source document to talk more about actually getting the source and fleshed out the info about running the scripts
misc boring refactoring and db updates:
created a new 'pages' gui module and moved Pages, Thumbs, Sort/Collect widgets, Management panel, and the new split Session code into it
wrote new container objects for sessions, notebook pages, and media pages, and wrote a new hash-based data object for a media page's management info and file list
added a table to the database for storing serialised objects by their hash, and updated the load/save code to work with the new session objects and manage shared page data in the hashed storage
a new maintenance routine checks which hashed serialisables are still needed by master containers and deletes the orphans. it can be manually fired from the _database->maintenance_ menu. this routine otherwise runs just after boot and then every 24 hours or every 512MB of new hashed serialisables added, whichever comes first
management controllers now discard the random per-session 'page key' from their serialised key lookup, meaning they serialise the same across sessions (making the above hash-page stuff work better!)
improved a bunch of access and error code around serialised object load/save
improved a heap of session code all over
improved serialised object hashing code
next week
I have one more week of work before my vacation. There's a ton of little jobs I have been putting off--checking new downloaders users sent in, some more help docs to work on, and magically growing multi-column list dialogs--as well as emails and other messages I haven't got to. I'll try to tidy up those loose ends as best I can before I take my break. I'll also deal with any problems with these new GUI Sessions.
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haniedwisa · 8 years
Life’s Best Amazing Director
Saya merenungkan banyak hal selama 1 tahun belakang. Saya bersyukur atas hal yang bisa terjadi sepanjang 2016. God never failed to surprise me. I’m amazed by everything he prepared for me. Mulai dari membuka tahun bersama keluarga, sampai sebuah visi yang tertanam, Encountering Him in everything. Tahun 2016, saya memiliki banyak target dan saya percaya bahwa ini adalah tahun kemenangan bagi saya. And surprisingly it did. Though many ups and downs happened, but i’m still alive and survive, and it’s only by His grace.
Vonis Dokter
“Ini harus diangkat. Nggak bisa nggak, cuma itu jalan satu-satunya. Tapi yah kalo operasi resiko ada dua, suaramu hilang sementara atau hilang selamanya. Mana nomor hp kamu, ini saya mau kirim telp dan alamat saya. Nanti kalo mau diangkat hubungin saya langsung di nomor ini aja,” kira-kira begitulah kata dokter pertama pada saya. Tanpa memperhatikan reaksi maupun ekspresi saya, ia memberikan penjelasan bahwa saya harus dioperasi. Bukan menjelaskan perihal apa yang saya derita, ia justru langsung mengultimatum bahwa saya harus dioperasi. Shock dan kaget tentu saya rasakan. Terlebih karena ia mengatakannya dengan ringan seakan-akan ini adalah hal yang biasa. Apalagi dengan mengatakan bahwa chance suara saya tetap bertahan adalah 50% saja. 
“Ini memang harus diangkat. Kalau mau di usg silahkan, tapi ini memang sudah kelihatan bahwa ini harus diangkat. Tidak emergency, nanti saja sewaktu libur kuliah. Kamu tinggal di mana? Ini saya kasih rujukan, nanti operasinya di kota asal kamu saja,” dokter kedua menyatakan hal yang sama kepada saya. Ultimatum yang sama namun dengan cara yang lebih halus dan lebih menenangkan.
“Apa? Operasi? Serius?!” teman saya bereaksi keras saat saya menceritakan jawaban dokter pada saya.
“Ah nggak mungkin, jangan bercanda ah,” mereka masih tidak percaya dan saya hanya tersenyum getir. “Ih kamu kok tenang gitu sih!”
Saya hanya menjawab “Jadi aku harus apa dong? teriak? Nangis? Kan enggak..” mungkin teman-teman saya heran dengan reaksi saya. Mereka mungkin tidak sadar bahwa jauh di dalam hati tentu saya ketakutan setengah mati. Saya hanya tidak bisa mengekspresikannya.
Begitulah kejadian 2 tahun yang lalu, kira-kira tahun 2015. Saya mendapat vonis yang tidak menyenangkan. Di leher saya ada tumbuh benjolan yang awalnya saya kira amandel yang akan menghilang seiring berjalannya waktu. Namun bukannya menghilang, benjolannya semakin bertambah besar. Saya kemudian pergi ke dokter dan mendapat vonis dari dokter. Papa saya langsung menyarankan saya untuk segera diperiksa di Penang untuk mendapatkan third opinion. Jawaban dokter di sana sama, namun jauh lebih melegakan. Hasil usg, rontgen, dan check darah menunjukkan memang adenoma tiroid. Tidak membahayakan, namun akan terus bertambah besar dan bisa menggangu  pencernaan dan pernapasan. 
Tepat bulan september 2016, saya menjalani operasi untuk mengangkat jaringan tiroid yang sudah membesar tersebut. Berbagai hal muncul dalam pikiran saya, tapi saya berusaha berpikir positif dan positif. Mungkin sebagian orang akan berpikir ini adalah operasi kecil. tapi operasi apapun, selalu ada risiko yang bisa muncul. Dan Puji Tuhan, operasi berjalan dengan lancar. Jaringan yang berukuran sebesar bakso urat itu berhasil dikeluarkan. Pasca operasi, saya tidak diharuskan minum obat tertentu, hanya antibiotik selama seminggu. Selang di dada untuk mengeluarkan jaringan yang tersisa pun boleh dilepas  2 hari setelahnya. Saya juga bersyukur suara saya tidak hilang, bahkan tidak serak seperti yang saya takutkan. Hanya memang masih terdengar lemah dan kecil karena butuh effort untuk bersuara.
Saya kembali ke Medan sehari setelah keluar dari rumah sakit. Di rumah, ternyata saya sempat demam, dan leher saya terasa sakit saat menelan. Saya harus menahan sakit selama seminggu karena dari leher sampai ke dada saya terasa kebas dan kaku. Sungguh tidak enak, saya kepayahan tiap mau tidur dan bangun tidur. Saya kesulitan untuk berbicara keras dan bahkan untuk tertawa pun rasanya sangat sulit. Dada saya juga sempat bengkak kemerahan seperti memar. Saya hanya berharap hal ini normal dan memang bagian dari proses penyembuhan. 
Lamaran Pekerjaan
Sebagaimana mahasiswa yang baru lulus, saya rajin apply kiri kanan dan mengikuti job fair. Job fair yang sudah saya daftar berlokasi di Jakarta dan saya sudah mendaftar jauh-jauh hari. Dua minggu pasca keluar dari rumah sakit, saat saya ingin meminta izin untuk pergi, (which is i’m not even sure that i can go bcause of this recovery), ternyata dada saya membengkak, tepat di daerah pemasangan selang pasca operasi. Okay, saya anggap memang Tuhan belum mengizinkan saya pergi. Saya sedih sekaligus lega, karena saya sendiri juga takut untuk pergi. Sedih, karena pressure untuk mendapat pekerjaan sangat besar terutama setelah wisuda. Takut tidak dapat pekerjaan, takut omongan orang, dll. Sedih, karena perusahaan yang saya incar ada di sana. Kakak saya menghiibur saya dengan berkata bahwa kalo itu memang bagian saya, pasti tidak akan kemana. Saya merelakannya karena mungkin saat itu belum saatnya saya ‘pergi’ dari rumah.
Seminggu setelah itu, saat bengkak di dada mulai membaik, saya mendapat panggilan untuk interview di Jakarta. Salah satu perusahaan yang sangat saya tunggu kabarnya. Namun justru saat itu, luka bekas operasi saya infeksi. Luka itu terus mengeluarkan nanah. Badan saya drop dan saat itu mama saya berkata bahwa kesehatan saya lebih penting. You have no idea how it broke my heart. Rasanya seperti tidak adil. Kenapa harus di saat seperti dan kenapa harus terjadi lagi saat saya ingin interview? Saya minta diextend, dan HRDnya bilang bahwa saya akan dipostpone dan dimasukkan ke dalam list tunggu. Mereka belum tau apakah saya bisa diproses apa tidak. Well kalian yang pernah mencari pekerjaan pasti paham jika HRD sudah bicara begitu. Dengan sangat berat hat saya merelakannya sambil terus berharap akan tetap diberi kesempatan. Mama saya hanya menyuruh saya berdoa, agar perusahaan itu mau mempertimbangkan. 
I’m so sad, this is a job that i’ve been waiting for, and i couldnt even fight for it. God i want this. This is what i said to Him, and try to let it go if this isn’t the best for me.
Setelah itu saya mendapat panggilan untuk wawancara lagi di Jakarta. Well kali ini saya merasa siap, dan saya merasa saya harus berjuang lagi as a jobseeker, dan tidak mau merelakan hal seperti ini lagi. Saya memberanikan diri pamit kepada orang tua. Saat mereka melihat keseriusan saya dan kesiapan kesehatan saya, akhirnya mereka iznikan saya berangkat. Sungguh jaraknya hanya berselang 2 hari. Sabtu saya mendapat pengumuman, dan saya menguatkan tekad untuk berangkat hari Senin.
I should say miracle did happen. And I must say that God is so romantic. He had His way and i could not find out what God has done from the very beginning till the end. 
I graduated in the right time, I got my surgery done, I got my job. All in the amazing and wonderful ways.
Saya bersyukur segala target yang saya buat di awal tahun 2016 bisa tercapai meskipun dengan cara yang aneh, unik, dan luar biasa. Saya percaya Tuhan adalah sutradara dan penulis skenario terbaik dalam hidup ini. Buat kalian yang sedang menunggu jawaban doa, percayalah Tuhan tidak tidur, mungkin ia hanya mempersiapkan waktu terbaik untuk menampilkan ‘naskah’ versi terbaikNya.
“What no eye has seen,    what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”    the things God has prepared for those who love him—
- 1 Cor 2 : 9
Ps. The Job that I got is the Job that i’ve been waiting for half a year. 
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