#Brooke growing hissy when she scared and Zeke covering his fear with jokes is honestly just so good
Because I know I have some people following me who've only listened to the musical and haven't read it, I wanted to share some fun tidbits of the book of Phantom of the Auditorium that I like or just want to mention!
- Brooke has chestnut brown hair and Zeke has blonde hair. I only mention this because most official artwork for the musical and even the TV show depicts Brooke as blonde.
- Zeke wears Kermit the Frog pyjamas and gets really red when Brooke tells people this.
- Some girls think Zeke is cute, but Brooke never thought of him that way.
- Brooke once let a gebril loose in the teacher's lounge.
- Brooke and Zeke met when they were 3 because their mom's are in the same bowling league and discovered they lived on the same street with Zeke living only a few houses down from Brooke.
- Brooke has a younger brother named Jeremy whom she likes to scare on occasion.
- Zeke has an older brother named Rich who drives Zeke and Brooke around when he isn't grounded (he's always grounded).
- Zeke has a dog named Buster who is super sus of Brian because animals in the gb universe (usually dogs) can tell when someone is a ghost.
- Brooke's mother is always scared she'll get run over by a bus. Brooke doesn't know why. She doesn't even know anyone who got run over by a bus.
- Brooke changes her mind constantly, Zeke says it drives him crazy.
- Tina is a grade above the trio.
- Brooke doesn't know why Tina doesn't like her, they hardly know each other.
- While Tina is Brooke's understudy, Zeke's understudy is a boy named Robert Hernandez. Brooke describes him as way too serious and nowhere near as fun as Zeke. He doesn't get her jokes and doesn't like to joke around.
- Esmeralda's father is played by a boy named Corey Sklar, who has the same haircolor as Brooke and also wears glasses.
- Brooke can't think of mean or nasty stuff to say even when she tries because she just isn't a mean or nasty person.
- Zeke, Brooke and Brian actually break into the school at night twice. The first time they discover the backdrop Brian worked so hard on is ruined. The second is when they go down the trapdoor again.
- Brooke has horrible stage fright that leads to panic-inducing nightmares that she overcomes by the time of the actual performance.
- Brooke has bad allergies and is allergic to nearly everything. Zeke made a game out of it to count how many times she sneezes. However, her allergies and sneeze attacks is what leads Emile to find out they're in the tunnels.
- Speaking of Emile, he has a huge, deep, purple scar across his eye.
- The trio believes they're locked in when they're in Emile's hideout at first, but then realize they were just pushing a pull door.
- Brian wears sweatpants and a red flannel that's too big.
- Brian never unmasks himself to Brooke in the book, instead, he leaves a yearbook of 1920 in her locker which he leaves open.
- That part is important as it's established at the beginning of the book that her locker's lock always jams, meaning it can't be left open on accident.
- Zeke is the only person allowed to call Brooke "Brookie".
- Zeke does his math homework in the classroom before class starts.
- Zeke's dad is the mayor of Woods Mill.
- Esmeralda is in almost every scene of the show, which doesn't help Brooke's stage fright at all.
- While his name Raoul in the musical in reference to the name of the "boyfriend" character of Phantom of the Opera, Esmeralda's boyfriend is named Eric in the book as a reference to the Opera Ghost's real name "Erik"
- Zeke has freckles that he hates, but Brooke says they're barely visible.
- Brooke hates her glasses, openly stating that she wished they would disappear. She says they make her look nerdy.
- Brooke can flip her eyelids up so that they stay that way, a really gross talent that makes people scream and gag that Zeke isn't phased by anymore.
- During the scene where the Phantom first appears on stage and scares Brooke, the only reason Brooke starts to seriously freak out in the first place is because she notices Zeke waving at her from further away backstage, meaning the person shaking her in the Phantom attire isn't Zeke. When she calls for help, she is just told that her line is different from what she's saying.
- Tina is exclusively nice to Brian and Brian only.
- According to Brooke's narration, the play didn't get weird until the end of the first act, when the Phantom first appears. Since Brian vanished after that scene, it implies that there is a second act we never got to see in which Zeke continued to play the Phantom.
- In the book, Brooke rips the mask off the Phantom while they're still on stage, leading Brian to cover his face and tumble backwards into the trapdoor, screaming on the way down as he died all over again for good this time.
- Brooke is absolutely not okay after that.
- Like, not at all.
- Brooke and Zeke go look for him in the tunnels to no avail.
- There's a cast party we never get to see because the story stops before we get there.
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