#someone give Zeke a hug PLEASE
mazuwii · 2 years
What I think they’d smell like in MODERN AU
he smells like those really strong essence oils, only if you go really close can you smell it (I'm talking kissing his hand close)
To be very specific, I'm talking about tea tree essence oil. It's like an antibacterial scent in a way
Absolutely nothingness. I feel like when he walks past people he does it so fast and swift it leaves a waft of his scent behind... except he smells like nothing so he's just giving you a free wave of air 😭😭😭
But as a bonus, he'd smell like his aloe Vera shampoo for the first hour (after showering) and then the smell fades away... again, into nothingness
I'm convinced Berty-boo smells something like an old ladies makeup pallet. Those really old peach flavoured powders, or just scented moisturiser for women. It's not a girly smell, it's a powdery smell… sort of motherly (he smells motherly!?)
No one knows why he smells that way really. They don't really point it out because it isn't strong.
But if you hugged him so tight that you buried your face in the fabric of his clothes, you'd get a nostril-full of makeup scents
Oh yes you know it, he smells like a big baby. He doesn't even know it, he's amused as you one day rub yourself against the soft sleeve of his sweater and mumble something along the lines of "you smell nice"
this IS VERY specific. But fairy detergent pods is exactly what he smells like.
a warm but soft and squeezable scent that he has no idea he carries but melts when you subconsciously cuddle up to it.
Jean changes his perfume every week you can't catch onto what he smells like. One week it's Hugo boss, the other it's Dior sauvage, and other fuckboy perfumes. At some point, if you sniff out any masculine scent, you know it’s him, because he's worn every bottle in this bloody world.
He smells like the original dove soap bar. You can tell he's incredibly clean not just by the waft of soap that fans pleasantly against your face, but through the silkiness of his blonde locks that expose how well he takes care of himself.
Looking at Erwin, I can tell he doesn't give a shit 😭😭😭 straight up, he showers puts deodorant on and gets on with his day, it's not like this doesn't leave a scent though, through out his day, he spends it locked up in the office or taking a walk in meadows to clear his mind.
When he comes back to you, most of what you smell on him is the outdoors (cut grass- ish breezey smell) and pages of dusty books.
As a Zeke Stan, I'm sorry to my fellow brothers and sisters, but my guy smells of nothing but tobacco, it overpowers any perfume he uses. He reeks of pure depression and cigarettes. Someone hug this man and throw him in a bath PLEASE
People usually shower everyday because its hygienic but Porco does it because he messes himself up badly throughout his own day. Hell- sometimes he has to shower twice a day.
This mostly comes down to the fact he's messy and clumsy. During lunch, he'll drop a bit of jam on himself, try to swipe it away but it merges through the loops of fabric and stick to the skin of his chest.
Or when he's cleaning, he'll forget that a bucket with dirty water is behind him and fall on top of it, soaking him in muddy water.
i made this way too long... but, this is my headcannon, he smells like fresh bread.
She either smells like mud, pure sweat, hair grease or all the above.
(When Levi knocks her out to clean her he uses scent less soap so the issue here is that the smell sometimes still lingers even after she washes.
Pieck bakes a lot to free her mind from worries, most of what she likes to bake is cookies, pies or brownies. So for the most part, she mostly smells of soap and a bakery.
You guys can call Mikasa manly all you want, but she defiantly uses cocoa butter to moisturise her body after a burning hot shower.
light Cocoa butter and coconut, there's no other thing I can think of.
The most distinguished smell you can get out of him is his clothes, which barely smell of anything anyway. It's a mystery as to how someone can lack any scent whatsoever.
Barbecue sauce and brown sugar
Her and Armin are soap scent buddies, she smells of a foamy bubble bath.
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rivangel · 2 years
You have such a good perspective on canon!levi, how do you do it!! 🥰🤩 the cold weather has made me think fluffy thoughts... sooooo....
What are your thoughts on post-war levi needing some help with cutting his hair? He can manage, but it's probably harder to do, right? Does he even keep the undercut? Uh-oh, maybe the top grows out enough for a bun. Is this the first time he lets someone other than his mother cut it for him? Does it mean something to him, or does he just not like other people messing with it? If he needed help, he probably wouldn't ask, you'd just have to get in there and do it... and then it would just be a part of your routine together. I need to hear your thoughts!!
Also happy new year 😘😘
happy new year!! idk how this post got so srs but here we are.... i promise... its fluffy towards the end...
//internalized ableism, mentioned suicidal ideation, some minor manga spoilers + hinted ch132 spoiler | wc: 1.0k
He didn’t get to cut his hair (I bet) for that month he was in the forest with Zeke. And then after the final battle, he’s in the hospital for some long months while his face heals (did you know that face wounds heal super well compared to other flesh wounds?), he gets multiple surgeries on his knee, and treated for the internal bleeding caused by the explosion (remember when he coughs up blood in the manga?), etc. The point is, he’s in the worst shape of his life.
And in all that time, his bangs grow to fall over his eyes all the time. They don’t like to stay pushed back over his forehead, either, and the prickly stubbled part of his undercut gains length. The longer tail in the back has creeped down his nape.
This is one more thing to constantly unsettle him. Routinely he’s always cut his hair every two weeks on the dot if he can, and he’s never let it get bad enough to grow out this much, not since he was a little kid.
He’s always cut his hair himself, too. At this point he’s firm in the belief that he’s the only one who can get it right, and on top of Levi’s stubborn independence and his newly realized weaknesses, means he’s defiant to letting even you (who has stuck to his side since he was admitted) trim it. You can count on one hand how many times he let you help with it in the past.
“I’ll cut it for you,” you offer out of the blue, for the hundredth time.
He, who’d been half-dozing in his hospital bed, grunts to show his distaste. The majority of the bandages are off his face, except for the white wrappings hugging one of his eyes. Unfortunately, Hange’s stitches had been removed, and restitched. Levi got extremely irate with the doctor who explained to him that the work done was shoddy, like whoever that’d done it seemed to be in a rush.
Either way, it still feels strange to talk with the cleft in his lips. “You’ve done enough for me.”
You stroke his uninjured hand. The other is still bandaged. Recently, he went through another small surgery to get them properly amputated to the second knuckle to prevent nerve damage and infection. (I’m so fucking sad.)
“The most I’ve done is just be here,” you say meaningfully. “Please let me help, ‘Vi.”
For the most part, Levi has been completely numb since the war ended. Maybe he’s still in shock, like the professionals say, but he has had the suspicion that he’s broken... That is until you beg him so genuinely. A familiar affection for you pulls in him. It reminds him. Not broken.
He blinks at you, and sighs deeply through his nose. “Only if… it’s not too much trouble.”
“Never. I already asked for the proper tools.”
He deadpans a little, affection growing. “Fine.”
Smiling, you give him a kiss.
Levi huffs. He’s stronger than he was since being admitted. With a few pillows fluffed up behind him, he sits up with relative ease. His socked feet brush the floor, where he stares down, deliberating.
“You shouldn’t—”
“If you get that fucking chair, forget it.” He raises his head and glares defiantly at you. “I’m not a shitty baby. I can fucking walk.”
You never said he was, never even implied it, but you understand why he’s lashing out. So you compromise by sitting down beside him, and sliding your arm around his waist. He hooks one of his over your shoulders, saying nothing as you together maneuver to stand. The bathroom is a few paces away, but to Levi it feels like miles as he heavily favors his good leg, causing him to hobble.
His cheeks burn in humiliation. Not because you’re helping him, but the fact that he needs help in the first place. He doesn’t even let the nurses do this.
In the same way, all the meaning of this favor to him isn’t in you cutting his hair. It touches him that you’d go out of your way (in his mind) yet again for him, as difficult as he knows he’s being. Has been.
He hates that his body’s this way now. Mangled beyond recognition of how it used to be, how it used to work. He’s left broken parts. Damaged. He’s permanently useless forever, he thinks. The resulting burden makes him think at his darkest moments that it would’ve been easier on himself and everyone else if he just died after killing Zeke. His duty was done. It would’ve taken long enough.
This occasional slew of dark thoughts have grown more common since he’s had time to do more or less nothing but think. When he remembers that everyone he fought beside, including and especially you, were thrilled that he was recovering, he feels a horrible stab of guilt. He should be grateful. The Titans are gone. He should be at peace, overjoyed. He doesn’t deserve to feel this much pain considering everyone else who lost their lives. Everyone close to him is dead. But, except you. Except you.
(I need to get back on topic.)
In the bathroom, he braces himself using the counter, his bad leg raised as you drag a regular chair inside.
“Same as always?”
He thought he’d feel even more pathetic that he can’t even do this with two less fingers and his eyesight, but he finds himself… relaxed for the first time in ages. More placated whenever your fingers card through his hair, occasionally scratching affectionately as you go about trimming, then buzzing his hair way down near the base of his skull and around his ears.
You’re slow and careful about it, and Levi finds himself holding onto that.
When his hair is fixed, the style as he always had it, he feels a shred better. Your eyes meet through the reflection.
“Thank you,” he mumbles.
Later in the future, when Levi is out of the hospital (which he leaves on crutches), and enough time has passed to partway recover and re-establish a new routine in your lives, you still cut his hair the majority of the time. His eyesight messes with his field of view—it’s a task to land kisses to your lips, let alone cut his hair straight. So even though he’s ambidextrous, that doesn’t mean much.
Every two weeks, same as always, you stand behind him with a towel laid out for the stray hairs, and wordlessly set about doing it for him. He could grow it out, but he much rather prefers a few things staying the same as they’ve always been. Including his hair. Especially you.
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bardic-perdita · 3 months
22 and 104, for all three of the fellas :>
I got a little carried away with the first impressions, but these were fun to answer!
22. What is your Tav's first impression of the other companions (Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll ...)
Alternate title: Act 1 Breoch is secretly a bitch
Breoch: “He’s very attractive and he knows it. Though he is not as good at flirting as he seems to think he is. If he thinks that merely offering me sex is enough to earn my favour, then I shall let him believe that he has the winning hand…for now.”
Shrike: “One of the most beautiful men I have ever seen, and the first person to truly appreciate my sense of humour.”
Zeke: “Does this man ever stop complaining?”
Breoch: “If he tries to wizardsplain the weave to me one more time, then I swear on my honour as eldest son of House V’ysse that I will pulp him into spider feed.”
Shrike: “The man looks pained and terrified, though I can’t understand why. I hope he knows that I have no intention of leaving him behind. There’s really no need for him to try so hard to impress me.”
Zeke: “I could listen to him talk all day and get lost in those beautiful brown eyes of his. I wonder if he knows that he’s already captivated my heart?”
Breoch: “An archdruid could be someone very useful to know. He’s dedicated to his duties, yes, but I can see the hunger in his eyes. He desires me (not that I can blame him), but I shan’t make it easy for him.”
Shrike: “He’s smart, kind, and hard-working. I bet he gives amazing hugs too.”
Zeke: “How did he get so big? Would he tell me his secret if I asked?”
Breoch: “A formidable woman. I’ve known matriarchs less dangerous than her. I’d best be on my guard.”
Shrike: “Now here is a true leader. I don’t know why, but I feel as though we can rely on her.”
Zeke: “Am I the only one that’s never heard of Jaheira? Famous or not, I really don’t appreciate being tangled up in vines before I have a chance to say hello.”
Breoch: “It’s rare to meet a friendly face. If Wyll is to be believed, then she may prove to be a most useful ally indeed.”
Shrike: “Being called ‘soldier’ by her seems to feel right, but I can’t think why. I’m looking forward to travelling with her and sharing a pint when this is all over.”
Zeke: “Another tiefling from the hells? I bet she’d have the latest news about the Blood War in Avernus. Though that might have to wait until we’ve fixed our tadpole problem.”
Breoch: “She seems to approve of my methods, though she doesn’t seem overly swayed by my attempts to charm her. Fortunately, handling powerful women who’d rather have my head than give me head is my speciality.”
Shrike: “Her mastery of the sword is unparalleled. I hope she will allow me to spar with her one day so that I may admire her skill up close. Oh, how I wish to slice open those limbs and fully appreciate the musculature behind her technique…wait, what?”
Zeke: “Why is she always scowling at me? Is it just at me or does she scowl at everyone?”
Breoch: “I’m sure my pet spider was harder to manipulate than this hunk of dumb muscle. If I have to spend another minute listening to his senseless ramblings, then that is a minute too many.”
Shrike: “The hamster intrigues me…how can it be both small and ferocious? I have much to learn from its wisdom.”
Zeke: “I wasn’t listening…is Boo the hamster or the man? I think Boo must be the man, and Minsc is the hamster? ...Minsc is adorable.”
Breoch: “Now this is the last place I expected to see a Baenre. Oh, isn’t this just delightful? How far she has fallen to need to rely on feral beasts and a jaluk mongrel from the most despised House in Menzoberranzan.”
Shrike: “Her very presence sets my teeth on edge. I will take great pleasure in painting these walls with her offal.”
Zeke: “This must be the drow Zevlor told us about. How dare she invade my mind without a second thought. She must be destroyed.”
Breoch: “Finally somebody that can appreciate the art of persuasion and deception. It’s clear that she doesn’t trust me, but that’s no matter. I require her loyalty, not her confidence.”
Shrike: “Having another healer on side will be useful. Her religious insignia is unfamiliar to me, and she seems unwilling to talk about it. It’s almost as if she remembers as much about herself as I do.”
Zeke: “I don’t think she likes me very much, though I don’t know why.”
Breoch: “Another naive hero. If he wishes to sacrifice himself for the greater good, then so be it. He’d better not expect me to follow.”
Shrike: “A virtuous man. It’s clear the tieflings respect him and I will do all I can on my honour as a paladin to support his endeavour.”
Zeke: “I can’t say for certain, but this man does have a whiff of the infernal about him. I can recognise an eldritch blast from a mile away. Why would he keep his warlock patron a secret?”
First impression of Esper (if their paths ever crossed)
Shrike: "What a fine assassin...are all bards as skilled with a blade?"
Breoch: "An intriguing companion, to say the least. Though I do wish they would stop looking at me like that, as if they're always seeking to correct or question me. Can they tell when I'm lying through my teeth?"
104. Who did your Tav romance? How did this romance develop throughout the game? What happened at the end?
I answered about their future in this post, so I'll just focus on the events within the timeline of the game here.
Both Shrike and Breoch romanced Astarion. Breoch’s pursuit of Astarion was more calculated as he realised that there was very little reason for Astarion to stay, so he endeavoured to become that reason. Besides, Astarion seemed like he’d be the best in bed out of all of the companions. It’s only after Astarion begins to open up about his past that Breoch understands the similarities between them– that he’s finally found somebody that knows how it feels to make oneself into an object of desire for survival. They go on a similar journey together as they have to learn how to ‘drop the mask’ as it were. It takes some time for Breoch to fully forgive himself, as everything bad that happened to him is as a result of his actions; he chose to manipulate and hurt people, and it eventually resulted in his downfall. Breoch learns to become comfortable with showing vulnerability and imperfection, and eventually even feels brave enough to express genuine love and affection without fear of endangering those closest to him.
(In the poly with Shrike, this process goes along with their accepting of their past and gives him another person to rely on. Breoch feels he needs to be ‘the brave one’ for Astarion’s sake, but Shrike refuses to let him take on that role alone. This is also helped when Shrike introduces Halsin into the relationship as he becomes more of a supportive figure for all three. This is also reciprocated by both Breoch and Shrike, who allow Halsin to be the one receiving support rather than the one solely responsible for leadership and guidance. Very much the embodiment of ‘get loved, losers. Get absolutely treasured’.)
Shrike, however, was fully taken in by Astarion’s charm and loved him sincerely from the start. Their thirst for vengeance for themselves and Astarion is what fuels them. They appreciate that Astarion never asks them to change or be a more palatable version of themself. Once they break their oath after meeting Gortash and realise their role in the Absolute plot, it is Astarion that helps them understand that they are not the monster their father wanted them to be. They also brought Halsin in as there was a strong attraction between them. They love both of them equally, and is considerate of Astarion’s anxieties due to his past.
Zeke romances Gale, and is very much a case of ‘dumb warlock bewitches highly intelligent wizard’. Compared to Gale who is slow to open up (understandably so), Zeke is an open book whose very being radiates with the intensity of the love he feels for Gale. He makes no secret of how much he cherishes him and how much he values Gale the man, rather than Archmage Gale of Waterdeep. Until Act 2, those two are pining to the point of annoyance for everyone else at camp. Once they finally do confess and act upon those feelings, they would be unbearable in a different way: always looking at each other with the dumbest lovesick expressions on their faces, using every opportunity to hold hands or kiss, and it’s all very tooth-achingly sweet.
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historia-jaeger · 1 year
Why I think that Chapter 139 (AOT Ending) makes no sense
Yes. Actually it should come out to your ears, but I thought about the last chapter again and I wanted to share this with you. The story about Ymir Fritz: We knew from Ymir Fritz that she must have been around 14 years old when she was first seen. She was a slave and they had her tongue removed which is why she couldn't speak. When she released the pigs and was therefore hunted and finally fell into the tree, it was a sign of her desire for freedom.
When Zeke was about to go through with the euthanasia plan, Eren hugged Ymir and said she was free. She then followed Eren's plans instead of obeying the king's descendants as she has done over the years. The message was clear: Ymir is no longer a slave to the king.
Until then it was still logical. Ymir Fritz was actually a slave, even after her death. Only Eren could make it clear that she was FREE. But then the last chapter came and nothing made sense anymore.. Suddenly she had feelings for the king and suffered from her love for him for 2 millennia. Only Mikasa could change that. That also explains why she released the pigs and had no will to live. Above all, it never became clear why the ONE person was needed for Ymir to break free and find peace was. People. We talk about of thousend of years. No one can tell me there hasn't been someone who has loved like Mikasa before. Especially the scene in which Mikasa kisses Eren's severed head and Ymir stands next to him with a satisfied expression on his face terrifies me enormously. What's the point of having an impact with Mikasa when Ymir has practically applied herself by obeying Eren instead of Zeke? But the main thing was that you could unnecessarily add more love drama.
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Erens plan was...destruction: Eren's plan was to wipe out humanity away from paradise. It is clear why he did this. Paradise threatened to be wiped out from the world and it was evident that there would be no peaceful negotiations. So the goal was set and implemented with Ymir's help. Armin and Co. should stop him, kill him and become heroes so that paradise will be accepted by the world. So I thought... would be his plan. No. Eren's plan was to do whatever it took to get Mikasa to kill him in order to break the titancurse. But if he hadn't known that the curse could be broken in this way, he would still have killed the people. And he doesn't know why... Give him a good reason, PLEASE. Wouldn't the euthanasia plan or the plan to hold the attackers at bay with the Wall Titans have been better options than killng thousands of innocent people? Of course he didn't want to sacrifice Historia and the freedom of his people. Oh well. Eren seemed to want to save his people above all. I think it's a bit of a shame at this point, because he knew that there were also good people outside of paradise. Chadren ist real shit. xD He could have at least THINK about an alternative. Instead of: I don't know why. How EreMika ruined the ending: I personally feel that Eren's outburst of emotion about his love for Mikasa was quite inappropriate. But after all, the whole story should end like this, otherwise Isayama wouldn't have brought in the totally illogical part with Ymir's feelings for her tormentor and the illogicial story, that only Mikasa can end Ymirs lovesick pain. Mikasa is quite a tragic character. She was severely traumatized by the death of her parents and the subsequent death of her new family. It was only thanks to Eren that she didn't give up on herself and life completely. But the aftermath of her trauma is still felt. If you look at her quotes like this, you realize that she says a lot about the beauty and especially the cruelty of life. But "fighting" is also very common in their vocabulary. Eren, on the other hand, is not only the last part of her remaining family, but the one who always gave her support in bad situations. This is also the reason why she doesn't want Eren to put himself in danger and is very protective of him. Unfortunately, her fear of losing Eren gives her quite a bit of tunnel vision. Because of this, she puts herself and others at risk. It should be obvious that she is in love with him. Eren, on the other hand, never seemed to have more feelings for Mikasa, than he did for a good friend or sister. Isayama said he wanted Eren and Mikasa to kiss the moment they were attacked by the grinning titan, but I think that's nonsense. That would mean that he already had feelings for Mikasa at that point and was aware that she liked him too. Who else kisses their adoptive sister without being asked? No. He had to ask Mikasa and then Zeke if she loves him, nine years later so he could be sure. Especially because he should have known it, if he can see into the future. Most of all...why didn't he confess his love to her before kissing Historia's hand? No. From the reader's point of view, it really doesn't appear that Eren had feelings for Mikasa that went beyond sibling love. That's why the scene with Eren's emotional outburst was more than surprising and out of place. It just seemed forced. The whole chapter. ~*~ It just seemed like something had to be concocted to create extra love drama and still squeeze in the fact that Eren loved Mikasa so much. Otherwise you could have left it at Mikasa's kiss and then wrote the scene of the war ending and so on. It would have been a nice ending, because Mikasa was able to break free from her trauma and let Eren go. It would have been more logical, because Ymir would simply have been a slave and not a person with Stockholm Syndrome. And Isayama don´t need to have drawn a flashback in which Eren half-heartedly explains his behavior. That Ymir loved the king and it took Mikasa to break the curse and all the trappings were just out of place and made zero sense. Sorry.
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
11x18 review and obvs spoilers
* Judith narrating the little Daryl flashback hit me in the HEART
* Daryl not standing down for anyone but Carol? We’ve seen this before an it never gets old
* Uhhh Daryl… lose the tone before I make you lose it. I get he’s angry and Hornsby and his men were hunting them like dogs but… don’t take that tone with Carol she’s saved your ass… again
* Aaron looking between Daryl and Carol as they have their little old married couple back and fourth is EVERYTHING
* Carol out here again single-handedly sorting everything out for everyone else. Queen shit
* Oh lance has mommy issues
* Daryl packing Judith’s lil katana in his bag made my heart swell
* CAROL AND LYDIA MY HEART- “you have to take happiness wherever you can get it.” No stop that right now because I know that Carol has been trying so hard to let herself have happiness after everything that’s happened to her and her family so saying that to Lydia is just so lovely. I LOVE THEM
* NAHHHH DARYL WATCHED THAT WHOLE INTERACTION? Judith too? The Dixon squad makes me want to claw my eyes out from the cuteness
* “I never thanked you for saving her” this one. This is the one right here. I’m reading this as “I never thanked you for giving me another chance at getting my happiness”
* And the Daryl and Lydia hugs. Daddy Daryl is the best Daryl
* (Although I’m getting whiplash from the Daryl mood swings already)
* Yesss Judith call him out. Hold Daryl accountable. I love it when daughters give their father figures grief. Not one moments peace for this man
* Okay Carol I see you squeezing past Daryl a lil closer than needed
* Daryl didn’t choose the dad life but the dad life chose him… and preteen Judy is giving him a run for his money
* Judith looks more and more like Shane every damn day
* Carol and Zeke are still cute. They have a history and a GOOD one at that. I’m glad they had one last talk before parting ways. If my predictions are right I assume this will be the last time they talk
* Less screen time with the militons pleas e
* I don’t have a good feeling about Annie and the baby. I don’t think they’ll make it
* Daryl putting his vest back on? The symbolism… he’s going back to Alexandria to be his true self
* These Grimes babies are making Daryl rethink his whole life choices
* Daryl loses Judith and goes straight to Carol for help? And him confiding in her that he doesn’t think he’s a good parent?? My heart!! And Daryl comparing himself to Rick?? I can’t do this
* I saw a lot of people saying that the Sophia mention was really glossed over but like… it’s not the first time she’s mentioned her since her death. All the other times she’s spoken about her hasn’t been teary. It’s been a long time for Carol. She’s made her peace with it (obvs it would still be painful but like I’m happy that she can talk about her daughter casually after all this time). And her sharing her feelings on parenting with Daryl of all people?? It’s a brilliant bonding moment between the two
* Carol casually touching Daryl’s forearm, telling him he’ll figure it out, I see you miss girl
* Eugene and Stephanie bore me a bit too. I don’t dislike their story but idk. I’ve never been that attached to Eugene even though he’s one of the longer standing characters atm.
* Mama rositaaaaa I love youuuuuu
* I’m not religious in the slightest so Gabes whole church speech fell a lil flat on me
* Hey Judy miss girl!! What you doing here?!?
* Daryl walking through the church looking for Judith parallels him walking into the church’ looking for Sophia in s2. Someone gif that parallel please
* Baby Daryl hiding out by the river on his own waiting for his dad to fall asleep is heartbreaking
* Daryl admitting to Judith that he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s just trying to keep her safe *cries in daddy issues*
* “Help me up” DARYL YOU ARE SUCH AN OLD MAN I LOVE YOU (still not forgotten how you spoke to Carol at the start of the ep tho)
* Sebastian’s critique on the American Dream is the only good thing he’s said all season
* Daryl and Carol taking Judith to go say bye to her friends like the amazing co-parents they are >>
* Daryl is me watching this wrestling scene wtf is happening
* Okay Eugene and Stephanie toppling the government with a secret recording
* What’s with these shitty under the chin running shots?
* Why are there so many red apples this ep?
* Zeke saving one of Jerrys babies :,)
* Daryl panicking as he loses sight of Judith again. Bro that man would do anything of those kids. Those are HIS babies
* Judith stepping UP and with her daddies gun too :’)
* poor Judith tho man
Overall- again I enjoyed this ep way more than I expected to. Got better as it went on but there’s still some issues with like pacing and screen time and stuff. But at this point…I’m hopeful
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miniscule-meow · 10 months
Ooo if you are still doing the ask game #1 please
Soft OC Asks
1. Is your OC a hugger or do they not like that sort of affection? Do they intitiate a hug or get roped into them?
Marcus- you will never meet a bigger hugger than Margus. His love language has to be touch. Marcus is the type of person who would give you the warmest, coziest hug of your life and then be like, "I'm Marcus by the way. Nice to meet you!"
Isabell- she is a hugger! It just takes her a little while to warm up to people. And I think she's a little too shy to initiate most of the time, but she really likes a hug.
Zeke- not so much. He mostly gets roped into hugs. I feel like he complains... but secretly enjoys it
Deckard- he's actually not. He's more of a kiss on the hand, a solid handshake, or like a brotherly grip on the shoulder kind of guy. He's also not great at comforting people... Like he tries his best, but he'll almost always try to use his words rather than just pulling someone into a hug.
Lark- she would have to be roped into it most of the time. I can see her giving a big hug if she's really excited about something. But it would be like a special occasion type thing.
Charlie- she is only touchy with people she knows and loves. So generally no, unless you're one of Her People (tm) then yes.
Felix- only with Charlie. He doesn't really like being touched, but Charlie is the exception. He would hold her all day if he could.
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thewalkingdeadband · 2 years
Thoughts on 11.21...
Caryl: i really dont know what to think anymore. I think i'll wait for the show's end (unless something really BIG happens for them before) to give an overall review on how it "ended" for them, because right now i dont know what to think anymore. But yes, Daryl is the most important person in her heart/life and it showed in her speech to Maggie, and yes, the holding hands moment was more than nice. But i sooo want to tell her "stop thinking you re not good enough for him! Stop it!" That's all i can say for now.
As for the rest of the episode:
- as i've said in my sort of review for 11.20, its been apparently confirmed by AK and/or others that Rosita and Gabe have broken up somehow sometime off screen. And it kind of showed, its true, in this episode. That said, i still feel the love between them. Of course if you dont like them u wont agree and thats fine but since they grew on me, i believe they re still very much connected, and you can feel how much he loves her. As for her, she's colder, but to me she's always been using this kind of cold attitude as a coping mechanism before (with Eugene, Sasha...) so it doesnt mean that she doesnt care. If anything, it means she does. Hard to explain. Plus it was kind of cute how they were sort of bickering "lets follow the train" "but there is no train" . I dont know. I loved them seperately and wanted nothing more than to see them happy after the mess that was Abe for her and Jadis/Anne for him, so it wasnt hard for me to love them together.
- Again, Gabriel is amazing, the way he acted towards the soldier... i remember when he finally tried to make things right back in S6, how Rick was rightfully still not trusting him, and i was thinking please persevere Gabriel dont give up and im so glad that he came around and now everyone trust him fully. That hug with teary Carol? Could u have imagine this back in S5? Im so proud of him
- Maggie and Carol moment was all i wanted since 6.13. I remember when i used to think: ok she is close mainly to Daryl, Rick, Morgan, Zeke, and its great, but what abt Maggie and Michonne? What abt female friendships?After 6.13, we were starved of scenes between Maggie and Carol, and we litteraly had to wait til 9B to see her really starting to interact with Michonne (correct me pls if im wrong). So im glad in s11 we have all those little meaningful moments between her and Maggie
- seing Kelly so lost and scared and sad broke my heart. Can someone hug her please? Im glad Zeke stopped her from doing something stupid, though u cant blame her for trying. He literally saved her life here. Its nice to see them having scenes together. And then Connie saying we need to find her coz i know she's scared...💔
- Negan/Ezekiel: u have no idea how emotional it made me to have Ezekiel, without giving names, mentioning what Negan has done to Dwight, Sherry (and many other women/people). Especially if you follow ftwd, u might understand why it made me emotional. Also, having Negan say "yeah i havent forgotten either and i know i dont deserve shit" ... i was like fiiinallyyy... i feel we 're slowly, thanks to Annie and the baby, going back to the Negan from Here's Negan. Which means a man with flows, but not a monster. And it was abt time somebody mentioned in the show that the pb with Negan wasnt only what he did to Glenn and Abraham (whom i love dearly), but also everything else. And no, i dont even hate him anymore. But what Zeke said was much needed for me.
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Because I know I have some people following me who've only listened to the musical and haven't read it, I wanted to share some fun tidbits of the book of Phantom of the Auditorium that I like or just want to mention!
- Brooke has chestnut brown hair and Zeke has blonde hair. I only mention this because most official artwork for the musical and even the TV show depicts Brooke as blonde.
- Zeke wears Kermit the Frog pyjamas and gets really red when Brooke tells people this.
- Some girls think Zeke is cute, but Brooke never thought of him that way.
- Brooke once let a gebril loose in the teacher's lounge.
- Brooke and Zeke met when they were 3 because their mom's are in the same bowling league and discovered they lived on the same street with Zeke living only a few houses down from Brooke.
- Brooke has a younger brother named Jeremy whom she likes to scare on occasion.
- Zeke has an older brother named Rich who drives Zeke and Brooke around when he isn't grounded (he's always grounded).
- Zeke has a dog named Buster who is super sus of Brian because animals in the gb universe (usually dogs) can tell when someone is a ghost.
- Brooke's mother is always scared she'll get run over by a bus. Brooke doesn't know why. She doesn't even know anyone who got run over by a bus.
- Brooke changes her mind constantly, Zeke says it drives him crazy.
- Tina is a grade above the trio.
- Brooke doesn't know why Tina doesn't like her, they hardly know each other.
- While Tina is Brooke's understudy, Zeke's understudy is a boy named Robert Hernandez. Brooke describes him as way too serious and nowhere near as fun as Zeke. He doesn't get her jokes and doesn't like to joke around.
- Esmeralda's father is played by a boy named Corey Sklar, who has the same haircolor as Brooke and also wears glasses.
- Brooke can't think of mean or nasty stuff to say even when she tries because she just isn't a mean or nasty person.
- Zeke, Brooke and Brian actually break into the school at night twice. The first time they discover the backdrop Brian worked so hard on is ruined. The second is when they go down the trapdoor again.
- Brooke has horrible stage fright that leads to panic-inducing nightmares that she overcomes by the time of the actual performance.
- Brooke has bad allergies and is allergic to nearly everything. Zeke made a game out of it to count how many times she sneezes. However, her allergies and sneeze attacks is what leads Emile to find out they're in the tunnels.
- Speaking of Emile, he has a huge, deep, purple scar across his eye.
- The trio believes they're locked in when they're in Emile's hideout at first, but then realize they were just pushing a pull door.
- Brian wears sweatpants and a red flannel that's too big.
- Brian never unmasks himself to Brooke in the book, instead, he leaves a yearbook of 1920 in her locker which he leaves open.
- That part is important as it's established at the beginning of the book that her locker's lock always jams, meaning it can't be left open on accident.
- Zeke is the only person allowed to call Brooke "Brookie".
- Zeke does his math homework in the classroom before class starts.
- Zeke's dad is the mayor of Woods Mill.
- Esmeralda is in almost every scene of the show, which doesn't help Brooke's stage fright at all.
- While his name Raoul in the musical in reference to the name of the "boyfriend" character of Phantom of the Opera, Esmeralda's boyfriend is named Eric in the book as a reference to the Opera Ghost's real name "Erik"
- Zeke has freckles that he hates, but Brooke says they're barely visible.
- Brooke hates her glasses, openly stating that she wished they would disappear. She says they make her look nerdy.
- Brooke can flip her eyelids up so that they stay that way, a really gross talent that makes people scream and gag that Zeke isn't phased by anymore.
- During the scene where the Phantom first appears on stage and scares Brooke, the only reason Brooke starts to seriously freak out in the first place is because she notices Zeke waving at her from further away backstage, meaning the person shaking her in the Phantom attire isn't Zeke. When she calls for help, she is just told that her line is different from what she's saying.
- Tina is exclusively nice to Brian and Brian only.
- According to Brooke's narration, the play didn't get weird until the end of the first act, when the Phantom first appears. Since Brian vanished after that scene, it implies that there is a second act we never got to see in which Zeke continued to play the Phantom.
- In the book, Brooke rips the mask off the Phantom while they're still on stage, leading Brian to cover his face and tumble backwards into the trapdoor, screaming on the way down as he died all over again for good this time.
- Brooke is absolutely not okay after that.
- Like, not at all.
- Brooke and Zeke go look for him in the tunnels to no avail.
- There's a cast party we never get to see because the story stops before we get there.
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tinyjeanmarco · 3 years
reiner fluff ♡
note: hello! i have been lurking on tumblr again because i fell in love with aot again and i have noticed there is a distinct lack of reiner fluff and it makes me SO SAD. I LOVE REINER he is my biggest comfort character so enjoy some soft reiner pls. i will probably write more about him soon hopefully. :)
wc: 741
pairing: modern!reiner braun x gn!reader
warnings: none! just reiner being a softie.
summary: it's friday movie night with the warriors and you fall asleep on bf!reiner. :)
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you shuffle up to your friends' apartment door, knocking in the dim light as you thought of all the ways they'll berate you for being late. reiner texted you as you were getting ready to leave, giving you a heads up that everyone began getting cranky with your tardiness.
you texted him to just go ahead and start without you, you were on your way so it wouldn't be much longer. so now, clad in pajama pants and one of reiner's t-shirt's that was way too big for you, you finally arrived.
only twenty minutes late. a new record, you smiled to yourself.
the door opened, and there stood your fluffy looking boyfriend with a fond smile on his face. he reached for you and pulled you into a gentle hug, burying his nose in the hair on top of your head.
"missed you," he mumbled out. your boyfriend really is just a big baby, huh? in the best way possible of course. he is your baby after all.
"love, you saw me this morning," you chuckled, surrounding yourself with all things reiner, breathing in the scent of his faded cologne.
"i miss you any time that you're not in my arms," he spoke quietly, squeezing you a little closer to his chest.
someone clearing their throat behind where you two were wrapped up in each other brought you crashing back to reality.
"can you icky love birds please just close the door and come sit down? you're letting the cold air in." porco's annoyed voice came from the living area. you rolled your eyes and reluctantly pulled yourself away from reiner, slotting your hand in his as you stepped all the way into the apartment.
the two of you made your way to where everyone else was sitting. pieck, annie, and bertholdt smiled and said hello to you while zeke and porco just complained about how late you were and how you kept them waiting.
reiner shot you a sympathetic look. you began to apologize for being late but reiner just shushed you and pulled you right next to him on the loveseat. you snuggled into his side while everyone else bickered playfully, deciding to not push the topic at hand and just leave you be.
you honestly didn't even want to come tonight. all you wanted was to fall asleep in reiner's arms, but he told you he would be going tonight, so you decided you'd force yourself to go. the last thing you wanted was to be alone on a friday night when you could be spending it with your lover.
once everyone decided they were done chit chatting, porco resumed the movie from where it was left off. you honestly had no desire to focus on what was playing, instead fully directing your attention to reiner's hands that you were currently playing with, sitting half on top of him and feeling secure with an arm around your waist.
about a half hour passed when reiner shifted you two into a more comfortable position, pulling you on top of him as he laid on his back. you just simply snuggled into his plush, warm chest, finding his hand with yours and interlocking them. his other hand was on your back, holding you as close to him as possible.
this was exactly what you needed. time to ignore the world around you and just bask in the warmth of your love you shared with reiner. you felt a gentle kiss pressed to the top of your head and you smiled. lifting yourself from his chest, you leaned forward to capture his lips in the softest kiss imaginable.
your lips turned up into a small grin, not being able to hold it back when his scruff tickled your face. you pulled away and gazed into his eyes, ducking in one more time to steal another kiss before you laid yourself back down on his chest.
wrapped in the warmth that is reiner, you knew it was only a matter of time before you began to feel sleepy, especially after a long, tiring day. the soothing hand rubbing patterns into your back didn't help you either. you closed your eyes, not even trying to fight the oncoming sleep.
you gave in and let sleep take you. reiner would be there to wake you up and take you home. so for now, you rested in the safety and warmth of his arms.
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titanicsimp · 4 years
Hello! If it's ok, can I please request canonverse hcs for Zeke, (post-s4) Reiner, Colt, Porco, and Erwin as new dads? S/o is also a fellow Warrior/Scout and so they encourage the dad to spend time with their newborn as their time is limited. How would they care and coddle for their respective little beans? I just want fluff amongst all the angst the current season is handing out by the bucket >< Thanks!
This is such a cute idea. Writing it made me all soft 🥺🥺
Headcanons of Zeke, Reiner, Colt, Porco, & Erwin as new dads.
CW: None
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Zeke was not planning on having a child. He never saw himself as the type that could be a father, he had barely had one himself growing up. But, when his child was born, everything changed. As soon as your baby reached up it’s little hands and grabbed at his beard, he knew he could do this. He would give this child everything he missed growing up.
He’s scared to hold the baby for more than a few minutes at first. What if they start crying or he doesn’t hold them right? Only after reassuring him multiple times that he’s doing fine will he keep the baby in his arms.
The thought that he might mess up terrifies him, so he goes to his grandmother to ask for help. He wants to know all about what’s best for babies, and how he can improve so he can be a good father.
Only you and him can hold the baby, no exceptions. Others, including family, can look at the baby but he doesn’t trust anybody else with holding it.
When both of you are forced to leave the baby for warrior duties, he’s besides himself with worry. What if something happens? What if someone hurts his child? As soon as the two of you get back from your mission you go to get your baby. As you hold your child, he’ll hug you both, pressing a kiss to their little head.
Zeke takes the baby to meetings. He’ll be swaddling them softly in his arms while he discusses battle plans like it’s the most normal thing in the world.
He’s definitely teaching the baby to misbehave by tempting them to grab his hair. It’s just so cute to him to see them determinedly ball their little fist while giving him toothless smiles.
He likes watching the baby while they sleep. Their face so peaceful and their little legs kicking softly now and then. Having a child with you has changed him, and in those moments he can feel the change the best. He feels that with the two of you by his side, he could let everything else be.
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Reiner is a sobbing mess from the moment you tell him you are pregnant, and when he finally gets to see his little one it just gets worse. He’s just so amazed by how he created something so beautiful and pure.
He’s a very active dad, taking the baby off your hands whenever you allow it. He loves all the time he gets to spend with his child, even if it means changing a diaper.
He wishes you both could just settle down with your little family, but he knows that isn’t realistic just yet. Your encouragements to make the most of the time that you both have makes him feel that every little moment with the baby and you is special.
Very proud dad. The two of you have created the cutest little creature, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t show them off a little. His mother and your fellow Warrios get shown off to the most. He’ll tell them all about the baby’s progress and point out even the smallest detail he is proud of.
“Do you see that? That little hair is a perfect curl.”
Many days he’ll fall asleep while rocking the baby. It’s incredible that even the baby falls asleep while Reiner’s slumped against the back of the chair, the baby resting against his shoulder. It’s the most sound sleep Reiner gets, your little one repelling his nightmares.
Buys anything the baby even points a chubby finger at. You tell him he’ll make them spoiled, but he can’t help it. He wants to give them everything he can.
When the two of you are taking care of the baby, he’ll often thank you for giving him the greatest gift.
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Colt is oh so nervous, but also excited, for the birth of your baby. He doesn’t leave your side, and when the moment is finally there, he barely believes it. Seeing the baby, so tiny and crying as the doctor places them on your chest makes tears well up in his eyes. He’ll kiss your forehead, praising you for doing so well and laying a hand on the back of his child’s back.
He’s all over you and the baby, showering you in love and care. At first you think it’s just after the hospital, but no, it sticks around. When you are recovered you have to remind him that you too are a Warrior, so though you appreciate it you don’t need him to hold your hand at every step.
He’s overbearing in the sweetest way, trying so hard to do everything right for the baby. If it coughs once he’s already running to find you.
Colt knows a thing or two about kids already since he helped with Falco, but every baby is different so he still gets surprised. Like when he accidentally spilled some water in the babies face while washing them. He was sure they would cry their eyes out like Falco had done when young, but the baby had just stared at him with wide eyes. Perhaps your genes had made them a tougher breed.
He loves making the baby laugh. He’ll play peekaboo with them or dance a stuffed animal around them, booping their nose. Hearing his child laughing and babbling never fails to make him smile.
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Porco sees himself as a not easily shaken guy, but the baby showed him how wrong he was. He could act tough around others all he wanted, but the sparkling eyes of your child melted him instantly. He was smitten with them since the first look.
He wants to carry the baby all the time, keeping it close to him. He’s a sucker for the classic baby scent, smelling the baby’s head and giving it kisses.
Pinches the baby’s cheeks. They are just so chubby and squeezable. He looks a bit evil while he does it, grinning widely as the baby tries to wiggle away, but he does it all in good fun.
He doesn’t just show off, he brags. Look at how beautiful his child is, how well behaved they are, bet their kid cries all the damn time huh?
“That nose? Clearly got it from me.” He’ll say, proudly putting the baby’s face next to his, looking smug. “Handsome produces handsome.”
Porco is painfully aware of what being a Warrior could cost you, having lost friends and family. What if the two of you don’t return from a mission? It keeps him up at night now and then, and when it does, he goes to get the baby, laying them down between the two of you. It comforts him to feel the baby’s warmth, it’s little hands right at his face. He’ll enjoy having you and the baby as long as he can.
It’s the funniest thing to see him scurrying about after the baby puked on him. He mumbles about them being a little bastard, but he can’t stay mad.
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Erwin had been dedicated solely to his mission for years, and he had assumed a family wasn’t in the cards for him because of the life he chose. When he met you, he saw what could be, and eventually the two of you decided to have a child. Erwin was still nervous about the idea of juggling a family and his position as commander when your baby was born, but holding them for the first time convinced him he could make the change.
He reads to the baby every night. He loved the worlds he could explore through books when he was young, and he wants to pass that on to his child. You allow him to only read from an encyclopedia once a week, not wanting your child’s brain to overheat.
The way he changes diapers is a skill. His face doesn’t even twitch while he does it, and he has the technique down so well he’s done within a minute.
Erwin holds the baby close while being on a mission by keeping a family portrait of the three of you on him at all times. It helps him with missing them and motivates him to keep on fighting.
He takes the baby up the wall with you. He wraps one arm around you, the baby ogling the outside world on his other arm.
“One day you will be able to walk freely out there, I’ll make sure of it.” He promises his child.
Levi is made godfather whether he likes it or not. Erwin trusts him fully, and wants to make sure that if anything happens Levi will look after the baby. Erwin will definitely have some fun with it too, making Levi hold the baby and observing him grumpily threaten them to not even think about puking on him.
Erwin keeps a journal during all his missions. He writes down all the interesting and beautiful things he witnesses inbetween the carnage, from plants to friendships. He wants to keep track of it so that when his child is old enough they can know all about it.
He wants to stick the baby in these old and serious clothes. You can barely see your child through the frills and the dress pants are absolutely laugh worthy on their little legs. After seeing the poor thing can barely move around in them, he’ll yield.
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hi! I love your work so much! Could you do a oneshot/hc about y/o and Levi having a crush on each other. Hange knows that and asks y/o why won't she confess to him. Y/O is insecure coz she's younger than him by 5 + years and she thinks that Levi wouldn't want her coz she thinks that he thinks she's childish (lol how many thinks). Thanks!
𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
→ Text: Hi there sweet anon! Thank you for letting me know that you love my work 🥺 that makes me happy! And this is such a cute idea♡ ♡ I hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think about it if you can! Hope you see this and sorry it took awhile :,( Also, while writing this I was inspired by this song called kiss u better by Katzù Oso and Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo 🥰 they both were stuck in my head when I got your request!
Synopsis: Y/N and Levi have known each other for quite awhile now. Levi clearly likes Y/N, but she feels hesitant to take things further with Levi since they are both at university(when he is ready for that!) but won’t cause she is quite nervous and insecure. Levi and even Hanji notices that, and with that Levi takes his chance and tries to win his lover’s heart after a party at Zeke’s place. To make her finally have trust in him to give him a chance, and to prove to her that he would be a great man to y/n! Finally to open her heart again back to love <3 so find out what happens! (I promise you, you won’t regret this c: many soft and fluff levi!)
cute fluff, university modern au, headcanon imagine ♡ —
It was obvious, to everyone in their university course, also around campus, that Levi and Y/N totally had a crush on each other.
But Y/N is hesitant, even though though she might have a feeling that Levi might like her too, with the many moments they shared together, the times they went out together after lectures to go to the café, walking her home, watching sunsets together (but, Levi is watching you instead) and talk out their struggles and feelings, always texting and calling her to just at least hear from her everyday, buying her snacks and food to make sure she ate, all the time going out with her to any events, would bend down and tie her shoes for her if he saw undone, and also going to the shopping mall with her to just be by her side when she shopped all around. 
During long trips too or taking the bus to the university, Y/N and Levi would swap seats, she wanted the window and Levi wanted to look at you instead.
Would definitely come over to your place during the days you didn’t eat or make any food, expect him to cook for you and especially clean your place! And you both would spend the evening at the balcony, watching the nightsky and if it was a bit chilly or there was a cold breeze, he would give you his jacket. “Tch, Don't want you catching a cold.”
Levi would also give her and buy her some flowers on special days such as her birthday, celebrations, and would just give you some if you ever felt sad! He wanted to see you happy all the time <3 
Everyone at first thought Y/N and Levi were a couple and Levi was just being shy about it to not mention or talk about it. But in fact, it was Y/N who didn’t try and push the relationship to the next step. As she was feeling quite reluctant about it, feeling insecure that she was younger than him by 5 years and thought Levi was just doing all of these things to her as a ‘nice act’ and being polite and respectful. But, Y/N has no idea that one of Levi’s top love language was actually ‘acts of service’!
Levi is not the kind of man who would just do all of these things just randomly to someone unless he knows them pretty well and if he over does them, then he actually loves them! He would only do these things for Y/N knowing that she would like it, and he would honestly give up his time for you, and you only.
It was a long tiring day at university, but finally it was the last lecture for the day and the end of the first Semester! Y/N got up and took her stuff, ready to leave the lecture hall when Hanji jumped from behind her, giving her a hug around her shoulder. “Y/N! We finally finished!” Hanji said in their usual happy and cheerful tone. You smiled at Hanji and patted their head, “Yup, and the semester break started.” You said as you both left, heading to the university café. 
Hanji smirked and elbowed Y/N to the side, “Soooo, I have been realizing for quite a while that you and Levi are getting at it, Huh.” Hanji said with a wink and started drinking their iced coffee drink, looking at Y/N who their cheeks started to heat up.
“W-What? It’s not what you are thinking though...” You mumbled and started to take your own drink, sipping it and looking away. “No way. You both are STILL not dating?! Why don’t you just confess to him? I can’t handle it anymore, you both are clearly in love with each other!” Hanji now started to squeal and was amazed how you and Levi were still not taking your relationship to the next step after being with him for such a long time. “Quiet down! I don’t want anyone to hear. But...I’m not sure, he might just think I am childish a-and might not want me..” You mumbled the last part and then gave out a sad sigh while looking down to your shoes, you were quite down about it whenever you thought about how you badly wanted to confess your feelings to him, but with how older he was to you, you probably just thought he was better off with someone else. You really did love him, but....does he? With the way he constantly checks up on you and asks about you, Y/N just wondered that he might just only do that cause he only worries for her only.
“Y/N! Wake up girl. Have ever you seen him treat you like this to anyone else? No!” Hanji wanted so badly to let you know that Levi did actually have a crush on you, but they promised Levi (well was threated by Levi) that they wouldn’t tell her.
You were about to question and ask about what Hanji meant when suddenly, Connie, Sasha and Mikasa came by. “Yo! Did you guys hear?” Connie said with a grin and brought a chair to join them, while Sasha and Mikasa tagged along giving you a little wave. “There is gonna be a party at Zeke’s place tonight! He invited us! I heard it’s gonna be crazy though.” 
“As long there is free food, I am in!” Sasha said with a nod, already planning what she will eat first when she first goes there. Mikasa looked at you and then asked, “Y/N, if you are going. I’ll tag along.” She said while looking at you, waiting for a response. Zeke was a popular guy at your university and course, he knew everyone and everyone seemed to like him. You were once placed in the same group project with him and he helped you out a lot, and even during exams he seemed to be friendly enough to share you his notes to you! Y/N never got the chance to have a proper chat with him though. 
But instead Hanji replied yelling out, “Oh hell Yea I am in! I never had the chance to hang out with Zeke, but I so wanna go to this party! Y/N Let’s go Please!” Hanji begged, giving you their usual puppy eyes and you sighed while getting up from your seat. “I’ll see and let you guys know.” You sighed and when you looked at your friends, all of them looked behind you and had a surprised look on their face. You went blank, and turned around slowly. Shit.
It was, Zeke. “Hey There.” Zeke said with a smirk and approached you closer, “Y/N, Yea?” 
You stood there, all shocked and surprised, how the ‘cool popular guy’ from your university is actually talking to you right now. You felt all eyes on you and your friends were all there, their eyes widen and were seeing what the hell was gonna happen.
“Y-Yea. Um, do you need something?” Y/N said in a nervous tone, not sure what to say or do. “Yea, Come tonight to my party.” Zeke said bluntly, and you were about to question him why when Hanji suddenly held both of your shoulders and yelled out. “Yes Yes! We are all coming!”
“Great! See you all tonight, and you too...Y/N.” Zeke said in a flirty tone while he kept his eyes on you, then walked off. You just stood there, all surprised and taken aback at how quickly things escalated. “Hanji...Seriously?” You let out a sigh and decided to walk out of the café, while Mikasa, Hanji, Connie and Sasha tagged you along. All talking about what to wear and when they are going.
As you were walking with them, you got a text message. When you saw who it was, you made a big smile.
Levi: Hey, Where are you now?
Y/N: With the others, still at campus though. Something up?
Levi: No. Also, was wondering what are your plans for tonight.
You stopped walking, and stood still, and you felt your cheeks go hot. You really liked it when Levi asked you out for hang outs.
Y/N: Well, Hanji and the others are begging me to go to Zeke’s party. So going there tonight. 
Levi:....Okay, I am coming too. Don’t go in without me.
“Oh, Levi is coming too.” You said aloud to yourself but Hanji heard it and was so shocked. “Levi? You mean Levi ACKERMAN? That guy never ever goes out with any of us, especially to parties.” 
After hearing what Hanji said, you wondered and thought, maybe just maybe....he might like you? But you later shook the thought off away from your mind.
You decided in the end to go and just meet your friends and Levi in front of Zeke’s place. You started to get ready once you got back to your place as the evening was approaching wore your favourite outfit, and just get the night over with. Hopefully nothing crazy happens right? I mean you had Levi and your other friends. So surely, it will be okay.
The night approached, and you were outside Zeke’s place, his house was huge as expected from a popular university student. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see the person you loved most, Levi.
“O-Oh, Hey!!” You quickly said, quite taken aback with his sudden appearance. “Was trying to call you out but guess you didn’t hear me.” He said with a teasing tone and went to hug you gently. He noticed what you wore, and to him anything you wore always looked beautiful and pretty to his eyes, he just wanted to say it and say how great you looked but he knew he could not do that. “You good? Where is four eyes and the others.” He said trying to ignore his thought while he had a slight faint blush which you didn’t notice.
“Soon, they are coming. Lets go in though, I think Miche and some others went ahead too.” You said looking around and as you started to head in, Levi held you hand and said calmly but had a nervous tone in him. “Wait um, I don't want us to separate so c-can I hold your hand?” Levi said but then quickly looked away, cursing himself for stuttering like an idiot in front of the the girl he loves.
You felt your face burning up and you held out your hand to him, and nodded, to which he gently held your hand and you both entered inside Zeke’s place. Wondering what the other side awaits.
It was crowded, too crowded. You felt nervous but with Levi’s soft touch holding your hand tightly, you felt relieved and safe, he was there holding you tightly, making sure no one weird was behind you and he would let you walk in front of him as he put his hand on your shoulder. Levi was honestly keep his eye out for you, it was his instinct to protect you and always making sure you are comfortable and safe. Afterall, you did mean a lot to him.
“Hey! Y/N came and Woah....Levi!” Miche yelled out waving at the both of you while Nanaba was by his side smirking at you two. You quickly let go of Levi’s hand and went away from him, Levi glanced at you on his side, a bit hurt how you let your hand go, how he didn't get to feel your touch anymore.
“Tch....What is it.” Levi said in his usual annoyed tone and gave them his stoic expression because of how they interrupted, and making Y/N letting go of him. “Zeke was waiting for you guys, Come on.” Nanaba said while a grin and kept her hand around Y/N’s shoulder to guide her and Levi to where Zeke and the others are at. Apparently he gathered around certain people and you and your other friends where among them!
You saw all your friends, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Sasha, Connie and Hanji and many others you recognize! You spotted Zeke talking to Pieck Finger, another popular girl in your university and once you both had eye contact together, he got up and waved at you. “Hey you came!” Zeke said with a happy tone and approached you, he then noticed Levi who was clearly glaring at him. “Oh. Levi.” Zeke said bluntly and looked away from him, completely ignoring Levi and gave Y/N a smirk. “Let’s begin the fun, sweetheart?” You were taken aback when he called you that, Wait..did he actually call me that?
This fucking bastard. Levi thought as he was trying to control himself not to twist the guy’s hand when he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Okay everyone listen up! Since the first semester finished, and to celebrate. To have a little fun, I decided let’s all play Drink or Dare!” Everyone now got hyped up and gathered around, sitting in the coaches and were all excited. You had a weird gut feeling about this as you sat next to Jean while Levi followed you and leaned aganist the coach side with his arms crossed, completely not interested in what the hell Zeke is doing, but he was just here for you.
“But...If no one does the Dare I tell them, you have to drink something I made instead and nothing else.” He pointed at the big bottle that was on the table, it had a label saying Zeke’s Spinal Fluid which you found really odd for a drink to be called like that. Afterall, he was the kind of guy who would do these random things. You figured it might have been just a weird mixture of juices all together. You asked Armin to which he said that he was not even sure himself what was in the drink and would prefer to do the dares instead!
It went by turns and everyone seemed to have been doing the dares they were told to do, such as Jean getting a dare from Eren to call a random number and try to flirt with the person whoever picks up (and how he terribly failed on that, making everyone laugh like crazy). Overall, the night was going great and everyone seemed to having fun, including yourself! Although, you did not notice though that Levi, this whole time couldn’t take his eyes off you and Zeke noticed that instead. This was now Zeke’s time to ‘shine’.
“Okay. I got a dare for you. Y/N.” Zeke said with a smirk, looking directly at your eyes with his arms crossed, which made you jolt a bit, and this got everyone’s attention. Everyone was now curious what kind of dare Zeke would give you.
“Hm...” He stood there thinking and pushing his glasses a bit up, Levi started to slowly get irritated and was ready to beat this guy up anytime. He hated how he caught Zeke seductively looking at you and would sometimes add in flirty comments to you during the game, he found him extremely annoying and hated him even more.
“I dare you to kiss me.” He said bluntly with a grin, this made everyone yell out with a surprise, especially Hanji. “Oh my god! How lucky of her, Zeke is a great kisser Y/N!” Pieck said with a giggle, as soon as Zeke was gonna approach you, Levi got up and stood in front of him.
“Fuck that. I’m not gonna allow it.” Levi said with such a enraged and threatening tone while he glared at Zeke. Levi’s eyebrows frowned and his jawline was now tensed up, he was now ready to fucking kill the guy. How could he even make such a dare to Y/N? Levi clearly knew that he was trying to get on his nerves ever since he met him. 
“I mean....I asked Y/N. And if not, she needs to drink. I mean it is part of the game!” Zeke said playfully while looking at you. Y/N now felt worried, she definitely did not want her first kiss to be with Zeke! and also she definitely did not want to drink Zeke’s drink as she felt very uncomfortable about it. But, she mostly felt worried for Levi, worried if he would actually beat up the popular guy and getting in trouble of it because of her!
Y/N quickly got up and held on Levi’s arm which made him slowly control his anger a bit with Zeke. But what happened next shocked you.
Levi went to the table, picked up  Zeke’s Spinal Fluid drink and poured the whole drink on the floor. “No. Fuck you and your game anyways shit face.” Levi said in a pissed tone, his jaw still clenched and he gave Zeke such an intense eye contact which actually scared him a bit and took a step back, away from Levi. Everyone now was all shocked by what Levi did, they never saw him go this mad or angry, and the fact that it was because of this dare to Y/N was even more shocking. Most of the reason is also because Levi would never tolerate anyone who would make you feel uncomfortable or put you in a situation you didn’t like.
Levi then, just grabbed your hand and took you out of the room, and out of his place, you just held his hand tightly, looked at his back, his undercut and your eyes would widen. Feeling all the butterflies now in your stomach slowly growing, and having also getting your fuzzy feeling. You loved how Levi just did that all, for you.
You haven’t even realized, after walking out for such a long time with Levi, still holding his hand and looking at him from behind. You felt shy and even nervous to say anything, Y/N then looked around and realized they ended up in small garden park and Levi gestured you towards a bench to sit that was near the both of you.
“Hey. You okay?” Levi said, looking down at you with both of his hands in his pockets, focusing on your eyes and facial expressions for any sign of you feeling scared or uncomfortable. But found none, and instead you were calm and happy.
“Yup. Thanks Levi.” You said shyly and looked away. It was now quiet between the both of you. Levi wondered and thought to himself, why did he react like that earlier. He could have just easily walked you out with him and not say anything or even not pour the whole drink away, ruining the game and the mood. But, he didn’t care. Levi did then admit to himself that he actually felt a bit jealous when he saw how other guys tried to approach you, how they talked to you, and how you smiled at them when he barely gets to see that from you sometimes (and it was just because you were shy when it comes to your crush, Levi).
And Zeke, made it all worse and terrible for him. He hated how he just had the audacity to just flirt with you and touch you, Levi swore the next time he sees him, he will make sure to twist his arm.
He looked back at you, and then mumbled something, which got Y/N’s attention. “Hm? I didn’t quite hear that. What did you say?” You said in a curious tone and looked up at Levi, who was shyly looking away from you, and he started to slowly go red.
“I said....” Levi then mumbled it again the last few words. ‘What?!’ You thought to yourself, all confused and Levi then sigh and looked at you. Finally saying what was in his mind tonight to you. He didn’t care anymore, just being at the party tonight and all made him realize that he had to let you know how he really felt.
“Tch...I said that...I can kiss you better than that shit face.” You stood there, feeling as if your whole face burned up, and you jolted up from your seat. Not believing what he actually said. Levi then looked at you, and you could see his cheeks go red, feeling all embarrassed and flustered while scratching the back of his head. Oh my god. Was your words on repeat in your head this whole time.
Now, Levi had an internal monologue on whether what he was gonna do and say was the right or wrong thing. But it was now or never to tell Y/N whom he knew for quite a while that he was in love with her. He couldn't handle this foreign feeling he kept feeling all the time with you and every time he tried to avoid it, it kept growing. 
He then mastered all his courage and took your hand and slightly pulled it while caressing it. “I hope that it’s true...”
“What it?” You said quietly but still having your shocked expression.
“If you are feeling what I am feeling now....Please let me know that it’s real.” Now, he sounded real soft, and he was begging you to finally give him a chance, to let him know and not to ignore this feeling you both shared, it was hard for him to even explain it and say it in words to you and he hoped you got his message. “Just hear me out tonight.” Even thought he was feeling a bit overwhelmed at how you might still not accept him and this. You were shocked, and surprised because this whole time you thought Levi wouldn’t want someone like you. He wouldn’t confess unless he knew for sure you reciprocated this feeling he had, but he wanted to hear it from you.
You nodded slightly and finally looked at him, at his eyes which was now glisten and realizing his love for you is real, while his pupil size increases, looking at you.
“Y/N, I’m falling for you. And, I can’t get you out of my mind.” He now took your other hand, and pulled you a bit slower, still looking at your eyes. “I am feeling love for the first time when it comes with you...I can also tell by the look in your eyes that...you do too.” He said gently and brought his hand to softly touch your side cheek, you felt his cold fingers warming up your cheek that you still felt burning up.
“So....Please let me love you. And give me a chance?” You finally felt your heart warm up but also melt at the same time, the fuzzy feeling kept on growing and your eyes now soften, to your eyes now tearing up, letting out your emotions. You felt happy and loved. And you thought, at long last love has arrived for Y/N, one which you craved a lot, especially from Levi. You decided to open your heart up for him and it was the best decision you ever made. Levi understood your actions and gave you a big smile, not even words can describe how he was feeling too, and he then, slowly went closer and closer to your face, to your lips, and finally. Levi kissed you. A sweet kiss under the beautiful moonlight, one you won't ever forget. Is this how love feels? How a kiss feels? Apparently it was Levi’s first kiss too and even though you both weren’t sure how to do it, you both didn’t mind, cause now you both are together, having each other, and with time Love would guide you both ♥
If only this happened sooner you wondered as you both kept on kissing and trying to kiss again and again to get the hang of it. He was happily and willing to listen if you just let him know how you were feeling from the start, but the same thing could be said to him too. And, he never found you childish, and instead he found you as his girl, which he can now say proudly.
𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬: Apparently, it turned out that Zeke played out an act and everyone was part of it! It was mainly Hanji’s plan just to get Levi’s nerves and to make him or either you confess both of your feelings ASAP as everyone in your university campus was shipping you both so hard. But now, Zeke is scared shit of Levi and he would never do this again, never listening and following Hanji’s plan ever again.
wow I actually loved how this work turned out!♡ I really hope you like this anon and everyone else who read this I hope you enjoyed it too🥺 Please let me know by leaving a like, a reblog or a message! 
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espritmuse · 3 years
Lately I've been craving for some angst, so if that's what you wish could we get a hcs for the warriors when someone speaks badly of they crush or s/o and they (the reader) feels so bad about it? Thank you a lot sweetheart
:3 ♡♡
Warriors x reader hcs
thank you so much for your request !! I love the idea <333 I hope I understood your request well lol
Pairing: Zeke x reader, Annie x reader, Reiner x reader, Porco x reader, Pieck x reader and Bertholdt x reader.
« Y/n? She’s so goddamn annoying… no wonder why no one likes her. » Little did they know that you heard all of that, hidden behind the corner, face filled with tears. You then decided to walk past them before leaving, letting them know that you were there.
Tumblr media
Zeke: has a crush on you.
- when he saw you walking out, he instantly followed you.
- you were sitting on a low wall, near the harbour, staring at the deep blue sea, eyes filled with water.
- He slowly approached you, his hand offering you one of his cigarettes.
-« Don't listen to these assholes, they’re just projecting their insecurities on you, pretty sure he never touched a woman. »
- He started smoking, placing his body near yours, glancing at the ocean too.
- Okay maybe he was more staring at you.
- « I don’t think you’re annoying. I mean, most of the time. »
-« You suck at comforting people Zeke you know? »
-He chuckled and slightly turned to you, his fingers caressing your cold skin before wiping your tears away.
- Always acts distant and not really interested but actually really cares about you and your feelings.
Reiner: you’re his s/o.
- He was about to say something when he saw you leaving.
- He quickly caught you up, holding your crying face in his big hands.
- Reiner would try to reassure you before doing anything else, your well being is what matters the most for him.
-You’re the only person he cares about, the only person he ever cared for so seeing you like this would definitely bring him to tears.
- « My love don’t even listen to them they don’t know you… They don’t know how wonderful and amazing you are. » He would say as he wipes your tears off your pretty face.
-After this, he’ll spend more time with you, showing you how incredible you are, praising you every minute.
-And trust me, he’ll have a « talk » with the person that talked bad about his girl.
Annie: as your s/o.
-She’d beat the hell out of this man.
- No but like, really.
- The second he stopped talking, she pinned him to the ground and started beating his face.
- You were the one that had to stop her (reluctantly)
- « Annie please stop now… we’re leaving. »
-She usually isn’t the one to make a scene in front of everyone but for you, she didn’t even think twice.
- When she saw you, tears in your eyes, she couldn’t hold it anymore.
- She always loved being in your embrace but this time, you’re the one who needed a hug. So she did so.
- She’ll also remind you how amazing you are and how ugly and dumb this guy was.
- She never really know what to say when someone is crying in front of her so she’ll try her best, even if it’s a bit weird.
-« If you were like he described youI wouldn’t be with you. » or « I would have told you if you were annoying. »
Porco: You’re his long time crush.
- Like Annie, he would punch this man face right away.
- How can someone dares saying this to someone like you?
- He would be SO so mad.
- (I hc him with anger issues for some reasons, like the white man that punch the wall you know.. )
- Threatens the guy that insulted you etc…
- His heart broke in pieces when he saw you, crying outside.
- Porco would tries to reassure you, patting your shoulder, hugging you, complementing you…
-« You’re nothing like this y/n please don’t even think a minute that this asshole is right. »
- He may even accidentally confess his feelings for you.
-« I always thought that you were the most beautiful and amazing woman I’ve ever seen… I mean.. hum… respectfully. »
Pieck: as your s/o.
- Would give a terrifying glare to the person but won’t attack him physically.
- would run after you, shouting your name.
- hugs, hugs hugs.
-« My baby please stop crying… my beautiful princess please look at me. »
-She’d hold your face in her warm hands, stroking your cheeks gently.
- Millions of compliments are waiting for you.
- Once at home, she’d run you a warm bath.
Bertholdt: as your s/o.
- Like Pieck, he wouldn’t start a fight with the person
- Don’t know what to do or how to comfort you.
- « y/n please sweetheart you don’t think that he’s right don’t you?? »
- His heart broke when he saw you nodding your head slowly.
- Would try to cheer you up.
- Telling you his favourites memories with you and how talented you are.
- Would probably feel bad about the fact that he didn’t do anything about the guy.
More of my works here <3
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wakatvshi · 4 years
Hey! I saw that you receive requests so.. I would love some marley warriors + jean (because i love him) with an s/o who's really.. Touchy, please? Could be headcanons or imagines🥺 thank you so so much! 😭
Yeah! I would love to! They’re kind of rambling but I hope you like them and that this is what you wanted! I didn’t do Annie because I just couldn’t really figure out what to write about her but if you really want her send a seperate message and I’ll give you annie with a touchy s/o!
Heads up though I’ve never written or read for Zeke before because he’s not personally a favorite so I hope he’s okay in this! 
Jean would LOVE a touchy s/o. He’s a very touchy person himself so having someone who’s as touchy as he is would make him so happy. 
When the two of you are alone he’s all about touching you and always wants to be touching you. When you’re working on something and he can’t be touching you all the time he’ll sit next to you or as close to you as he can be and just be near you. Which helps you both because you’re a touchy person. 
Something both of you love is when you’re sitting in his lap, just doing whatever you’ve been doing. He’ll walk in and you’ll give grabby hands and want to be held and he’ll want to hold you. Doesn’t matter what gender/size anything he wants to have you in his lap and it makes him happy. 
In public, he’s more shy about touching because he’s actually a huge baby and his ‘flirty’ persona that some people think he has is 100% real. He wants to act like he’s smooth but he’s not. He’ll hold your hand and walk with you in public but anything more it’s not going to be him initiating it.
If you’re with him in public and you want more affection than holding hands then you’ll have to do it and he will turn bright red and stutter if he’s supposed to be talking. It’s adorable and he’s so happy even if he’s bright red. 
Another one of his favorite things is you playing with his hair, it turns into a big puddle when you play with his hair and when you compliment him in basically anyway.
If any of his friends catch him being super cute or you being cute with him (aka Sasha and Connie) they’ll laugh and tease him and he’ll get defensive but doesn’t actually mind it. Even if he did you’d just hug him from behind or wrap your arms around him and he’s glaring at them but also super focused on the attention he’s now getting. 
Sleeping with Jean is basically a cuddle fest as well, thankfully for you he’s touchy as well so when you both wake up tangled in each other neither of you really mind it. 
Bertholdt with a touchy s/o would be so good for him but also something that he has to get used to. 
Eventually he finds out that he loves it but at first he doesn’t expect it. He’s very shy and stand-offish even if he doesn’t mean to be. So any physical affection for the most part will have to be done by you. Even years into your relationship you’ll have to be the one who makes the moves. 
The first time you initiate any kind of touch he goes bright red and has no idea how to react. Outside he’s frozen and staring at you, sweating a little. Inside of course he’s beyond happy and he wants nothing more than to move and do the same, he wants to hold onto you too. He wants to touch you and be affectionate but he doesn’t know how. It isn’t until you try to move away that he finally acts and grabs your hand.
Even years into your relationship most of the affection will be initiated by you so it is a good thing that you’re not afraid to be the one who reaches out for him. It also brings him out of his shell quite a bit. 
When the two of you are alone he loves the affection you give him. He doesn’t know how to ask for the affection he wants but he does give small signals and you know him well enough to reach out and grab his hands or crawl in his lap. 
PDA is a no go for him completely, he’s obviously a shy person and being super affectionate is outside of his comfort zone as it is so adding anything else would just be far outside his comfort zone
I also do feel like physical affection is his love language so him having the freedom to act on that and having someone who wants that affection like he does would make him so happy. 
Sleeping with Bertholdt is always a fun experience. You might start holding into him or him holding onto you but you’ll end up in a dozen different positions before you wake up.You’ve got no real say in how you sleep when you’re with him.  
Literally a teddy bear and would LOVE to have an affectionate s/o. Needs an affectionate s/o. 
Reiner feels unlovable, he feels worthless and he is very depressed and I’m by no means saying you can fix him or fix anyone like that, but affection is everything to this man even if he doesn’t think he deserves it. 
You’ll have to be the one to make the first move for the first time but as soon as he realizes how much you do love affection he’ll be happy to initiate as well. Sometimes he’ll surprise you by being the one to reach out and hold you first. 
Obviously you love that, you’ll just be doing something and possibly not even paying attention to him and Reiner will be the one to walk up and wrap his arms around you and just stand there. 
To him affection is proof of love and comfort that he desperately needs. It would take him a little to get used to at first im sure, he’s not used to it like his mother isn’t very affectionate but he craves it. 
With Reiner it’s easy to be touchy. Even in public he doesn’t mind, he’s more in awe of the fact that you want to be seen with him and want to give affection.
He’s not super huge on over the top PDA but he does love holding your hand or kissing your cheek. Also piggy back rides, I can see him being a fan of that because it’s touch and that’s what he loves and craves.
Sharing a bed with Reiner is always the two of you tangled in each other. He likes to be the big spoon and likes to hold you but he’s 100% okay with you holding him, sometimes he even prefers that. 
Reiner needs to feel loved and affection is the best way to do that in his mind. So being touchy would be perfect.
To me Porco is literally the embodiment of “disgusting. do it again.”
Now not because he’s not a fan of affection but he has this cool guy persona that he puts on around people. He wants people to see him as the tough guy when it’s only half true. You can see it with the kids that he’s actually a super affectionate guy. 
Porco needs validation and having an s/o who’s super touchy would give him that. When you’re touching him he feels like he’s number one. He’s your main focus and it means the world to him. Of course he’d never tell you that. 
You’ll have to be able to read him a little to be able to tell when he wants something because he’s stubborn and sometimes it takes a lot for him to ask you for something if he’s not sure how. 
Now if he’s just in the mood to be affectionate himself he’s good with just holding you or grabbing your hand. He’s also big in kissing, he loves kissing but usually he tries to make it more suggestive or almost casual. 
For just cuteness you’ll have to be the one who holds his face and kisses him or who just holds his hand or hugs him. He has to lean the importance of cute nonsexual affection. 
PDA to him makes him blush a little also super proud that you’re the one on his arm and he wants to show you off and loves that you want to show him off. Being the “most important” to you is important to him. 
When Porco sleeps he’ll sleep holding you for a few minutes but he’s not one who likes to hold onto someone when he sleeps. Biggest surprise when sleeping with him is that Porco LOVES to be the little spoon. He’ll deny it with his dying breath but he adores it. 
Also random cutsey headcanon for Porco that will never leave my head is that Porco loves when you baby talk to him. I have no reason for this hc but I just feel like he would love it. 
A queen of physical affection honestly. Lives for it and lives to give it. 
She’s in her titan form a lot and when she’s finally out of it she has trouble walking on two legs so you being there for her to lean on when she’s not walking with her crutch and just actually physically supporting her would mean the world to her. 
She also likes that you want to be affectionate with her after being in her titan form for so long. she wants to be held and wants her hair played with. If you let her just lay in your lap and play with her hair or hold her hand she’ll be the happiest woman in the world. 
A lot of your affectionate time is spent with you both laying or sitting somewhere together. If you’re giving her attention or letting her give attention she’s loving it. 
Another thing she loves is walking around with you, she doesn’t shy away from PDA. If you’re together and if you want to kiss her cheek or something she’s more than happy about it. She’ll laugh softly and get the faintest of pink on her cheeks
She does have to make sure that she’s professional about it because she is a warrior and has to keep up her professional persona. 
Of course, you’ll have people who are beyond jealous watching her with you and honestly she thinks it’s kinda cute that people are jealous because to her it doesn’t make sense. 
Sleeping with Pieck is just cuddle city for both of you. She likes to be hold and be held and you’re happy to do both as well. There’s nothing either of you like better than the intimacy and connection that the two of you have laying there and holding each other. 
This man takes a while to get used to physical affection. He’s not really had affection before so you’ll have to work at it.
When he was younger he didn’t have much affection, we know that grandfather spends a great amount of time in the hospital for mental issues and we saw from how they raised Grisha that they’re not super affectionate.
His life has mostly been spent working towards his goals and trying to do what he could to make sure he could complete the goals. So he’s not really put much attention to romantic relationships. 
Having you be super affectionate would for sure throw him off a bit but he’s good at hiding that. I do think once he was used to it, he’d just lean into your touches and want to stay there. 
He doesn’t like PDA at all, he’s the captian of the warriors and he’s respected even by some of the people of Marley. So it is hands off in public. He will walk close to you though, if your arms are brushing and you’re close to him he is happy. 
Alone though he does love affection. You playing with his hair is a good one but what he really loves is getting massages from you. He works hard and if you’ll just stand behind him rubbing his shoulders and kissing the top of his head he’s the happiest man ever. 
When you’re sleeping Zeke is 100% big spoon. He wants to hold you, if you want he’ll let you hold him but he’s most comfortable when he’s able to hold you. That’s when he shows his real affectionate side. He wants you close to him, and he loves holding you. He feels like he can rest when you’re in his arms. 
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Omg can I request a scenario with Levi in season 4? So you know how he's supposed to keep watch over Zeke in the forest? One of the Yeagerists finds out their location and lies to Levi that his wife is giving birth so Levi rushes back to town and leaves the other soldiers in charge of keeping an eye on Zeke. And by the time Levi meets up with his wife, she's very confused as to why he came in such a rush. I've read the manga so I also want to add onto what happens next but idk if you write manga spoilers so 😭 anywho the explosion doesn't end up happening tho! :D
ofccc!!! i hope you like it!! <3 sorry if i wrote to much fluff it just came :’) i took some manga spoilers so read under your own risk under the spoiler line!!
a/n: i didn't took the canon manga words or events!
❁ levi x female!reader
❁ some bad talking against zeke :’), pregnancy and death.
Zeke opened another wine bottle and drank, being cautious with the book he has been reading. Levi looks at him, his face totally unexpressive but his eyes look at Zeke with disgust. They have been days in that place, sleeping in tents, near the Forest of Giant Trees. He’s in charge of Zeke, with some of his closest soldiers, who are now drinking some wine in reward for their hard work, even when Levi told them to have some water instead.
“Come on, Captain. We also want to have fun...”
He couldn’t stop his soldiers, they deserved it. He looks to the campfire in font of him, the flames reflected in his grey eyes. He thought about his family, the one he’s about to have. You’re pregnant with his baby, the baby you two wanted for a long time. Armin told him he estimates less than a week for you to give birth.
And he’s trapped in this forest with a fucking bastard. He looks at Zeke. He seems strangely calm, as he wasn’t being watched by humanity’s most strong soldier ever. The one that cut his arms and legs more than once, and was about to kill him at least another two. But he didn’t learn about it, and keeps trying to get killed.
“Levi, you look too serious. Do you want some wine?”
“Drink it yourself and hopefully you’ll choke to death.”
“That’s not very sweet for a married man, Ackerman.” Levi raises an eyebrow, taking his blade out and cleaning it slowly. Zeke looked at the blade, shimmering in the light. He took his eyes to the book once again. Some fast steps were heard. Levi took out his blades and, with a look to his soldiers, they all stood in their positions. A little girl, with the Corps jacket, searched the Captain with her eyes. He looked at her.
“Captain Ackerman, I have news from the District!”
He looked at his soldiers, one of them behind her, in case she tried to hurt the Captain. Levi’s gaze told them to be alert around her. Zeke looked at the girl from behind his book.
“Talk, then.”
“It’s your wife... She’s having complications with the birth. She’s about to have the child, but the possibilities of them both surviving are minimum.”
Levi’s eyes reflected true terror while he was listening to her. He looked back to the bearded man. He keeps reading, while drinking. He looks then to his loyal subordinate.
“You should go, Captain. We’ll have an eye on this man.”
Levi nods. He looks at the girl closely, analyzing her. He talks before taking his horse.
“Keep one eye in this girl too. She seems like a liar.” Right after that, he rode his horse, going as fast as he could. During all the way, he though how you were. How the baby is. If you two are okay. If he's late to save one of you. 
He obligated himself to fix his attention on the way and keeps going, He arrived to the city at almost night. He searched his home, the one the army gave him after getting married, to avoid the Captain and his wife living with them. He opened the door with his hands shaking, and almost run to the living room. He smelled rice. Then, the sound of a knife. He also took out his blades. You both encountered in the corner of the kitchen, your hand holding tightly the knife and his holding the blades. Both of you looked at each other with surprise, before you let go the knife and run towards him. His hands found your waist.
“Levi...” you whisper. You have missed him a lot all this time. He hugged you, his eyes full of tears. He’s trying to relax his breath, but you notice. “Why did you come so fast? Weren’t you watching Zeke?” 
He nods, his hand caressing quietly your belly. 
“It’s the baby okay?” you nod, confused. “And you?”
“Of course, I’m fine. Why?” he sighs before hugging you again. His head buried on you hair, your belly against his worked abdominal. 
“I thought I was late to save you. I thought I lost you and our baby.”
“No, no. Armin came half an hour ago. He told me I’m really healthy and the baby is in a good position to give birth to. We’re both totally fine, but we were missing you.” You pout. His lips found your neck. 
“I also missed you.” His hands cover your belly, and he receives a little kick. You laugh,
“It has been kicking for a while now. It’s the Ackerman gene.” Levi lets out a little laugh. He also knows he has to go back to the camp, to keep watching over Zeke and interrogate the girl who is she and for who does she work. But his soldiers are there, just a minute more. He gets on his knees, near to your baby bump. His hands keep being warm against your covered skin.
“Daddy missed you a lot this days, hm? But we’ll be all together really fast, baby. Don’t make mommy feel bad, yes?”
“I can’t see you as the strongest and fiercer soldier alive if you talk to my belly like that.” He lets out a little laugh, but his brain made “click”. That girl was a Yeagerist. For sure. This was all a trick to make Levi come here and leave his post.
“You have to leave this house. Fast. And don’t go out for a while. They have an eye on you.”
“Were I’m I supposed to sleep then?” You ask, lost and confused. He takes a couple clothes from your wardrobe and put a brown cape on you, covering your head and your bump. “Should I stay with my parents?” you ask. He shakes his head while he keeps searching things you might need. Also, some baby’s clothes, because he’s sure you’re about to give birth.
“No, that’s too obvious.” Levi’s brain was working faster than ever. You need to be in a comfort place, so sleeping in the barricade it’s out. Then, you should be with someone who knows how to help you giving birth. A place where a pregnant woman won’t be found and hurt.
“Historia.” he whispers. “Can you walk fast?”
“Of course.” he took your hand and guided you. You talked to Historia a couple times. You know she’s also pregnant, and protected by some guards. He guides you fast. When you’re in a campsite house, near the town but kinda hidden, he knocks. 
“Were you talking about Queen Historia?” you ask in a whisper. He nods. A soldier opens, without recognizing Levi. His head totally covered by his cape.
“Sorry, this is restricted area. It’s an orphanage...”
“We know that.” Levi takes his cape out of his head. The soldier stands straight and puts his hand in his heart as a salute. You two do the same.
“Tell Historia she’s my wife. They have been rounding around our house, so I hope the Queen can give a favor back and let my wife sleep here until we’re safe.”
The soldier ran up the stairs, to talk to the Queen. He came back faster.”
“The Queen accepts. She’ll be in the best care and, if she gives birth, she’ll be in the hands of the real matrons. Don’t wprry about her, Captain Levi.” He nods before looking at you again. The soldier lefts to give you privacy.
“Be careful. Talk to them if you feel bad or if you need something. And, please, don’t make efforts. The baby it’s near and...”
“Got it, Levi. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. You should be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt, or worst...”
“I’ll be okay.” he answers. “Just looking to a barbed man. I’ll be back faster than you think.” He takes you again between his arms. You bury your head on his chest, hugging him stronger. 
“I don’t want you to go.” you say in a whisper. He pats your head before giving you a kiss.
“I’ll be right back.” he says. You enter the orphanage with his little smile promising you you’ll be together soon.
-------------------s p o i l e r s  a h e a d -----------------------
Then, he runs back to the camp. Things seem quiet there. Levi hears his soldier’s voices, followed by a scream.
And then the click of a thunder.
All the soldiers he had there were now titans. From different sizes and type, but they had the face of his comrades. And a blonde-haired bastard was running in front.
“This fucking bastard...”
He was surrounded by his now-titans comrades. He had no exit, just killing them. When will this nightmare end? He saw his friends getting killed, he killed friends. He's tired of this macabre game.
“I’m sorry, guys. I’m so sorry...” he thought, before starting to move his blades against his friends’ necks. He saw his faces, his families, every time their blood got into his uniform.
His teary eyes weren’t an obstacle when he kept fighting. He saw Zeke, in the hands of a titan, covered by other two. He killed the first one silently.
Zeke searched him, founding nothing, looking surprised.
He killed the next one. There was just the one carrying Zeke left
“You thought I was not going to be able to kill my comrades? That’s dirty play.” Zeke looked at the man with fear in his eyes before turning into the beast titan. Levi smirked.
“Pathetic.” Zeke says. Levi's blades are covered in blood. "I'm going to kill you."
Zeke took the head of the titan carrying him. He looked around for Levi. A near movement caught his attention, making him throw a smashed titan head to a branch. Levi cut branches to distract Zeke, right before covering his neck with thunder spears.
"Did you think that converting my subordinates into titans will stop me? that i wouldn't kill them? You don't know how many comrades I killed."
Zeke's neck exploded, making is titan fall. Levi went back to the flor and searched Zeke between all that blood and flesh. He was charred.
"I'm not going to kill you... yet."
Levi took Zeke by the head and dragged him.
"I'm so sick of you, barbed bastard."
235 notes · View notes
poppywrites41 · 4 years
Why? Eren x Reader
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Pairing: Eren Jeager x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/N and Eren had always been close friends since childhood. Both of their parents had been lost when they were younger and they both joined the survey corps with their friends Mikasa and Armin. Y/N and Eren began to realize feelings for each other after the first time they went to the beach. Eren couldn’t keep his eyes off of her as she was playing in the water with her best friend, Sasha. Ever since then, they two would always look after each other and take comfort in each others arms. However, after their first trip to Marley with Yelena, after developing the plan with Zeke, she noticed Eren has been acting different…
Warnings: NSWF, Cursing, mentions of death, SMUT
CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM MANGA. DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED. This is a pretty long one. It goes along with the manga but I added my own twist.😊 There will be some time-skips bc I can’t write that much LMAO
“Meeting dismissed. Everyone pack your stuff and head to the ship. We will depart to Marley in 2 hours.” Hange said to the new Levi squad and Yelena’s crew.
Y/N was still in disbelief that they would be taking the fight to Marley, to innocent civilians. She knew that they needed to retrieve Zeke, but she wasn’t too keen on Eren destroying anything. She thinks it would make things worse. Eren on the other hand, was rearing to go. He had a devilish look to his eyes when he stated that he would transform during the ceremony. Y/N almost didn’t recognize the person in front of her. She needed to talk to him before they leave. 
“Eren?” Y/N knocked on his door. 
“Come in”
Y/N opened to door to see Eren putting on Marleyian soldier clothes. She hadn’t realized how much he physically changed until now. He was taller and well built. His hair grew out and he started to grow a stubble. His eyes. His beautiful green eyes seemed to have lost their sparkle that was there when they were younger.
“Did you have something to tell me or are you just going to stand there like a mute?” his monotonous gruff voice brought her out of her thoughts. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled and she played with her sleeves, “I wanted to talk to you about the plan.”
Eren looked at her with his piercing eyes, “You don’t agree with the plan?”
Y/N gulped and shifted on her feet, eyes looking at the floor, “It’s not that I don’t agree with the plan. The plan is to retrieve Zeke, Eren. Do you have to kill civilians in the process? What if they fight back? What if someone we love dies?”
Eren sighed, “Y/N, if you have any doubts, I suggest you leave immediately. We cannot have weak soldiers there to mess things up.”
Y/N’s head snapped up to meet his eyes, her own eyes brimming with tears. 
“Eren...you don’t mean tha-”
“I am going to attack when they declare war on us Y/N. That is final. We need to send a message to them. Yelena came up with a plan to lure their titans away and so do I. The soldiers here are well equipped to handle anything so I doubt anyone will die. If they do, they were being careless.”
Y/N stared into his eyes to look for any sort of emotion, but saw nothing. She was scared, she was trembling. “Eren I-”
“You need to stay.”
Eren took a few steps to Y/N and caressed her cheek in his palm looking down into her big e/c eyes. “You need to stay. I fear you will get hurt and I cannot have you getting hurt.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “No Eren, I can do it. Let me come wi-”
“I CAN’T LOSE YOU!” he yells and brings her into a bone crushing hug.
“Eren…” Y/N breaths as she rubs his back, “It’s okay. I-”
“Please stay here...please. I promise I will come back. I need you here. I need you safe.”
“Why? Eren, I can help!”
“You will be helping! If you stay here, it will help me get home faster! I also need someone here to make sure everyone is safe. Please?” Eren looks into her eyes and her see tears. His eyes are full of sadness and fear and it hurt her. She took his head in her hands and wiped his tears.
“Okay,” She say with a sad smile, “I will stay.”
Eren gives a small smile and leans in to place his lips on hers. It has been a while since they have kissed mainly since everyone was busy planning and training. Y/N and Eren haven’t had much time to themselves. Eren leans back and looks at the clock, “We still have some time left before I leave…”
Y/N smirks, “Let’s make the most of it, Jaeger.”
Eren picks her up and lays her on his bed, smothering her neck and collarbone with kisses and love bites. Y/N slides her hands under his shirt, feeling his toned abs and back.
Eren steals her lips as he slowly unbuttons her shirt and caresses her smooth skin.
“I love you.” Y/N says out of breath pulling her hands through his dark hair.
“Yes I know” Eren says. He loves it when she does that to his hair. It relaxes him.
Once her shirt is off, he trails kisses down her bra and begins to suck at the top of her breasts.
“Ah! Eren…” Y/N breaths, tugging at his hair.
He chuckled and reached behind her to unclasp her bra, freeing her beautiful mounds. His hand immediately goes for her right breast, kneading it slowly as he spread kisses on her left. His mouth latched onto her nipple and began to suck. Y/N moaned and writhed on the bed, panting.
Eren used his left hand to travel down to her pants. He unbuttoned them and began to pull them down, leaving her in her black lace underwear. He marvels at the sight before him.
“I’m glad you wore this pair. They’re my favorite.” He smirks and slids his hand underneath to her core, feeling her arousal.
“You’re so wet,” he says, easily sliding his two finger, earning a moan from the woman underneath him, “so perfect.”
“Ngh...Erennnn…” Y/N begins to writhe in pleasure as he begins to quickly slide his fingers in and out of her. Her hips bucking into his palm.
“You’re close? Already?” He asks in disbelief.
“W-We haven’t done a-anything in a while. Ah!” Y/N pants, hands gripping to his shirt.
Eren gives a small smile when she begins to tighten around his fingers. She’s close. He goes faster and listens to her moans and pants.
“E-Eren!! I’m-”
“Cum.” he says in a low voice.
Y/N felt her whole world shake as she felt her body spasm, giving out a long moan. Her whole body shaking. Eren chuckled and gave her a kiss as she slid her underwear down and unbuckled his pants. He had to leave soon so he only pulled them down a bit to free his cock. He gathered her wetness from her orgasm and spread it over his cock. Y/N watched him through lidded eyes, anticipating the feeling of having him inside her.
“Eren,” she whined, “now.”
“Yes, darling.” Eren chuckled and lined himself up to her entrance. He took her in his embrace and pushed himself him, wrapping his arms around her.
“A-Ahhhh Erennn” Y/N whimpered, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Her walls were stretching all over again. Eren gave her a minute to adjust since they haven’t been together like this in a while and began to rock his hips into her gently, relishing in her moans, memorizing everything about her.
“Fuck Y/N…” Eren breathes, “you’re so fucking tight…”
All Y/N can do is moan in pleasure, too out of it to talk. Eren then sits them up and has her bouncing on his cock in his lap. The new position allowed him to go deeper, earning louder moans from the woman. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go.
Eren was close. He hated that he was so close this early, but he knew he needed to leave soon. He dug his face into her neck and breathed in her scent.
“Y/N...I’m close.”
Y/N’s hand went into his hair again, tugging at the long dark strands, “Yes! Yes! Eren please!!”
Eren thrusted himself into her a couple more times. He gave one final thrust as he came deep inside her, groaning as his seed spilt inside her. He stayed there for a few minutes, making sure every last drop made it inside her. Y/N on the other hand, was completely spent. Eren slowly untangled himself from her and gently laid her down on his bed, using his hand to move any stray hairs out of her face.
“Eren…” Y/N says.
“Shhh,” Eren hushes her, pressing a kiss to her lips, “Rest. I will be back in a month. Wait for me.”
Y/N’s eyes close, too tired to do anything from exhaustion. Eren looks down at the sleeping woman, the woman he held so dear to him. He sighed and stood up, grabbed his things and left. 
“It had to be done.”
*Time skip to a month after*
It had been a month since that day and 2 weeks since Y/N found something. She was planning on telling Eren, only to then hear that Eren had been locked up for acting on his own and that her dear best friend, Sasha, had been killed.
“Y/N” Armin said as they all gathered together, “We will talk to Eren and figure something out.”
“Why do you always defend him, Armin?!” Connie yelled.
“Connie...” Mikasa warned.
“No, Mikasa! You cannot defend Eren for what he did! You are doing it because of your Akerman instincts.” Connie looked at us with tears, “I lost my twin...I lost half of me...And do you know what Eren did when he heard Sasha died? That bastard laughed.”
Y/N looked at him in shock, “No...He wouldn’t-”
“Why would he laugh if you all knew everything about him?” Connie pressed.
“Let us talk to Eren. Hopefully Y/N can talk to him.” Armin said.
“What if Eren shares the same goals as Zeke?” Jean asks, “What then.”
“The scouts have medicine that can turn someone into a titan..” 
“Armin” Y/N began to tear up, “No...”
“If Eren can no longer be trusted, we need to transform someone we trust into a titan and feed Eren to them.” 
“But Eren still has time left!” Y/N cries.
“We know,” Mikasa hugs her, “So that’s why we need to talk to him and figure out his motives to see if he is still on our side.
*Time skip to when Eren breaks out*
“We have an emergency!!” An officer barges into the meeting room, gathering everyone’s eyes on him, “Eren Jeager has escaped!”
“What?!” Armin exclaimed, “How?!”
“He used the War Hammer titan,” Hange sighed, “I guess his is going to meet up with the Jeagerists. We need to meet with Nicolo and figure something out”
 *At the restaurant*
“NICOLO! Stop it now!” Jean said as he held back the chef.
“She killed Sasha!” the chef cried pointing at Gabi.
“Calm down, we will handle her!” Armin said, “Y/N, Mikasa, let’s take her to another room.”
“I killed your friend. Killing me should be enough. Just don’t hurt Falco.” Gabi said.
“We aren’t going to kill you.” Y/N said.
“You can’t stop yourself from wanting to kill me right?” the little girl asked.
“No,” Armin said, “That’s all you ever talk about huh? Kill, kill, kill. You remind me of a certain someo-”
Armin was interrupted by the door opening to reveal Eren.
Everyone looked at him in shock.
“E-Eren...” Y/N sighed.
“Sit down,” Eren said showing a cut on his hand, “and keep your hands on the table.”
Everyone did as they were told, not wanting to risk and accident. There was a knock on the door.
“We’re leaving.”
“Okay.” Eren called.
“Was that Floch’s voice?” Armin asked, “You came with Floch?”
“Yeah” Eren said, “I wanted to talk to you guys in a quiet setting. We can settle Eldia’s problems without any conflict. Hange and the others will be fine. We’re just moving them.”
“We are the ones who wanted to talk to you,” Armin said, “We just wanted to know what you were thinking Eren.”
“What made you decide on your own to attack Marley.” Y/N said, “If Zeke and Yelena have really gotten you on their side…”
“I’m free.” Eren and said, “Whatever I do, whatever I choose, I do it out of my own free will”
“You met with the Yelena in secret the night of the rail opening right?” Armin asked, “Has this all been your free will since then?”
“That’s right.” Eren said
“You’re being controlled.” Mikasa said.
“Eren..” Y/N began, “You are not the kind of person who would involve innocent civilians and children, even if they live in an enemy state. You’ve cared for and thought about us more than anyone. Haven’t you? You saved us multiple times out of your own kindness right?” Her hand instinctively going down to her stomach.
“I said keep your hands on the table” Eren said sternly. “I hid myself in Liberio and spoke with Zeke brother to brother. I learned a lot then. Zeke knows more than Marley does.”
“Eren-” Armin begins.
“Armin,” Eren said, “You’re still going by and seeing Annie aren’t you? Is that out of your own will or is it Bertolts?”
Armin was taken aback, “what-”
“If memories play a major role in forming who the person is, that means part of you has become Bertolt. A part of an enemy soldiers that feels love for another enemy soldiers influencing a significant part of your judgment. You weren’t soft like this before. You never back to the enemy. Your judgment was always able to lead us to the answer. But every time you open your mouth now, it’s ‘let’s talk’ you’re absolutely useless.” 
“Eren…” YN began.
“Armin you’re the one being controlled by the enemy.”
“Eren stop” Mikasa says.
“I learned about the Ackermans there too. The reason you’re strong Mikasa. It turns out the Marleyian scholars still barely know anything about titans but what came about by accident from the Eldian empires fiddling around with the subjects of Ymir during its long history was the Ackerman clan who maintain a human form but in some cases can manifest the power of the Titans. Still the Ackerman clan was designed in order to protect Eldia’s king as a result the instincts and their blood will still activate once they recognize someone as a host. In other words you only cling to me because of your instincts as an Ackerman. You obeyed my order in that moment when you were facing death. Apparently when all of those conditions are met the instincts hidden inside the Ackerman clans blood will awaken. Not only did this heighten your physical abilities to an extreme, you were even given the experience in battlefield accumulated by every past Ackerman by way of a path. All because you happened by chance to trick yourself into believing I was the host you had to protect.”
“You’re wrong.” Y/N said. 
Eren turned to her with a glare, “Oh? Am I? How?”
“It wasn’t by chance,” she said, “It was because of you she was able to become strong. Because of you and your kindness.” 
“Apparently once an Ackerman awakens they find themselves suffering from headaches. They say this happens out of the true self trying to resist being forced to protect its host. Sound familiar Mikasa? What I’m saying is that the real Mikasa disappeared in that mountain hunt nine years ago leaving only you behind ever faithful to your Ackerman instincts.”
“Eren stop.”
“The clan who lost their true selves created only to follow orders. In other words, slaves.”
“Eren please stop”
“Do you know what I hate the most in this world, anyone who isn’t free. That, or cattle. Just looking at the made me so angry. Now I finally understand why. I couldn’t stand to look at it and doubting slave who only ever follow orders. Ever since I was a kid I have always hated you.”
“STOP IT!” YN slapped Eren but he slammed her to the ground. “Stay Y/N” 
Armin threw himself across the table and began to throw punches but Eren deflected them with ease. 
“Armin we’ve never fought before, huh? Do you know why that is? It’s because there’s no way you could even put up a fight against me.” Eren slammed Armin into the ground and began stomping on him. 
He suddenly stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso. 
“Please... stop.” Y/N said crying. 
Eren looked into her eyes, “I will stop if you tell me where Zeke is. Or you can just come with us.”
 He signaled the guards to pick up Armin. 
“And what is it you even wanted to say?” Armin coughed, “Is that the freedom you wanted? The freedom to hurt all of us? Tell me who’s the real slave to a piece of shit?”
Eren gritted his teeth, “Who are you calling a slave? Let’s go.”
That night they went to the Shiganshina district. Eren had Y/N, Mikasa, and Armin thrown in a cell while he and his group made a plan to meet up with Zeke.
“Why…” Y/N cried as tears flowed down her cheeks, “Why would he do this?”
“I don’t know.” Armin said.
Y/N got up from her chair to lay down, but collapsed due to the pain in her stomach. She groaned in pain, clutching herself.
“Y/N!!” Jean and Mikasa cried out and rushed to help her up.
“Are you alright?” Armin asked.
“I think so…” Y/N said with tears, “But I am not sure about it…”
“...It?” Armin questions.
“I was planning to tell Eren when he got back…” Y/N said, her whole body shaking, “But he’s not the same person, I don’t know what he would do to me if he found out…”
“Found out what?” Connie asked.
“That...I’m…” Y/N shakes uncontrollably, “p-pregnant.”
Armin hold Y/N closer, “And that bastard floored you earlier. That can’t be good.”
“HEY!!” Jean yells through the halls, “We need a doctor immediately!! Please!!”
“Someone please!! Get a doctor!!” Mikasa screams.
“Hold on, Y/N!” Armin rubs her shoulder, “We will get you help! Just hold on. Maybe if Eren knows, he will-”
“No!” Y/N cries, “He cannot know. He must not know!”
“I can’t know what?”
Everyone gasped at the familiar voice. Eren.
There was complete silence and that ticked Eren off.
“What. Can’t. I. Know.” He annunciates. Y/N winces.
“Eren,” Mikasa starts, “Y/N is hurt. You went too hard on her.”
Eren skeptically looked at Mikasa then at Y/N. He saw how red, sweaty and pained she was.
“Are you so weak that you couldn’t handle a shove? I didn’t even do it that hard.” He chuckled.
“Eren…” Jean growled stalking towards the bars. He reached through and grabbed Eren’s shirt, “If you still have feelings for her, you will get her help.” 
“Jean…” Y/N whimpers, catching Eren’s attention, “Don’t.”
Eren laughed, “You care about him don’t you Y/n? Would you hate me if I hurt him?”
“P-please don’t Eren,” Y/N said, “He’s my friend, but you are special to me.”
“Then you wouldn’t have a problem joining my cause. If I’m so special to you.”
Y/N gets up with the help of Mikasa, still clutching her stomach, “Not if it means hurting my friends.”
Eren eyes her clutching her stomach but doesn’t move, “How will I know you are not tricking me to open this cell and you all attack me?”
“Eren” Armin starts, “You have three titans and could kill us at any moment. However, Y/N, our friend, is in serious pain. Why would we risk her safety to escape from you?”
“We will go to the opposite side of the cell.” Mikasa said.
Eren seemed to be lost in thought but hearing Y/N groan in pain brings him back to reality.
“Fine,” He said, “I will take her to get help. But if any of you try anything, I will not hesitate to hurt you.”
“Thank you…” Connie breathed.
Eren took the keys to the cell out of his pocket and unlocked the cell door, “Move.”
Everyone stepped back, leaving Y/N by herself. Eren opened the door and roughly grabbed her, Y/N making her wince. “Y/N!” Mikasa flinched, causing Eren’s head to snap up, his titan marks showing up on his skin. “I’m fine! It’s okay.” Y/N said as Eren quickly dragged her out, looking back at her friends in the cell with a sad smile.
Eren walked into the conference room gathering the Jeagerists attention, “I need a doctor.” he said in a monotonous voice. 
“Eren!” Floch said, “Why is Y/N out of her cell?”
“Get a doctor. Now.” Eren ordered. Everyone went out in search of a doctor while Eren and Y/N waited in an unoccupied office. Soon, a man was led in by a soldier. 
“Mr. Jeager,” the man greeted, “My name is Dr. Kim, I was told you are in need of a doctor?”
“Yes. Apparently this woman is hurting in her stomach.” Y/N flinched when Eren referred to her as a woman and not by name.
“Alright. I will take a look at her and will grab you if there is anything wrong.” Dr. Kim said. Eren nodded and left.
Y/N gave a sigh of relief when Eren left, which went unnoticed by the doctor. “So,” he began with a warm smile, “What seems to be the issue?”
“Please don’t tell him anything.” Y/N whispered.
“Excuse me?”
“Please...and do not condemn him. I am pregnant with his child. He does not know. My friends and I tried to confront him, which ended up in him attacking us. Hurting me. He cannot know. But I need to know if the baby is fine.”
The doctor looks shocked. “You must tell hi-”
“No! Not right now. Please doctor. This must stay between us.”
The doctor gave a long sigh and nodded, “Alright. But I need you to take your shirt off so that I may check.”
Y/N took off her shirt, and laid down on the bed. The doctor began to feel around her lower stomach area on her very small bump. 
“You have some bruising, but I believe it is alright. Have you bled at all since the incident?” He asked. Y/N shook her head and the doctor nodded. 
“Well then, I believe everything is alright. Please try to take it easy. Maybe stay away from him for a while.” Y/N nodded, tears streaming down her face, “Thank you.” The doctor smiled and walked out.
The doctor walked to the other room where Eren was. 
“Well?” he asked while looking out the window.
“She has bruising on her abdomen, but overall she is fine. I suggest you be careful with her.”
Eren was caught off guard by that last sentence and looked at the doctor. 
“Well,” The doctor said, “I must get going. I still have many patients to attend to.”
Eren gets up and shakes the doctor’s hands, “Of course. Thank you.”
When the doctor left, Eren went to the office where Y/N was. He slammed open the door to see Y/N laying on the bed with her hand on her stomach, startling her.
“So you lied.” Eren said.
“What?” she said.
Eren walked to her and stood next to the bed, looking into her eyes with hatred, “You made it sound like something bad was happening, but you just had a few bruises. You lied to me. Did you do it to distract me from them escaping?”
“Wha-Eren! I wasn’t lying!” Y/N said.
“What are you hiding?” Eren asked.
Y/N’s eyes widened slowly sitting up, “Hiding?”
“You’re hiding something Y/N. What is it?” Eren said darkly.
“I’m not hiding anything Eren! You’re scaring me!” Y/N cries backing into the wall.
Eren slowly climbs onto the bed towards her, “You called a doctor for bruising. BRUISING. On your stomach. Isn’t that suspicious?”
“I will ask you again. What. Are. You. Hiding?” He ordered. His face centimeters from hers.
“Nothing...I’m not hiding anyth-AH” Eren cut her off by roughly grabbing her and slamming her back onto the bed. 
“Eren!” She cried, “Stop it! Please!”
“I will figure it out. What are you hiding…” Eren holds her hands above her head with one hand and with his other, he ripped her shirt off. 
“Stop it Eren! Please stop!” Y/N cried trying to kick him off, “No! Don’t!”
But it was too late. Eren saw the bruises that littered her lower stomach…and the tiny bump. 
At that moment, Eren couldn’t hear Y/N’s cries, only his heartbeat. Y/N kept crying for him to get off and to not hurt her, shaking like a leaf.
“How long…” Eren’s voice silenced her, “How long?”
“A-A m-month. Eren p-please don’t-”
“You weren’t going to tell me.”
“You WEREN’T going to tell me!”
She can feel Eren shaking with anger on top of her, his hold tightening around her wrists.
“Ngh! Eren! Stop it! Eren!” She cried.
“Why…” He asks with a shaky breath, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“You aren’t yourself. Y-You have been acting on your own. Jeopardizing everyone’s safety. My best friend was killed because of you...and...and you LAUGHED!!” 
Her scream caught Eren off-guard which allowed her to push him off onto his back and start punching him.
“Why did you laugh Eren?! WHY? Why did you laugh at Sasha’s death?! Did she not mean anything to you!? WHY EREN?”
Eren laid completely still, letting her land her punches on him, he would heal anyways.
“Why are you helping Zeke?! Why are you hurting us?! Armin?? Mikasa?? Why are you hurting me??” Y/N’s began to tire and her head began to hurt she got one last punch to his face before collapsing on his chest, crying. 
“Why did you turn against us??” she sobbed digging her nails into his skin through his shirt, “What happened to you?”
“I am still me-”
“No you’re not.”
“I am doing what I need to do to to save us.”
“We can find a different way.”
“There is no other way, Y/N. I need to get to Zeke. I need to prevent him from keeping Eldians from having children!”
Y/N looked up at him in shock, “What?”
“I am not going with Zeke’s plan all the way Y/N. He want me to use the Founding Titans power to make all Eldians unable to have children. But I won’t let that happen, I will connect with him and use the Founding Titan to start the Rumbling to destroy the Marlayians.”
“But why hurt us?”
“It’s best if not everyone knows what’s going on so Zeke does not get suspicious.”
He brings her face to his and kisses her lips.
“But Eren. Thousands of innocent lives will die…”
“But not everyone on Paradis,” he says trailing kisses down to her breasts, “Not you. Not the baby.”
Y/N clutches Eren’s shirt as he sucks on her nipples, “You can save everyone Eren. All this bloodshed isn’t the answer.”
“Let’s not talk about this.” He says as he trails his hand into her pants, finding her wet core. “Let me love you.”
Y/N dug her nails into his skin, whimpering as he brought her to her high with his digits.
“Erennnnnnn” She cries out in ecstasy, panting like a dog. Eren looks at her with gentle eyes. The woman he loves underneath him, carrying his future. Seeing her tiny bump awoke something in him. He suddenly rid himself of his clothes, ripped off her pants and underwear and quickly slid his cock into her heat. 
“Eren!” Y/N cried out, “Be careful! I’m still sensitive there…”
Eren gives her a long passionate kiss as he begins to thrust his hips into hers, earning beautiful moans from her.
Y/N had never felt such pleasure before, Eren’s cock was hitting all the right places in her, bringing her closer to another orgasm.
“E-Eren I’m c-close” She panted.
Eren then grabbed her and flipped her on her hand and knees, pressing her head onto the soft pillow under her. He loved this position. He loved to look at her smooth back, the way her hair would be all over the place and how her big e/c eyes would look back to meet his. She was like a goddess. He began to feel her walls tighten around him, a tell sign that she was closs. He leaned over her as he went harder against her hips, earning himself louder moans, kissing her nape. His hand slithered under to to rub her clit, bringing her closer to her high.
“Nghh E-Eren! P-Please don’t stop!!” She cried.
“Cum for me Y/N.” 
And she did. Her body went limp. Eren had to hold her up to that he could finish, spilling his seed into her. Eren wasn’t sure if it was physical or emotional exhaustion, but he collapsed right next to Y/N, pulling her into his arms, laying a hand on the tiny bump. Y/N on any day would love it when Eren spooned with her after sex, but she did not want to stay with him any longer. When she tried to get up, Eren’s hold on her tightened.
“Don’t leave me.”
“Eren, we can’t keep this up.”
“Please…” She stiffened as she felt wetness on her skin. Tears. “Let me hold you.” 
She didn’t say anything more, but she laid back down in his hold and relaxed.
“I love you, Y/N”
Y/N looks up at Eren with teary eyes, “Eren…”
“I am doing this to save you.”
“Eren, please…”
“Please let’s not talk about this. Let me hold you both for now.”
Y/N stiffens in his arms.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about Sasha. I will kill the brat who killed her-”
“No. You will not kill a child for revenge. She knows what she did and she regrets it. Leave her be.”
“Please... Just hold us.”
Eren nods and flips you in his arms to face him.
“I hate you.” Y/N cries as she digs her face into his chest inhaling his scent.
“I know.”
“We will fight you.”
“I know.”
“We will fight to kill you.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
WOW! This is my first fic that I’ve ever posted on here! I’m sorry if there are some errors, but I hope you guys love it and my little twist on the story!💜
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Zeke returning from the war to see his s/o with a 3 year old son. He gets angry and thinks his s/o cheated on him but theres something about those blonde locks and bluey grey eyes that just seem so familiar. Thank you so much 💞💞
C/n: I hate this man but damn. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
A Blue-Eyed Angel. (Zeke x Reader)
“So you’re leaving again?” You ask as Zeke packs up his bag, moving up and down your shared bedroom from the closet to the bag. “Yes. Unfortunately. I wish I could stay, my love. But..” “Duty calls. I know.” You complete his sentence and walk up to him and place your hands on his hairy face.
“When do you have to leave?” You ask you you with his shirt buttons. “Tomorrow at 4am.” He answers and you begins to kiss his neck and his arms rest on your waist. “So let’s make tonight last.” You say and he lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Say less.” He smirks and captures your lips in his.
The next morning you helped him pack the little stuff he had left and kissed him goodbye from the door. As soon as you shut the door, you ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
“Oh no.”
When you finally confirmed that you were pregnant, you cried. Although it was amazing that you and Zeke were finally gonna have a family, he wasn’t going to be here to witness everything. Not the months that led up to it, not the cravings, not the experience of watching your baby grow in you and most importantly, the birth.
Harold “Tom” Yeager was born without his dad seeing him. It broke your heart but you knew that Zeke would adore him if he were here. Although, you weren’t totally alone. Zeke’s grandparents were there and they helped you with the delivery. Harold had Zeke’s beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair but your nose and facial structure.
The mission was prolonged to three years. Three years without your husband and three years without Harold having a father. Many people looked at you funny, having a son without your husband here made you have a bad look on society. But you didn’t care. Harold was your and Zeke’s baby. You knew that and that was all that mattered.
When the Warriors started to come back home, you were so excited. You cleaned up the house and made new clothes for Harold who mimicked your happiness, even though he had no idea why his mama was so happy. “Daddy’s coming home, munchkin. He’s finally going to see his baby boy.” You say and blow raspberries on his chubby cheek.
Zeke jumped out of the ship and greeted his grandparents. Speaking with them and looking around, he did hope to see you. “Zeke, dear. Y/n is at home with a lovely surprise for you. Go see her.” His gran says and he smiles. What could you be up to?
He took a taxi and they drove him to the little house that he called home with you. Taking his bags, he opened the little gate and walked on the path that led to the door. You did some gardening and repainted the house. It looked beautiful but he really wished he was there with you.
He opens the door and places his bags on the ground. “Y/n?” He calls for you as he looks around. Something felt off. Why did the house feel so cramped all of a sudden? Maybe it’s because when he left, both of you hardly had anything here and now three years went by so obviously you must’ve bought more stuff. So why did he feel so weird?
When he looked back at the corridor, there you stood. In all of your glory. Beautiful and ethereal. It seemed like a dream, seeing you after all these years. You were smiling as you both looked at each other.
“Hi, Zeke.”
You say and Zeke smiles broadly. “Hello, my love.” As he steps to you, you put out a hand to stop him. He did and he looked down to see a small boy peering from behind your legs. Zeke furrows his blond eyebrows as you tell the boy to look at the man in front of him.
The boy peeped from behind you and Zeke’s breath hitched. What the...
“Harold. This is your dad.” He hears you say and Zeke steps back abruptly, making the boy hide behind you. You lift your head and your features contour in confusion. “Zeke. This is our son.” You say and Zeke shakes his head. “No. I don’t believe it. How did you have a child already? I leave for war and as soon as I leave the house you find someone else to give you a child? Couldn’t you wait?” He asks, bitterly and you jaw drops in shock. “How..dare you?”
“No, Y/n. How dare you? Where is he?” Zeke asks angrily as he begins searching the house. You step away from him and hide Harold behind you. “Who?” “The man who knocked you up! I’ll transform right here and now just to find him.”
“You think I cheated? You think I would stoop so low to cheat? How dare you, you stupid man?!” You slap Zeke and his head turns from the impact of your hand. You take Harold in your arms and hide his face in your shoulder. “Get out, Zeke. And come back when you knock some sense into yourself.” You spit out and walk into your room with your child. Zeke saw you leave and he caught a glimpse of the child. It was..so familiar. But Zeke storms out of the house and sits outside on the patio.
He stayed out there the whole day. Thinking. The kid looks bigger than 3. But if he was bigger than 3, you would have had him while he was still here. So that’s crossed out. You found someone who had his exact hair and eye color and had a child with him? But that’s ridiculous. Zeke was being ridiculous. You were his Y/n, the warrior chick that almost broke a man’s arm when he tried to touch you. The girl who almost strangled another girl when she was being to flirty with Zeke. There’s no way you would’ve done this. But on the other hand, people change.
No. You never did change. Zeke wakes up and heads back inside to see the house empty. You were probably still in bed but when he looked in the lounge, he saw the boy play with his toys. A Beast Titan plushie stayed next to him and a few figures of the Jaw and Cart Titan were in his hands. Zeke leaned against the wall and eyed the boy. He had dirty blond hair that was just like Zeke’s when he was small and beautiful, ocean blue eyes that were bright like the sun shines on them.
But, it was the way his face was structured and his nose and the combination of all of his features made Zeke want Levi Ackerman show up and finally kill him. He was such an idiot. This was his son. This was his and your kid.
Zeke walked to the boy and sat in front of him. “Whatcha doing?” He asks him and the kid doesn’t answer just continues to play. His cute pout reminded him so much of you when you used to get mad at him. And he had to kiss his way back into your heart.
“You know,” he starts and picks up the Beast Titan doll, “I am this.” Harold looks up and shakes his head and takes the doll back, making Zeke tilt his head. “Mama said Papa is the Beast Titan. And he is fighting.” Harold tells him with a very subtle lisp.
You heard Zeke’s voice coming from the lounge and you saw him talking with Harold. You were so pissed off with Zeke but seeing Harold talk with him was surprising. Harold hardly spoke, apart from you and his great grandparents, he wasn’t really one to talk. So to see him talking a lot with Zeke made you melt.
Zeke turned his head and saw you with unshed tears in your eyes. He got up and wrapped you on his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for doubting you. I don’t know what came over me. Being away from you for so long made me lose my mind and to say all of those stupid things..I can’t believe I did. Please forgive me, Y/n.” Zeke spills out and he feels your arms wrap around him. “It’s okay. It’s okay, Zeke. But don’t you dare say that again.” You say and he kisses s your forehead. “Never. I will never say it again.” He promises.
When you both pull away, Zeke rests his head on yours and looks at the boy you both created. “What’s his name?” Zeke asks. You look up at him and smile. “Harold Tom Yeager.” You hear his breath hitch and he hugs you tighter than before. “What a beautiful name, Y/n.”
Harold calls as he watches you and the strange man hug. “Harry. Come here and meet your papa.” You hold out your arms and he runs into them. You pick up and Harold holds tightly onto you as he looks at Zeke. “Hi, Harold. I’m your dad.” Zeke introduces himself and holds out his hand for Harold. Harold looks at you and you nod. He goes into Zeke’s arms and Zeke almost melts. He felt so small and fragile. Man, did he have so much of catching up to do.
“Fuck you, Zeke.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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