#Bruce: Alright I'll get Oracle on face rec and see if we can find out who this kid is.
artemismoorea03 · 11 months
DP x DC Prompt: Can I Borrow Your Phone?
So maybe Danny should have listened to Sam and practiced his flying in their world rather than the Ghost Zone where natural portals were bound to pop in and out of existence whenever they wanted to. But it was hard. Real world meant his parents, Valerie and any Ghost Hunter potentially trying to shoot him out of the sky just for existing! At least in the Ghost Zone he could be left (mostly) to his own devices!
But after he crashed into this new world after a portal opened in front of him he quickly began to realize that a) his phone didn't work, b) he had no idea where he was and c) a lot of the technology around him looked a bit too sci-fi to be real. Never a good sigh.
Thankfully! He had landed behind a barn with a window that had a really cool looking cow inside. He didn't know much about cows and patterns, but a bat looked pretty badass. That mixed with a tuxedo cat and two big dogs that kept coming to check him out he decided to just hang out and wrap his head around the situation. Unfortunately his phone refused to find a signal and he couldn't for the life of him figure out which direction home was.
He was fine waiting until the sun went down before he tried to fly around and find a way out, but then it started dumping rain. So, after hours of debating he followed the dogs (and cat) around the side of a giant house and knocked on the front door. After a long moment an elderly man answered and looked down at him.
He probably looked like a drowned rat with how wet his hair and clothes were, which might have explained the way the man looked him over.
"Uh, hey. Sorry about this but... do you have a phone I can borrow?" He asked.
"But of course, please come in." The man said, then to Danny's surprise handed him a towel that had been sitting on the table near the door.
That was weird, but whatever. He could dry his hair and make a phone call. From there he would - hopefully - be able to find his way home.
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