#Btw these are my personal opinions so don't get butthurt
lalagoona · 1 year
No one cared about my Monster high g3 tier list *makes a Rainbow high one*
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userpeggycarter · 1 year
your 'won't reblog' list is so funny imagine being a loser who hates fun that much. imagine being such a sad little butt baby you can't interact with anyone who likes things you don't. couldn't be me!
wow. i don't even know where to begin.
it's kinda hilarious that **I** am the sad little butt baby but you're the one having a meltdown in my inbox? being butthurt because a stranger has a "won't reblog" section in their about page????? do you have self awareness??? read that second to last sentence I just typed again. read it. HOW CAN YOU NOT GET IT???? 😱
second of all, the "won't reblog" section is a guideline for tagging me on posts. i don't reblog that stuff for a reason. it's not a DNI. in fact, I do interact with people who reblog and make content about (some of) that stuff listed in my blog because the morals of media consumption are complicated and very personal. some things i draw a very hard line on, some i don't. let me explain each of those "forbidden media" in my blog for you in basic terms like I'm talking to a child (because i am):
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Wizarding World: JK Rowling is a TERF, an antisemite and a racist. i thought this one was self-explanatory. it's 2023 ffs
MCU!Maximoffs are white-washed, anti-romani and very antisemitic. google that stuff if you don't know. next question. (i did reblog a MCU Wanda gifset recently btw, but a mutual tagged me on it and i felt awkward ignoring it, but when that happens i tag those posts with #mcu wanda because some people blacklist that tag and for good reason. also it's a subtle way to say I'm not okay with her. i wish these awkward situations didn't happen but they do and i like to support creators, despite your allegations that i don't.
starker is a p*do ship. thorki is inc*st. duh
ngl reylo is not necessarily problematic i just think it's lame lol maybe it shouldn't be on the list because all of that other stuff has serious problems (IN MY OPINION!)
red/orange/color-washed content is racist if done with POC (and it's even a bad look if you're dealing with white people, to a lesser extent ofc)
i don't need to explain johnny depp do i? christ
henry cavill dated a teenager. google it
the last of us's creator is anti palestine and pro genocide.
elizabeth olsen said the G slur on air in the Graham Norton show AFTER he told her it was a slur!!!!!!!!!!! again google it.
gal gadot is also anti palestine. remember the IDF cunt post? iconic
taylor swift: same thing with reylo, i'm just not interested in her, even though she's not exactly a saint either... but honestly i put TS on the list mostly because most of the gifmaker community loves her and i was worried people would tag me on TS content and that would be an uncomfortable situation, because i don't like to ignore tagged posts but also i like to have boundaries/preferences, even though YOU deem them silly or stupid (like if that's your right to do so lmao alexa play toxic by britney spears)
i'm betting money it was the taylor swift thing that pissed you off lol maybe mcu wanda???? both?
stolen/reposted content is also self-explanatory right? or are you that stupid? considering the tantrum i think you are but hope springs eternal i guess...
LAST, but not least, i'm gonna end on a positive note because unlike you I'm not a cunt (derogatory). I'm gonna address your first message here:
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listen, i get it. i get frustrated with notes too. the grass is always greener and there's always a bigger fish i guess. you envy me and i envy other creators bigger than me. but we shouldn't do that. first of all, it's not a competition. my "success" (it's tumblr at the end of the day... silly stuff!) is not a threat to you or anyone else. people can reblog my gifs and yours, they don't have to pick a creator. unfortunately, tumblr has been suffering from lack of interaction lately and it's just getting worse. all creators are complaining about it. creators of different sizes and different niches, btw. we complain in private and in public. and what tumblr does in return? text posts complaining about us complaining get 50k notes in a day. it's tough. we shouldn't be treated this way, even though no one is obliged to reblog stuff and we aren't owed notes. but it's natural and fair to feel sad about lack of recognition and complain about. tumblr's lack of engagement is going to kill the website, but that's a conversation to another day.
i want to end with this:
you need to create because you want to create. you need to create because you want to get better at your craft. recognition is good and it's natural to want and feel upset about the lack of it, but it shouldn't kill your creative spirit. social media has poisoned our brains. 50 notes might not sound a lot but imagine 50 people in real life complimenting you. you might be someone's favorite creator. you might be a niche creator who is carrying your community on your back and people in that niche are so grateful for you, even though they don't say that. because unfortunately, hate speaks louder than love. case in point, this hate mail. for every one of you out there, there must be 10 people who like my work. but i never hear from them and that sucks, but i must believe that they exist and be thankful for them. sometimes people will recognize my hard work and i'm very grateful for those moments. they do motivate me, but they aren't the only thing that motivates me. making posts i wanna reblog but won't exist until i make them motivates me. getting better at my craft motivates me. making friends because of my craft motivates me. knowing i'm entertaining people (even though they're very silent about their appreciation of my work) motivates me. tumblr is a social media platform and social media is made by its users. if anyone stopped posting, there wouldn't be anything to do here. my gifset might not change the trajectory of someone's day (sometimes it does!), but it's my drop of water alongside thousands of other drops of water from other users that make this ocean that we all swim in. don't give up. keep making gifs. you will get better at them. people will follow you. you will get more notes. might not be enough followers or enough notes in your opinion, but we shouldn't put a number on our value.
and let me tell you a secret: when your goal is numbers, you're never satisfied. believe me, i learned this lesson. i thought i would be happy with hundreds of followers. then i got hundreds of followers. suddenly they weren't enough, i wanted thousands of followers now. and then i got them. guess what? i still seek validation through numbers (google David Foster Wallace's This is Water btw). but it will never be enough because you are now and i was then looking at the wrong solution to the problem. i need to FEEL enough, not be told by numbers or people that I'm enough. I'm the one that decides that. and i am enough. I'm good, even. hell, I'm great. and in theory, so do you, but god that attitude... it ain't it. it will only cause you pain. and worse, it's causing you to try to cause pain in others. isn't that sad? isn't that shameful? i do say try because newsflash pussycat, it didn't work. i was baffled by your hate (thankfully i don't get a lot of hate around here!), but i wasn't hurt. because I'm not threatened by your perception of me. because it's superficial, childish, hateful, you name it. i know myself. i love myself. in the words of my beloved URL namesake, i know my value. do you know yours? it doesn't seem like you do. and that type of attitude only lessens your value, babe. this is not getting you anywhere in tumblr or worse, in life.
this would be the moment in which i would wish you the best, but you know what? fuck you. i hope you get no notes until eternity. but in case an innocent person is reading this and is also battling with their self-worth due to tumblr notes: i wish you the best. don't give up.
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kazuwhora · 3 years
🎃 Leaving this emoji here so I know it's me
can I get a matchup?
I'm an INFP Gemini, 1.57m, and I use any pronouns, mostly they/them and she/her
I'm really pale and I wear glasses 24/7 bc without them I can only see things up to 10cm away from me.
my hair is wavy (the kind that if I don't style it correctly it will get straight but a frizzy kind of straight) and I keep changing it all the time.
I've had pink/blue hair, purple/blue, blonde ends, only pink, ginger for 2 years and now it's bright red. normally i like to let it grow and then cut it short, same with my bangs. so there's a lot of combinations here.
I love my hair and I take care of it obsessively, not only mine but my friend's too baji drop your hair care routine
what else... ?
you know that person that is in college but everyone assumes they're on middle school bc they look 13 and act like they're lost everyday everywhere like wth is going on? that's literally me everyone thinks I'm 13 I'm 19 people asked me if I'm a teacher's child too many times now it was getting annoying now being baby-faced is my personal joke
my body is??? hourglass shaped?? I guess?? I'm not thin enough to tell exactly
my back and shoulders are quite large bc I used to swim when I was little, now I take dance classes so all my body strength is in the lower part of my body ((bitch im thicc 😎😎
art I general is my hobbie, so dancing and singing and painting are my thing
I also used to take fighting classes when I was younger but my parents only took me for three months and then they stopped bc I would be wanting to fight god and the world
i still want to fight god and the world but now I don't have the tools to do so. how unfortunate.
I dress mostly in what makes me feel confortable? crop tops shorts and slippers every day. if not, hoodies and baggy pants. all black with rainbow socks.
about my personality I'm just-- idk?
my whole childhood I was just the smart kid and now I'm not so I don't have a sense of personality.
my friends say that I have strong opinions and don't hold back
which is kinda true?
I do have a sense of justice and I will defend it until the end and somedays I will step up and defend them with words and physically if I have to.
but most of the time i just don't have a filter
most of the time my Inside Outs are staring into space like 😐 and just letting everything happen. so will say something like "Thats dumb. you can do better. I respect that you have a opinion. but I think your opinion is dumb" while having no expression in my face. I'll notice 3 seconds later how RUDE that was and start laughing bc omg that was mean.
other days I'm just a fleeing sunlight being excited about everything like a child would.
idk what else to say
my favorite avenger is natasha, I love genshin albedo my beloved rerun when, loona stan. lactose intolerant but I don't give a shit bc I love ice cream.
I feel like I talked so much but didn't say anything. cool. I'm awful at talking about myself but I tried.
bye 💜
ok so one of my best friends (probably my only friend ngl) is an infp and I feel like struggling with defining your personality is 100% an infp thing but u did a good job and ty for providing me with so much information!!!
im definitely matching you up with hanma idc if you love him or hate him this a ship I can get behind 👏🏻
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first of all lets both take a moment to appreciate how fucking hot that man is like god fucking DAMN that first picture never fails to get me smfh
second of all. ur an infp. hanma is an entp. y'all have barely anything in common cognitively and its fucking AMAZING. I live for infp (and also intp for u intps there) and entp ships because the way that us entp's are in nature is completely opposite from an infp, while still sharing the perception function that allows both types to understand each other to some extent that just makes for a really fun match ok?? trust me on this.
he is obsessed with your individuality. as an extravert, not only does hanma benefit from your ability to access an introverted aspect that works to ease him from the burnout extraverts can face when they are unable to enable an introverted mindset every now and then, but he also learns to laugh both with you and at you- and genuinely. like you make him laugh. he thinks you're hilarious and as an entp who are typically known to be a little self obsessed, he didn't think it was possible to think anyone was hilarious except himself? he's like damn this girl is really like a kinder surprise.
he also really loves your art and finds that he's a little annoyed that he's not artistically inclined so he'll beg you to paint something for him and he wont stop until you do. just dont paint an ugly portrait of him on purpose or he's gonna get butthurt about it going on about how "damn is this how you see me?? </3 rip me I guess" and he wont shut up about it until you make it up to him and apologize for making a mean joke.
and then he just makes a joke towards you that's like 10x meaner and he WONT apologize for it. wallow in the revenge because its not going to end anytime soon.
lets be honest tho, when the two of you are together around others its a little overwhelming for people. hanma's entp-ness really brings out a side of you that leans on the extroverted side. you feed off his energy and the two of you are lowkey a little mean to people. but they deserve it, right? its their fault for being idiots. you enable each other hardcore here but its fine. they all know you're just being you and hanma is happy to have someone on his side.
you and hanma can fight god together btw <3 he's a little delulu
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iishmael · 7 years
Heyyyyyy babe, did you see what Lewis likes on ig? if you don't just go check on @tillykeeper_zackfan... what do u think about it? thanks babe! Xx
Okay I know this is probably a mistake but I’ll say my opinion now. I don’t want to offend anyone, I’m not looking for a fight but this is just the way I see things. I completely understand if you’re not interested in my opinion since you can probably deduct from my url who my favourite driver is. That’s why I put everything under a cut. If you don’t want to hear the 9834539485th person today lamenting about the entire drama, please just scroll on and have a nice evening. 
This is the post anon is talking about: 
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I like to say stuff like “if it were Lewis” as well, but it isn’t. It’s Seb. And he just got away from purposely hitting another car out of revenge at a slow speed. This is not a racing incident, this is not “strategy driving” (like slowing down on purpose, blocking others, changing the line two or three times and blocking someone from overtaking like this, stopping in the pitlane, purposely driving into a wall so another car cannot finish their qualy lap…) it’s just. Aggression. 
It has been established multiple times now that Lewis was completely innocent in this incident. Fact Number 1. We all have seen the post-race footage where Seb denied several times that he did anthing wrong. Fact Number 2. 
I don’t care about the points, I don’t care about “what children might take away from this” (I hope very much they don’t take any driving ideas from formula 1 drivers cause I don’t wanna have my future kids doing donuts in my fucking backyard.), I don’t care that it was “against” Lewis. 
It was completely out of line. Every scenario you could imagine something like this to happen, in every one, it’s wrong and gets heavily penalized. [source]
in football? A red card will be shown to a player who has committed a serious offense such as violent conduct […]
in handball?  A red card indicates a disqualification of a player who has committed an offense such as unsportsmanlike conduct, serious foul play […]
in some forms of rugby? Red cards are normally issued for serious offenses […]
I could go on, but the result is: Following the moral code of a lot of other sports he would have been immediately disqualified. 
The thing is: shit happens. Everyone fucks up. He’s not a bad person or bad driver just because he did a really stupid thing. It’s not the end of the world. 
What bugs me about how this got handled is a) the fact that seriously a lot of people wanted Lewis to get a penalty as well when he did literally nothing wrong. b) Seb’s reaction after the race. That was the second incident of unsportsmanlike behaviour in a very short time. I don’t even care about the Charlie Whiting-Mexico thing, it’s bullshit to drag this in here. c) y’all know that if this would happen in normal road traffic you’d never get away with an apology and community service. That’s literally what a boy in my school got for buying alcohol when he was still underage. 
Now “Sebastian Vettel admitted full responsibility.” [source], you say. He tried to apologize and Lewis is acting like a dick because he doesn’t accept it. I personally think that the post on instagram by @tillykeeper_zackfan is too much. Sure, Lewis could smooth over this and let it go, maybe that’s the “mature” and polite thing to do. Sure, maybe he’s acting like a bitch. But you know, when someone rammed into MY car on purpose, believe me, I wouldn’t accept a written apology (no offense, but we all know that Seb didn’t write that on his own) by the person who hit me after they denied everything for as long as possible. 
It is only the fact that Seb got threatened with the tribunal that he apologized. This is not meant as hate, it’s just a fact. If he was honestly sorry he’d already have apologized after the race. He could have spoken to the journalists, no need for Lewis to take his call. But he didn’t. In my opinion, the way Seb acted is not “genuinely apologizing” and this means, he’d do it again because he still thinks he was right.  
In my opinion having a driver on the feel who could hit anyone anytime is a danger. I’m not saying Seb is the new Maldonado (whom I didn’t like for basically exact the same reasons btw) but I’m saying Seb has a flaring temper. He’s acting out of line and he never gets told to step down. 
In my opinion a decent penalty would have shown Seb that he has to change his ways. Does anyone remember the start drama with Romain (who I don’t like as well for the same reasons)? I’m not reliable about earlier f1 history, that’s why I choose this incident as an example, since I can understand if people don’t like my comparison to other sports. 
The stewards regard this incident as an extremely serious breach of the regulations, which had the potential to cause injury to others. […] The stewards note [that] the team conceded the action was an extremely serious mistake and an error of judgement. [source]
Romain got a one race-ban for causing a pile-up at the start. I don’t want to judge how much he learned from this incident but he ended up on the podium in the next season. 
What I want to achieve with this comparison is that Romain didn’t cause another multi-car pile-up again. He’s still a “first lap nutcase”, to quote Mark Webber, in my eyes, but I don’t think it’s actually dangerous to have him drive a f1 car. I personally think that the sterwards’ statement could easily fit to the Seb/Lewis situation as well.
That’s why I think they should have disqualified him from Baku retroactively. A clean cut, like a red card, that’s it. Life goes on. I’m not saying he had a clean record before (e.g. Mexico) but this is way more serious than Charlie Whiting getting butthurt. I know I’m probably alone with this opinion and I shouldn’t roll up all the drama again, but I’m actually thankful that you asked because I could write it all down and clear my head. 
I hope we will see fair racing in Austria this weekend. 
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falsemiracles · 6 years
Blackpink's Leader
I'd like to start my blog with a post addressing who Blackpink's leader would be, most people would say Jennie, but why? She's talented, charismatic and is fluent in both English and Korean, she's the most versatile member. However, I don't agree, in fact, in my opinion, Jisoo would be a much better leader and capable of taking her group in a better direction.
I'd like to say that I'm not putting down Jennie in any way and what I'm stating is all facts. All this is my own opinion so don't get butthurt.
A leader doesn't have to be the most talented but in fact, kind and caring in my opinion. (Look at Irene for example, in terms of talent, Seulgi is the most talented and trained in SM.ent for the longest, but Irene is extremely nice and caring towards her members and looks after them well).
1) She's the most fluent in Korean- Obviously, she's lived in Korea for all her life. Jennie is fluent as well, but since she did go abroad for a few years, its obvious her control over the language would not be as good as Jisoo's. Both members of Maknae line are from abroad, so they're both still learning Korean.
2)Making Jisoo the leader would not anger fans- obviously, BLONKs exist and they're unavoidable, but on a lot of line distribution videos, people often complain about how Jisoo gets the least lines. People also often complain about how Jennie gets the best clothes and many people call her the "YG Princess" after CL. Making Jisoo the leader would be an effective strategy. Members can't complain about bias shown towards Jennie. This is interconnected to my next point.
3)Jennie has been involved in scandals even before her debut- Jennie has been an extremely popular trainee, she's acted in a MV and also sang on-stage with G-Dragon. This was reason enough for people to criticise her and call her a "weak vocal" and things of this sort. Besides this, she was even involved in a bullying scandal and a love scandal with Teddy(who writes a lot of YG artists' songs- he's 40 btw). The bullying and love scandal were later disproven but Jennie has still been unable to entirely escape criticism. Every small thing she does is put down and she's often called "rude" towards other members though she's just being playful.
Jisoo was a popular trainee before debut as well, she's done several commercials, she's acted in MVs too. In fact, she did a commercial with THE Lee Minho. However, she's maintained an extremely clean image.
Jisoo's clean image may actually be beneficial when she becomes the leader. Nobody wants Jennie to get hurt any more than she already has.
4) Jisoo's personality - This is actually the true reason I want Jisoo to be the leader. All the members of Blackpink are extremely sweet and beautiful inside out. They often mention that Jisoo is the "mood maker" among them and she often helps them when they're low. Not to mention, how many times have you seen Jisoo cry on stage? Never. I'm not saying crying you makes you a weak person but it does show Jisoo has a good hold over her emotions.
The only shortcoming I see in Jisoo at the moment is that if Blackpink strikes it rich in
America, Jisoo is not fluent in English. Only in those cases, Jennie and Rosé would be a good leader and in Thailand, you could see Lisa was also always helping her unnies around, she acted like a true leader!
So, in such cases, Blackpink changing its leader in accordance with the country they're promoting in would a good option.
Lisa- Thailand
Rosé/Jennie- America/UK
Jisoo- Korea, Japan and China(She's fluent in all the three languages).
I'd like to conclude by saying that though Blackpink has no leader, I think they'll need one in the future as they're already receiving criticism for not having a leader.
I hope you liked my first post! English is my second language so please correct any mistakes I make. ^_^
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