#Bugsnax interviews
roachesinacoat · 5 months
Basil Butterpaws (my bugsnax oc) full interview with animal crossing Voice acting
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prototypelq · 8 months
Palworld fans, check out BUGSNAX, you won't regret it
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Say hi to the precious Bunger)))
It's a creature-catcher-puzzle game, set in a delightfully weird and funny style, which comes as a given, after all it's the product of an Octodad developer team! The bugsnax ecosystem is surprisingly deep, and it's very easy to see how much thought the developers put into each creature. Figuring out how to catch each one and how they interact with each other is the core loop and it is extremely fun! It also has a super cozy atmosphere and a funky vibe to it, which I really enjoyed.
Bugsnax is very very good, don't miss out on it if you like creature-collectors or biology-themed games.
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astronomergrump · 7 months
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some of the hunger cast being interviewed!
We got Zindie. A old lady who I love so dearly.
Medruo, the humongous cuddle bug that's a Franken-grump
And unnamed oc... Please help me choose a name for him, he's shelda's son.
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bugswapau · 1 year
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Interview Chandlo!
Time to ask the inventor a few questions.
“Have time for an interview?”
Are you out of your mind?! I can't have my secrets spread all over the front page news!
“But don’t you want to find Eggabell?”
Of course I do! But at the same time, I don't want THEM finding ME!
“What if your name wasn't attached?”
Hm... I suppose I can reveal a little so long as I’m left anonymous.
“Who are you?”
I am... Cha[CENSORED]bun. I have devoted my life to inventing devices that foil the machinations of the Grumpmasons.
“Why come to Snaktooth island?”
My dear friend Snor-[CENSORED] dragged me out here. He thought I needed some 'fresh air' or something. As much as I hate nature, I just couldn’t say no to him.
“How long have you and [CENSORED] been in a relationship?”
W-w-w-well! Aha! I-I-I mean, we've been friends since kindergarten. It would make perfect sense if we were — more than friends. He's never... said we are. Has he?
“Thoughts on Bugsnax?”
My guess is they are some sort of synthetic life form designed to seduce our taste buds.
“If Bugsnax are artificial, where do they come from?”
I'm glad you asked! I think there's a factory hidden somewhere underground on this island. I have the schematics! I'll have to show you my charts to you later.
“Why did you leave town?”
I was too exposed. Professor Woolbag was trying to drag me into her experiments, now that Eggabell and Lizbert couldn't keep her busy anymore. I realized this was the next step in the Grumpmasons' scheme against me.
“Grumpmasons plot?”
Eggabell disappears, we're hit by an earthquake, we suffer from a snak shortage… All in the same day? Do you REALLY think these are coincidences? I have a timeline of it all. They’re on my charts.
“Any info on Lizbert?”
Eggabell Batternugget was an curious sort who didn't possess a single bone of stupidity. She could compete with me in wits and [CENSORED] Sodie chugging contests. We occasionally exchanged secrets. Terrible, awful secrets…
“What ‘awful secrets’?”
Hahaha, well, I can’t TELL you the terrible secrets because they are AWFUL and SECRET!
“…yeah, I think we're done here.”
Excellent interrogation, Chum! So great that you deserve another hugging experience!
Hahaha, ha- This can NOT go on the record. I was contacted by Eggabell Batternugget after she found something on the island… a locked tunnel entrance protected by an odd object. I assisted her in discovering its mysteries, and soon after, she vanished. Be very cautious at all times! I can tell you where to find her, but the rest is up to you.
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shwoo · 1 year
I don't think this information is online anywhere, so here's each Bugsnax character's sidequest activation requirements, chat lines and requirements for each one, and schedule. Note that the character's interview needs to be done before they'll start offering sidequests, and they won't offer the next sidequest in the chain until the previous one has been completed.
I want to put this into a Gamefaqs type guide I'm walking on, but I want to do a lot of things so who knows when that'll get done. Putting it here so it least it'll be somewhere!
My source is datamining. Lizbert and Eggabell's shedule data isn't actually used, but I included it anyway.
Sidequest 1 Requirements: Wiggle returned Sidequest 2 Requirements: Cromdo returned Sidequest 3 Requirements: Chandlo returned
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town)That Wambus guy is married, but his wife totally wouldn't come farm with him. So tragic. Chat 2: (After she returns to town, before the first welcome back party) Filbo doesn't even like Bugsnax, he just eats them cuz that's what everybody else does. Chat 3: (After the first welcome back party, before Ghost Stories) Bugsnax are totes delish. 10/10 would eat again. I could just sit here eating Bugsnax all day. So I do. Chat 4: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Gramble's so touchy cuz he never sleeps. Seriously, he just walks around at night like a creepy zombie. Chat 5: (After The Intruder) That monster Grumpus thing is still on the loose. Be careful out there, Bestie.
Morning (4am to 8am) -Wakes up -Stands near the centre of town
Day (8am to 4pm) -Takes pictures in Filbo's hut -If Floofty is back, takes pictures in Floofty's hut from 12pm on. Otherwise stays in Filbo's hut
Evening (4pm - 8pm) -Takes pictures in Lizbert and Eggabell's hut
Night (8pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 12:02pm
The rest below! --v
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: The Intruder complete
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Snorpy's my tightest bro, ya feel me? We've been together since before this whole adventure thing. Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before The Intruder) Filbo did a pretty good job keeping this place in good shape. Gotta give the little guy props! He could use a boost to his self-esteem… Chat 3: (After The Intruder, before Shelda returns) Beffica's smart, Bro, smarter than she lets on. She gets people, and that throws 'em off their game. I kinda like that about her. Chat 4: (After Shelda returns) What makes Shelda so wise? I don't pretend to understand it, Bro, but Shelda can see the future…
Morning (4am to 9am) -Wakes up -Jogs around the village on a loop
Day (8am to 4:50pm) -Stands out the front of the sawmill, near the logs, for 30 seconds, then moves near the Journalist's hut -Does pushups for 30 seconds, then returns to standing near the sawmill
Evening (4:50pm - 9:01pm) -Stands by the campfire
Night (9:01pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 3pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) (Though it can't actually be completed until after The Intruder) Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: Shelda's first main quest, to give her cheese sauce, completed.
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Bugsnax are the cherry on this Grump sundae. If I can make it back with a pack fulla these babies, I'll be a bona-fide celebrity! Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before The Intruder) Friend, I haven't got a bad word to say about anybody here! *mumbling* Buncha Snak-suckin' ingrates. Chat 3: (After The Intruder) Listen up, Pal, I got a nose for phonies. Beffica? Wiggle? Feh! And don't even get me started on Shelda! She makes ME look like an honest Grumpus.
Morning (6am to 10am) -Wakes up -Mans Cromdo Mart stand
Day (10am to 5pm) -Continues to man Cromdo Mart stand
Evening (5pm - 8:40pm) -Stands near the boat and the boombox
Night (8:40pm - 6am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 10:50am
Chat 1: (no requirements) I need some time to think.
Morning (4am)
Outhouse: 5:30pm
Chat 1: (After he returns to town, before the first welcome back party) Just you watch, Buddy, soon Snaxburg will be good as new! I'm still repainting all the huts but it's taking a while cuz I don't have a lotta paint and the last batch made me pretty dizzy… Chat 2: (After the first welcome back party, before Ghost Stories) I wish I could be like Lizbert… She always knew what to do, what to say. When she made a plan, I knew I could just follow it and I'd be okay… …but now it's just up to me. Chat 3: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Every time I go home, all my stuff is moved around, and there are new paw prints on the floor. I'm starting to think… …maybe ghosts ARE real! Chat 4: (After The Intruder) Don't worry, Buddy! Soon everybody will be back in town and all our troubles will be over. A-and then I'll be able to throw a REAL welcome back party!
Morning (4am to 8am) -Wakes up -Moves to the campfire -Lights the campfire, which goes out at at 7:50am -Sits by the campfire
Day (8am to 5pm) -Walks in a loop around the village, greeting anyone he gets close to. He stops walking for three seconds while greeting Wambus, Chandlo, Cromdo, and Triffany, and while greeting Wambus, he also waves.
Evening (5pm - 9:01pm) -Moves to the campfire -Lights the campfire, which goes out at 8:40pm -Sits by the campfire.
Night (9:01pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 8:20pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: (none)
Chat 1: (Before they return to town) I have a hypothesis that the substance leaking out of the volcano is not lava, but rather a superheated fondue. Unfortunately, my studies had to be put on hold when my sampling equipment melted. Chat 2: (After they return to town) If you see Triffany, ask her what the osteoblast said to the osteocyte. It's hilarious!
Morning (4am to 12pm) -Gets up -Goes to the research tent and stands near their lab
Day (12pm to 4pm) -Continues to stand in the research tent
Evening (4pm - 7pm) -Stands behind the research tent
Night (7pm - 4am) -Goes to bed -Gets up at 10pm, goes to the campfire, and looks in the direction of the barn -Watches Gramble once he starts sleepwalking at midnight -Goes back to bed at 3:20am, or once the player leaves the area
Outhouse: 5:30pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: Ghost Stories completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: The Intruder completed
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Have you talked to Wiggle yet? She’s real nice. Though, she can come off a bit *ahem* strong. Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before the first welcome back party) I've been tryin' to breed Bugsnax together. It's been real tricky cuz they don't have any, uhm, obvious bits to 'em. Chat 3: (After the first welcome back party, before Ghost Stories) Oh, that ol' coot Wambus. He thinks Bugsnax grow if you plant 'em in dirt. How's that make any sense? Chat 4: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Sometimes I wake up at night, and I see somethin’ out there. Like, a shadow watchin’ me from the tree line. I try callin’ out to it, but it disappears before I get a good look at it. Chat 5: (After The Intruder) You ever noticed how the real big Bugsnax break up into little ones? I been wondering why that is. Do the little ones stick together to make big ones? C-can I teach them to do that?
Morning (6am to 9am) -Wakes up -Unlocks the barn if it's locked -Stands near the entrance to the beach, with Wiggle if she's back.
Day (9am to 3pm) -Walks back and forth between Bugsnak pen and the bottom floor of the barn
Evening (3pm - 8pm) -Stands near the entrance to the beach. Wiggle joins him starting 4pm if she's back.
Night (8pm - 4am) -Locks the barn -Goes to bed -Starts sleepwalking at 11:50pm -Unlocks barn doors in sleep -Sleepwalks around the village. Can be woken up, and will stay in bed until the player leaves the area and returns. -Stops sleepwalking at 4am. If the player is in town at the time, he will wake up and just stand there, but if they enter the area between 4 and 6, he will be back in bed, with the barn doors locked.
Outhouse: 2:10pm
Morning (4am to 12pm)
Day (12pm to 4pm)
Evening (4pm - 7pm)
Night (7pm - 4am)
Outhouse: 5:30pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: One day after completing the previous sidequest Sidequest 3 Requirements: One day after completing the previous sidequest
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town) Bugsnax are not of the Mother. Not of this island…usurpers. Chat 2: (After she returns to town) Him that is called Chandlo teeters on the path, and yours is the wind that topples.
Morning (4am to 12pm) -Wakes up -Meditates in front of her hut
Day (12pm to 5:10pm) -Continues to meditate
Evening (5:10pm - 8:40pm) -Sits in front of the campfire, unless the first sidequest is available, but hasn't been activated. In that case, she stays where she is, and just looks in the direction of the campfire.
Night (8:40pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 4:40pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: The Intruder completed Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: Eggabell's main quests completed
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) I've known Chandlo for ages. He does what he says and says what he thinks. In this mad, mad world he is uncomplicated, reliable, and…surprisingly gentle. Chat 2: (After he returns to town, but before his interview, and before The Intruder) The outdoors are dangerous, unpredictable, and smelly. Get me enough material, and I'll make us a roof over this entire island Chat 3: (After his interview, before The Intruder) Of all the unknowns in this world, one plagues me more than any other. How does Chandlo truly feel about me? Does he want us to be something…more? Chat 4: (After The Intruder, before Floofty returns to town) Bugsnax look like living creatures but they act more like tiny little machines. Tiny, little, delicious machines built explicitly to appeal to a mass audience. Chat 5: (After Floofty returns to town) Rest assured, Chum, I have my eye on Floofty.
Morning (8am to 12pm) -Wakes up -Stands in front of the forge downstairs
Day (12pm to 5pm) -Stands in front of the mill, near Gramble's yard
Evening (5pm - 8pm) -Goes inside and stands in front of the forge again
Night (8pm - 8am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 3:50pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: Chandlo's first quest, to put his balls in the basket, completed Sidequest 2 Requirements: Floofty's first Boiling Bay quest, to change their arm into a Red Banopper, completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: Eggabell's main quests completed
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town) You haven't run into Wambus, have ya? I swear that man has a head harder than granite. Chat 2: (After she returns to town, before Ghost Stories) I gotta admit, it's nice havin' Wamby around again. We'll just have to wait and see if he's really learned his lesson. Chat 3: (After Ghost Stories, before Cromdo returns to town) Ya know, we're the fifth major group to settle here. Looks like Grumpuses have been re-discoverin' Bugsnax for millennia. Chat 4: (After Cromdo returns to town, before The Intruder) I try to be nice to everybody, but sometimes that Cromdo just rattles my bones! I swear he'd sell off his own gramma if that'd make him a few bucks. Chat 5: (After The Intruder) Ya know, I've never seen any sorta cryptid mentioned in the ancient Grumps' writing. Means we're dealing with something new… isn't that kinda exciting?
Morning (6am to 9am) -Wakes up -Stands near the waterfall, past the barn and the mill.
Day (9am to 4pm) -Stands in the research tent, inspecting her desk.
Evening (4pm - 9:01pm) -Stands near the waterfall again.
Night (8pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 10am
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: Ghost Stories completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: The Intruder completed
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Man…I'd hate Bugsnax if they weren't so darn delicious Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before the first welcome back party) City folk just don't get it. Chat 3: (After the first welcome back party, before Triffany returns to town) I only came out here for Triffany… but sometimes I wonder if she'd do the same for me. Chat 4: (After Triffany returns to town, before Ghost Stories) Stranger, I won't mince words. Thanks for bringin' Triffy home. Chat 5: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Y'know, I been callin' you Stranger, but you been around a while. Need a new name… Sorry, I'm not creative…Stranger. Chat 6: (After The Intruder) Island's lookin' mighty dangerous lately. I'm startin' to think I should build a taller fence.
Morning (4am to 12pm) -Wakes up -Hoes his garden
Day (12pm to 5pm) -Continues to hoe his garden
Evening (5pm - 9:01pm) -Sits by the campfire
Night (9:01pm - 4am) -Returns to his hut -If Triffany isn't back yet and Beffica is, he will stay up, and talk to the cactus when the player approaches. This event will be available for the player to see until 2am. (Needs a little more testing, but I think this is how it works) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 9:10am
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: Ghost Stories completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: Floofty's first Boiling Bay, to turn their arm into a Red Banopper, completed
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town) Ah, Gramble. Such soulful eyes! Such a caring heart! Such a collection of Snax… Chat 2: (After she returns to town, before Ghost Stories) You have no idea how hard it is for me to write these songs. My lyrical genius is driven by my muse. An adorable muse with skittering legs and a juicy center. Chat 3: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Hold on, Darling, tell me what you think of this - THE QUEEN OF BUGSNAX! SHE'S REALLY BIG, SHE'S REALLY BIG AND SHE'LL EAT YOU! Chat 4: (After The Intruder) Shelda is delightful, Darling! The way she speaks is captivating, even if I haven't the faintest idea what she's saying.
Morning (4am to 9am) -Wakes up -Stands near the entrance to the beach, playing the banjo. At 6am, Gramble gets out of bed and joins her.
Day (9am to 4pm) -Walks around the village playing the banjo
Evening (4pm - 9:30pm) -Joins Gramble back near the entrance to the beach, still playing the banjo.
Night (9:30pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 1:20pm
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dear-maggotboy · 2 years
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c-swap-bugsnax · 9 months
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Interview Wiggle
Have time for an interview?
“An interview? Fine, but keep it quick. Got the sauces to tend to.”
Who are you?
“Wiggle Wigglebottom. Sauce farmer.”
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
“To start a garden.”
Can’t you start a garden back home?
“Please, it’s clear you never had to pay for property tax. It’s not as easy as you think.”
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
“Hmm… What do I think about them?... They’re annoying, tasty… But most of all confusing.”
What’s so confusing about them?
“Well, they’re not plants nor bugs, they ain’t got organs, seeds, anything like that! And if ya cook ‘em, they turn to some goopy mush. I call that confusin’.”
Why did you leave town?
Well, when Snorpy vanished I knew we’d needed food. Without the snax, I figured I can try to farm these sauces as a second choice. Though we would be fine, but Triffany had to be a pain.”
What’s your problem with Triffany?
“Ugh, little Miss Bo Grump thinks all the bugsnaks are her little pets.” *spits*
Floofty said you have a boyfriend? Where is he?
“Floofty had better shut their grumpin’ mouth, Gramble’s probably out there pokin’ at skeletons or dirt. Not my problem.”
What happened to Gramble?
“Well, in a relationship like this, you tend to get into a spat or two. It doesn’t take alot to knock ‘em down.”
Any info on Snorpy?
“A respectable type, we’d trade my sauce for snaks, even plants and herbs for Dr. Funkbun.”
Who is Dr. Funkbun?
“Oh, that’s the town doc, you know. Chandlo. Snorpy’s partner.”
What happened to Snorpy?
“I really couldn’t say. Probably huntin’, it’s dangerous work. He could’ve slipped and fell, caught in an earthquake, thrown off in the volcano, buried in the snow. Who's to say?”
That’s all. Thanks for your time!
“Tch, a waste of your time. Look, if ya want answers, ya need evidence. Here, I dug this up earlier. It could help you find him. Now, back to work.”
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bazyboo13 · 1 year
Interview with Cookie
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Who are you
I- um, can you just call me Cookie?
Why did you come to Snaktooth
To find my best friend Sebastian with Alexandra
-> how did you and Sebastian meet
Near the end of middle school
Thoughts on Bugsnax
-> but about bugsnax themselves
Oh... they're something else man, they are cute but can sometimes be painful
Any info on Lizbert
No... I don't know much about her, but when I was trying to get some kwookies for myself there were weird rumblings coming from the mountain, and they seemed to get louder when I ate one...
That will be all
If you see him please tell me... I miss him...
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kepppler-22b · 2 years
Interview Jonah!
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'Have time to be interviewed?' "Wha? Who's you again?" 'I'm here to interview you' "Oh! Well be my guest!"
Who are you? "Jonah Badgerbug, barista" Why come to Snaktooth Island? "Well uh I just want to make sure people get the hydration they needs" Thoughts on bugsnax? "Dunno!! Only ever really eated a Keebwel or whatever theys called" -> You've never eaten any other bugsnax? "No reason to! I got sauce!" Why did you leave town? "Well I stopped getting customers after a lil while and decided to take a break and head to the beach for a few!! I didn't see no one else there" -> Gramble and Wiggle camped out there. How come you didn't see them? "UH- W.. WIGGLE WAS THERE?? Um um I had no clue!! She's only ever out around day.." -> You're nocturnal? "Just like a bat yessiree" Any info on Lizbert? "Oh Liz! She was such a kindhearted soul, often would bring me Keebwels in exchange for somethin fancy to drink" -> Were Kweebles your "payment"? " 'spose you could say so!" Do you know what happened to Lizbert? "Dunno! She just stopped showing up one day just like da rest o' em" I think I'm done here. "Oh I think I have somethin to help with your search for Liz!" [Jonah gave you Empty glass! Check your journal for details.
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peachsnax · 2 years
Time to ask the artists questions.
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——————————start of tape ——————————
Who are you?
Hi hi my name is Ghost, Peaches, floofty, or Alegander (any of these are fine), and this is my bugsnax sideblog ! I dont really have a main blog at the moment though , and its very likely that this will become it.
I use he/it/they/neos but have a preference for it/it’s pronouns. I’m a mostly self taught artist (currently taking digital media classes), and most of what I post here will be of my art.
Thoughts on bugsnax?
Right now bugsnax is my current fixation. I love absolutely anything and everything about it, and I would love to meet others who also enjoy it ^^
Although I have extreme brainrot for bugsnax currently, I also enjoy:
Kara no kioku [ @ghostlypeaches52 ] (Although the blog that is linked will probably be not nearly as active)
Pokémon (both side and mainline games)
Chainsaw man
Lego monkie kid
These aren’t all, but they’re the last few things I’ve fixated on.
Any final thoughts?
One final thing I’ll say is please dni if you are:
transphobic, racist, homophobic (or any of the basic dni criteria)
Abelist in any way
transmed or xenophobic
A pro shipper
Other than that feel free to interact otherwise! Also if for some reason you repost or use any of my art on any other site, please give credit to me.
Thanks for the interview though, and I hope to see you around sometime ^^
——————————end of tape ——————————
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queer-media-tourney · 7 months
Here are all 64 round 1 polls:
Rent vs Orphan Black
Heartstopper vs Orange is the New Black
Carol (2015) vs Bugsnax
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern vs Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Fienburg
Red, White and Royal Blue vs This is how you lose the time war by Amar el-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Our Flag means Death vs Always human by Ari North
The last of us two vs On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Heartbreak High vs Shameless
Undertale vs The Handmaiden
Young Royals vs Revolutionary Girl Utena
Sens8 vs Carry on by Rainbow Rowell
Bee and puppycat vs The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Yuri on Ice vs Ranma ½
Q-force vs Feel Good
Torchwood vs The interview with a Vampire (2022)
Homestuck vs Good Omens
Some like it hot vs Killing Eve
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off vs Bound (1996)
It's a sin vs Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan
Doctor Who vs Portrait of a young lady on fire
Steven Universe vs Saltburn
Xena Warrior Princess vs Cyberpunk 2077
Welcome to Nightvale vs Schitt's creek
Night in the woods vs A league Of their own
Lisa Frankenstein vs The boys in the band (1970)
Black Sails vs Owl House
Hannibal vs The Traitor Baru Cormorant
Bottoms vs The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
The picture of Dorian Grey vs Adventure time
The Sandman (comic) vs Supernatural
Maurice (1987) vs Hazbin Hotel
Nimona vs Love Simon
Epithet Erased vs What we do in the shadows
Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs The Other Two
One Day at a time (2017) vs Falsettos
She-ra and the princesses of power vs Dykes to Watch Out for
Celluloid Closet vs Harley Quinn
But I'm a cheerleader vs Vida
Angels In America vs Glee
Hooky by Míriam Bonastre Tur vs They both die in the end by Adam Silvera
Will and Grace vs Paris is Burning
Sanders Sides vs The Magnus Archives
The L word vs Goncharov
Queer as Folk vs Paper Girls
Boys don't cry vs Dracula
All of us strangers vs Yellow jackets
The Song of Achilles vs D.E.B.S
Brokeback Mountain vs Dead end: paranormal park
Carmilla vs Pride (2014)
The Bifrost Incident vs Pink Flamingos
Call me by your name vs Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Grishaverse vs Roswell New Mexico
Riverdale vs We Know the Devil
Stardew Valley vs Pose
Disco Elysium vs Different For girls
Banana fish vs my own private Idaho
Celeste vs Tales of the City, by Armistead Maupin
Everything Everywhere all at once vs Outer Wilds
To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar vs Victor/Victoria
Moonlight vs Stranger things
The birdcage vs Midnight Cowboy
The Watermelon Woman vs The Ritz
The haunting of Bly Manor vs Epic of Gilgamesh
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel vs How to survive a plague
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bugswapau · 1 year
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Interview Snorpy!
Time to ask the athlete a few questions.
“Have time for an interview?”
Ooh, gonna quiz me, brah? I’m gonna CRUSH your questions!
“Who are you?”
Snorpy Fizzlebean! I skate.
“Skateboarding is a job?”
It's a way of life, dude. And I don’t just skate! I lift every now and again. Anything that needs to go up; logs, buildings, balls, Chandlo — that’s what I do!
“Why come to Snaktooth island?”
To push myself to the max, I gotta go somewhere gnarly. I heard nobody ever comes back from this island... sounds like the ultimate challenge to me!
“That's fine for you, but what about Chandlo?”
Hey, I'm always looking out for Chandlo! I know that roughing it ain’t his thing, but... there’s no way I’d come here without him!
“How did you two become a thing?”
I dunno what you mean, brah. We're like the moon and the sun; we’ve been together since the dawn of time!
“Thoughts on Bugsnax?”
Bugsnax are strong! Like, a primal kinda strong! Like, they’re the kings of these jungles, and I gotta respect that!
“Why did you leave town?”
Dude, Snaxburg was a disaster without Eggabell! I couldn't stop all the fighting with boardin’ OR wisdom... I had to keep things chill for Chandlo’s sake. He's got a buncha that social anxiety.
“Any info on Eggabell?”
Eggabell is top notch, ya feel me? She really inspires me to push it to my limit. But uh, that's about it. I'm more tighter with Lizbert.
“Alright, well, what can you tell me about Lizbert?”
Lizbert’s a sweetie. She was always lookin' out for us. She showed me how to stay safe while still pushin' my limits. But she always forced herself wayyy outta her comfort zone.
“She worked out with you?”
Yeah, she asked me to train her. Surprised the grump outta me cuz I never thought she’d be interested in that kinda stuff. We'd go runnin' every morning and liftin' after lunch. Though, she’d get pretty hard on herself. But she never gave up and I respect that.
“What happened to Lizbert and Eggabell?”
Beats me. Those two were strong together. I can't think of anything that could knock 'em down! They gotta be okay out there somewhere.
“Thanks, Snorpy, you really 'slam dunked' my questions! Eh? Eh? Get it?”
Dude, that's not — just... don't.
Anyway, I was recording Lizbert's progress while we worked out. She shared some pretty personal stuff, so maybe this’ll help you get her back to us.
Don’t let me down, dude!
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shwoo · 1 year
My very convincing and not all circumstantial list of evidence that the Bugsnax journalist is attracted to Chandlo (It's very circumstantial):
They try to imitate the way he speaks a couple of times, but based on Chandlo's reactions, they just come off as awkward. Journalist: Thanks, Chandlo, you really "slam dunked" my questions. Chandlo: Bro, that's not- just... don't. Chandlo: I gotta be stronger than a Grumpus! I gotta push my limits, ya feel me? Journalist: [Option 1] I feel ya. [Option 2] Word. Chandlo: (looks unhappy) Uh... (squints) I need your help to bulk up. As far as I can remember, Chandlo is the only one they do this to, or even seem particularly awkward around. They also mimic his speech style in a few places in their journal, but it's unclear whether or not they're just quoting things Chandlo said offscreen. Again, they only do this when talking about Chandlo. Do they want him to think they're cool or something? Because it seems to be having the opposite effect.
Look at this piece of art for Chandlo's main quest:
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Assuming the Journalist is meant to have drawn the quest art in-universe, that's an interesting choice of framing. His arm is the focus of the image, to the point it takes up more than half its width. That is a muscular arm with some kind of snout guy attached. I know Chandlo has large arms and is always flexing, but still...
Finally, the descriptions for the interview quests all have variations on "time to ask the [occupation name] questions." For example, they call Wiggle a musician, Floofty a scientist, and Cromdo a salesman. Chandlo, though, gets called a "beefcake". They could have called him a builder, like in his profile, or a carpenter or a basketballer, but they went with beefcake.
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funkbun · 6 months
Some totally WILD things that YOU might have never known about BUGSNAX!
1. The first Bugsnak created was Rootle, as confirmed in some 2019 interviews with Young Horses. It was also supposed to be the mascot for the series, but Paletoss was the far more cuter mascot.
2. Grumpuses as a species are just genetically modified humans, created eons ago (2016). They were all told to leave Earth, and now all live on the planet the game takes place on. This will be a major plotpoint in Bugsnax 5: We Know The Bugs Are Parasites Again, coming out in 2040.
3. If you jump over the shorter grumpuses (Gramble, Beffica, Wambus, etc), your friendship points with them will go down, and you'll get a stern talking to. Be nice!!!!!!!
4. The player can actually solve the Frosted Peak door puzzle before Major Celebration. Doing this makes 75% of the late game events completely useless, and most of the grumpuses have a high chance of dying. But HEY, you get to find Lizbert!
5. When searching through the game files, you can find models meant for every type of bug and every type of snack that shows up in this game as Bugsnax. Next to Bunger's model files, for example, you'll be able to see a fully modeled cheeseburger and rhinoceros beetle. Really shows you how dedicated these devs were!
6. Cromdo is gay
7. Much like the hidden Triplicate Message in Boiling Bay before the Isle of Bigsnax dlc, when you click Triffany's photobook in her and Wambus' hut, you'll get a message saying "Bronica's Tragic Awful Backstory Is NOT Finished, Now PLEASE Look Away!!!" with a silhouette of Bronica's sticker next to it.
8. The game was set to be released all the way back in 2007, but it was pushed back because Adolescent Horses couldn't figure out what the name for that silly blue guy should be. They went through hundreds, possibly thousands of name choices all those years, but couldn't find one that truly fit that guy. In November 2020, just 2 days before the game released, they got it! They're gonna name that blue guy Philbo.
9. The real villain of the game is that one Flamin' Cheepoof found in Boiling Bay. It may not seem obvious to you, but after listening to what those Old Horses have to say, you'll get it.
10. On the first day of the fourth month of the year 2024, some person with a blog will give out some strange but interesting information about Bugsnax. Don't know why they all waited four years to reveal this information, but whatever.
The TOTALLY REAL and RELIABLE sources for all of these facts have all been compiled into THIS VIDEO! Wow!
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c-swap-bugsnax · 9 months
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Interview Shellsy
Have time for an interview?
“Sure, I need the practice for when I get interviewed everyday! After all, gazillionaires get all sorts of attention.”
Who are you?
“Da da da dummmm, health guru, sales savant, future CEO of McBugs, THE ONE AND ONLY SHELLSY WOOLFACE!!”
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
“You see the future? I can tell you that Snorpy reeked of opportunity, he was on TV talking about some new super food and I wanted in on it! So I quit my dead-end job and followed!”
What was your job?
“I used to go door-to-door selling snake oil. Paid on commission.”
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
“Wha?! What do I think of?- Delicious! Addicting! Marketable! They’re gonna help me climb up the corporate ladder!”
Why did you leave town?
“Tch, I tried to make use of what Snorpy didn’t need anymore, and Buddy didn’t like that. They went around town shouting I was a thief.”
Weren’t you stealing though?
“I was SALVAGING! There’s a difference, one’s a crime, the other a community service. But Buddy planted evidence in my hut, they kept saying I stole their journal! So I did the right thing to do… I ran.”
Any information on Snorpy?
“Oh please, don’t get me started! Everyone here thinks he’s great but I’ve seen the truth! He came here to stroke his ego and show off to his boyfriend! We were disposable to him.”
Disposable? That’s pretty mean.
“That’s Snorpy Fizzlebean, when push came to shove, he left us.”
What do you mean?
“I won’t lie, I was thinking about sailing back home after everything that happened, but when I looked for the boat, it was gone! There’s two grumps missing, it’s simple math. Heh, I bet they’re living and loving life at the coast.”
Calm down, Shellsy, we’re finished.
“Yeah, I get it, I’m not the nicest here, but I learned real early in life that life is like a garbage truck. No matter how hard you dig, it’s still going to be trash. Go and check out where the boat was, you’ll see what I’m talking about.”
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kittyconfidant · 5 months
Unnecessarily long explanation on why I really like Shelda actually
HEAR ME OUT!! Feel free to disagree, but I really like Shelda, and I would like to lay out why i disagree when people often gloss over the finer details of her character due to dismissing her because of how she spoke and such. This is just a big list of apologetics because I see people talking about her with such disdain and I want to point some stuff out.
She's undeniably a fraud, but I think what's most important are her motivations, she says explicitly herself that she speaks as she does and preaches as much as she does to try 'inspire' the others, even if this is kind of silly she's trying to help, she fully believes that the bugsnax are harmful and dangerous and she thinks that presenting herself the way she does is the best way to help the others - ultimately she wants to save them.
And it's not entirely false? Whilst everybody else seems irritated by it Chandlo sees her as a source of wisdom and inspiration, even if her ultimate message about bugsnax doesn't actually work with him.
And then the other aspect of her character - not just is she a fraud, but she's a huge hypocrite. But hear me out again. I don't think you can blame her for eating bugsnax, at all. She survives off sauce (like both the journalist and Gramble as revealed by Eggabell in her second interview) and whilst this is possible it's stated to be bad for their health, Gramble manages this but noteably! Shelda is in her sixties and is implied to have several physical health problems, which the others are not and do not.
I think ANYBODY in this state of health would succumb a bit eventually, and from there I don't think you can blame her at all, as it's established that bugsnax alter the way you think, they make you crave them, they're incredibly addicting, that's the point. One very old woman succumbing against her morals ONCE is to be expected and there was no way for her to know how horribly addicting bugsnax are - none of them knew and they don't know until Liz tells the journalist.
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