copycatmoney · 5 years
Why you aren't getting results.
You are doing everything that they are telling you to do and you still arent' seeing any "real" results. Why is that? Easy. . .you haven't started building your business or you have been building it the wrong way. Starting an online business is just like starting an offline business. You need to start with a location. Offline that would be a building with an address. Online it is a blog/website with your own unique domain name. Every business needs an address. . This is how your customers find you and can always come back to. Your location, whether offline or online will be the home that houses all of your products, services, etc. . . This way when your customers come to visit they can shop and purchase what they want. Offline businesses make autopilot money on a daily basis: customers come in, pick up what they want, and buy. . .without any help from a salesperson (in most cases). This is how you set up your online business to also make autopilot money. Customers visit your business, see something they want, and then they buy. Setting up an online location for your business isn't expensive or hard to do. I am not a techie person and I set up this website (yes the one you are visiting right now) for less than $60 upfront and very simple to follow step by step instructions. Now I only pay $6 monthly and once a year for my domain renewal. If you really want a successful online business then set up your online business location as soon as possible. If you would like help in setting up your business please reach out to me. To your success, Shelly Swanzy Read the full article
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copycatmoney · 5 years
STOP, What you've been doing!!!
So you signed up for this amazing opportunity. The person you signed up under was showing you how they made thousands of dollars within 30 days of joining. So you went all in and signed up under that person while dreaming of going to the bank with thousands to deposit yourself. STOP, Dreaming and start doing. You see you have fallen for the "mis-leading marketing tactic that most "gurus" use to entice "newbies" to hand over their hard-earned money. First of all, you as a "newbie" can't make money like that! Why? Easy, because that flashy "guru" didn't just start their online business. They have already built their online business and that is how they are able to go into a new program and generate income like that within the first 30 days of joining. You. . .well you haven't built anything yet. You don't have a business to generate income from. My goal for 2020 is to help as many "newbies" learn how to build an online business from zero. I get so "heated" when I see all these "gurus" online stealing money from unknowledgeable "newbies". Yes, I said "stealing". Why do I call it stealing? Easy, because that "guru" is targeting the "newbies" to take their money; while he/she knows that the "newbie" is not set up to achieve the "perceived success" that they are using to entice the "newbie" into giving them their hard-earned money. So if you are new to making money online and/or haven't yet figured out how to make money online. The first thing you need to do is get your own branded website. . .your own domain address. If you'd like help with building your business from zero please feel free to reach out to me. To your success, Shelly Swanzy Read the full article
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