#Burunkén Kingdom
reinapantera · 11 months
Meet William Horner and Ali Horner of Sullivan 💜🥧
Jack Horner x Isabella of Sullivan children
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reinapantera · 9 months
Apparently the kiss Jack Horner had with Isabella made him have an erotic fantasy! Nothing happened.
Isabella: You can let go now! "Pushing away from Jack's Arms"
Big Jack Horner: Well, well, well... "Jack purred, his eyes trailing over her body." Look at that. You're nervous, aren't you? It's quite endearing. "He leaned back on the edge of his desk, lacing his fingers together behind his head." This could work out! One way or another 😈
Isabella: "She looks at Jack with disdain and looking directly at him says" Megalomaniac, cruel and even worse, conceited! Maybe you think that everything around here is in your hands! but I am not your property, Mr. Horner...
Big Jack Horner: Oh really? Well, I think you'll find that I'm quite skilled in persuasion. And if you don't cooperate, let's just say the consequences will be... severe."
Isabella: As if I hadn't already faced bigger opponents than you, "Isabella is preparing to leave."
Big Jack Horner: Do not run from me, Isabella! "He immediately puts his arms around her waist, in an effort to keep her still and not leave him." Do not run from ME!!, Isabella. "He leans in closer,"
Isabella: "Slaps Jack's hands off her and look intensely to him," I said. What i said!!! 😐 "Isabella move slowly her hand to reach her magic pouch"
Big Jack Horner: "Jack takes a moment and thinks to change his strategy." Come back, Isabella... "He looks at her intently." I'm not threatening you! "His tone turns soft and almost romantic." Come back to me... And you... can stay... by my side... forever... "He holds out his hand to you."
Isabella: "Emotionless"...
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What should happen next ...
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“Sometimes, you just can’t get what you want, but it doesn’t mean that you can never have it. Everything takes place at the right time.”
Big Jack Horner: Overwhelming feelings and thoughts....
Isabella: Not for me! "While struggling from Jack's arms" to whatever is crossing your mind, keep it to yourself... I'm not into you, sir...
Big Jack Horner: I thought we had an agreement. My silence of who you are for you belonging to me "with a malicious smile to her"
Isabella: …it’s all too much and not enough at the same time... *whisper* I'm escaping from my "formally destiny" for a new golden cage?...huh huh "nodded nop"
Big Jack Horner: has as you want... "he lets Isabella free from his arms, but before letting her go, he grabs her arm and firmly tells her," I always get what I want!
Isabella: "she shakes her arm from Jack's hand and firmly says, "We can't always have what we want, Mr. Horner," she leaves upset."
Big Jack Horner: ...Can’t deny that I want you, but I’ll lie if I have to. "Whispers sadly.."
"Desire leaves us heartbroken; it wears us out. But as tough as wanting something can be, the ones who suffer the most are those who don’t know what they want."
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[Im damn proud of this art people!!]
Meanwhile Isabella's past has caught up with her, Royals from the kingdom of Burunkén have caught up with her and Jack sees an opportunity to tie her to him.
Big Jack Horner: Isabella... "whispers close to her with a hypocritical concern" you don't want to continue running away and it pains me so much to see how you are alone in this cruel and merciless world, you need a benefactor to take care of you" he chuckles"
Isabella: I'm fine... I've always gotten ahead no matter the circumstances... "she doesn't show any emotion"
Big Jack Horner: but what about the Royals who are looking for you...
Isabella: The guild of treasure hunters will support me... "Jack interrupts her"
Big Jack Horner: Those of the treasure hunters guild will not protect you dear... "smile slightly" remember that they have contracts with the crown of the middle kingdom, far far away and mountain ranges "pause and smile evilly" that includes the kingdom of Burunken...
Isabella: "stay silent and frown with worry" Then...
Big Jack Horner: My proposal still stands, dear... I can protect you "he approaches Isabella" but I must protect my business and with that, I have a plan that benefits you "he smiles, taking a deep breath and close to Isabella" and to me obviously...
Isabella: What is it?... "she looks at Jack with genuine concern*
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And Isabella... what you say?...
Isabella: It would be nice not to leave so suddenly...
Big Jack Horner: Of course not! Be part of a Guild and them leave and start over again, and again, and again... *chuckles a bit, sarcastically* must be frustrating, Isabella... *pauses looking at Isabella* it's all about choice....
Isabella: "she's having her doubts but been accepted in one of the best Treasure Hunters guild its a privilege and leave just because of being found its quite a bummer..." My only option beside yours would be to leave and have another chase after me...
Big Jack Horner: "His smirk grew wider as he sensed her distrust and fear. He knew he had her right where he wanted her—on edge and vulnerable." Oh, but my dear Isabella, the thrill of the chase and the secrecy are all part of the allure.
Isabella: But you're right... "Pauses" start all over... again?... You... I?....
Big Jack Horner: "Horner's eyes darkened, his handsome features turning sinister. He stepped closer to her, his body almost touching hers." Is that so? Then let me show you exactly how I plan to keep you hidden from those pesky Royals...
Isabella: How's that?
Big Jack Horner: By making you mine, Isabella. No one will dare cross paths with me or threaten my claim on you. "His voice was cold, yet seductive, as he leaned in close, his lips almost touching hers."
Isabella: huh? Not even you have that kind of influence...
Big Jack Horner: "He laughed darkly, his eyes still locked on her." Oh, Isabella, you underestimate me. You see, I control this town, and I have many ways to make people disappear. As for trust, you have no choice but to trust me now.
Isabella: ALRIGHT!
Big Jack Horner: "eyes wide open" This is yes a yes to me right?!
Isabella: "emotionless" yes...
Isabella:....... I'm...and will regret this...
Big Jack Horner: You should trust me, Isabella. After all, I'm the one who saved you from their clutches. "His hand moved to his pants, unfastening them slightly, revealing his impressive arousal." Perhaps this will help convince you of my intentions.
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