#But HWtC is closer to some really hot sexy stuff so I really want to get to that soon!! You guys will like it.
sentientcave ยท 5 months
your new chapter of retirement party was amazing! i love how price was tender w/ reader even if she tried to escape. i need to know what he told the boys i know he berated them good. thank you so much for an amazing chapter as usual!! also sorry english isnt my first language :<
First off, never apologize for your english, you speak more than one language, which puts you one up on me! You're doing great
And I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Writing Price is so much fun, dancing between insidious and charming and leaving everyone wondering if he's a good guy or a very bad one is downright delightful. And we do find out some of what he said to the boys in one of the next few chapters! I can't wait for the yelling people are going to do about it. >:)
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