#But I'm always lookin to learn things and change my opinion as one should
spacecatdet · 1 year
abt the Impulse thing, as far as i know, the reason it's still up is that it's a sponsorship
so he can't take it down without getting into legal trouble
Ohh good to know good to know It sucks getting stuck in legal things and you can't get out of them without causing yourself HEAPS of trouble. Contracts be like that sadly I kinda had a feeling that might be it but I've not been able to look at it yet. And have NO idea what it would even be LOL. So you just saved me some time I know some content creators avoid stuff like that for that very reason. And good on them, sometimes you never know what you are getting into even if you do your research. Cause some places will and have kept things out of the public eye As a friend said there sadly will always be something problematic in things. Its def a scale of well that sucks and holy shit what the fuck is wrong with them. Being critical of the media you enjoy is a must, but you can enjoy media that isn't good. Enjoying it doesn't make you a bad person. Being critical doesn't make you a hater either Something we all should do. Cause I know I like media that isn't great but I'm also critical of the flaws! But thank you for the info non! Always good to learn as much as possible
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laladellakang · 2 years
i-land: the final fourteen
masterlist | wattpad
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italics dialogue: english | bold + italics: confessionals
slight plothole: in 'ayez being the softest duo,' jungwon was said that he had to switch his part with heeseung but i had to change it 😁
"I'm guessing you want a one liner?" Alice asked me quietly.
"Nope, part six," I adverted my gaze from the screen to look at her. "What about you?"
"Part three's lookin' good," I could tell that she wanted part one. The outcome of today's performance must have given her the confidence.
Though I can also tell that she's not confident the guys will agree.
"You can go for part one," she just shook her head.
"They're not gonna give it to me," she mouthed so the audience and editors won't catch it. I could barely read her lips, but I understood the message.
My girl can sing and dance powerfully with great stage presence but there's just this unspoken bias because they've only known the female trainees for mere weeks.
Alice believes that they trust me as centre because of my 'scary' aura and that I was one of the best dancers.
"You don't want to try?" I asked her, to which she replied with a shake of her head. "Okay," I gave her a soft smile.
Kang Della: Because this is my last chance, I wanted number one or five at first. But then I figured it would suit someone else more, so I wanted part six because I get to sing in the second chorus.
I did get part six in the end, and fortunately for Alice, she got her part three too.
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"Oppa, are you feeling okay?" I asked Seon when I saw him struggling again. The choreo is our hardest yet and he had asked me for help.
"No," he let out a sarcastic smile.
"You should take like a fifteen minute nap-"
"No no, I need to get this done," he walked towards the tablet.
"I'm serious though. Just for fifteen minutes and I'll wake you up. Learning this over and over again while you're like this is almost pointless," it might sound harsh but really- he needs to clear his head or he won't get shit done.
"You'll wake me up?" he still looked unsure.
"Heck- I'll accompany you and clear my head too. Come on," I cocked my head to the door.
"Can you play with my hair?" I let out a small chuckle.
"Okay, oppa."
"Does honey work better than propolis?" Kyungmin looked at me as I consumed my honey.
"I.. don't know... I've been using honey for forever," I looked at the bottle. "They both come from bees anyway."
"What are you doing?" Geonu scooted closer to where I sat.
"I'm familiarising myself with the song," I paused the song still playing on my left earpiece. "All the different layers and details to it."
"Keep your eye contact. Eye contact is very important. In fact- if possible, don't look down at all," I advised Jungwon as he kept practicing for part five.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sunghoon, Jake and EJ turn their eyes away from us and repeating the move they were rehearsing.
"So you would practice all night the day before a performance then not practice at all the next day?" Youngbin suddenly asked.
"Excluding group practices, yup. I mean- that's just me. I like to keep a clear head or my nerves would be too visible," I explained.
Byeon Euijoo: Della's expressions are very idol-like. In my opinion, she has the best out of all the trainees.
Jo Kyungmin: She's one of, if not the top trainee at the moment.
Choi Seon: Della has consistently been at the top of the pack, her evaluation scores are always very high. So I think that all of us are trying to learn a thing or two from her.
Lee Youngbin: Della does things a bit differently from the rest. We were wondering if some of her tricks would work on us too.
Kang Della: Work smarter, not harder.
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"You got this?" Jake flexed his bicep to the mirror.
Jesus fucking Christ. Can this man get any finer?
I felt Alice nudging me slightly and the action made my cheeks warm up more.
"Shut up," I mumbled, earning a giggle from her.
Sunghoon, who was the nearest to Jake, lifted up his sleeve to show off as well.
Lord have mercy, this ex-athlete is hot as fuck too.
It's not like I've never seen his arms but that doesn't make it any less impressive.
Suddenly Jay decided to walk over and join them.
Okay- back the fuck up. This is too much for me.
I just found out that I also have a crush on this guy and now everything he does feels like an attack.
"Cute. You guys look like madelines dipped in different flavours of frosting," Alice blurted out. "Strawberry, chocolate, glaze."
"What?" the three '02 liners and I laughed at her random comment.
As we were laughing, we failed to notice our oldest hyuppa prepping to show his hard work.
"WOAH!" everyone reacted at the view.
"Wahh, that's truly amazing," Alice's eyes widened.
"It's like bread rolls," I mumbled.
"Bread rolls," some of the other I-Landers chuckled.
"Bread rolls..." Alice trailed off.
As the boys were attempting to get a better look (and feel K's abs), I noticed his eyes shifting towards Alice a few times with a barely visible smirk on his lips.
Oh I get it. He's trying t-
"Bread rolls!" Alice exclaimed while touching my abdomen out of no where. Her eyes lit up and she had the most adorable look on her face.
"Oh my God," I couldn't help but laugh when I understood what she meant.
"What? What?" Jaebeom asked.
I untucked my tee and lifted it up to confidently reveal my bread rolls (as how Haneul referred to them as).
"WAHH!" I'm sure all of the guys' eyes widened.
"Can you get any more perfect?" Heeseung whispered near my ear, touching his own stomach.
IS THIS MAN MAKING MY HEART FLIP ON PURPOSE? Fucking hell- I'm trying to be cool here.
I bit back a smile as I pushed my waistband down to display more. Act cool, act cool, act cool.
"Wahh, that's so cool!" damn right, I worked hella hard for these abs.
All the guys are real sweethearts. To avoid making me uncomfortable (but still get a closer look), they came forward towards the mirror and relied on the reflection.
They're so sweet, it's making my heart ache. If I make it to the end, it'll be an absolute honour to debut with these people.
Even if I have a crush on three of them.
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"Honestly speaking, I think Della has amazing charisma and she has shown it multiple times. I feel like part five would be a good fit for her," Geonu spoke up during our discussion. "Can someone else share their opinion?"
Poor Jungwon. It's like Jay all over again. Perfect in every aspect except one detail.
Lee Geonu: Della has consistently showed great charisma in her performances. She also sings and dances really well so I thought that part five would be a perfect fit.
"I think Della will give the team higher points if she takes part five instead of the part she has now," K agreed. "What do you think, Della?"
Oh God. What can I answer to that?
"I have to be honest- I would love to take part five. Especially now more than ever," I couldn't seem to look at anyone in the eye. "But since I already took the killing part during Fire, I feel like either Alice-unnie or Heeseung-oppa would be a nice choice."
Fucking hell- why did I say that? Why did I let my dumb intrusive thoughts and insecurities take away my chances of debut? Am I that unfit to be in a survival show?
How did my year long ex (who I haven't even seen in over two years) effect me this badly? Why is it so hard for me to be selfish?
You dumb fucking bitch. How do people even put up with you?
"Della- there's nothing wrong with taking a big part," Alice's eyes held a subtle 'are you insane?!' feel.
Kang Della: I really wanted to take it but something in the back of my mind says that it's a lot of pressure. I have the highest accumulated score at the moment, and with a big solo like part five, everyone's expecting me to do well.
"Maybe Jungwon can practice a bit first and we'll keep talking about it."
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"Then I'll do part six. Rather than be mediocre, it's better to do it properly. So I think part six is the right decision," Jungwon finally concluded.
"Let's try it that way," K said softly.
"Yes," oh my God. I feel absolutely terrible.
"I'm so sorry Wonie," I stroked his arm. "It doesn't mean that you weren't good, yeah?"
"Thank you," he smiled slightly. "I just needed more time to perfect it. Time that we don't have."
"Why don't we perfect your part six then?" I stood up and held out my hand. "We have a date with the practice room."
"Eh?" K furrowed his eyebrows, trying to hold in his laugh.
"WITH the practice room, WITH. Not at," I slapped his arm.
"With, with," Jungwon said at almost the same time as me, though unable to tame the tint on his cheeks.
"Jungwonie, fighting!" so I was planning to (only) accompany him to his room after practice, but it somehow turned to us hugging things out on the edge of his bed. "You're amazing, you know that?"
"Thank you, Lala," he rubbed the side of his face to my hair. I heard him let out a sigh while his fingers played with the tips of my hair.
He gives amazing hugs. Absolute top tier cuddles.
Is it the shoulders? He has very broad shoulders, especially for someone his age.
"Do you want me to stay until your roommates come back? Alice is probably asleep," my voice was muffled with his shirt.
"Yes please. Can we lie on the bed? And hug some more? I'm really tired," he pulled away to stretch a little.
"Just relax, Wonie. You had a long day. I'll be right here, don't worry."
taglist! @afiaaaa19 @riikiblr @one16core @4sahii @toriluvsfics @i90snoo @danyxthirstae01 @seulgifted @clar-iii @hiqhkey @nichmeddar @jiwlys @duolingofanaccount [@studioreader @sarang-wonie @fairydosii @hoonstrology @jaetint]
— that one bicep show off jasuke did
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