#But also WandaVision was pretty upfront about being mainly about Wanda's grief
whogirl42 · 3 years
Gotta say, I'm really loving Hawkeye so far but I'm also really worried about how the fuck they're gonna manage to tie everything together in a way that makes sense. There's only 6 episodes to this series and the third episode already aired. That leaves 3 episodes to tie up:
The deal with Kate's shady mum and her shady fiance. Why was Armound killed? What are they mixed up in?
The relationship in general between Kate and her mum because there's obviously a lot of love there and they're both trying hard but they don't quite GET each other. Their relationship got a big focus in the first couple episodes and then almost completely disappeared in the third so that we could focus on Maya. (And like, Maya's awesome, more on her in a minute, but it did feel like a bit of a departure)
Whatever went on between Kate's parents before her dad died
Everything Maya
Maya wanting revenge on Ronin for killing her father (she doesn't even know it's Clint yet!)
Whatever the fuck is going on with Maya and the hot guy who knows ASL
The watch from the Avengers Tower that the mafia gang/Maya is after????
The mysterious uncle???
(In general, there's SO MUCH to delve into on the Maya plot line and I get that that's why she's getting her own show but it makes me wonder how satisfying the wrap up of it within THIS SHOW is gonna be. And if it'll manage to be satisfying without completely overshadowing the rest of the plot lines.)
Kate finding out Clint is Ronin, reckoning with that fact that her role model might not be who she's always thought he is. Her suffering some sort of hardship or loss to bring home to her the gravity of what it means to be in this sort of world. Kate then deciding to take on the Hawkeye mantle anyway (cause c'mon, that's obviously where this is going)
YELENA BELOVA????? Where the fuck is she???? This is my prob my biggest concern. How the fuck is the show gonna do a satisfying Clint-Yelena arc in 3 goddamm episodes? Especially with a billion of other shit also going on?
I'm waiting to see:
Yelena wanting to kill Clint to avenge Nat. The big angsty emotional showdown where Clint's grief and survivers guilt bubbling over (and maybe he even almost lets Yelena finish the job before Kate saves him/he's reminded that his family still needs him/he decides that he won't let Nat's sacrifice be in vain etc). Yelena realising that she's been lied to and that her shady boss is shady and was USING her grief to take out Clint for whatever reason. Finding out who the fuck that shady lady is and WHY she wanted Clint dead. Taking this lady down. Yelena-Clint bonding time. Yelena-Kate bonding time. Yelena's dog and Pizza Dog bonding time.
And like, HOW THE FUCK WILL THIS CONNECT WITH EVERYTHING ELSE? Yes, the show has name-dropped Nat in every episode but it's been subtle and overshadowed by all the other insane shit going on, and if this series was longer then this slow build up to Yelena would make perfect sense and work really well but because there's hardly any time to develop the story arc and see all it's emotional ramifications through I feel like it's just gonna come out from the left field and be very rushed.
Which is a shame cause honestly the Yelena plotline I detailed could have easily filled the entire 6 episodes. Or, you know, season 2. No need to squish a billion things into 6 episodes. This could easily be a 2 season thing. Or hell, just a normal 10-13 episode season. Split into parts A and B if you must.
Bottom line is, there's loads and loads of material here - great plot lines, incredible characters, complex relationships- and the only way to do any of it justice is to give each thing the time it requires.
I really hope I'm gonna be proven wrong, but like, I honestly don't see how they can deal with everything they've set up. Not within the tiny timeframe and not with the slow pace of the show. (And this isn't a complaint about the slow pacing. I LOVE this pacing, I think it works really well, I just don't know how it will allow the show to cover everything it needs to in 6. Fucking. Episodes.)
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